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Weaning from breastfeeding after a year Komarovsky. How breast milk is transferred to stop lactation. Breastfeeding weaning technique

It is difficult to fully appreciate the contribution breastfeeding makes to a child's health and development. Breast milk is the most useful and valuable component in the diet of a 1-2 year old baby. Many mothers today are very concerned about breastfeeding for as long as possible. Regardless of this desire, the time comes when a woman, for certain reasons, is faced with the problem of stopping lactation.

Even if the mother has decided to breastfeed for a long time, sooner or later she will still have to think about ending lactation (we recommend reading:)

Reasons for cessation of lactation

The period during which a mother breastfeeds her baby depends on individual characteristics. female body and can vary within 2.5 years. At this age, the composition of breast milk completely changes. According to endocrinologists, the production of prolactin, the breast milk hormone, occurs in natural phases, and at the end of this process involution occurs, but this scenario does not always occur.

Other options for terminating lactation are also possible:

  1. Suppression of lactation immediately after the birth of a child. The reason may be medical indications for the mother or the baby.
  2. Self-rejection. There are various reasons why a baby has no desire to suck on his mother’s breast. As a result, a transition to regular food is inevitable.
  3. Weaning a child from the breast at one year of age. By this time, the woman is very tired emotionally and physically, she has a desire to get a good night's sleep and stop straining her hands when holding an already quite heavy baby for a long time.

Sometimes even mothers of newborns have to stop lactation - most often this is due to medical indications

Ways to stop breast milk production

Breastfeeding isn't just good for the baby. The process of natural lactation also has a positive effect on the hormonal health of the woman herself, especially if all stages of breastfeeding proceed normally from a physiological point of view. The natural desire of any mother is that the cessation of lactation occurs without particularly severe pain. To almost painlessly suppress the production of prolactin, there are a number of specific means and methods: gradual or immediate weaning, special herbal teas, medications.

Gradual cessation of lactation

Process breastfeeding characterized by successive stages, starting with its formation and ending with involution. The natural cessation of milk production does not occur immediately. In rare cases, the onset of lactation decline occurs before the child reaches 1 year and 6 months.

The condition of the mammary glands will help you understand that the process of involution has already started. Milk stops flowing into the breasts and they remain soft throughout the day.

If the baby is not allowed to breastfeed, the volume of milk will decrease regardless of the baby's needs. This is the best time to wean your baby.

Today, a fairly common situation is when a mother is forced to stop breastfeeding even before the onset of involution. How to stop breast milk production in this case? If the child is already 9-11 months old, he can be weaned within 2-3 months:

  1. every two weeks the number of feedings should be reduced by one;
  2. by the end of this period, only feeding at night should remain;
  3. then you need to give it up, but the baby will still have a sucking reflex - to satisfy it, you can give the baby water, compotes or kefir from a bottle.

This approach to stopping lactation makes the process easier for mother and baby. According to lactation consultants, this technique is the most humane.

  • during the cold season (since the risk of infection with intestinal viruses and bacteria increases in summer)
  • if the baby is healthy and his age is more than 1.5 years.

During the period when a mother seeks to stop lactation, she should follow some recommendations:

  • reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • give up hot tea, broth, salty foods and those foods that cause thirst;
  • remove fatty meats, smoked and dairy products, butter from the menu;
  • If there is pain or discomfort in the mammary glands, express in small quantities until the unpleasant symptoms cease.

During the period of weaning the baby from the breast, it is advisable for the mother to stop eating salt and those foods that contain it in large quantities.

Abrupt weaning of a child from the breast

Most women, who for one reason or another have decided to stop breastfeeding, do not have the necessary couple of months left - they are interested in how to quickly stop lactation. In such conditions, neither the mother’s body nor the child’s body is prepared for instant changes.

Sometimes they offer to send the baby to relatives or other people during the weaning period. accessible ways make sure that he does not see his mother for 3-7 days. However, such measures can lead to great stress in the child, after which the process of weaning will be associated with the risk of losing his mother.

In addition, a sharp suppression of lactation is not only a psychological experience, but also severe physical discomfort. Milk production continues at the same intensity, causing the breasts to stretch and become painful. In some cases, lactostasis or even mastitis may develop. To reduce stretching, it is recommended to tighten the breasts using an elastic bandage or a tight bra - however, these methods are not physiological and can only aggravate the problem of engorgement of the mammary glands.

Quick weaning methods are not always useful. They involve the use of:

  • compresses and wraps (from camphor oil, cabbage leaf);
  • herbal infusions;
  • tablets.

Camphor oil wrap

A popular remedy used by mothers to stop lactation, ideal for home use, is wrapping or rubbing the mammary glands. The main component of these procedures is camphor oil. In addition to suppressing lactation, the use of this oil along with a light breast massage leads to natural restoration of the skin, and also significantly reduces the risk of hardened lumps appearing in the mammary glands.

