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Annual flowers of godetia. The best tips for caring for godetia. If we sow in the ground

A person who sees godetia for the first time is often perplexed: what kind of lovely beauty pleases with such bright flowers? Maybe it's an azalea, bluebell, purslane, or even a miniature rose? In fact godetia- a special plant, the splendor and riot of colors of which amazes everyone who meets it for the first time.

Beautiful godetia came to our gardens from distant sunny California. Few people know that godetia is a close relative of the well-known fireweed. The first person to study and classify it was the Swiss botanist C. H. Godet, after whom the flower was named.

Godetia (lat. Godetia) belongs to the annual herbaceous plants of the fireweed family (lat. Onagraceae). On its squat branched bushes, covered with lanceolate leaves, clusters of large, bell-like flowers of various shades grow in large numbers - white, peach, pink, scarlet, burgundy. Depending on the variety and type, godetia can be compact, erect, or, conversely, spreading. After flowering, the “boxes” of fruits ripen, containing a large number of small seeds.

Gardeners in Europe and Russia fell in love with godetia for its amazing decorativeness, delicate, subtle aroma of vanilla, very long (from July to October) flowering period and relative unpretentiousness.

[!] Godetia can be successfully grown in open ground even in the northern regions of the country.

Species suitable for growing in open ground and popular varieties of godetia

In total, there are about 20 species of godetia or “California rose”, as it was nicknamed in its homeland. However, in our gardens you can find only two of them - large-flowered and lovely.

Large-flowered godetia(lat. Godetia Grandiflora), as the name of the species suggests, will delight you with large (up to 10 cm in diameter), luxurious flowers. Its spreading bushes are not very tall and have strong branches. The most popular varieties include:

  • "Summer's Darling" (Sweet Summer) - small, neat bushes strewn with gorgeous burgundy-pink flowers.
  • "Orange Ruhm" (Orange Rum) - this variety differs from the previous one in the larger height of the stems, but its reddish-orange flowers will be smaller.
  • "Sybil Sherwood" (Sybil Sherwood) - low (no more than 40 cm), creeping bushes with bright pink flowers.

G. "Summer's Darling", G. "Orange Ruhm", G. "Sybil Sherwood"
  • “Memoria” (Memory) - this variety differs from others in its white flowers with a barely noticeable pinkish tint.
  • "Rembrandt" (Rembrandt) - a distinctive feature of the variety are double pink flowers with red spots. Godetia "Rembrandt" is very impressive and extremely popular among gardeners.
  • "Meteor" (Meteor) - very low bushes covered with velvety dark scarlet bells.

G. "Memoria", G. "Rembrandt", G. "Meteor"
  • "Maiden Blush" (Maiden Blush) - the variety stands out with white-cream flowers with a flash of hot pink at the base of the petals.
  • "Orange Glory" - large flowers, painted soft pink
  • "Satin Rose" (Satin Rose) - medium-sized bushes with creamy pink flowers, the edge of the petal is slightly wavy.

G. "Maiden Blush", G. "Orange Glory", G. "Satin Rose"

The lovely Godetia (lat. Godetia Amoena), the second species grown in our country, has flowers that are not so large (about 4-5 cm in diameter), but the bushes are quite tall, elongated and not very branched. There are not as many varieties of sweet Godetia as the previous species. Some of them:

  • "GraceRosePink" (Pink Grace) is a tall bush strewn with bright crimson flowers.
  • “Satin” is a low plant with pink bells, the middle of the petal is a darker shade.
  • "Scarlet Red" - red-pink flowers with a lighter center.

Some people mistakenly believe that there is also such a species as terry godetia. But there is no such flower in the botanical classification; this is nothing more than a simple property of some godetia hybrids. This feature can be found in a number of the varieties listed above.

Quite often on sale you can find a mixture of various shades of the same variety. In this case, the prefix “Mix” is added to the variety name.

Godetia in landscape design

The placement of godetia when decorating your garden directly depends on which variety you have chosen. Tall bushes will look more advantageous in the central part of mixborders. Salmon or purple bells look great framed by pale pink, lilac or white flowers, so when designing a complex bed of godetia, it is worth paying attention to irises or some types of asters.

Low bushes are best used for flower borders bordering lawns or paths. They are also ideal for decorating the slopes of alpine slides.

Neat borders on which several godetia bushes of different varieties are planted, or areas where godetia is adjacent to its related clarkia, will look very bright and elegant.

Despite some capriciousness, godetia is quite strong and hardy, so you should not plant it next to weak plants. The best company for her will be unpretentious marigolds, peonies, Mexican or petunia.

Godetia grows well not only in open ground, but also in large containers: flowerpots, boxes, flowerpots. If desired, the annual can be grown in urban environments, decorating with it both residential premises (balconies, loggias) and outdoor space (summer cafes, entrances, etc.)

[!] Tall varieties of godetia are perfect for cutting, especially since the flowers do not wither in water for 3 weeks.

Planting godetia and caring for it

In general, as mentioned above, godetia is unpretentious, but there are still some features of caring for this bright beauty. A gardener growing a flower on a personal plot should pay special attention to the watering regime, lighting and fertilization of godetia.

Location, soil

In the wild, the California rose usually grows in spacious, sun-drenched meadows, which must be taken into account before sowing it in your garden. She prefers loamy and humus soils with neutral or weak acidity. If there is an excess of alkali in the soil before planting godetia, you need to add urea, dolomite flour or peat. Sandy soil and waterlogged areas on the banks of reservoirs are absolutely not suitable for this flower.

It is best to plant godetia in sunny, wind-protected areas of the garden, but in scorching heat the bushes will need to be covered.

The plant also takes root in partial shade, and even in this case the number of flowers will be sufficient and their color will be bright. The only thing you need to pay attention to is planting bushes more rarely for good ventilation.

Sowing seeds, seedlings

Like most other annuals, godetia is usually propagated by seeds. If you live in a relatively mild climate, they can be sown outdoors for the winter. In regions with harsh weather, it is better to leave sowing until mid-April to early May. At the same time, you should not be afraid of frosts: paradoxically, sun-loving godetia calmly tolerates temperatures up to 5°C below zero. By choosing this method of propagation, you will receive the first buds in early July.

You need to be extremely careful when selecting a site: an adult godetia may not tolerate replanting, so it is sown either immediately in a permanent place or in an outdoor flowerpot that can be easily moved around the garden if necessary.

