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Which moon is better to lose weight? Lunar diet: nutrition according to the lunar calendar. Lunar days and health

There are an endless variety of diets in the world, effective and not very effective, classic, exotic and others. It has been noted that the same diet can be ideal for someone, but for others it can be completely useless or even harmful. This is explained, first of all, individual characteristics body and human lifestyle.

But there are also objective factors that influence the effectiveness of any diet. We are talking about the influence of the Moon and other factors when choosing the day to start a diet. The lunar cycle has a huge influence on daily life man, much more than we can imagine. Moreover, the influence of the Moon on women is simply irresistible, what is women’s intuition alone worth! In addition, a woman’s body is subject to cyclicity in the image and likeness of the lunar cycle. The conclusion from here suggests itself: you need to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature, using the lunar calendar to improve your body and diet.

The day of the new moon is perfect for a little fasting and a short-term diet. But 3 days before the start of the full moon it is good to start a 4-5 day diet. You should also take into account some features: it is very easy to gain weight, since increasing the amount of food consumed is a natural desire of a person. Therefore, it is very important to limit yourself a little in food and give up “junk” food. During the period of the flawed Moon, on the contrary, appetite decreases on its own, and if you devote these days to a diet, the result will exceed all expectations. Ideally, these days should coincide with the passage.

Favorable days to start a diet in 2020

January - 14, 15, 22;

February - 10, 13;

March - 11, 18, 22;

April - 3, 5, 7, 13, 14, 18, 21;

May - 3, 13, 16, 19;

June - 1, 8, 15;

July - 21, 23, 24;

August - 1, 20;

September - 15, 16, 18, 29;

October - 11, 12;

November - 10, 12, 18, 19;

December - 5, 9, 10, 16.

Fasting is contraindicated

January - 2 - 11, 16, 23, 26, 29;

February - 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 17 - 29;

March - 1 - 10, 13, 16, 21, 23, 26 - 29, 31;

April - 1, 2, 12, 15, 22 - 26, 28, 29;

May - 5, 11, 14, 20 - 22, 25, 26;

June - 4, 10, 13, 16 - 30;

July - 1 - 15, 18 - 20, 25, 29;

August - 2, 8, 10 - 12, 15, 16, 18, 24;

September - 1, 6 - 8, 10 - 13, 17, 22, 30;

October - 4 - 6, 8 - 10, 14 - 31;

November - 1 - 7, 14, 20, 24, 27 - 29;

December - 1 - 4, 14, 19, 23 - 27, 29 - 31.

The lunar diet is based on the changing phases of the moon, which are believed to have an effect on our body. As you know, a person consists of 70-80% water; astrologers are sure that the Moon, by controlling the ebb and flow of the oceans, also affects the human body.

The essence

Striving to stay slim and eating according lunar calendar- the most comfortable combination. The person does not involve himself:

  • In risky experiments on health;
  • A completely unnecessary expense.

After all, nature has long solved the human problem of rational nutrition. Observations of the Moon, intertwined with legends, tell us a simple algorithm for choosing products and a reasonable cleansing regime, physical activity and relaxation. This is nutrition according to the lunar calendar for every day.

Days of bread, milk and meat

  1. Nutrition days;
  2. Days of cleansing.

The first, in turn, are divided into days when animal food is mandatory, and days when its consumption weakens the body’s immunity, affecting the subtle bodies of a person. On the third and twenty-fourth lunar days, the symbols of which are respectively the Leopard (speed and pressure) and the Bear (strength and power), it is simply necessary to eat meat, poultry, and dairy products. They help build the body by participating in the synthesis of collagen, which is so necessary for the heart muscles, skin and nails. On other days, no matter how many eggs, cottage cheese or meat dishes a person eats, his physical body will not become stronger. All efforts will be spent on processing material that is useless at this time, and even your nails will remain brittle. The lunar diet does not limit a person on the physical plane, and is very demanding on order on the subtle plane.

