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Official invitation to the event. Invitation letter, sample. Wedding invitation in English

In business relationships, invitation letters to events are often used. Conferences, exhibitions, interviews and various performances in orally There are practically no offers to visit. An official notice allows you not only to remember the date, but also to express respect to another person.

If you draw up an official invitation to an event incorrectly, it will not fully fulfill its main functions. The letter must contain sufficient information.

Invitation letter – what is it and what is its role?

A business letter with an invitation text is a way of notifying about an event. The notification may be about a conference, charity evening, concert, seminar, interview or any other action related to certain events.

What functions does an official letter perform?

  • Makes it possible to notify a person about an upcoming event or important event.
  • Confirms that the person was really invited to a certain place, thanks to which unnecessary mistakes can be avoided.
  • It is a means of reminding about the place and time of the event.

Instructions for writing an invitation letter

What do you need to indicate in order to correctly draw up an official invitation to an event?

  • The actions of the invited person at the event must be specified.
  • It is impossible to do without specifying the event type. The recipient must understand what to expect during the visit.
  • In any case, the date and exact time of the event, as well as the location, are displayed.
  • In some situations, it is necessary to talk about the contents of the meeting. For example, when inviting a conference, you can specify a list of speakers.
  • Sometimes they ask about plans for attending an event. To find out the exact wishes of the recipient, please inform about this by e-mail, phone call or by any other available method.

Attention: If you need to thank an employee or any other person at an official level, it is recommended to draw up.

As for the design of the invitation letter, there is no standard format for writing it. The notice sent is usually presented in a presentable manner, as opposed to a regular business letter written on plain letterhead. In the case of invitations, high-quality paper, various decorative elements and additional accessories are often used. The text can be handwritten in calligraphic handwriting. Standard business letter forms are used in rare cases.

Ways to send an invitation to an event

There are various ways to deliver a letter to the addressee. Much will depend on the number of people invited, where the recipient lives and some other factors.

What options are there?

  • The first of them is hand-delivered, that is, the letter is handed over personally to the addressee. Instead, you can use courier services.
  • The second option involves sending by mail. If the event is very important, then it is better to send an invitation by a valuable letter, making an inventory of the attachment. IN in this case Delivery times must be taken into account.
  • The third sending method is email. This option is most common when inviting you for an interview. It is used less frequently for attending other events.

Sample invitations to an event

You can use it as a template ready-made samples. They will help you create an official invitation to the event. However, the specifics of a particular letter should be taken into account. The text will largely depend on the type of event being held.

For an interview

On vacant position candidates are most often invited by phone or email. When choosing the second option, information about the organization that wants to attract a person to work, the exact time of the event, as well as a list of documents for review are indicated.

To the exhibition

The text of the invitation to the exhibition should be concise. You should not talk about the event in too much detail. It is only necessary to mention the most important points. The recipient must understand why the exhibition is being organized, what he can see there, and what time he needs to arrive.

To the conference

A conference invitation letter is sent to notify people of the meeting location and timing. When composing the text, it is necessary to take into account the status of the participant. The result should be an information-rich and clearly formulated message.

Let's sum it up

An official letter of invitation to an event allows you to convey to the addressee all the necessary information. He will not have to make an effort to remember the date and time, location and other points that matter. It will be enough for a person to read the text again at any time.

Thus, we can conclude that it is better to write a formal invitation to an event than to contact another person verbally. The advantages of written notice in this case are obvious, so you should not refuse them.

Invitations to informal events can also be issued on postcards, cards, even on themed items. It all depends on the imagination of the organizers. The main thing is to ensure that the flight of this fantasy does not win the dispute with the rules of business etiquette. By the way, most often it is the secretary who has to keep an eye on this... No matter how informal the event is, it is first and foremost a business one, and it will bring together not friends, but business partners. This must always be remembered. Title to the text, or subject of the letter The title to the text is written, as always, the answer to the question “About what?” short, succinct and to the point. If colleagues from another organization are invited to a meeting, then the title will be “About the meeting”, if to a press conference, then “About the press conference” and so on. Text of the invitation letter The text of this type of letter is usually short and purely informative.