First of all, the soil needs to be thoroughly dug up, loosened and watered abundantly. Humus (about 5 kg per 1 sq. m), mineral fertilizers and wood ash are also added to it. Immediately before sowing, shallow grooves should be made in the ground every 20-25 cm. In order for future seedlings to be healthy, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour. When placing them in the ground, remember that the distance between adult bushes should be at least 25 cm, otherwise the plants will suffer from a lack of moisture and nutrition. If the sprouts grow too densely, they will need to be thinned out.

To protect the seeds from drying out, being pecked by birds, and from being attacked by cruciferous midges, they are lightly sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with non-woven material.

When planting godetia in April, you will have to take care of warming the earth. To do this, simply water it with hot water or cover it with greenhouse film for several days. Typically, seeds sown during this period also protect against environmental influences. In May, all these precautions will not be required.

After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with a very thin layer of soil and water them with warm water. In about two weeks the first shoots will appear. If you regularly water godetia and don’t forget about weeding and loosening, by mid-summer your flowerbeds will be full of bright bells.

Since the roots of the plant are very delicate and can be easily damaged when transplanting or picking, most gardeners prefer the sowing method. But for those who don’t want to wait many months for godetia to bloom, you can start seedlings at the end of March. Usually only large-flowered godetia is propagated in this way, since it is more hardy.

To avoid unnecessary picking and thereby protect the roots of the plant, it is preferable to sow godetia in separate pots or cups with soil - several seeds in each. You can prepare soil for seedlings yourself using the following calculation: one part river sand, one part peat and one part ordinary garden soil. Be sure to add drainage to the bottom of the containers.

The top of the pots is covered with a film, which will need to be lifted briefly every day for ventilation. Watering at this time is best done very carefully, through a pipette. After 10-15 days, the first shoots will appear. The seedlings are fed every 10 days with a special liquid fertilizer for indoor seedlings.

[!] Please note that godetia grown from seedlings is usually weak and susceptible to many diseases.

Planting in open ground: timing and technology

By the end of May, the seedlings will be sufficiently strong and ready for further growth in the open ground. It is important not to miss the deadline - after the appearance of flower stalks, godetia can no longer be replanted.

The soil for seedlings is prepared in the same way as for seeds. The seedlings, which have already reached a height of 5-7 cm, are transferred to the flowerbed along with a clod of earth: exposing the roots of godetia, as a rule, leads to its death. Plants should be planted at a distance of about 25 cm from each other. White clay is sometimes added to the holes.

[!] Remember that the scorching sun can kill sprouts that have not yet had time to take root, so planting should be done either in cloudy weather or in the evening, after sunset.

Water the seedlings generously. The ground around them will need to be regularly loosened and weeded to ensure access to moisture and oxygen.

In regions with a mild climate, godetia is sometimes planted before winter, so that the plant does not have time to sprout, but only becomes saturated with moisture. The top layer of soil should have frozen a little by this time. Since the seeds undergo natural stratification, the seedlings that grow from them will be very hardy and will bloom two to three weeks earlier than usual.

Watering, fertilizing

Godetia is quite demanding when it comes to watering. She suffers equally from both excess and lack of water. It is best to apply moderate but regular drip watering to the plant. Most likely, you will have to adapt to godetia for some time and closely monitor its condition. To ensure that moisture is distributed evenly and it is easier for you to control the condition of the soil, regularly weed and loosen the soil next to the bushes.

Before watering, keep the water in the sun to warm it up a little, especially if you are dealing with young plants.

To fertilize, apply complex fertilizers to the soil every three weeks. Godetia is very fond of nitrophosphate solution, which is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per bucket of water.

After the first buds appear, feed godetia with any mineral fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, which are called “For beautifully flowering ones.” This will allow you to achieve the most active flowering.

Fertilizers, on the contrary, will lead to excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. Many gardeners feed the soil with organic matter, mullein or bird droppings, which also leads to abundant flowering of godetia.

Trimming and shaping

In order to stimulate the appearance of new buds, it is not at all necessary to prune the branches; it is enough to simply regularly remove wilted flowers. Godetia is given a decorative form extremely rarely, since this procedure can damage tender shoots.

Tall varieties of Godetia (from 60 cm and above) require support; be sure to tie them to pegs, otherwise the fragile stems of Godetia may break under the weight of the flowers.

Care after flowering, collecting seeds

In place of faded godetia flowers, small tetrahedral boxes with small brownish-gray seeds remain. Mature boxes acquire a dark gray color (this usually happens in October), after which they can be cut and dried.

In the case when the godetia has already faded and the fruits are not yet ripe, you need to carefully pull the bushes out of the ground, shake off the soil from the roots, tie the plants into bunches, put a bag on each of the bunches and put them to ripen.

Later, the dry boxes are opened and the seeds are removed, which remain viable for up to four years.

Pests and diseases of godetia

Fungus or excess moisture can lead to root rot. The appearance of this disease is usually indicated by plant lethargy, wilting, dryness or brown spots on the leaves. Unfortunately, the affected bush cannot be saved; it must be immediately removed from the flowerbed to prevent further infection. After this procedure, do not forget to sterilize your instruments.

Godetia is an incredibly beautiful flower bed plant. It blooms wildly, brightly and for a very long time, almost until frost. In appearance, this plant is very similar to the classic azalea. The flower received its name in honor of the famous scientist, originally from Sweden, Ts H. Gode. It was he who studied and systematized godetia.

This is an annual plant, up to 70-80 cm in height. The diameter of the flower is about 10 cm. The plant blooms very profusely, forming a living, bright carpet of purple, lilac, red, white, pink. Flowers can be either simple or double. The leaves are elongated, lance-shaped, bright green. The plant is a bush, spreading or pyramid-shaped.

In the title photo is Godetia terry Azalea.


There are a large number of species of this plant (about 20):

  • annual;
  • perennials;
  • lovely;
  • grandiflora;
  • Azaleaceae;
  • terry;
  • dwarf;
  • tall.

Let's not delve into botany, we are interested in garden flowers. There are also a lot of varieties of godetia; we will describe those that are available to domestic gardeners (photos of flowers of all listed varieties are also presented below):

Crystal snowflake

Plant height - 75 cm, flowers are large, white.

