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Who bewitched the guy? A strong love spell on a guy at home. With a photo on the waxing moon

If you are wondering how to bewitch your beloved man, but the consequences of witchcraft are not scary, let’s talk about rituals that will help return your husband to the family from a homewrecker or start a new relationship.

In the article:

What is a love spell

This is a witchcraft ritual that you can perform yourself to retain or attract your beloved man. You can bewitch both a single young man and a married man. Love spells will help you return ex-husband into the family and find female happiness.

There is no concept of “distance” for rituals. The rituals affect victims who are close and those who live far away. The effect does not depend on the distance, but on own strength, motivation and desire to be with a man. Among the variety of love spells, two most popular categories can be distinguished:

  • ritual using an image;
  • conspiracy for personal belongings.

How to bewitch your loved one from a photograph

The ritual is universal, suitable for both women and men. The image used by the sorcerer must be made no more than 6 months ago. Only one person should be captured in the photo - so that the eyes are clearly visible. The ritual also involves a personal photo, which is subject to the same requirements.

The ritual is performed on any day of the month; the most favorable time is the waxing moon. To make the plot more effective, you need to pay attention to a number of details. If the impact is on a woman, the ritual is performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday ( women's days), when for a man - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

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To make a simple, effective love spell at home using photography, you need to stand in front of the table after sunset, place in front of you your own image and a photograph of the person who will be magically affected.

It is important for a sorcerer to concentrate. You need to relax, clear your mind of unnecessary information and thoughts. You should imagine yourself next to your loved one, think about how good it will be together. Feeling a surge of energy, you need to turn your own picture over and write on it. back side full name your beloved and his date of birth, and in the photograph of your beloved - your name and date of birth. Then you need to put the pictures face to face, take a red thread and sew the corners of the photographs, connecting them together. While the knot is being tied, you must say:

I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with unbreakable bonds, amen.

After reciting the text, you should cut the thread and connect the remaining corners in the same way. Then take a clean white envelope, put the photos in there and seal it. The envelope is sealed with a new wax candle. Then say three times:

I seal the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) from the evil eye, from unkind intent, from the cold lapel.

At the end of the ritual, the envelope is hidden in the house. After about 5 days, the conspiracy will begin, and the lover will begin to have tender feelings for the witch.

Rite performed on personal belongings

You can bewitch the person you like by using his personal belongings. Objects with which an individual regularly comes into contact contain a sample of a person’s energy and are in close connection with him. Love spells using personal belongings are considered one of the most powerful. To be read powerful conspiracy, which will charge your loved one’s item.

Any item can be used, but preferably:

  • comb;
  • handkerchief;
  • tie;
  • a piece of clothing that a man practically never parts with.

Tie comb nasal blade personal item

Methods of performing the ritual

You can conduct a love ceremony yourself, but taking into account the peculiarities of the ritual. 3 ways to cast a love spell on things.

  1. The sorcerer buys a new thing, casts a spell, and gives it to the victim. A prerequisite for the ritual is that you need to hand over the enchanted object from hand to hand. Until the item reaches the victim, no one else should touch the enchanted item. A man should use the gift constantly.
  2. Objects that belong to the victim and have already been used by him several times are taken. An item that has only been used once will not be suitable. A seized and enchanted item can be returned either openly or simply tossed.
  3. An object is needed that is constantly with the victim. After the ceremony, the item is not returned to the owner, but is stored in a separate place away from prying eyes or completely destroyed.

How to properly bewitch a man to his personal item

The sorcerer must remember that he is short-lived. You can use rituals an unlimited number of times. The maximum duration of a conspiracy is about 5 months, but it can be much shorter.

The duration of the love spell depends on the strength of the performer of the spell and on the item used. The closer and more expensive the thing is to the victim, the stronger magic. Telling anyone about the love spell is strictly prohibited: this will significantly reduce the effect of the ritual.

If during a conspiracy you perform at least one point incorrectly, at best the witchcraft will not work, and at worst there will be dire consequences for everyone. The love spell is performed on the night from Thursday to Friday. What is needed is the thing of the object of desire and its name. You will need:

  • new spark plug;
  • mirror;
  • needle;

Knife Candle Mirror Needle

You need to scratch the name of the victim on the candle with a needle, light the candle and place it in front of the mirror, hold a knife over the flame (heated on both sides) and say the name of your loved one. Holding the knife in your left hand and looking in the mirror, you need to say the words:

Fire of fate, hear me. Let (person's name) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.

