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The stick of truth is like shooting a bow. Walkthrough of South Park Stick of Fate. Hot coffee

New kid in town

We accept the parents' offer to settle into the city. We take the money that our father left us and go to the town to look for new friends. On the way we meet our neighbor Butters the Merciful. Now we have one friend. We follow Butters to Cartman's house, also known as the "Grand Master". We go into his house, in the nightstand near the sofa you can take the key to Cartman’s garage.

Flower for the princess. Equip your weapon

We find ourselves in the kingdom of the Kupa fortress. We examine it near the fence; a Narcissus flower should grow; we give it to Kenny. After which we approach Clyde, buy a weapon from him, depending on what class you have, if you are a Jew, then we buy a Jewish staff, a magician or a magic wand, and so on, then we carry out a turn-based battle with him. First we strike him with a weapon, he puts a block. Afterwards we put up a block ourselves, when he attacks us and a shield appears. After using the “power points” we use the assault ability.

Defend the stick of truth

stick of truth

The battle is described for the warrior

We talk with Cartman in his tent, look at the truth stick. Then the alarm is raised. The elves attacked the fortress. We fight with two elves, an archer, and a warrior. We knock out the archer with assault; one blow should be enough for him, and then we deal with the warrior. We select the “bow of slop” from the archer and go to the next group of elves. the archer is covered by a defender, close combat will not help, we shoot at the archer with a bow. Afterwards we knock out the defender with assault. We fight with the third group of warriors, a defender with a shield and a sentry, punch through with conventional melee weapons or use an ability.

Call the best

We need to gather the best warriors into our army to recapture the stolen stick of truth. Let's go first to Craig's house. Along the way we will come across squads of elves who will attack us all the time. At Craig's house, his father will open for us and tell us that his son was left at school after school. for showing the middle finger to the director.

Hot coffee

Of course, you can’t just take the parcel

We go to Tweek's Coffee to look for Tweek. In the cafe we ​​go to the back room and see Tweek, exhausted from work, we give him a letter. Tweek doesn’t have time to cope with his tasks, so we need to help him do some of the work and go get the package. Let's go to Kenny's house. The door will be opened for us by Mrs. McCormick (Kenny's mother), to whom we will give Tweek's receipt for receiving the parcel. She will give us the key to her garage in which we will need to pick up the parcel.

Inside the garage, methamphetamine addicts are hanging out, who all the time gave the package to Tweek, and seeing unfamiliar boys, they think that these are cops. We fight with them, after which we climb the stairs and throw off the board along which we cross and pick up the package. We place the Manbearpig sensor upstairs, bringing down the ceiling with arrows. We return to the cafe, give the package, and recruit Tweek.

Uninvited guest

We go to Jimbo's store and buy a gas mask from him, after which we head to Token's elite house and put on the gas mask. The guard sprays pepper spray in our faces. We fight him. We give the letter to Token. We return to Cartman's house and learn the new magic "dragon's roar"

Detention after school

We go to school to rescue Craig from detention. We see through the window that he is sitting in the classroom with Mr. Mackie. We enter the school and make our way through the red-haired guards on duty. The door to the classroom with Craig is closed, we move on in search of the key. the passage in front of us will be blocked by bars. With the help of Kenny, we charm the red-haired attendant on the opposite side, pointing first at Kenny, and then at the attendant, and he himself will open the door for us.

Opening the closed grille

Advice : Always inspect objects near the red-haired attendants. You can shoot at various items(books, ventilation, painting, ashtray) above them which will shine and they will fall on them and then we can avoid a direct fight.

We beat the next group of red-haired guards and get a brass key. We go back and use this key to open the optional class (faculty only). We shoot at the peppercorns and books, remove the blockage from the chairs with the “roar of the dragon.” A wounded boy sits in the corner, if we have Kenny, we change him to Butters and treat the boy. We take the silver key.

We open Mr. Mackie's office with a silver key, there will be a golden key on top of the shelf, we shoot it down with an arrow. We go to the dining room (cafeteria), the first boss is waiting for us there - the main duty officer.

The chief duty officer is also the red-haired curator

Red-haired curator

We do not allow the duty officer to prepare for a crushing attack; “dragon’s roar” is suitable for this; if you have the ability (depending on the class) to stun, for example “robbery”, “soft-boiled”, then it is best to simply stun him. By the way, throwing poop at him is also an excellent solution, it will help you deal with it faster. After the victory, we go to Cartman's house, we deserve a promotion - a new one proud title Sir Schmuck and learning the new magic “Stink-Charm”


We go to the Neighing Donkey tavern, go down to the basement, where the stuttering Jimmy Bard is waiting for us. We fight with the elves to the songs of the Bard. We get out of the basement by farting “Stink-Charm” on the fire in order to destroy the barricades, we also fight with the elves. We shoot at the window to open the window for Craig, when he falls with Butters’ ability, we heal him, we leave the basement. In the kitchen we fight more elves and heal Cartman.

With a dragon's fart, we remove the sticks with nails from our path, we shoot at the heating pad near the door to break the glass, after we fart into the fire, the front door will explode and our allies will come in, who will clear the way for us further, in front of the stairs to the second floor, we fight with the elves one of They will be wearing a gas mask - bleeding works well against it.

We go up to the second floor, go into the room with Kenny and the elf on the bed, hit the table, shoot at the shelf, climb along them to the ceiling, shoot the chandelier and slide down the wire onto the bed. You can get to the attic by attracting the elf upstairs with Kenny's ability, then he will lower the stairs himself. In the attic, we fart into the fire to demolish the barrier, shoot at the chest, it will fall and break through the ceiling, making a hole. We jump down into the room. We fight with the Bard, causing negative effects in him.

Alien abduction

We return home and go to bed. Aliens abduct us and conduct experiments on us, as a result of which they leave an alien probe in us, which we can use, moving ourselves to different points and bypassing force fields. We go down the stairs to exit the laboratory in which experiments were carried out on us.

We use the probe to move ourselves

We go to the right, bypassing the power shields that the aliens put up using an alien probe, and fight them. They will always put up shields that can be easily penetrated by ranged weapons, such as a bow. Let's go to the elevator, Randy Marsh will tell us what to do. We find ourselves in a room where we move platforms and move onto them using a probe.

We go down into the space corridor and fight with an alien guard and a simple alien. The Guardian has the ability to dodge both ranged and melee attacks, so it is best to use abilities on it. We walk along the corridor and on the panel we see Randy on the screen, press the buttons correctly (if not, then our friend will feel very bad), we will see how a path appears near the elevator. on which we arrived, to another room with red elevators.

We first go down with the help of an alien probe

We move upstairs, destroy the aliens using the “Stink-Enchantment”. We open the door on the panel to another room, in which we repeat again as the buttons sounded. the door to a room with red screens will open. We go there and fight with the head of security. Then we turn off the ship's alarm.

We go back to the room with Randy Marsh and free him, we select the white energy crystal. We go to another elevator and insert the resulting crystal to activate the elevator. We go up to the control room and fight with the pilots and defense. After this, the plate falls and the task is completed.

Find new allies

Recruit ready

We go to the backyard of the school to talk to the Goths, they will refuse us and first demand that we become like them.


At Coffee Tweeks we buy “Strong Roast”. When we leave, the elves will meet us, capture us and take us to their camp, where they will offer to join them. A goth suit, hat and gloves can be bought from a homeless person next to the “Keep It Yourself”, after which we put on our outfit and go to Jimbo’s store to the trash bin, where the sneaky smokers hang out, fight with them and get cigarettes.

We return to the Goths, we receive from them a new task to perform a daring act, in the house of culture during the parent meeting of the city to attach a poster to the table. When we approach the table, Randy Marsh will come up to us - we will learn from him the new “Whisper” puka technique

Problems of the parent committee

After mastering the Whisperer technique, we go to the Taco Bell construction site. We distract the guards with “Whisper” to get inside. We bring one military man to a puddle under voltage. We use the alien probe and move upstairs and climb into the ventilation. We defeat the German zombie and take the recorder. We go to the house of culture, give the recorder we found to our parents, and get a photo for the rest. We return to the Goths and dance their dance, gaining new allies.

After we are ready, we need to choose a side, Stay with Cartman or go over to the side of the Elves. In general, in any case, you will need to pick up the stick of truth at school.

Attack the school

We go to the outskirts of the school, treat the Goth with Butters’ ability, then he will open a passage for us inside, or Bard to open a partition for the disabled, depending on which side we chose. We get to the guy who we are watering with a fire hose, we go around behind him along the ventilation in the wall. We break the wall with the “Stink-Enchantment” ability.

