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Folk remedies for aphids in the greenhouse. Aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse - how to fight. Chemical treatment of greenhouse

Every gardener who grows cucumbers quite often encounters a pest such as aphids, which feel most comfortable in an enclosed space, that is, in a greenhouse.

Aphids: why are they dangerous and what does they look like?

The appearance of this insect is quite easy to determine: the leaves on the plant become limp and drooping; entire colonies of uninvited pests can easily be seen on their reverse side, as well as on flowers, ovaries and shoots.

Aphids, which are small insect green, black or yellowish in color, dangerous in the period when it begins to fly. This happens due to its strong concentration on one plant, which causes a shortage of food. Accordingly, the birth of winged forms of the pest occurs, which begin to fly to neighboring plants. The result is aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse. How to deal with such a pest? What methods should I use? How effective are they?

Failure to take timely measures to combat this pest can negate the careful work of gardeners, destroying most of the garden crop and, accordingly, hopes for a high yield.

Fighting ahead

Timely implementation of preventive work will help protect plants from aphids. Methods of combating aphids can be either traditional or chemical. But it is better to get ahead of the enemy by preventive measures, one of which is fumigation of greenhouses. square meter 50 grams of the drug are used. It is recommended to carry out this operation in well-sealed greenhouses with wooden frames, because sulfur dioxide has a destructive effect on metal.

It is also effective to treat the interior of the greenhouse, including equipment, with bleach at the rate of 400 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. The solution should sit for some time. You need to spray the plants with the resulting liquid, and the sediment can be coated with shelving and other greenhouse structures.

One of the control methods is proper agricultural cultivation technology.

Simultaneously with taking measures for internal treatment of the greenhouse, it is recommended to increase the ability of fruits to resist pests. To do this, you need to observe the temperature regime. At night, the thermometer should not fall below 18 degrees. During the day the temperature is allowed no higher than 28 degrees. It is recommended to whitewash the south side of the greenhouse with chalk.

The correctness of agrotechnical measures for growing cucumbers is mandatory: adherence to planting dates, ventilation of the room, timely application of fertilizing.

We use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

And yet, if aphids are found on cucumbers in a greenhouse, how to deal with them? Weekly foliar feeding with phosphorus-potassium preparations will help. It is recommended to carry them out until the pest completely disappears. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 10 grams of potassium chloride and 20 grams of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

The appearance of ants in a greenhouse is a harbinger of a more global problem: aphids, the milk of which the ants feed on. Therefore, when they enter the greenhouse, it is recommended to use special anti-ant crayons.

On cucumbers in a greenhouse? An effective way to combat aphids is to plant plants around the perimeter of the bed that are especially unpleasant to the pest. One of them is basil.

If, nevertheless, preventive measures turned out to be ineffective and aphids are present on cucumbers in the greenhouse, how to fight it? The photos show the danger of this small, numerous enemy.

If the plants are not heavily infested, pests can be removed manually, carefully inspecting the bushes and tearing off leaves with accumulations of aphids. The green mass must then be taken outside the greenhouse and burned, and the cucumber bushes must be watered with a hose under high pressure.

Chemicals against greenhouse aphids

If aphids develop on cucumbers in a greenhouse, how to fight them? Reviews from gardeners in this case lean towards the use of chemicals such as Inta-Vir, Arrivo, Decis, Kinmiks, Karbofos. Treatment must be stopped no later than a month before harvest.

Biological preparations that do not kill aphids, but infect them with diseases, are effective. As a result, the insect dies after a maximum of one and a half weeks. These drugs are absolutely safe and do not destroy those living in greenhouses. These are Entobacterin, Fitoverm, Strela, Akarin, Peretrum. After their use, aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse will disappear.

How to fight? Folk remedies

Not every gardener is ready to use chemicals in their garden beds, preferring harmless folk methods. Preparations made from natural ingredients are harmless and have no side effects, quickly decompose; aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse are afraid of them no less than chemical ones. How to fight such a small but very dangerous pest with their help?

Garlic infusion is quite effective and has been tested over the years. To prepare it, you need to grind about half a kilogram of this product, place it in a 3-liter container, add water and leave for 5 days. After this time, you need to dilute 60 grams of the finished infusion in 10 liters of water and treat the cucumbers with a spray bottle.

The second method: grind the garlic, put it in a bottle, add water in the same amount, and keep it in a tightly closed container for about 10 days. When spraying in 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 25 ml of the resulting product.

