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Milon family. Vitaly Milonov - Russian politician, deputy: biography. Legislative initiatives of Vitaly Milonov

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov. Born on January 23, 1974 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian statesman and political figure. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the IV and V convocations.

Father - Valentin Nikolaevich Milonov, military sailor.

Mother - Tatyana Evgenievna Milonova, teacher primary classes.

Maternal grandfather - Ferdinand Karlovich Lorch.

His mother gave birth to Vitaly at the age of 37, and as a late child, he enjoyed special care and attention from his parents.

At school I was an average student. He dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a military man, but due to his health he did not get into the Military Engineering Technical School. Then I tried to enter the Faculty of Philology at Leningrad State University, but was also unsuccessful.

At the age of 17, in 1991, he began to engage in politics and became a member of the Free Democratic Party of Russia, whose co-chairs were Marina Salye and Lev Ponomarev. From 1994 to 1995 he was an assistant to State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky. He participated in the activities of the Christian Democrats he led, chaired public organization"Young Christian Democrats".

In 1997-1998, Milonov was a public assistant to Galina Starovoytova, who in 1998 even supported him in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. He lost the elections, supporting V.A. in the second round. Tyulpanov, then became his assistant.

According to some information, at the age of 20 he graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a degree in politics and economics (USA) and the Robert Schumann Institute in Budapest (Hungary).

In 2004, he was elected as a deputy in the Dachnoe municipality. In 2005 he became head of administration municipality Little red river.

In 2006 he graduated from the Northwestern Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation majoring in state and municipal administration. Later, he entered the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University in absentia.

Since 1991, he has attended meetings of Evangelical Christians. In 1998 he converted to Orthodoxy. He is a member of the parish council of the Church of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, and regularly participates in divine services. He studied at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, from where he was expelled in the summer of 2017 for poor academic performance, as he missed the exam session.

In 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation. Served as Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Construction of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure, was a member of the budget and financial committee.

Since 2009 - Chairman of the Legislation Committee.

In 2011, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. The election campaign was accompanied by scandals with accusations of hidden campaigning, bribery of voters and election fraud.

Legislative initiatives of Vitaly Milonov

He was the author of a number of high-profile initiatives. Thus, Milonov was the author of the law banning hookahs, pointing out the harm and alleged drug propaganda. He was one of the authors of the law on “administrative liability for the promotion of homosexuality and pedophilia” (under this article he unsuccessfully tried to bring Rammstein to justice, and). Under this law, a person was prosecuted for quoting: “Homosexuality is not a perversion, perversion is ice ballet and field hockey.”

He initiated the ban on photography and video shooting in the subway. He opposed the teaching of Darwin's theory in schools, asserting the unproven nature of evolution and the origin of man by the will of God. He spoke out against awarding the title of honorary citizen to director Alexander Sokurov, accusing him of creating a “blasphemous film.”

He took the initiative to close the MTV channel for immorality. He proposed creating a morality police in St. Petersburg from Cossacks and believers. He demanded to close the Juventa consultation and diagnostic center for children, calling it a “death factory” and accusing it of promoting homosexuality and abortion.

Appealed to the Minister of Culture with a request to check Benjamin Britten's opera A Midsummer Night's Dream, staged by Christopher Alden, for scenes promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, alcohol and drugs. Took the initiative to donate an embryo civil rights. “Passing this initiative will be very difficult, but we count on God’s help,” the deputy noted. The bill was rejected.

Initiated a draft resolution on changes to the federal law“On Advertising”, containing provisions against microcredit. In particular, it obliges lenders to always indicate information about the amount of the annual loan when advertising their loan services. interest rate on loan. The reason for the initiation of the bill, according to Milonov, was the existing practice of microcredit in Russia, which results in the payment of huge, often extortionate interest.

He proposed creating the “Russia-Vision” competition as a counterweight to the “Eurovision” competition, since the latter, according to him, represents degradation.