Plant height - 60 cm, flowers are small, red or pink.
Orange Room

A very large bush, branched, spreading, bush height - 40-50 cm, flower large, red-orange.
Orange glory
One of the earliest varieties. Medium-sized plant with semi-double salmon-colored flowers. It blooms profusely, creating a dense carpet.
Azalea A popular variety among gardeners. Medium-sized plant, azale-shaped double flowers, all shades of pink and salmon.
Plant height is about 60 cm. Flowers are double and semi-double. Blooms profusely from July to October.
Yesenia A mixture of low-growing varieties characterized by bright colors, in some cases the flowers are two-colored.
Dragonfly One of the earliest flowering varieties. The height of the flower is about 50 cm. It blooms with large bells, having all shades of pink.

One of the most popular varieties. The height of the plant is approximately 40 cm. The diameter of the flowers, azale-shaped, double, with wavy edges, is about 8 cm. A sun-loving, but at the same time cold-resistant variety.
The height of the plant is about 30 cm. The flowers are double, azale-shaped, not very large. The plant tolerates frost well and blooms until the end of October.
Summer paradise
Plant height is 40-50 cm. Flowers are azale-shaped. The main shades are pink and white. One of the most popular varieties for carving.
Tourmaline Plant height up to 45 cm. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms from June to October. The seeds have the highest percentage of germination among all varieties. Most often, the flowers have red or scarlet shades; there are bicolor (white and red) flowers.
Cattleya terry

The height of the plant is up to 45 cm, the flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, azale-shaped, double, most often all shades of lilac and purple flowers are found.
Monarch A low-growing plant, height no more than 20 cm, a wide variety of colors, most often bright colors mixed with white.
Butterfly The height of the plant is about 60 cm. It has large double and semi-double flowers in white, white-pink, pink and red shades. There are two-color plants.
Red wine Plant height is about 40 cm. Flowers are double type, large. Blooms profusely from June to October
Meteor The height of the flower reaches 65 cm. The leaves and flowers are double and large. Most often the color of the flowers is red or burgundy.
Bornita The height of the plant is only 25-30 cm, but the flowers are very large, double type, the color can be very diverse, some flowers have a specific white border. This litter blooms until the end of October.
Girlish blush The height of the bush reaches 45 cm. The flowers of the plant are soft pink, large, double type. It is recommended to combine this variety with the Snow Queen variety.
Weisser Schweinn The height of the bush is 30-35 cm, large pale white flowers.
A low bush with soft white or white-pink flowers.
A low bush with bright red flowers and leaves with white veins.
A very beautiful low-growing bush with double pink flowers with a bright red center.
The height of the plant is 40 cm, the flowers are a very beautiful salmon color, brighter in the middle than at the tips.

Growing from seeds in open ground

How to grow godetia from seeds? Godetia seeds can be planted in open ground in the garden. When to plant?

It is best to sow either late autumn, two weeks before the first frost, or early spring, early April. Here it is necessary to take into account regional characteristics. If we are talking about southern regions, with mild winters, then you can sow in late spring, but in regions with colder climates this should be done at the end of April, but if the weather changes often, then in mid-May. The plant begins to bloom approximately 80 days after planting.

The seeds of this plant are very small and light, so they are sown directly on the ground (to facilitate sowing, you can use a sieve by mixing the seeds with clean, calcined sand), and then lightly cover with earth (do not water).

The land for planting must be prepared: loosen and water, add the necessary mineral and organic fertilizers (this is necessary for the plant to bloom more vigorously): superphosphates, ammonium nitrate, chalk salt, humus, wood ash, urea, peat. If the seeds sprout frequently, then they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest and most resilient sprouts. Be sure to consider the type of plant.

The distance between low-growing bushes can be about 30 cm, and tall bushes need more space.

What to do if godetia seedlings begin to stretch? Try moving it to a brighter place and reducing watering (the reason for the seedlings to stretch out and then lie down may be because they are thickening, so be sure to thin them out, leaving only viable sprouts).

Remember: it is not worth replanting plants from place to place; the sprouts survive replanting very hard and do not bloom for a very long time.

As the soil dries, the sprouts need to be watered, but do this carefully, using a watering can and not a hose.

The process of adding dolomite flour to the soil for deoxidation

Sowing godetia seeds in open ground

Growing seedlings at home (seedling planting technology)

Sowing seedlings At home, the good thing is that flowering can be expected from it in late May - early June. Although the procedure itself growing seedlings and rooting it in a permanent place is somewhat difficult, since the plant does not really like transplanting.

Before planting seedlings, it is best to purchase special plastic containers for seedlings (or cassettes, or peat, or coconut tablets, which are steamed in special disposable bags) filled with special nutrient soil. Place several seeds in each container, which must first be kept in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection, and after germination, leave only one seedling, the strongest one. This way the first dive can be avoided. After sowing the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to water and cover the container with film or glass.

At the first stage of plant growth, you can carry out the first fertilizing in order for the root system to develop better.

Sowing seeds in containers

If plants are sown densely in one container, then it is necessary to picking. This usually occurs at the stage of tying 5-6 leaves according to the 5/5 type.

How to dive?

See photo below.

Picking godetia in disposable plastic containers:

Remember: when picking, the seedlings are not buried; the same applies to transplanting the plant into open ground.

How to replant a plant in open ground? It is best to plant in open ground in mid-May, in prepared soil. Additional insulation of the soil and the plant itself is required only if the temperature at night drops below +10 degrees. It is best to plant in cool, cloudy and humid weather. In this case, the plant will survive the transplant easier.

The choice of planting site is very important. It is best to choose partial shade (the plant will not bloom in the shade), loamy soil. On sandy soils the plant turns pale and blooms less. In very wet places, the root system may rot.

Transplantation into open ground:

Plants are planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. This is done very carefully, preserving the lump of earth and without damaging the root system.

Remember: in order for the plant to better tolerate transplantation into open ground, it must be hardened. You can take the boxes with seedlings outside, gradually increasing the time they spend in the fresh air.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of planting plants in Siberia. Firstly, sowing in open ground “before winter” is categorically not recommended. The seeds will not survive frost. Secondly, you can plant seedlings only at the end of May - beginning of June, when there will definitely be no frost on the soil. It is best to keep the seedlings in a greenhouse or a collapsible greenhouse, which can then be removed. To provide the plant with sun, you need to choose the right place or use a reflection system. Only in this case will godetia develop well and bloom profusely.

