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Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of a wish May. A strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker. How to correctly read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

There is probably no person in the world who, at least once in his life, has not dreamed of getting a magic wand and using it to fulfill his deepest desires. But, alas, magic lives only in fairy tales. In real life, you often have to rely on luck, which is in no hurry to favor everyone, but still all people, without exception, are waiting for this moment. A prayer for the fulfillment of a wish will help bring this moment closer - in some cases it can play the role of a magic wand and make a person’s cherished dream come true in the very near future.

Prayers for the fulfillment of a desire should not be confused with those pursuing the same goal - these are two completely different things.

Not a single Orthodox prayer, even the most powerful, gives an absolute guarantee that a person will receive what he wants. A prayer is a request, and when voicing it, the person praying never knows in advance whether higher powers will respond to this request or not, he only hopes for a positive outcome.

Although Christ said: “ Ask and it will be given to you”, we should not regard God as a great magician and wizard who will miraculously fulfill all our desires. There may not be a result from prayer - first of all, due to the fact that the person praying is simply not morally ready for his dream to come true; moreover, if it comes true, it may not justify his aspirations and hopes and even sometimes cause harm. Higher powers understand this and always know how a person will feel better, and therefore they are in no hurry to fulfill absolutely all his requests.

A conspiracy, unlike a prayer, already a priori gives an orientation towards a positive result and is almost always accompanied by various occult actions. The conspiracy has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. A conspiracy is witchcraft, therefore its use by the church is not encouraged (in particular, due to the fact that turning to it negatively affects a person’s soul and causes great harm to it).

Specification is the key to fulfillment of desire

It is very important to correctly formulate your desire.

It often happens that the person praying has only a general idea of ​​his dream, but does not know what he specifically and precisely wants to receive. The inability to formulate a competent formulation of your desire delays its implementation indefinitely or completely deprives any chance of fulfillment. Therefore, you need to ask for a specific need: healing from an illness, profit in business, obtaining a certain position, profitable sale of an apartment, etc. It is concretization that is the primary guarantee of the nearest meeting with your cherished dream.

Ritual before reciting the sacred text

  1. Think carefully about your desire, formulate it, not forgetting to be specific.
  2. Visualization. You need to imagine in your imagination that the dream has already come true. Next, try to clearly feel the feelings and emotions that your desire would evoke in you after its fulfillment.
  3. In such a joyful and upbeat mood, you need to formulate your desire and write it down on a blank piece of paper. It is advisable to describe your joyful experiences there.

The finished piece of paper must be protected and carried with you until the wish comes true. The text written on it should be re-read at least 2 times a day. It is useful to do this before reading sacred words.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers

With a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire, it is customary to turn, first of all, to God himself. Also highly effective are prayer requests directed to:

  • John the Theologian.

There are also ways in which all heavenly guardian angels and saints are asked.


Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the most powerful Orthodox prayers, helping to bring the fulfillment of your cherished dreams closer. The performer must carefully prepare for reading it: clear his head of anxious and negative thoughts, forget about problems, and clearly formulate his desire.

It is best if its text is pronounced in the temple. If there is no opportunity to visit the church, it is not forbidden to contact Nicholas the Pleasant at home, but this must be done in complete silence, with a burning candle, in front of the icon of the saint. Text:

This prayer will have special power if it is said by the performer on his birthday. But you can use it on ordinary days too.

Matrona of Moscow

You can make a request to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow at home. This must be done in a calm state, in absolute solitude.

Icons of Matronushka, St. Nicholas and Jesus Christ are placed on the table (if any of them are missing, buy them in advance), 11 church candles are lit in front of them. Having crossed yourself and bowed to the images, begin reading:

This prayer ritual is required to be performed daily until the dream comes true.

John the Theologian

Your innermost desire will be fulfilled in the near future if you say a prayer to John the Theologian on your birthday. The words are as follows:

Lord, all saints and angels

Another powerful prayer that will fulfill wishes in the near future sounds like this:

This prayer is read daily, 12 days in a row. Be sure to visit the church on one of these days, light a candle in front of the icon of Christ and say these words in front of it. It is also advisable to make a donation to the temple (any amount).

The wish usually comes true within the next 12 days after the completion of the prayer ritual.

Important: prayer can be used no more than once a year!

How to read prayers correctly

There are quite a lot of Orthodox prayers designed to help a person fulfill his desires. All of them must be pronounced sincerely, with firm faith, with repentance and humility in the soul. Besides, desires must be such that they cannot harm anyone. If all these conditions are met, the Lord and His saints will certainly respond to the request of the person praying, although sometimes this may take some time - everything is God’s will.

When dreaming of the fulfillment of his desire, a person should not place all his hopes only on prayer. Efforts will be required from him himself so that the dream can come true. The person praying must try to do everything in order to get what he wants: pray in accordance with all conditions, improve himself, his knowledge, skills, and take care of his soul.

For our readers: prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with detailed description from various sources.

This article contains prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Pleasant).

  • destiny changing prayer
  • prayer for help in work
  • prayer for help with money
  • prayer for the road
  • prayer for marriage
  • prayer for healing
  • prayer for the health of the sick
  • prayer for the road
  • thanksgiving prayer

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate

“Oh, all-validated and all-honorable bishop, great miracle worker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, star shining and illuminating the whole universe: you are a righteous man, like a phoenix prosperous, planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Mireh, you are fragrant with the world and flowing with the ever-flowing grace of God. By your procession, holy father, the sea was sanctified, when your many-wonderful relics marched to the city of Barsky, from east to west to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, wonderful and wondrous miracle worker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles! We glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, the hungry feeder, the weeping joy, the naked, the sick doctor, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the widows and orphans, the nourisher and protector, the guardian of chastity, infants a meek chastiser, the old strengthened, fasting a mentor, the toilers restful, the poor and wretched abundantly rich. Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and the whole, and every country Christian, and people living from all bitterness with your help, we know, we know how much the prayer of the righteous can do, hastening for good: for you, the righteous, according to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, intercessor to the All-Merciful God of the Imams, and to yours, most kind father, warm intercession and we humbly flow to intercession. You protect us, like a cheerful and warm shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy: tenderly We are unworthy to behold the heights of heaven, from the multitude of our iniquities, bound by sinful bonds, and neither the will of our Creator nor the will of our creator, nor the preservation of His commandments. At the same time, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him: help us, servant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our hearts ours in right faith, in it, through your intercession and intercession, we will not be belittled by wounds, nor rebuke, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but we will live a peaceful life here and may we be honored to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One in To the Trinity we glorify and worship God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work

It is recommended to read the prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant for success in work in solitude and concentration in front of the icon.