In the lobby, turn off the fan, shoot at the fire indicator in the ceiling, and then set fire to the stink-chara rubble. We go down to the basement and fight with the transformed red-haired guards on duty, we leave the basement in another part of the school, they fight behind bars, we take out the medallion by farting from their school lockers. We go into the hall where they shoot burning oil at us, use the “Stink-Enchantment” or an alien probe. We beat the opponents, after which we start fire and fart into the fire to blow up the door and let in our other allies. We fight with Stan - nausea and bleeding work well against him.

In the final battle you have to find out what is stronger: your fart or the blowing machine

On the second floor we make our way through the opponents and get to the classroom with Kyle. Once again we will be given a choice of whom to fight. At the end of the fight we will have to use all our farting power. Only Kyle will blow a fan on us, and Cartman will fart too.

Defeat the linen gnomes

We return home and go to bed. At night the linen gnomes will come to us, we fight them. After shrinking, we follow them into the hole in the wall, make our way through the boards, rats, and through the wires we climb into the parents’ room, where we will see the gnomes, fight with them, and then with the gnome sorcerer, managing to get away from the eggs under our parents))) . Bleeding and fire work well against him. For this we get the opportunity to decrease.

Creation of alliances

We meet with Kyle at his house. We receive the task of recruiting girls.

Recruit the girls

Near the house of culture we approach the girl Annie, she will take us to a meeting of girls, in which we accept from them a task that must be completed so that they agree to consider our hero’s proposal to join the boys’ game. Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend, we go to Monica, after the setup we fight with her boyfriend.

Unplanned Parenthood

We carry out the next task for the girls. We dress up as a girl, go to the abortion clinic, go into the doctor’s office, when his machine breaks down and he leaves, we take his clothes from the office, put them on and go to the city archives. After the agents and guards arrive. We shrink down and climb into the hole in the wall. We shoot at the pipes above the opponents if you don’t want to fight them. We go out to the operating room and perform surgery on Andy Marsh.

We leave the operating room; mutant embryos will attack the agents in the room. We make ourselves smaller and pass through the body of the military man, in the wall we get to the ventilation in front of the rats, we pass along it, watching through the bars as the military fights with the mutants. In the place where the machine gun stands, we make ourselves smaller, then we move ourselves to the valve, turn off the water, and then we move ourselves inside the pipe from which the water was flowing. We make our way to the ceiling above the machine gun and shoot at the wire to bring the ceiling down on it. We go down to the machine gun and finish it off with the help of the “Stink Charm”. We are fighting a huge fetus.

On North

Let's go to the boys, they will send us to the “Photo Dojo” to take a passport photo. We fight with the fake photographer and get a photo. now we have to go to Canada. You can get to it by going along the paths from the church, going around Stark's pond, and then we go up all the time, or through the farm - it takes a little longer to walk. In Canada we are heading to the city of Ottawa to see the prince.

Oh Canada

We leave the prince at the exit, get pictures with them and head to the Earl of Winnipeg. The Count will demand that the dire bear be destroyed. The bear is located to the right of the count, right in the city, so you don't have to go far. For victory we get his skin. From the count we go to the prince and receive from him the task of killing the Bishop of Banff.

In search of the dire bear

We go to the bishop and take his eggs. After the prince we go to the Duke of Vancouver. From him, without leaving the city, we go to the monks, show them all our farts that we know. We are studying the Nagasaki fart, which will help break down walls. We go into the cave, use “Nagasaki” to open a passage in the cave to the Minister of Montreal. With this, you can leave Canada and go to the girls.

Beating Clyde

We use “Nagasaki” to destroy the first gate, turn off the current to the puddle on the right by moving with the help of a probe. You can also go around the main entrance on the right, where there is a generator behind it you can find a gap through which we can go if we shrink. We make our way through the opponents to the place where the cow was raised. You can get to the stairs by hitting the platform and then farting “Nagasaki”.

The worthy title of Sir Schmuck

On the tower we use the “Stink Charm” and “Nagasaki” to set fireworks on fire and destroy the houses on which the valves for raising the gates are located. Inside, while Craig is raising the third cow, we use farts on the side windows to let our allies in. On the left is “Stink Charm”, on the right is “Nagasaki”. then in the fight with Craig there will be only one cow.

We fight with Craig, we put as many negative effects on him as possible, when he multiplies, then the real one is possible if he loses less lives than others. We defeat him and go up the stairs.

looking for a bomb in the intestines

Then things get interesting, we shrink down and get into the back door))). We move through the intestines. Electricity can be passed through by Stan's ability to summon Sparky the dog. Next, we shoot into the bubble to find the alien stuff and move through the poop. We remove the big ball with the “Nagasaki” ability. bat we drive away by pressing the flashlight button. We get to the ghost of the sparrow. Sparrow is immune to bleeding and nausea. Magic works well for him.

After the sparrow, we use “Nagasaki” to swing the ball and the alien probe to put ourselves on the button. We go to the two guards and deal with them. We penetrate the intestines with a bomb. We use the bard to open the panel. We are carrying out an operation on a bomb.

Now Clyde remains, go to him, fight with the boss, throw negative effects on him to which he is vulnerable. We watch a dialogue between a healthy man and Morgan Freeman.


Friendship is stronger than the magic of the stick of truth

We shop at the store before the last battle and go fight Kenny. She doesn't have as many lives as other bosses, but you have to hit her 4 times. We throw negative effects on her, and of course we hit her by consuming enhancing substances. In the end, our heroes will have to break the gentleman's code and fart on their balls with the Dragon's Roar.

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Far in the lands of Zaron, the inhabitants of the fortress of Kupa fought for their lives under the onslaught of the evil dark elves of Larnion. As darkness fell over the kingdom, the people begged their king, the Grand Master, to save them. The elves attacked again and again, never stopping trying to take possession the most valuable artifact people - the Stick of Truth. And whoever owns the Stick of Truth reigns over the entire Universe. The mysterious “newcomer” was destined to put an end to the eternal confrontation between people and elves.

Nothing is known about the newcomer's past. However, he himself is also not eager to share details from his life. The parents decided to move to the wonderful town of South Park, saving their child from past problems.

New kid in town

Having created a character to our liking, we look around the room. The chest adjacent to the bed is designed to store items. If an unused item appears in your inventory that you will probably need in the future, then feel free to leave it in the chest. All interior objects that can be interacted with are colored yellow. We open the wall cabinet and take everything that is in it from the backpack. Most of what is found is of no value in battle and is sent to the “Basket” section in the inventory. You can make good money by selling garbage to merchants. We leave the room and go left. We go into the bathroom, sit on the toilet and defecate, quickly and often pressing the button shown. Turd is a completely free and very effective weapon in battle, causing nausea in enemies and reducing their attack capabilities. We go down to the first floor and go outside.

Open the quest log and familiarize yourself with the “Tasks” and “Map” sections. Main tasks are marked with a stick on a turquoise background. The first person we meet is Butters the Merciful, a paladin. We help him fight off the offender by coming close and striking. On our way we will meet many characters. With most of them, one interaction is enough for them to become our friends. Some individuals will need help first. The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges (the “Special” subsection in the “Abilities” section), which allow you to achieve advantages in battle. Butters takes us to the Grand Master. In the Cartmans' backyard there is a Koopa fortress - the main and only place where people are stationed. We meet Clyde, a level 14 warrior and part-time manager of a weapons store, Scott Malkinson, a level 9 ranger and the beautiful princess Kenny. We approach Cartman and continue the conversation. We introduce ourselves however we want, because they will still call us simply and laconically – Schmuck. Next, select one of the classes. IN in this case This is "Warrior". We purchase our first weapon from Clyde. Only certain types of weapons are available for each class. In this case, it is naturally a warrior’s blade, that is, a wooden sword. We open the inventory - melee weapons and arm ourselves with the purchased item. The king wants us to fight against Clyde. Battles take place in a step-by-step mode: first one side attacks, then the other. In this case, the right to make the first move goes to the one who hits the enemy first before the start of the battle. Select the action – warrior’s blade and click on the enemy. To deal maximum damage, you must press the strike button whenever the weapon lights up. An attack is considered perfect if all strikes were made on time. Having successfully carried out the combination, we move on to a strong attack. We deliver one powerful blow according to the same principle as with simple blows.

You also need to defend yourself wisely: click on the simple strike button every time an icon appears under your feet. Ideal defense will minimize the damage received from the enemy’s blow(s), and in close combat it will also allow you to carry out a counterattack.

It's time to use the ability. We approach Clyde: the first time we press the simple hit button to throw the ball, the second time - to hit the ball when it drops to approximately chest level and hit the enemy with it. The use of abilities is limited by power points, displayed as a scale in the upper left corner. Using the knowledge gained, we finish off Clyde. For each victory, experience is awarded, which is used to increase the character's level.

