All about car tuning

The names of the winter competitions are vulgar. Cool New Year's competitions and fun games. Competition “Who will get the cookies?”

This competition should please all guests. Everyone participates. Each participant chooses a face-down card on which a role specific to him is written. Within a few seconds, the participant thinks through what position and with what emotions he will show and play his role. The presenter picks up the camera and the show begins. One by one, introducing the participant and his role, the photographer takes a couple of photographs of the actor or actress. If possible, you can immediately view the photos on the big screen using a flash drive, or then send the photos to each of the guests by mail. Sample roles:
- tired deer;
- depraved Snow Maiden;
- Chinese man suffering from obesity;
- a black man playing the drum;
- Baba Yaga with a hangover;
- smiling beaver and so on.

Not without me

The competition consists of the fact that each participant answers each question from the presenter with his first and last name. As a result, you can identify all the pranksters, villains and hooligans. Questions may be of the following nature:
- who stole Michael Jackson's car? The first participant stands up and says his first and last name, for example, I, Vitya Petrov;
- who ate all the sweets from the bowl?
- who sawed off the wing of the president's plane?
- who ate too much garlic today?
- who sits here without panties?
- who will die from a hangover tomorrow? and so on.

I'll make a toast from the bottom of my heart

The essence of the competition is that each of the participants in turn stands up and introduces himself by name, and then says the phrase “My friends, I wish everyone...” and adds three words starting with the letter with which his name begins. It will be interesting to see how the guests whose names are, for example, Elizaveta or Yuri will get out, because there is not much that can be desired with “e” or “u”.


Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people. At the command “start”, each team must write its decoding on a piece of paper - GRANDFATHER Frost and the Snow Maiden, for example, Kind, Unique, Soulful, Sweet, Prudent, Russian, Responsible, Winter and Brave, Tender, Natural, Ingenious, Smart, Joyful, Charming , Sensitive, Sociable, Angelically sweet. The team that can decipher the fastest and most creatively New Year's heroes, will receive a prize.

Fruit dance

On New Year There is always an abundance of fruit on the table: bananas, coconuts, oranges, apples, tangerines, kiwis, pineapples and so on. So, each guest in turn stands up and names any fruit he likes, for example, banana. Then the presenter asks: where did the banana come from? And the guest must answer: for example, from Africa. Okay, so dance us an African fiery dance. The guest dances a cheerful dance of an African tribe. Then the next guest enters the game, naming another fruit, for example, an orange. Where did the orange come from? The guest answers: for example, Spain and dances a fiery Spanish dance. The game continues until everyone has listed one fruit and danced their dance. And at the end, the best performer of the Motherland of Fruits is determined by applause and awarded a prize - a basket of juicy fruits, for example.

New Year's bustle

Guests are divided into two teams of 5 people. The first participants stand at the same distance from their teams, which, in turn, wait for their first participants near the Christmas tree. So, on the command “start”, the first participants receive a bottle of champagne, put their bottles between their legs and head to their teams. When they arrived at the place, the first participants pass the bottle to the second, who must open the champagne, the second participants pass the open bottle to the third, the third pour the champagne into 5 glasses, the fourth participants quickly say the phrase: “They say - on New Year’s Eve, whatever you don’t want, that’s it.” will always happen, everything always comes true” and only after this phrase the team members drink champagne, and the fifth participants take an empty champagne bottle, put it between their legs and carry it back to where the first participants started. The fastest team is the winner.

Put on your gloves

All guests stand in a row, and two participants are located at both ends of the row. Participants receive the same number of pairs of gloves (according to the number of guests + two or three pairs). At the command “start”, the participants begin to put on gloves for the guests. Whichever participant puts on the most gloves before the meeting will win.

New Year's butts

Participants are divided into pairs. All couples stand in the same “butt to butt” position. The same number of tangerines are placed on the resulting “niche” of each pair, for example, 5 pieces. At the command “start”, all pairs must run as quickly as possible in this position to the finish line, without losing their tangerines. The couple that finishes first and delivers all the tangerines will become the winner, and its participants will receive the title of “the most elastic and friendly butts.”