Invitation to an event: text, design

You can start with the words: “Dear Ivan Petrovich! We invite you to attend our celebration of the anniversary of the eleventh of July at eighteen o'clock. The celebration will take place in the Prestige cafe at the address: Malinovsky Street, building five.”
If there is a dress code or a masquerade is planned, be sure to notify guests about it! You can approach this issue in a non-standard way, especially if all the invitees are very close and well-known people. Write the text of the invitation in verse. It’s even better if they are of your own composition.
My dear friend, do you want to eat a pie? Red caviar and meat, Drink kvass to your health? Be ready at half past five, And sit down at the table quickly, This table is in the Uyut cafe, Feast and joy await us there! Guests will like such a humorous text; they will definitely smile after reading the contents of the ticket. But it’s better to indicate below the exact address and time to prevent guests from getting into an awkward situation.

How to write an invitation to an event?

Instructions 1 First of all, identify the participles in the active voice. Suffixes will help you do this, with the help of which participles are formed from verbs: -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-.

For example, walking, thinking, lying, smoking. To form past participles, the suffixes -вш-, -ш- are used. For example, thought, expired. Participles in the passive voice cannot be dealt with so easily, because...

they are formed with the help of the suffixes -em-, -im- (readable, persecuted), -en(n)-, -n(n)-, -t- (entrusted, removed, locked).

Do not confuse them with verbal adjectives, because... The participle also agrees with the noun and has gender, number and case. For example, “tired and exhausted, he was escorted home.”


Let's look at the distinctive verbal features of participles in more detail. The participle, like the verb, can be perfect or imperfect (bathed and bathed).

How to write an invitation to a corporate event?

We will be glad to see you! For cooperation Letter No. 1 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, During our meeting at the “Creative Workshop” seminar, which took place in Moscow from October 20-25, you mentioned that the advertising department of your company requires new personnel. I know a person who would be ideal for this position.


In addition to his high professionalism, Alexander’s clients value him for his creative thinking and creative approach. Knowing the direction of your company, I can assume that Alexander will be of interest to you as a future employee.

We invite correctly, or how to prepare and send out invitations

Dear colleagues! We value the responsibility, dedication and efficiency that our employees possess, but at the same time we understand that proper productivity is impossible without good rest. Therefore, we decided to please our employees and arrange a small holiday for them.

This Saturday, (date), we invite you to a corporate picnic, where you can relax, chat with colleagues and enjoy the beauty of nature. A transfer will be organized to the event venue. Collection at (time) near the main entrance to the office.
We hope that you will accept our invitation! Sincerely, management of the company. And finally, the text of the invitation to a corporate holiday can be written in poetic form.

Invitation letter

In European countries, corporate etiquette is different; there it is not customary to address the recipient by name and patronymic. According to our corporate ethics, it is customary to address the invitee by name and patronymic. The second paragraph is informational. It can indicate in what capacity a person is invited to the festive event. The third paragraph is the final one. The time and place of the event and the dress code are indicated here. When composing the text of the invitation, it is necessary to take into account which category of guests it will be addressed to: - we address our colleague with respect and attention; - to the client - with charm; - to the sponsor - with gratitude; - to media representatives - with the desire to interest and leave a lasting impression. The invitation must contain all the necessary instructions for people to participate in the event.

Example text of an invitation to the club's anniversary

The invitation can be designed as a poster in the office. Bright, beautiful. You can arrange for invitations to be presented upon entering the office. The main thing is that the invitation symbolizes the beginning of the holiday for each invitee. Therefore, it must be beautiful and attractive. If a serious corporate event is planned, sending invitations by fax or email is immediately ruled out.
It does not allow you to convey a personal message to the recipient and indicates the sender’s careless attitude towards his guests and his desire to save money. Email can be used to feedback by entering your email address in the RSVP card.

    Event title;

  • The date of the;
  • Short description (2-3 words);
  • Long description (about what, for whom, benefits);
  • Speakers;
  • Program;
  • Address;
  • Directions + types of transport;
  • Duration of the event;
  • Ticket prices;
  • Registration conditions;
  • Organizer name;
  • Contact details of the organizers.

Blocks are selected depending on the scenario. For example, to implement scenario No. 1 we need the “Speakers” block, in the second option “Program” is suitable, for the third we need to take “Long characteristic”.