Plant care

Godetia requires some care, as this plant is quite delicate.

  1. Water at least once a week (if the weather is hot or dry, the number of waterings must be increased).
  2. Weed out weeds (weeds can harbor pests that love to feast on the juicy and tasty leaves of the plant).
  3. Fertilize the plants (you can use mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers, even chicken droppings, but it is better to exclude nitrogenous fertilizers).
  4. Loosen the soil between the plants (this procedure will avoid soaking and rotting of the roots).
  5. It is better to protect the plant from strong and scorching sun rays by shading.
  6. It is definitely worth removing dried flowers and seed boxes in order to ensure lush and long-term flowering (naturally, you can leave seed boxes for self-sowing, especially if we are talking about the southern regions, but in this case it is necessary to remember that the varietal qualities of the plant will be lost ).
  7. Must be done pinching godetia. Then it will bloom better. How to pinch correctly? Quite simply, removing the top not far from the interleaf area. It is also necessary to pinch so that the godetia does not stretch upward. By the way, it is mostly godetia grown from seedlings and transplanted into open ground that grow upward. Godetia, which was grown immediately in open ground, does not suffer from lengthening and thinning of the stems.

Godetia often suffer from powdery mildew, brown rot, rust. To treat diseased plants, it is best to use fungicides and antifungal drugs. If several plants are already sick, you should remove them from the garden. In order to prevent these diseases from appearing, it is necessary to avoid waterlogging of the soil and thickening of plants.

With proper care, this plant becomes a decoration for any garden. It looks great in flower beds (photos of flowers in a flower bed can be seen below). It is used to decorate alpine slides. Tall godetia is suitable for cutting. In vases with water, the plant can last up to two weeks.

Godetia can be grown at home, in vases and pots, best on balconies. The plant feels great in a limited soil volume (but it is still better to choose low-growing varieties). In the planting container you need to place drainage, fertilizers (granular or in the form of sticks), add special soil and plant the plants. After planting, it is best to water it with water. Repeated feeding can be done in a month and a half.

Planting godetia in flowerpots:

Remember: At first, godetia planted both in the garden and at home must be shaded so as not to damage the fragile and capricious seedlings. Another secret to successfully growing Godetia is to plant it in ceramic or plastic pots of light colors, which will not get too hot in the sun and create a “bath” for the plant’s roots.

Godetia flower is one of the most popular herbaceous annuals grown in gardens and parks. The name was based on the surname of the outstanding botanist from Switzerland C.H. Godet, who spent a long time studying and classifying an unusual plant. Despite the fact that godetia comes from Southern California, it has perfectly adapted to the Russian climate and can be grown in almost all regions of the country. Its main advantages are excellent decorative properties and unpretentiousness. Of particular value are the delicate, silky flowers, which strongly resemble the buds of azaleas and clarkias.

What godetia looks like

Godetia is a small, beautiful annual plant of the fireweed family, which is often used to decorate plots and balconies.

It is a herbaceous, highly branched plant with erect shoots that can reach up to 65 centimeters in height. The stems form dwarf bushes, which, depending on the variety you choose, can be spreading or pyramidal. The oblong leaves with a pointed apex are arranged alternately on the stem, the leaf blade is entire. During flowering, which lasts from early summer to late autumn, godetia is densely covered with bell-shaped or cup-shaped large flowers (diameter 5-10 cm). They are located on small peduncles, can be double or ordinary and consist of four delicate petals gathered into a delicate brush. There are varieties on the market with white, coral, blood red, purple, peach and multi-colored buds, so godetia is perfect for creating beautiful flower arrangements. At the end of flowering, fruits form on the plant in the form of a tetrahedral cylindrical box. The seeds are quite small, their similarity remains for 3-4 years.

Types and varieties of godetia

More than 20 species of godetia grow in the world, on the basis of which breeders have created many different varieties and hybrids. This variety will allow you to choose a plant with the desired size, color, shape of foliage and inflorescences, so you can make even your wildest fantasies come true when decorating your flower garden. In such abundance it is easy to get confused, therefore, in order to make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of each variety. We invite you to consider the most popular types of godetia among gardeners, which can become an unrivaled decoration for your summer cottage.

Exists more than twenty varieties of godetia, and new varieties and hybrids are also being developed

Godetia grandiflora

Large-flowered godetia grows as a medium-sized bush from 20 to 40 cm, with fragile erect stems, which become woody after the growing season. The flowers are large, reaching 10 cm in diameter and can be bell-shaped or cup-shaped. The buds are collected in leafy inflorescences located at the tips of green shoots. Different varieties of this species differ in the shape and color of the petals. Godetia grandiflora is characterized by a rather long flowering period, which lasts from July until the first October frosts. This species was the basis for such hybrids as Weisser Schwann and Orange Room. The first is distinguished by delicate, silk-like, snow-white flowers, and the second has bright buds of a fiery red color.

Godetia grandiflora, as the name suggests, has larger flowers compared to other species.

The lovely godetia has tall, erect, brittle stems that become semi-lignified towards the end of the growing season. The flowers of various varieties are bell-shaped or cup-shaped, the diameter of the bud is about 6 cm. Satin petals can be white or bright in color. The narrowly lanceolate leaves have pointed tips. Flowering lasts for three months (July-September). Based on this species, breeders have developed many varieties. Crystal snowflake is a tall plant, with stems up to 75 cm. It has charming snow-white flowers, with petals of a simple, unassuming shape. Also widely used is a hybrid called Kirshkenigin, which during flowering is covered with colorful pinkish-red flowers.

Godetia Charming is one of the tallest species of Godetia with large flowers.

Godetia Azaleaflower

Godetia azalea flower is the best choice for those who want to transform their garden plot, but without spending a lot of time and effort on caring for it. The plant is unpretentious, able to quickly adapt to environmental conditions and tolerate temperature changes. Seedlings can be planted in early spring without fear that the flower will suffer from frost. This variety is a compact plant, reaching 40 centimeters in length, its stems are highly branched. Azalea flower godetia is valued for its excellent decorative properties and abundant flowering, during which the bush is decorated with large, lush, double flowers.

