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Love horoscope for November Aquarius woman. Horoscope of love and relationships for November for different zodiac signs

In November 2016, Aquarius will not be amiss to know that the planet with powerful energy, Mars, enters his sign on November 9. Most likely, from this day on, representatives of the Aquarius sign will be able to feel within themselves enormous forces, will make quite serious decisions. Aquarius in November 2016 can also behave very aggressively and is unlikely to treat his behavior with any criticism.

General horoscope for November 2016 Aquarius

Aquarius in November 2016 will likely have powerful energy, thanks to which it will be able to easily carry out any, even the most strenuous, work. In November 2016, Aquarius may want to spend as much time as possible communicating with people, talking about various topics. However, even in the communication of Aquarius in November 2016, aggression can be traced, which is associated with the influence of the planet Mars on it.

Horoscope for November 2016 draws Special attention representatives of the mark on possible appearance a new desire associated with extreme sports or participation in some adventures. The maximum manifestation of such passion will most likely be on November 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 24, and also on November 27.

The November 2016 horoscope for Aquarius draws special attention to the representatives of the sign that, starting from November 22, everything life processes Aquarius is likely to accelerate significantly. So, at this time, Aquarius may have a feeling of lightness and a desire to do something, to communicate as much as possible.

The end of November 2016 has a positive forecast for the development of personal achievements of Aquarius.

Career and money horoscope for November 2016 Aquarius

There are unlikely to be any significant changes in the career of Aquarius in November 2016. This month, Aquarius's money issues will be greatly influenced by the Knot of the Past. In this regard, in November 2016, Aquarius will most likely do work to which he has long been accustomed and which he is capable of performing well.

It is unlikely that in November 2016, Aquarius will discover any new ways of earning money. A “call from the past” associated with the Aquarius financial sphere could likely occur on November 1st or 2nd. So, these days representatives of the sign can discuss some important nuances with your former partner or boss. This conversation may continue on the 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 26th November.

Probably in the middle of the month, on November 13 or 14, Aquarius will be able to think about the need to have some kind of additional income. So, precisely these days, some new idea may visit representatives of the Aquarius sign. Perhaps, at the end of November 2016, Aquarius will still discover new ways to make money, including on the Internet.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in November 2016 for Aquarius: November 8-9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Aquarius

The November 2016 horoscope for Aquarius in the sphere of personal relationships draws the attention of representatives of the sign to provocative relationships taking place this month. Thus, the planet that symbolizes the partner of Aquarius will be in the sign of Scorpio until November 22. In this regard, the personal relationships of Aquarius can be quite interesting and viscous.

Despite the fact that Aquarius may observe some tension in the relationship in November 2016, he will be able to successfully resolve many of his issues, including thanks to his partner. November 2016 for Aquarius will be characterized by psychological and sexual energy in relationships.

In November 2016, it is also important for Aquarius to pay attention to the days of the influence of the Black Moon. So, most likely, on days 5, 10, 11, 18 and 28 November, the Aquarius partner may not behave very correctly or too strangely. For example, he may not pay attention to others, as well as the rules of behavior in society. In this regard, in November 2016, Aquarius’s relationships may not be the most pleasant.

Due to the fact that after November 22 the Sun will move into the sign of Sagittarius, love relationship Aquarius and her partner will most likely be able to improve and develop according to the previous scenario.

Favorable days for love relationships in November 2016 for Aquarius: November 22, 25, 29.

Health horoscope for November 2016 Aquarius

In November 2016, Aquarius should pay special attention to their health during the days of the Black Moon. So, in November this can take place on November 5, 10, 11, 18, and also on November 28. For Aquarius, on the indicated dates, the Black Moon may manifest itself in the appearance of strange symptoms or exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

Also in November 2016, Aquarius, due to tense personal relationships, should behave as calmly as possible and avoid unnecessary conflicts in any way.

The last month of autumn will eliminate many difficulties in love and relationships of Aquarius. This will be the result of your personal efforts, but in many ways positive changes will occur due to luck. The stars advise you to follow the flow of events; this is the strategy of action that will be preferable.

If you dream of starting a new love relationship, you don’t have to make great efforts in this direction. The only thing you need is to appear at the right time and in the right place where your fateful meeting will happen.

Many Aquarians will notice the connection between personal relationships and work, since the planet of love Venus has been in the house of career since November 7, 2017. An office romance or infatuation with a person of high social status is possible. Or, alternatively, you and your lover will be busy working on a common business project.