Dairy products and nuts are considered astral foods

A person's ability to control his emotions depends on the integrity of his astral body. It is impossible to unbalance and destroy someone who is in harmony with his feelings. Somehow, it is dairy products that strengthen the astral plane; it is not for nothing that in India, the land of yogis, cows are revered this way. The diet according to the lunar calendar devotes only two days to milk: the fifth and twenty-third, when milk and cottage cheese are simply necessary. And if the favorable fifth day (of the Unicorn) activates the process of alchemical processing of dairy food into astral energy, then the twenty-third, with its unfavorable tendencies, threatens the astral body with complete exhaustion. This is when you can put the dough and bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese - a symbol of our Ego (Sun). All the calories will be swallowed by the Crocodile, the sacred Hero of this day. Fairy tale? So we'll see.

Dreams of slimness and the smell of fresh bread

“Food separately - pleasure separately” is a rather primitive approach to losing weight, just like eating without bread. The lunar diet for weight loss, with its gastronomic diversity, really devotes only two to three days to bread. Only in the mystery of the 13th lunar day, a hot crispy crust is not so much calories as the quintessence of painstaking work, through which a person can participate in the turn of the Cosmos in the direction of Good - salting. You can lose weight before your vacation without bread, but systematically violating the recommendations of the 13th lunar day, when all living things cross the symbolic threshold between death and rebirth, would be unreasonable. At this time, thanks to enhanced intestinal peristalsis, Qi energy is easily included in the processes of cleansing and renewing the blood, transforming the power of grain into the energy of an evolutionary leap.

Willful self-restraint can result in weakness and stupidity

Cereals, as mood conductors, regulate the balance of male and female energy in the Man-Environment flow. Wheat flour saturates baked goods with YANG energy (hot, dry, gravitational), leveling human energy on cold, damp, frosty days. And rye, oatmeal, and corn bread are Yin foods, cooling, and in the cold season exacerbating the unconscious desire to warm up with high-calorie foods. In summer, such bread is simply necessary. Of course, on certain lunar days: 13, 22 and 29, of which only the twenty-second day is initially harmonious, although it is considered a turning point (Ekadashi day). Its symbols: the Elephant, which consumes a lot of plant food, and the Scroll with the Golden Key as the personification of book wisdom. The only day of the lunar month on which flour and sweet foods are strongly recommended.

“When people bake bread, demons run away to the mountains”

If the thirteenth is evolutionarily critical, then the twenty-ninth is simply a satanic (Hydra, Octopus) lunar day. The house should smell like bread and pancakes. The waning moon diet is part of a ritual of protection against rampant evil spirits, which are destined to disappear with the appearance of the new moon. Refusal of food is a contraindication for 3, 9, 15, 19, 23, 24, 26 and 29 lunar days, when such asceticism causes more harm than good. This warning does not apply to therapeutic fasting for more than seven days, during which the body switches to endogenous (internal) nutrition.

The lunar diet is not so strict, it only outlines trends. Effectively managing your own weight is as simple as managing the formula: “You can’t starve, don’t eat” based on our tables:

Table 1 “STARVING. You can't eat"