Shine Christmas tree

Each participant receives a garland of the same length. At the command “start”, each of the guests turns into a Christmas tree - he must wrap himself in a circle with a garland and quickly plug into the socket. Whoever is first wins.

A humorous test for married couples.

The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - are ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles) present at a party married men- without showing it to their wives. Then the wives do the same. The test leader asks the married couple to look at the side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. So, husband: 1 Affectionate, like... 2 Strong, like... 3 Sociable, like... 4 Authoritative, like... 5 Independent, like...6 Smiling, like... 7 Neat, like ... 8 Amorous, like... 9 Brave, like... 10 Beautiful, like...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, wife: 1 In transport, like... 2 With relatives, like... 3 With work colleagues, like... 4 In a store, like... 5 At home, like... 6 In a cafe or restaurant, like... 7 With a boss like... 8 In a friendly company like... 9 In bed like... 10 In a doctor's office like...

Eating cake.

Guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a piece of cake, and if the teams are big, then the whole cake is in a cardboard box tied with a rope. Each team has a member with a bottle of lemonade who drinks their team. Everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs, including the “drinkers.” The first team to eat their cake wins. You can eat cornflakes, desserts, etc. in the same way.

Thick-cheeked lip slap.

To play you need a bag of sucking candies like "Barberries". The game involves two people. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they call their opponent “fat-cheeked lip-slapper.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time manages to pronounce the “magic phrase” will win.

Miss Sensitivity.

Only women participate in the competition. They face the audience, each with a chair behind them. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins.

Wet pants.

The game involves 3-5 people. It will be more interesting if they are slightly tipsy men. They come out and face the audience. The leader gives each one plastic bottle(1-1.5 liter). Men tuck the bottom of the bottle into their belts and into their pants. The bottles are prepared in advance; small, inconspicuous holes are made in the bottom with a needle. Next, the presenter gives each man a mug of water and a spoon, with which he must scoop the water from the mug into his bottle. Men compete in speed. At first it seems to them that they are spilling water past the neck. But when someone scoops up the last spoon, and the host asks to get the containers, it becomes clear that a whole glass of water ended up in his pants.

Dress the lady.

Each lady holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

Alcohol meter.

In a “close” company, two tipsy men are asked to check who is more drunk. To do this, they are given felt-tip pens, and behind them - a scale drawn on whatman paper, where the degrees are indicated in increasing order - 20, 30, 40 degrees and above. The participants’ task is to bend down, extending their hand to the “Alcohol Meter” between their legs, and mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees on the scale are arranged from higher to lower numbers so that players raise their hands higher.

Mission impossible.

For this competition, some delicate dish is suitable - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using toothpicks.


The task of the players of each team is to move the oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without using their hands.

Tear up the newspaper.

Two, three or several people participate in the competition. The task is to tear the newspaper as quickly and as small as possible - with one hand. The hand is extended forward, free hand can't help.


Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of paper around (better, of course, if not a toilet paper, but a paper towel in a roll). Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Ride the ball.

All competition participants line up in teams of 3 people. Each three players receive a tight ball. At the signal from the leader, one of the three players, supported by the elbows of two other players, steps on the ball and rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.

Vice versa.

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and for those who are left-handed, with their right.


One or two players leave. Afterwards, they are told that they must find out something (“solve a crime”) by asking questions that require answers of “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.” But in fact, the others didn’t have any story in mind. They simply answer "yes" - if the last word the question ends in a vowel, “no” ends in a consonant, “maybe” ends in “b”...

New Year's wishes.

This game can be played at a New Year's corporate party. The names of employees are thrown into one box (or one hat, for example), and wishes for them for the next year into another. Then the presenter randomly pulls out one name and one wish and reads them out.

Lung volume.

The players' task is to inflate the balloons in the allotted time without using their hands.


One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). The players' hands should be behind them. You need to secretly pass the cucumber behind your back from the presenter and take a bite of it at every opportunity. The presenter's task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten.

Money down the drain.

Participants in the competition are given a banknote. The players' task is to "cheat" the money as far as possible in three attempts. After another attempt, the players go to the place where the bill landed and blow again. Whose bill flies the farthest wins.