Having proven our suitability to participate in the game, we go into the tent and examine the sacred Stick of Truth. Suddenly the alarm sounds - the elves have attacked! We go outside, hit any enemy and thereby enter into battle. We block the ranged attack of the elf archer. We receive a healing elixir from Cartman, select it from the list of items and use it on ourselves. In one turn, you can perform two actions: use an item and carry out an attack. The move will end with an attack, so we use the item first. We block both enemy attacks separately and carry out a counterattack, striking back. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies.

We open the inventory and arm ourselves with a bow. Let's enter the next battle. The elf defender covers the elf shooter, so you can’t get to the last one right away. We block the archer's attack and try to strike the warrior. It didn't work out as he got into position to retaliate. Only ranged attacks and abilities are effective against such enemies. We use the bow to hit the elven shooter. The Elf Defender will change position and will now be able to repel a ranged attack. We use the warrior’s ability or blade.

Stick of Truth.

In the last battle, the elven defender will use the “Reliable Defense” ability and put up a shield, which will allow him to ignore one blow without harm to health. The number of hits the shield can withstand is indicated on the shield icon to the left of the health bar. The shield is broken through by any attack: three arrows or three simple blows or three powerful blows in this case are equivalent. We deal with the remaining elven sentry using a powerful attack, since he has armor that levels damage less than 25 (the helmet icon with horns above the health scale indicates the strength of the armor).

The elves retreated, but they quietly took the Stick of Truth with them. Clyde failed in his job of guarding Stick, so Cartman revoked his Kingdom membership. It was decided to gather an army and return the lost artifact. The best warriors - Token, Tweek and Craig - must be recruited as quickly as possible.

Call the best

A flag appeared a little to the right of the weapons shop fast travel. By finding the same flags throughout South Park, we will be able to instantly move between them.

Open the “Abilities” section in the quest log and improve one of the abilities. Through the house we get out onto the main street and open the map. A flashing arrow indicates our location; Question marks are tasks. We go left along the sidewalk, pass by our house and destroy the obstacle. After discovering the second fast travel flag, we are suddenly attacked by elves from an ambush. We try to ideally repel the double attacks of the elves on the first line and make counterattacks. For a partner, the same conditions apply as for the main character, i.e. after the attack the turn ends. We use healing touch and restore Schmuck's health. Butters' main weapon allows him to deliver one powerful blow. Abilities: hammer of justice - spin and after a flash throw the hammer at the enemy, thereby causing him to rage; Storm Hammer – redirect lightning to several enemies in the same line at once. In addition to standard damage, arrows cause bleeding, which takes away a small portion of health with each turn. The healing elixir will get rid of any negative effect. We break through the shields of the elf protector with an ideal simple attack from a bow: three arrows - minus three shields. We finish him off with our main weapon or ability. Having won, we collect loot and continue moving to the left.

Some fights can be avoided by simply running away from enemies. It is highly not recommended to do this, because with each victory, experience is added, which increases the character’s level. Using the map as a guide, we get to Craig's house and learn from his father that Craig was punished for making an obscene gesture towards the principal and was left at school after school.

We go to the Tweek Brothers Cafe on the other side of the city. You can move between streets at intersections. Tweek works part-time as a courier delivering a special ingredient at his father's establishment. We acquire an elixir of speed, which allows you to make two attacks in one turn in battle. We go into the back room through the door with right side and give the letter to Tweek. In order for him to join the game, you need to help him with his business.

The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges that allow you to achieve advantages in battle.

Hot coffee

Using the map as our guide, we get to Kenny’s house. Mrs. McCormick will meet us and give us the key to the garage. We unlock the garage door and go down to the basement. Meth addicts will mistake us for a law enforcement officer. We drink the elixir of speed and deal with the enemy on the first line. We use Butters' Storm Hammer ability and damage two enemies on the second line at once. We collect loot, go up the stairs and hit the vertical board. We go all the way to the left and pick up a bag of methamphetamine. We return to Tweek and give him the goods.

Call the best

At the main gate of the Dark Meadows estate we will encounter an aggressive guard. He, of course, won’t want to let us through and will also spray pepper gas in our faces.

Uninvited guest

Let's visit Jimbo's gun store, which is located at the other end of the street. We buy a gas mask, put it on ourselves and return to the guard. Pepper gas will no longer affect us - let's move on to battle. The enemy has good armor, so we make extremely powerful attacks.

Call the best

Having recruited a second ally, Token, we return to the kingdom. The team still needs level six thief Craig. It's up to us to rescue him from school. Before such a dangerous task, you need to thoroughly prepare. Let's follow Cartman to the training field and learn how to use the Dragon's Roar fart spell. Hold down the left mouse button (move the right stick down), use the movement buttons to find and fix the highest vibration amplitude and click on the right mouse button (move the right stick up). We perform “Dragon’s Roar” again on the opponent. Kenny will become our second partner. You can switch between Butters and Kenny both while walking around the city and during battle. In the second case, this will be considered a full move.

Detention after school

We buy everything we need at the merchant's shop. Belt weapons and costume patches are wedged into weapon slots and clothing items, respectively. We go to the school, which is located in the western part of the lower street. A third scale appeared in the upper left corner - mana. It is necessary to use fart spells during battle. We try to replenish the mana reserve before the start of the fight, so that later we don’t have to waste an invaluable turn on this matter. To simple and strong blows, a blow enhanced by a fart has been added, causing even more significant damage.

Teacher Mr. Mackie gave his students a three-hour marathon of extracurricular activities. Entering the building, we meet the red-haired duty officer. We hit him or start a conversation. The enemy is weak, so it won’t be difficult to deal with him on the first turn. We pass further through the doors on the right side. The guards barricaded the corridor. We face the fire and use “Dragon Roar” to destroy the obstacle and nearby enemies. Mr. Mackie locked himself in the dining room. You need a golden key to unlock the lock. We collect useful items from the lockers and from the bodies and move to the other wing of the building.

We shoot an arrow at the phone and, as soon as the duty officer approaches it, we hit the chairs. The second option is to shoot the lamp on the far left when the enemy is under it. We go all the way to the left and stand in front of the metal fence in the foreground. We change Butters to Kenny through the “Group” tab in the task log. We switch from “Shooting” to “Partner Control” and, holding down the button responsible for aiming, direct the arrow at the nearest duty officer. Kenny is a master at attracting boys to himself, because it’s not for nothing that he chose the role of a princess for himself. Without attracting attention, we approach the chairs, switch to shooting and knock out the green stand when both guards are near it. We deal with the last enemy in battle and get a brass key. We search the body and select a worthy alternative to the bow - a ball for playing “dodgeball” (3rd level).

We return to the penultimate door (Faculty Only), open it with the obtained key and go inside. We shoot at the ashtray on the table and watch the fireworks. After the explosions, we shoot at the stack of books on the tabletop on the left side. We stand facing the burning box of fireworks and use the “Dragon Roar” spell. We destroy the barrier and get to the frightened boy. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal him. Having received the silver key, we go out into the corridor and go all the way to the right. We unlock the door to teacher Maki's office (Counselor) and go inside. We hit the golden key located on the top shelf with an arrow, pick it up and go to the dining room. After interacting with the door, the main man on duty will appear, so we prepare properly in advance - we replenish our mana reserves and check the presence of the elixir of speed in our inventory.

After the first move, the curator will begin preparing for a crushing spell - calling the parents. This cannot be allowed to happen, as the game will end in our defeat. Also, the battle will end after we deal with the curator. We use Butters’ “Hammer of Storms” on the first turn and hit the opponents on the first line. Against the main enemy on the second turn we use the “Dragon’s Roar” spell - this will disable him for three turns. If necessary, drink the elixir of speed, which will allow you to carry out two attacks in a row. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies. Using the received key, we unlock the second locker from the top and take out the melee weapon “Mace of Regeneration” (4th level) from it.

Boss "Chief Duty Officer".

Call the best

We free the punished schoolchildren and follow Craig to the Fortress. For our courage and successful recruitment of allies, Cartman promotes us and rewards us with the title “Sir.” The Stick of Truth has not yet reached the Elven Forest and is in the hands of Bard, a dark elf of the tenth level. Hearing his name, the residents are horrified: the Bard enchants his enemies with music, and then destroys them in cold blood. We learn the new spell “Stink-Enchantment” and, according to tradition, test it on our opponent.