With the help of this designer you will create a high-quality and selling invitation to an event. What else should you keep in mind when creating an invitation? When creating a text for an invitation to an event, it is advisable to keep a few more points in mind.

Invitation to an event text example

Will be able. Will not be able to │ │ (underline the selected statement) │ │ attend the anniversary of the Tandor company │ │ Number of people │ └─────────────────────── ─── ───────────────────────────────────────── ──────┘ Sample sample ┌──────────────────────────────────────── ───────── │ │ │ │ We ask you to respond no later than June 15, 2011. │ │ │ │ First name, patronymic │ │ │ │ Yes, we will be happy to attend the company award ceremony │ │ “Leader” │ │ Number of people │ │ │ │ No, we cannot attend the company award ceremony │ │ “Leader” │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────── ────────── Dear Oleg Petrovich! We invite you to a festive evening dedicated to the anniversary of our company, which will take place on November 5 at 18.00.

Event invitation text

List of guests who accepted the invitation, indicating the necessary organizational support Table 4. List of guests who rejected invitations WRITING THE TEXT OF THE INVITATION Let us consider in detail the main elements of the invitation text.

Appeal. It wouldn’t be superfluous to order personalized invitations from a printing house with the names of those invited printed (writing them in an empty field is not the best the best option). Addressing the guest must be precise and correct - mistakes are unacceptable here.

There are generally accepted formulas of politeness and etiquette. For example, if the invitee is a foreigner with an academic degree or a doctor, then contacting him on English language will start with Dear Professor or Dear Dr.

If the invitee holds an official government position, then the address should be appropriate: Dear Mr. Minister or Dear Mr. Ambassador.

Invitation to a corporate event text

Sincerely, Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov, Director of the Progress company Dear Igor Petrovich! You have been working in our company for twenty years now and your contribution to the common cause is truly invaluable. We are pleased to invite you to a festive event.

We hope that, surrounded by your colleagues, you will truly enjoy the holiday dedicated to the anniversary of our company. We are waiting for you at the Trajectory restaurant on March 25 at 16.00. The invitation is valid for two people.

Sincerely, Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov, Director of the Progress company Sample sample Official invitation (text) Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! We have the honor to invite you to a celebration dedicated to the anniversary of our company. Ceremonial event will take place at the Akhtuba restaurant on January 25 at 17:00.

An invitation letter is a type of business notification message. Why you need an invitation letter is clear from the name. If you are holding an exhibition, you need to somehow notify partners and other people involved about this, and also motivate them to attend the event. Let's figure out how to do this correctly and correctly.

What to write?

The exhibition invitation letter must invite you to the exhibition. That’s it, it doesn’t serve any other purpose. There is no need to hint that you want to change the terms of cooperation with the invitee, you should not mention any other events and generally raise any issues that are not relevant to the case.

The text of the message should be concise. Don’t talk about the exhibition in too much detail – just mention the most important points. Why is the exhibition being organized, what will happen there? When where? You can briefly mention that the event will be attended by the director of some reputable company. It is permissible to say a few words about the opportunities opening up for exhibitors. All this easily fits into 10–20 sentences (and the text itself usually takes up no more than half of a Word page).

Indicate the event program, if provided. This becomes necessary when holding, for example, an exhibition-presentation. But if at the presentation they will talk about a dozen new models, do not list them all - it is better to limit yourself to a phrase like “several new product lines will be presented.”

How to write?

A letter of invitation is a completely official message, and it is drawn up according to the principles of writing business letters. Use standard addresses and expressions:

  • we invite you (we have the honor to invite you);
  • allow me (let me) invite you;
  • we will (would be) grateful (appreciative, obliged) if you can (could) visit the exhibition;
  • We ask you not to refuse us this courtesy.

The invitation can be sent to all the necessary recipients at once, or you can get confused and write personalized letters. It will take longer, but the response will be warmer. If you are sending a letter to a specific person, use the wording of a personal address: “Dear(s)....”.

And don’t forget the rules for writing the pronoun “you”. When addressing a specific person, write it with a capital letter; when sending a mass mailing or addressing several persons in one letter, write it with a small letter.