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, protector and benefactor. Cleanse my soul from the pestering envy and malice of bad people. If the work does not go well due to damned intent, do not punish your enemies, but help them cope with the turmoil in their souls. If there is sinful soot on me, I sincerely repent and ask for miraculous help in righteous work. Grant me a job according to my conscience, and a salary according to my work. Let it be so. Amen"."

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in search of a good job

“I turn to you, Saint Nicholas, and ask for miraculous help. Let the searches new job will take place successfully, and all difficulties will suddenly dissolve. Let the boss not be angry, but let the matter go smoothly. Let the salary be paid, and you like the work. If an envious person shows up, let his anger fall apart. Forgive me for all my sins and do not leave me as before in difficult days. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help with money

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik for help on the road

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik for help in business and trade

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

Parents can also ask for their daughter’s marriage:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from illness

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of the sick

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road and for those traveling

Prayer of gratitude to Nicholas the Ugodnik

Read at dawn.

Save prayers on social networks:

Prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: for marriage, for travelers, for help. Why do they ask the saint for this? Read our article!

Prayers for travelers, for marriage, for relief from hunger

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker- one of the most revered Orthodox saints. People pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a variety of life trials, and, as people testify, he soon answers the prayers of believers.

They pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker about travelers (remembering how Saint Nicholas, through the power of prayer, pacified a storm that broke out at sea, which almost sank the ship on which the Wonderworker Nicholas was located).

They pray to St. Nicholas for the successful marriage of their daughters (remembering how St. Nicholas secretly donated money for a dowry to the daughters of a ruined man so that they could get married).

They pray to the saint for deliverance from hunger. During his lifetime, Nicholas the Wonderworker became famous as a pacifier of warring parties, a defender of the innocently convicted, and a deliverer from needless death.

There is no strictly obligatory list of things to do to pray to each saint. Therefore, you can pray to St. Nicholas, like other saints, for help in all difficult situations.

Read also -Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker - the first

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!

Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Troparion to Saint Nicholas, tone 4

Kontakion to Saint Nicholas, tone 3

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia - second

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.


O all-praised and all-pious bishop, great Wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, shining star and illuminating the whole universe: you are a righteous man, like a blossoming date planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Mireh, you were fragrant with myrrh, and you flowed with the ever-flowing grace of God.

By your procession, holy father, the sea was sanctified, when your many-wonderful relics marched into the city of Barsky, from east to west you praise the name of the Lord.

O most wonderful and marvelous Wonderworker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles, we glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, those who hunger for a feeder, those who cry are joy, the naked are clothed. , the sick physician, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the nourisher and protector of widows and orphans, the guardian of chastity, the meek chastiser of infants, the old strengthener, the fasting mentor, the rest of the toilers, the poor and the wretched, abundant wealth.

Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High, and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers, everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and all, and every Christian country, and people living from every bitterness with your help:

We know, we know that the prayer of a righteous person can do much to advance good: for you, the righteous one, according to the most blessed Virgin Mary, the intercessor to the All-Merciful God, imams, and to yours, most kind father, warm intercession and intercession we humbly flow: you keep us as you are vigorous and kind Shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy, since we are unworthy to see the heights of heaven, from many of our iniquities, bound by the bonds of sin, and neither did we do the will of our Creator nor did we keep His commandments.

In the same way, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him:

Help us, O Pleasant of God, so that we do not perish through our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our hearts in the right faith, in it through your intercession and intercession, neither wounds nor rebuke, neither pestilence nor any wrath will grant me to live in this age, and will deliver me from my standing, and will make me worthy to join all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworkerfourth

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help; see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice; Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully become our enemies and not die in our evil deeds.

Pray for us, unworthy, to our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us .

We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Read also -Dictionary of “Pravmir” – St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer to Saint Nicholasfifth

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, the Most Blessed Nicholas, who shone miracles under the sun, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace!

Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ.

Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me to Christ as saved and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages centuries.

Prayer to Saint Nicholassixth

Oh, all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession, and who call on you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that destroy it, that is, from the invasion of the evil Latins who are rising against us.

Protect and preserve our country, and every country existing in Orthodoxy, with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, the sword, the invasion of foreigners, from internecine and bloody warfare.

And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy and delivered the Orthodox people of Great, Little and White Rus' from the destructive heresy of the Latin.

For through your intercession and help, and through His mercy and grace, may Christ God look with His merciful eye on people who exist in ignorance, even though they have not known their right hand, especially young people, by whom the Latin seductions are spoken to turn away from the Orthodox faith, may he enlighten the minds of His people, may they not be tempted and fall away from the faith of their fathers, may their conscience, lulled by vain wisdom and ignorance, awaken and turn their will to the preservation of the holy Orthodox faith, may they remember the faith and humility of our fathers, may their life be for the Orthodox faith who have laid down and accepted the warm prayers of His holy saints, who have shone in our land, keeping us from the delusion and heresy of the Latin, so that, having preserved us in holy Orthodoxy, He will grant us at His terrible Judgment to stand on the right hand with all the saints. Amen.