Erotic competitions

Erotic banana competition.

At least two couples are needed, preferably consisting of a man and a woman (but only men or only women are possible). Each pair is given a banana. They take the peeled banana into their mouth from both sides. A light lyrical melody is turned on, and the couples begin to dance. Bananas should not be touched with your hands. They need to be held only with your lips. The winner is the pair that “holds out” with the banana (which gradually melts) for as long as possible.


It is better to play this game at the table. The organizer of the game takes a doll - an ordinary naked baby doll, and invites everyone to kiss it in turn, while announcing where and why he is doing it. For example, “I kiss his ear so that he can hear well.” The doll is passed around in a circle or in random order. You can't repeat yourself. If the company is not very large, then the doll goes for a second round. The presenter diligently remembers who kisses the baby where. After the end of the circle (first or second), the presenter announces that it’s enough to train on the doll, and that now everyone must kiss their neighbor in the place that he announced, in the order in which the doll was passed. If the doll was passed around for two circles, then the “neighbor’s kiss” also passes two circles. If the parties have particular resistance to kissing, it is possible to replace kissing with some action (toast, song, help in the kitchen, etc., etc.). The one who refuses to kiss is subject to “punishment”.

Roll the ball.

Several pairs participate in the game. Each pair receives two ping pong balls. The man must roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to the left sleeve, and the lady must roll these balls through the man's trousers from the right trouser leg to the left.

Ball under the chin.

Two teams are selected and stand in two lines (alternating in each: man, woman) facing each other. The condition is that the players must hold the ball under their chin; during the pass, they must not touch the ball with their hands under any circumstances; however, they are allowed to touch each other in any way they want, just so as not to drop the ball.

Raise the ball to your chin.

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. The task is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of the shorter partner.


Several couples are invited. Each participant in the game is blindfolded. Then the host and guests attach several clothespins to different areas of each participant’s clothing. At the leader’s signal, you need to remove all the clothespins from your partner. The couple that completes the task faster wins the competition. This competition is convenient to conduct with music.


The presenter calls two couples (in each pair there is a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couples candy wrappers or cut up pieces of paper). Banks for your deposits can serve pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to make your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let's start!" The presenter helps the couples complete the task, and after one minute sums up the results: “How many bills do you have left? What about you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! And now I will ask the women to withdraw the entire amount from their accounts as quickly as possible. make the task more difficult, we will blindfold them." The women are blindfolded and at this time the men are swapped. At the command of the presenter, unsuspecting women begin to excitedly look for deposits from other people's partners.

Dancing on the newspaper.

The music turns on, and the boys and girls are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a sheet of newspaper (large - A2 format). The sheets are placed on the floor and everyone starts dancing, each couple on their own sheet. The couple that leaves the newspaper is eliminated. After a few minutes, the leader folds the sheet of each pair in half and everything continues. This is repeated several times, and soon there is almost no newspaper left...


A path from a roll of wallpaper (or a carpet, or a long rug) is placed on the floor. This path is declared a "stream". Women are invited to walk along the “stream” with their legs wide apart without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. After walking the path blindfolded and eventually removing the blindfold, the woman discovers a man (or several men!) lying face up on the path. The man lies down on the track at the moment when the task has already been completed, but the blindfold from the participant’s eyes has not yet been removed. The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily.


A blindfolded man enters the room. His hands begin to move over the lying “Pharaoh” from bottom to top. The role of "Pharaoh" is played by one of the initiated participants. The remaining "victims" are waiting outside the door. Mournful music and words sound: “This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, ..., here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here are his brains!” With these words, the victim’s hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup. The effect exceeds all expectations.

Flour. An inflatable ball is placed in the middle of the table. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. The ball is quietly removed, and a plate generously filled with flour is placed in its place. Participants blow on the plate until they suspect something is wrong... :)

With matches.