Garlic peels can also be used. To do this, 150 grams need to be filled with 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours and immediately sprinkled on the plants.

Celandine is effective in the fight against aphids. You need to take 300 grams of its dried leaves, infuse it in 10 liters of water, let it stand for two days, and then apply it.

You can use dandelion. Grind 400 grams of fresh roots and 600 grams of leaves, add 10 liters of water, leave for 3 hours and use as intended.

A wood-soap solution is effective against aphids. To prepare it, you need to add 2 large spoons of wood ash to a bucket of water, grate laundry soap, and mix until the components are completely dissolved.

Infusions of wormwood are effective against aphids, onion peel, hot pepper, sorrel leaves, tomato and potato tops. An important condition is frequent spraying with them, because a one-time treatment will not be enough: the aphids will not disappear completely, they will continue to multiply and destroy plants.

Natural enemy - ladybug

Ladybugs are a natural enemy of aphids. To attract them to the problem area along the perimeter of the latter, you can plant leaf mustard and dill, which are most loved by these winged insects.

You can also just collect ladybugs and launch them into the greenhouse, and there they themselves will deal with the small and ruthless destroyer of cucumbers.

What should you remember in order not to become acquainted with such a dangerous pest as aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse? How to deal with an uninvited enemy? And how to prevent it from appearing on your site?

  1. Treat cucumber plantings in a timely manner, with a small number of pests.
  2. The prepared solutions should be used in fresh, because their toxicity is short-term.
  3. Processing cucumbers in a greenhouse should be carried out in the evening hours; During the day, drugs become ineffective when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Do not use products during the flowering period, otherwise pollinating insects can be killed by aphids.

Growing vegetables is not without pests. They negatively affect plants. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their occurrence and urgently take measures to eliminate them. One of the most common pests is aphids. You can meet him at different vegetables: cucumbers, peppers and more. Moreover, the most favorable conditions for their life are in greenhouses. There they actively develop and cause harm to plants.

Aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse: characteristic features of the pest

Any pest has a number characteristic features by which it is distinguished. It's important to know them. IN otherwise the measures that will be taken to eliminate them will not bring the desired result. As for the aphid, it is a small insect, green, black or yellow in color. It settles mainly on the cucumber leaf. And on the bottom side, as shown in the photo. It feeds on the organic substances it contains. Sucks them out.

It is worth noting that the development process of aphids is quite fast. Behind a short time it can infect all seedlings. This will lead to the destruction of the cucumber crop. In the fight against it, it is extremely important to prevent this. Therefore, at the first sign of the appearance of an insect, it is necessary to take measures to destroy it.

An important point: the larvae left by the female tolerate low temperatures well. Therefore, if they are deposited in a greenhouse and not destroyed, then they will retain their vital activity over the winter. In the spring they will start with new strength grow and develop. Thus, aphids will appear in the greenhouse again.

How to fight aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Fighting aphids in a greenhouse is a complex process, since the insect is quite resilient and can withstand even the most extreme conditions. For the control process to be effective, it is necessary to use proven methods. This includes the use of special chemical substances. They can be purchased in stores that sell gardening supplies. Such products are quite effective, but have one drawback - they accumulate in the fruits of the plant. Thus the nutritional value the latter is significantly reduced. Such a fruit becomes less useful and sometimes even harmful to human health.

You can also use less harmful methods to control aphids. They consist in the use of folk remedies. They are aimed at protecting seedlings from insects or preventing their occurrence. They also prevent their reproduction.

The most common methods of controlling aphids include the use of the following means:

  • Celandine. Using it, a tincture is prepared. To do this, you need to take the dried herb of the plant, chop it and add water. The tincture should stand for a day, then it can be used to spray plants;
  • Garlic. To prepare the solution, add half a kilogram of peeled garlic to four liters of water. The mixture should stand for 6-7 days. Aphids do not tolerate garlic well, so if you spray the plant with this tincture, the pest will die;
  • Ash. It copes quite effectively not only with aphids, but also with other problems in the garden. To use for this purpose, it is necessary to prepare an ash-soap solution. It consists of water, ash and laundry soap. After the grated soap has dissolved, you can use the solution to spray vegetables;
  • Soap. This product is completely harmless, so it can be used frequently. It can be either tar or economic. The only difference is the method of preparing the solution. If it is household, then take 0.4 kg per 10 liters of water, but tar - 0.2 kg per the same volume of liquid. The soap is planed and dissolved. Vegetables are sprayed with this solution;
  • Dandelions, wormwood, hot pepper. A tincture is prepared from these plants, which is used to spray cucumbers.

