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French diet menu for losing weight gourmets. French diet: menu for weight loss French protein diet for weight loss

Women from many countries have tried the French diet. For those who managed to lose excess weight claim that this low calorie diet It is very effective and does not cause stress to the body. The diet is designed for 2 weeks, and as nutritionists promise, during this time you can lose up to 8-9 kilograms of weight.

The essence and principle of the diet

The principle of the diet is to completely prohibit the consumption of foods that contain a fairly large amount of carbohydrates: baked goods, sweets, sugar, etc. If you reduce the consumption of these products, then fluid is removed from the body quickly enough and thus, losing weight, loses unwanted kilograms.

The diet is divided into 2 parts:

  1. 2 days- fasting days.
  2. Other days- special diet in which daily norm calories is 1200 kcal.

In order for weight loss to progress as effectively as possible, the following foods are allowed:

  • fermented milk and dairy products with a small percentage of fat content;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • honey, dried fruits;
  • purified water;
  • vegetable oil, mustard;

Basic Rules

For such nutrition to bear fruit, you must adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to completely exclude semi-finished products from the diet, chips, crackers and others.
  2. Dishes must always be freshly prepared.
  3. Before you start eating, the table needs to be set beautifully and while eating, enjoy the prepared dishes. You can imagine that you are in a restaurant and try to eat as long as possible.
  4. Food must be chewed thoroughly.
  5. Try not to overeat and avoid heaviness in the stomach.
  6. Completely avoid sweet, salty and alcoholic drinks.

Varieties of the French diet

The French diet has become so popular that there are several varieties of it according to the nutritional system from various nutritionists:

  1. Diet from Charles Rostand, is based on a complete rejection of animal products, canned food, salt, and dairy products. The diet includes mainly cereals and vegetables.
  2. Weight loss technique from Madame Zhestan can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the quality of life. After all, her system is built exclusively on a healthy diet: fresh vegetables, steamed meat and fish, and not any semi-finished products.
  3. . This system is known all over the world and continues to gain more and more fans. The nutrition course is divided into three parts, the main foods are protein products.

List of permitted and prohibited products

For 2 weeks you should limit yourself to high-calorie foods and stick to the menu. At this time, it is allowed to eat plant foods, lean fish and meat, eggs, rye bread and crackers.

Incompatible products from the menu include:

  • bakery products, confectionery products;
  • sugar, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • foods high in salt;
  • alcohol;

The list of prohibited foods is not so long, and besides, you can live without them not only for 14 days, but also for a long period of time.

Sample menu for the week

1 day:

  1. In the morning You should cheer yourself up with black unsweetened coffee.
  2. At lunch We treat our body to fresh vegetable salad without salt.
  3. End of the day should be finished with boiled beef and lettuce.

Day 2:

  1. Morning o start with coffee and rye toast.
  2. In the middle of the day eat boiled veal.
  3. In the evening You can treat yourself to boiled sausage and lettuce.

Day 3:

  1. Morning still cheerful - coffee and toast.
  2. Carrot salad, which can be lightly fried in a little oil, one tomato and an orange can be allowed for lunch.
  3. Evening meal consists of a salad with boiled sausage, one egg and lettuce.

Day 4:

  1. Morning coffee and toast.
  2. You can have cheese for lunch, boiled egg and carrots.
  3. Mix any 2 fruits with kefir(150 grams) and eat slowly - this is how the evening ends.

Day 5:

  1. This morning We suggest that the body gets enough of the vitamin; for this you need to drink a glass of water with lemon juice plus a carrot.
  2. At lunch We treat ourselves to a piece of boiled fish with tomato.
  3. Evening continues to eat meat - boiled beef (100 grams).

Day 6:

  1. Cheerful morning– a cup of brewed coffee.
  2. Lunch meal consists of boiled chicken breast with lettuce.
  3. Have dinner Boiled veal is allowed.

Day 7:

  1. In the morning change coffee to green tea.
  2. During the day We eat boiled chicken and one tangerine.
  3. For dinner You are allowed to eat boiled sausage (100 grams).

The next 7 days the menu is repeated from the previous week.

Meat should only be boiled. There should be no snacks, since the body must feel a calorie deficit so that fats are burned faster.



  • 1 tomato:
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • lettuce leaves;

The ingredients must be crushed, mixed and added a few drops of olive oil.

Warm salad:

  • carrot;
  • tomato;
  • mandarin;

Grind all the products and place them in a frying pan with a small amount of oil. Fry a little.

Boiled beef:

  • 150 grams of meat;
  • 2 liters of water;

Place meat in boiling water and cook for 60-80 minutes.

Duration and exit from the diet

The French diet generally lasts from 10 to 14 days, depending on the method. If you strictly follow all the rules and menus throughout the entire time, the result will not be long in coming.