The prank is offensive, so it is necessary that the “victim” has a good sense of humor. So, the victim is asked to take a coordination test (dexterity, sobriety, etc.). The essence of the test is as follows: you need to lift a box of matches using two matches. Holding them by the heads with two fingers each, press them from different sides into the center of the box and thus lift it. As a rule, after several attempts this is successful. After this, it is proposed to complicate the task: at the moment when the box is already lifted and held, the victim must stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, the attempt is repeated. Very quickly the victim will stomp his foot on the floor with a satisfied face and hold a box of matches in front of him with two matches. The face in this case is usually very stupid and happy, especially if you first bet that the victim will never succeed.

This is where the presenter turns to face the audience and announces in the voice of an entertainer: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse...”.


All participants leave the room, leaving only the presenter and his assistant. Two chairs are placed opposite each other in the room. An assistant sits, as if by chance, not far from the chair of the future “victim” with a soaked rag (handkerchief, etc.) hidden behind his back. The “victims” are launched one at a time. The “victim” comes in and stands near his chair (like the presenter). It is necessary that the chairs are behind them, and the leader and the “victim” look at each other.

Next, the presenter greets the “victim” and says: “You entered flight school today, I’m your instructor and today we have practical lessons, you must repeat after me all the movements, sounds, etc." Then everyone sits down, and the victim, feeling a catch, looks at the chair and finds nothing, sits down. Then the leader says: "First lesson, they give us a corn cracker" ( the presenter pretends to be holding the steering wheel in his hands and begins to make the sounds of a winding up airplane, something like “Peck-peck-peck-peck”); then he says: “We’re taking off!”, gets up from his chair, accordingly, The “victim” also stands up, then both sit down.

The same maneuver occurs a second time, only this time they give a Boeing (well, and the corresponding sounds to it), the third in the fleet turns out to be an SU-27 (or something similar jet, with a loud sound). By this time, the “victim” has already distracted herself from the chair, and the assistant quietly places a wet rag on the chair (just not too wet, so that it doesn’t squish when they sit on it). The main thing is for the “instructor” to look into the eyes of the “victim” at this time, and not behind her back. Further words from the presenter: “The left engine fails, the right engine fails, we fall!” With these words, everyone sits down together.

The instructor and assistant laugh, but the victim at first doesn’t understand what’s going on (the clothes don’t get wet right away). Then the first “victim” sits somewhere to the side and, without giving a sign, becomes a spectator. The next “victim” comes in and everything repeats again. And so on until the last participant looks at the laughing crowd of “flying away”, waiting in bewilderment until his trousers get wet! Believe me, it's super funny.


We staged these games and pranks especially for those who understand a sense of humor and will not torment their guests, as written below :-)))


The number of players is not limited. Suddenly one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair, and then all the other players feed the leader beer for 5-6 hours. The game is over when a trickle appears.


The number of players is not limited. The players sit in a circle. In the center of the circle, the leader, who by that time had been untied from the chair and dressed in the uniform of an ordinary player, spins an empty bottle on a long rope. The player who exclaimed: "Oh, yo!" and clutching his head not only counts, but is also eliminated from the game. The game continues until either there are no players left in the circle, or one of them is able to get close to the leader and tie him to the chair again. In the latter case with new strength The trickle game resumes.


The number of players is slightly limited by previous games. Suddenly one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair, and then the rest of the players feed him beer for 2-3 hours. Compared to 5-6 hours of playing trickle, what is happening seems to the presenter to be simply nonsense. Hence the name of the game.

"Hide and Seek"

The number of players is not limited. Suddenly one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair. Then the first player says loudly and clearly: “We have an extra 20 liters of beer. Where can we hide them in 5-6 hours?” After which the actual game of hide and seek begins.

"Blind Man's Bluff"

The number of players is not limited. One of the players (optional) is tied with a scarf around his neck and another 20 liters of beer are poured out for the host. The player goes for beer, and the presenter squints his eyes in displeasure.

"Sea figure, freeze!"

The sea figure is untied from the chair and placed on the sofa. All players go home, and the sea figure freezes until the morning. The person who gets the last call from the sea figure in the morning wins.