The use of traditional methods of combating aphids is harmless, so it is recommended to use them repeatedly. So, throughout the season it is necessary to spray cucumbers. This will prevent the development and reproduction of pests. If you allow even a short break, you can lose the entire harvest.

Aphids on peppers in a greenhouse

Another habitat for aphids in a greenhouse is peppers. It actively reproduces on it and contributes to the destruction of the plant, since it is an excellent source for its nutrition.

It is not difficult to understand that peppers are infested with aphids. It's easy enough to notice appearance plants - it differs significantly from healthy ones. Thus, the leaves become unconventional in shape, they are dry and curled. A syrupy honeydew is observed on the trunk and leaves. At the same time, the plant itself is sticky to the touch and has an uncharacteristic shine. Under the leaf you can see small insects and their laid eggs. As soon as these signs are detected on pepper, you should immediately sound the alarm. The plant is infested with aphids. If you don’t immediately start fighting it, the consequences will be the saddest. The fruits and the plant itself will die.

How to fight aphids on peppers in a greenhouse?

If aphids are found on the pepper, you can use different methods fight her. As practice shows, the safest method for human health is to use folk remedies. Among them are solutions, infusions and soap cocktails. They are prepared using various natural ingredients.

The method for preparing a soap solution is the same as for spraying cucumbers. It can be used either in its pure form or with the addition of other agents, for example, sunflower oil, ammonia, etc., which significantly enhance the effect of the solution.

In the spring, armadas of aphids cause enormous damage to cucumber plantings in a greenhouse. Aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse: how to deal with pests correctly so as not to lose the harvest?

Aphids in greenhouses: types of pests

Almost 1000 live on European territory known to science aphid species. These pests not only suck the juice out of plants, but also spread diseases, especially viral ones, for which there is no cure. Pathological growths on various plant organs (galls) are formed after plants are infected by aphids.

All aphids reach a small size - only a few millimeters. The body of aphids is colored in different colors: there are pests with a straw color, black, green, to match the color of branches and leaves. The pest has a proboscis that is fully adapted to piercing leaf blades to suck out juices.

Having settled on plants in a greenhouse, aphid colonies can irreparably damage cucumber vines in a short time. The leaves become withered and droop. The plant stops developing, blooming and bearing fruit. The pest secretes sugary juice, the so-called “honeydew,” which contaminates and sticks cucumber leaves together. Other vegetable pests also flock to the sugary secretions of aphids.

The honeydew is especially attractive to ants, which live in symbiosis with aphids and are ready to “milk” it around the clock, waiting for something sweet. Ants take on the role of aphid protector, transfer the pest to new areas, infecting all the plants around. It gets to the point that ants provide aphids with shelter in their own anthill during the winter.

Advice! At the first signs of the appearance of pests in a greenhouse with cucumbers, it is necessary to immediately begin the comprehensive destruction of aphids and ants.

Aphids have two developmental phases - wingless and winged. Wingless individuals ensure the reproduction of the colony and an increase in the number of new pests. Pests in the winged phase move sufficient distances where they find new objects to feed on.

Advice! It is useful to release ladybugs into a greenhouse infested with aphids.

A ladybug released into a cucumber greenhouse can destroy up to 50 aphids per day. In the stage of a voracious larva, a ladybug during its existence is capable of destroying up to 800 pests. They also feed on aphids and other insects: gall midges, lacewings, aphidius, and lysiflebus. These insects can be used to kill aphids in closed greenhouse areas.

Preventive techniques to prevent the proliferation of pests in a greenhouse with cucumbers

Qualified and timely care of cucumbers helps ensure the development of healthy plants in a greenhouse. Agrotechnical measures for growing cucumbers in closed ground help to harvest an excellent harvest of vegetables from healthy plants.

Traditional methods of combating aphids on cucumbers

Preventive techniques that are used to protect planted cucumbers from aphids are designed to prevent or contain the appearance and proliferation of pests. But these measures do not always achieve a positive result. Despite all the measures taken, aphids can infest the greenhouse in a matter of days.