He proposed increasing the income tax to 30% for enterprises and organizations that employ at least 30% of non-highly qualified foreign workers and submitted to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly a corresponding draft resolution on amendments to the Tax Code of Russia.

Introduced an initiative for consideration by the Legislative Assembly banning free abortions without medical indications, leaving the right to this for rape victims and sick women.

He proposed to amend the laws on freedom of conscience and rallies, providing religious organizations possibility to prohibit holding public event in territories directly adjacent to buildings, structures and other objects related to real estate for religious purposes of this organization.

Created a federal initiative, approved by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, designed to establish fines for utility companies that violate the rules for the provision of services in the housing and communal services sector.

He proposed creating conditions for the resettlement of homeless people to abandoned collective farms.

He took the initiative to assign the historical symbol of Russia - the black-yellow-white tricolor - a special status in order to clear it “of extremist taint.” Initiated amendments to the law “On Holidays and Memorable Dates in St. Petersburg”, establishing a day of remembrance (August 1) for soldiers who died in the First World War.

Initiated the cancellation of school classes on Saturdays, citing the deteriorating health of Russian schoolchildren due to their excessive overwork during the learning process. Author of a bill banning beauty contests among children under 16 years of age in St. Petersburg, designed to protect minors from attacks on their mental health.

I wrote an appeal to the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev with a proposal to create a new unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the “morality police”, which, according to the deputy, should specialize in providing assistance disadvantaged families, engage in prevention juvenile delinquency, control citizens leading an antisocial lifestyle, fight prostitution and the promotion of homosexual relations among minors, and also counter the emergence of underground gambling establishments. At the same time, he proposed criminalizing a number of articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and tightening the Criminal Code.

I turned to Governor Georgy Poltavchenko with a proposal to name one of the streets of St. Petersburg after the first president of the Chechen Republic, Akhmad Kadyrov.

In 2015, after the scandal surrounding the dance number “Bees and Winnie the Pooh,” he developed amendments to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” according to which all dance institutions must coordinate their programs with district education departments.

I sent an appeal to the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Olga Golodets, with a request to study the psychological phenomenon of childfree for deviations from the norm, as well as to the head of the gene. Russian Prosecutor's Office Yuri Chaika with a request to check public calls for childfree in the media and social networks for signs of extremist activity.

In 2016, the Legislation Committee of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly approved Milonov’s initiative to oblige the leaders of all political parties and candidates for deputies to publish information about their income, the income of spouses and children.

In December 2013, Vitaly Milonov visited Ukraine and held a rally in the center of Euromaidan with a poster “Ukraine, Russia - together we are strong!” On March 16, 2014, Milonov, who worked as an observer at the referendum in Crimea, raised the Russian tricolor over the building of the military prosecutor's office of the Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet.

On the basis of his public reception centers in May 2014, Milonov organized the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid to Donetsk, then continued to provide assistance to the self-proclaimed republics of the DPR and LPR.

In the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation in 2016, he was elected from the party “ United Russia» for the 218 Southern single-mandate electoral district (city of St. Petersburg). Became a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

He became the author of the scandalous draft law “on legal regulation activities of social networks", introducing ban on use social networks children under 14 years of age, registration in social networks using passport data, prohibition of distributing screenshots of correspondence on social networks without the permission of the persons who participated in it. The project drew criticism from deputies and Internet experts who accused Milonov of incompetence, populism, a desire to limit freedom and being unrealistic.

Since February 2017, he began hosting the “Deputy Impact” program on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio together with journalist Roman Golovanov.

Vitaly Milonov vs. Natasha Koroleva:

In the spring of 2015, Vitaly Milonov said that he considered her unworthy to be considered an honored artist because of a pornographic video with her participation, which was at the disposal of the media. According to Milonov, after the publication of this kind of information, he is ready to demand a ban on the appearance of the singer and her stripper husband Tarzan () at public events where minors may be present.

“I have nothing to be ashamed of! “I don’t think it’s right to throw firewood into this furnace of information garbage and enter into discussions regarding the prospects of depriving me of the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,” Koroleva answered him.