The bard hid in the Neighing Donkey tavern. We leave the Kingdom and go there. Having gone down into the cellar, we go all the way to the left, then down and all the way to the right. Thus, moving along the path fenced with all sorts of rubbish, we get to Bard. He will not take part in the battle, but with his melodies he will in every possible way strengthen the morale of the soldiers. The elves are positioned in three rows, which makes it difficult to access two archers, who can seriously harm us, especially if we do not place blocks in time. We throw all our strength at the warrior with the sword and, having dealt with him, we finish off the archers. The bard escaped, locking us in the basement. We approach the barricade, switch to the “Stink Charm” spell and perform a directed fart at the lamp. We enter into battle with another group of elves. Before this, we use the “Stink Charm” on the nearest enemy and, thereby stunning him, quickly strike.

We shoot at the latch of the window above the shelf and let Craig in. Trying to adjust the operation of the shield, he gets shocked. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal Craig. Having got out of the basement, we go to the kitchen and help Cartman. We heal him with the help of Butters and find out that the elves have kidnapped Princess Kenny and are holding her on the second floor. Returning to the living room, we shoot at the lighting fixture suspended on the ceiling, and thereby eliminate one of the enemies. We also shoot at the shield on the sofa, go through it and use the “Stink-Enchantment” on the lamp in front of the door, after hitting it with a ranged weapon. We destroy the obstacle and enter the battle. We are trying to interrupt the powerful spell of the elven witch hunter with some kind of stunning ability. IN otherwise the enemy will perform a signature attack, replenishing his health with each blow. If there is nothing to oppose the hunter, then first we deal with the sentry as quickly as possible. The Forest Elf Armor trophy will serve as an excellent alternative, especially in combination with a bow.

We go up to the second floor and go into the left room. Using a long-range weapon, we knock out the right wall shelf and the multi-colored interior element to the left of the shelf. We hit the table, climb up it and onto an element of the interior. We shoot at the chandelier above the bed, go all the way to the right and, having destroyed the obstacle, grab the rope above the closet. We roll straight onto the bed and free Kenny. We go out into the corridor and, together with our allies, try to get into Bard’s room. The Stick of Truth makes it possible to cheat, including when holding door handles. The elf's mocking remarks are heard from the attic. Kenny will help you smoke out the enemy. Switch to “Partner Control” and, holding down the shot button, aim at the open hatch. We go up the stairs, destroy the box under the multi-colored snowboard and, having shot at the lamp, hit it with the Stink-Enchantment spell. Similarly, we undermine the second lamp, thereby neutralizing the enemy. The second one will not want to fight, so we just hit him and collect the loot. We shoot the chest on the rack, located at the very edge on the right side. We jump down through the resulting hole and find ourselves in the room.

Jimmy Bard.

Bard has excellent health, but in terms of attacks he doesn't stand out in anything remarkable. We try to quickly destroy the rats he summons with abilities with a large affected area. During the lullaby performed by the Bard, quickly and often press the button shown so as not to fall asleep. We spend mana to the maximum, including using it during attacks from long-range and melee weapons. We interrupt the enemy’s powerful spell with a perfectly executed “Soft-boiled” ability. If the Bard manages to perform a spell, then with each blow he will fill our mana scale. This is not so bad if the mana scale is almost zero, but if it is more than half, then an excessive increase will inevitably lead to defecation.

Having won, we take the Stick of Truth, collect all the useful items in the room and return to the Fortress, turning to Cartman, where we will be accepted into membership of the Kingdom of the Koopa Fortress.

It's already late!

The day has come to an end. We get home, go up to our room and lie down on the bed. At night, aliens will kidnap us and try to probe us. Quickly and often press the button shown, resisting entry foreign object. In the same room with us was Randy Marsh, who quickly brought us up to date on the matter of probing the population of South Park.

Alien abduction

We select the alien probe, aim at the teleport beacon that is located above the screen, and shoot at it. By controlling the hologram, we place it in any accessible area outside the force field. To the left of Randy is a container containing the Alien Helmet equipment (level 4). We go down the stairs in the foreground. The alien will raise the alarm and, together with help, will hide behind the force field. Let's look into the next room and take useful items from the container on the right side. Returning to the corridor, we use the alien probe on the lighthouse between the enemies and teleport behind the force field. The aliens are strong in defense and we will have to confront them alone. We don’t spray ourselves on everyone at once, we destroy our enemies one by one.

We arm ourselves with an alien laser and be sure to wear protective equipment, since we were in pajamas while sleeping. We collect useful items and go to the elevator. Using the alien probe, aim at the small blue security panel to the left of the bodice doors and fire.

To free Randy Marsh, you need to disable one of the security system consoles. Which one exactly is unknown. From the container on the left side we take out the “Alien Suit” equipment, which at the beginning of the battle gives a shield that can withstand two hits. We move to the neighboring platform, using an alien probe to the lighthouse there. The left panel is responsible for the upper platform, the right panel for the lower platform. Using the beacon again, we teleport to the lower platform. Having taken useful items from the container, we aim the alien probe at the blue security panel to the right of the alien and shoot: the enemy will be sucked into a perpendicular pipe. We return to the previous platform, move the lower platform to the left and teleport to it. There is also a beacon in the pipe below us - we connect to it and move to the platform under the pipe. We interact with the panel and watch how the alien is sucked into the fan. We teleport into the pipe itself and go all the way to the right. After Randy’s comments, we interact with the security console and carefully monitor the multi-colored buttons in the lower right corner. We repeat the combinations by clicking on the buttons with the mouse (or on the indicated buttons on the gamepad). Randy is still not free, but we are the right way. You can get into the small room on the right by pointing the alien probe at the blue panel there.

Randy Marsh.

We return to the platform adjacent to the elevator and move to the upper platform. Having searched the container, we wait until the alien above us is on the blue platform of the lighthouse and shoot with the alien probe at the blue security console to the right of him. We go down again and use the left panel to move the upper platform to the left. We teleport to the upper platform, then to the upper level using the beacon there on the left side. We deal with the alien guard using abilities if he gets into an ideal position for dodging. Having won, we go all the way to the right and switch the wall lever. A beacon has appeared below, which will allow you to go down into the room and clean out the container. Returning upstairs, we activate the panel near the burning poppy and go into the room on the left side. We interact with the security console and repeat combinations by pressing buttons. We go down to the elevator, go into the room on the left and be sure to strike first. We drink the elixir of speed and deal with the alien guard with two attacks. Next, we finish off the weaker enemy and fully concentrate on the alien - the head of security. We turn off the ship's alarm and return to Randy Marsh. We interact with the security console and repeat combinations by pressing buttons. Having freed the prisoner, we select the white energy crystal and go out into the corridor. We go left to the elevator, simultaneously taking out the melee weapon “Alien Probe” (5th level) from the container. We insert the crystal into the elevator control panel, shoot from the alien probe into the blue security console and go to the control room. Before the main fight, we will search the container located in the foreground on the right side.

Both alien pilots have several times more health than us. In addition to this, an alien protective matrix is ​​located between them, which imposes additional protection on the pilots. We drink the elixir of speed and destroy the matrix in two attacks. Next, if we were more or less successfully able to repel the pilot’s attack, then again we drink the elixir of speed and unleash all our power on one of the enemies. Otherwise, of course, we replenish our health with food.

An alien ship crashes right in the middle of South Park. It seems that this is not the first time for the authorities to eliminate traces of a UFO on Earth.

Find new allies

We go down to the first floor and meet Cartman at front door. The news reports that a new Taco Bell restaurant will soon open - right on the site of the ship that crashed last night. Another significant event occurred in the dark - the elves stole the Stick of Truth, thereby breaking the rules of the game. The kingdom needs more warriors to punish the dishonest elves.

Recruit ready

Goths hang out in a back alley of the school - you can get there through the gate on the right side of the main entrance. We convey the message to the children in black and after some nagging they agree to take part in the game, but with one condition - we must match their image.


Standard goth set: black clothes, coffee and cigarettes. First, let's visit Jimbo's weapons store and purchase a ranged weapon - a wooden crossbow and a weapon on belts - an iron guard, which reflects 15% more damage when blocked. There is a group of boys in the alley on the left - we enter into battle with them. The sneaks attack quickly and often, so you will have to block accordingly. The reward will be a treasured pack of cigarettes. We go to the other end of the street and buy a gothic suit, hat and gloves from a homeless person. Having put them on, we get to the “Tweek Brothers Coffee” and stock up on the “Heavy Roast” drink. Outside we will be surrounded by elves who will offer to surrender and join them or accept a fight. In any case, the outcome will be the same - a visit to the elf camp. The Elven King, Kyle, will offer to play for them. An important fact becomes clear: it was not the elves who stole the Stick of Truth.