With an apple suspended on a string from the belt in front or behind, it is necessary to hit the matchbox and “kick” it from start to finish. Touching the box with your hands or pushing it with your feet is prohibited. It’s not difficult to imagine what kind of body movements the participants in this will make competition.

competition "Kisses"

This contest It's better to spend it with a friend. But whoever wants it. The players are equally divided between boys and girls. A beginner kisses a girl and takes off one thing, a girl kisses a guy and also takes off one thing. And so on increasingly - kissed, took off the thing. Anyone who refuses to undress further leaves the game. Continue until the bitter end, i.e. when there is nothing left to shoot :)))

"Spiritometer" competition

In a “close” company, two tipsy men are asked to check who is more drunk. To do this, they are given felt-tip pens, and behind them - a scale drawn on whatman paper, where the degrees are indicated in increasing order - 20, 30, 40 degrees and above. The task of the participants is to bend down, extending their hand to the “Spiritometer” between their legs, and mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees on the scale are arranged from higher to lower numbers so that players raise their hands higher.

contest "Group Orgasm"

All participants competition lie down/sit alternately on the floor/sofa/bed/grass/desk. The presenter distributes numbers to everyone in order from 1 to N, where N is the number of players. Then, on command, player number 1 makes 1 orgasm-like sound, after which player number 2 makes 2 such sounds, the third makes 3, etc. An important condition: if in the process of making sounds someone laughs at himself or at another, then the game starts over.

competition "Striptease"

In secret from the culprit (or culprit) of the holiday, make a silhouette of a human figure from cardboard full height. Glue a photo of the birthday boy or girl in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. Just pin the paper ones to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when he was born, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday person will not be offended, you can write comic wishes on these pieces of paper.

What kind of holiday, and especially the New Year, would be without games, entertainment and competitions. Adults, just like children, want to spend the New Year holidays in a fun and interesting way. These games can be used to create holiday scenarios. events for adults dedicated to the New Year.

Fun games, competitions and entertainment at the New Year's party

Fun relay race

You can play in pairs and teams. Two participants are given two pencils, one matchbox and one glass (not empty, of course). You need to take pencils in your hand, put a matchbox on them, place a glass on the box and cover a certain distance. Whoever hasn't spilled the vodka will drink it.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. Depending on the number of participants, hats are sewn to the rope at intervals of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team whose cap falls off first loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Matryoshka dolls

All those present are divided into two teams, stand in a line one after another, each holding a scarf. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and triumphantly shouts: “Everyone is ready!” The entire team turns to face their opponents.

You can play for speed, quality, appearance"matryoshka dolls" - the main thing is to have time to photograph the cheerful "matryoshka dolls".

Wow or eh?

Two teams are formed: “M” and “W”. One team makes two words and a wish for each of them. For example, “Uh” - kiss two, “Eh” - kiss everyone. Then one player from the second team is called up. But none of them should know words and desires. They ask him: “Uh or eh?” Whatever word he chooses, such a wish will be fulfilled. You can make funny wishes. For example: crawl between the legs of the opposing team and drink a glass of strong drink.

Happy Well

The presenter takes a bucket, pours some vodka into it and puts a glass in the bucket. The player must get the coin into the glass. If his coin gets into the vodka, the next participant throws his coin. If a player hits a glass with a coin, he takes all the coins from the bucket and drinks the vodka.

Relay race for a friendly company

Two teams are participating. The more people there are, the better. In each team, players line up in a column: man - woman; A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first team member sits. He holds a match in his mouth (without sulfur, of course). At the leader’s command, the second player runs up to him, takes the match without using his hands and sits in the place of the first. The first one runs to the rear of the column. The relay continues until the first team players are on the chair again.

With cake

Guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a cake in a cardboard box tied with string. Each team has a special participant with a bottle of vodka (beer will do) - he drinks his team. Everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs, including the “drinkers.”

The first team to eat their cake and drink their vodka wins. Without vodka, the cake does not count!

“The sea is agitated” in a new way

Remember the old game “The Sea is Troubled,” which you all probably played in childhood. Let's remember the rules. A presenter is selected. If there are too many people willing to fill this role, then it can be counted. Here’s a simple little rhyme: “An apple was rolling through the garden and fell straight into the water: “thump.”