DayMain SymbolAdditional SymbolColoring and tasks of the dayPreferencesTolerances
Hecate Day
Creation of mental images.
Beginning of 2-day fast
2 Cornucopia.
Hecate Day
The degree of purification corresponds to the expected abundance.
Shank-prokshalanaNo hunger
day of silence
RodRose of Wind.
Don't talk too much
You can starveCleansing the stomach and intestines.
Don't eat eggs or chicken
day of silence
Receiving a hidden name
Total dry fasting changes the worldThe presence of open fire is required: lamps, candles, fireplace
family nest
Genealogy studies will point to your purpose.
Strengthening family and traditions.
A successful start to a multi-day fastSteam baths
powerful turning point
Labyrinth with the Minotaur.
Ekadashi Day
Fire swordYou can remake yourself - turn Matter towards the Light.
Ability to complete.
Do not fall for dirty provocations in the astral plane.
A successful start to a multi-day fast.
Lots of water and juices
17 Bunch of grapesBellJoy.
Mysteries of Shakti.
Uncontrollable energies.
Weakening of the kidneys.
Sleeping a lot is not recommended.
Feasts without alcohol
It’s better to fast and cleanse your intestines.
Sauna combined with rejuvenating treatments
Prefer plant foods to meat foods
18 is unfavorable.
Day of Silence
Weakening of the kidneys.
oil (it is better to rub in)
Victory over yourselfIdeals.
Practice of growth
25 TurtleTwo vessels - living water and dead water.
Clear Awareness suggests a way out of old problems.
Activation of Sidhi - higher psychic powers: everything works out the first time, on impulse
Therapeutic fasting
26 unfavorableToadWise
False wisdom.
Don't talk too much
FastDon't eat animal food
27 TridentNeptune.
Round table
Collective wara.
28 Lotus
Hecate Day
Awareness and correction of karmic mistakes by hunger
Juice hunger

Table 2 “You can’t go hungry. EAT"

DayBasic symbolAdditional characterColoring and tasks of the dayRecommendationsTolerances
3 LeopardWeaponActive.
Speed ​​and pressure.
Suddenness and speed of reaction.
Useful for sharpening knives
All foods that help build the body: meat, milk, poultry, eggs, liverSauna
4 Tree of Understanding Good and EvilAdam's applePassivity.
AllDon't eat animal food
5 Unicorn
Showing emotions
Transformation of the subtle body from food energy.
Homemade baked goods fill you with goodness
Milk, cottage cheese.
Follow your tastes and preferences when it comes to food.
Get full, but don't overeat
You can't go hungry.
Don't eat animal food
Working with odors.
Cleaning activities are not recommended
Eliminate dairy products.
Light favorite food
A small feast without alcohol
BatMilky WayAstral dirt.
Satanic filth is being introduced.
Mental imbalance.
Spiritual resistance to negativity - resetting karmic programs.
Controlling emotions neutralizes damage.
Don't look in the mirror.
Repayment of debts.
Best for steam bath.
Cleansing with food.
Danger of intoxication, poisoning
You don't have to go hungry, but don't overeat.
Don't eat animal food
12 BowlHeartPure prana.
Cosmic love.
Cleansing the bronchi.
Dehydration is deadly.
There is a lot of water.
All juices except apple juice as a symbol of enrichment.
Everything that builds the body.
The stomach can and should digest food quickly.
Less rough food.
Wheel with Swastika inside, saltedSpinning wheel.
Clean energy for generations.
Correction of the past through the scrupulous implementation of personal plans.
Teaching about the path.
Working with thread
Nuts, pickles.
It's good to bake bread.
Load the stomach
Limit sweets and bitters.
Less water (internal fermentation processes must be activated)
14 PipeManipuraCleansing.
A brilliant start.
An end-to-end perspective opens up.
Almonds, salted.
Bitter and sweet are not allowed
Full moon
JackalAstral battles.
Carnal temptations.
Correction of the pancreas.
Protection of the astral plane from destruction by asceticism.
You can do stupid things out of instinct.
meditation - Emptiness.
Fasting is a Warrior's weapon.
Lunar energies connect to the energies of food and strengthen it + and its -
Hot spicy or lean food.
Barley and legumes.
Viburnum tames instincts and strengthens memory.
You can't eat apples.
Don't eat animal food.
ButterflyStairway to Heaven.
Blood purification procedures
Moderation in foodDon't eat animal food
Single creator.
Avoid annoying ideas and people.
Postpone response to cooperation proposal until another day
Simple food.
Round vegetables
21 HorseChariotActive.
Voluntary sacrifice.
Revolutionary perestroika.
Colon and rectal cleansingSimple food.
Round vegetables
22 Elephant
Ekadashi Day
Golden Key.
Discovery day.
Secret knowledge.
Life force flows with delicious food
Lots of plant foods.
The only day when sweets and starchy foods are mandatory
Milk, cottage cheese, nuts.
Don't eat animal food
Center of Dynamics in the lunar calendar
Using sexual energy improves health and improves the spirit.
Men's Energy Day
Load the stomach.
Less liquid
Not to starve
Hecate Day
Openness to energetic negativity.
Cut off false connections. Active protection
bake pies and pancakes at homeDon't eat animal food.
golden swan Cleansing.
Harmonious celebration
LightDon't eat animal food