Godetia azalea flower is one of the most unpretentious varieties of godetia, able to withstand even frosts

Godetia Terry

Let us immediately note that terry godetia is a hybrid variety of a large-flowered variety, and therefore is not found in nature. It has fairly large decorative inflorescences, which can be double, semi-double or densely double. For example, the azalea variety is represented by the following popular hybrids:

  • diamond - has large carmine-colored flowers with snow-white splashes;
  • bride - distinguished by azalea-shaped snow-white flowers, which can also have a delicate pinkish tint;
  • Cattleya is a compact bush with gorgeous fuchsia-colored buds.

Due to its decorative properties, Godetia terry is perfect for a bouquet

But the varieties called Sybil Sherwood and Rembrandt have become most widespread, so we will look at them in more detail.

The monarch is a low-growing, neat bush that grows up to 20 cm. The graceful bell-shaped godetia flowers in the photo have a carmine spot at the base and can be of various colors: white, pale and hot pink, crimson. You can grow this dwarf plant at home, for example, on a balcony or windowsill. If you want to decorate your garden plot with godetia monarch, then you will certainly be pleased with the fact that it has increased frost resistance and can tolerate spring frosts well. Despite the fact that the bushes are quite compact, they need a sufficient amount of free space to develop. Experts recommend maintaining a distance of 25-30 centimeters when planting seedlings in open ground.

Godetia Monarch - a low-growing mixture of gocedia with many flowers

It is a decorative annual, characterized by lush, long-lasting flowering and increased frost resistance. The bush grows up to 40 centimeters in height, the shoots and foliage are colored rich green. During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with large flowers, the diameter of which is 5-8 centimeters. Godetia red wine can grow both in containers (pots) and in open ground. The seeds are sown in May, and already in August the flower will delight you with colorful, terry, scarlet-red buds. As a rule, it is used to decorate park flower beds, alpine slides, garden borders and ridges, and is often grown for cutting.

Godetia Red wine has a beautiful rich burgundy color

Godetia Rembrandt

Rembrandt is a low-growing variety with straight growing stems. It has large flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm, which stretch vertically upward. The inflorescence consists of wavy petals, cut along the edges, with a carmine spot near the center. Unusually graceful flowers resemble silk fabric. The pinkish-green stems bear narrow, pointed leaves. The bush has a semi-spherical shape and does not grow higher than 35 centimeters, so it will certainly appeal to lovers of compact plants. This species is ideal for planting in small containers or flowerpots, and will also be an excellent decoration for your flower bed. Flower borders created from godetia look bright and elegant.

Godetia Rembrant has a large flower with a watercolor reddish spot at the base

Godetia Meteor

Meteor is a herbaceous annual that can reach up to 40 centimeters in height. Thin, erect shoots are covered with tiny fibers and form a fairly compact bush. Double, cup-shaped flowers grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter and can be soft pink, bright red or purple. You can sow planting material in the garden at the beginning of April. The first flowers appear on the bush in July, flowering lasts until the first frost. It is recommended to place Godetia in a sunny area with loamy soil. Perfect for decorating flower beds, balconies and terraces.

Godetia Moth

This is a low-growing godetia that reaches up to 40-50 centimeters in height. It is sown between May and April. Flowering lasts from July to October. During this period, beautiful, lush flowers are formed on compact bushes. Depending on the variety you choose, they can be semi-double or double. There are also hybrids with a fringed border or wavy edges, like butterfly wings. The moth is characterized by a fairly long flowering period, so it will delight you with colorful buds throughout the entire summer season. Looks great in flower beds and is suitable for decorating the front edge of borders.

Godetia moth sepals resemble butterfly wings

This hybrid is one of the most popular among gardeners. Cinderella gained such popularity due to its very abundant flowering, during which many colorful inflorescences cover the bush. It is interesting that sometimes it is difficult to see the bright green leaves and stems behind the large (up to 8 cm in diameter) flowers. During flowering, the bush, reaching up to 60 centimeters in height, resembles a lush bouquet. The flowers consist of double translucent petals with a pearlescent sheen. As a rule, this variety is used in the formation of mixborders and group plantings, but it also looks great in outdoor pots or balcony containers.

Godetia Cinderella - a double type of Godetia with a pearlescent sheen of flowers

If you want to bring more bright colors to your garden plot, then Godetia orange glory will be the best choice. Its colorful semi-double flowers will definitely not leave you indifferent. Experts include unpretentiousness, frost resistance and abundant, long-lasting flowering as the main advantages of this variety. The plant has the form of a compact, branched bush with rich green leaves. Delicate, wavy petals form silky buds, the edges of which are colored salmon-orange. When cut, velvet inflorescences look great, but more often they are used when decorating a summer cottage.

Godetia Orange Glory has semi-double salmon-orange flowers.

Godetia Sybil Sherwood

Sybil Sherwood - forms small bushes up to 45 cm. It has large, up to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double flowers of an unusually delicate pink color with a lighter tone of the edges and a central yellow eye. The leaves are bright green and the stems are pinkish-green. Flowering lasts from early July to mid-October, so you can fully enjoy the unusual beauty of this plant. With its help, you can easily transform an inconspicuous border, border or flower bed; planting in hanging garden flowerpots is also possible. Flowerbed beauty prefers to grow in well-lit areas or in light partial shade, otherwise the color of the flowers may be less saturated.

Godetia Sybill Sherwood - a small bush with soft pink flowers

York - grows with low spreading bushes up to 40 centimeters. It has large, bowl-shaped flowers, about 6 cm in diameter, with entire petals. At the base, the red-purple bud is colored white. The bush is formed by reddish-brown stems with fragile, wide lanceolate-shaped leaves, which are practically invisible during the flowering period due to the large flowers covering the plant. Godetia looks great in combination with other flowers, so it is often used to create a variety of flower arrangements, design alpine slides and flower beds.

Blitzstral is a medium-sized plant, but with proper care it can reach 60 cm. Large delicate cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 6 cm have barely wavy petals of a fiery red color. This variety is characterized by long flowering, frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Perfect for beginner gardeners who want to transform their summer cottage, but do not yet have enough experience to grow capricious exotic plants. In addition, godetia grows well in indoor conditions. Plant the seedlings in a special container or flowerpot, and then decorate your apartment, cottage or balcony with colorful flowers.