According to nutritionists, you can lose from 3 to 8 kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, it must be combined with simple physical activity.

A version of such a diet is great for quick weight loss, but after finishing it, the kilograms do not return quickly. Upon completion of the course, it is not recommended to immediately pounce on high-calorie foods.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Getting rid of extra pounds – from 4 to 8.
  2. The duration of the diet is 2 weeks.
  3. The body does not suffer from starvation.


  1. The diet is not suitable for people who suffer from chronic diseases.
  2. Monotonous menu.

Since the menu is not very balanced, such nutrition is contraindicated for people with chronic housing and communal services diseases. Some products may cause allergic reactions. Before using this weight loss method, you should consult your doctor.

Sometimes losing weight for women becomes difficult, as you need to follow a diet, food restrictions, and the same diet is not suitable for everyone.

However, the French diet for 14 days, the menu of which we will consider in the article, is very easy to follow and ensures rapid weight loss. The achieved result remains at the same level for a long time, and if there are no strong changes in health and diet, then forever.

French diet for 14 days: features

This weight loss technique was developed by French nutritionist Catherine Gursak. The diet is considered strict, but very effective. It also has a number of features.

  • The basis of the diet is separate nutrition, due to which the body is unloaded from toxins, as well as better digestion of food in the stomach.
  • The diet does not imply fluid restrictions. Throughout the day, you can drink any liquids - still water, teas, coffee (naturally, without sugar), freshly squeezed juices. You should not just drink store-bought juices, which contain large amounts of sugar.
  • The diet menu does not imply strict limits, but the replacement must be with a similar product. You cannot replace boiled lean veal meat with a fatty pork chop. IN otherwise the result will not be achieved.
  • The basis of the diet is eggs, lean dietary meat (rabbit, beef, veal, turkey), fish, rye bread (can be dried), herbs and fruits, vegetables. The average daily calorie content of food is 1200-1500 kcal.
  • There are fruits on the diet menu, but you need to understand that you can’t eat too much of them either. For snacks (if you feel very hungry), take apples or pears, or citrus fruits. It is better not to eat bananas. You can also eat dried fruit or cucumber as a snack.
  • A prerequisite for proper adherence to the diet is the exclusion from the diet of confectionery, bread, sugar, salt, fruit juices, pickles, as well as all preserved foods, and, of course, alcohol. There is no need to put extra stress on the body during this period.
  • The last meal time should be no later than seven o'clock in the evening. And in the morning before meals, it is advisable to drink 250 ml of warm water (room temperature). If you don't have increased acidity, then you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.
  • Since during the diet you may feel slightly unwell (weakness, irritability, possibly mild headaches), it is not recommended to overwork during this period. Rest and walk more, visit a massage therapist.

Pros and cons of the French diet

The positive aspects of the diet include:

  • Fast weight loss. In two weeks you can lose about eight kilograms of excess weight due to the low calorie diet.
  • Diet does not stress the body, since it has an average duration. Consequently, there is no big tightening in the menu; there are enough products so as not to feel hungry.
  • Such weight loss method suitable for diabetics who are rapidly gaining weight, but at the same time they absolutely cannot starve. The diet allows you to lose weight by saturating your body.

The negative aspects of the diet include:

  • Nutritional imbalance. Due to a poor diet, the human body begins to lack important substances for proper functioning. This is why it is recommended to visit a doctor before starting a diet, especially if you have chronic diseases.
  • While on a diet possible weakness, poor health. But after three days everything returns to normal. Sometimes a slight malaise may accompany the entire diet. This is fine. However, if the process worsens, then you should stop losing weight and visit a doctor.

French diet for 14 days: sample menu

Day number one

  • Morning menu - a portion of unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch menu - two boiled eggs, lettuce, one tomato combined into a salad. Season with vegetable oil.
  • Evening menu - one hundred grams of lean boiled beef, lettuce.

Day number two

  • Morning meal – a portion of black coffee (not sweet), a piece of rye bread (small).
  • Lunch meal – boiled beef (one hundred grams).
  • Evening meal - lettuce and boiled sausage (one hundred grams).

Day number three

  • Morning menu - a portion of black coffee without sugar, rye bread (small piece).
  • Lunch menu – medium-sized carrots, fried in vegetable oil, fresh tomato chick and tangerine.
  • Evening menu - two boiled eggs, boiled sausage (one hundred grams), lettuce.

Day number four

  • Morning meal - a slice of rye bread, coffee without sweets.
  • Lunch meal - medium-sized raw carrots, one boiled chicken egg, hard cheese (one hundred grams).
  • Evening meal – one glass of low-fat kefir, any fruit.

Day number five

  • Morning menu - grated medium-sized carrots, seasoned with fresh lemon juice.
  • Lunch menu - boiled fish (one hundred grams), one fresh tomato.
  • Evening menu - boiled beef (one hundred grams).