The accuracy of the choice is proportional to the amount of information collected and taken into account

Each table contains preferences and tolerances, sometimes contradictory. The final choice depends on your mood and personal plans. Additionally displayed:

  • Measures to cleanse the body.
  • Symbols of lunar days, explaining the essence of phenomena and hidden motives of personal behavior.

If the lunar day is marked as critical, this means a turning point, the possibility of choosing between climbing new level evolution and stuck in old habits, in an old circle of circumstances. Light ones provide a person with the opportunity to rise above himself, while unfavorable ones indicate the danger of degradation. The coloring and tasks of the day can prompt the right choice. IN magical days every little thing affects the balance of power.

The lunar calendar for 2018 contains information about the characteristics of the Earth's satellite for each day. It indicates in which constellation the Moon is located, as well as data on the lunar phase.

Lunar calendars have different purposes - for summer residents, for flower growers, for haircuts and even for weight loss. Now the one that contains recommendations on when is the best time to start losing weight, what is the most suitable day for this, and other information is very relevant.

Lunar phases and weight loss

New moon: Our body undergoes a detox effect in this phase. It's time to cleanse it of toxins and rid it of the consequences associated with bad habits. Basic rules for this lunar phase:

  1. do not consume salt, harmful vegetable fats, simple carbohydrates;
  2. do not consume heat-treated foods;
  3. follow a mono-diet, drink more fluid so that it flushes out waste and toxins;
  4. do not be exposed to physical activity.

Waxing Crescent: During this period, the body accumulates strength, which is why fat deposits are formed. Basic rules for this lunar phase:

  1. eat small portions and preferably at the same time;
  2. taking weight loss medications is allowed;
  3. more training.

Full moon: astrophysicists say that this particular period is ideal to start losing weight. Basic rules for this lunar phase:

  1. take more vitamins;
  2. drink purified water;
  3. do not eat a lot of salty and sweet foods.

Waning moon: also a great time to start losing weight. Basic rules for this lunar phase:

  1. eat foods containing fiber: thanks to fiber, intestinal motility will improve, and it will cleanse itself faster;
  2. instead of butter you need to use vegetable oil;
  3. control food intake;
  4. maintain proper nutrition.

Zodiac signs and menu for quick weight loss

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are Air signs. Need to cook vegetable salads, exclude fatty and fried foods from the menu.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Fire signs. The body needs more beans, peas, buckwheat, barley, soy, and nuts.

Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio are Water signs. You need to eat fish and vegetables. You can have some pasta, whole grain bread and oatmeal cookies.

Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus are Earth signs. Less salt.

Lunar days and health

1st Lunar Day (LD) - exclude heavy, spicy foods, alcohol, but drink plenty of water.

2 LD - the stomach and liver may be vulnerable.

3 LD - you need to take care of the nervous system, don’t be nervous, avoid stressful situations.

4 LD - do not drink alcohol, do not engage in physical activity.

5 LD - you cannot diet or overeat on this day.

6 LD is a good day for rejuvenating and wellness procedures.

7 LD - it’s worth canceling your appointment with the dentist. You can't drink cold drinks. You must have headache pills with you.