If you are married, be prepared for the month to bring a pleasant gift. IN family life Romantic evenings and sincere feelings will return. The decision to revive the marriage will belong to your significant other. All you have to do is give the green light to unforgettable romantic outbursts or a trip that your spouse will plan and organize. Your home will once again be filled with harmony, and it is not surprising that people who visit you will feel sheer envy of you.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for November 2017

This is a special period for work and business, because the Sun, Venus and Jupiter transit through the Aquarius career sector. With activity on your part, amazing success can be achieved.

The influence of the Sun will help you strengthen your authority in the team and open the way to recognition and fame. Jupiter stimulates the spirit of enterprise and the desire to show off in public. Venus also promises support, especially with regard to cooperation and establishing connections with influential people. So the wind is in your sails - and it's a strong wind! Believe in yourself, and you will be able to move even something that has not developed for a long time.

The New Moon on November 18, 2017 occurs in the house of Aquarius's career. It will be a harbinger of new victories, the foundations of which you will lay during this period. The last ten days of the month are favorable for new beginnings.

Financially everything is stable. Jupiter, the ruler of your house of money, is placed in the house of career, indicating financial growth through career success. Projects with the participation of foreign and out-of-town partners will become profitable.


You are energetic and active throughout the month. Find the use of your energy in active activities. Not expected serious problems health, but there is a risk of injury due to carelessness and carelessness. Be careful when traveling and transporting.

Try to stand out! Fight for your rights and pursue your goals.

The November 2017 horoscope promises a tense and ambiguous time in the area of ​​relationships. Many will strenuously strive to achieve goals and achieve their desires by any means. The Sun in Scorpio enhances the ambitions of those who are vain and self-confident. In November, many are characterized by irritability, vulnerability and apathy. There will be a feeling of heaviness and oppression, unreasonable suspicion and suspiciousness. In mid-November, try to trust strangers less.


Love horoscope on November Aries woman does not recommend ignoring those unpleasant conversations that are going on behind her back. If a close friend is spreading gossip, then it’s worth finding out everything. The fact is that she also likes the man you are dating. A love triangle is not for Aries, so in November you will decide to put everything in its place.

Love horoscope for November Aries man advises you to become more confident in yourself so that your chosen one will pay attention to you. If you don't take the initiative, some other assertive man will. Aries will have to suffer a lot because of unrequited love. Look at the situation more optimistically, then your personal life will improve.

Aries family in November

The horoscope promises a “second wind” in your relationship with your spouse. The feelings will be mutual, as will the interests. Aries will again spin in a whirlpool of love and passion, and will present his companion with gifts. Aries will have to be torn between family and work. But, if your spouse understands you, the situation will quickly settle down. Close relatives will support Aries in everything, which will already have a beneficial effect on family relationships. Go out to the theater and cinema more often. The cultural program in November is something that will add optimism and impressions to Aries.


Love horoscope for November Taurus woman promises a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible actions on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but you should still be careful in love. In November, Taurus will often remember their past romance. If you decide to return to your ex, then think about the consequences.

Love horoscope for November Taurus man recommends being meticulous even in small things, so that your chosen one will notice your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature, or in another city will help Taurus get to know his beloved better. In November, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Taurus family in November

The horoscope recommends standing up for your soulmate if suddenly relatives begin to attack her. Heated arguments and even quarrels are possible, which will bring confusion to your family. Taurus should not forget about the traditions that have been established over the years. In November, you will have to care for your children if they get sick. In personal relationships, another romantic “honeymoon” is likely.


Love horoscope for November Gemini women promises that they will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex. You will have the opportunity to experience previously unknown love experiences. Perhaps a wonderful trip together with your chosen one and even a marriage proposal.

Love horoscope for November Gemini men recommends being sensitive and attentive to your chosen one. Many will find themselves an older woman, so they will perceive her more as a mother than a love partner. If Gemini has already decided on the choice of a life partner, then you can safely go to the registry office.

Gemini family in November

The horoscope promises a lot of rumors and gossip behind your back. Everyone is talking about your family life, so pay less attention to envious people. A huge scandal with your spouse will break out in November on domestic and financial grounds. But, if Gemini is not too stubborn and selfish, they will quickly resolve the conflict. At the end of November, a trip to relatives in another city or country is expected. Take a trip with the whole family if possible.


Love horoscope for November Cancer woman predicts minor quarrels and claims on the part of the lover. Cancer should not refuse invitations to visit friends. It is there that you can have an interesting acquaintance with a man who will become more than just a friend for you.

Love horoscope for November Cancer man advises to be more sociable in order to finally arrange your personal life. If you constantly think about work, you will remain alone. Cancer needs to be more sincere with the woman he loves in November. She expects from you not beautiful words, but noble deeds. Surprise her with your truly masculine behavior.