Design and details

You can write the invitation on letterhead, but this is not at all necessary. You have the right to choose any “media” - a regular sheet for printing, a cardboard card, a colored form of a non-standard format... Feel free to use artistic design with decorative elements if you want. Patterns, drawings, ornaments - all this is acceptable. Little things like this can greatly increase the attractiveness of a letter.

The list of required details is standard:

  • the name of your organization;
  • basic information and reference data about it (address, code, etc.);
  • date of compilation and registration number;
  • name of the addressee (company name or full name specific person, or both at once);
  • manager's signature;
  • mark about the performer.

A sample invitation letter to the exhibition can be downloaded here.

Like other notification messages, the invitation is drawn up according to a standard template:

  • name and address of your company, other necessary details;
  • contact details (phone, email);
  • appeal (" Dear Sirs!”, “Dear Vladimir Petrovich!”);
  • the invitation itself (“We invite you to take part in the exhibition “...”, which will be held at...”);
  • list of organizers (“Our company is the organizer of this event”);
  • list of presenters (“Companies “...” and “...” will present their products”);
  • basic information (what the exhibition is about, what issues will be discussed, what goals are planned to be achieved);
  • additional information (“You will benefit greatly from this activity because...”);
  • a link to a website where you can register, view more detailed information about the event, etc. (or a phone number where you can call for any clarification);
  • position, full name and signature of the manager;
  • date of.

Don't be afraid to adjust this template if necessary. Nothing terrible will happen if you use other expressions (of course, equally correct) or write a letter in easy, “informal” language. Organizers and presenters may also not be indicated. By the way, some originals even send invitations in poetic form, but not everyone will take this format for granted.

The invitation letter can be duplicated in in electronic format, but there is a high chance that it will simply get lost in the recipient’s mailbox among spam and business correspondence. It is better to use the good old “printed” version.

Letter of invitation to a product exhibition

Dear partners!

On December 20, 2015, the largest exhibition of construction equipment will be held in Moscow.

For the past five years, this event has annually brought together consumers, distributors and manufacturers of unmanned construction droids.

The Robostroy exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to establish business contacts, attract new clients, and find reliable partners. As before, the exhibition will feature stands of participants from Germany, the USA, Japan and the Netherlands, offering the most modern technical solutions.

To visit the Robostroy exhibition, you need to register on the website robostroy.rf. The procedure for issuing an electronic invitation is simple and will not take you more than two minutes.

Venue: Moscow, st. Pushkin, village Kolotushkina. Starts on December 20 at 13:00. We will be glad to see you!

Letter of invitation to the exhibition-fair

Dear Alexander Vladimirovich!

From September 20 to 21, 2015, the exhibition-fair “Achievements of the National Economy of Ingermanland” will be held in St. Petersburg at the Eurasia cultural and exhibition center.

More than 100 enterprises from Russia and Estonia will take part in the exhibition, representing the engineering, chemical, processing, metal and woodworking, light, printing, food industries, as well as Agriculture and the service sector. Guests of the event will be treated to a food fair from local producers.

The exhibition will be held on September 20 and 21 from 10:00 to 20:00. Free admission. We will be grateful for your attendance at this event!

Letter of invitation to a sales exhibition

Dear friends!

We invite you to visit the exhibition and sale of children's toys, which will be held from October 14 to 16, 2015 in Yekaterinburg in the Orange shopping center on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.

Presumably from 15 to 20 Russian, Belarusian and European manufacturers of children's toys will be presented at the exhibition. Participants will demonstrate new samples of their products - from soft toys to the most complex models of helicopters. We believe that it is unnecessary to mention the benefits of participating in such an event.

Your invitations have already been sent by mail.

Exhibition opening hours:

You can find out more information on the official website of the exhibition. Waiting for you!

As you can see, everything is elementary - just use the above examples of invitation letters to the exhibition. And don’t forget to send the letter in advance so that the recipient can relate his plans to the event to which he is invited. If the exhibition will be held for one day, you can notify partners about this one to two weeks before the start. If the event is pompous, large-scale and long-lasting (2-3 days or more), the message should be sent at least a month in advance.

Theater begins with a hanger. The event begins with an invitation.