The wrapping procedure itself is quite simple:

  1. it is necessary to soak bandage napkins or napkins made from natural fabrics with camphor oil;
  2. apply to each breast, cover with plastic, put on underwear, leave for the night's sleep (after feeding the baby in advance).

The disadvantage of camphor oil is its pungent, corrosive odor, which is not easy to get rid of. For this reason, clothes that are used for such a procedure will have to be thrown away in the future.

Camphor oil helps regenerate breast tissue and prevent the appearance of lumps

Cabbage leaf compresses

In addition to wrapping, you can resort to other folk methods to quickly stop lactation - applying cold cabbage leaves to your chest and changing them every hour throughout the day. According to Jack Newman, a well-known breastfeeding consultant, the use of cabbage is a fairly gentle way to relieve engorgement of the mammary glands (to avoid the development of lactostasis). Such compresses help reduce milk production and flow, which means they can suppress lactation.

Use of herbal preparations

Sometimes, to stop lactation, the use of special herbal preparations is quite justified. Such infusions or decoctions can be taken either internally or as a rub. The most wide application received diuretic infusions, these include a herbal decoction of sage and mint. Thanks to this folk remedy, it is possible, albeit not immediately, to independently reduce lactation, and subsequently achieve its complete suppression.

For a more effective effect of herbal decoctions, you should simultaneously reduce your body's fluid intake. A significant reduction in fluid intake helps naturally reduce the amount of milk and helps to completely suppress the production of prolactin. Due to this, taking herbal infusions gives the desired result.

Minimal harm to the body from herbal preparations is a big plus in their favor. As a precaution, before you start using them, it is advisable to consult with a specialist, since herbal preparations that are used to stop lactation have certain properties:

  • diuretics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative.

Herbal teas can perfectly help mommy stop lactation, but they should be used after consulting a doctor

For example, a collection of lingonberry leaves, horsetail, corn silk, elecampane, common basil and bearberry helps get rid of excess fluid in the body, which is known to help suppress lactation. Medicinal sage in combination with mint and belladonna can have an anti-inflammatory effect against the background of a reduction in milk supply. Common heather, marsh grass and the roots of valerian officinalis are indispensable in stressful situations.

  1. Chopped sage leaves – 1 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then strain. Take 50 ml 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  2. Mint leaves – 5 tsp. pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and strain. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Lingonberry leaf – 1 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Since ancient times, lingonberry leaves have been used by women during the period of weaning a child. You can buy it at a pharmacy that sells medicinal herbs.

Naturally, a noticeable effect from any kind folk ways at home, it does not occur as immediately as from using medications, but within a week after starting treatment, a woman can feel changes in the amount of milk produced.

Use of medications

May lead to adverse effects on women's health. This method is effective in cases where the mother does not have time to gradually stop lactation: for example, after childbirth, breastfeeding is contraindicated for a woman from a medical point of view or due to returning to work.

There are a sufficient number of tablets specifically designed to suppress lactation, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, for example, Dostinex, Bromocriptine, Norkolut, etc. When resorting to their help, it is worth remembering:

  1. Only a doctor should prescribe pills that will help stop lactation. This precaution helps to avoid side effects from taking inappropriate medications.
  2. Hormonal drugs have many contraindications, which must be taken into account before taking them. The drugs should not be taken for hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, etc.
  3. The decision to stop lactation must be final, because after taking medications it is no longer possible to restore prolactin production.
  4. You should only take pills as a last resort if there is no other solution to the problem.

Homeopathy can also be considered as an option to suppress lactation. A doctor must prescribe homeopathic remedies. The most common of them are Fitolyaka 6 and Apis 3.

Of course, pills are the fastest way to stop lactation, but ending it gradually naturally is the safest option, although it takes several months. It is also better not to rush to try to abruptly stop breastfeeding, as this can lead to various complications.

How to stop lactation and which method to resort to is best decided together with a gynecologist. Such a consultation has a number of advantages:

  • no unpleasant consequences;
  • preventing complications;
  • maintaining normal functions of the mammary glands, which plays an important role in preventing tumors and breastfeeding without difficulties next time.

A habit does not appear instantly. Take care of your baby’s health, while not forgetting about your own body.

It’s wonderful when mothers can breastfeed their babies, and for a long time at that. This is inherent in nature, and the longer the baby suckles, the stronger his immunity will be. After all, for him it is an irreplaceable, most useful and valuable food. But the time comes when a mother begins to think about how to properly stop breastfeeding. Of course, you should listen to the advice of lactation experts so that weaning does not in any way harm either the baby or the mother.