Pest control can be carried out in two ways: chemical or folk remedies. Both methods have their pros and cons. Chemical treatment of cucumbers indoors gives faster and more effective results, but the accumulation of harmful substances occurs in the fruits themselves. To begin with, you can try to get rid of aphids on cucumber bushes using folk remedies; fortunately, there are many recipes for this.

Spraying is carried out periodically throughout the season, until the cucumber plants are destroyed. This helps to curb the growth of aphid colonies, but even a short break in treatments can cause rapid reproduction of insects and the death of cucumber vines.

Chemical method of controlling aphids on cucumbers in greenhouses

It is allowed to use chemicals to control aphids on cucumbers in cases where the pest has multiplied in large quantities and there is a real threat of plant death. Chemicals guarantee high results in killing pests, but failure to comply with the rules for using the drug can lead to poisoning.

The most effective preparations for aphids on cucumbers in protected ground are: “Decis”; "Inta-vir"; "Kinmiks"; "Arrivo".
These drugs are diluted according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It is necessary to comply with the deadlines for harvesting fruits after the last treatment.

Once again about ants

Any manipulations to treat greenhouse areas against aphids using folk remedies will not achieve the goal unless the ants that spread aphids and multiply the infestation are destroyed. There are a number of chemical preparations for killing ants that effectively help gardeners get rid of insects: “Thunder”; "Mashenka"; "Ant-eater"; "Absolute".

The use of chemicals should be combined with constant loosening of the soil in the greenhouse. The underground passages of the ant labyrinth crumble when the soil is loosened. Insects are busy constantly restoring their communications. Entrances to anthills can be filled with: ground hot pepper, mustard powder, ash, saltpeter, lime. A lime solution (100 g per 1 bucket of water) can be used to fill the entrance to the ant’s home.

Good results are obtained from repelling insects with herbs: parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm, wormwood.
Garlic or garlic infusion helps perfectly in the fight against ants.

How to defeat aphids and ants in a country greenhouse: video

Aphids in a country greenhouse: photo

Cucumbers are inhabited by melon or cotton aphids of green (with different shades) or dark, almost black color. The insect is small in size (up to 2 cm), but unusually prolific and voracious. The females in the wingless phase and the larvae under the root leaves of the weeds survive the winter. As soon as the surrounding space warms up to 5 degrees Celsius in the spring, the aphids “wakes up” and begins to reproduce.

When the weeds become crowded, winged individuals appear and look for “new housing” on other plants. The presence of weeds in a greenhouse or on a plot significantly increases the risk of crop contamination. Colonies of aphids take a liking to the lower leaves of cucumbers and take away vitality from flowers and ovaries. Heat and humidity in the greenhouse become an additional “trigger” for their development.

The first signs of the presence of aphids in a greenhouse are bending of shoots, curling of cucumber leaves, falling of inflorescences and death of ovaries.

If measures are not taken, the pests will multiply in huge numbers. By sucking juices from plants, aphids will lead to their death. These insects also carry up to 50 different viruses, which additionally infect cucumbers in the greenhouse.

Living helpers and pests

When deciding what to do, you should start with the simplest. Use living assistants given to us by nature.

  • ladybugs . They eat aphids with pleasure. You can plant dill and mustard greens, which ladybugs love, in or near the greenhouse. Gardening stores sometimes sell the larvae of these insects. An alternative is to collect ladybugs in different places and release them into a greenhouse.
  • Hoverflies. They also feed on aphids. You can attract them by planting carrots, parsley, fennel and other umbrella plants.
  • Birds. They also successfully cope with aphids. If you install a birdhouse on your site, you will be guaranteed “fighters” against aphids.

An unexpected situation arises with ants. It turns out that these harmless insects feed on the sweet secretions of aphids, and as a “thank you”, they hide them from the cold in anthills for the winter and actively protect them from enemies. With the onset of warm weather, they are carefully distributed throughout the area and plants.

Therefore, it is impossible to remove aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse without fighting ants. .

To do this, insecticides and ant gels are used, which are sprayed on settlement sites or placed next to insect paths.

Traditional methods for removing aphids on cucumbers

There is a whole “pantry” of natural remedies that aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse absolutely cannot tolerate. The most simple recipes infusions that require virtually no financial investments Cucumbers “treat” no worse than serious “chemical attacks”. The main thing is that the infection process is not too advanced. The names are given based on the main ingredient. After cooking, the cucumbers in the greenhouse are sprayed.