Vitaly Milonov against the show “Battle of Psychics”:

At the beginning of December 2018, Milonov made a proposal to close the television show “Battle of Psychics.” According to him, previously he himself turned to the services of people who pretend to be psychics. The deputy claimed that they all “turned out to be absolute crooks.”

“I believe that such shows should not exist, because “Battle of Psychics” is a show that is not confirmed by any scientific research. Today, the modern official point of view regarding extrasensory perception has a negative definition of science fiction. The show needs to be banned urgently,” he said.

Vitaly Milonov vs. Sergei Shnurov:

In January 2019, Vitaly Milonov said that the leader of the Leningrad group demonstrates the most clear example of cultural sabotage in Russian show business. In his opinion, performers and concert organizers who use profanity in their compositions are “Pushkin’s killers” and saboteurs.

The deputy compared Shnurov’s creativity to “a beer burp.”

"Compare Tretyakov Gallery with a den of prostitutes it is impossible. This is exactly what our mass culture industry is trying to connect. Terrible trash, swear words... The dirtier the better... This is what is now becoming popular and brings in money,” Milonov said.

The deputy expressed his conviction that the introduction of administrative liability for swearing and other obscenities on stage will help in the fight against foul language in Russian show business. Milonov also shot his own rap video, which is reminiscent of the song “Bullet Dura” by rapper Husky, in which the deputy calls to “monitor the market” of performers whose concerts may be cancelled.

In response, Sergei Shnurov wrote a poem: “Monsieur Milonov is heated again. / Delivered speech to those pleasing to God. / No, not about the miserable existence of millions, / He spoke and was allegorical. / It was as if Isaiah prophesied, / Taking away the surplus from us by laws, / Shaking his red beard in anger, / He talked about beer and belching. / About the death of Pushkin. Without choosing his words, / He sent curses and exuded rudeness, / Imagined himself a parliamentarian from heaven, / Here is an icon with him, a candle, keys. / That the old man is shedding tears at the ATM, / Just think, he won’t eat for a while. / Now, if there is less swearing in the songs, / Then life will improve, here is the cross.”

Vitaly Milonov's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Vitaly Milonov:

Married. Wife - Eva Liburkina, daughter of the poet Alexander Liburkin, Milonov's ally in the Young Christian Democrats movement, in 2008-2011 she was a member of the St. Petersburg election commission with the right to a decisive vote, where she was nominated by the municipal council of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipal district (the electoral territory of Milonov and Valentina Matvienko).

We got married in 1996.

The couple has six children: Marfa (born 2009), Nikolai (born 2012), Peter (born 2013), Evdokia (born 2015), Ilya (born 2018). Peter is the adopted son of Milonov and Liburkina, whom they adopted immediately after his birth.

Vitaly Milonov's awards:

Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (September 8, 2015) - for active legislative activity and many years of conscientious work;
- Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”;
- Medal of St. Apostle Peter, II degree (St. Petersburg and Ladoga Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church);
- “Silver Galosh” Award 2011 in the category “Egegey, beat the gay!”

Member of the United Russia political party faction.

Committee member State Duma on international affairs.

Vitaly Milonov was born on January 23, 1974 in St. Petersburg. His parents: naval officer Valentin Nikolaevich and primary school teacher Tatyana Evgenievna, who doted on their son, since he was late, the only one and very desirable. Spoiled by the attention of his parents as a child, Vitaly was a naughty boy who preferred the company of the yard to studying at school, so he was not a high achiever and was a “C” student.

After graduating from school, Milonov wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and intended to enter the Military Engineering Technical School. His plans to become a military man were not successful - Vitaly was not accepted into educational institution for health. After this, the young man entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Philology. But this attempt to get higher education also turned out to be a failure, as he was expelled from the university due to poor academic performance.

Only in 2005, Milonov graduated from the Northwestern Institute of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, where he studied at the faculty of state municipal administration. Later he became a student at the correspondence faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University.