8 LD - today it is desirable to cleanse the stomach and intestines.

9 LD - monitor the cardiovascular system.

10 LD - a good idea would be to visit the bathhouse to strengthen the immune system.

11 LD - chronic diseases may worsen.

12, 13, 14 LD - undergo vitamin therapy and inhalation on this day.

15 LD - the body is subject to great stress on such a day.

16, 17, 18 LD - diabetes mellitus may worsen. Perhaps your kidneys and liver will get sick.

19 LD - self-medication on this day is strictly prohibited. You also cannot schedule surgeries or massages.

20, 21, 22, 23, 24 LD - sign up for manual therapy.

25 LD - take measures to cleanse your body of toxins.

26 LD - you cannot agree to any operations, and even tooth extraction.

27 LD is the very day when you need to lead the most active lifestyle.

28 LD - take care of your eyes and stomach.

29 LD - do not be exposed to excessive loads.

The most favorable days are in October, November and December when you need to start losing weight

In order for the weight loss process to proceed quickly and effectively, you need to choose a favorable day.

October – 4, 6, 7, 16, 20, 21, 27.

November – 3, 5, 11, 17, 28, 30.

December – 2, 3, 9, 10, 17, 25, 27, 28, 30.

main reason excess weight- This is excess nutrition. Without changing your diet and reducing the calorie content of your meals, it is impossible to get rid of those hated kilograms. Therefore, choosing a suitable diet is the first task of those who want to lose weight. In all the variety of options offered, find effective technique It's hard enough. One of the best nutrition systems for weight loss is the lunar diet.

How the moon affects the process of losing weight

It has long been believed that the moon influences all living organisms and what happens on earth. Taking into account the location of the celestial body, hair is cut, trees are planted, and treatment is prescribed. Knowing the phases of the moon and their characteristics helps to achieve a slim figure. The location of the celestial satellite affects a person’s appetite and metabolism.

Peculiarity! To comply, you need to find a lunar calendar with a detailed description.

Lunar diet for weight loss involves compiling your diet, focusing on heavenly body. The period of the lunar cycle lasts 28 days. It consists of four phases, each lasting a week. Each phase corresponds to a special power supply system:

  1. On the new moon. At this time, a person feels weak, renewal processes occur in the body. To restore strength, it is recommended to give preference to protein products. During the new moon phase, physical activity is especially beneficial.
  2. Waning moon. This is the cleansing phase when waste and toxins are well removed. During this period, drink a lot of water, refuse heavy foods - sweets, flour and fatty foods.
  3. Waxing Crescent. During the waxing period of the moon, appetite also increases. At this time, you need to especially control yourself, reduce your intake of salt and high-calorie foods, and give up spices that stimulate your appetite. You should include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  4. Full moon. Cereals and dairy products are the main food of this period. Unloading during the new moon phase is especially effective.

Important! During this period, you should completely abandon alcoholic drinks and fast carbohydrates.

Menu options

There are several options for diets, the diet of which is designed in accordance with the characteristics of the body in a particular phase of the moon. Any of these diets begin during the waning phase of the moon.


This diet is designed for 6 days. By following a strict diet, during this time you can get rid of at least 6 kilograms.

  • 1 day – raw and cooked, except potatoes.
  • Day 2 – fresh pineapples. The canned product is excluded, it contains a lot of sugar.
  • Day 3 – boiled mushrooms.
  • Day 4 – drinking. Freshly squeezed juices, green and herbal tea, and water are allowed.
  • Day 5 – fresh pineapples.
  • Day 6 – similar to day three – boiled mushrooms.

For 4 days

Let's consider lunar diet for 4 days. Each day has the same menu.

  • For breakfast – green or herbal tea with a little honey.
  • 10.00. a couple of hard-boiled eggs
  • 12.00. Same as for breakfast
  • 14.00. A piece of lean meat without skin.
  • 16.00. A glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 18.00. Medium size apple.
  • 20.00. A glass of red wine, preferably dry
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir or yogurt

Interesting! Read also about diet. People also speak well of her.