Of course, no one canceled the comprehensive promotion of the event: advertising, announcements, PR activities. But it is the invitation that falls into the hands of a potential event visitor that will be the first personal point of contact. She will begin to create a holistic impression of the event.

What will it be like? Cheap and banal or high-status and memorable?

Just as a business card is important for the successful image of a businessman, so is an invitation necessary for an event.

Therefore, we have prepared a small cheat sheet for you (this is what makes the “How to Write” section different) on creating an invitation. Let's talk about three basic scenarios and collect all the elements that should be in a working invite.

Three scenarios for event invitations

These are three basic scenarios, you can intertwine them and use them in different combinations. The important thing is that they will help you choose the right tactics and not turn the invitation into a text vinaigrette.

Scenario #1. From the speaker(s)

The entire stylistic composition of the invitation is built around the speakers. It is the speakers who are the sweet berry that attracts the attention of the audience.

This scenario will work if the speakers of the event are truly considered stars in their field and there is no need to explain for a long time who they are and why they deserve attention.

An example of such an invitation:

Scenario No. 2. From the event program

The “yummy” and the main idea of ​​the invitation in this case will be the event program. It is used in cases where you have prepared an attractive program for the audience, valuable presentation topics, or in general the entire event is devoted to the consideration of some narrow and very important topic.

As an example, let's show the description of an event on Facebook. By the way, an important addition: electronic descriptions are also invitations. Moreover, it is these “invites” that have to be created more often than usual.

Title: All-Ukrainian seminar “1C-Bitrix”: Online store - secrets of success” in Kharkov. And the semantic emphasis is precisely on the content: online stores and their promotion. Pay attention to a narrow geographic niche that increases interest in the event among the target audience.

Another interesting technique is worth noting here - detailed description TA. In general, the “for whom” technique works in almost all advertising formats, including invitations.

Scenario #3. From benefits

The previous example is a successful combination of the second and third scenarios, since its information block is built according to the benefit description formula “ You will learn…".

The main idea of ​​this scenario will be the benefits that visitors to the event will receive. For example:

  • useful knowledge,
  • important acquaintances,
  • specific achievement
  • valuable certificate,
  • educational portfolio with a set of materials (video, audio, notebooks).

An example of a benefit with a specific achievement: “ After finishing the master class, you will have in your hands a strong selling text, which you will write under the strict guidance of the teacher».

Invitation text blocks

“Invite”, like any text format, has its own structure. Moreover, here she is quite conservative and does not like flights of fancy. If you forget about some block, your invitation may provoke confusion and even irritation instead of desire. Imagine, for example, if you missed the date of the event or forgot to provide the contact details of the organizers.

To prevent such an unfortunate mistake from happening to you, we have prepared a list of important invitation blocks.

  • Event title;
  • The date of the;
  • Short description (2-3 words);
  • Long description (about what, for whom, benefits);
  • Speakers;
  • Program;
  • Address;
  • Directions + types of transport;
  • Duration of the event;
  • Ticket prices;
  • Registration conditions;
  • Organizer name;
  • Contact details of the organizers.

Blocks are selected depending on the scenario. For example, to implement scenario No. 1 we need the “Speakers” block, in the second option “Program” is suitable, for the third we need to take “Long characteristic”.

With the help of this designer you will create a high-quality and selling invitation to an event.

What else should you keep in mind when creating an invitation?

When creating a text for an invitation to an event, it is advisable to keep a few more points in mind.

The first is the “invite” format:

  • Electronic (description of the event on a social network, email);
  • Printed (leaflet, personal invitation in an envelope, hand-to-hand).

The second is the delivery method. It depends on the format:

  • On social networks, email, blog;
  • General distribution (handout leaflet or insert in a specialized magazine);
  • Personal delivery (in person).

Third - target audience:

  • TOP managers;
  • Celebrity guests;
  • Regular visitors;
  • Journalists.

Sometimes there is a need for several formats. For example, separately for TOPs and for the general public, or for the general audience and for the press.

This is the basic information you will need to create an event invitation. We hope it will help you approach this process structurally and competently. If you want to develop an invitation that would surprise the Prime Minister himself, please contact us! and complement it with strong copywriting “bells and whistles”.

P.S. Denis Kaplunov Studio is your strong foundation.

Letter No. 1

Dear Colleagues!