We have presented to your attention a description of the types that are most often found on the market. Naturally, there are many other varieties that have remarkable decorative properties. Varieties such as godetia clarkia, yesenia, cornflower, weiser ostrich, tourmaline and girlish blush deserve special attention. Mixed hybrids are also often found on the market. The Aelita company distributes planting material containing seeds of various varieties. For example, Godetia bornita is a mixture of low-growing hybrids, dragonfly is an early-blooming hybrid, and a wedding bouquet consists of large-flowered varieties that are excellent for cutting.

How to care for godetia at home

Godetia, unpretentious in care and planting, does not require special maintenance conditions and is capable of blooming even with minimal attention to it. But in order for it to be able to show all its beauty and splendor, simple agrotechnical measures will be required. If you carefully care for godetia, it will thank you with large, lush flower buds.


The main condition for the luxurious flowering of godetia is the amount of sunlight. For planting it, it is better to choose open, well-lit areas. In shady places, a bush reaching towards the light will spend a lot of energy, so flowering will be more moderate and the flowers will be smaller than those of plants located in places warmed by sunlight.

Godetia grows well in well-lit and open places


The plant can tolerate temperature changes well, so it can be planted in early spring. To obtain vigorous shoots, it is necessary that the average daily air temperature be 16-18°C. Despite its relative cold resistance, godetia is a heat-loving annual and prefers to grow in areas well-warmed by the sun. Be sure to take this into account when choosing a place to plant seedlings.

Godetia temperature is suitable for growing outdoors in summer


Godetia does not tolerate prolonged exposure to conditions with excessively high air humidity, so spraying should be carried out only when absolutely necessary. For example, in too hot weather.

It is worth noting that an excessively rainy summer can harm a delicate flower, so we recommend that you take care of its protection.


The amount of moisture should be moderate. Flowering will be impaired if the soil is dry, so regular watering will be required during dry times. Prolonged waterlogging of the earthen clod also negatively affects the intensity of flowering, but with the arrival of sunny days, godetia will quickly replenish its luxurious inflorescences. The amount of watering largely depends on the air temperature in summer. In dry, hot weather, the plant will need more moisture, so it will have to be watered 3-5 times a week. At the beginning of autumn, watering is slightly reduced so as not to harm the root system of godetia.

Godetia needs moderate watering

Top dressing

Lush and abundant flowering, which begins in July, is well promoted by the application of mineral fertilizers, which contain components intended for flowering plants. This is especially recommended during the budding period. Fertilizers used should contain a minimum amount of nitrogen. Fertilizing should be done once a month; excess fertilizing can lead to excessive growth of the bush to the detriment of flowering.

For faster growth and blooming of godetia flowers, you can fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers


Delicate and graceful godetia flowers delight with their beauty for only three days, after which they wither and new ones appear to replace them. Faded inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner - this stimulates the formation of new buds and prolongs the flowering period of the bush. Godetia flowers are self-pollinating and in order for the fruit to ripen, the inflorescence is not removed after flowering, but is left to ripen. Its cylindrical box produces a large number of very small seeds, which, after drying, are ready for sowing. Seeds for growing godetia can be used after a long time, because they retain their germination capacity for up to four years.

How to grow godetia from seeds

We have already said that godetia is an annual plant. It follows from this that propagation by cuttings or dividing the bush is impossible and the only option for gardeners is growing from seeds. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in this method and even inexperienced gardeners can cope with the task. There are several ways to sow seeds. In areas with warm climates, seeds are added to the soil for the winter. In temperate latitudes, seeds are sown in open ground in April. In colder areas, seedlings are first grown and only when the weather warms up are they transplanted into open ground.

Godetia is an annual and reproduces by seeds

When to plant godetia

Godetia reproduces exclusively by seeds. They ripen after flowering in a cylindrical fruit-box. When it begins to darken, it is removed from the bush and dried, after which it is opened and a large number of very small seeds are removed. Autumn sowing of seeds is carried out in late autumn, when there is very little time left before the first snow falls. During this period, the seeds will gain moisture, but will not have time to germinate. Plants grown from seeds sown for the winter adapt better and resist diseases and climate changes well, but such plantings can survive the winter and produce active seedlings only in a warm climate zone. Seedlings grown from seeds planted in the winter produce abundant flowering 2-3 weeks earlier than those planted in the spring.

The soil

Godetia loves neutral and nutritious soil when planting and caring for it. To do this, it is enough to add organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting. Loamy soil is preferable, since the plant will grow more slowly on sandy soil. To grow a healthy plant, it is necessary to provide the roots with space and breathability, this is done by loosening and weeding the soil surrounding the seedlings. Removing weeds will protect young shoots from leaf-chewing pests that quickly spread in the dense foliage of the grass.

Godetia prefers neutral soil acidity

Planting godetia for seedlings

If there is a need to sow seeds for seedlings, then prepared containers with loose and nutritious soil and good drainage are used for this. To ensure that the planting is not too dense, the seeds are mixed with sand and this mixture is sown on the surface of the soil. A thin layer of earth is poured on top and a greenhouse environment is created by covering it with film. For ventilation, the film is removed daily. It will take about ten days before the shoots appear and after that the film will no longer be needed. After two true leaves appear, the seedlings must be plucked and, after pinching the roots, planted in separate pots, 2-3 sprouts in each. If you leave godetia for further growth in pots, it will perfectly decorate a balcony or veranda with its generous flowering. It is better to use low-growing varieties for this. Transplantation into open ground is carried out in May or June, depending on weather conditions. You must be prepared for the fact that the seedlings will get sick for some time after suffering stress. Godetia reacts very poorly to transplantation, so you should resort to this method of planting only if other planting methods are impossible. To reduce damage to seedlings, it is better to plant the plant together with a ball of earth, transferring the plants to a new place. The distance between seedlings should be at least 20 cm so that, as they grow, they do not interfere with each other. For tall varieties, the distance between seedlings is increased to 0.5 meters. It is better to transplant early in the morning or at sunset, for easier survival; it is good to choose cloudy weather for this work.

Planting in open ground

The most common method of planting godetia in the spring, immediately in open areas. Before planting, in order to protect future seedlings from diseases, it is necessary to keep the seeds in a light solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Mineral fertilizers, humus and wood ash are added to the dug up and moistened soil. Godetia seeds are very small, so they are shallowly immersed in the ground by about 0.5 cm. The first shoots appear after 12 days, to speed up this process you need to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, the planting site is covered with film. The shoots are usually too dense, so picking should be done when two true leaves appear. Young plants with a small root system are less likely to be injured and experience stress more easily. Flowering begins 65-70 days after planting the seeds. During this period, young shoots must be fertilized three times. To do this, you can use a nitrophosk solution. If flowering does not occur within the specified time frame, perhaps you have not fertilized the soil well enough or the location chosen for planting is not suitable for growing a delicate flower.