The presenter reads the words, and at this time the players think about their figure. When they hear the word “freeze,” the players freeze in any position. The presenter can “turn on” anyone at will or anyone who moves. The one whose presentation the presenter likes the most becomes the presenter. If the presenter doesn’t like anything 3 times in a row, he is replaced.

The words of the presenter: “The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three - an erotic figure, freeze in place!”

New Year's drink

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

Progress of the game. Players must split into pairs. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The second player’s task is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared “potion” wins.

New Year's Sandwich

Number of participants: everyone interested

Required Items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

Progress of the game. This is a variation of the previous game, only pairs can change places. The “sighted” player prepares a sandwich from everything on the table. The “blind man” must taste it. But at the same time, hold your nose with your hand. The one who correctly names the most components wins.

Mute Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Progress of the game. Quite a fun game that will help bring out the creative abilities of those gathered for festive table and also have a good laugh! A pair consisting of Father Frost and Snow Maiden is selected. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to congratulate everyone gathered on the New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden must pronounce all congratulations out loud as accurately as possible.

Group rhythm

Number of participants: leader, at least 4 people.

Required Items: uniform elements in the form of red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Progress of the competition. The participants sit in a circle, after which the leader places his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. The rest of the participants act in a similar way. The leader begins to tap a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader’s left foot. The leader’s right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader’s right leg. And so on in a circle. It is not so easy for all participants to learn to hit the correct rhythm, so for a long time someone will get confused. If there are enough people, then you can introduce a rule - the one who makes a mistake is eliminated.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Progress of the competition. It is announced to those present that elections are planned for the best Father Frost and the best Snow Maiden. After this, men dress in the costume of Father Frost, and women - the Snow Maiden. At the same time, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should. At the end, those present decide who completed their task more successfully than the rest.


Number of participants: everyone, in pairs (woman and man).

Required Items: thick mittens, robes with buttons.

Progress of the competition. The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and must fasten the buttons on the robe that women wear. The person who fastens the most buttons in the least amount of time is declared the winner.

New Year wishes

Number of participants: 5 participants.

Progress of the competition. Five participants are given the task of naming one New Year's wish in turn. The one who thinks about the wish for more than 5 seconds is eliminated. Accordingly, the last one remaining wins.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required items: pacifiers.

Progress of the competition. In this competition, it is proposed to follow the example of the residents of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year’s Day, which in this country is a wish for happiness in the coming year. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is doubtful, but in the form have a fun competition is quite suitable, and you only need to spit with pacifiers. The winner is the one who spits it out the furthest.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: various outfits.

Progress of the competition. The point is to dress up in a pre-prepared outfit faster than others. Whoever is faster wins. It is advisable to come up with as diverse and funny outfits as possible.

Song of the year

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, pan, etc.

Progress of the competition. The bag contains pieces of paper with words like Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc. written on them. Participants draw notes from a bag and must sing a New Year or winter song that contains this word.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: empty champagne bottles.

Progress of the competition. Newspapers are spread on the floor. The challenge is to stuff the largest number of newspapers into a champagne bottle. The one who crams the most wins.

Jumping into the unknown

Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

Progress of the competition. Germany boasts a curious tradition of “jumping” on New Year's Day, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. Whoever is further wins.

The same thing is proposed to be done in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from your seat. Accordingly, the one who jumped into the New Year the furthest wins.

Competition with glasses

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: A glass with contents such as water or wine.

Progress of the competition. The participant must run around the table, holding the glass by the stem with his teeth and without spilling the contents. The longer the leg, the better. Accordingly, the winner is the one who goes around the table the fastest and does not spill the contents.

These games can be played at a home party, at a holiday work party, or at a New Year's corporate party.

These games will amuse all the guests and make the New Year's holiday fun and interesting.

Games and entertainment for the New Year for adults

New Year's game. What will Santa Claus give?

This is a team game. It is necessary to divide the guests into teams of several people (you can form family teams, teams of brunettes and blondes, teams of girls and boys, teams based on the letters in their names). Assignment: depict the presenter’s story with facial expressions and gestures. Actions must be performed simultaneously by all team members.