Cancer family in November

The horoscope advises you to look at your spouse differently. Even if you have lived together for many years, still do not consider that you know everything and have the right to criticize him. Something will happen in the Cancer family bright event, which in November will dramatically change the situation and relationships with relatives. It is possible to move, buy a home and have a pleasant trip.

a lion

Love horoscope for November Leo woman advises you to show your true temperament. You are an extraordinary and vain person, so in love you will want to lead, and not follow the lead of your chosen one. A man will often be jealous of you and create scandals. The Lioness is unlikely to like this.

Love horoscope for November Leo man promises an idyll in relations with his chosen one. But you yourself can ruin everything if you don’t leave her past affections alone. Be more reserved and also take more interest in the affairs of your significant other.

Leo family in November

The horoscope predicts a slightly bland and monotonous relationship with your spouse. You need to unwind and take a break from everyday worries. In November, Leo may have conflicts with relatives, which will seriously affect your family life. You are tired of everyday life and routine, but you just can’t find it with your children mutual language. At the end of the month, Leo's money situation will improve significantly, so allow the whole family to go shopping or go to a tourist base with children.


Love horoscope for November Virgo woman advises stopping the eternal pursuit of impressions. Look around you and then happiness will be very close. Many Virgos will receive an official proposal from their lover in November. If you are personally committed to family and children, then without undue modesty, agree and get married.

Love horoscope for November Virgo man advises to be open and romantic. Don’t hide the feelings you have for your chosen one. Otherwise, jealousy and suspicion will often arise on her part. Virgo will have many women in November who will become only reliable friends for him.

Virgo family in November

The horoscope predicts a serene and calm time. You have an excellent relationship with your spouse and complete mutual understanding, which is already pleasing. Virgo should not forget about dinner by candlelight, gifts and sweet courtship. All this will add sensitivity and tenderness to your family relationships. If difficulties arise with teenage children, seek advice from older relatives. They not only have more experience in such matters, but also wisdom. A child may appear in the Virgo family.


Love horoscope for November Libra women advises being active and proactive in order to create a strong relationship with the man of your dreams. Share your thoughts and plans with your friends less so that they do not languish with envy. If Libra invites the man he likes on a date in November, he will appreciate it. After all, he has long been waiting for the first step from you.

Love horoscope for November Libra men recommends being patient if he wants to keep his chosen one. Your Lady has character, but that is precisely why you love her. If in November Libra organizes a trip to nature or a camp site, this will have a remarkable effect on strengthening the relationship with his partner.

Libra family in November

The horoscope predicts numerous showdowns and showdowns with your spouse. It's all because of your constant busyness with work. In general, don’t be surprised that your significant other moves away and becomes cold towards you in November. With teenage children, Libra needs to be stricter, and not indulge their desires, whims and “poke” pocket money. In November, try to spend more time with loved ones, as well as travel out of town or visit friends.


Love horoscope for November Scorpio woman advises you to trust your partner more. You shouldn’t control his every step, check his phone book and bother him with calls. Otherwise, you yourself will do everything to improve your relationship in November. Scorpio is expecting a meeting with the man she loved in her youth.

Love horoscope for November Scorpio man advises him to look at everything that is happening in his personal life with optimism. If you have not yet met your soulmate, then enjoy your freedom and independence. In November, Scorpio urgently needs to change his image and take care of his appearance - without hesitation, go to the store and update your wardrobe.

Scorpio family in November

The horoscope promises friendly relations with children. You are so attached to them that they feel it and “pay” in the same coin. Everything will also work out well with your spouse if Scorpio does not neglect household responsibilities. It is possible that relations with the husband's (wife's) relatives will worsen. If Scorpio is the first to make concessions, and where necessary, remains silent, then everything will fall into its usual rut. At the end of the month, expect guests from afar, as well as unexpected news of an inheritance.


Love horoscope for November Sagittarius woman does not recommend ignoring misconduct and harsh words on the part of the chosen one. If something really bothers you, then it’s better to tell him about it straight to his face. Communicate more with your friends in November and don’t forget to devote time to yourself. If Sagittarius shows independence, then the man he loves will begin to treat her with great respect.

Love horoscope for November Sagittarius man promises bright meetings and romance. There will be a lot of impressions, but you are still a little sad about your lost love. New love story will help Sagittarius come to his senses and take his mind off the memories.