Adult Godetia seedlings are planted in open ground in the spring.

Diseases and pests of godetia

Godetia is not capricious and not very susceptible to various diseases. The most common disease is root rot; it damages the root system when the soil is over-moistened. To prevent the disease from spreading to healthy individuals, affected plants must be removed and burned. This will prevent the spread of putrefactive phenomena.

In flower beds overgrown with weeds, leaf-eating pests quickly grow and can cause damage and spoil the appearance of flowering bushes. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and destroy weeds in a timely manner. When spots appear on the leaves and stems, you can suspect that the plant has been affected by fungal diseases: downy mildew or rust. Timely treatment of bushes with fungicides will save them from further spread of the disease. Pests that can cause damage to godetia include flea beetles and aphids. They are destroyed by spraying the bushes with insecticides or a solution of laundry soap and ash.

Godetia can be affected by fungal diseases

Godetia flowers are open in any weather and do not lose their decorative effect until they fade. The plant is perfect for cutting; it remains fresh for a long time when standing in vases and fills the room with its light aroma. If there were unopened buds on the branch before cutting, then they will definitely bloom in the vase.

Godetia, which came to us from California, allows us to add tenderness and special flavor to any plot of land. In our area, two of its varieties are most popular: lovely and large-flowered. It is used to create designs from flowers; it can decorate any flower bed, terrace, loggia or area at the entrance to your own home. Many people who try to spend most of their time on garden crops grow godetia because of its low requirements for environmental conditions.

Godetia reproduces well by seeds. There are three ways to do this:

  1. planting seeds before winter,
  2. sowing seeds in spring,
  3. advance cultivation of seedlings.

Of course, the easiest way is to sow the seeds directly into open ground and, providing sufficient care, expect lush flowering. But it is worth noting that it can take about two months from the emergence of seedlings to the start of flowering. That is, half the summer can be spent waiting. Those who want to speed up this process choose the third method listed above. If you consider yourself one of those impatient people who crave natural beauty, you will be interested in learning in detail about the method that allows you to see how flowers bloom as quickly as possible. godetia, - growing from seeds at home.

Features of growing godetia seedlings from seeds

The process of growing godetia seedlings at home does not differ in any special subtleties, but you still need to understand the main points: the composition of the substrate, the rules of sowing and care.

Preparing the substrate

The safest thing would be to buy a ready-made substrate in the appropriate department - this is the best way to avoid any contamination of young shoots. You can also safely use leaf soil prepared yourself. Whatever method you choose to create a substrate for growing godetia at home, remember the main thing - it must contain loam. It would also be good to add some ash to balance the acidity. Soil prepared independently must be disinfected in one of the following ways:

  • heat for half an hour in a hot oven,
  • pour boiling water over it,
  • carefully pour in a solution of potassium permanganate or another drug with a similar effect.

Sow the seeds

In order to contemplate the indescribable beauty of godetia at the beginning of summer, seeds should be planted at home at the beginning of the first spring month. Seeds can germinate successfully in two weeks if they are not sprinkled with a large amount of soil after sowing. You don’t have to sprinkle them at all, but just water them generously. After this, to create optimal conditions for seed germination, the container with the substrate is covered with film or glass. As the soil dries, it is moistened. After persistent sprouts appear, they need to be hardened off. To do this, the film or glass is removed for a short time several times a day.

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings can be plucked

Picking up and landing at a permanent place

When the seedlings have two or three true leaves, they can be planted in separate pots. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots. In order for further planting in open ground to be most successful, it is advisable to plant the sprouts in peat pots, which can be lowered into the ground along with the roots.

Godetia seedlings should be planted in a flower garden or in flowerpots on a balcony or terrace in the second half of May, when there are minutes of frost. The optimal distance between neighboring specimens is 20-25 cm; in flowerpots it may be less.

What you need to know about growing godetia in open ground

As already noted, godetia is not one of the capricious plants, otherwise it would not have become the favorite of numerous summer residents and gardeners. Many people do not want to wait long for godetia to bloom; growing from seeds at home has therefore become their preferred option for propagating this flower. But what to do after the seedlings are planted in a permanent place? The further success of growing godetia depends on compliance with some subtleties:

Moderate watering. Godetia does not tolerate both drought and excess moisture, so a reasonable approach to watering and good drainage are important.

Light shading. The flower does not grow well in full shade, but may disappear from the burning rays of the sun. The solution is to plant in a place where part of the day will be sunny and part will be in shallow shade.

Pest Control. Godetia is a tasty morsel for many insects, so do not forget to regularly inspect each bush in order to carry out rescue measures in time, if necessary.

Strengthening the plant

As you can see, godetia does not require any supernatural attitude towards itself. Growing it from seeds at home is not too troublesome. It won't be too difficult to take care of it either.

Back in the 70s, one teacher told her students that a plucked flower is trash. To some extent, she is right, but the bright and fiery godetia retains its beauty in any form. Described by great romantics in songs and poems, it still captivates the hearts of many people. Some associate the plant with an alluring dream, others with a flower of flaming passion. For others, she is a true flower lady. What is this charming earthly creation? Let's try to lift the painted veil to see all the delights of the magical flower.

Looking at a flower through a magnifying glass

Probably, the idea of ​​looking at a flower through a magnifying glass has never occurred to anyone. After all, Godetia already looks charming, attracting more and more new fans. But, nevertheless, taking a closer look at the plant, you can notice its touches that are invisible at first glance.

The flower was first discovered on the American continent in the state of California. This is his “historical homeland”. It turns out that godetia came to us after traveling a long way across the ocean. Despite this, the plant received its name in memory of the famous Swiss botanist C. H. God.

Godetia belongs to the fireweed family and is an annual herbaceous plant. It is characterized by erect stems that branch luxuriantly, creating a charming garden shrub with a maximum height of about 60 cm. It comes in a pyramidal and spreading shape. Along the slender shoots, lanceolate green leaves with entire edges are located in a regular order.