Day number six

  • Morning meal – black coffee without sweeteners.
  • Lunch meal – boiled chicken (one hundred grams), lettuce leaves.
  • Evening meal – boiled beef (one hundred grams).

Day number seven

  • Morning menu - green tea, not sweet.
  • Lunch menu – boiled beef (one hundred grams), orange.
  • Evening menu - boiled sausage (one hundred grams).

Day number eight

  • Morning menu - a cup of coffee without sweeteners.
  • Lunch menu - one tomato, lettuce and two boiled eggs. Make a salad and season with oil.
  • Evening menu - one hundred grams of lean boiled meat, lettuce.

Day number nine

  • Morning meal – coffee without sweeteners, a slice of rye bread (can be dried in a toaster).
  • Lunch meal – boiled beef (one hundred grams).
  • Evening meal – lettuce leaves and boiled beef (one hundred grams).

Day number ten

  • Morning meal – coffee without sweeteners, a slice of rye bread.
  • Lunch meal – medium-sized carrots fried in vegetable oil, fresh tomato, orange.
  • Evening meal - one hundred grams of boiled sausage, lettuce and two boiled chicken eggs.

Day number eleven

  • Morning menu - coffee without sugar, rye bread (one slice).
  • Lunch menu - small fresh carrots, hard cheese (one hundred grams), boiled chicken egg.
  • Evening menu – a glass of low-fat kefir, fruit.

Day number twelve

  • Morning meal - grated medium carrots, seasoned with the juice of one lemon.
  • Lunch meal – boiled fish (one hundred grams), fresh tomato.
  • Evening meal – lean boiled meat (one hundred grams).

Day number thirteen

  • Morning meal – coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch meal – lettuce leaves and boiled chicken fillet (one hundred grams).
  • Evening meal – boiled lean meat (one hundred grams).

Day number fourteen

  • Morning meal – a cup of green sugar without sweeteners.
  • Lunch meal - boiled beef (one hundred grams), tangerine.
  • Evening meal – boiled sausage (one hundred grams).

The French diet for 14 days, the menu of which is indicated above, requires some imagination in cooking. If you absolutely cannot eat unsalted boiled meat, then cook it using natural seasonings, garlic, and aromatic herbs.

Salads can be seasoned with either vegetable oil or self-prepared low-fat sauces without salt. and may well replace saltiness. Of course, don't forget about plenty of greenery.

The right way out of the diet

So that after a two-week restriction the body does not get stressed from overeating foods prohibited at the time of the diet, you need to exit it correctly.

  • For the next two weeks, only light food should be prepared for breakfast. Continue drinking unsweetened coffee or tea. Introduce buckwheat porridge, toast, yogurt or kefir (low-fat) into your diet.
  • For lunch, leave vegetable salads, fish or meat (not too fatty), boiled eggs, vegetable stew, and fruits. Drinks can be juices (for example, orange) or herbal teas.
  • For dinner, only light food - dietary meat, vegetable salad, boiled eggs.
  • Don't forget about snacks - hard cheese, yogurt, milk ice cream.
  • Also remember the Chinese rule of two palms - there should be no more food on your plate than what can fit in your cupped palms.
  • Continue to drink enough fluids.

As you can see, the French diet menu for 14 days involves strict food restrictions and the exclusion of many foods from the diet. But the result is worth it, because in the end you will be able to lose unnecessary pounds and change appearance for the better.

Just remember that the duration of the diet should be no more than 14 days, and it can be repeated no more than once a year. This is due to its imbalance in the menu, so the body needs time to restore and normalize its resources.

Be healthy and beautiful!

The French are famous for their love of delicious food and beautiful things. It is these principles that are successfully combined in French cuisine and allow you to enjoy delicious dishes in a relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere.

Scientists have long noticed that the French are considered one of the thinnest nations and became interested in the secret of their slimness. Studies have shown that foreigners, when they come to France, lose significant weight after a few years, but the French, when they move to the USA or European countries, gain excess weight over time. It turns out that the secret of the slimness of the inhabitants of France is in their lifestyle and habitual way of eating.

Posted by Alina Nigmatulina (@justalina__) May 24, 2016 at 2:09 PDT

Today we will talk about the secrets of French cuisine, look at the basic principles of French nutrition, and also talk about the famous diets developed in France.

Since ancient times, French cuisine has been considered the standard of culinary art; it is distinguished by an abundance of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, flavored with a variety of sauces, and is also famous for its crispy baguettes and croissants. At first glance, such a diet does not look dietary, so a natural question arises: how do the French manage to stay slim throughout their lives?

The concept of the “French diet” appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, it was invented by the Irish doctor Samuel Black, who was the first to draw attention to the slimness of the French, despite their addiction to fatty cheeses, pastries and red wine. So what's the secret?