Have you read the article Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Other materials you may be interested in:

  • Prayer to Matrona of Moscow
  • Morning prayers
  • Prayer “Creed”
  • Prayer “Our Father”

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Video:

Home –> Prayers –> Strong prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered Orthodox saints. People pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a variety of life trials, and, as people testify, he soon answers the prayers of believers. There is no strictly obligatory list of things to do to pray to each saint. Therefore, you can pray to St. Nicholas, like other saints, for help in all difficult situations.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of travelers, merchants and all the poor and needy, probably due to the fact that he tamed the elements and saved the ship from the wreck on which he was at that moment, and also protected people from death, saved the condemned, the innocently guilty , - helped then, helps now.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will become stronger when the person praying is imbued with the spoken words and fully believes in the true help of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and in his power as a Saint. Before reading the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help, mentally indicate a specific request and after that begin to pray for yourself, your loved ones or friends, not forgetting to be baptized.

All prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker:
Troparion and Magnification to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
intercession prayer
prayer recited during illnesses and illnesses
A short prayer for help and intercession
prayer read in despondency and circumstances
prayer for help and intercession
prayer for help in poverty and need
destiny changing prayer
prayer for finding a good job
prayer for help with money
prayer for the road
prayer for help in business and trade
prayer for marriage
prayer for healing
prayer for the health of the sick
prayer for the road
prayer for travelers
thanksgiving prayer

Troparion and Magnification to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

We magnify you, Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory: you pray for us to Christ our God.

Troparion, tone 4:
The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock as things are true; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3:
In Mireh, the holy one, you appeared as a priest: For Christ, O Reverend, having fulfilled the Gospel, you laid down your soul for your people, and you saved the innocent from death; For this reason you have been sanctified, as the great hidden place of God’s grace.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for intercession.

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, the Most Blessed Nicholas, who shone miracles under the sun, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ.
Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind, to which belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages centuries.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker read in case of illnesses and illnesses.

O all-praised and all-pious bishop, great Wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, shining star and illuminating the whole universe!
You are a righteous man, like a blossoming date, planted in the courts of your Lord, living in the Worlds, you are fragrant with the world, and the myrrh flows with the grace of God. By your procession, holy father, the sea was illuminated, when your many-wonderful relics marched into the city of Barsky, from east to west praise the name of the Lord.
O most graceful and wondrous Wonderworker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles, we glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, those who hunger for a feeder, those who cry are joy, the naked are clothed , the sick physician, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the nourisher and protector of widows and orphans, the guardian of chastity, the meek chastiser of infants, the old strengthener, the fasting mentor, the toiling rapture, the poor and needy abundant wealth.
Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High, and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers, everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and all, and every Christian country, and people who live from all bitterness with your help.
We know, we know, how the prayer of the righteous can do much to hasten for good: for you, the righteous, according to the most blessed Virgin Mary, imams, intercessor to the All-Merciful God, and to yours, most kind father, warm intercession and intercession we humbly flow: you keep us as you are vigorous and kind shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy, since we are unworthy to see the heights of heaven, from many of our iniquities are bound by the bonds of sin, and we have not done the will of our Creator nor have we preserved his commandments. By the same token, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him.
Help us, O Pleasant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our hearts in the right faith, in it through your intercession and intercession, neither with wounds, nor rebuke, nor pestilence, he will give me no wrath to live in this age, and he will deliver me from this place, and he will make me worthy to join all the saints. Amen.

A short prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help and intercession.

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker read in despondency and circumstances.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help and intercession.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice. Strive, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces. Make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us.
We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The first prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is for help in poverty and need.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice: strive, servant of God, do not leave us in sinful captivity to be, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and we will not die in our evil deeds: pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with your disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts , but in His goodness He will reward us: we trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and the troubles that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions: pray to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may He grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation for our souls and great mercy, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Second prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, for help in poverty and need.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth throughout my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one; beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate.

A prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate helps to completely change your life in better side. A prayer that changes fate must be read for 40 days; if for any reason you miss at least one time between these 40 days, you will have to start all over again - pray and ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to change your fate.
The prayer that changes fate is very powerful and lasts for 40 days, so you should not expect that the effect of the prayer will begin from the very first day.

“The chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding to the whole world a precious myrrh and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you as my lover, blessed Saint Nicholas: but you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice , Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
An angel in the image of an earthly being by the nature of the Creator of all creation; Having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:
Rejoice, born in the robes of angels, as pure in the flesh; Rejoice, baptized with water and fire, as though holy in the flesh. Rejoice, you who surprised your parents with your birth; Rejoice, you who revealed the strength of your soul at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of Jesus' paradise. Rejoice, thou land of heavenly destruction; Rejoice, myrrh of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; Rejoice for you bring joy. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, repository of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling! Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light! Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; rejoice, kind people mentor! Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness! Rejoice, for through you we are delivered from bodily passions; Rejoice, for through you we are filled with spiritual sweetness! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, bestower of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, wishing good things to the planter. Rejoice, speedy consoler of those in trouble; Rejoice, terrible punisher of those who offend. Rejoice, abyss of miracles poured out by God; Rejoice, the tablet of the law of Christ written by God. Rejoice, strong construction of those who give; Rejoice, rightful affirmation. Rejoice, for through you all flattery is laid bare; Rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, greater helper of those who suffer! Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sin for those who wander; Rejoice, dew that does not flow in the heat of labor! Rejoice, thou who hast provided for those who demand prosperity; Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask! Rejoice, preface the petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs! Rejoice, many errors from the true path to the accuser; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for through you we trample on envy; Rejoice, for through you we correct a good life. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, you have been taken away from eternal misery; Rejoice, give us imperishable wealth! Rejoice, undying cruelty to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those thirsty for life! Rejoice, keep from rebellion and warfare; Rejoice, free us from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, most glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, illumination of the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, day of the never-setting sun! Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have extinguished the demonic flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, consuming heresies; Rejoice, O thunder who frightens those who seduce! Rejoice, true teacher of reason; Rejoice, mysterious exponent of the mind! Rejoice, for you have trampled upon the worship of the creature; Rejoice, for through you we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, everyone who flows to you has been taken away by the strong! Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health to our bodies and salvation to our souls! Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
Oh, most bright and wonderful Father Nicholas, consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering, and beg the Lord to deliver us from Gehenna, through your God-pleasing intercession, so that with you we sing: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding to the whole world a precious myrrh and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you, my beloved, blessed Saint Nicholas: you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker in search of a good job.