On March 15, 2015, the scientific conference “Economic Development Based on Microanalysis” will be held at the Science exhibition center (Moscow, Rozhdestvenskaya St., 28). The conference participants will be practicing analysts from Russia, as well as guests from other countries.

If you want to make your own report at the event, please inform our organizers before March 10, 2015.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We invite you to participate in the conference “Computerization of Preschool Education”, which will be held on March 15, 2015 at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

We decided to consider the following issues at the meeting:

  • Is it necessary to introduce computer science lessons in kindergartens and other preschool institutions;
  • determining the optimal degree of computerization of preschool institutions;
  • development curriculum taking into account new technologies.

Directors, methodologists and teachers of Moscow preschool institutions will take part in the conference.

To become a participant in the conference, you must register on our website before March 10, 2015.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Masterstroy LLC invites you to participate in the scientific conference “Ecological Innovations in Construction”.

During the meeting, we will discuss a topical problem for our time - preserving the environment in the context of mass industrialization. Together with guests and conference participants, we will analyze the experience foreign colleagues and we will try to find new opportunities to preserve the environment in our country.

Participants in the conference “Ecological Innovations in Construction” will be representatives municipalities and executive power, as well as authors of scientific developments in this area.

Date of the conference: 03/15/2015

Address: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

Participation in the conference is free.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 4

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC invites you and your company’s employees to take part in the scientific conference “Development of modern engineering systems”.

During the conference, managers, chief engineers, designers and technologists of leading enterprises will discuss current issues and innovations of modern engineering technologies.

Venue of the conference: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

Date: 03/15/2015

To participate in the conference, leave a request on our website:


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 5

Dear Colleagues!

The Innovation company is pleased to invite you to take part in the scientific conference " Modern systems video surveillance."

During the conference, new developments in security systems for large and small enterprises will be presented. Conference speakers will introduce participants to innovative programs and technical devices that will protect your business. Specialized equipment will also be sold at the conference.

To take part in the conference, fill out the form attached and send it to: i This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript to view it.

Venue: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

Date: 03/15/2015

For additional information, please contact the conference organizing committee by phone: 505-00-01.

We will be glad to see you among the participants of our conference!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 6

Dear Vasily Evgenievich!

We will be glad to see employees of your company among the participants of the conference “Business Development through Information Technologies”, which will be held on March 15, 2015 in Moscow on the territory of Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

The main goal of the conference is to familiarize executives and IT directors of large and small enterprises with the capabilities of modern information technologies and their impact on business development.

During the conference, representatives of such international companies as Innovation LLC, Science LLC and 24Master LLC will share their experience.

The conference “Business Development Using Information Technologies” will be held in the format of lectures and discussions. In the first part of the event, conference participants will make presentations and talk about their experiences in the field of enterprise management and development. In the second part of the conference, each guest will be able to ask questions of interest and consult with more experienced colleagues.

The organizational fee for participation in the conference is 10,000 rubles. This price includes transfer, coffee break, lunch and office.

You can find out more about the conference program on our website:

To participate in the conference, you must fill out the form attached to the letter and send it to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript to view it. , after which a representative of the organizing committee will contact you.

We hope to see you among the participants of our conference.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 7

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We invite you to participate in the conference “Service Standards in the Hotel Business,” which will be held from March 15 to 18 of this year.

During the conference, current issues related to the hotel business will be discussed, as well as the introduction of new methods and technologies that will help improve the quality of receiving guests in hotels and hotels.

The main goal of the conference is to find answers to the following questions:

  • quality standards of hotel employees when receiving guests;
  • ways to develop business tourism;
  • methods of advanced training for service sector employees;
  • ways to attract customers in times of crisis.

The conference speakers are:

  • Nikolay Fedorchenko – founder of the WELCOMER NETWORK hospitality school;
  • Valeria Lutkovskaya – head of reception and accommodation services at the Opera Hotel;
  • Kolosov Victor – Chief Editor thematic publication “Institute of Hospitality”.

The cost of participation in the conference is 10,000 rubles.

To participate, fill out the form attached and send it to our email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

By becoming a guest of our conference, you will not only learn about the latest developments in the hotel business, but also enrich your list of business partners.


Alexander Viktorovich