The French believe that the most important thing in food is taste; it should be subtle, refined and unique. The rule that most French people adhere to is: less is better, but tastier. For them, the main thing is quality, not quantity of food. In practice, it looks like the French, unlike us, prefer to eat one piece of high-quality natural cheese rather than a whole bag of chips made from questionable ingredients.

Posted by Cheese delivery from Europe (@chillandcheese) Jun 7, 2016 at 12:38 pm PDT

French nutritionists base their weight loss methods on the same principle, which are characterized by maximum efficiency: refined taste is good for health and figure, but overeating and heaviness in the stomach are harmful and unacceptable. However, starving is also harmful, so the French diet is distinguished by a variety of foods that must be tasty and healthy. The taste of products and their quality play a very important role, but the amount of food can be limited.

French doctors draw the attention of clients to the fact that before choosing a suitable diet, you need to learn to enjoy the taste of food, because once you fall in love with the whole process of eating, you will stop snacking on the go, without noticing what you are eating, but will begin to enjoy every dish, which will be served on the table. This is precisely one of the main secrets of French cuisine: eat slowly and with pleasure, focusing on what you are doing at the moment.

You need to eat in a relaxing environment, at a beautifully set table, and preferably in the company of a pleasant person. The ritual of eating in France is reminiscent of good sex– the main thing is not the result, but the leisurely and enjoyable process (by the way, you may not combine your passion for French cuisine with a sex diet).

As we have already said, products also play an important role - they must be of high quality, tasty and certainly healthy. French cuisine is based on the Mediterranean diet, which has long been recognized as one of the healthiest and most effective for weight loss. This diet is based on low-carbohydrate foods; the menu includes a lot of fish, seafood, cheese, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, there is a complete absence of semi-finished products and fast food, which Americans love so much (which is why their figure suffers).

Why is it so important to eat slowly and not be distracted from your meal? Studies have proven that when food is quickly absorbed in the body, metabolic processes slow down, so all diets and systems healthy eating emphasize chewing food slowly. If you stop eating hastily and grabbing food on the go, then it is quite possible that you will be able to improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract without any treatment.

When we have quick snacks and eat in front of the TV, we do not control the amount of food we eat, and impulses of satiety enter the brain only 20-30 minutes after the start of the meal. As a result, we have heaviness in the stomach, overeating, slowdown of metabolic processes and excess weight. The French diet suggests enjoying the process of eating; as a result, we become full faster, our metabolism speeds up, and we lose weight.

Before you go on a strict express diet, try cooking traditional French dishes for a while, for example, onion soup, cheese casserole, chicken in wine sauce with Provencal herbs. Set the table beautifully, eat slowly, drink a glass of dry red wine - this will help you change your diet and teach you to enjoy food.

Perhaps after you stop eating on the run, grabbing buns and sandwiches or eating dumplings for dinner, your extra pounds will begin to disappear on their own. Small portions, quality low-calorie foods and tasty food can be a good alternative diet, especially if you include fresh vegetables, fruits, lean poultry and meat, as well as plenty of fish and seafood in your diet.

As you can see, the basis of the French diet is beauty and aesthetics, which are so little valued in modern life. French cuisine teaches us to love food not for its satiety and nutritional value, but for its taste and quality. You must agree that in our daily routine we pay little attention to these moments.

Features of the French diet

The classic French diet was developed in the mid-20th century by a group of scientists considered opponents of strict diets and artificial weight loss drugs. They advocated healthy eating and gentle weight loss, without serious restrictions. As a result, the French protein diet was born - quite nutritious and effective in the fight against excess weight.

The basic rules of the presented diet look like this: eat slowly, chewing your food well, fill your plate only once (there should be no additives), 20-30 minutes before eating, drink a glass of water at room temperature, to which you can add a few drops of lemon to speed up metabolism substances. During meals, you are allowed to drink a glass of dry red wine, so beloved in the south of France (it also has a good effect on metabolism).

Posted by Anastasia Anna Aleksandrova (@aaaleksandrovaaa) May 29, 2016 at 12:36 PDT

The French salt-free diet consists of low-fat foods, dominated by fish, seafood, vegetables, cottage cheese and whole grain bread. Eggs and meat are included in the diet in medium quantities; it is advisable to choose turkey, chicken breast, rabbit and veal. For dessert, you can eat fruit in moderation, such as one peach or two apricots. It is often written that snacking during a diet is not allowed, but there is also a version where you can eat apples, citrus fruits or pears in between main meals.

The last meal should be the lightest and low-calorie; after 19 hours it is no longer advisable to eat. For dinner you can cook boiled fish with vegetables, fruit salad or cottage cheese. By following these rules, you can lose 1.5-3 kg. per week, the final result depends on your initial weight. Usually more fat people they lose more weight, and if there is little excess weight, then the loss will be less.