The question of the duration of lactation concerns only the mother and baby. Today there are many different opinions, including pediatricians from the World Health Organization, that it is recommended not to wean a baby until two years of age or more. Although many doctors believe that, as a rule, after a year a child no longer eats mother’s milk, but complementary foods. He's already eating vegetable soups, meat, dairy products, that is, he eats regular family food. But if after a year the baby feeds only on breast milk, then this is absolutely wrong. Complementary feeding per day should be at least 600-700 grams, and if this does not work out, then this wrong system feeding. According to the theory, putting a baby to the breast after a year has not so much a biological (nutritional) effect. expediency, as long as the closeness of the child and mother ensures. Therefore, how many times and for how long to breastfeed your baby is a personal matter for each mother and her family.
WHO pediatricians recommend:

  • Be sure to feed your baby until 6 months and no less if the mother can do it;
  • It is advisable to breastfeed for up to a year;
  • if mother and child are comfortable and they want it, then you can continue to feed as much as you like.

Experts in the field are still figuring out what the benefits of breastfeeding after one year are. They have no doubt, and moreover, argue that continued breastfeeding definitely reduces the risk of infections and diseases.

How do you understand that this moment has come?

As mentioned above, breast milk is very beneficial for a small body, so it is very important for the mother not to make a mistake and to start weaning her baby correctly. Then this process will be as painless as possible for both mother and baby. You can think about this when the baby turns one year old. Milk no longer has the same meaning as it did a few months ago, but basically only provides an opportunity to feel mother’s closeness and care.

Situations are different, and not all mothers have the patience to feed the baby until the milk runs out naturally. This is scientifically called involution, when the mother’s milk disappears on its own and is no longer released from the mammary glands. But you can wait for this for a year or two, or even more. Dr. Komarovsky's opinion is that there is no need to wait for involution to wean the baby from the breast. A child at this age is already able to digest adult food, and the mother has already fulfilled her duty towards him by breastfeeding him for at least 6 months. Further, again at will, if it is so convenient for mother and child, then they can continue this connection.

It may also happen that the child himself refuses to breastfeed due to malnutrition, but this happens extremely rarely. Basically, children are ready to suck on their mother’s breast almost until kindergarten.

The next circumstance that can force a mother to stop breastfeeding is going to work or leaving urgently. For some, this will go smoothly - without stress and hysterics, but for others, they will have to look for all sorts of tricks, because the baby does not want to give up his usual diet. There is no way to do this without involving your grandmother or relatives.

What is the best way to end lactation for a mother?

There are several ways to complete lactation, and each has both benefits and side effects. But which one to choose, every mother must decide for herself.

Breast constriction or as it is also called “grandmother’s”.

Today, almost no one uses it, since it is considered ineffective and, in addition to worrying about the child, it can cause a lot of problems. negative consequences in the form of physical illness. By tightening the breasts, it will not be possible to reduce the activity of the glands, but on the contrary, the lactation process will continue, and the breasts will become overfilled with milk. As a result, pain and fever may occur, which leads to the formation of mastitis.


This is the most common method now. Apply medications, which will help you finish lactation painlessly in a couple of days. It is important not to use them yourself, but to consult your doctor and get a prescription for them. Even after taking these medications, it will be necessary to express milk from the breast to prevent stagnation. It is not recommended to express milk until the last drop, so that new milk does not remain, but little by little, relieving the feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Stopping breastfeeding naturally

This method is the longest, but acceptable, since it does not cause psychological or physical damage to the baby’s health. If you listen to some of Dr. Komarovsky’s advice, you can achieve maximum efficiency:

  • unnecessary feedings should be gradually removed and replaced with walks, games and other entertainment;
  • try to give porridge for breakfast in the morning instead of the usual breast;
  • reduce and then completely replace daytime attachments to mother’s breast with rocking motions and lullabies;
  • try to breastfeed your baby less and less each time in the evening before bed. It’s better to feed him a hearty dinner and then rock him in your arms;
  • gradually move away from nightly breastfeeding and replace it with motion sickness.

As pediatrician Komarovsky advises, the mother should offer the baby adult food more often so that he quickly forgets breast milk. Naturally, the child will immediately refuse cereals and soups and will continue to demand the breast. Over time, mother and baby will overcome this long transition from one environment to another. Mom's milk will gradually begin to disappear.

What method of weaning from breastfeeding does Dr. Komarovsky himself recommend?

During lessons at Dr. Komarovsky’s school, one mother asked Evgeniy Olegovich the question: “Are there painless options for weaning a child?”

The doctor explained that it would never happen that the baby himself would refuse the breast and tell his mother: “I don’t want it anymore, that’s enough!” He believes that the most correct and radical way to stop breastfeeding would be to invite a grandmother to your place for a couple of days, who will replace the child’s mother for two nights. Mom can go somewhere on vacation for the weekend, and dad and grandmother will take on all the parenting responsibilities and spend these days and nights with the baby. Upon returning home, when the child sees his mother and remembers why he needs her and what role she plays in his life, he will only need to hold out for two hours. These two hours are very important, during which you should distract the child with some other activities besides putting him to your breast. In a couple of hours, as the doctor assures, he will no longer remember his mother’s breasts.