Jimmy Bard and Stan were added to the list of partners. We shop at the local weapons shop and return to the Goths. We've almost recruited them, but we'll have to complete one more test. We go to the community center, which is located to the right of the school, and observe the parent meeting. Parents are unhappy with the closure of the school and are ready to engage in self-government. One of the members of the parent committee turned out to be Randy Marsh, who, noticing us, asks us to tell everyone present about aliens. Without waiting for the truth, the parents separate. We are trying to stick the poster on the table, but Mr. Marsh stops this and asks us to follow him.

Problems of the parent committee

We go to the toilet and, at Randy’s request, fart on him. Randy deflects our spell with ease. Years of training allowed him to master farts to perfection. We are learning a new fart spell called “Whisper”. Hold down the left mouse button (or move the right stick down), use the movement buttons to find and fix the highest amplitude of the oscillation for some time and click on the right mouse button (move the right stick up). We use the whisperer again to distract Mr. Maki.

We go to the shopping center, which is located in the northern part of the upper street. Concerned parents did not stand aside and decided to personally observe the progress of construction of the largest Taco Bell in the country. When the crowd disperses, we come closer to the two military men and release the whisperer in any direction. The fart can be controlled for some time (mouse direction or left stick), which will allow us to detonate it in the right place. We place the fart near the gate in such a way that both enemies, who should be highlighted at that moment, fall within the damage radius. We don’t limit ourselves to just one attempt, we use the spell again and again, moving the military further and further from the gate. Then we quickly pass through the gate into the prohibited area.

We stand in front of the brown generator near the truck on the left side and, with the help of the whisperer, lure the enemy to the water. We pull the generator lever and thereby eliminate the military man. There is a lighthouse on the roof of the building - we shoot at it with an alien probe and move upstairs. From the container on the left side we take out a melee weapon - “Stone Hammer” (7th level). We get inside through the ventilation pipe on the right side.

At an emergency meeting, government officials discuss the leak of alien goo that is turning all living things into Nazi zombies. The plan is simple - to stop the epidemic by destroying an entire town.

A fascist zombie breaks free, kills the military and attacks us. Having dealt with the enemy, we collect useful items from the bodies, including a full set of special forces - an armored helmet, a vest and a glove (level 8). We go into the conference room and take the recorder from the table with a recording of the meeting. From the locker on the right side we take out a weapon on the Tesla Coil belts, which adds 50 shock damage with a perfect attack. Having got out of the building, we leave the territory and run away from the zombies. If you wish, you can go back and join the battle. Fallen zombies can rise after a certain number of moves, so we always finish them off if we are not sure that the battle will end as quickly as possible. We destroy the enemy with a shield first, since he can take a stance that will not allow us to attack him in close combat, and use a stun grenade, which deprives us of our move.

We return to the community center and give the recorder to Randy Marsh. In gratitude, he will take a photo of us with the poster in front of the members of the parent committee.

Belt weapons and costume patches are wedged into weapon slots and clothing items, respectively.


We put on a gothic outfit, if we haven’t done so before, and go to the school back street. Having shown the photo, we dance in front of the goths, pressing the arrows on the keyboard (or the gamepad buttons) in time to capture the flying icons.

Find new allies

The answer is ours. You can take the Goths to both people and elves. The choice has virtually no effect on anything, except that there will be a limitation on partners. People are sure that the Elves stole the Stick, but the Elves think exactly the opposite.

We climb to the top of the tower (people) or tree (elves) and call on our allies. Having received a promotion, we go to school, where everything should be decided.

Attack the school

We go into the nook and get to the first door. We heal the Goth with the help of Butters (people) or gain access to the ramp with the help of the Bard (elves) and go inside. From the kitchen we go to the buffet, and from the buffet to the dining room. We purchase everything we need through vending machine, then we stand in front of the barricade and shoot at the lamp above it. We fire another shot at the fire cabinet pipe. At the other end of the corridor, we select the ranged weapon “Basketball” (level 8) from the defeated enemy. We move unhindered to the next barricade and finish off the last enemy. We penetrate the ventilation and get to the upper right grate using an alien probe. We hit the grate only when the enemy is under us. We drive the second enemy to the barricade using the “Whisper” or “Stink Charm”. We return to the barricade and use a spell on the burning torches.

We go out into the corridor and go left. We shoot at the fire extinguishing system on the ceiling above the fan, fart on the burning torch and destroy the obstacle. It’s not that easy to get into the lobby, so we go down to the basement and encounter the infected guards on duty. The “Bull Pass” ability perfectly breaks through all shields (we hold the simple strike button after the notification and release it when the red bull appears), so we use it against instigators. Don't forget that zombies can come to life - we try to finish them off without harming their progress, i.e. an attack that hits multiple enemies at once.

In the next room we go up the stairs and shoot at the valve. We penetrate the ventilation, go all the way to the right and hit the grate at the moment when the enemy is under us. A little to the right of it there is a shield - first we shoot from a ranged weapon, then we use the “Stink-Enchantment” spell when the enemy is under the shield. Your partner will help you destroy the last enemy. If we play for the elves, then we direct Stan at the enemy while standing above, if we play for the people, then we direct Kenny at the enemy while standing in front of the electrified puddle. We go to the generator, having previously destroyed the obstacle, and turn off the power supply. We get out of the basement and go into the lobby through the door on the right.

We hit the school board, shoot from the alien probe at the lighthouse on the balcony and move upstairs. We go down the rope on the other side and stand in front of the barricade so that the shells intended for us hit it. Then we use the Stink Chara beam on the inflamed area and thereby cause an explosion. First, we can lure all nearby enemies to the barricade using the “Whisper” spell. We stand behind the catapult and use it to hit the barricade in the foreground. All that remains is to use the spell to free the front entrance. The arriving allies will break down the door, and we will be able to move on.

We enter into a fight with Stan (people) or Butters (elves). In both cases, the opponents have strong armor, but in addition to this, Butters also has a shield that can withstand five hits. Stan attacks quickly and often - you will have to block according to his pace. Butters' shields are easily broken through by the "Bull Arrival" ability. Having won, we take the captured weapon and go up to the next floor. Following the corridor, we get to our classroom. Helping your allies is not at all necessary.

We enter the office on the left and make a choice - hit Kyle or Cartman. You will have to fight 1 on 1, without the participation of partners on both sides. We use the elixir of speed more often if there is no threat of death, otherwise we replenish health with healing elixirs. Both Kyle and Cartman have unique spells, which can be repelled to end the fight ahead of schedule. To do this, you will have to press the button shown very quickly and very often.

As it turns out, school desks don't have drawers! This means that we were all lured here... by Clyde, who founded his own Kingdom of the Army of Darkness and gathered a huge number of fighters around him. Craig, who had previously fought on the side of the people, also defected to them.

Come home

The game is interrupted due to the onset of night. Returning home, we go to bed.

The second night was also not without surprises: having noticed the linen gnomes, we entered into a fight with them. Thanks to the miniature size of gnomes, dealing with them will not be difficult. It's another matter when the gnome sorcerer reduces us to his size. As before, the enemies are not very strong in attack, but they are overwhelming in numbers. The elixir of speed will help compensate for the lack of a partner.

Defeat the linen gnomes

Having penetrated the hole, we go around the mousetrap along a narrow passage on the left side (in the foreground) and go up along the multi-colored wires. From the bag on the right side we take the “Dwarf Helmet” (9th level) and the ranged weapon “Superball” (10th level). We go left to the bend, hit the pipe and shoot at the wire. The rat will get scared and run straight towards the trap. We go downstairs, get to the ventilation and watch our parents talk about our certain talent that no one should know about. We get out from the other side, go up along the wires and go all the way to the left. We take out from the container the gnome's clothes (level 9) and the weapon on the belts “Pickaxe Head” (level 10). Returning to the wires, we shoot down the pipe above us and climb up it. We climb even higher along the two-color wires in front of the rat. We shoot at the area above us, destroy the obstacle and, having gone to the end, hit the pipe. Going down, use “Dragon Roar” on an open fire. Dealing with the last remaining rat will not be the slightest difficulty. We take out the melee weapon “Dwarf Pickaxe” (9th level) from the bag, lift it along the wires and get out by pushing the switch.

We overtake the gnomes and destroy them. We collect from one of the bodies the “Cap of Panties” (level 11) and the patch for the costume “Don’t touch me” (level 10). We go all the way to the right, go down and catch up with the gnome sorcerer. We start the attack with “Bull Arrival” to reduce the enemy’s armor and cause him to bleed. In the future, we continue to use abilities and make powerful attacks with ranged and melee weapons. Having won, we receive dwarf dust, which allows us to shrink and grow in size at any time. By stealing laundry, the gnomes wanted to protect themselves from the green alien slime. The sorcerer does not have time to inform about its true purpose.