The French diet is low-calorie and low-carbohydrate - carbohydrates are removed from the diet, leaving mainly proteins.

Publication from ⚡FITNESS ⚡NUTRITION ⚡EMS+VR ( Apr 20, 2016 at 6:17 PDT

The menu of the classic French diet is quite limited, meal times and the amount of food are strictly regulated, food replacement is not allowed, you must strictly adhere to the scheme presented in the plan. The diet is designed for two weeks; you should not stay on it longer, because an unbalanced diet can lead to serious problems with health.

Repeating the diet (for the same reasons) is allowed no more than once every six months. It is contraindicated for children, pregnant women and people with any chronic diseases. It is also not advisable to engage in sports, because serious stress can cause deterioration in well-being.

Advantages and disadvantages of the French diet

The main advantages of such a menu are the simplicity of the diet, the availability of products and good nutritional value (relative to other methods for losing weight). By giving up all carbohydrate foods, the body loses not water, but fat deposits and weight quickly decreases, but muscles do not disappear. After finishing the diet, you can count on the fact that the kilograms will not return for a long time (if you, of course, watch your diet).

Another advantage of the French diet is its proximity to a healthy nutrition system, so it can form the basis of your daily diet after completing the express weight loss course. Leave a large number of fish dishes, seafood, vegetables and fruits on the menu. If possible, exclude salty and sweet foods, and replace flour with whole grains.

Publication from Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Apr 25, 2016 at 11:34 PDT

We also talked about the fact that the peculiarity of this diet is the high quality of products and the importance of taste - this is also a big plus. If you see boiled fish on the menu, don’t imagine hake from a Soviet canteen. Tune in for steamed fish with herbs, spices and low-fat yogurt or sour cream sauce, which is served in the best French restaurants. Experiment with recipes and you will see how many delicious options there are for dishes from boiled and baked products for every day. Use garlic, aromatic seasonings, sauces made from homemade mustard, olive oil, yogurt, lemon juice and herbs in cooking.

The main disadvantage of the diet is the imbalance of the diet. Reducing the consumption of vegetables and fruits can lead to vitamin deficiency, and excess protein (and therefore cholesterol) and lack of calcium cause stress in the body.

What to do to prevent the kilograms from returning

Now let’s dwell a little on how to properly exit the protein diet. In two weeks, the body gets used to a carbohydrate-free diet, so immediately after finishing the diet, you should not pounce on flour and sweets. For a couple more weeks, have breakfast with buckwheat and oatmeal, yogurt or kefir and toast. Do not add sugar to tea and coffee. For lunch, continue to eat vegetables, lean meat, fish, boiled eggs and vegetable stew. Dinner should also be light - lean meat, salad, boiled egg. Snack on hard cheese or yogurt, drink plenty of water, and once a month, on the advice of Pierre Dukan, have protein days.

As an example, we present a couple of interesting recipes for preparing dishes from French cuisine.

Chicken fillet in kefir: 100 grams of fillet, salt and pepper, sprinkle with herbs. Combine kefir with water (50:50) and pour over the meat. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours, then simmer in a frying pan for 5 minutes on each side.

Baked fish: pour lemon juice over the fish, salt and pepper, sprinkle with ground pepper and herbs, add Bay leaf. Bake in the oven in foil or a sleeve.

Beef with rice: cut the meat and fry in olive oil, simmer for 30 minutes. Then add rice to the broth and cook until done.

Sample menu

By the way, often in various Russian-language versions of the French diet there is boiled sausage, which is allowed to be replaced with ham. However, keep in mind that the birthplace of the diet is France, where the quality of products cannot be compared with domestic ones, so French sausage and ham are radically different from ours. Ham in France is made from natural meat (boiled, smoked or boiled-smoked), while in Russia ham is not much different from sausage and consists of dubious ingredients with the addition of flavor enhancers and preservatives. Therefore, knowing the domestic specifics of products, we recommend using lean meat in your diet instead of sausage.

And now we present sample menu, and we remind you that the diet is designed for 14 days:

Day 1

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar

Lunch: light salad of greens, one cucumber or tomato and two boiled eggs

Dinner: 100 grams of boiled or stewed veal and lettuce

Day 2

Breakfast: a cup of coffee and a slice of toasted black bread

Lunch: French onion soup

Dinner: 100 gr. boiled or stewed lean meat and herbs

Day 3

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea, rye bread toast

Lunch: fry one medium carrot in olive oil, make a salad with one tomato, 2 tangerines

Dinner: 100 gr. lean meat, greens and two eggs

Day 4

Breakfast: unsweetened coffee with crackers

Lunch: one raw or boiled carrot, 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, one egg

Dinner: a glass of natural yogurt or kefir, any fruit except banana

Day 5

Breakfast: one grated carrot, sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil

Lunch: one cucumber or tomato, seafood cocktail or a small piece of stewed fish

Dinner: 100 gr. baked lean meat or poultry

Day 6

Breakfast: tea or coffee

Lunch: 100 gr. boiled chicken or turkey and lettuce leaves

Dinner: 100 gr. stewed or steamed fish, green salad

Day 7

Breakfast: green tea

Lunch: 100 gr. fish or meat baked in foil, pear, apple or half a grapefruit

Dinner: 100 gr. boiled or stewed meat

Next week we eat according to the same principle. You can repeat the menu of the first week or create your own diet from the same products. It is not advisable to introduce new products or increase portions.