  • Tobacco. For a liter jar hot water pour in 50 g. After adding soap (10 g), leave for 24 hours.
  • Zolny. Pour 2 glasses into a bucket of water. Plus 50 g of laundry soap. After a day you can spray.
  • With garlic or onions. Pour 100 g of crushed plant into a bucket of warm water. After 24 hours you can start spraying. When using onion peels, add half a bucket of it hot water for daily infusion. Then filter and top up the container to the brim.
  • Tomato. A kilogram of green tops (stepchildren can be used) per 10 liters of water. Leave for 4 hours. Boil and insist again - an hour less. After increasing the volume by 2 times, it is ready for use.
  • Potato. Finely chop 1-2 kg of fresh tops and add a bucket of warm water (10 l). Leave for 2-3 hours. If the “dose” of cucumber tops is exceeded, leaf burns are possible. If you use dry tops, 80 g is enough.
  • Pepper. Grind 50 g of red hot pepper into pods per liter of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours, add to the bucket’s volume of 10 liters. Use 2 liters of infusion per ten square meters of area.
  • Mustard. Stir 100 g of dry mustard into 1 liter of just boiled water, wipe with 70 g of laundry soap. Pour into a five-liter bucket, stir and fill the container to the brim.

Solutions of medicinal plants are also used to combat aphids:

  • Celandine. For 1 kg of plant, 2-3 liters of boiling water. As brewing progresses, add hot water to 9 liters. Leave for 48 hours.
  • Yarrow. Place 800 g in 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and increase the volume to 8 liters.
  • Dandelion. A bucket of hot water for half a kilo of green dandelion leaves. You can add another 400 g of chopped roots. Leave for 3 hours. You can make a similar infusion from wormwood.

Be sure to spray weekly until completely destroyed. At the slightest weakening of control, aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse will “rebirth” again.

Chemical treatment of greenhouse and cucumbers

To prevent aphid infestation, the greenhouse itself is treated with chemicals before planting. Cucumber bushes can be sprayed before fruit appears. If the situation is prolonged and the colony of pests in the greenhouse has multiplied wildly, there is simply no other way out.

Greenhouse preparation

In autumn, a layer of soil of at least 5 cm is removed from the beds and replaced with a fresh one. All rodents and pests, including aphids, are “smoked out” with a sulfur bomb. All surfaces of the greenhouse are whitened, glass is washed with a solution copper sulfate. During the season, before planting, they are disinfected with insecticides (you can use Karbofos, Decis). The soil is dug up in autumn and spring, completely removing the roots.

Chemical treatment of plants

Chemical preparations for controlling aphids in a greenhouse are divided into milder ones and those that have a certain danger to humans. The first ones can be processed at any time, the second ones cannot be applied 20 days before harvesting the cucumbers.

Products that are completely harmless to humans

Mixture for spraying the bottom of all leaves: stir 10 g of potassium salt, 20 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water. It also helps against ants. Conduct weekly.
Nitroammophoska solution – 3 large spoons per 10 liters of water. Not only a “medicine”, but also a food for cucumbers.

“Aktofit”, “Fitoverm”, “Strela” - for large colonies of aphids.
You can effectively fight aphids in a greenhouse on cucumbers with insecticides. Arrivo, Intavir and other extended-spectrum drugs are successfully used.

On cucumbers it is better to use them before the ovaries appear or at least 20 days before harvesting the fruits.

Proper preparation of the greenhouse for the growing season, preventive spraying of plants, control of ants and, if absolutely necessary, the use of chemicals will allow every gardener to successfully rid his cucumber plantings in the greenhouse from harmful aphids.

Greenhouses allow you to grow seasonal vegetables in any season. Aphids in a greenhouse: how to get rid of them? This question interests all farmers. The process of growing vegetables requires preparatory activities before boarding. Need to choose for a greenhouse right place, with good soil, black soil is best suited for this. It is very important to fertilize the land, constantly destroy weeds, dry and rotten grass, leaves, and also carry out constant agricultural care. Due to non-compliance with the rules of planting or caring for plants and a number of other reasons, aphids appear in the greenhouse. This is very dangerous pests greenhouses, which can irreversibly destroy plants.

Types of greenhouse pests: 1 - wheat thrips, larva; 2 - melon aphid; 3 - harmful turtle; 4 - sharp-headed bug; 5 - berry bug.