“Every New Year, Santa Claus comes knocking on our door with a whole bag of gifts. He gave dad (a hat, a comb, glasses). Let all right hand They will show you how dad (combs his hair, puts on a hat, tries on glasses). He gave his son (skates, skis, rollerblades). Show how your son walks (skis, skates, roller skates), but don’t stop combing his hair. (Hereinafter each new gift- a new movement added to the previous one.) He gave his mother a meat grinder - rotate it with your left hand. He brought his daughter a gift (a bear, a doll, a dog), who bats her eyelashes and says “mom” (“woof”, “meow”), and he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy that shakes its head.”

The winner is the team that managed to show everything without faltering.

New Year's game. Calendar

For this game you need to prepare tear-off calendar sheets in advance. This game will help guests get to know each other better and form pairs for the evening. Girls can be given pieces of paper with an even number, boys - with an odd number. Throughout the festive evening, the owners of the leaflets are given various tasks.

Tasks should be offered during the break between dishes, after noisy games: for example, gather by month, by day of the week, find yesterday (for example, September 25 is looking for September 24, etc.).

The host of the evening can offer a story in which different numbers are used; all guests must listen to the story carefully and respond to their number.

For example: “Exactly 3 hours are left until the minute the clock strikes 12” (the owner of the number “12” or “1” and “2”, etc. comes forward.” The story can be thought up in advance, or you can improvise.

New Year's game. Let's dance in pairs

This game is played during a dance minute. The presenter calls any two-digit number, and the players gather in pairs so that the sum of the numbers on their sheets is equal to this number. For example, 26. This means that a pair is made up of players who have calendar sheets with the numbers 10 plus 16, or 20 plus 6, or 25 plus 1. The first one to form a pair wins.

New Year's game. "Spruce" words

Assignment: everyone sitting at the table takes turns naming the words that contain “a spruce tree.” Condition: used only common nouns nouns in the nominative case. The one who could not name the word gives his forfeit, which will be played together with others.

We offer possible options words: blizzard, caramel, jelly, dolphin, orange, writer, driver, delta, teacher, carousel, furniture, gorge, loafer, drops, briefcase, stranded, target, panel, rail, new settlers, potatoes, mill, dumpling, Monday.

If the players find it difficult to name the words, the presenter can help them by coming up with an explanation of the word. For example: a delicacy that children adore is “caramel”..

New Year's riddles

If you need to fill a pause, New Year's riddles are suitable. They can be easily solved by both adults and children. You can wrap candies in leaves with riddles and hang them on the Christmas tree; each guest chooses his own riddle and receives a sweet prize. You can cut out snowflakes from thick paper, write riddles on them and hang them on the Christmas tree. You can make it snow by throwing snowflakes on your guests. Whoever catches it guesses. You can put leaves with riddles in balloons and inflate them. Guests catch the ball themselves with their own riddles.

It flies without wings and grows without roots. (Snow)

Warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in winter (Snow)

On the street there is a mountain, and in the house there is water. (Ice)

In winter, I stand in the yard, a broom in my hands, a bucket on my head, a carrot in my nose. I perform winter service. (Snowman)

Who built a bridge across the river without logs, without an ax? (Freezing).

It is not a man who walks across the field; it is not a bird that flies high. (Blizzard)

A flock of white midges has been spinning and curling since the morning.

Doesn't squeak or bite - that's just how she flies. (Snowflakes)

Not a precious stone, but glitters in the sun (Ice)

He sits on everyone and is not afraid of anyone. (Snow)

I was born in the middle of a yard where children were walking.

But the sun's rays turned me into a stream. (Snowman)

A white, soft blanket is spread out on the street,

The sun was hot - the blanket was glassy. (Snow)

Frost throws seeds on gray roofs -

White carrots grow to the delight of the kids. (Icicles)

Without arms, without legs, he draws on glass. (Freezing)

It does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water. (Ice)

New Year's game. New explanatory dictionary

This game is suitable for those who are no longer able to take part in noisy fun and active games. The host pronounces a word related to the New Year's holiday, and the guests come up with their own interpretation of the word. The wittiest guest wins.