But before leaving, your mother should definitely go to her gynecologist and consult on this issue. The doctor must prescribe a medication, usually these are pills that you will need to take during these two days to suppress lactation.
Dr. Komarovsky considers this option the most civilized for mothers who decide to stop breastfeeding.
The pediatrician also advises that before weaning the baby, gradually accustom him to sleep in his own crib. You should not start weaning your baby off the breast if he is sick or teething. It's better to wait until everything gets better.

It is very important in this event that the mother is emotionally attuned, and the child is prepared psychologically and physically. And most importantly, you need to make it clear to your child that they are weaning him only from the breast, but not from his mother. In order for the baby to endure this stressful situation painlessly, you need to actively pay attention to him and show love and tenderness as often as possible.

It has long been noted that it is indispensable for a child, and the longer it continues, the stronger and healthier the baby will be. But sooner or later the moment comes when it should end. This is not so easy to do. After all, it needs to be painless not only for the child, but also for his mother. Here it is best to follow the advice of experts. One of the best and most famous pediatricians is Dr. Komarovsky. According to his method, it is performed by many women.

How does breastfeeding happen?

Many women know how, but few understand how the process itself occurs.

That one of the most interesting phenomena in nature is the process of lactation. It is associated with the production of nutrients and elements necessary for the child’s life and growth. Two hormones that are produced by the mother's brain - oxytocin and prolactin - are responsible for this process.

When a baby drinks mother's milk, her brain receives information that stimulates their production. It turns out that the more the baby consumes it, the more actively it is produced. Another interesting point is breastfeeding at night. It has been established that if lactation occurs in the dark, this stimulates milk production during the day. If you stop feeding your baby at night, the mother's milk supply will decrease significantly.

Gradually, as the baby gets older, he can be given various additional foods, which means he will breastfeed much less often. It is at this moment that you will need to properly change the baby’s diet. Smoothly and painlessly wean from the mother's breast and transfer to other products.

If a woman understands that this moment has come, she must not forget that there is also the child’s emotional need for contact with the mother, one of the forms of which is breastfeeding. This is where the advice given by Dr. Komarovsky comes in handy. Weaning from breastfeeding according to his method has shown its effectiveness and has helped to transfer many babies to a different diet without causing them psychological trauma.

When to stop breastfeeding

Quite often you can hear the opinion that you should stop breastfeeding your baby at about the age of two years. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the child can already freely digest regular, “adult” food. But according to Dr. Komarovsky, weaning from breastfeeding can be done at the age of one and a half years.

A fairly common problem is the natural cessation of milk production in the mother. The reasons for this can be very different, but if this happens, then the child has to be weaned forcibly. You should think about how to wean the mother and transfer the baby to regular food even if he can no longer satisfy his hunger in one feeding.

Weaning off feeding at night

Also, many do not know how to wean their babies from night feedings. But it's quite simple. You just need to feed the baby well during the last lactation before going to bed. In order for him to have a satisfying meal, he needs to be bathed. After that, give him a massage.

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, the room where he sleeps should not be hot. IN otherwise he will wake up often, which means he will want to eat. If you know, this can be done quite simply. It won't take much time or effort.

In such cases, Dr. Komarovsky’s school recommends carefully observing how the child behaves and symptoms indicating the end of lactation.

Weaning the baby off the breast

The process of weaning a baby from breastfeeding is not as simple as it may seem. But if you follow the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, then this can be done much easier. In addition, the baby will be able to avoid stress, which is a very important point.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice is as follows:

  1. The mother should try to drink less fluid. After all, if you drink a little of it, it will be quite difficult for the child to get milk. Most likely, the baby will quickly get tired of struggling with such a difficulty, and he will gradually wean himself off his mother’s breast.
  2. You should try to make feeding time shorter, gradually reducing it. Skip it sometimes, and at this moment, keep your child busy with something interesting.
  3. In order for a woman to quickly get rid of excess fluid in her body, she should gradually increase her daily physical activity.
  4. It will be necessary to exclude from the mother’s diet all foods that have a positive effect on her milk production.

The main goal of the Komarovsky method is to make breastfeeding difficult or uninteresting for the child. It is he who is the easiest and most stressful to wean him from his mother's breast.

If, for some reason, a child who is not yet one year old needs to interrupt lactation, then it is best to switch the baby’s attention to activities that will be interesting to him. For example, various games, looking at pictures, etc. That is, nothing related to the process of breastfeeding.

Common Mistakes

Many mothers, especially young ones and those without relevant experience, often make mistakes when interrupting lactation. Dr. Komarovsky’s school is suitable for them.

You should not wean in the following situations:

  1. If you intend to move and your child will change their environment. This is stressful for him and it is not worth aggravating it by stopping lactation.
  2. When the baby is sick.
  3. If the child is completely against it, then there is no need to forcibly wean him. Better to wait a couple more weeks.
  4. In summer it is also not recommended to interrupt lactation.

But mothers should remember that they should not feed their baby their own milk for too long, as this can negatively affect the woman’s health and cause mastopathy.