Looking at the many godetia flowers in the photo, think about the magnificence of the shades and the delicate “fabric” of the petals. Try to immerse yourself in their sweet aroma and imagine that the flowers are already growing in your summer cottage.

The satin petals of godetia buds can be simple or double, which are collected in small bouquets or brushes. Their magnificent coloring is especially striking:

I would also like to note the two-color versions of the garden beauty. The harmonious combination of pink and white gives the impression that someone specially painted the petals with a brush. White buds with red or peach strokes in the center look original. And the delicate purple hue is diluted with dark tones of red. Isn’t this charming flower capable of decorating the countryside landscape of a country house? Try it and see.

It should be noted that the plant is valued not only for the lush, bright colors of its buds. Its main advantage is that the flowering period begins in July and lasts until early November. A truly precious gift from nature.

Basic principles of care and planting of godetia

In order for a true lady of the flower kingdom to appear at the dacha, it is important to follow a number of basic principles of planting. One of the options for growing a flower in a flower bed is to sow seeds in the soil in spring or autumn. In the prepared area, shallow holes are made into which the planting material is lowered.
Then it is lightly sprinkled with soil and sprinkled with water.

Growing godetia from seeds is a fairly simple way to grow a magnificent passion flower in your dacha. If you sow seeds in the fall before frost and the first snow, they will have time to absorb moisture from the soil, but will not germinate. But the plant will bloom 3 weeks earlier than those sown in the spring. A simple secret, but what a benefit!

There is also the option of growing godetia from seeds, when it is better to plant the plant using seedlings. It is advisable to start work in early spring. So, on the 10th of March, flower seeds are sown in containers or boxes with fertile substrate. After this, you should provide the plant with moderate watering, not forgetting about balance. The containers are taken to a room where there are no drafts and plenty of light.
When godetia seeds sprout (after about 17 days) and two leaves appear on the surface, they are planted in separate containers or pots. After 14 days, it is necessary to fertilize the flowers with fertilizers.

After the seedlings have grown stronger, godetia is planted in open ground and cared for in accordance with the basic rules:

  • timely watering as the soil dries using a spray bottle;
  • regular loosening of the soil in the root area of ​​the flower to provide air supply to the plant and uniform distribution of moisture;
  • removing weeds from the flower bed;
  • a thorough examination of the foliage in order to identify flower pests and destroy them;
  • freeing bushes from dried buds and leaves.

The godetia flowers shown in the photo, planted and cared for in accordance with the basic principles, look simply gorgeous. Their buds shine brightly in the sun, the greens are juicy, and you want to kiss the petals.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened off for 14 days. To do this, in the room where containers with flowers are located, windows and doors are opened every day. As a result, godetia seedlings adapt to the outside temperature and practically do not get sick after transplantation.

Since godetia is a herbaceous plant for open ground, the sown seeds germinate quite quickly. The distance between future bushes should not exceed 20 cm. Otherwise, there will be little space for adult plants, which will lead to serious diseases of godetia. Some gardeners prefer to sow flowers in winter, which is no less effective than in spring. From this it is clear that growing godetia does not require much effort. The main thing is to listen to the basic rules and follow them. In any case, a true flower lady, burning with passion, will appear in the flowerbed of your summer cottage.

A short tour of popular varieties

Many of us love to go shopping and look at colorful products. Let's imagine that we are surrounded by colorful godetias, inviting us to choose them. How to figure this out? Get to know each of them.

Today, the garden flower market offers a huge selection of varieties of this flower. Almost each of them has a unique splendor that is necessary to decorate the garden area.

Majestic large-flowered beauty

Back in 1867, gardeners grew godetia grandiflora in flower beds and enjoyed its beauty. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, this compact beauty remains at the peak of its fame. Its slightly pubescent shoots can grow from 20 cm to half a meter. They are either recumbent or erect. Closer to winter they become woody. Along the entire length of the stem there are lanceolate leaves that gradually taper towards their base.

The buds are usually large in size - up to 10 cm in diameter. The shape resembles bells or wide cups. Flowers appear on the tops of erect stems in the form of bouquets or brushes. Satin petals are painted in the following colors:

  • deep pink;
  • bright red;
  • ripe raspberry color;
  • soft lilac;
  • scarlet;
  • Dark red;
  • snow-white.

Flowering begins in July and continues until mid-autumn. Based on this species, breeders have developed hybrid versions of godetia. Among them I would like to mention the most popular.

Variety Weissen Schwan

The flowers are a low-growing bush with a spreading structure. Erect shoots are colored green. Only at the base are they slightly brownish. The leaf blades are wide, lanceolate in shape. The buds are white, cup-shaped. They are soft to the touch, like satin fabric.

This variety of large-flowered godetia belongs to the medium-sized category of bushes. The shoots of the flower are green with a red tint. The foliage is narrow, lanceolate. Buds in the form of wide bells of red or orange color.

Exquisite beauty with terry petals

Another representative of large-flowered varieties that I would like to especially mention is terry godetia. Such flowers cannot be found in the natural environment, but the hybrid forms are pleasing to the eye. They come in double, semi-double or densely double varieties of the plant. Such glamorous bushes are widely used to form landscape areas in summer cottages. One of the most famous flower varieties is the terry godetia azalea flower. These colorful varieties are most often used in gardening.

The variety is distinguished by low bushes about 40 cm in height with erect shoots of a pinkish tint. The leaves are lanceolate, the buds are semi-double. Most often they are pinkish or lilac in color with a scarlet spot inside the bud. It is noteworthy that the petals in the center are much darker than their delicate edges. This is the highlight of this variety.

This variety of terry godetia has small hemispherical bushes with pink-green stems. The leaf blades are narrow, lanceolate in nature. Buds with double petals of pink color, on which there is a small red spot. A truly magnificent sight.

His Majesty "The Monarch"

Many gardeners have fallen in love with the incredibly cute dwarf godetia species - the monarch. It reaches a height of only 20 cm. The bush of the flower is compact enough to decorate the space of a summer cottage. The buds are miniature - only 5 cm in diameter. The main advantage of godetia monarch is frost resistance. Therefore, it is often used to decorate country landscapes in northern latitudes.

Having examined some varieties of godetia, we can say with confidence that this fiery passion flower is a magnificent decoration for the garden. When surrounded by him, you feel a magical surge of strength and inner joy in your heart. Is it worth giving up such pleasure? The decision is yours.

Sowing godetia seeds for growing seedlings - video