Dwarf sorcerer.

Creation of alliances

Kyle called all the people and elves for an emergency meeting. We go to the Elven Forest, which is located in the backyard of Kyle’s house. The Army of Darkness numbers at least 50 fighters. With grief in half, people and elves united to confront their common enemy. The main task was to recruit additional allies in the person of pirates, the federation and... girls. The boys don't get along well with the latter a good relationship, so it’s up to us to establish contact with the opposite sex.

Recruit girls

Cartman and Kyle became our full-fledged partners. We go to the city administration building and help Annie fight off the bully girls. Having won, we convey the message to a new friend and agree to follow her to the girls’ secret hideout. If we help potential allies, we will receive support from them. So, let's take on the Monica Ryland case. Monica is suspected of spreading rumors that respectable Ellie Nelson was spotted at an abortion clinic. By pretending to be Bebe's boyfriend, we can bring the schemer to light.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Let's go to children's park and meet Monica, sitting on a bench to the right of basketball court. The suspicions were not in vain - Monica really turned out to be a two-faced person. The girls prepared in advance and brought her boyfriend, Jake, to the meeting, who attacks us. Having dealt with the enemy, we return to the city administration building and are again transported to the girls’ shelter.

New details were revealed: although Monica was caught in obscene behavior, it was not she who spread nasty rumors about Ellie. The prosecution abruptly switched to Heidi Turner, who until recently was supposed to help implement the plan to incriminate Monica.

For this task we need to transform into a girl. We put on a wig, a dress, shoes and use false eyelashes.

Unplanned Parenthood

We go into the clinic and talk to the administrator at the counter. We move on without a partner. We skip the archive room and take out from the chest of drawers the weapon on the belts “Infusion Needle” (level 11) and the ranged weapon “Poisoned Grenades” (level 11). The next door leads to room “A”, where Dr. Vaginophil will meet us. We lie down on a chair and quickly and often press the button shown until the scale is filled. We select surgical equipment from the cart to the right of the chair and put on it. After leaving the office, go left and gain access to the archive room. We search the box under the yellow marking “2013”. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Randy Marsh appears and reports that government agents have seized the clinic.

We switch to “Dwarf Dust”, decrease in size and go into the hole between the boxes. We shoot at the pipe above the rats and watch them being shot. We destroy two gnomes in the same way, and deal with the third one ourselves. We hit the wires inside the shield and then fart on them. Immediately after the shield we climb the wire and get out. We increase in size and from the drawer of the nightstand we take the patch for the “Hanger” suit (level 12). Having put on a surgical gown, cap and gloves, we enter into a dialogue with Randy Marsh.

Mana intake must be strictly calculated, otherwise you may lose it completely at the most inopportune moment.

Agents burst into the operating room, and Randy immediately takes on the role of a pregnant lady. To be more convincing, we perform an abortion operation on Randy. The syringe needle should be directed directly to the center between the legs, only after that press the downward movement button. We expand the anus by quickly and often pressing the left and right movement buttons (or rotating the left stick on the gamepad counterclockwise). We suck the eggs with the tube: hold down the left mouse button (or move the left stick to the left and hold it in that position) until Randy panics, and then quickly click on the right mouse button (move the left stick to the right). We repeat this action, but on the other side, and leave the operating room after the agents.

The military is no longer able to control the situation. Alien slime infects everyone in its path. So it overtook the embryos, who instantly destroyed the agents. Having dealt with the enemies or avoided the fight, we go left and shoot the ventilation grill above the closet. Using “Dwarf Dust”, we decrease in size and climb up the objects on the shelves of the closet. Having defeated the rats, we get to the next grate and get into the ventilation. We go all the way to the right, get out into the corridor and switch to the “Alien Probe”. We shoot at the beacon and teleport to the pipe above it. We unscrew the valve and teleport inside the pipe. We go all the way to the left, switch to “Arrow” and shoot through the wire that holds the lamp. We return to the floor, increase in size and perform a directed fart at the inflamed part of the turret. We enter into a fight with four embryos. They are not that strong, so we use abilities or weapons that cause damage to as many enemies as possible.

The military at the reception notifies that the building is being cleared. However, this is not so, the last one left is a giant embryo. During an attack, the umbilical cord is capable of completely restoring the health of the embryo, so we destroy it first. It is also necessary to finally finish off the umbilical cord so that it no longer bothers us. The embryo has neither shields nor armor, so we can easily deal with it with powerful and concentrated attacks.

Recruit girls

We return to Annie and are transported to the girls’ shelter. Medical notes from the clinic turned out to be in French. Accordingly, we receive a new task - to translate important documents. We go to the Elven Forest for help from our allies. Cartman reports that French speakers can be found in the Northern Kingdom.

On North

Having received a passport in the name of Larry Bobinsky, we get to the “Photo Dojo”, guided by the map. We contact the operator and go into the photo studio. We stand in the center of the green background and, under the operator’s far-fetched pretexts, undress down to our underpants. The cameraman turned out to be not a cameraman at all, he is a pedophile who took over the studio! Having taught the child molester a lesson, we pose in front of a real photographer and paste the resulting photo onto our passport. The path to the Canadian border lies through the Lost Forest, which is located in the upper right corner of the map. Being in the forest, we move only north and will soon find ourselves at the border. We show our passport and enter Canadian territory.

We visit the first city – Ottawa. Here you can exchange American dollars for local currency and buy goods with them from a local merchant. At the clinic, for ten Canadian dollars, they cure severe AIDS (in two approaches), which animals can “reward” us. At the end of the street there is a castle where the Prince of Canada lives with his wife. After reviewing the records, he will send us to the Earl of Winnipeg.

Oh Canada

We get out of the castle through the right room. The local fauna consists entirely of dire wolves, bears and snakes. All of them, one way or another, are vulnerable to fire, so the ideal partner would be Cartman, who has massive fire abilities.

We get to the next town - Winnipeg. The Count will help us if we kill all the dire bears in the northeastern part of the city. After leaving the building, we go right all the way, and then up - there we will meet fierce bears. Having dealt with them, we return to the count and find out that the records were made in the language of eastern Canada. The Minister of Montreal knows this language, but in this moment he is imprisoned in a cave in Quebec by order of the prince. The Count promised to put in a good word for him.

We go to Ottawa again and agree to help the prince kill the Bishop of Banff, who insists on annexing Montreal to the kingdom and lays claim to the throne. We get to the third city - Banff. We enter the church and hit the bishop. Having finished with him, we will have a choice - to finish off or take the boar's eggs, which will serve as evidence of the murder, and let him go. If we choose the first option, then a chest with a melee weapon “Scepter of Fierceness” (level 11) will appear in front of us.

We return to the prince and provide him with the bishop's eggs. Of course, the prince had no intention of releasing the minister, as he was afraid of losing his place on the throne. The princess insists that her husband keep his promise, but without waiting for a positive answer, he decides to help us on his own. We receive a message for the Duke of Vancouver and actually go to his last city. The Duke is extremely dissatisfied with the prince’s arbitrariness and reports that monks living in the southeast of the city will help us get into the Quibec catacombs. We go all the way down and swim across to the opposite bank of the river, from pier to pier. In the house we will meet Terrence (in a red sweatshirt) and Philip (in a blue sweatshirt). We use the “Dragon Roar” spell on Philip, release the “Stink-Charm” on Terrence and distract both monks with “Whisper”. We are learning a new fart - “Nagasaki”. With its help we destroy the barrier and deal with three pedophiles.

The entrance to the cave where the minister is being held is located between the cities of Ottawa and Winnipeg. Having made our way inside, we clear the blockage near the passage using the “Nagasaki” spell. Before the battle, we replenish our mana reserves. The Nagasaki fart is very effective against a large number of enemies - we use it more often in combination with Cartman’s powerful abilities. We strike first to start the battle with our move! Having won, we take the “Barbarian Armor” (level 12) from the chest and free the minister. He will be happy to translate our notes, and we can return to the girls with the information received.

Monks Terrence and Philip.

The two-faced Heidi Turner is exposed and forgiven. Now the girls will join our game with peace of mind.

Beat Clyde!

We return to the Elven Forest and all together set off to storm the Kingdom of the Army of Darkness. Using the “Nagasaki” spell, we destroy each of the gargoyles on the raised bridge separately. There is a beacon hanging to the right of the tower gate - we shoot at it from the alien probe and move up. Turn off the generator located on the right side. Again, we use the beacon to move it to the area above the gate. We hit the sign and thereby knock out one of the enemies. We go down and deal with the remaining enemy.