When should you wean your baby?

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the baby should be fed breast milk until he turns two years old. This is due to the fact that during this time it perfectly protects the baby’s fragile body from possible protein deficiency and intestinal bacteria. But here we should also take into account the fact that if the family is attentive to all the rules of hygiene, keeps the house clean, and closely monitors the child, then it is unlikely that he will get sick.

Dr. Komarovsky also insists on this, believing that in this case, the baby needs to be breastfed for up to a year, and after that, accustomed to regular food. If you do everything correctly and follow the recommendations, it is completely safe. After all, after a year, it will not affect the subsequent development and growth of the child.

Breastfeeding after one year is not very important

One should not think that Dr. Komarovsky, whose weaning from breastfeeding is popular and has proven effective, insists that giving breast to a baby who is more than a year old is harmful. It's not like that at all. He just advises you to listen to common sense and intuition. Well, how long can you breastfeed? Moreover, ordinary products will not harm the baby, but, on the contrary, can strengthen him. This means you should start giving them to your child without waiting two years of age. This will only benefit him.

A woman can have no doubt that she has paid her maternal debt in full by feeding her child with breast milk for up to a year. After which she must independently decide whether to continue lactation or stop.

According to numerous medical studies and observations, as well as personal experience Dr. Komarovsky, it was fully confirmed that the health and growth of a child who is already one year old no longer depends on the method of nutrition. Painless weaning can begin at any time of the year, with the exception of summer.

How to wean a baby after a year

Above, we have already discussed in a nutshell how a child should be weaned from lactation after a year. Now you need to do this more carefully, taking into account all the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.

As practice shows, if a child was fed not only breast milk, but also the necessary complementary foods were added to his diet, then by the age of one year the baby will eat the following foods:

  • various soups;
  • porridge with milk;
  • kefir and cottage cheese.

Of course, he will also drink mother's milk a couple of times a day. Also, his daily menu must include natural fruit juices, meat products, egg yolk, vegetable purees. Gradually, mother's milk will fade into the background and will no longer be in first place.

Please note that there is no way to wean your baby off the breast that is completely emotionally painless. You can only use the most justified and practical ones. Mothers should remember that if she is consistent in her decision, this will best protect her baby from stress. If he cries, just calm him down, but you should never give up. Otherwise, the process may be significantly delayed. And this will negatively affect both the child and the mother.

Prepare in advance for the fact that the baby will not be happy about stopping breastfeeding and may cry and be capricious. But this rarely lasts more than two days, and if you do not restore lactation during this time, he will gradually calm down and switch to a different diet.

Of course, the mother will not be too pleased to realize that she is delivering negative emotions to her child, but there is simply no other way out. Here you also need to remember that during this period you should not make any changes in the child’s life. Everything should be normal, the way he is used to. If your baby is sick, don’t rush, wait until he gets better and gets stronger.

Social life of a woman at the end of lactation

As is clear from the above, Dr. Komarovsky is not a supporter of long-term breastfeeding, even though last years Lactation until it ends naturally is becoming increasingly popular. But even the most ardent supporters of this feeding method agree that this has very little to do with food.

This is more reminiscent of a kind of communication process, which causes the emergence of emotional attachment and spiritual closeness between a mother and her baby. This is in many ways reminiscent of the idea of ​​sleeping together, when the child sleeps only with the mother. As adherents of this theory are sure, this contact lasts for life.

But as numerous observations show, excellent relationships between children and parents are preserved even in those families in which the baby stopped receiving mother’s milk after a year, and even where the baby grew up on artificial feeding. After all, in order for there to be mutual understanding in the family between children and parents, prolonged breastfeeding is not required. The main thing is to have care, attention and kindness. This is exactly what Dr. Komarovsky implies in his recommendations.

On the contrary, from long-term observations carried out by many doctors, we can conclude that with prolonged lactation, most often in the future, numerous problems and misunderstandings occur in the family, which can lead to its destruction. Gentle weaning from breastfeeding is a universal remedy that can effectively help.

After all, even the most loving father is not always able to withstand his wife’s constant, often groundless worries about the child for several years, even when it comes to insignificant little things.

Returning a woman to normal life

For the normal development of a child as an individual and the formation of positive qualities in him, there must be a good one. This is what comes first, and not long-term feeding with mother's milk. After all, if there are regular quarrels in the family, and a child sees violence, then it is difficult to expect that he will grow up to be a positive person.

Giving advice to women, Dr. Komarovsky encourages them to remember that now a woman bears not only biological responsibility, but also social responsibility. And the latter even more so. Despite having a small child, a woman should remain loving wife and don't forget to take care of yourself. Moreover, knowing how to wean a baby, this can be done quite quickly.

A woman should visit the gym, beauty salons, regularly be in the fresh air, and see her friends. A trip for at least a couple of days on vacation is a great way to unwind. A woman must remember that she should not devote her time only to the child. She should live life to the fullest.