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, protector and benefactor. Cleanse my soul from the pestering envy and malice of bad people. If the work does not go well due to damned intent, do not punish your enemies, but help them cope with the turmoil in their souls. If there is sinful soot on me, I sincerely repent and ask for miraculous help in righteous work. Grant me a job according to my conscience, and a salary according to my work. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help with money.

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling on your speedy intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of all good and darkened in mind from cowardice. Strive, servant of God, do not leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with the disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us.
We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help and we ask for help in your most holy image: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss more sinful and in the mud of our passions.
Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik for help on the road.

Prayer for those traveling by car and by air.

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.”

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik for help in business and trade.

“Oh, all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession, and who call upon you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that destroy it, that is, from the invasion of the evil Latins who are rising against us.
Protect and preserve our country, and every country existing in Orthodoxy, with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, the sword, the invasion of foreigners, from internecine and bloody warfare. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy and delivered the Orthodox people of Great, Little and White Rus' from the destructive heresy of the Latin.
For through your intercession and help, and through His mercy and grace, may Christ God look with His merciful eye on people who exist in ignorance, even though they have not known their right hand, especially young people, by whom the Latin seductions are spoken to turn away from the Orthodox faith, may he enlighten the minds of His people, may they not be tempted and fall away from the faith of their fathers, may their conscience, lulled by vain wisdom and ignorance, awaken and turn their will to the preservation of the holy Orthodox faith, may they remember the faith and humility of our fathers, may their life be for the Orthodox faith who have laid down and accepted the warm prayers of His holy saints, who have shone in our land, keeping us from the delusion and heresy of the Latin, so that, having preserved us in holy Orthodoxy, He will grant us at His terrible Judgment to stand on the right hand with all the saints. Amen"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly pleasing servant of the Lord! During your life, you have never refused anyone’s requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wants to get married). Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for my speedy marriage. I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in His mercy. Amen".

Parents can also ask for their daughter’s marriage:

“I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from illness.

“O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper, help me, a sinner and saddened one, in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in everything my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God of all creation, the Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of the sick.

The prayer is read before the image of the holy elder (both in the temple and at home). You are allowed to read the prayer text both for yourself and for your relatives and loved ones, substituting the name of the sick person instead of brackets.

“Oh, Nicholas the All-Holy, saint of the Lord, our eternal intercessor, and everywhere in all troubles our helper. Help me, God’s servant (name), sad and sinful, in this life, ask the Lord to grant me remission of my sins, for I have sinned in deed, in a word, in your thoughts and with all your feelings. Help me, the accursed one, Holy Wonderworker, ask our Lord for good health, deliver me from torment and ordeal. Amen."

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the journey and for those traveling.

“Lord Almighty, Our God, I turn to you for support! I ask You for help, I pray for Your condescension! On the road I find it difficult, there are many obstacles on my way: bad people, crappy thoughts, pressing problems! Protect me, save me, guide me on the true path and help me not to leave it. Make sure that my road is smooth and even, problems and misfortunes are bypassed. So that this is how I set out on the road, and this is how I returned! I trust in Your help, I call for your support! I glorify Your name! Amen!"

Prayer for Travelers to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude to Nicholas the Ugodnik.

Read at dawn.

“Nicholas the Pleasant! I address you as a teacher and shepherd with faith and respect, with love and admiration. I send you words of gratitude, I pray for a prosperous life. I say thank you very much, I hope in mercy and forgiveness. For sins, for thoughts, and for thoughts. Just as you have had mercy on all sinners, so have mercy on me. Protect from terrible trials and from vain death. Amen"

Other popular prayers:

All prayers...

The Lord is our Teacher and Guide to life, the Church is the mentor of every Christian. We experience the sorrows and troubles encountered along the path of life by turning to God, waiting for consolation, help and protection.

One of the saints whose intercession we ask for before the Almighty is Saint Nicholas of Myra.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help can console and instruct in sorrows, and cope with everyday troubles.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas receives many sincere prayers and appeals; he has the power to resolve almost any life situation. You can pray to him both in church and at home.

Saint Nicholas of Myra

It helps to direct fate in the right direction, heal from illnesses, get married successfully, find a good job, and avoid future layoffs.

Read about the saint:

  • The history of the acquisition and transfer of relics
  • Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • About miracles today

It is important to say prayer every day, believe in help from Heaven and constantly thank God for everything.

Love for Christ and His saints must live in a person’s heart, only then can one hope for protection.

Prayer for help

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, the Most Blessed Nicholas, who shone miracles under the sun, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind, to which belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages centuries.

O all-merciful Father Nicholas! To the shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession, and who call you with warm prayer! Strive soon and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save the saints with your prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, drying out the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment; for through your intercession and help, with His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and deliver me to the right hand with all the saints. Amen!

Rule for reading prayers

The prayer reading to Nicholas the Pleasant has a number of features inherent in the reading of prayers to every saint:

  • prayer is a conversation between a layman and a saint, to whose intercession he turns, so you should not tell anyone about your plans;
  • before starting prayer work, you should take a blessing from the priest, confess, and receive communion;
  • You can pray both in the holy temple and at home;
  • When saying a prayer, privacy and silence are required; it is advisable to light a lamp in front of the icon.