What can you try besides the classics?

There are quite a few options for the French diet; the most popular for a long time have been the onion diet according to the system of the French psychotherapist Madeleine Gesta and the method of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, who promotes a diet consisting mainly of high-protein foods (the same as in the classic version).

4 stages of the Dukan diet

The “attack” lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the weight you plan to lose (for example, if you need to lose 5 kg, then 2 days, 10 kg - 3 days). It is allowed to eat only protein products in any quantity and at any time: veal, white poultry meat without skin, beef and chicken liver, kidneys, beef and veal tongue, rabbit meat, fish, seafood, crayfish, caviar without fat, kefir, milk and low-fat cottage cheese, Tofu soy cheese. Eggs can be eaten no more than 2 yolks per day (whites without restrictions), crab sticks - no more than 8 pieces per day.

At any stage, it is allowed to drink black, green and herbal tea, coffee, Coca-Cola and Pepsi Light, sugar substitutes (except fructose, glucose and sorbitol), wheat bran (no more than 1.5 tablespoons per day), gelatin, onions , lemon as a seasoning, vinegar, mustard and salt in moderation, vanilla and cinnamon.

An important diet rule: exclude any fats, mayonnaise and butter. Cook in a frying pan without oil, bake, use a grill and steamer, and season salads with lemon juice. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, remove alcohol and fruits with a high sugar content (bananas, cherries, grapes, figs) from your diet.

“Alternation”, at the end of this stage you will achieve the desired weight, duration – 15-50 days (depending on weight). Protein days alternate with protein-vegetable days: one day is protein, the other is protein-vegetable. The amount of food consumed is not limited. You cannot eat potatoes, lentils, peas, corn, beans (except green beans), olives, avocados, beans, any cereals and pasta.

Publication from Tatyana (@zolotovskaya_master_rostov) Jun 9, 2016 at 10:15 PDT

“Fixation”, duration from 50 to 500 days. At this time, we consolidate the results obtained in order to maintain weight after the end of the diet. The duration of the stage is calculated by the formula: 10 days for each kilogram lost. Bran consumption increases to 2.5 tablespoons. You can add one fruit per day, one piece of low-fat hard cheese per day to your diet, and you can also eat lamb, roast pork and bacon several times a week.

During “Consolidation,” a “portion of starchy foods” and a “belly feast” appear. Divide the number of days of the third stage into two halves: in the first part you can eat 1 serving of starchy foods per week (1-2 potatoes baked in the oven with peel or foil, rice - 125 g, pasta and buckwheat) and one “stomach holiday” , in the second part - 2 servings of starchy and 2 “stomach holidays” per week.

“Feast of the stomach” is a meal when you can eat whatever you want. One more day a week should be left completely protein-free, for example, Pierre Ducan recommends choosing Thursday, but you can independently determine the day of the week that is convenient for you.

"Stabilization". You have already achieved the desired weight and can move on to a normal diet. By this time, your eating habits have completely changed. You now understand which foods should be limited and which ones should be completely excluded, so you can eat whatever you want, but without getting carried away with sweet and starchy foods. There should be a lot of vegetables and meat left in the diet. In order to maintain the result, continue to drink up to 2 liters of water per day, keep a protein day and walk more.

Onion diet

The onion diet is based on French onion soup. Interestingly, such a diet is useful for people with diseases of the heart system, because onions reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. On the other hand, if you have stomach problems, then you should not stick to such a diet. The secret to the success of the soup lies in the fat-burning properties of vegetables, in particular onions, which speeds up metabolism, helps lower blood sugar levels and normalizes digestion. Onions contain a lot of vitamins and minerals; the soup cleanses the body of waste, toxins and fat deposits. If you follow all the rules of the diet, you can lose 4-7 kg in a week.

Publication from Zhorislav Zadunaysky (@yurikuznetsov) May 30, 2016 at 12:37 PDT

In addition to onion soup, the diet includes vegetables, fruits and some meat. You should eat the soup 3-4 times a day, the recipe is very simple: cut 6 onions, celery, a small head of cabbage, a few green bell peppers, you can add a tomato. Then everything is placed in a pan, filled with water and brought to a boil, the heat is reduced and cooked until the vegetables soften. You can add salt and pepper to the soup, but no butter, mayonnaise or sour cream.