Breastfeeding a child after a year may not be possible, and the woman has the right to switch the baby to normal nutrition and return to normal life. Of course, not forgetting to pay attention to the child. The baby should grow up in a healthy family, in which each member is given equal attention. Only in this way can he grow up to be a good, positive person.

Lactation is the most wonderful time for most mothers. But there comes a time when it's time to stop. And if during the day you can somehow cope with improvised means, then at night it is more difficult. How to wean a child from night feedings Komarovsky and other famous pediatricians give a lot of advice on completing breastfeeding. But each baby is individual, and each needs its own approach.

When is the best time to wean a child, each mother decides individually. This depends on many factors:

  1. The child can eat food himself or drink liquid from a glass or sippy cup.
  2. Nutrition has already been established, and there are at least three main meals.
  3. When weaning a child from the breast, he is not particularly indignant.
  4. The number of feedings decreases, as does their duration.

Doctors recommend starting weaning from breastfeeding no earlier than 1 year. But due to physical and psychological needs, it is necessary to withstand at least up to 6 months. Until this age, breast milk is simply necessary for the baby; it is his only food. After six months, complementary foods begin to be introduced, and breasts can also be gradually removed. Or you can replace breast milk with formula.

Lactation consultants recommend feeding your baby until the milk disappears on its own (called involution). That is, this age can reach 3-4 years, which can negatively affect the health of the mother and bring many problems in the future for the child. Adherents of this theory believe that long-term feeding has a beneficial effect on the child’s health, helps the mother’s spiritual connection with him, and creates natural unity.

The most optimal weaning age is still from 1 to 2 years. At this age, the child can already walk, that is, he does not need to be constantly in his mother’s arms.

He also demands more and more independence, increasingly moves aside, letting go of his mother’s hand. The baby already eats adult food and does not need additional feeding. He gets everything he needs from this diet (nutrients, vitamins). In addition, most often at this age the mother plans to send her child to kindergarten. So, it is necessary to wean off breastfeeding before this, since otherwise it will be double stress and will develop a sharp dislike for the nursery state institution.

Old Weaning Methods

Previously, they went to work very early, sending the baby to the nursery. For this reason, we had to resort to quickly effective methods. Most often no one thought about the possible consequences.

The most common method was to send the baby to relatives for a few days. During this time, he weaned himself from the breast, and his mother gradually lost milk.

But it's huge stressful situation for the child: not only is the child in shock from stopping breastfeeding, but also the dearest and closest person, that is, the mother, is absent, and in the understanding of the baby, abandoned. Because of this, the child can receive a huge shock; various psychological diseases are possible (enuresis, eating disorders, etc.), which then have to be treated for a long time. Many of the consequences of such excommunication manifest themselves already in older, adolescence.

Often in the past they simply covered the chest with a thick sheet. But this method is also fraught with harmful consequences. Due to breast engorgement, lumps form, which lead to mastitis, which, in turn, can only be resolved surgically. Moreover, many women who used this method, later malignant breast tumors, that is, cancer, were discovered.

An equally harmful way is to smear the breasts with something that repels the baby. It can be simply frightening in appearance (brilliant greens), in taste (mustard, aloe juice), or physically inaccessible - covering the nipples with a band-aid. All these methods are quite popular now, but are not very effective. The child still sees the breast, smells the milk, but cannot receive it. It's the same stress.

Modern methods

IN modern world there are many solutions to this problem. But at the same time, young mothers still have many problems with the question of how to wean their child from breastfeeding.

The fastest and most effective way is medication. With the help of drugs such as Bromkreptin and Dostinex, lactation is stopped. They can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription, as this hormonal drugs. They act on the body by preventing the production of prolactin. The milk stops coming out, so the baby simply has nothing to suck. But these drugs affect hormonal levels, which negatively affects the child’s health. And also an abrupt cessation of feeding has a morally bad effect on the baby’s psyche.

You can abruptly stop feeding without breastfeeding your baby. With a large amount of milk, to avoid stagnation, you just need to express. Distract the child with various games, fairy tales, walks. In this case, it is better to trust one of the relatives (father, grandmother, grandfather) to put him to bed so that the baby does not smell the milk.

To wean your baby off night feedings, feed him a solid dinner. You can also give kefir, fermented baked milk or milk with cookies before bed. If the baby asks to eat at night, do not refuse him this, give him milk too. But this method also has disadvantages: abrupt separation of the child from breastfeeding, abrupt cessation of lactation.

The most favorable and easiest thing for both mother and child is a smooth cessation of breastfeeding.

There are also two options here: first wean the baby from daytime feeding and then from night feeding, or vice versa. Which option is better is up to the mother to decide, since all children are different, and the approach to them is also different.