Life of a Saint

The biography of Nikolai Ugodnik does not shine with facts. The reason for this is the saint’s concealment of his good deeds from people. He did good in secret and carefully concealed his good deeds.

Acts of Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is known that the boy was born into a pious family of wealthy Christians in the Roman province of Lycia. He loved Christ with all his heart and decided to devote his life to serving God.

He stayed in church all day long, praying, studying the Bible and Christian literature. His uncle, the Bishop of Patara, confirmed his nephew as a reader. This position is not as simple as it initially seems. A church minister is obliged not only to interpret the Holy Scriptures during Liturgies and other services, but also to deliver sermons and teach catechumens and children. The future saint performed his work “excellently,” so he was soon elevated to the priesthood and appointed junior cleric.

After his father and mother departed to the Lord, the heir distributed the resulting wealth to the poor and needy.

Nicholas began serving God during times of persecution of believers; he was arrested for his beliefs, but even here he constantly preached the Word of God and encouraged his fellow prisoners. After imprisonment, he returned to his beloved flock, was a true warrior of Christ and fought against the Arian heresy.

In 325, Saint Nicholas was honored to take part in the 1st Ecumenical Council, where he fiercely denounced the teaching of the heretic Arius and, at the end of his accusatory speech, whipped the false teacher on the cheeks. For assault, he was punished and deprived of the priest's liturgical attire - the omophorion, and then taken into custody. But at night, it was revealed to some of the fathers who took part in the meeting that Nicholas’s bold behavior was pleasing to the Almighty. He was released and reinstated.

Saint Nicholas of Myra reposed in Christ at an old age.

His mortal relics did not immediately find a permanent home. His incorruptible body, exuding fragrant myrrh, was laid to rest in the local church. From 1807 to the present day, the mortal relics of the Wonderworker rest in Italy in the city of Bari.

Miracles through the prayers of a saint

During his earthly life the saint was a great benefactor: he restored speech to the dumb, gave sight to the blind, saved them from drowning and death penalty, enriched the poor, freed innocent prisoners from captivity.

Miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

And after death, he is a quick intercessor for anyone who turns to him with faith.

  1. The saint was born on the territory of modern Turkey. In the city of Demre, a statue of Santa Claus stands majestically - the prototype of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A monastery was erected nearby, consecrated in his honor. In one of its confines there is a sarcophagus in which the saint was originally buried. In 1807, most of the relics were stolen and reburied in Bari. At the same time, a number of attacks were made on the temple, and later river waters completely flooded it. According to legend, Nicholas came in a dream to one of the clergy and ordered his relics to be transported to Bari. In such a miraculous way they maintained their integrity.
  2. Some of the relics were taken away by the Venetians. They dismantled the tomb and found only water and oil. There were no relics anywhere. Not believing it, they began to torture the guards. One of them pointed to the relics of two other saints: the martyr Theodore and the uncle of the Saint. They were wrapped in a bishop's robe. And then a miracle happened: a palm branch, brought by the Wonderworker from the Holy Land and placed with him in the coffin, sprouted. This was proof of Divine power.
  3. Once, going to Palestine, the saint had a vision: due to bad weather, the ship could go under water. Panic began on deck, the saint turned to God and the rampant elements quickly subsided. Another miracle happened here. The sailor slipped on the deck and fell lifeless. And again Nikolai helped - he resurrected the guy with prayers for help to the Almighty.
  4. During the siege of the city of Mozhaisk, an amazing sign happened: the image of St. Nicholas hovered in the air above the cathedral. In one right hand he clutched a sword, and in the other he held an image of the temple. The enemy, who saw the miracle, was very frightened and fled.
  5. In Kuibyshev (present-day Samara) funny company celebrated the New Year. The boyfriend of one of the girls named Zoya was late for the holiday, and she angrily took the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the wall and began to dance with it. And suddenly she froze with the face of the saint pressed to her chest. The petrified Zoya could not be moved from her place, but she was alive, her heartbeat could be heard.

What else can you pray to Nikolai Ugodnik for:

  • About help with studies
  • About help in work and affairs
  • About money help

Before the Feast of the Annunciation, a certain old man asked the guards surrounding the house to let him through. He turned to Zoya with the question: “Are you tired of standing?”, and then disappeared. The guards were sure that the saint himself came to the petrified girl. Zoya stood motionless for 4 months, after which, by Easter, the petrification began to subside. She begged everyone to pray for a world perishing in sin.

These events shocked local residents, many believed in God and rushed to church to repent.

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Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikolai Ugodnik) is especially revered by Orthodox believers. This saint is considered the closest to God and a mediator between the Almighty and man, which is why prayers addressed to him are the most powerful and effective.

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There is a special prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which can fulfill any good desire of a person. You can address your requests to the saint at any time.

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Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for a wish

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done, amen."


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After this prayer, think about your desire. It must be kind and not cause harm to others, otherwise it will not be fulfilled.

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If your desire is material, then you should read a prayer for money to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, saint of the Lord, our intercessor and helper in any sorrows. Help me, a sinner and a sad person in my life, beg the Lord to grant me remission of my sins, committed from my youth and throughout my life, in deed, word and thought and with all my feelings. And help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God to deliver me from ordeals and eternal torment. May I always glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.”



Get serious about prayer, say your words with your soul and awareness of what and to whom you are saying it. And most importantly, trust not only in the saints, but also in yourself!

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The path to your true self

Every child, and probably some adults too, dreams of fulfilling their most cherished desires. But magic only happens in fairy tales, and in life you can only rely on luck, which does not accompany everyone.

A prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of a wish will help you bring your cherished moment closer and make your dream come true.

How to ask Saint Nicholas for the fulfillment of a wish

Before reading the prayer request, you need to prepare: clear your thoughts and heart from anger and negativity, forget about pressing problems and clearly formulate your desire.

You need to turn to the saint sincerely and with faith in his help.