On the waning moon

During this period, weight loss is especially good due to the consumption of large amounts of liquid and carbohydrates. The weight in 7 days is up to 5 kg.

  • Breakfast – a glass of green tea without sugar and oatmeal porridge with water without oil.
  • Lunch – brown rice and vegetables, steamed, steamed or grilled.
  • Dinner - .
  • Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat an apple or grapefruit.

To the waxing moon

This period does not promise particularly impressive results. Weight comes off quite slowly during this phase. It is possible to lose about three kilograms in a week. At this time, it is recommended to give preference to protein foods and devote time to sports.

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, cabbage and carrot salad;
  • Lunch: without potatoes (Bonn soup is best), 200 g boiled or grilled chicken fillet;
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled lean fish, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink. Low-fat cottage cheese is used as a snack.

Peculiarity! You can create a diet menu yourself, taking into account nutritional recommendations in accordance with the phases of the moon.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. The full moon has always produced some special effect on the inhabitants of the Earth. It’s impossible to count how many fairy tales and legends have been written about our closest satellite.

And it turns out that she not only inspires creativity, but also diet. For example, such as the full moon diet for weight loss . Don't believe that such a thing exists?

So I didn’t believe it at first. Meanwhile, there is not only a diet during the full moon, but also during other phases of the moon. Let's get to know them.

Following the pale luminary

If the Moon moves huge masses of water in the ocean, then why shouldn’t it help us lose weight? Attentive people, it turns out, have long noticed that weight fluctuates depending on the phases of the moon.

And they concluded that the most best time for weight loss - this is the period from the full moon to the new month. But the growth phase is best suited for maintaining and consolidating results.

The fact is that in this way we adapt to natural biorhythms. If the phase is decreasing, then the metabolism itself slows down a little, but the cleansing processes are somewhat enhanced, which, in turn, helps rid the body of extra pounds.

Please note that all this is information from the Internet, and not from scientific works. Therefore, everything discussed in this article should be treated according to the principle “trust, but verify.”

Although, maybe there is someone among my readers who has already checked the effect of the night light on their weight? Share your experience in the comments!

Losing weight in phases

Full moon

With the right approach, the result is up to 2-3 kilograms lost.

It is recommended to start losing weight with it. It is believed that on this day a person is especially indifferent to all sorts of temptations in food and will most easily endure food restrictions. By the way, it is also recommended to start fasting on the full moon.

Menu It's best to build like this:

Start off It’s better to diet on a full moon in advance, before him in the evening to prepare the body. In the evening, it is recommended to start drinking only water or freshly squeezed juices ( homemade, in store stores there can be a hell of a composition).

One day diet

You can fast like this all day long while drinking herbal teas and all the same juices. If this option seems too strict, then you can simply avoid heavy foods and foods with artificial additives on this day.

In general, the simpler the food, the better. This will help get rid of accumulated toxins and remove excess water.

For example, it’s a good idea to spend this day eating whole grain porridge with water.

Vegetables and fruits are also suitable (preferably fresh, or with minimal heat treatment). For example, it could be soup with vegetable broth.

It is best to prepare it from those vegetables that improve digestion - cabbage, beets, carrots.

In general, during a full moon you should drink more (herbal teas without sugar, plain and mineral water), and also avoid eating meat and baked goods.

After such unloading of the body, you can continue the diet. For example, arrange for yourself low calorie diet. Or you can simply maintain weight if your goal has already been achieved.

There are other options for fighting for harmony during a full month.

Six day diet

Lost 3 kg

You should start three days before the full moon.

The diet is based on the following schedule

  • Day one – exclusively vegetables, raw and boiled.
  • Days two and three are dedicated to boiled mushrooms and fresh pineapples.
  • Day four (also known as the day of the full moon) – only juices and water.
  • Days five and six – again mushrooms and pineapples (Some kind of strange diet, don’t you think? I couldn’t find who came up with such a menu and when. Has anyone tried to lose weight like this?).

