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Is it possible to eat ice cream before a colonoscopy? Slag-free diet before intestinal colonoscopy - what can you eat? In addition, foods that promote gas formation and increase stool are prohibited.

Colonoscopy is a bowel screening procedure that can detect most gastrointestinal problems. Preparation is required to ensure the accuracy of the test result. It includes a special slag-free diet lasting at least 72 hours, a drinking regime and a laxative.

The diet before colonoscopy has no contraindications and is recommended for all people to improve the functioning of the body

Why is a slag-free diet necessary?

The purpose of colon cleansing is to obtain the most accurate data. The doctor preliminarily evaluates the preparation of the gastrointestinal tract using the Boston scale. The highest result is considered to be 9 points. In this case, the procedure is short, the mucous membranes are clearly visible, there are no wastes, muddy waters and foam.

The most favorable indicators for research are from 6 to 9 points on the Boston scale. If the gastrointestinal tract is not sufficiently cleansed, the colonoscopy will take much longer. Also, the doctor may incorrectly assess the condition of the mucous membranes and not notice polyps or other formations. Colonoscopy may require surgical intervention and removal of material from mucosal tissue for analysis. If readiness for the study is low, the doctor will prescribe a repeat procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to follow all recommendations for cleansing the body.

Diet before colonoscopy

To thoroughly cleanse the body, you must adhere to a slag-free diet. The number of days for which you will have to change your diet depends on the person’s lifestyle and the state of his body. In case a person suffers from chronic constipation, it is better to adjust food intake for a week. For a healthy person, it is enough to adhere to a special diet for three to five days.

Colon cleansing is carried out in several stages:

  1. One to two weeks before the procedure, the patient should avoid taking iron-containing medications. Medicines prescribed for diarrhea are also discontinued. It is advisable to inform your doctor about all your appointments. medicines, in order to cancel them in advance before the procedure or replace them with analogues. Drugs can distort the results of a colonoscopy, causing an incorrect diagnosis or a repeat test.
  2. A week or 3-5 days before a colonoscopy, a person follows a special diet, excluding foods that cause flatulence and bloating. A special drinking regime is established. Must be passed general tests blood and urine. Conduct studies to assess the risk of bleeding.
  3. The day before the colonoscopy, food intake is excluded, only liquids are allowed. The body is cleansed using a laxative solution. It should be used strictly according to the instructions. Usually the drug is stopped several hours before the procedure. It is also possible to cleanse the intestines with an enema. It is not recommended to install it yourself, as bleeding is possible. This method is only suitable for those who are in the hospital.
  4. After the procedure, you should not suddenly give up your diet. You need to gradually add new foods to your diet to protect the gastrointestinal tract from stress. You should start with vegetables and fruits. Lastly, heavy foods are introduced into the diet. For example, meat. After a colonoscopy, it is advisable to abstain from fried foods for several days.

It is worth adhering to dietary habits not only before the procedure, but also after

Residue-free diet before colonoscopy

Colon cleansing is carried out with regular meals, at least three times a day. At fractional meals take breaks of several hours. The diet should be balanced and low in calories.

The basis of a slag-free diet is products of plant origin. Due to their high fiber content, they help remove harmful substances from the body.

Before a colonoscopy, the patient's diet must contain the following approved foods:

  • vegetables (heat-treated);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils and rice);
  • poultry meat (chicken, turkey);
  • lean meat (veal, rabbit);
  • fish (cod, perch);
  • eggs;
  • dairy products with a low fat content (kefir, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • jelly;
  • biscuits.

It is advisable to boil or steam the dishes. But at the same time, you should not subject the products to heat treatment for too long. The diet should not contain hard foods that can damage the walls of the stomach. For example, it is not recommended to eat fruits and berries with seeds.

The last dinner when cleansing the intestines should be no later than 18-19 hours.

Prohibited foods on a slag-free diet

To cleanse the body, foods that can cause flatulence, constipation and bloating are excluded from the diet. This includes the following prohibited products:

  • vegetables and fruits without heat treatment;
  • cabbage (both raw and cooked vegetables are excluded);
  • legumes (beans, soybeans);
  • mushrooms;
  • porridge based on coarse grains (barley, pearl barley, corn);
  • milk;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates);
  • foods high in sugar (chocolate, candy, cookies);
  • fat meat.

It is worth paying attention to the way food is prepared. Under no circumstances should you eat French fries, sandwiches, or chips a few days before your colonoscopy. Also among the prohibited foods are carbonated drinks, especially fermented products. For example, kvass.

Rye bread should be excluded from your diet for several days before a colonoscopy.

It is advisable not to use seasonings for dishes during a diet. Greens can cause an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Spices, especially spicy seasonings, irritate the walls of the stomach. It is best to add only a small amount of salt to food. It is advisable to replace sugar with natural honey. Sweetening food with sugar should also be done in moderation.

Drinking regimen to cleanse the intestines

In addition to eating certain foods, you should also pay a lot of attention to the amount of water you drink. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Preference should be given to regular drinking water without gas. It is allowed to drink natural fruit juices, diluting them with a small amount of water. Juice can be apple, orange, multi-fruit. Nectar from grapes and plums will not work.

You should avoid drinking coffee while on a special diet. It is advisable to choose green or herbal tea. A decoction of medicinal chamomile is suitable for a slag-free diet. You can drink black tea, but the brew should be weak. Jelly and compotes with low sugar content are allowed. Compotes, if they contain seeds or residual pulp, need to be strained.

Diet before colonoscopy

Despite the fact that the diet before the procedure has many nutritional features, it is quite simple to follow. The products are easily combined with each other; they can be prepared in several ways:

  1. For the first day of the diet, a good solution would be to prepare a vegetable stew. You can add boiled chicken or turkey fillet to the vegetables. Boiled fish would be a good addition to stewed vegetables.
  2. Eggs can be cooked soft-boiled, in the form of a steamed omelet. You can also whip them into an airy soufflé. It is worth refraining from the hard-boiled cooking method.
  3. Porridges are prepared only in water. It is not recommended to consume milk in its pure form. Cottage cheese casserole should also be prepared without adding milk.
  4. Small portions should be taken as intermediate meals. You can eat a few biscuits, a couple of pieces of cheese. Suitable as a drink green tea or unsweetened compote.
  5. You need to make soup at least once a day. It can be made with either meat or vegetable broth. You can add cereals, such as rice, to the soup. On the last day of the diet, dinner should consist exclusively of liquid foods. A good option- broth and kefir.

The most difficult thing in preparing for a colonoscopy is the last day of the diet, when only liquid food is allowed. You can drink plenty of water the day before the procedure, avoiding carbonated drinks.

Following a slag-free diet before a colonoscopy is a guarantee of obtaining an accurate examination result. It should be approached with all seriousness, excluding prohibited foods from the diet.

Modern endoscopic examination of the colon using a special probe. The method allows you to diagnose diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract with high accuracy. When performing the procedure, it is possible to carry out additional therapeutic measures: removal of polyps, benign formations, stopping bleeding.

Colonoscopy is indicated in the presence of any complaints from the intestines in all patients, chronic constipation, bleeding from the anus, intestinal obstruction, suspected inflammatory diseases, neoplasms. For patients over 50 years of age, colonoscopy is indicated every year for the purpose of early diagnosis colorectal cancer.

The procedure is not performed during periods of exacerbation of diseases, pulmonary and heart failure, pathology of the blood coagulation system, peritonitis, severe and shock conditions.


The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and is performed by a proctologist or endoscopist. In some cases, pain relief is not performed. With significant pain syndrome Local anesthesia of the anal area is performed. With pronounced adhesions abdominal cavity, children younger age Colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia.

A fiberscope - a special thin tube with a camera at the end - is inserted into the anal canal of the person being examined. As it moves forward, air is pumped in to straighten the intestine. This improves three-dimensional visualization of the segment under study. The intestine is examined from the rectum to the cecum inclusive.

Feces in the intestinal lumen impair the visibility and passage of the endoscope. The information content of the examination depends on the degree of preparation, which is achieved by following a special diet and using medications or enemas to cleanse the intestines.

Diet before colonoscopy

The diet before a colonoscopy is called a slag-free diet. Its purpose is not only to cleanse the intestinal lumen before the procedure, but also to remove so-called toxins - harmful substances that accumulate in the body when eating junk food in the form of deposits on the mucous membrane. All accumulations on the intestinal wall obstruct the passage of the endoscope during the examination. As a result, the endoscopic picture is distorted and pain appears along the intestine.

A slag-free diet before intestinal colonoscopy involves eating low-calorie foods that are maximally absorbed in the body and do not settle on the mucous membrane.

It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods. Products containing fiber should be excluded from the menu. The intestines do not completely digest it, which causes fermentation and gas formation. Three days before a colonoscopy, you are allowed to add a boiled, peeled apple and half a banana to the menu. Cabbage is excluded from the diet a week before the study. It is preferable to eat food that has been thermally steamed or boiled.
Daily fluid intake is not limited (up to 2 liters) and promotes better bowel cleansing.

In standard cases, a slag-free diet is followed for three days before a colonoscopy. During this period, the intestines are freed from feces even in the absence of auxiliary measures. For chronic constipation and developmental abnormalities, the diet should be started a week before the examination to obtain a guaranteed result.

Quality can be judged by colorless, transparent stool without any impurities.

A low-calorie diet can provoke the development of dizziness, feelings of weakness, and lethargy. Such a condition should not be a reason to refuse a colonoscopy. In this case, meals should be fractional, in small portions.

What can you eat before a colonoscopy:

  • Fermented milk products without fillers, cheeses and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Low-fat meat and fish broths.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat and rice.
  • Lenten fish species (pike perch, pollock, flounder, cod, pike, carp).
  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey, quail, veal, beef, rabbit).
  • White yesterday's bread, crackers, croutons based on it.
  • Weak tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Compote, jelly without pulp.
  • Still drinking and mineral water.
  • Sweets: honey, jelly, soufflé, biscuits, marmalade.
  • Clarified fruit juices diluted with water.

What is prohibited to eat:

  • Products containing fiber: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, herbs, onions, spinach, seaweed.
  • Legumes that increase gas formation: beans, lentils, peas.
  • Whole milk and dairy products with added preservatives.
  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb, fatty beef).
  • Fried, baked, stewed food.
  • Canned food, spicy, salty foods, marinades, seasonings, sauces.
  • Cereals: pearl barley, wheat, corn, barley, millet.
  • Bread (black, rye, whole grain), bakery, butter products.
  • Nuts, seeds.
  • Sweets, chocolate, candies, dried fruits.
  • Alcoholic drinks, kvass.
  • Carbonated drinks, concentrated fruit and vegetable juices with pulp.
  • Strong coffee, cocoa.

Sample menu by day.

1st day

Breakfast: oatmeal, soft-boiled egg, a piece of white day-old bread with butter, weak coffee without sugar, soufflé.

Lunch: potato soup in fish broth with croutons from white bread, chicken breast boiled, clear compote.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, tea with honey.

2nd day

Breakfast: semolina porridge, a piece of day-old white bread with low-calorie cheese, berry jelly.

Lunch: vegetable soup in meat broth with pasta, steam fish cutlet, white bread, green tea without sugar with biscuits.

Dinner: steamed fish, plain yogurt, clarified apple juice diluted with water.

3rd day

Breakfast: steamed omelette, green tea with marmalade.

Lunch: fish broth with rice, fruit jelly, clear jelly.

Dinner: clear meat broth, weak tea.

4th day

The last day is the most important and difficult in preparation: it is necessary to consume transparent liquid dishes without solid pieces. There are no restrictions on water consumption - you can drink in any amount.

On the day before a colonoscopy, completely stop eating solid food at 14:00, after which you can only drink weak tea, water and a small amount of broth. Juices with coloring substances, brightly colored jelly, and strong black tea are prohibited. Stop drinking liquid 4 hours before the test.

Iron supplements, senna, activated carbon cancel 4 days before the study.

Quality assessment according to the Boston scale

The Boston scale is a set of indicators characterizing the degree of intestinal preparedness for colonoscopy. Expressed in points.

For the scale, the colon is conventionally divided anatomically into three segments:

Left - consists of the rectum, sigmoid, descending colon.

Colonic segment in the form transverse colon with hepatic and splenic flexures.

The right segment is represented by the ascending colon and cecum.

Each department is given a score from 0 to 3 points:

0 points - the intestines are not ready for examination. The mucous membrane is not visualized.

1 point - satisfactory preparation for the procedure. The examination is made difficult by feces, foam, and opaque liquid. The mucous membrane is partially visible with an endoscope.

2 points - the intestine is well prepared for examination, the mucous membrane is accessible to visualization, there is an insignificant amount in the intestinal lumen troubled waters which can be removed with an aspirator.

3 points - the intestine is clean, there are no additional impurities.

A score greater than 6 indicates good bowel preparation. The maximum score on this scale is 9.

Unsatisfactory preparation leads to a decrease in the diagnostic significance of the method, an increase in examination time, or the appointment of a repeat colonoscopy.

Enema or medication?

These auxiliary methods will be used in conjunction with diet to improve the quality of training. Their goal is to cleanse the accumulation of toxins from the intestinal walls that accumulated before the start of dietary restrictions, as well as to eliminate the errors of a toxin-free diet.

A cleansing enema before a colonoscopy is performed twice in the evening and in the morning before the examination. The method is combined with the intake of castor oil. There are no contraindications to this preparation.

Modern medications, such as fortrans, flit phospho-soda, endofalk, are combined with espumizan. Medicines are taken according to the regimen according to the instructions. In case of intestinal obstruction, this preparation method is contraindicated.

As a result of this preparation, the stool becomes watery and transparent.

Diet after colonoscopy

The exit from a slag-free diet should be gradual. Stick to it for a week low calorie diet, gradually introducing heavy foods into the diet. It is preferable to eat small amounts of food in fractions. First, foods high in vitamins and fiber (fruits, vegetables, grains) are added to the menu, then fried, fatty dishes, bread, meat.

This is due not only to the body’s weaning, but also to microtraumatization of the intestine during a biopsy during the procedure and the passage of a probe into its lumen. If these recommendations are violated, intestinal volvulus, constipation, and the formation of fecal stones can be provoked.

It is also necessary to replenish the lost volume of fluid in the body during the preparation period.

The use of probiotics to restore intestinal microflora is indicated.

Colonoscopy is a procedure that allows you to assess the condition of the large intestine, identify various diseases and establish the most accurate diagnosis. It is prescribed for preventive purposes after reaching the age of fifty, as well as for suspected benign and malignant tumors, diverticulosis, polyposis and other serious pathologies. To obtain the most reliable results of the study, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure, get rid of constipation, and try to establish digestive function, if possible, restore the intestinal microflora. To achieve all this you need to go on a slag-free diet.

You need to start preparing for the procedure three days before, but many experts still recommend adhering to dietary rules for one week before the colonoscopy.

Indications for colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a high-precision medical procedure that diagnoses and treats intestinal diseases. It is carried out using a special device called a fibrocolonoscope by inserting it into the rectum through the anus.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Elderly age.
  • Frequent constipation and abdominal pain.
  • Suspicion of Crohn's disease.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Discharge of large amounts of mucus or blood along with feces.
  • Suspicion of a tumor, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, internal bleeding, etc.

Why do you need a diet?

Diet before colonoscopy is very important, since the study requires maximum cleansing of the intestines from toxins and feces in order to obtain correct diagnostic data. After all, deposits on the walls of the organ can distort the results, make existing pathologies invisible against their background, and complicate the passage of the probe and the view of the intestinal walls.

Typically, the attending physician compiles a list of prohibited and recommended foods. The diet during colonoscopy is quite strict, and with its help you can not only prepare for the upcoming procedure, but also lose extra pounds.

General principles of nutrition

You need to start following a diet before the colonoscopy procedure at least 4-5 days before it in order to maximally cleanse the intestines of toxins and also reduce the amount of feces. In combination with special nutrition, it is recommended to take laxatives and use enemas. The result of the diet should be softened and unformed stools on the second day and loose, watery stools on the third or fourth day of following it.

Basic nutrition rules:

  • Lenten diet.
  • Increased drinking regime (at least two liters of water per day).
  • Eating liquid cereals, low-fat broths, vegetable soups etc.
  • Fractional diet (often and little by little).
  • Consuming mainly easily or completely digestible foods that contain a lot of water.
  • Limiting the consumption of fiber foods.
  • Avoiding foods that provoke fermentation in the intestines and bloating.
  • All dishes consumed must be prepared using the steam method, or by boiling or baking.

It is very important to understand that the diet before an endoscopic examination of the intestine should not be long (no more than five to seven days); it is not recommended to go on it without a doctor’s testimony, since it is unbalanced and cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances. With such a diet, a person may constantly be haunted by a feeling of hunger and weakness. But its advantages lie in the fact that with its help you can not only effectively cleanse the body, but also improve metabolic processes, restore organ motility, and improve digestive function.

What not to eat before colonoscopy

Preparation for the diagnostic procedure involves following a fairly strict diet, excluding a considerable number of dishes and products from the patient’s diet. To remove all waste and toxins from the intestines a few days before the test, you need to stop eating foods from the following list:

  1. Fresh vegetables and herbs: all varieties of cabbage, bell pepper, radish, spinach, onion, radish, horseradish, beets, garlic, carrots.
  2. Legumes: peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils.
  3. Fruits: bananas, plums, peaches, citruses, raspberries, gooseberries, apricots, apples, currants, cherries, pears, grapes.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Dried fruits.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Milk porridge from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and corn grits and etc.
  8. Bread from rye flour and with bran.
  9. Fat meat.
  10. Smoked meats.
  11. Salo.
  12. Dairy products and milk.
  13. Fast food.
  14. Delicious baked goods.
  15. Conservation.
  16. Marinated dishes.
  17. Pickles.
  18. Spicy.
  19. Various sauces, mayonnaise, seasonings and spices.
  20. Chocolate.
  21. Sausages.
  22. Alcoholic drinks.
  23. Carbonated drinks.
  24. Kvass.
  25. Juices with pulp, nectars.
  26. Instant coffee.
  27. Seafood, fatty fish.
  28. Grape juice.

What foods can you eat before a colonoscopy?

The patient’s menu should include only light foods that are quickly and easily digested. gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to eat at least five times a day in small portions in order to minimize the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Before a colonoscopy, you are allowed to consume dishes and products from the following list:

  • Broths based on lean meat.
  • Boiled potato puree without milk or butter.
  • Boiled carrots and beets.
  • A small amount of buckwheat porridge in water.
  • Homemade noodles.
  • Pasta made from durum flour.
  • Wheat bread crackers.
  • Galette cookies.
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products with a low fat content.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Steamed omelette.
  • Soft-boiled eggs.
  • Green tea.
  • Kiseli.
  • Low-fat boiled or baked fish.
  • Compotes.
  • Light vegetable soups.
  • Liquid semolina porridge.
  • Jelly.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Still mineral water.

Sample menu of a slag-free diet before a colonoscopy

The patient's menu must include dishes prepared from the list of permitted products. Under no circumstances should you break your diet or eat prohibited foods, even in small quantities. Failure to follow dietary guidelines may be a reason to postpone a colonoscopy. In this case, the body will have to be subjected to this test again.

The menu for a person who is scheduled to undergo the procedure in question in a week or five days looks something like this:

  • For breakfast, you can eat a small portion of liquid semolina porridge, a boiled egg, and wash it all down with sweet tea and biscuits.
  • Before lunch, you can have a snack with a baked apple, drink a glass of juice or compote.
  • For lunch you can make vegetable soup with noodles, steam cutlets. Drink sweet tea with crackers or fermented baked milk.
  • For dinner, a salad of boiled carrots and beets, dressed with any vegetable oil, wash down with jelly. Before going to bed, a glass of low-fat kefir is allowed.

Two days before the colonoscopy, the patient’s diet becomes even more limited and light:

  • Breakfast: green tea, cottage cheese with minimum percentage fat content
  • Second breakfast: biscuits with kefir.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken meat, vegetable stew, compote or green tea.
  • Dinner: one glass of kefir or fermented baked milk with crackers.

It is important that the last meal is taken no later than three hours before going to bed. The day before the procedure, a person can drink a glass of low-fat kefir for breakfast, then after a couple of hours have a snack with crackers and compote. For lunch, you can eat low-fat broth, boiled vegetables, and green tea. It is not recommended to have dinner on this day, but a few hours after lunch you can drink a glass of natural juice without pulp or kefir, and eat some biscuits.

In the intervals between meals, you need to drink more pure water without gas to speed up the removal of toxins from the body, and if you are prone to constipation, you need to take prescribed laxatives or castor oil according to the schedule. You can do cleansing enemas if there are no contraindications to them.

How to eat after a colonoscopy

After carrying out this diagnostic procedure, you should not immediately start eating previously prohibited foods, so as not to provoke indigestion, constipation and other more serious complications. Nutrition should be gentle and light. Most foods and dishes become permitted, but they must be introduced into the diet gradually.

Under no circumstances should you overeat and immediately introduce heavy and rough foods into the menu, which take a long time to digest. Failure to follow these rules can lead to intestinal obstruction.

For quick and painless recovery of the body after a strict diet, it is recommended to introduce one or two products from the prohibited list into the diet daily. First you need to start eating fresh fruits and vegetables, then milk porridge. Bread, meat, fried, fatty and spicy are allowed only after a few days. In general, the recovery period lasts approximately one week, after which you can return to your usual diet, if there are no dietary restrictions according to medical recommendations.

Or colonoscopy is a medical procedure that allows you to most effectively diagnose diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The large intestine is the habitat of many microorganisms; at a young age, the immune system suppresses their pathogenic strains, but over the years various diseases can develop - colitis, tumors, diverticulosis, polyps, and so on. Therefore, upon reaching the age of 50, it is necessary to be regularly examined by an endoscopist. In younger patients, colonoscopy is prescribed if there is reasonable suspicion or an established diagnosis of colon disease, in order to prevent the development of oncological and perforation complications.

A qualitative study cannot be carried out without appropriate preliminary preparation of the patient. Its goal is the complete absence of feces in the lumen of the colon and the reduction of discomfort during colonoscopy. For this purpose, certain medications, manipulations to cleanse the intestines, a special slag-free diet, and dietary restriction are used during the day before the procedure.

Diet before colonoscopy

Preparation for the examination must begin 3 days before the examination. With a slag-free diet, foods rich in fiber or that cause fermentation in the intestines are completely excluded from the menu:

1. All fresh vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and root vegetables. Boiled and grated vegetables should not be consumed 2 days before the procedure; cabbage in any form is prohibited.

2. All fresh fruits and berries. Two days before the colonoscopy, you can add to the menu a boiled, peeled and grated apple, a peach, half a banana, and a little melon.

4. Coarse cereals: corn, barley, wheat, pearl barley, brown rice, oatmeal, etc. The consumption of rice and buckwheat porridge should be limited.

5. Rye and bran bread. White bread and baked goods are limited to the menu the day before the procedure.

6. Whole milk and dairy products.

7. Any fried dishes with a crust.

8. Canned food, smoked food, marinades.

9. Too spicy and salty dishes.

10. Nuts, seeds.

11. Kvass, beer, wine.

12. Fatty and stringy varieties of meat, lard, sausage.

What can you eat before colonoscopy?

  • Broths: low-fat meat, fish, vegetable.
  • Juices (except grape and plum), compotes without grounds, jelly, mineral water, coffee Tea.
  • Fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Boiled meat, fish, lean poultry.
  • Butter, all edible vegetable fats, mayonnaise.
  • Pasta made from premium quality rice and wheat.
  • Semolina porridge.
  • Eggs, preferably soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet.
  • Dry cookies (without fruit additives), crackers, baked goods without sesame and poppy seeds, white bread crackers.
  • Sweets without solid vegetable additives - jelly, honey, sugar.

If the patient suffers from severe constipation, then it is necessary to switch to a slag-free diet 5 days before the colonoscopy, while continuing to use regular laxatives. The rest of the preparation is the same as for people with healthy intestines.

Sample menu for a slag-free diet before intestinal colonoscopy:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled or fried egg, half a banana, coffee, sandwich with butter and boiled sausage.
  • Lunch: potato soup (without cabbage) with meat broth, white bread, bun, cottage cheese, jelly.
  • Dinner: pasta, grated boiled beets, boiled meat, tea, cookies.
  • Breakfast: rice porridge, steamed omelette, boiled grated apple without peel, coffee without milk, sandwich with cheese.
  • Lunch: rice or semolina soup with meat or vegetable broth, white bread, a bun with kefir.
  • Dinner: pasta, boiled fish, vegetable broth, cottage cheese casserole, compote, cookies.

  • Breakfast: semolina porridge, steamed omelette, coffee without milk, some toasted white bread with butter.
  • Lunch: liquid semolina soup, boiled meat or fish, kefir with cookies.
  • Dinner: low-fat meat or vegetable broth, green tea.

What to do before the procedure?

The last meal of solid food is no later than 14 hours on the day before the colonoscopy. After this period, you can drink sweet green tea, broth, mineral water, various colorless non-carbonated drinks, and juices. At 15, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. To remove the unpleasant taste of castor oil, you can dilute it or wash it down with some drink, jelly or kefir. Oil can negatively affect the functioning of inflamed bile ducts, so for cholecystitis it is better to use other laxatives.

When the laxative works, you need to perform a cleansing enema. This usually happens 2-4 hours after taking castor oil; after 19, do two cleanses with boiled water at room temperature, 1.5 liters in volume, with an hour interval. The ejected liquid should be almost transparent. In the morning at 7 o'clock the enema is repeated twice more, achieving ideal cleanliness of the intestines.

Unpleasant procedures and the use of castor oil can be avoided if you prepare for colonoscopy with Fortrans or one of its analogues - Endofalk, Flit, Lavacol. The principle of action is to create high osmotic pressure, as a result of which water ceases to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. A drunk Fortrans solution quickly passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract, carrying with it all contaminants from the intestines. The drug is diluted with boiled water at the rate of 1 sachet per liter, and the entire volume is drunk in an hour; the required amount of solution is 1 liter per 25 kg of the patient’s weight. If a colonoscopy is scheduled after 1 pm, it is recommended to reschedule the administration of the second half of the cleansing solution from the evening to the morning, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the procedure.

To prevent flatulence in the morning on the day of colonoscopy, you should use Espumisan or another defoamer. If the patient is characterized by spastic constipation, susceptibility to depression, irritable bowel syndrome, you can take No-shpa. According to individual indications, the doctor may also prescribe sedatives and local anesthesia.

Exiting a slag-free diet after a colonoscopy must be done gradually over a week. If you rush and start eating everything at once, you can cause constipation, the formation of fecal stones, and even intestinal obstruction (volvulus). Each time, one product from the prohibited list is added to the menu, first saturating the diet with vegetables, fruits, cereals, then introducing dishes that are difficult for the stomach - black bread, fried, fatty, and so on.

Colonoscopy along with endoscopic and X-ray methods diagnostics is one of the most effective diagnostic procedures. But, for its successful implementation, special preparation is necessary, which will help cleanse the intestines of toxins and feces. This is why a colonoscopy is scheduled in advance, with preparatory procedures planned for at least 48 hours.

To prepare, you must follow a special diet for several days. A slag-free diet before a colonoscopy will help not only successfully pass the diagnosis, but also cleanse the entire body, as well as lose some weight. Due to its short duration, it has virtually no contraindications. However, during the period of its observance, you should avoid serious physical and mental stress.

Features of the diet before colonoscopy

In general, the diet before a colonoscopy can last only two days, but it is better to start it a week in advance. This guarantees complete cleansing of the intestines and even healing of the whole body. Toxins and waste accumulate in the body of every person - this is facilitated by irregular and unbalanced nutrition, some are tasty, but harmful products, such as fried meat, smoked meats, pickles. In addition, the quality of the products also matters.

For the first few days, it is recommended to follow a normal low-calorie diet, from which it is necessary to exclude fatty meats and foods that cause fermentation, bloating and bulky stools. It is also necessary to refuse dinner; in the afternoon, only drinks or low-fat fermented milk products are allowed.

The last meal should be no later than 12 hours before the diagnosis; at this time you can only drink tea without sugar or mineral water without gas.

It is also necessary to gradually exit this diet. Despite the feeling of hunger, it is necessary to introduce “heavy” foods and increase the portion gradually. Among the unpleasant consequences, many people note headache and mild nausea, which may appear as early as the second day of low-calorie eating. This is normal with any detox diet. This symptom is temporary and indicates the beginning of the body cleansing process. You will also have to constantly fight the feeling of hunger. But, if you followed a slag-free diet, colonoscopy will be effective, and the examination will be informative.

The main thing in the diet before an intestinal colonoscopy is the menu, from which it is necessary to exclude waste products. This includes

  • all legumes such as lentils, beans, peas, and soy products;
  • fatty meat, pickles and smoked meats;
  • coffee, strong tea, chocolate and nuts;
  • fresh milk, kvass, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • various snacks, chips and fast food;
  • rye bread and some cereals (barley, millet);
  • vegetables and fruits such as: apricots, citrus fruits, grapes, bananas, peaches, dates, dried fruits;
  • berries: raspberries, gooseberries;
  • greens: spinach and sorrel.

At the same time, it is necessary to include such products in the diet

  • lean fish;
  • lean boiled meat (veal, chicken breast, rabbit), as well as broths;
  • porridge: buckwheat, brown rice, as well as wholemeal bread or unsweetened and savory cookies
  • jelly, compotes, juices;
  • low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt.

It is advisable to consume all foods raw and not mix them, if possible. It is better to drink green or hibiscus tea on this day; replace sugar with a teaspoon of honey. For first courses, it is preferable to opt for vegetable soups, and eat fish and meat boiled or steamed.

Preparing for diagnostics using special tools

Today, special laxatives are widely used to cleanse the intestines before colonoscopy. All of them must be taken strictly according to the plan. This is how a diet with Fortrans can be used before a colonoscopy. This drug is not absorbed into the intestines and is excreted unchanged from the body.

When preparing for the procedure, the drug is diluted at the rate of 1 sachet per liter of water. This solution is designed for 15-20 kilograms of patient weight, that is, on average you will need 3-4 sachets. There are two ways to take Fortrans. First: on the eve of the examination, one glass of solution per hour, you need to start taking it at about 15:00. Second method: the drug is taken in two stages, the first half in the evening before the day of the procedure, the second half in the morning, but no later than 3-4 hours before the colonoscopy.