It is best to pray in a temple, but if it is impossible to visit a church, it is not forbidden to turn to the saint at home in front of his face with a burning candle in your hands or a lamp.

Prayer for wish fulfillment:

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the fulfillment of what you want:

O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher, all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that destroy it; and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and sudden death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and help With His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

You need to approach the Saint with prayer calmly, without rushing. Do not expect miracles immediately after reading the prayer. Nikolai Ugodnik helps those who truly believe and wish good.

The Saint's childhood

Nicholas was born into a noble family of Orthodox Christians. His parents were rich, but God-fearing and merciful people. The Lord gave them an heir only in old age after promising to give the child to serve God.

Already at Holy Baptism, the baby began to surprise those around him: in the baptismal font he stood on his legs without support for a whole 3 hours. The newborn did not take the mother's breast on fasting days (Wednesday and Friday).

The future Saint avoided children's games, remained chaste, avoided empty conversations with peers, loved to study the Gospel, often attended divine services, and spent a lot of time in church.

The Bishop of Patara, Nikolai’s uncle, was very pleased with his nephew’s pious lifestyle and his ardent love for the Lord. He asked permission from the boy’s mother and father to dedicate him to serving Christ. The parents agreed, especially since they made a vow to the Almighty. Soon Nicholas received the degree of reader and dedicated his flock to Christ's Commandments. The parishioners admired the young guy's knowledge and his wisdom, comparable to the prudence of the elders.

Serving God and performing miracles

After the parents’ dormition, the Saint distributed to the poor the fortune inherited from their parents. He helped those who asked for help. He secretly helped one such person to be saved from the Fall.

Read about Saint Nicholas:

One of the previously wealthy townspeople went bankrupt and became poor. He had three unmarried daughters, and there was no means of subsistence in the family. The father decided to send the girls to commit fornication in order to survive and not die of hunger.

Having learned about the man’s criminal intentions, Nikolai placed a bundle of gold in the window of his house for three nights in a row. The surprised and joyful head of the family believed that this was help from Heaven, and soon his daughters were wooed worthy men.

One day Nicholas went to worship shrines in Jerusalem. Along the way, on the open sea, a severe storm broke out and the sailors prayed to Nicholas for help. He turned to the Almighty, and immediately the wind died down and the sun began to shine. Through the prayers of the saint, a shipbuilder who fell dead from a high mast during a storm was resurrected. And in Jerusalem itself, the Wonderworker prayed tearfully at the site of Christ’s crucifixion, and the locked doors of the church on Mount Zion themselves opened before the saint. Soon Nikolai decided to live in desert solitude and closer communion with God. But the Almighty showed him another purpose - serving people.

Returning to Lycia, the Saint entered the brotherhood of the monastery of Holy Zion. He wanted a silent life, but again God indicated: he was ordered to live in peace and Nicholas went to Patara.

Lord of Myra

Soon Nikolai’s uncle, Archbishop John, died. There was a need to choose a new shepherd. The fathers prayed to the Almighty to show them a chosen one. It was revealed to one of the elders in a dream that a man named Nicholas would be ordained as a bishop, and it would be he who would be the first to enter the temple in the morning. So the saint became high priest in Lycia, and despite his high rank, he remained a kind and merciful person. He never wore rich clothes, worked all day, and ate food, and only lean food, only in the evening.

During the reign of the persecutor of Christians, Diocletian, Nicholas and his brothers were thrown into prison. But here, too, the resilient saint preached the Word of God, calling not to be afraid of torment, torture, and to profess Orthodoxy to the end. Caesar Constantine the Great, an adherent of Christ, who stopped the persecution of Christians, granted freedom to the prisoners.

The Great Wonderworker exposed and condemned the heretic Arius for false wisdom during 1 Ecumenical Council. In his anger, he slapped the false teacher on the cheek, for which he was defrocked and thrown into prison. At night, it was revealed to some members of the Council that the Lord and His Most Holy Mother appeared in prison and handed him the Holy Gospel and an omophorion. Then the fathers realized that Nicholas’s behavior was pleasing to God. He was released from prison and returned to his rank.

It happened that the inhabitants of the city of Myra experienced terrible hunger and through the prayers of the Saint they were saved. A rich landowner dreamed of the miracle worker and asked him to deliver wheat to the city so that people could bake bread and not die of hunger.

He gave a deposit to the merchant - several gold coins, which he found in his hand the next morning. The townspeople were saved.

The end of the earthly journey

The saint reposed in the Lord in old age (the exact date of death is unknown, 345–351) and was buried on the territory of the local cathedral. In 1087, his holy, incorruptible relics were solemnly transferred to the city of Bari (Italy), where they rest to this day in a sarcophagus in the crypt of the monastery, erected in his honor.

When dreaming of the fulfillment of a desire, one cannot rely only on prayerful help. You need to make an effort to realize your dreams, improve yourself, your knowledge and skills.

What else do they pray to Nikolai Ugodnik for:

There is a belief: if you make a wish on the day of remembrance of the Holy Saint (December 19), it will certainly come true.

This article contains: Nicholas the Wonderworker prayer for the fulfillment of a wish in 40 days - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker changing fate in 40 days

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Not many of us can believe in the effect of prayerful appeal to the Lord God and His holy saints. But when a serious problem overtakes us, we rush to ask the Higher Powers for help. Some people run to fortune tellers and psychics, while others try to be closer to the Almighty and turn their petitions specifically to the patron saints. There is a prayer that changes fate in 40 days, so powerful that it is sometimes difficult to believe in its power.

This petition is addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, famous for his miraculous help. During his lifetime, he led a righteous lifestyle, helped everyone who turned to him for help, and asked the Lord to save human souls. This is how, thanks to his kindness and integrity, after his death he became a servant of the Almighty. Prayer that changes fate: what happens and how to pray correctly so that life gets better - you can learn about all this from our article.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate

Even after his death, the Saint shows his great power in helping and solving worldly problems ordinary people. Pilgrims come from all over the world to the place where the remains of the saint are located. Every Orthodox Christian knows that even from heaven he sees and hears their prayers, and fulfills even the most cherished desires of believers:

  • Those who are not happy ask to change the fate destined for them;
  • Anyone who has lost a loved one turns to the Saint for the pacification of the soul of the deceased and for his own peace of mind;
  • Those who need support in business or work ask for patronage;
  • Every sick and suffering person seeks healing of his body and soul, turning his prayers to the saint of God.

During his worldly existence, the saint could pacify even a raging sea, which is why all sailors and travelers consider him their protector. Nikolai helped sick and poor people, and now he responds to all requests from those in need.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate and reviews from those who believe in its power indicate that anything is possible, even changing your own life line. So, appeal to To the heavenly powers will help improve things, heal from illnesses and get rid of the constant failures that haunt a person. The most important thing is to treat such a prayer correctly, because one petition will not produce results.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, how to read it

As in other types of service to the Almighty, there are recommendations that must be followed in order for you to be heard by Heaven. Even if something doesn’t work out and goes wrong, you shouldn’t give up on your plans, you just need to put in a little more effort to concentrate more for prayer.

  1. One should lead a lifestyle that is decent for a Christian, avoid overeating, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Of course, this is not fasting, but some kind of strictness towards one’s own actions is required.
  2. The miraculous prayer must be read daily for forty days. If you have forgotten, you need to start all over again.
  3. It is better to learn the text of the petition by heart, but if you can’t do it, you can read it from sight.
  4. The address to the Saint is pronounced three times, out loud, then in a low voice and mentally. It is the third time that has the greatest power - this has always been the case in any religion.
  5. You must ask in front of the saint. To do this, place the consecrated icon in front of you, pointing the image to the east. And you should not remove it for 40 days.
  6. If possible, light a lamp in front of the icon every time. To do this, you must take permission from the priest.

And remember, you can’t cook food, watch TV and swear in the room where you pray. Try to keep the room clean and your thoughts clean.

And here is the prayer itself to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate:


The Creator, in the form of an angel, an earthly being, reveals to you all creatures: having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, the most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, purified from the womb of matter; Rejoice, even you who are completely sanctified.

Rejoice, you who surprised your parents with your birth; Rejoice, you who revealed spiritual strength at Christmas.

Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting.

Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ’s grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of Jesus’ paradise.

Rejoice, thou land of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, sweet-smelling ointment of Christ.

Rejoice, for you will drive away weeping; Rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals.

Rejoice, repository of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling.

Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light.

Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of the Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of people.

Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness.

Rejoice, for through you we are delivered from bodily passions; Rejoice, for through you we are filled with spiritual sweets.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, gift of grace.

Rejoice, banisher of endless evils; Rejoice, wishing good things to the planter.

Rejoice, quick comforter to those in trouble; Rejoice, terrible punisher of those who offend.

Rejoice, miracle abyss, poured out by God; Rejoice, the tablet of the law of Christ, written by God.

Rejoice, strong erection of those who fall; Rejoice, you who are rightly affirmed.

Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, for through you all truth comes true.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, dear helper to the suffering.

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinners who wander; Rejoice, non-flowing dew in the heat of the labors of beings.

Rejoice, give prosperity to those who need it; Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask.

Rejoice, preface the petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs.

Rejoice, many who have gone astray from the path of the true accuser; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for through you we trample on envy; Rejoice, for through you we correct a good life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, take away from eternal misery; Rejoice, giver of imperishable wealth.

Rejoice, thou who art indestructible to those who hunger for righteousness; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those thirsty for life.

Rejoice, keep from rebellion and warfare; Rejoice, freest from bonds and captivity.

Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity.

Rejoice, thou who hast deceived many from destruction; Rejoice, you who preserved countless people unharmed.

Rejoice, for through you sinners escape cruel death; Rejoice, for through you those who repent receive eternal life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, illumination of the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, O Lucifer of the never-setting Sun.

Rejoice, O luminary, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness.

Rejoice, bright preaching of orthodoxy; Rejoice, bright shining light of the Gospel.

Rejoice, lightning that burns heresies; Rejoice, O thunderer, who frightens those who seduce.

Rejoice, true teacher of reason; Rejoice, mystical exponent of the mind.

Rejoice, for through you I have trampled upon the worship of creation; Rejoice, for through you we have learned to worship the Creator in the Trinity.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, the mighty took away all those who came to you.

Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health to our bodies and salvation to our souls.

Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering and from Gehenna we beseech the Lord to deliver us through your pleasing intercession to God, that we may sing with you: Al Liluia.

Chosen Miracle-worker and a great servant of Christ, exuding to the whole world the valuable mercy of the ointment and the inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, I praise thee love, St. Nicholas; But you, because you have boldness in the Lord, free me from all troubles, let me call you:

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker. »

God bless you!

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13 thoughts on “Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate in 40 days”

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Correct instead of Chudotvoche! you need to write to the Miracle Worker - this goes 3 times repetition

This is truly a powerful prayer! I prayed for my mother (she has cancer), Nikolai the Wonderworker helped! Its OK now.

Saint Nicholas, of course, always helps everyone. Just don’t treat the prayer as a March or a spell, but rather the icon as an amulet or talisman. In such questions as how to properly pray or venerate a saint depicted on an icon, it is better to contact a clergyman Orthodox Church. If you want to really feel the power of enhanced prayer, including to St. Nicholas, which truly changes your life. Save me, God.

How did you get this maniacs and pseudo-Orthodox fanatics? By all accounts, if you open the Bible, only pagans had such behavior, idolatry. Only a clear conscience in Christ binds you to God. IVSE!

PS Have you even read the Bible?