So, how to wean it correctly. First, daytime feedings are removed. This is a more comfortable transition, since it is easier to distract the child during the day. The child is fed according to the usual diet, but is not supplemented with milk. You can gradually remove one feeding at a time so that it is less noticeable to the baby. After all daytime feedings have been removed, they begin nighttime feedings. When the baby wakes up at night, you can give him some fermented milk drink to drink or slowly rock him to sleep, pat him on the back, etc. The very last thing to do is feed him before going to bed at night.

In the reverse version, the same thing is done, but they start at night. They say that it is convenient for many, since once you have weaned yourself from eating at night, it is easier to stop breastfeeding during the day. In addition, do not forget to cover your breast so that the baby forgets about it as soon as possible.

Each option has its pros and cons. And each mother herself must choose how to wean her child, and at what point it is better to do it.

weaning off breastfeeding while apart
  • quite fast;
  • does not affect the mother's health
  • great stress for the child;
  • the possibility of developing various psychological problems in a child
cessation of lactation by tuggingfastpossible health complications for women (mastitis, breast cancer)
aversive methods- ineffective
medicinal methodfast
  • Possible problems with hormonal balance;
  • Abrupt cessation of breastfeeding can have a negative impact on the child’s psyche
abrupt refusal of breastfeedingfast, easypsychological unpreparedness of the child and possible consequences after it
gradual cessation of breastfeedingsoft termination wellness baby, a gradual decrease in milk until it disappears completelylong duration

What Komarovsky says

In the question of how to wean a child from breastfeeding, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky gives a rather ambiguous answer. He says that each baby needs its own method. For some, the option associated with breast aversion is also suitable: the child will not like the look, taste, and will no longer take it, while others will not do without special medications.

A more positive result, in his opinion, is, of course, gradual weaning. As Dr. Komarovsky says, weaning from breastfeeding should not cause any discomfort to either the mother or the child. If one method doesn't work for you, try another. Don't be upset. To do this, you can listen to reviews from mothers who have already weaned.

But regarding age, Komarovsky answers more clearly - he considers it inappropriate to feed a child for more than two years, since he does not see the point in it. If a child eats the same food as adults, he receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements from there, and milk loses its main function. In addition, with age, the composition changes, becoming useless.

To more fully understand what Komarovsky is talking about, you can watch a video of his “school”, where he explains his position.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are not very popular. But in vain - most of them have no consequences for the health of either the child or the woman.

The most famous is sage decoction. The decoction is prepared according to the instructions on the package, cooled, and filtered. Drink the decoction at room temperature. Quantity - no more than 2 glasses per day.

In addition, when finishing breastfeeding, do not forget about the drinking regime. If previously it was necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, then in this situation the amount is reduced 4-5 times. Moreover, the drink should be cool. Food at this time must also be eaten either cold or at room temperature. Moreover, foods that help lactation should be temporarily removed from the diet: dairy, chicken, broths, etc.

Peppermint has similar properties to sage. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Then strain and drink the drink cool. In addition, there are fewer side effects from it, and there is practically no allergic reaction.

Another simple but effective method. He needs White cabbage. Separate the sheets, take only those that are intact and not damaged. Beat each leaf with a hammer, but only lightly, to release the juice, and apply it to the chest. To make walking more comfortable, you can attach them with bandages. But no need to tighten it too tight. Walk like this all day, periodically changing sheets. The procedure may take from 3 to 7 days.

Cabbage juice also helps a lot. To do this, drink 1-1.5 glasses a day.

A decrease in milk supply and a baby’s refusal to breastfeed can cause increased stress on the mother’s body. This is due to the fact that during exercise, excess water is lost, and lactic acid is produced in the blood, which enters the milk and worsens its taste. Due to this, the amount of milk is reduced.

It often happens that the baby himself refuses to be breastfed by his mother at a certain age, and the question of how to wean the child from breastfeeding simply does not arise. Why this happens is unclear, but most likely due to the fact that the baby does not need it either as food or as a psychological assistance. That is, the child eats up regular food and feels protected at any time.

If your baby is having a hard time weaning, think maybe he is missing something. Try to fill his life so that he always feels your presence, knows that he can always turn to you, and you will help. And, perhaps, weaning the child from night feeding should be temporarily postponed until the baby grows up and his fragile psyche, which is not yet established, becomes stronger.

Weaning a baby from the breast is often a painful process for the whole family. And the point is not that it is not physiological, dangerous or unnatural.

Often the mother simply does not know how to do this quickly and without consequences.

As a result, troubles arise in the form of severe pain in the mammary glands, the baby crying for several days.

To avoid this, just follow modern recommendations, apply a little skill and cunning.

Breastfeeding raises many difficulties and questions. Today's mothers are especially tormented by the dilemma of whether to wean their child earlier or later?

There are a lot of opinions in society, even pediatricians are not unanimous on this issue.

However, the main points that all doctors agree on are the following:

  • No adapted formula can replace mother's milk in the first months of life.
  • It is not vital for a one-year-old child to breastfeed. By this point, children eat enough regular foods, and mother’s feedings serve more of a function of strengthening the immune system.
  • After a year, a child often develops a strong association of the breast in the mouth with a signal that it is time to fall asleep.

    As a result, this interferes with independent sleep and exhausts parents. Such a child may take a long time to wake up for night feedings.

  • It has been proven that after six months the child needs to be introduced to regular foods to replenish the reserves of vitamins and iron.

    Breast milk can no longer fully cover the needs of a growing body.

Popular pediatrician Komarovsky has repeatedly expressed his opinion about breastfeeding in many videos.

The thoughts of the respected doctor can be formulated in several theses:

  1. When it is only the mother who decides to wean a child.
  2. There is no need to listen to your acquaintances, compassionate neighbors. Aunt Glasha doesn’t know exactly what is right for your baby.
  3. If breastfeeding makes a mother forget about rest, and she manages to sleep a couple of hours a day, then the question arises: is it worth it?
  4. In the modern world, it’s great if a mother fattens her child for six months. This is enough time for the baby to get what he needs.
  5. The physiological need for feeding at night disappears in the baby by about 9 months.
  6. After a year, it is much more difficult to wean children, as psychological aspects are added.

Ways to wean after a year

The baby has already acquired several teeth, he celebrated his first birthday, and is stomping on his own. During this period, mothers think about weaning.

The most simple circuits weaning after a year is as follows:

  • Abrupt cessation of breastfeeding. A popular method since the times of our grandmothers.

    The mother simply abruptly stops any attachment to the breast, replacing the milk with a nipple with a mixture.

    To facilitate the weaning process, the child, if possible, is left for several days with his grandmothers. This procedure is not painless for either mother or baby.

    The abrupt end of lactation is stressful for the female body; swelling of the mammary glands and stagnation in them threatens the mother with mastitis and breast edema.

    All this is often accompanied by severe pain. Obstetricians and pediatricians do not recommend such a radical method; it only takes place in emergency situations.

  • Smooth transition to formula milk. Such excommunication has a lot positive feedback on the forums.

    At the planned time, the mother begins to smoothly replace breastfeeding with a bottle. The process takes at least a month, you need to be sensitive to the child’s condition.

    It happens that parents are in a hurry and end up with hysterics from their children.

    It is most correct to remove breasts in the following sequence according to time of day: lunch - afternoon snacks - evening - night and morning. Night feedings are replaced with plain water. There is no need to accustom your baby to drinking sweets in his sleep.

  • Temporary cessation of lactation. The mother removes her milk from the child’s diet due to illness, treatment, or departure.

    To maintain lactation, a breast pump is used to stimulate milk production.

    Later, you can begin to put your baby to the breast as before, but some people find it easier to stop breastfeeding completely.

IMPORTANT! After a year of breastfeeding, pills to stop lactation (bromocriptine, etc.) do not work because they do not affect all mechanisms of milk formation.

The benefits of taking such a drug are minimal, and side effects frequent and difficult for the mother.

How to teach your baby to fall asleep at night without feeding

After one year of age, babies sometimes fall asleep with only the breast in their mouth. Of course, such a phenomenon is completely inconvenient and wrong for the development of a child.

It turns out that weaning also threatens problems with falling asleep. Sleep experts advise teaching babies to sleep without breastfeeding from the age of 6 to 9 months.

This requires a lot of work from the mother; teaching the baby to sleep without feeding is realistic.

The tips boil down to the following:

  1. Don't let yourself fall asleep with your breasts in your mouth. The falling asleep baby is weaned and placed in a crib. At first, children feel uncomfortable.

    But after about 10 - 20 days (depending on the type of child), hanging on the chest is no longer necessary for comfortable sleep.

  2. Replace the breasts before bed with other activities - a massage, a book, singing songs. This is how a ritual before bed is developed.
  3. Pediatricians advise mothers to monitor their child’s well-being. Some children require 1 or 2 night feedings up to one and a half years. Perhaps your child is from such a group.

What can you put on your breasts?

Friends give advice like this: “Lubricate your breasts with this and that and that and that, and the baby won’t even want to touch it!”

Lactation consultants categorically do not accept this method; they see many disadvantages in it:

  • The child's fear when the mother's breast was a source of comfort and protection. After smearing, the baby gets scared, and this severe stress can cause problems in behavior, sleep, and nutrition.
  • What is recommended to be applied to the breasts can undermine a woman’s health. For example, a solution of brilliant green dries out the skin and can cause severe dermatitis.

    Stove soot contains alkali and can damage the delicate skin of the nipples.

It is easy to come to an agreement with an older child. Explain that mom’s breasts are tired and she needs to rest.

During weaning, the mother should not wear revealing clothes so that the baby does not see the breast, and you should also not change clothes in front of him.

Loose T-shirts and robes without a neckline work well. How smaller child sees his mother’s breasts, the easier the adaptation process goes.

With the right skills and the right approach, even weaning can become a pleasant and easy procedure.

Useful video