Vitaly Milonov's political career began in the early 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, whose co-chairs at that moment were the famous Russian oppositionists Lev Ponomarev and Marina Salye. At the same moment, to the surprise of his family, in which the spirit of atheism reigned, the aspiring politician showed interest in religion and began attending meetings of the Evangelical Church.

Soon his activities were noticed by State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky, who in 1994 made Milonov his assistant, thereby giving him a “start” in the world of politics. During the same period, Vitaly Valentinovich created the “Young Christian Democrats” movement, at the head of which he showed remarkable activity and loudly declared himself in the political world. A few years later, he was noticed by the leader of the democratic movement in St. Petersburg, State Duma deputy and famous human rights activist Galina Starovoitova, who took Milonov into her team and became his so-called “godmother” in his political career.

In 1998, at the suggestion of Starovoytova, Vitaly Valentinovich submitted his candidacy for elections to the St. Petersburg parliament, but literally a few days before the vote he abandoned the fight for a deputy mandate in favor of Vadim Tyulpanov from the Unity party, which was the main rival of the Democratic Party. Milonov’s colleagues regarded this act as a betrayal, but this did not change the opinion of the novice politician, who, having given the vacant post to his main competitor Tyulpanov, became his assistant and already in 2004 began moving up the career ladder in the ranks of the United Russia party.

In 2007, Vitaly Valentinovich was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation. He held the position of chairman of the standing commission on the structure of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure, and was a member of the budget and financial committee.

In 2009, the politician headed the standing committee on legislation and at the same time became a member of the parish council Orthodox Church St. Peter Metropolitan of Moscow, regularly participates in divine services. In 2011, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. For his activities he was awarded the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree, the medal “For Strengthening the Military Community”, and the Medal of St. Apostle Peter, II degree.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0218, South - the city of St. Petersburg. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. The start date of the term is September 18, 2016.


Vitaly Milonov almost never talks about his family, although he defends conservative values ​​in the city parliament. You can only learn about his personal life from social networks...

AND Vitaly Milonov's wife, Eva Liburkina, was born in the city of Beltsy, Moldavian SSR. In 2001 she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg state university. She is currently on maternity leave and is raising two children: her eldest daughter, Marfa, and her son, Nikolai, who was born a few months ago. Eva is a little younger than her husband - Vitaly is already 38, and she will only turn 35 this year.

It is noteworthy that the wife of the main fighter against pedophilia and homosexuality posts songs of Michael Jackson, who was reproached for such sins until his death, on her wall on the social network. She quite actively posts on her page quotes from speeches of Orthodox priests, links to interviews with her beloved husband, announcements about fundraising for sick children, photographs of children and beloved cats. By the way, pets are held in high esteem in the Milonov family - they have two cats, who are allowed almost everything. Judging by the photo, the pets communicate a lot with children.

She was also worried about the Pussy Riot trial. “The world has gone crazy,” Eva wrote. - Three fools did a huge stupidity in their lives - now everyone wants to repeat this stupidity! There is only news about fools in pantyhose! No one thought: why didn’t a single head of state stand up for these panty wearers? Because this is our business, and because, for what they did, they “beat you on the butt” in all states! And Russia, all the more, should not listen to all sorts of kick-kickers and other singers, actors and actresses.”

Her worldview is almost like her husband’s. Judging by a number of comments, she not only loving wife, but also a close associate of the deputy. This is how she writes about the opposition: “If only there was a reason! Any!!! Floods, fires, crashes, explosions (which is even better) - and our oppositionists begin to loot everything and everyone! Woe is only good for them!!! The worse the better!!! And more, more!!! The help they give is bad, insincere, the money is taken away, things and food are not delivered, they are sold off!!! And only, they are good, network hamsters, they tell us the truth!!!”

In previous years, Eva Liburkina and her husband participated in public life. Reminders of this remain on the Internet. Including, as wrote, in 2000, when Eva was the press secretary of the Young Christian Democrats organization, and Milonov was its leader, they were both taken to the 27th police department for an administrative offense.

