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A special approach to each client. An individual approach to each client. Actions of the seller when communicating with the audience

The importance of an individual approach in our work

Very often in our work we hear about an individual approach to each client, exclusive services, etc., etc., etc. To begin with, I suggest you understand the terminology.

What is an individual approach?

An individual approach (from the English individual approach) is a psychological and pedagogical principle, according to which in educational work it is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics and living conditions of each student. Successful implementation of an individual approach involves:

  • in-depth study of the personality, its activities and individual characteristics;
  • determination of the immediate specific and more distant goals and objectives of developing certain qualities in the student (or overcoming shortcomings);
  • application of principles, methods, means and techniques of pedagogical influence in accordance with the tasks of educating and training a given individual, taking into account his characteristics and activities;
  • analysis of the results of applying pedagogical influences to a particular student.

Knowing and taking into account the difficulties, mistakes, shortcomings and successes of everyone in educational activities is important for implementing an individual approach.

And how to turn this into an individual approach to each client?

If we transfer this concept to the client, we will see that the only thing that has changed is the concept of “learner” to the concept of “client”. Before we start working with clients, we study the scope of his activity, the specifics of the organization’s work, determine tactical and strategic goals, objectives and principles of work, as well as means and methods of work to achieve goals, taking into account the weaknesses and strengths of the organization.

I would like to give a small example on this topic. Two companies sell similar products, but use different promotion methods. Why?

It's simple, one company relies on service, and the second on breadth of coverage. From this example it is very clear that, despite the initial similarity of the companies, you cannot use the same promotion methods, since the companies have completely different goals.

A little practice: how we use it

We, the Zolle company, when working with partners, always take an individual approach to each client, because we understand how important it is. You cannot simply copy successful work methods without taking into account the specifics of the field of activity, the goals and objectives that the organization sets, as well as the resources it has.

In the next article I will talk about such concepts as “listening” and “hearing” and how necessary they are when working with clients. Also write in the comments topics that you would like to know more about, and I will definitely pay attention to them in the next posts.

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Individual approach to every customer

Probably, each of you has encountered a lack of time, energy or other unpleasant factors that prevent you from independently ensuring the cleanliness of the room. Contacting cleaning services sometimes gives rise to doubts: what if they do a poor job with your order or do it “like everyone else,” although you certainly need the best result?

If you contact RusCleaningService, such a problem will not arise! We believe that each customer deserves an individual approach. Our specialists understand that the most unusual things happen in life, difficult situations, and we are able to help you with any of them.

  • Do you need a clean room so urgently that it is too late to agree on a specific day? Our team is ready to visit you right on the day of your order!
  • Do you have children whose health is highly influenced by environmental factors? Or perhaps you yourself have allergies? We care about the health of our customers and their children and in such cases use only hypoallergenic cleaning products that will not cause harm.
  • Is your apartment or office just after renovation and still have some heavy dirt remaining? No problem, we will be happy to help you.
  • Is the room occupied during the daytime, but cleaning is urgently needed? We carry out night work if necessary.
  • Have you discovered micropollution that you think no one will take care of? We are ready to eliminate him too.
  • Was there a fire in the premises recently? We will put things in order, clean up after the fire, and you will forget about this trouble.
  • Perhaps unpleasant odors that are already boring you have settled in your apartment or office? We have taken this into account and can remove them with oxygen. In addition, we completely disinfect apartments after pets!
  • Are there panoramic windows? We can handle washing them easily.
  • The room is decorated with a marble floor and in some places it has cracks? We're ready to clean up.
  • Are you a tenant and want to leave the premises in perfect order after moving out? We are happy to work with such customers.
  • Do you have wool carpets in your apartment or office that require dry cleaning? We undertake this, but only with removal, which in no way reduces the efficiency of the work.

Didn't see your problem in the above? Don’t be upset, our specialists will approach working with you with full responsibility and determine the optimal solution.

Looking for a personalized approach that takes into account a wide variety of situations? You have already found it: don’t hesitate and contact RusCleaningService! We will take into account all your wishes and perform the work efficiently and promptly.

The Zemand company provides an individual approach to each client. What is it? The price and lead time will vary depending on the preferences and capabilities of our customers. We always take into account customer requirements and develop individual projects.

How is the price determined?

We cannot tell you the exact cost of renovating your bathroom and toilet over the phone. Any professional will explain to you that the price of work is determined based on many factors, and only deceivers strive to average the cost of repairs.

So, what influences individual pricing?

  • Customer wishes.
  • Room dimensions.
  • The original condition of the bathroom and toilet.
  • Season.
  • Property location.
A logical question may arise: how does the time of year affect the cost of repairs? We explain. During a certain period, our company offers customers increased discounts. This is due to seasonal busyness.

In addition, the cost of work also depends on the location of the object that we have to repair. This is due not only to the location within the Moscow Ring Road or beyond it. It happens that several objects are located nearby, so it is much more convenient to move tools and missing materials, as well as perform auxiliary work with the help of nearby craftsmen, and it is easier for the foreman to control the repair process at different objects. Based on this, it is more profitable to conclude an agreement for the renovation of premises near other objects than for the same work, but at a site at the other end of the city. Accordingly, we can offer Better conditions and to the customer.

Another factor in pricing is the work itself. The profitability and complexity of different jobs varies. The market is structured in such a way that in some cases complex work can cost less than easier work. It is more profitable for both us and the craftsmen to produce quickly expensive work than doing cheap ones for a long time. Therefore, for work that is profitable for us, we can offer a large discount to interest the customer.

The exact cost of repairing a bathroom and toilet is determined by an estimator after direct communication with the customer. An individual approach in this case means that all the client’s wishes are taken into account, as well as the factors described above, and a price is derived that suits both the customer and us.

Loyalty programs from Zemand

In order to offer you even more profitable cooperation with our company, we are organizing a special loyalty program.

  • We offer permanent discounts, which can be found in more detail here.
  • After the first order, our clients receive a special card with a 10% discount on subsequent work.
  • From time to time we organize promotions, by participating in which our customers receive additional bonuses.
We do not sell a specific product at a specific price. We provide personalized services that cannot be averaged. We approach each order with special care and take into account all the wishes of our clients. We ask you to contact us by phone to call an estimator and set a specific price for work on your home. Remember that no reputable company has the right to tell you the exact cost of repairs over the phone without visiting the site. Zemand respects its customers and values ​​its reputation, so we will never do this. Only an individual approach!

What does the client want? Marketers have been asking this question for a long time, and only in last decade Thanks to new technologies, many companies are developing an individual approach to each client. Technological and marketing trends, if they do not answer the question about the client’s desires 100%, allow this to be assumed with high probability. Let's figure out how it works.

Golden Key

How to guess the client’s desires in order to be truly useful to him? This question today is becoming fundamental for most financial organizations, retail and for any customer-oriented business that wants to be successful.

And this is where personalization, or, in other words, customization, comes to the rescue. First of all, this is an individual approach to each client, based on knowledge specifically about him and making it possible to offer what he really wants. In this situation, both the client and the company win.

How does this work in practice? Here's an example. It is no secret that the domestic financial market has a strict system of restrictions. Bank rates on loans and deposits are strictly regulated by the regulator, and all insurance companies offer almost the same product line at approximately the same rates. How to attract a client under these conditions and arouse his interest? The answer is obvious: you need to offer an individual approach to each client, unique service and individual conditions of service, surround them with care and attention. And for this it is necessary to study the consumer, his behavior, interests, desires.

This is exactly how banks act: they analyze cash receipts on the client’s card, as well as where and how much he spends. Based on this data, the bank offers its products - cashback cards in categories interesting to the client, loans for his purposes, or participation in certain loyalty programs. A “family” attitude is added to the same basket: a 24-hour contact center, chat, holiday greetings, and so on.

Analyzingcustomer data, for a very a short time you can choose an offer that will be beneficial to him.

Another example

Returning to payment cards - now this is the most popular banking product. The bank always strives to ensure that customers increase their card turnover. And clients, in turn, are interested in receiving certain privileges - cashback, discounts, and so on. And here the essence of personalization is to make the client an appropriate offer for those products or categories that will motivate the client to make a purchase using the card. For some it will be pharmacies, for others - gas stations, for others - restaurants of a certain brand. As a result, everyone is happy: the bank’s turnover increases, clients receive cashback or a discount.

Individual approach to each client: Portrait of a phenomenon

Personalization is the very point where the benefits of the client and the company converge.

Essentially, it is a way of communicating between a brand and a person, based on building communication and sales taking into account the interests, needs and goals of the client. Thanks to this, he receives only those offers that are truly interesting to him and which he is ready to take advantage of. In turn, the company can count on additional income. Therefore, today personalization is a very common and successful tool for almost any business.

In fact, this concept is not new at all. However, this trend only took off in the last 10 years, replacing the so-called mass production. So, if earlier companies, when creating a product, sought to ensure that everyone liked it, today something else is more important - so that the products most accurately meet the desires of everyone.

Key points

The final goal that companies strive for is always the same - to increase sales and loyalty of their customers.

But before that you need to understand:

  1. What product does the client need?
  2. What price for the product will suit this particular client?
  3. How and through what channel to convey information to the client?
  4. When should this information be conveyed (A good spoon for dinner!)?
  5. How to communicate with a client correctly? Via SMS, online services or in person?

Modern information technologies and data analysis tools make it possible to achieve these goals. The effectiveness of their application depends on the amount of data available to the company and its field of activity. The latter is especially important because it determines how a person makes a decision to purchase or not purchase a product or service. For example, giants such as Amazon, by analyzing data and understanding the client, can in a very short time select the most relevant offer that will be beneficial to both the client and the company. It is also important to understand that the company must have not only technology, but also an assortment from which you can choose exactly what suits a particular client.

Therefore, an individual approach to each client, in general, lies in the intersection of the functionality of customer data analysts and product line development specialists. In each individual company, the bias can be made in any direction - it depends mainly on what has already been implemented in it.

The secret of the magic wand

Certainly, modern technologies not ideal and not omnipotent. There is no such system today artificial intelligence, which, after studying all the information, will tell us with 100% accuracy what the client wants.

But there are already powerful methods and data analysis tools with which we can get significantly closer to answering this question. One of the most popular technologies today is what experts call “the magic of smart data.” What it is?

Essentially, this is the ability to process a huge amount of information and draw conclusions about the client based on his behavior.

Almost all successful online stores actively use this. For example, when entering the website of the pet store Petshop, the system automatically determines from which device the user entered and from which city. Based on these characteristics, it is already possible to draw conclusions about the client’s solvency and interest. Thanks to the CRM program, the online store already has data on what purchases the client has made in the past, and it automatically offers to repeat them.

In addition, if a customer constantly buys cat products, he will not be offered to buy dog ​​products. In addition, the algorithm calculates the time after which the client will need to buy a new portion, for example, food, and 1-2 weeks before this date sends a reminder that the pet will soon be without food. IN modern world, when a person has a lot of worries, it is not only convenient, but also useful. Of course, the client will appreciate this attitude and order a new product in one click.

In general, Internet sites are a real storehouse of information about the client: profile on social networks and search queries, products that the user viewed in online stores and which he did not view, closing the page immediately after logging in, purchase history, music that the client listens to, and even video , which he looks at - all the information is stored in the data cloud.

The RTB (Real Time Bidding) direction allows you to offer an individual product to those whom the company does not yet know. And for this, information is used from third-party sites: news sites, search engines and, of course, social networks.

Video “We are increasing customer loyalty and sales levels. CRM – individual approach to the client":

Insurance according to an individual plan

In the insurance business, the issue of personalization of offers is already on the agenda, but we are still at the beginning of the journey. Most experts believe that the development of this trend can, over time, completely change the insurance industry and attract a large number of people, including those who this moment does not consider insurance products to be a priority.

For example, now most insurance companies have established products in their portfolio and it is generally clear in what part of them they can be personalized. The main problem is that, on the one hand, the insurance business still has a fairly limited product line, and on the other, the culture of consuming insurance products is not as developed as, for example, in the banking sector. Therefore, it is so important to find out what customers (both current and potential) want in general, and then develop and offer them exactly these products.

We at GELAXY are confident that building an individual approach to the client, to his logistics requirements, business characteristics, taking into account all wishes is an important component of high-quality logistics service.

Individual approach to the client is our special technology, in which prices, service and logistics are built around our client and he is the center of gravity in our galaxy.

There is not a single operator in the logistics market that has something unique. As soon as an operator appears on the market that offers something unique, another one immediately appears, making it unique under its own brand.

Therefore, high-quality service and an individual approach provide our sustainable competitive advantage.

We live in a time when often the only difference between products and services that a customer is able to see is the difference in quality of service. But it is precisely this difference that creates for our client positive attitude and affinity for the company and our products and services.

The task of our employees is to create trust in the GELAXY company and the emotional comfort that a client should experience when communicating with representatives of our company.

Today's GELAXY clients are loyal to our company and trust us, and it is the individual approach, high-quality service and professional management that allow us to achieve this.

The trust and loyalty of our clients is our absolute asset. We intend to continue to invest significantly in this asset and strengthen our position in today's markets.

GALAXY forwarding company was founded in 2007 with the belief that we can set new standards for the logistics industry.

We strive to create a personalized level of service with every shipment.

Each of our clients should feel that he or she is the most important person in the world for us.

We try to make communication with our company convenient and simple, for example, our email address is always ready to receive your request, and our specialists can tell you about the details of cargo delivery. Another very popular service is the provision of information about the movement of cargo.

All these additional services are provided free of charge; we strive to ensure that our clients focus on other tasks and leave the worry of cargo delivery to us.

We look at relationships with clients through the prism of partnership. Our specialists provide consulting services individually to each client and with each order, offering the best delivery routes. We provide a complete logistics solution and look forward to a long-term relationship.