Sagittarius family in November

The horoscope does not promise stability and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. You will have continuous omissions, disputes and scandals with breaking dishes. By the way, there will be many reasons for all this in November - financial problems, betrayal and unfinished repairs. Do not keep complaints and grievances to yourself, but rather sit down with your spouse at the negotiating table more often. In November, everything can be resolved peacefully and with the help of sincere conversation. Especially if Sagittarius treats many moments with a bit of humor.


Love horoscope for November Capricorn woman predicts a sea of ​​charm, sexuality and magnetism. Before you even have time to come to your senses after an unsuccessful romance, you will instantly start another one. It is possible that he will encounter troubles on the love front. You may meet a gigolo or a ladies' man on your way.

Love horoscope for November Capricorn man recommends telling your partner less about your former hobbies. She will be jealous of you and torment you with questions throughout November. A meeting with a beautiful and intelligent woman awaits Capricorn on a business trip, where he will be sent at the end of the month.

Capricorn family in November

The horoscope predicts the purchase of a long-awaited home. You have been wanting to move to a new spacious apartment for so long that now your happiness is limitless. The spouse and children will support Capricorn in all endeavors. The main thing is to avoid outside affairs in November. You can lose your spouse’s trust in you in one second. IN difficult situations Seek advice from relatives. At the end of November, Capricorn will go on an exciting trip abroad. Go with the whole family, the joy will know no bounds!


Love horoscope for November Aquarius woman does not recommend chasing a fictitious image of a man. There is no ideal in nature, so be more prudent. There will be no end to fans in November, but you will aim for a chosen one with whom you will not only be reliable, but also easy to communicate with. Aquarius needs an understanding friend, not a passionate lover. In November, you are organizing a trip abroad with your partner.

Love horoscope for November Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will accept him as he is. Just don't show off yours in front of her. strengths. The Aquarius woman you love needs to be trusted, and not subject to checks and interrogations for any reason.

Aquarius family in November

The horoscope promises a lot pleasant surprises. You yourself will be the initiator of a trip that will bring your family together. You should not suspect your spouse of cheating, especially if you only have speculation and not facts. In November, Aquarius needs to have more heart-to-heart conversations with children in order to establish friendly relations. If the repairs you started a couple of months ago are stuck, then it’s worth continuing.


Love horoscope for November Pisces women predicts many disagreements with a loved one. Your partner is constantly busy with work, which you categorically do not accept. On the other hand, Pisces themselves wanted their beloved man to have a career and be wealthy. In November, you should not share the secrets of your personal life even with a close friend. For a date with your new lover, update your wardrobe.

Love horoscope for November Pisces men promises a lot of experiences and disappointments. Don’t be shy about your feelings and emotions, because you truly love your chosen one. In November, Pisces should avoid casual intimate relationships. Those who were about you can now find out about them better opinion. Try to maintain a good reputation.

Pisces family in November

The horoscope promises a long-awaited addition - you will have a baby. In order for there to be peace and harmony in the family, be softer and more lenient towards your spouse. Organize family holidays more often and invite close relatives to visit. Problems may arise with teenage children, but they are all completely solvable. A great month for shopping, so you can go on a grand shopping spree with the whole family. Pisces will have to worry about moving and renovating the apartment. In November, do not save money on the treatment of loved ones and outdoor recreation.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Aquarius to calm down mentally and think more about their career than their personal life. Moreover, everything is fine with you - your loved one, harmony and mutual understanding. But if Aquarius persistently strives for freedom, then the conflict will not be avoided. Shifts on the love front in November 2017 can seriously harm your relationship with your chosen one.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius woman does not recommend chasing a fictitious image of a man. There is no ideal in nature, so be more prudent. There will be no end to fans in November, but you will aim for a chosen one with whom you will not only be reliable, but also easy to communicate with. Aquarius needs an understanding friend, not an insanely passionate lover. In 2017, you are organizing a trip abroad with your partner.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will accept him as he is. Just don't show off your strengths in front of her. Half of them, alas, will not be in authority in November 2017. The Aquarius woman you love needs to be trusted, and not subject to checks and interrogations for any reason.

Aquarius family in 2017

The horoscope promises many pleasant surprises. You yourself will be the initiator of a trip that will bring your family together. You should not suspect your spouse of cheating, especially if you only have speculation and not facts. In November 2017, Aquarius needs to have more heart-to-heart conversations with children in order to establish friendly relations. If the repair that you started a couple of months ago is undeservedly stuck, then it’s worth continuing it. You can borrow money for him from friends. Coming new year holidays, and relatives decided to celebrate them in your spacious “nest”.

Horoscope for Aquarius for November 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Aquarius for November 2017

Love horoscope for the month of November for other zodiac signs: