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Optimal male size. Normal length of the penis. What affects the parameters of male dignity

The normal length of the penis makes its representative self-confident. The penis and scrotum are the external genital organs in the male body. The basis of the penis (penis) includes erectile and cavernous tissues, consisting of a group of smooth muscle fibers. The latter tissue consists of three sections: two cavernous corpuscles (they are responsible for the rigidity of the penis during an erection) and one spongy corpuscle (it forms the urethra).

All these three groups are one whole system of the male body. Men have a very serious complex about the size of their dignity, this is especially evident in their youth. It happens that boys, being in the locker room with older people and seeing their penis, ask questions: “Isn’t mine small?” “Will mine be the same or more?” Moreover, doubts about size sometimes arise throughout life, but there is one belief: “The bigger the better!”

Even in the age of advanced technology, doubts regarding sufficient length greatly worry the male part of the population. Despite the fact that most of them are of impressive size and are good sexual partners. The thing is that a man sees his organ from above and at an angle, which is why it visually appears shorter, while for others we see it straight and it seems to us that their organ is longer. When the organ is at rest, its size is determined only by the degree of blood filling of the corresponding cavernous bodies.

Each such body is a spongy formation, consisting of several cavities and vessels that react to active substances contained in the blood. Temperature plays a major role in filling the corpora cavernosa with blood. For example, a decrease in air temperature contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, and, consequently, a decrease in blood flow through the cavernous bodies. The same condition is observed when adrenaline is released into the blood as a response to stress. That is why the penis, which a man is accustomed to seeing as large, can shrink many times over.

An increase in temperature promotes the opposite effect, that is, an increase in the size and dilation of blood vessels. The length of the penis of a newborn boy does not exceed 5 cm, and its active growth will begin only at 13 years of age. Male growth usually ends by age 18, but significant changes may still occur before age 25. The average genital organ has a length of 12-18 cm, with a circumference of 10-16 cm. A list of deviations and classification of the phallus from this norm is given below.

There are 3 sizes:

  • Micromember (micropenis) - its size in an erect state does not exceed 2-3 cm.
  • Small penis - erect length less than 9 cm.
  • Normal penis - its normal penis length in an excited state exceeds 9 cm.

The normal length of the penis is 10 cm, and if someone has it less, then this is a micropenis, which was mentioned above. Penises of 10-12 cm are small, but with skillful handling, a woman can be satisfied with them. A length exceeding 18 cm indicates a large genital organ.

The second important point in the size of the penis is its width. Experts say that this particular indicator is much more important than the previous one. A woman, due to the girth of her dignity, is able to experience a feeling of pleasure, and the width varies in the range of 8-15 cm, the average value of which is 12 cm.

A man is able to take a sexual dignity measurement on his own. To do this, you need to stand on your feet and achieve an erection, bend the phallus to take it into a horizontal position (parallel to the floor). Next, a centimeter or ruler is applied to the organ. The measuring instrument does not need to be pressed directly into the pubis or penis.

Measuring the penis of teenagers is not recommended! Why? Their body is just developing and continues to actively grow. Correct and competent measurement of length: from the pubis to the tip of the head. The thickness of the phallus is determined in the same way, but here you will need a measuring tape, thread or even a strip of paper. In a state of full erection, you need to grab the middle section of the penis with a measuring device and find out its girth.

What is the normal penis size, can it be enlarged or reduced?

Not everyone knows what the normal penis size is, since men often underestimate their dignity. Representatives of the fair sex pay too much attention to the classification developed by them, by which the length of the male genital organs can be determined. They believe that the length of their legs, fingers, feet or even nose is relevant, but in reality this is not the case.

The only thing that plays a role in determining the length of the penis is the person’s build, and not the size of the shoes he wears. As for the height of men, experts have not come to a consensus. Some believe that height affects the size of the penis, while others believe quite the opposite and share the opinion that young people of average height have large penises. The penis is fully formed before the age of 25 and, provided there is a normal level of testosterone, it will reach the genetically prescribed size by this time. In the future, the penis will not change in any way, regardless of changes in overall body weight. However, there is another one hundred percent factor that influences the length of the organ: weightlifting at a young age, since these physical activities affect the development of the genitals.

Factors that directly determine the normal penis size:

  1. Genetics (predisposition) - each race is different, has characteristic average values ​​of dignity that differ from others.
  2. Growth and development - male puberty begins at 13 years of age and ends at approximately 18-20 years of age. The process can drag on only if the body experiences a lack of hormones, but otherwise by the age of 20 the organ reaches its proper size.
  3. Obesity is the most terrible factor causing mirror disease. Most people believe that fat men's genitals become thinner and dry out, but this is actually not the case. The reduction of the penis is just a visual effect, which is influenced by the fat layer in the pubic area. Experts have calculated that every extra 6 kg of fat contributes to a visual reduction in dignity by 1 centimeter.
  4. Sociological factors are a psychological problem or barrier that cannot be overcome.
  5. Poor ecology - heavily polluted atmosphere (aggressive chemical compounds).
  6. Unhealthy diet - high content of herbicides and pesticides in food.

In medical practice, there are several ineffective ways to increase dignity. There are a lot of super-mega effective gadgets on the Internet, such as patches and lubricants, all sorts of sexual gymnastics exercises or vacuum pumps, which are actually absolutely useless. Vacuum pumps, of course, can give an extra centimeter, but will that really be enough?

More recently, extenders have migrated from Europe, giving more or less desirable results. Urologists use a special frame that helps stretch the penis. It must be worn for several hours every day without a break, thereby lengthening the penis. Most experts claim that extenders are invisible under clothing, and the results are quite good. When wearing the device for a period of 4-6 months, you can achieve a physiological increase of 2-4 centimeters. Quite a large number of private clinics are increasingly offering surgical operations that will help enlarge the penis.

It involves making a small incision in the ligament that supports the penis. After this and the rehabilitation course, the phallus hangs a little more, which provides a slight increase in length, both in an excited and normal state. Quite often, men who have a large phallus want to make it somewhat smaller. It can be uncomfortable for them, especially in the case of “unforeseen” excitement and there is no other way out but to reduce it.

The only option is surgery, but there is a high risk of failure. It is not recommended to resort to intervention if the urologist does not consider this measure necessary. Penis size is purely digital data that simply makes up a couple of marks on the rulers. Sexual performance has nothing to do with the size of the phallus, nor does it have anything to do with a man’s ability to satisfy women.

An effective way, without surgery or physical exercise, is to use proven creams and medications. No surgery, pumps or extenders. List of drugs recommended by doctors:

Natural gel containing succinic acid, promoting tissue stretching and growth of the penis. Painless and effective option.

Cream - 5 essential oils, active pectins and microelements have a beneficial effect on penile tissue. which affects its size. No surgeries or stretching.

It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and stop focusing on this problem. As for the “normal” size of male pride, this is a relatively vague indicator. Some men cope well with a 15-centimeter organ and satisfy a woman with it, while for others even 20 centimeters may not be enough. Therefore, size doesn’t really matter, because the average phallus can send your partner to seventh heaven.

Interested , average penis size? Want to know if you meet generally accepted standards? In this case, you can simply study special tables and statistical data on the male genital organs in centimeters. Quite often, men console themselves with the generally accepted phrase “size doesn’t matter,” but in reality they continue to worry about their manhood. However, not everyone knows what the average optimal size of the phallus is, and how the most common size of the sexual organ is calculated.

Average penis size for Russian men

The most common data shows the size of the penis in an erect state, but there is also information about the average parameters of the penis in a calm state. The trick is that measurements are made in several stages, because the size depends on various factors (for example, the number of years a man has lived, the ambient temperature, the degree of physical activity during the day, and so on).

In order to eliminate various errors, do not be lazy to measure the genital organ several times a day:

  • in the morning after performing hygiene procedures;
  • upon returning from work, that is, in the evening;
  • after waking up in the morning;
  • after physical activity.
  • at lunch;

Measurements must be taken along the upper part of the genital organ; it is best to use a centimeter tape for these purposes. After that, add up all the numbers you got for the day and divide them by the number of measurements. The resulting result will be the most accurate length of the penis. To determine the size of the penis in an excited state, it is better to use a flexible ruler. Place the base of such a device on the pubic bone, measurements are taken to the last point of the head. The average size in this case is considered to be 10-16 cm.

After this, you can compare the standard adopted in Russia and your own size. The data was obtained on the basis of statistical surveys, so they are quite approximate (if you have concluded that the generally accepted standards are larger than your size, do not rush to resort to surgical enlargement of the penis, first weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision).

The normal male size in Russia is 13 cm (plus or minus 1 centimeter). Survey data show that 60 percent of the stronger sex have exactly these parameters. Of course, such information was not obtained as a result of measurements, so we can only rely on the honesty of the male representatives. As for the remaining respondents, they were divided between large and small parameters (for example, several percent of men indicated a size greater than 18 centimeters).

For comparison, the owners of the largest genital organs are the inhabitants of Congo and Ecuador (where the length of the penis in men reaches 18 cm). As for the smallest world standards, Korea can be singled out in this regard: in this country, the average size of the genital organ reaches 9.5 centimeters.

Thus, we have given the average size of male genital organs in Russia. It should be remembered that these data are very approximate, because it is unlikely that the measurements were carried out according to all the rules. If you still decide to increase the size of your manhood, you can think about surgery and other, less radical methods (for example, using special creams).

Men tend to worry about the size of their assets and compare their length and thickness with each other. This topic has become so relevant that scientists are seriously thinking about the average penis size in the world. They came to interesting conclusions about how environment and culture may influence the length of the penis of different ethnicities.

Studies conducted around the world have shown that the average indicators for people of different races are distributed approximately in the following ratio: in Negroids the size of the genital organ reaches 17 cm, in Caucasians - 13 cm, in Mongoloids - 10 cm.

These figures are average. Representatives of the same race living in different territories may have greater or lesser deviations.

If we look at the length of the penis by country, we can see that in China this parameter will be the smallest. Many representatives of the stronger sex in this country cannot boast of a manhood larger than 9.5 cm. However, the majority of the country's residents, as well as their partners, are satisfied with such sizes.

The Japanese and Koreans are also considered to have small genitals. Scientists explain this physique feature for several reasons:

  • Small stature and modest build compared to other inhabitants of the planet.
  • The influence of traditional social principles, according to which the possibility of interethnic marriages was excluded.

The last factor is considered very significant, since it led to the impoverishment of the nation’s genetic fund. It has been noted that among representatives of Southeast Asia born in mixed marriages, the penis reaches the average statistical norm of 12.5-13 cm.

But not all people from this part of the world suffer from insufficient manhood. Thus, representatives of the stronger sex among the Tatars and Kazakhs can safely boast of average. Residents of the Caucasus and southwestern regions of Asia are breaking records for the parameters of the genital organs on the continent - their penis reaches 14.5 cm.

The group of happy inhabitants of the southern countries is joined by men from Saudi Arabia and other regions of the Middle East with average.

But, according to prevailing stereotypes, blacks have the longest penises in the world. Most often, however, this fact turns out to be a simple myth that appeared thanks to the directors of films for adults.

Some superiority of men living in countries with black populations can be explained by tradition mi. In many tribes, the body is given special attention. In addition to the various decorations adopted in each community, they resort to artificial stretching of the penises of boys from a young age, hanging a weight from these organs. But this method of enlarging the penis also has negative consequences - a long penis has a very small diameter - 5-6 cm.

Residents of Europe occupy an intermediate position between immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Their penises have an average size of 13 cm. But there are exceptions here: Scandinavian men surprise many with their genitals, reaching 17.5 cm.

Scientists tend to explain this phenomenon by the large physique of the stronger sex in those countries, as well as their large stature.

Americans, like northern peoples, do not fit into European statistics, although most of them have roots in this part of the world.

Men living in the United States have penises on average reaching 15-15.5 cm. The reason for this is considered to be the mixed marriages of the first settlers from the Old World with the aborigines, which led to changes at the genetic level.

Despite the statistics, the length of each man's penis depends on these indicators in his family, as well as the characteristics of his life.

How to determine the length of the penis

Many men, having read the official statistics, will try to determine for themselves whether they meet the standard.

You can do this at home using a regular ruler. You will need a calm environment, the absence of strangers and a few free minutes.

The length of the penis can only be measured in an erect state.

The penis is placed parallel to the floor and a ruler is applied to it. This stationery can be replaced with a measuring tape, which is also suitable for determining the diameter of the penis.

Experts advise taking measurements several times a day in order to, by adding up the numbers obtained and dividing by the number of attempts, get the most accurate result. Urologists also remind that fat deposits on the abdominal wall affect the length of the penis.

What affects the parameters of male dignity

In addition to excess weight, which significantly conceals several centimeters from the penis of a representative of the stronger sex, as well as genetic predisposition, there are other reasons that prevent this organ from being far from the desired length or thickness.

Body type

Regardless of race, an indicator such as a man’s height affects the size of his penis.

This pattern was identified a long time ago and confirmed by many years of observations.

However, there are exceptions here: dwarfs who have abnormal height for their age have a normal masculinity.

Trauma or amputation

As a result of an accident or a serious illness, a man may completely or partially lose his penis. In this case, modern plastic surgery will help him.

Alcohol abuse and smoking

Substances contained in alcoholic beverages and nicotine negatively affect the potency of the stronger sex, disrupting the blood supply to the genital organ.

The factors listed above are equally reflected in the size of the penises of men of different nationalities.

As stress levels increase and the number of people suffering from addictions around the world increases, statistical averages may decline.

How to enlarge the penis at home

For representatives of the stronger sex who are dissatisfied with the parameters of their dignity, plastic surgery in rare cases is the only option.

Surgery is resorted to only in cases of serious pathologies or loss of the penis in the event of injury. Otherwise, products for home use are effective.


This device in the form of a plastic ring, a pair of rods and a silicone rubber band for fixing the head of the genital organ has become widespread as a possible method of increasing the length and diameter of the male penis.

At home or in any other convenient place. It is secured to the penis, creating slight tension.

As a result of regular exercise for 5-6 hours a day for six months, you can notice a result in the form of an increase of 1-2 cm.

The positive effect is achieved by stretching and increasing the volume of the cavernous bodies of the penis, which fill with blood in an excited state.


In order for the penis to become larger, it is recommended to do complex exercises at home, combining impact on the genital organ with your hands, as well as the use of additional devices.

Before training, it is important to take a shower to warm up the skin, apply a lubricant to the penis that increases blood supply to the tissues, and choose the most comfortable position.

Smooth passages along the body of the penis with the thumb and forefinger closed into a ring will help increase the length. Experts recommend making movements carefully, without excessive pressure, lingering at the extreme point and lightly. Only slight tension should be felt as a result of the stretch. The exercise is repeated 10 times in 3 approaches.

You can simultaneously influence the width and length of your manhood by achieving a little arousal by pulling your penis back and sitting on top of it.

This effect will help change the size of the organ due to pressure on the tissue.

Such activities will help strengthen a man’s sexual function, become more self-confident, and bring greater pleasure to his partner. Penis size should change noticeably after regular exercise over several months.

Air or water pump

Both devices have the same principle of action: the penis is stretched under the influence of rarefied pressure inside the flask, from which the air has been pumped out.

It consists of a plastic cylinder, to one end of which a rubber hose with a bulb is attached, and on the other there is a rubber gasket that holds the penis.

The penis, heated and lubricated with a special ointment, is inserted into the flask and the maximum permissible pressure is created, at which the man feels a slight stretch.

Air pumps sometimes receive negative reviews from users because they lead to unpleasant cosmetic effects: thin blood vessels on the surface of the skin burst, forming small bruises on the penis.

Immediately after the procedure, unnatural redness of the tissues is observed. Inappropriate use of a vacuum pump leads to loss of sensitivity.

To avoid unpleasant side effects, a hydropump was developed that significantly mitigates the effects of a low-pressure environment by filling the flask with warm water. The only drawback of this device is that it can only be used at home in the shower or bath.

Special food

Every man can strengthen his health, and, consequently, transform the sexual organ, significantly increasing potency.

For those who take various measures to enlarge the penis, it is important to consume more foods containing protein every day: cottage cheese, chicken eggs, meat dishes, nuts.

In this case, you should forget about fatty foods and large amounts of flour.

Ancillary drugs

Recently, on the Internet you can find many sites advertising miraculous creams for penis enlargement.

The manufacturer claims that an increase of 2-3 cm will be noticeable after just a few uses.

In fact, the natural components of such products as or enhance erection and sensitivity of the sexual organ.

By improving blood circulation in the tissues, the length and diameter of the penis may change. These gels are recommended to be used not only before sexual intercourse to impress your partner, but also during various exercises.

Average statistical data around the world suggests that the size of the penis of representatives of the stronger sex depends on race, which is largely explained from the point of view of genetics.

But mixed marriages and changes in living conditions have a significant impact on the offspring, leading to a violation of statistically average norms.

In addition, a man can always change the parameters of his penis thanks to simple exercises and simple devices.

So, what is the normal penis size for a man to feel absolutely happy? What sizes of penises are there in nature (width, average or normal) and what can be fit into the concept of “average penis size”. We draw attention to these and other important points in this article, and will also help men understand that the largest penis size is not considered an exceptional advantage among women. The secret is simple, the main sexual “organ” in men, according to ladies, is the mind!

However, it is impossible to leave alone the moment that worries the representatives of the stronger sex most, so the article will discuss the average sizes of the penis, penis volume, circumference, width, size and the concept of average parameters.

Are doubts in vain?

The overwhelming majority of men believe that the normal length of the penis should be considered from 17-18 centimeters, or even more. They are haunted by the advertised 25 centimeters of a virtual penis in photos of porn sites, but doctors are forced to cool down the intensity of passions and state the facts - those men who can boast of such impressive sizes account for no more than 1% of the entire population of the Earth, if we count only the stronger half humanity. And it cannot be considered standard or normal at all!

Therefore, the rest have to be content with the average size of the penis, its length and width, so to speak, according to the average version.

Most men, completely without reason, bring themselves to a nervous breakdown, believing that their 13-14 cm penis is a reason to be embarrassed, especially when meeting a new woman for the first time.

Fearing misfires, they minimize sexual intercourse (up to once a month, or even a year), which, of course, does not add optimism and potency. But sometimes you need to choose a position (woman on top most often) so that the completeness of penetration is sufficient and normal to complete full-fledged coitus.

According to surveys, only a third of men are satisfied with the length of the penis, the rest consider their penis size to be below normal and at all costs want to increase it, sometimes agreeing to very extravagant methods that people voice on various thematic forums. Adjusting to the self-invented standard of 17-18 cm, men purchase special equipment, do exercises, buy packs of dignity-enhancing drugs, and even decide to undergo the most dangerous operations. But few people are able to really realize that small penis size, or micropenis, occurs in very small cases.

Most men consider their penis to be smaller than normal

A person who believes that his penis length does not fit the concept of “average penis size” can familiarize himself with the data provided by WHO statistics.

The table of average penis sizes fully reflects the entire reality that actually exists, regardless of the bravado of individual individuals. A photo of the average penis size on the Internet can complement what is written in the table.

Penis length during erection\cm

Amount in% (male part of the planet)

As you can see, the average penis size is by no means menacing in size, and those who can be considered sexual giants account for a tiny number of people.

The leaders are those men whose penis is within 15-18 cm, so the lion's share of all male anxieties and psychological discomfort about the length and width of the penis is simply far-fetched and has no basis.

Not from cutlets, but from years

Teenagers are most prone to worry about the small size of their penis. That is why it is advisable for parents to discuss this topic with the boy in time and talk about the real average figures for the width and length of the penis, depending on the age of the person. The fear of a teenager during the transition period may be quite justified, since often more developed friends begin to brag about how large their penises have grown, how powerful in width. It is worth looking at this calmly, the development of the male body follows a strictly individual schedule and does not always mean that the small age indicator of length and width will remain the same in the future.

For one man, puberty began at the age of 9, for another only at 14, so the growth of the penis will be uneven. For example, the normal size of a boy’s penis at 11 years old with an erection is only 4-8.5 cm, it “grows” to 13 cm at 13-14 years old, and already at 18 years old one can observe a normal standard average size in a teenager of 12.5-16 cm .

In addition to the length, the width of the penis (girth) also changes. The maximum length of the male genital organ is indicated by the age of 17, but subsequently it may decrease slightly due to the increasing width (thickening) of the penis. After 20 years, the penis practically does not change and remains with a normal average size or with slight deviations from the average. The width is also unchanged.

Penis growth in men is observed up to 20 years of age.

What is the average size of the phallus in men who have reached 50-60? Unfortunately, as age makes itself felt, not only libido and the amount of testosterone in the blood decrease, and erections become more sluggish, but also negative dynamics of penile growth are observed. Of course, you shouldn’t think that the previous 17 cm will be reduced by exactly half and will “lose weight” significantly, but a centimeter and a half loss can be quite expected.

By the age of 70, the average size of a man's penis undergoes even more changes, which is associated with the natural decline of sexual life; for most men, sex becomes a memory, so they use the penis exclusively for one-sided purposes.

Female cunning, or “Members of the nations of the world”

Does the stability of family well-being depend on the size of the penis and its width? Contrary to what men believe, sex plays an important role for women, although this is not talked about openly.

According to the survey, almost 50% of women who decided to divorce did so due to dissatisfaction with their husband regarding his performance of marital responsibilities. One of the good reasons is the reduction in penis size, low penetration, loose girth and, as a result, the inability to achieve a full orgasm.

Many centimeters or few - the decision is strictly individual, and you certainly should not calculate the size of the penis by hand or pay attention to the size of the leg.

What is the penis size of men of different nationalities? The average length dimensions still fluctuate between 13-16 cm, below you can find out the specific parameters:

  • Congo – 17.8.
  • Iceland – 16.5.
  • Italy – 15.
  • Chile – 14.
  • Russia – 13.5.
  • India – 10.1.
  • Korea – 9.6.

The size of a man's penis depends on his nationality.

As you can see, the normative averages are far from what they are trying to impose on men on the Internet. Even the recognized owners of large penises living in West Africa have dimensions that are far from the imposed 25 cm. Russian men also do not stand out from their role, although they believe that they cannot compete with the temperamental Italians.

It is noteworthy that men from countries with very high birth rates have very modest average sizes and are at the very bottom of the list. This once again proves that sex and the average size of the penis, its length and width, is a purely individual phenomenon and certainly does not become an obstacle to procreation.

Whether a penis is large or very modest in average size, a man cannot always independently assess the degree to which he is attractive to a woman. It is important to remember that ladies evaluate a partner not only by the average length and width of the reproductive organ, but also by the ability to control it, by how much the man cares about the partner herself and her emotional state. And certainly a table of penis sizes will not help if two people simply do not suit each other in terms of personal qualities.

Dissatisfaction with yourself, suspiciousness, fear of not satisfying your partner properly - all this is just a reason to work on yourself, perhaps with the help of a psychologist, and not an unbridled desire to increase the length and width through dubious folk remedies or surgery.

Of course, every man pays great attention to his penis, because the latter is of great importance in terms of self-esteem and communication with the opposite sex. For this reason, almost all representatives of the stronger half of humanity are concerned about the answer to the question of what is the optimal size of the penis.

Opinions about the ideal parameters of manhood have changed repeatedly throughout history until modern standards were finally developed. What is the optimal penis size will be discussed in the article below.

In the heyday of the first developed civilizations (we are talking about Ancient Rome and Greece), the ideal penis size was 10-. This was explained by the fact that it is precisely these parameters that allow neither the woman nor the man to experience any unpleasant sensations during intimacy. However, the fashion for small penis size did not last long and sank into oblivion along with the fall of ancient civilization.

New ideas about beauty were brought by barbarian peoples, among whom a large penis was associated with masculinity and was an attribute of a real warrior. Probably, it was precisely because of the ideas of the inhabitants of the early Middle Ages that later humanity developed a stereotype that the most ideal penis size was more than 15 centimeters.

Such parameters began to be actively cultivated in the minds of large groups of people during the period of the sexual revolution, which hit the world in the middle of the last century. The most zealous people who took up the popularization of long penises were porn directors who invited people with truly gigantic penises to play roles in their films. Because of this, in the future, many men began to worry about the discrepancy between the length of their dignity and the size that actors from adult films could boast of.

However, recently a number of studies on what the optimal length of the penis should be, as well as numerous surveys of women, have completely dispelled such stereotypes. It turned out that the standards imposed by the porn industry, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the real state of affairs.

Ideal dimensions of manhood: what scientists say about it

Modern scientists began to look for an answer to the question of what the ideal penis size is around the 1980s. First, they classified all penises by shape. So, in their opinion, male dignity can be:

  • cylindrical. Such a member is characterized by almost equal circumference of both the base and the head;
  • mushroom-shaped. Penises of this shape are characterized by a rather narrow base and an overly wide head;
  • pointed. In this case, the base is much more massive and voluminous than the head, which is why the penis takes on the appearance of a spear tip.

Also, leading sexologists have developed a line of members according to their length. You can see this data in the following table:

Recent works by the staff of the French National Academy of Surgery should still shed light on what is the optimal penis size. The research result somewhat surprised supporters of the theory that “the more, the better.” It turned out that the average size of the penis fluctuates within 13-, and its volume is about 10 cm during erection.

Afterwards, a series of studies were carried out, the ultimate goal of which was to find out what the ideal penis size is. It took more than one year to determine the optimal dimensions. The parameters of male dignity of representatives of various races and nationalities were analyzed, during which it turned out that Negroids can boast the largest average length, while Mongoloids have a small penis.

These data almost completely coincide with the results obtained by American and British scientists. Sexologists from the United States came to the conclusion that the most optimal penis size is 15 cm, and representatives of the United Kingdom called the average size 14 cm.

What sizes do women like?

However, the last word in assessing the optimal penis length always remains with the fair half of humanity, because these parameters are extremely important for them when choosing a partner for sex. What is the optimal length, according to women, for a penis in fighting condition?

As the American scientists already mentioned above assure, girls give preference to members whose size is not much larger than the statistical average. We also draw your attention to the fact that when conducting these studies, it turned out that only those women who are just preparing to enter into a close relationship with their chosen one think about what the ideal penis size is. Girls who have been married for a long time practically do not pay attention to this nuance.

To ensure the accuracy of the experiment, employees of several universities 3D printed over 30 models of erect penises of various lengths and shapes. The phallus of an ordinary American with the following dimensions was taken as a basis:

  1. length – a little more than 15 cm;
  2. volume – 12.5 cm.

Participants in the experiments were asked to choose, among all this variety, the optimal penis size for sex (moreover, a gradation was assumed for intimacy for one night and for long-term sexual intercourse). The responses from the majority of the 75 women revealed that the ideal size of a man's penis for casual sex is larger than that for a serious relationship.

A good size for one-day affairs was recognized as 16 cm, which exceeds the average by approximately 1 cm. For regular sexual contacts, the most optimal length of the penis is 15.5 cm, which almost completely coincides with the results that American sexologists obtained when calculating the average size of the penis organ. The optimal indicator is within 12.5 cm.

According to sexologists, the choice of longer-term relationships is due to the fact that women, on a subconscious level, try to protect themselves from possible unpleasant sensations associated with the penetration of giant-length penises. Scientists also remind us that the psychological component is primarily important for women during sex, so when they fall in love, they do not pay attention to the size of their partner’s phallus.

At the same time, a higher indicator of the optimal length of the penis for one-night stand suggests that girls are not averse to experimenting and adding variety to their intimate life. It is also likely that the desire to have a relationship with a man with a large penis is associated with a woman’s instinctive desire to submit to a dominant male with pronounced primary sexual characteristics.

Well, to summarize, it is worth noting that about 40% of respondents prioritized not the optimal size of the genital organ, but its shape and aesthetic appearance. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that if you want to succeed with the opposite sex, you must carefully care for your manhood.

When should you resort to surgical penis enlargement?

As we can see from all of the above, the ideal penis length, according to girls, is quite comparable to the average results, so the vast majority of men should not think about enlarging the penis.

The only exception is the owners of the so-called micropenises, who may experience both physical and psychological discomfort from the unsatisfactory dimensions of their phallus.

The best solution in this case would be for them to contact an experienced surgeon who will be able to lengthen the penis using the muscles of the groin area. However, in pursuit of the optimal size of the male penis, one should not forget about the possible risks. Thus, at an advanced age or with serious illnesses, it would be prudent to refuse such interventions and try other methods.

We should not forget that after such operations ugly scars may remain (therefore, the best option would be the scrotal augmentation method, which leaves virtually no scars), and the end result will not always please the patient.

Curious facts

To conclude our discussion of what is the optimal penis size, we offer several interesting facts related to the topic of this conversation. First of all, let's say that women in the post-Soviet space are in solidarity with American women in assessing penises. This is evidenced by the fact that 80% of girls from the CIS consider the optimal size of a man’s penis to be 15 cm.

The following should also be highlighted:

  • 42% of our compatriots pay attention to the thickness of the penis, and not to the length. They explain this by the fact that optimal volume guarantees much more pleasant sensations from physical intimacy with a man;
  • height, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the size of the penis. Optimal dimensions of the phallus can be observed in both tall and short males;
  • Condom manufacturers say that only 4% of men have a penis larger than 18 centimeters. The average length varies between 14-16 cm.

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