She later worked as a receptionist for her husband. In June 2008, Eva became a member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission with the right to a decisive vote, where she was nominated by the municipal council of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipal district (the electoral territory of Milonov and Valentina Matvienko). True, in October 2011, Vitaly Milonov introduced a resolution at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly on the early termination of her powers. He explained this by saying that he had received a certificate of candidate for deputy, and therefore his wife could not hold such a post .

Anna Afanasieva, photo

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov is considered the most extravagant personality in the Russian political arena. Thanks to a host of high-profile bills, this man is causing heated public debate.

Milonov describes himself as a “political hipster” and a person who actively fights for Orthodox values. The politician’s opponents believe that Vitaly Valentinovich is just an ordinary careerist who wants to advance in his career due to the image of an ultra-conservative.

Now not only the majority of the country's residents want Milonov to resign, but also cultural figures are no longer able to tolerate the absurd initiatives of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. However, there are those who actively support the politician’s course. You can learn more about Vitaly Milonov himself from his biography.

Vitaly Milonov first saw the world on January 23, 1974, and it happened in the city on the Neva. The boy's father, Valentin Nikolaevich, was a naval officer and served in the navy, and his mother, Tatyana Evgenievna, taught at a local school. Milonov is Russian by nationality.

Vitaly is a late child; he appeared in the family when his mother reached 37 years of age. Perhaps it was for this reason that the parents loved their only child very much and tried to pamper him in every possible way. The boy did not really like school and brought mostly satisfactory grades from there. He simply lived and enjoyed what his parents gave him.


After graduating from a secondary school, Milonov wanted to follow the example of Valentin Nikolaevich and become a military man. The young man’s dream was not destined to come true; he was unable to become a student at a military school because he did not pass the medical examination for health reasons.

Vitaly tried to become a student at Leningrad State University, enrolling in the specialty “philology,” but with his marks on the school report card, this was also a failed option.

The politician nevertheless received a diploma of higher education, and in a rather prestigious place. Vitaly was able to enter and graduate from the North-Western Academy of Public Administration under the President of the country. He became the owner of a diploma in the direction of “state and municipal management”. The biography states that the future politician received his higher education at the age of 32.

It is interesting that, in addition to a secular education, Milonov also became the owner of a spiritual one. It is known from the media that the man studied at St. Tikhon's Christian University. The future politician also tried to study at the theological academy of the Russian Christian Church in St. Petersburg, but he was expelled in 2017.

During this period, the seminarian combined the post of a Duma deputy, which made it very difficult to fully devote time to studying. As a result, due to active legislative work, Milonov had to miss the summer session. There is an opinion that he was simply not released from work. A little later, information appeared online that the politician promised that he would certainly continue his studies in the capital, but when this would happen is unknown.

Career of Vitaly Milonov

The biography page with Milonov’s political career dates back to 1991. At that time he joined the Free Democratic Party. At that time, the co-chairs were popular oppositionists Marina Salye and Lev Ponomarev. Vitaly begins to show a craving for religion. He attends meetings held in the Evangelical Church. This behavior caused great surprise in the politician’s family, who were avid atheists.

At the same time, the man’s actions did not go unnoticed by State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky, and as a result, in 1994, he made Milonov his personal assistant. This is precisely what became Milonov’s ticket to politics.

Very soon Milonov becomes the founder of the Christian Democratic movement. Naturally, the politician becomes its head. This measure allows him to make himself known publicly. What can I say, he was really noticed by the world of politics due to his excessive activity.

A few years later, Milonov was noticed by Galina Starovoitova, who at that time was the head of the Northern Capital association. A popular politician takes Vitaly to his team. The human rights activist turned out to be another “profitable contact” in Milonov’s life, which helped Vitaly to be on everyone’s lips.