Having gone inside, we quickly rush to the barricade, break through it and hit the enemies first. Having defeated them, we collect useful items and shoot up the stairs. Having gone upstairs, we deal with two cyclops and climb up the next ladder. We carry out massive attacks in battle against a large number of different enemies. We strike the leg of the wooden table and finally bring it down with the “Nagasaki” spell. We go up the descending stairs and help the pirates fight off their enemies. We go to the right tower, turn the steering wheel all the way and move to the left tower. We shoot the lamp inside it, then make a directed beam at the resulting fire. We pass the barricade using the beacon above the gate. We turn the steering wheel all the way and, returning to the gate, go inside.

While Craig raises the third cow, we must quickly get rid of the other two. We use "Nagasaki" to free the boarded up passage on the top floor on the right side. The little helper will set the mechanism on fire - we hit him with the Stink Charm. We move all the way to the left and shoot at the lamp thrown by Stan on the top floor. We use the “Stink Charm” on an open fire.

Craig is able to summon an army of clones that attack almost the same as the original, but die literally with one powerful blow. Recognizing the real Craig will have to be done at random, so the elixir of speed will come in handy. We use it for our partner too.

We climb the stairs lowered by Stan and meet Randy Marsh on our way. At the clinic, he found out for what purpose government agents visited such a harmless place. As it turned out, they were looking for a potential candidate who would carry a bomb intended to destroy the city. Faced with resistance and barely escaping, the agents decided that the carrier would be... Mr. Masochist. We decrease in size and penetrate him through the anus.

Almost immediately we encounter the toad king, who advises us to hurry to the colon. We destroy obstacles on the way, climb the corn and neutralize the electrical barrier with the help of our partner, Stan. Having moved forward a little, we shoot through the red clot at the moment when there is a fascist microbe under it. We shoot at the lighthouse with an alien probe and teleport behind the barrier. We go down lower, climb up Mr. Hat and get to a dead end. We use the “Nagasaki” spell to destroy the ball. We enter into battle with a group of microbes and, having destroyed them, select the melee weapon “Vibrating Blade” (level 14). We go up the slope, climb up the hill onto the lantern and go down a similar hill on the other side. We go to the right to the middle of the lantern and insert the battery. We climb onto the lantern again and press its button. From the container in front of the lantern we take out the “Latex Cap” equipment (level 13), which at the beginning of the battle gives a shield that can withstand five hits.

We climb up the chain, meet the Sparrow Prince and defeat him in battle. We destroy the barrier and go through to the barrier. We use “Nagasaki” to destroy the ball in the upper right corner. We climb onto the dildo, move to the left end and hit the white slime. Using the beacon, we teleport to the bottle cap, press the button and thereby drill a passage. Returning back, we go down and encounter guards. Having dealt with them, we finally get out to the thermonuclear warhead. We select Jimmy as a partner and direct him to the bomb control buttons. We complete the neutralization ourselves by performing an abortion. South Park saved!

Toad King.

We go left and get to Clyde. He uses the slime to revive the Chief. The enemy has a huge amount of health, so you shouldn’t count on a quick victory. We take as our partner the time-tested Butters, who will constantly maintain our health at the required level. Having practically destroyed the Chief, Clyde will launch a Molotov cocktail at him. It is important to react quickly with a fart (press the right mouse button or move the right stick down), otherwise we will burn together with the enemy.

We are awarded the highest title - king. Arriving government agents, led by a healthy man, declare us the dragon-born Duvakin. The hour has arrived: healthy guy offers to serve for the good of the country, however, upon learning about the power of the Stick of Truth, he goes crazy and proclaims himself the ruler of the Universe! Princess Kenny joins him, thereby betraying her friends. As they explained to us, Kenny is an orc whose village suffered at the hands of people and elves.


We go up to the tower and buy everything we need before the final battle. You will have to fight against Kenny until all your partners, except Kyle, take part in the battle. They will replace each other at the moment of a unique enemy attack, when you need to quickly and often press the button shown. We weaken the princess’s armor to a minimum with the “Bull Arrival” ability. After the first fight, Kenny will drink the alien mucus, and her armor will be restored, but in the future the armor will remain in the same state.

The fight could continue indefinitely, but Cartman suggests breaking the code and... farting on Kenny's balls. We drink the elixir of mana and use magic. The city escaped not only destruction, but also got rid of infection by alien mucus. All you had to do was fart on your balls.

A funny, entertaining, witty game, but to get the most out of it, you have to know and love the TV series that spawned it. You can, of course, approach it “from scratch” - it will still be fun, but you will miss the lion’s share of references to the released seasons.

In general, watch a few episodes of South Park and, if you like them, come get "". And I will continue with those who don’t need to explain who Kyle, Stan and Cartman are, why space aliens kidnap people and where the zombie fascists come from.

Goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time!

Over the 17 years of its existence, South Park has become the basis of several games: a shooter, a couple of quizzes, a TD strategy and, oddly enough, rally racing. However, I only made a real interactive cartoon. Of course, not without the help of the founding fathers, Matt Stone and Trey Parker - they wrote the script and kept development under constant control. I drew the animation and “backdrops”, so the “” looks exactly like on the TV screen and even better.

I think there is no need to introduce the characters - connoisseurs already know everyone by sight. And here main character is just getting acquainted with the eccentric inhabitants of this eternally winter town. It doesn’t matter what kind of name you indicate at the very beginning - for local kids he is simply “New Kid”. Or Sir Douchebag, as Cartman immediately called him.

The young man moved with his parents to South Park just in time - the war between the human kingdom and the dark elves is in full swing here. They are fighting for some branch of the great artifact “Stick of Truth”, for, according to a courtyard legend, the one who owns the Stick owns the Universe. In order to own such a valuable thing, you will have to beat up a crowd of people, including polite people in camouflage, save schoolchildren punished by the boring Mr. Mackey, master the difficult art of mini-abortions, crawl through Canada stuck in the 1990s and, finally, do the unthinkable - make friends with girls.

However, first you have to study martial arts. Turn-based battles are like in classic JRPGs, although here you have to quickly and differently press buttons to repel or strike. QTEs are sometimes very angry, and at first it will be difficult, because there are an insane number of options: in addition to melee and small arms, each of the four classes (warrior, wizard, thief and, ahem, Jew) has 5 skills, plus 4 ways to fart loudly... in meaning, to bewitch an enemy. In battle, we are supported by one of our friends, who have drawn amazingly cool videos for special attacks. Particularly good are Doctor Chaos and the wave of rats that washes away all living things at Kenny’s behest.

Even if the battles are designed effectively and are not boring, many plot skirmishes can be avoided. South Park is full of interactive objects, and the hero can shoot, release flammable gases, teleport (don't ask how) and give commands to his comrades. This is a five-minute adventure game, however, we run using WASD, and not pointing with the cursor. If you guessed, say, knock down a beam and crush the bastards or fart next to an open flame - early victory! And they will give you experience.

If someone wants to fight and gain “exp” (why? something, and there is plenty of that) - go to the nearby dense forest, where wolves and more terrible monsters are constantly born. Or start “cleansing” the city of homeless people so that they don’t spoil the mayor’s image with their stench.

Come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine

There is no need to rush to the finale at all. Take a walk, enjoy the great picture, listen to pleasant music. Many locations (for example, a huge sewer) are not involved in the plot in any way, but there is something to see there. There are plenty of side quests, although all of them are to bring, serve and kill. Some, like saving a family of talking poops, are choreographed with due diligence and will reward you for your efforts - if not with valuable equipment, then with a hilarious video.

By the way, when starting work on the series, Parker and Stone had no idea about the geography of the city they had invented. Now South Park has a full-fledged map with 12 points for instant movement. There are also dozens of “secrets”, a crowd of potential friends for the friend feed on Facebook (collectors are entitled to useful “perks”), 30 ChinPokemon and one Manbear.

Vladimir Goryachev

South Park: The Stick of Truth

We enter the cafe to the right of the cinema and go into the interior. (Inside we collect more coffee(speed potion), it is very useful in battles - it gives one extra turn). Twink is not released until he completes the job. We need to help him - get a package with an ingredient for coffee.

- Hot coffee

We approach the nearest flag, move to our street, go right to the poor quarter. We enter Kenny McCormick's house and talk to his mother. We go to the garage and fight the methamphetamines inside. After the victory, we go up the stairs to the shelves, go left, and on the shelf by the door we take the Special Delivery from Tweaks.

We leave, on the street through the fast travel flag we return to the coffee shop, we give Tweek the parcel.

Achievement "Heisenberg"

You put on an evil Cartman beard and a bald cap and in this form defeated the methamphetamines.

Completed during Tweek's quest to deliver a letter to Kenny's parents, drug addicts live in their garage. Before that, you need to find the desired appearance:

Beard - lies in Cartman's house in a table near the entrance.