The menu for 7 days looks something like this:

Day 1: We eat only onion soup and some fruit (except banana and grapes).

Day 2: onion soup and some vegetables that can be eaten raw, boiled or baked. You are even allowed to eat a few baked or boiled potatoes with butter.

Day 3: soup, some vegetables, except potatoes and fruits.

Day 4: you can eat soup, some fruits and vegetables, add a glass of milk and 1-2 bananas.

Day 5: onion soup, 300 gr. meat, chicken or fish, as well as tomatoes in any quantity.

Day 6: soup, piece of beef, cucumbers, cabbage and pepper.

Day 7: soup and boiled or stewed brown rice. You can also drink some juice and eat vegetables.

Avoid alcohol, sugar and bread. The diet must be followed according to the plan, without changes, soup should be eaten strictly for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Be sure to drink plenty of water, tea and coffee without sugar.

What are the reviews?

In general, reviews of the French diet are positive, although you, of course, understand that weight loss issues are purely individual. When choosing a diet, you need to take into account your initial weight, health status and availability chronic diseases, so there can be no clear results. Some women see results almost immediately, while others remain dissatisfied even after full course. Each person’s perception of food is different - for some it is easier, but for others it is more difficult to maintain such a diet, so you need to look for the optimal diet for losing weight specifically for yourself, and not listen to the advice of your friends.

The classic French diet is a variation of the ideas of Pierre Dukan, and famous celebrities include Jennifer Lopez and Gisele Bündchen.

Nadezhda Gashinskaya

Investing in yourself

The well-groomed and slim appearance of French women is legendary. Of course, this is just a stereotype, but there is still an opinion that the French diet works wonders.

Probably, the French diet has some national roots, but since there are already many variations of it in printed sources and on the Internet, we will consider it folk.

The rules are simple, the effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed: in 1 week you can get rid of 2, 4 and even 5 kg (with a large initial weight), and in 14 days this figure can be increased to 5-8 (10!) kilograms.

Technique options

Before choosing the right method for yourself, you need to know the most important things about diets:

The essence

Like any other technique, the French diet requires compliance with a number of rules and a special diet.

Basic Rules

There is an opinion that during a diet the main thing is to stick to a special menu. However, this is not entirely true, and half of the success depends on meeting certain conditions.

  1. We reduce daily caloric intake to 800 kcal. With the lighter version, it is permissible to consume up to 1500 kcal.
  2. Without regrets, we part with snacks and the habit of putting something in our mouth between meals. We leave 3 full meals.
  3. Before eating, drink a glass of clean, still water, at room temperature or a little warmer. This will help fill your stomach and prevent you from overeating.
  4. Remembering the "children's" Rule about chewing thoroughly! By enjoying every bite of food, we become full faster and, most importantly, get that same pleasure from the taste.
  5. It is prohibited to take supplements! The plate is only filled once!
  6. We use only approved products.
  7. Dinner is the lightest meal, separated from sleep by at least 3 hours.
  8. Instead of plain water, it is sometimes recommended to drink water with lemon juice (1 teaspoon per glass). This drink not only contains vitamins, but also speeds up the absorption of food.

Grocery list

You might have thought that the French diet was all about baguettes, cheese and wine, but that's not entirely true.

Many consider the French diet to be a protein type, but it is rather low-carbohydrate.

Let's start with what should not be on our menu:

  • sugar and other sweeteners (fructose);
  • alcohol (except dry wine);
  • bread, baked goods, confectionery;
  • salt. If you absolutely cannot tolerate unsalted food, consume exactly the minimum that you cannot do without.

As the basis of the French diet menu for weight loss, we use:

  • varieties of fish and meat with low fat content (bream, pike perch, blue whiting, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast etc.);
  • cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice);
  • sour milk and cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs (rare);
  • fatty meat and fish (rarely);
  • fruits (do not overuse them - they contain a lot of fruit sugar);
  • whole wheat bread.

Weekly diet

A short version of the French diet is designed for 7 days. However, according to reviews, 14 days on the French diet will be more effective, as it will help consolidate the result.

Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
breakfast kefir coffee
1 slice whole grain bread
a piece of cheese
Herb tea
1-2 dried fruits
berry drink without sugar coffee
half an apple
green tea
1 tangerine
dinner 100g veal
garnish of 1 grated and roasted carrot
2 egg scrambled eggs
100g chicken breast
salad (1 cucumber, spinach, lettuce)
turkey fillet
2 spoons of green peas
boiled sausage salad with 1 egg and vegetables boiled fish
2 spoons of stewed vegetables
100g beef
salad of 1 tomato and 1 cucumber
dinner seafood salad kefir
2-3 dried figs
fish baked in foil with lemon and carrots salad of 1 egg, 1 cucumber, lettuce, onion and dill fresh cabbage salad with carrots and apple 100 g rabbit with cereal side dish (2 tbsp. spoons) cottage cheese
several slices of different fruits

Important!If after eating you still feel hungry, it is permissible to eat half an apple, orange or peach, a few grapes, etc.