At Starovoytova’s prompting, in 1998, Milonov nominated himself in parliamentary elections. Surprisingly, at the last moment Vitaly refuses to apply for a deputy mandate, giving way to Vadim Tyulpanov, who was in the Unity bloc and was the main rival of the Democratic Party. Such an act on the part of Milonov was regarded by his colleagues as treason.

Having ceded his position to his main rival, in 2004 Tyulpanov became Vitaly’s assistant, who began to advance his career path, being among the members of the United Russia party. Initially, Milonov was elected as a deputy of the city education in the Dachnoye district, and literally one year later he holds the position of chairman of the local education administration in the Krasnenkaya Rechka district.

In 2007, the politician was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, where he held a number of leading positions in various committees.

In 2009, Vitaly Valentinovich became the head of the legislation committee and at the same time became a member of the parish council of the Christian Church of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, where he is now constantly attending services.


Milonov gained wide popularity due to the bill on homosexuality and pedophilia, which the politician presented to deputies for consideration in 2011. Eventually legal act was adopted, but caused a lot of controversy both within the country and abroad. The point is that based on said law Milonov called for bringing to justice such famous pop culture stars as Madonna and Lady Gaga, who were planning to come to Moscow with concerts in support of homosexual minorities.

In 2012, a politician put forward a proposal to ban the study of Darwin's theory in educational institutions because he believed that all people arose by God's will, and not as a result of evolution. Further - more: during the same time period, Milonov proposed a bill within the framework of which embryos would be endowed with the rights of citizens. His colleagues almost unanimously called this idea nonsense.

The politician is against holding such an international talent competition as Eurovision, as he believes that such an event promotes homosexuality. Another high-profile bill by Vitaly Valentinovich is a ban on free abortions in the country.

Milonov is actively fighting against illegal migration and Internet accounts that include unconfirmed information.

Oddly enough, not all of the politician’s ideas are extravagant. For example, Milonov proposed banning in the country the production, sale and import of goods that would contain more than 2% trans fatty acids. He also came up with the idea of ​​​​introducing large fines that must be paid by those organizations that do not adhere to the rules for providing services to the population.

Vitaly Milonov's net worth

If we talk about how much the politician earns, it is worth noting that Milonov’s condition cannot be called stable. If you look at the dynamics, in 2014 Vitaly’s earnings amounted to 3.5 million rubles, in 2015 – 2 million, 2016 – 3 million, in 2017 – 6 million.

Milonov has a country house in the village of Strelna, where he lives with his big family. According to the data displayed in the politician’s declaration, he is the owner of the land under housing construction(1100 sq. m.) and a gardening area (903 sq. m.). The cost of land in this area is 500 thousand rubles per 1 hundred square meters.

The politician also has an apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, two vehicles (Lada), and a BMW R 1200 CL motorcycle.

Personal life of Vitaly Milonov

The politician’s personal life is fine. He has a wife, Eva Aleksandrovna Liburkina, whom he met in 1996. At that time, the woman was an active member of the Christian Democratic community, at the top of which was Milonov.

Based on common interests, the young people got together, and the politician married his chosen one.

If we talk about children, then the couple is also doing great with this. Eva and Vitaly have six heirs, three sons and three daughters. The spouses are lucky that they both have the same views on the world, live what they think is right, and love their children very much.

The very first of the children was daughter Marfa, who appeared in 2009, and the last was Pelageya, who saw the world in 2018. The couple also have a son, Nikolai, from their family. The couple is raising two adopted sons, Peter and Ilya, and a daughter, Evdokia. Milonov never hid the presence of stepchildren and is even proud of this side of his personal life.

Vitaly Milonov today

The public figure still does not allow the public and politicians to forget about his person. Every month in the latest news you can read some information about this extraordinary personality. Vitaly Valentinovich is actively updating his own biography interesting facts. For example, among his latest proposals, which did not escape news sites, it is worth highlighting the politician’s idea to return the article for parasitism.

Milonov also does not leave show business stars alone. Once again, he was not pleased with Olga Buzova, whom the politician condemns for overly explicit photos and videos.

Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich is a politician, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (4th and 5th convocations). He is a member of the United Russia political faction.


Vitaly Milonov was born in January 1974 (23rd) in Leningrad.

Vitaly's parents are a naval officer and a primary school teacher.


He graduated from the North-Western Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation (with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration”) in 2006. After a short period of time, Vitaly Milonov successfully entered the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University (for distance learning).

In the late nineties, some media outlets published information that in 1994 Milonov studied at the University of the Pacific (Hawaii) with a degree in Politics and Economics, as well as the Robert Schaumann Institute in Budapest. However, this information was removed from world Internet resources in subsequent years.

Career ladder

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov began his own political career in 1990-1991. At that time, he became a member of the Free Democratic Party of the Russian Federation. In ninety-four he became an assistant to Savitsky, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Milonov's term of service as a personal assistant is 365 days.

Start career growth Vitaly Valentinovich was marked by active social activities in the Young Christian Democrats.

In 1997, Vitaly Milonov served as the State Duma of Starovoytova. In 1998, Mrs. Starovoitova nominated Milonov for the election race to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. However sudden death mentor Starovoitova (she was shot on November 20, 1998) forced Milonov to withdraw his personal candidacy, thus giving the opportunity to competitor Vadim Tyulpanov to fill the vacancy in the deputy ranks of the Legislative Assembly. Vitaly Valentinovich is now Tyulpanov’s personal assistant.

In 2004, Vitaly Milonov became a member of the Dachnoye education in the city on the Neva. In 2005, he was the head of the educational administration of Krasnenkaya Rechka in the Kirov district of the northern capital.

In 2007, Milonov again ran for the Legislative Assembly of the city on the Neva. Elected as a deputy of the 4th convocation. For quite a long period, the politician has held the post of chairman of the commission on the structure of state power, administrative-territorial structure and local self-government. At the same time, he was a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. In 2009, he became the head of the legislative committee.

In 2001, Milonov was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the fifth convocation. From this moment on, Vitaly Milonov’s reception office exists, information about the work schedule of which can be found on the official website of the ZS.

In parallel with the active political activity Milonov becomes a member of the parish council of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter and actively takes part in divine services, without missing a single one.

Milonov's special offers in 2011

In 2011, politician Milonov came up with a list of initiatives that, in his opinion, could improve the lives of citizens of the Russian Federation:

  1. On his initiative, a law banning hookah smoking comes into force. He explains his position by the fact that smoking hookahs is extremely harmful to health and promotes the spread of narcotic drugs.
  2. Becomes the author of a bill that provides for administrative liability for citizens who promote pedophilia and homosexuality.

What does the politician propose in 2012?

Milonov's controversial proposals in 2013

Controversial initiatives of Vitaly Milonov 2014

  1. The politician is the author of a legislative act on the creation of areas for walking pets in St. Petersburg.
  2. Initiates a draft law that provides for penalties for creating false personal pages (fakes) on the Internet. In this case, it is proposed to determine a fine for individuals in the amount of 5,000 rubles, for legal entities - up to 2,000,000 rubles.
  3. Deputy Vitaly Milonov is the author of the cancellation of classes in schools on Saturday; in his opinion, a six-day week for children is too much.
  4. He is trying to introduce a ban on holding beauty contests for children in the city on the Neva, explaining that such events have a negative impact on the children's psyche.

Personal life

Vitaly Milonov married Eva Liburkina in his youth. She gave birth to her husband a daughter and a son, whose names are Martha and Nikolai. Somewhat later, Vitaly Milonov and his wife Eva adopted the boy.

The year 1991 in the politician’s personal life was marked by the fact that Milonov began attending meetings of Evangelical Christians. In 1998 he joined Orthodox science. He was repeatedly spotted in public places wearing a T-shirt with the rather extremist inscription “Orthodoxy and Death.”

The politician is well educated, encyclopedicly erudite, fluent in Norwegian and English.