Little Cap Bald is in prison. At the police station we go up to the 2nd floor, go through the ventilation, and in the weapons room we take the key to the cameras. We go down, open the bars in the prison, and take the bald head from the bag.

Secret. Tweek gives us the key. In this room we go up the stairs to the shelf, approach the yellow chest, inside we find the Monk's Robe and the Monk's Gloves.

1.3. Detention after school

We gather again in Cartman's backyard. Everyone is there except Craig, who is detained at school. We need to rescue him from captivity. Before the task, we study the spell “Dragon Roar”.

To perform a spell, we do this: hold down and do not release the left mouse button, at this moment we use the “A” and “D” keys to control the arrow located on the circle (you do not need to press these keys simultaneously or press them in turn). By pressing the “A” key we move the arrow counterclockwise, and by pressing the “D” key we move it counterclockwise. By controlling the arrow, we need to place it in the place where the most interference will occur in the center of the circle. Only after this will it be possible to press the right mouse button and release the spell.

We move along the street to the left to the school. We go inside and fight the first red-haired attendant in the gym. We go through the double doors on the right. There are barricades ahead and you just can’t get through. First, we destroy the enemies behind the chairs: we shoot at the device on the ceiling. To destroy the obstacle, use the “dragon roar” (key “G”). We examine the cabinets with gold handles.

We go further along the corridor, but all the doors are closed, and we need to look for the keys. We go up past the dining room, go left along the upper corridor to a dead end, and go down. We find ourselves on the screen where we are standing behind bars, and below there are two red-haired enemies. Here we need Kenny’s special ability (change the character in the menu on the “team” tab). We change shooting to control a partner (key “Q”), then target the partner (key “F”) and use the ability (left mouse button). Kenny will attract one of the redheads and he will remove the fence. Having beaten the duty officers, we get Brass key.

With the key we return upstairs and open the first locked door. There are many enemies inside, but you can shoot at surrounding objects (a stack of books, an ashtray), and their number will decrease. We blow up the box of firecrackers with a “dragon roar” and break the low desk with our hands. We approach the beaten schoolboy in the corner. We select the paladin Butters as a partner (in the game menu on the “team” tab), use his special ability (using the “Q” key we switch to orders to our partner, press “F”) to revive the student. From him we get Silver key.

We go along the corridor to the right, open the next door. Inside the teacher's room we see the key on the shelf, we shoot at it so that it falls, we pick it up Golden Key.

In the corridor we go down to the dining room. At the entrance we are met by the chief duty officer.

Boss: Chief Duty Officer

In battle, we constantly use coffee to hit twice as often, we use food and Butters to restore health. We use the “dragon’s breath” firecracker more often, since enemies are vulnerable to fire damage.

We enter the dining room and release all the schoolchildren.

1.4. Bard
South Park: The Stick of Doom. Walkthrough

We return to Cartman's camp. We are learning a new spell “Stink-Enchantment”. The whole crowd goes to the tavern, organized in the house of the Bard, who stole the Stick of Truth. We go down to the basement.

Find the Bard in the tavern basement

In the basement we pass between the rubble. Once at the bottom, we find ourselves surrounded by enemies. Select the spell “Stinkers” (key “E”) and use it (key “G”), pointing it at a burning candle. We shoot at the window, after which the thief Craig comes inside and turns off the electricity. The fallen Craig needs to be cured with Butters' special ability.

Let's go upstairs. In the kitchen we defeat the enemies, free Cartman, and revive him with the paladin Butters.

Catch up with the Bard

We go into the room on the right. We use spells on the candles, shoot at the wooden shield to block the thorns. We approach the right wall, we see allies outside the window. To let them in, we first shoot at the lamp by the door to break the glass, and then cast our spell on the flame of the lamp. The allies remove the obstacles, we move on to the second floor.

Save Kenny

In the bedroom on the second floor, one of the elves is guarding the bound Kenny. You can't just get to them. You need to break the table leg, climb onto it, shoot at the shelf, shoot at the lamp. Then we climb up the shelf onto the cabinet on the right, cling to the stretched wire, and slide down it straight onto the bed.

Get to the Bard

We go out into the corridor. The bard locked himself in the next room. Here in the attic hatch we see another enemy. We choose Kenny as a partner, use his ability on the enemy from above, this will cause him to lower the ladder. We climb into the attic.

In the attic we beat the enemies, shoot at the lamp, and use fire spells.

In the right corner of the attic we break the chest, under it we find a hatch down.

Boss: Bard

In battle, Jimmy the Bard constantly uses his songs; you need to quickly press the button shown so as not to fall asleep and lose your turn. If one of the heroes dies from the Bard's strong combo attacks, you can use resurrection potions. Attacking Bard with strong blows, applied with the right button, and spells. After the victory, we return to Cartman's camp.

It's already late!

Cartman's mom kicks us out of the camp. All the children leave, and we also go home. We go to the red house on the lower street, go up to the second floor. In the bedroom we lie down on the bed.

1.5. Alien abduction
South Park: The Stick of Doom. Walkthrough

At night we are abducted by aliens. I start torturing us on the flying saucer. Quickly press the “S” key to free yourself. (Not everyone is able to press the button so quickly. You need to not just press, but make your finger tremble convulsively on the button).

As a result, we were freed, and also received an alien probe with which we can teleport. We select the probe (key “Q” several times), aim at the blue eye on the wall (key “F”), the eye can take us to any point around it. We move outside the protective field.

We go through the door from below, we find ourselves in the corridor of the flying saucer. On the right we see aliens. First, we shoot at the pipe above them to kill one. Then we teleport using the probe and finish off the remaining two. We take away the long-range weapon Alien Laser from the enemies. It is better to immediately put it into service. We turn on the probe and point it at the blue sensor. Through the door we find ourselves in a large hall.

There are many round platforms in the hall; to move between them you need to use a probe and teleport. We go to the platform on the right. On the center island, side panels control the top and bottom positions.

Bottom part. First, go down and read the audio message. We return to the center, move the lower platform to the left, and go down onto it. Below we see a pipe with aliens. We teleport to the platform under the pipe, press the button on the panel - one of the aliens is sucked into the fan. We move into the pipe and finish off the rest. We go through the pipe to the right, use control Panel in front of the monitor. We repeat the combination of colored keys that the computer shows. Some combinations are too complex, we make mistakes in them, and wait for a simple combination to appear.

Top part. We go left and climb onto the central platform. Move the upper platform to the left, teleport to it, and then to the upper corridor.

At the top we can use a spell to burn the alien standing behind the red laser field. We run past the laser and finish off the second alien. Use the probe to press the blue switch and go further to the left. Click switch on the wall.

Along the upper corridor we go to the left, we pass into the opened room. We use control Panel and once again we try to save Randy by repeating key combinations.

We return to the central platform, from it we move to the platform on the left. Now a room has opened on the left, we go into it and fight three aliens. In battle, it is better to use a laser, it will pierce through all enemies. We use control Panel, turn off all laser fields on the ship.

We enter the door on the platform, return to the torture chamber, free Mr. Randy Marsh. We take the fallen White energy crystal. We go out into the corridor.

In the corridor we go to the left. Along the way, we find the Alien Probe weapon in the box; we immediately take it in our hands, since there will be a difficult battle ahead. We use the energy crystal to open the door on the left.

Boss: Alien Pilots

At the very beginning, you need to destroy the device behind the pilots. It is best to use a melee attack. We finish off the pilots with a laser and an alien probe. After our victory, a flying saucer falls on the shopping center, and we wake up in our bed.

Building Alliances, Unplanned, Heading North, Kick Clyde!
Add. quests, Chinpokomon, Achievements. Questions and answers.
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After the quest "Uninvited Guest" you will learn the new ability "Dragon's Roar". To use it, press the G button.

How to get to Canada?

Canada is far to the north. You can only get there through the storyline.

How to use a defibrillator?

The defibrillator can be obtained during the mission "Chelmedosvin". It will be needed in order to activate a certain device in the sewer. Until you do this, you will not be able to complete the mission.

How to disperse rats?

Use the Dragon's Roar ability.

How to manage a partner?

Replace shooting mode with partner control. When you need his help, hover over him and press F.

How to pass the moment with aliens?

Minimize the game to windowed mode. Go to the Start menu, then Accessories, Accessibility, On-Screen Keyboard. Then return to the game and quickly press the S button.

How to dance like a goth?

You can learn this during the “Dance Like a Goth” task. While dancing, use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

How to shoot a bow?

Press Q, select shooting, then press F - a crosshair will appear. Use your mouse to select the location where you want to shoot.