You can use another option - smart dominoes. To do this, you will have to prepare cards in advance.

To draw a festive fun lotto, you need to prepare props. On one card is written the word that needs to be interpreted, on the other - the interpretation. The presenter places a card with a word that needs to be interpreted on the table, and the guests lay out an interpretation card next to it (all guests are given the same number of cards). Thinking time is 5 seconds, then the card is put aside or someone tries to come up with the answer themselves. The winner is the player who gets rid of his interpretation cards the fastest.

An example of word cards for the presenter: loaf, barrel, misfortune, limestone, lower back, fermented baked milk, starving.

Interpretation cards. New Year's cracker; sharp winter wind; carnival mask for a dog; famous singer; gift instructions; Christmas tree; foreign guest.

Here are examples of words and their interpretations

Ballast is a New Year's Eve for scuba divers.

Banquette is a New Year's party lover.

Barysh is a man accompanying a young lady.

A mediocrity is a person who is left without a gift for the New Year. (A person who came to visit without a gift).

Steelyard - New Year's celebration in an all-female group.

Deadwood is the state of guests on the morning after the New Year.

The chief accountant is responsible for the pyrotechnic part of the New Year's evening.

Competent - a guest awarded a diploma for active participation in competitions and games on New Year's Eve.

The double is the diary of one of the children of the owner of the house, hidden before the holiday in a safe place.

Jargon is an aspirin tablet that restores order in the head after a stormy New Year's party.

The priestess is a female guest after a long diet.

The spade is the bodyguard of one of the guests.

Yelnik - restaurant.

Giraffe is a favorite dish of Ukrainians living in Africa - African-style lard.

A dungeon is a neighbor across the wall.

Innocence is the refusal of teetotalers to celebrate the New Year with strong drinks.

Direct - one of the guests demanding the continuation of the banquet in the rooms, without having any funds for it.

The stubs are those who sort things out even at the New Year's table.

Classmates - those who went on a diet after a stormy gastronomic celebration.

Postcard - a guest in a chic dress with a provocative neckline.

Pine is the time when the guests finally fell asleep after the New Year's party.

Teahouse - an exclamation from the hostess, meaning that the guests have destroyed all the year's supplies of tea.

Cheburek is the father of a child dressed as Cheburashka at a New Year's party.

Cap - a small emergency on the New Year's holiday.

Game for the New Year. New Year's constructor

The game is best played during the dance part of the evening. The leader gives the dancers commands to make some figures from the dancers.

For example, to form links from three elements (people), the connection method is “under-the-elbow”; or create a structure of five elements, the connection method is “left hand - knee of the right neighbor.” Each “construction” exists until the next command and tries to move to the music.

Two volunteers are given thick mittens in which to unwrap the candy; on one ski you need to race across the entire room; make a snow woman (i.e., dress someone up using improvised means); cut out the most beautiful snowflake from paper; throwing snowballs into a basket (snowballs are small transparent bags filled with cotton wool).

Game for the New Year. New Year's greetings from fairy-tale characters

The presenter takes things out of the bag that may belong to different fairy-tale characters. For example, the Dwarf's cap, Pinocchio's nose, Hottabych's turban, Cinderella's slipper, Little Red Riding Hood's hat, Malvina's blue wig. Each guest takes turns guessing fairy-tale characters and receives these things. Task: the guest in the appropriate image must wish everyone a Happy New Year. The one who finds the most accurate image wins.

New Year's game. Snowman

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of Whatman paper with a drawn snowman and a carrot nose made of plasticine. One player from the pair holds a sheet of paper with a picture of a snowman, the other, blindfolded, tries to stick a plasticine carrot nose on the snowman. The one who attaches the carrot correctly and quickly wins.

New Year's game. "Let's sing, friends"

Cases for Kinder surprises are hung on the Christmas tree in advance. Inside each there is a note with a word on a winter theme: Christmas tree, snowflake, frost, snow, winter, frost. Guests remove the Kinder Surprise from the tree and take turns singing a verse from a song whose lyrics contain the word that appears in their note. The winner is determined by applause.