Types of aphids and how they attack plants

Aphids are insect pests that reproduce by oviparity. Aphids can be winged or wingless. The insects are very small - ranging in size from 2 to 8 millimeters. Aphids have small proboscis, with the help of which they “suck” useful substances and juice from the plant; moreover, aphids are carriers of infectious plant diseases.

There are several types of aphids:

"Fitoferm" is absolutely safe for plants in a greenhouse, but is effective against aphids.

  1. Melon aphid. This is a species of aphid that mainly affects pumpkin crops, zucchini and cucumbers. Aphids appear, as a rule, at the tips of the leaves, spreading in the direction of the leaf, towards the stem. The leaves of the plant curl and disappear, and the inflorescences fall off. The melon aphid is dangerous because it does not die in the winter, but successfully overwinters until the next harvest on dry grass, weeds and fallen leaves. In one year of life, the melon aphid is capable of breeding about 20 generations of insects. The melon aphid is “afraid” of tomatoes. Aphids practically do not exist on the leaves and ovaries of this plant.
  2. Greenhouse aphid (green peach). This insect attacks many types of plants: eggplant, parsley, dill, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and potatoes. In addition, greenhouse aphids are carriers of viral plant diseases. Pests feed on the sap of the leaves, so the leaves deteriorate and turn yellow. Insects can infect plants with more than 100 viruses.
  3. Potato aphid (common). Aphids are dark in color, ranging from blue to gray. This type of aphid mainly attacks tomatoes. Breeds all year round. Aphids feed on leaf sap. In the autumn-winter period, insects live on the remains of grass and plants, and in the hot summer period they are able to leave greenhouses in whole colonies.
  4. Large potato aphid. A favorable climate for an insect is increased level humidity in the ground and air. Aphids infect plants in entire colonies. Potatoes and cabbage suffer greatly, as well as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Aphids are located on the lower part of the leaves and feed on plant sap. First appear on the plant dark spots, and only then the leaves curl and turn yellow, but aphids are not noticeable on the leaves.

Greenhouse conditions - favorable place for the reproduction and life of insect pests that can completely destroy the crop. Therefore, it is worth choosing effective methods for pest control.

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Methods and means to combat aphids

Aphids are dangerous because they tolerate winter well, which complicates the fight against them.

Aphids are carriers of many plant infections, and therefore can spoil crops. Farmers must fight the pest, leaving no chance of survival. Among the common methods against aphids, experts suggest using professional products, sprays and sprayers: Fitoferm, Intavir, Decis, Karbofos, Neoron. With any methods of combating aphids, it must first be washed off from the surface of the plant, then the remaining part must be removed by hand or with a brush.

"Fitoferm" is an organic solution of soil substances that is absolutely safe for plants. The solution is diluted with water in a proportion of 100 grams of solution per 1 liter of water, spraying the plants from above, dousing them. Spraying can be done in any growing season. The effect of the drug begins 5 hours after treatment. The harvest can be eaten within a day.

Aphid repellent "Intavir". The tablet is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and sprayed on the plant. The product is active against 50 types of pests and is very effective. By paralyzing, it kills aphids without leaving a chemical residue on the plants. Plants can be treated in any cycle of the growing season. The effect of the drug occurs 9 hours after treatment. You can eat the fruits after 3-5 days.

The drug "Decis". Highly concentrated, granular, chemical preparation against aphids. 1 sachet of the drug is diluted in 20 liters of warm water and sprayed on the plants. The death of pests occurs on the 9th hour after treatment.

Dandelion infusion destroys aphids by 80%; it must be infused for at least 6 hours.

You can eat fruits after treatment on the 10th day due to the high concentration of chemicals in the preparation.

"Karbofos" is known for many universal properties. Not only does it feed plants chemical compounds, but it also helps control prolific pests such as aphids. It is enough to dilute 30 grams of karbofos in about 9 liters of warm water and treat the plants. The effect will become obvious after 10-15 hours. Karbofos is a highly concentrated drug, so it is recommended to eat plants after treatment on the 14th day, or to harvest before treatment.

"Neoron". It is consumed at the rate of 20 ml of the drug per 2 liters of warm water. Treatment is carried out no more than once during the growing season. “Neoron” not only kills pests, but also has a protective effect on plants for 10-25 days from the date of treatment.

This is not the entire list of drugs, because both industrial and folk remedies are used to combat aphids.