If the French diet lasts up to 14 days, you can use the same menu table. You need to repeat all the dishes from the first week. You can come up with your own based on the list of products.


The time of restrictions is behind us, but... The calorie intake should be increased gradually, by 150-200 kcal per day.

Take your time to return to simple carbohydrates. This is a food that quickly raises your insulin levels, then it quickly drops and you want to eat again!

Keep all the useful rituals that you followed on the French diet for weight loss: chew slowly, feel every bite of food, set the table beautifully, use only your favorite utensils - after all, this all improves your mood and pleasure from the meal. And you don't have to be French to do this.

Indications and contraindications

Who can lose weight" French " ? All healthy people between 18 and 65 years old.

Who better to look for another way?

  • To everyone outside these age limits.
  • Pregnant and lactating ladies.
  • Workers of heavy physical labor.
  • People with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, diabetes, and other diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, the French diet has many advantages.

  • A fairly rich and moderately balanced diet.
  • Simple dishes.
  • If you choose, you can stop at inexpensive products from the list - it will turn out to be very economical.
  • Sweet fruits are acceptable - that taste that those losing weight lack.
  • The habit of paying full attention to food, not eating in front of the TV, not eating at work or before bed, chewing for a long time - will remain with you even after returning to your usual diet.

And here are the stumbling blocks:

  • low calories and small portions. This may result in not everyone;
  • At first, almost everyone notes a loss of performance, fatigue, and passivity. Also a consequence of severe calorie restriction;
  • According to nutritionists, you cannot use the French diet menu for more than 14 days and repeat it more than once every six months.

Nutritionists are sure: the first time any diet works! The body suddenly experiences stress and spends more energy (and calories) simply maintaining itself in working condition.

If it is not possible to complete 14 days, start with 7 days on the French diet menu. Suddenly, seeing the first results, you will be motivated to continue.

Nutritionist opinion

Conservative experts traditionally believe that weight loss should not be done with the help of"diet from the internet" , and under the supervision of a doctor and only on a low-calorie diet, as it maintains fullness and balance in terms of BJU and micronutrients.

However, other doctors, with a more free position, see in the presented nutritional system a worthy opportunity to lose weight for people whose body weight has not become pathological (overweight, but not obesity).

According to doctors, you should follow a drinking regime, not overwork, support yourself with additional dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, and the French diet will lead to excellent results!

The main advantage of the French diet is that it achieves its effect by regulating metabolic processes in the human body. The positive results from the French diet, according to nutritionists, last for 1-2 years. The French diet is very effective and popular these days. She guarantees good result in two weeks you can lose up to minus 6-8 kilograms of excess body weight.

The French method is low-calorie and unbalanced, but it is a very effective diet. When following the diet rules, you do not need to keep track of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The main and only rule of the French diet is strict adherence to the diet menu.

Allowed foods for weight loss on the French diet: veal, beef, chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables, herbs, fruits, rye or bran bread.

Prohibited foods: sugar, alcoholic beverages, salt, flour and sweet products. Drinking tea, coffee, mineral water without carbon dioxide is not normal, but preferably at least 1.5 liters per day. The main liquid drink of the French diet is natural coffee, which contains many antioxidants to support the human body. To eat meat, vegetables, and herbs, use vegetable oil in small quantities. It is recommended to prepare permitted products boiled or cooked in a double boiler or oven.

Contraindications for the French diet:

1. Pregnancy and lactation period.

2.Chronic diseases cardiovascular systems.

3. Gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Chronic diseases of the pancreas and liver.

French diet rules

1. It is a mandatory rule to consult a specialist or doctor.

2. Preparing the body for the French diet. Before the diet itself, you need to do a fasting day on fruits, vegetables, or kefir, depending on your preference.

3. Be sure to take a vitamin complex.

4. The duration of the French diet is no more than 14 days, the calorie content of foods per day is 552 kcal per day.

5.The exit from the French diet should be smooth and you need to introduce foods gradually.

French Diet Menu

Exit from the French diet

In order to prevent the lost excess weight from returning, you need to properly exit the French diet.

1.The exit from the two-week diet should be slow, smooth and consistent.

2. You need to exclude heavy fried, smoked, flour, and rich foods.

3.Meals should be five times a day and in small portions.

4. The consumption of clean water without carbon dioxide should be at least two liters per day.

5.Sweet and confectionery products must be replaced with dried fruits or candied fruits.

6. In the first two weeks, you need to eat the following foods: boiled or baked potatoes, vegetable or lean meat broths, lean meat and fish. Then add light soups and low-fat dairy products.

7. Replace flour products with a piece of rye or bran bread.