You need to eat in small portions, 4-6 times a day.

Mushrooms are needed to provide the body with proteins, and pineapple, as is commonly believed, expels water and prevents fat from being absorbed (although where there are fats in this diet, I couldn’t see them, to be honest).

If you don’t want to restrict yourself in food for six days, there is another option

Three-day full moon diet

It looks like a lighter version of the six-day one.

  • First day - vegetables
  • Second – juices and water
  • Third – mushrooms with pineapples

You can not only lose weight during full moon, but also after it, following the phases of the earthly pale-faced companion.

Waning moon

It is believed that 4 kg are lost in 4 days (and maybe more, depending on your luck)

If the process of cleansing the body was launched during the full moon (thanks to the above recommendations), then now calories begin to be actively burned, and energy and strength are added for new things. Including weight loss.

Adherents of the lunar diet They suggest doing more sports during this period (it is believed that our biorhythms during this period are already pushing us towards this).

This is also the time, judging by reviews , is considered well suited for cleansing procedures (you can carry out a whole course over several days).

Because it is at the decreasing stage that it is easiest to part with unnecessary kilograms and other unnecessary components such as toxins and waste.

During this period you need to eat approximately the same as during the full moon:

Whole grain porridge, fresh, boiled, stewed and baked vegetables.

Minimum fat, replace butter with olive, flaxseed or corn oil.

Well, according to tradition - as much water as possible.

So gradually we will approach the new moon.

New Moon Diet

It is argued that during this phase our body is most weakened and vulnerable, since vital activity declines, immunity weakens, and chronic diseases (if any) may worsen.

New Moon - new life, say supporters of losing weight on the Moon. The body is simply waiting for us to remove everything superfluous and unnecessary from it, it is determined to cleanse itself as much as possible and all we can do is help it a little with this.

This is why fasting new moon will have maximum effect and will be easily tolerated.

If a complete refusal of food is problematic for you, you can replace it with a fasting day from some mono-diet. For example, kefir or apple. Of course, no salt and sugar, but a lot of water. This day should be spent on herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, clean and mineral water(no gases).

Waxing Crescent

Well, the favorite planet of all werewolves is in its growing phase, and you can move on to the next stage of weight loss. Since the appetite awakens in parallel with the increase in the crescent on the palate, it is worth watching what you eat and controlling yourself.

You should not rush into all sorts of harmful things like fatty and fried foods also because during this period there is the greatest risk of storing fat in reserve.

This is exactly how our body works now – it begins to store resources. It is argued that a young month provokes rapid weight gain, even with the same amount of food as before.

In order not to gain extra pounds during this period, it is advised to resort to the following little tricks:

Reduce food portions (plates are best).

Eat more often and in small portions. Do not skip meals under any circumstances. This way you won’t have time to get hungry and won’t fill your stomach.

If you want a supplement, it’s better to drink a glass of water. This will fill your stomach and curb your appetite.

What to remember

These are the basic rules of the diet during the full moon and its other phases. Let me note once again that everything given in this article was collected on the Internet.

Nutritionists, by the way, do not see any particular influence of the earth’s satellite on weight. But some of them believe that if the belief that it is easier to lose weight on the waning moon helps you believe in your strength and make changes in your lifestyle and diet, then there is nothing bad about it.

To sum up our conversation today, I will say the following:

The moon is the most naturally influences life on Earth. This is a normal natural process that scientists have long explained.

Everyone is free to manage their own body. If you think that the phases of the moon help you lose weight, well, this can be a good motivation. The main thing is not to get too carried away. And don’t make the month the reason for justifying your inaction - they say, now is not the right phase, I’ll wait for the right one, then I’ll take charge of myself.

Success to you in the fight against excess weight! And with this I say goodbye to you and see you again in new articles on the site.