This is not a prayer, but parts from an akathist to St. Nicholas. You need to read the full akathist, you can buy it, for example, in church shop. If there is a need to find out something, then go to the nearest church and ask the priest. Do not under any circumstances follow the advice described here. The Internet is full of all kinds of nonsense, brothers and sisters, be careful. There is an official website of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Tell me, please, should I read the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the morning or in the evening?

every Orthodox Christian knows that DESTINY does not exist... How could you title the page like that?! DESTINY......WITH UW. I.N.

Brothers and sisters! This article is cheap MAGISM! THE AUTHOR IS NOT AN ORTHODOX PERSON JUDGING BY THE STUPID ADVICE! I took the text, partially taken out of the context of the Akathist to St. Nicholas of Myra and added my own nonsense of stupid ideas HOW to pray... The Akathist is read only while STANDING, because it is a solemn chant praising the works of the saint before God. Yes, there is a monastic opinion: read ANY Akathist and ask your ONE request after each ikos and kontakion (part of the chant) for 40 days WITH FASTING IN EVERYTHING! And yes, there will really be help! This is a recipe for VITAL essentials. Fasting is the simplest sacrifice of a person IN GRATITUDE to God for his help. It is usually customary to bring a gift to God to the temple in gratitude for his help: at least a candle in front of the image, a prayer of thanks and money for the temple! You can order a frame for an icon of a saint, or order an icon for a church: depending on the capabilities of the applicant. The widow brought two mites in the Gospel and Jesus Christ said that she gave more than anyone, because she gave out of her poverty: the last thing she had! And she gave it FROM THE HEART AND WITH LOVE! Wisdom and love to all!

I agree with Maria, these are excerpts from the Akathist, which must be read COMPLETELY, standing, with initial prayers and prayers at the end. And it is very advisable to first go to confession with the priest and, after consulting with him, take a blessing to read the Akathist. People, please, if you have any questions, don’t surf the Internet, don’t grab any heresy! First go to confession, take communion and talk to the priest!

Interesting. Nicholas the Wonderworker can for example. To speak out for some country against another, for example, to help in a war against another state. For example, Russia versus the USA and with God's help. Can all enemy cities be burned down, for example American ones? See this is the nation of Evil.

Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, pray to the Lord for me. May the Lord hear my prayers. He will help me with my work, help me pass exams and help me open a hairdresser so that my family can live in abundance. Help me create a strong family with Pavel, let his business improve and let him have the opportunity to propose to me so that we can live together in harmony. Help me be more humble. Pray for my son Vadim, help him in his work, give him strength and health and help him go to university. Help my parents, may they forgive me, may the Lord prolong their years and heal their wounds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Sorry, why is this called a prayer if it is Parts from the Akathist (specifically Conduct 1 and Parts of various Ikos)?

This text was taken from the LifeInternet page.

Wish-fulfilling prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like the prayer that fulfills wishes, combines one and the same thing. If you read the prayer to Saint Nicholas and pass its words through your heart, then very quickly any of your desires will be fulfilled and you can see for yourself how strong the power of this prayer is! A prayer for a wish to come true must be read in church while kneeling in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Only after reading the prayer you need to state your desire, the help in the implementation of which you want to receive from the Saint. Don't forget to light a candle in front of the icon when you ask for help and after Nikolai has helped you!

Oh, all-merciful Father Nicholas,

Shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession,

And those who call you with warm prayer, quickly strive,

And deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that destroy it,

That is, from the invasion of the evil Latins, rising against us.

Protect and preserve our country, and every country existing in Orthodoxy,

With your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, the sword,

Invasions of foreigners, from internecine and bloody warfare.

And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned,

And you delivered them from the king of wrath and the beating of the sword,

So have mercy and deliver Great, Little and White Rus'

The Orthodox people from the destructive Latin heresy.

Because with your intercession and help,

By His mercy and grace, Christ God,

May He look with His merciful eye on people in the ignorance of existence,

Who have not known their right hand,

Especially the young ones, to whom the Latin seductions are spoken to turn away the Orthodox from the faith,

May He enlighten the minds of His people, may they not be tempted and fall away from the faith of their fathers,

Conscience, lulled by vain wisdom and ignorance,

May it awaken and turn the will to the preservation of the holy Orthodox faith,

Let him remember the faith and humility of our fathers, who laid down their lives for the Orthodox faith,

Accepting the warm prayers of Your holy saints,

In our land who have shone, keeping us from the delusion and heresy of the Latin,

May he, having preserved us in holy Orthodoxy, make us worthy of the terrible

Judge by Your right hand standing with all the saints.

After reading the wish-fulfilling prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, voice your request - desire and “bow down to the ground” three times - go to the Saint in Peace. Very soon you will find out how powerful prayer is and what great power St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has - after all, your your wish will come true as soon as possible! After you will get what you wanted do not forget to go to church again and, as a sign of gratitude, light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and, after reading a prayer, thank him for his help.

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The conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a scarf is in third place in terms of its effectiveness and speed of fulfillment of the wish. Even in the old days, a knot was tied on scarves as a memory or when wishing for an important event that should happen and come true. Old people knew that a knot tied on a handkerchief has a magical effect (magic of wish fulfillment) and believe me, this practice has existed for several centuries! As you may have guessed, the plot to fulfill a wish needs to be read on a handkerchief, but it must be completely new! Having tied a knot in the center of the raft, say your wish and read

White magic of wish fulfillment teaches you how to make a wish come true on your birthday and what kind of conspiracy helps to make your wish come true in the shortest possible time. It is about this ritual of magic that fulfills everything you wish that the conspiracies for today will tell you. Believe me, in order to independently make a strong conspiracy that will definitely fulfill your wish, you don’t need any magic items, but only a few rubles for a church candle, memorizing the words of the spell and going to the nearest church. The most important thing in any magical ritual is unshakable faith in the result and confidence that you will succeed! If there is even the slightest doubt, postpone reading the plot for a while.