If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (person's name) to me.

Turn your face to the mirror again and repeat three times:

Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I'm leaving.

An item belonging to the victim is set on fire using the candle flame. You must wait until everything burns out - this will complete the ritual.

Love spell on wild flowers for a man

This simple and effective love spell is used not only by beginners, but also by experienced magicians. It is necessary to go out into the field early in the morning and collect a bouquet of flowers, which must include:

  • mint;
  • sage;
  • tansy.

tansy mint sage

It is allowed to collect plants in different places, but you must do this in one day. During the collection, you must constantly repeat the words out loud:

Flowers of the field, herbs are cash, take my strength! Take my passion! I conjure you with all my might! So that my beloved (name of person), my beloved, comes to my family! To a strong family!

When the bouquet is ready, you should return to the house and prepare a decoction of flowers and herbs. While stirring the ingredients, you need to repeat the words of the spell and think that your loved one will come and there will be a strong, loving family. When the potion is ready, you need to let the drink brew. At this time, the magician takes a shower, washing away the negativity. Then a warm bath is drawn and the infusion is poured into it. You need to soak in the water for up to half an hour. After the ceremony is over, you should take some water from the bath and give it to your loved one to drink. The effect of the conspiracy is noticeable after 2-3 days.

How to get your ex-husband back - love spells

How to bewitch former husband? Knowledge of the ritual will help reunite the family and become happy again. If you cannot come to terms with the departure of a loved one or the presence of a mistress, a simple and effective ritual is performed that can restore a woman’s happiness.

Imagination is used to cast a love spell. You need to open the window, close your eyes and imagine that your husband is walking across the yard, entering the front door, climbing the stairs, taking off his shoes and clothes, saying hello, saying pleasant words and compliments. This way, energy is concentrated on achieving results. As soon as the picture appears before your eyes, the words are spoken through the open window:

I (Your name) call (Husband’s name) to our home. I give you (Husband’s name) four angels, I place them on your sides, in front and behind you. Angels, guardian angels, guiding angels, bring your dear one home, bring him to the white porch. Let him not come back in a dream, let him not forget about me, he loves only me, only he will be happy with me. Amen, Amen, Amen.

The ritual is performed once a day and repeated for 15–20 days. Often after two weeks the man returns to the house.

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A married man is an impregnable fortress

To bewitch married man, the power of ordinary love spells is not always enough. A free young man is easier to bind than a man who has a beloved wife and children. Exists strong conspiracy, allowing you to rekindle feelings in a married person - the ritual is performed on I'm going. The ritual will only work if the man eats the prepared dish himself, always of his own free will.

To choose the right love dish, you need to find out what the chosen one likes. The sorceress prepares food for a man to taste during the waxing moon. After the food is cooked, before serving, you should sprinkle the finished treat with sweet water and say the following spell:

In the purse lies countless wealth, sweet wealth, which torments the owner with its burden and crowns it with its sweetness. So, with every crumb of this dish, let the sweetness penetrate into the heart of my dear (name), pour hot and strong love through the veins of young and elastic. This sweetness will ache in the hands of my dear (name), only he will be drawn to me alone, like a magnet, and will constantly hide him from his lawful wife. My dear (name) accepts this sweetness with all his deliciousness, and lets my ardent and strong love into his heart. From now on he will become deaf to the words of others. Only me now and forever will listen unconditionally, only my words will be remembered and known. Amen. consequences of witchcraft influence. If done white love spell (without using cemetery land, calling spirits, cursing partners, etc.), the fee will be normal: the partner will slightly change behavior and attitude towards certain things, nothing more.

Application black love spells threatens with serious consequences, depending on the power of the ritual. The more the chosen one becomes attached to the witch, the more the person’s psyche breaks down. Black magic is designed for destruction will and subordination of a person to a sorcerer.

As a result of exposure, the following consequences are possible:

  • a fundamental change in human behavior;
  • development of serious diseases;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • mental breakdown;
  • increased aggression;
  • nervous exhaustion.

If a conspiracy is discovered, the magician will also be in trouble. When a love spell is removed from a man, serious problems related to mental and physical health. It is necessary to destroy evidence of dishonest love affairs.

Girls often ask about how to bewitch a guy they like, in cases where they are afraid of being rejected. In such situations, it is better to use light white magic love spells that will attract your chosen one. This is very important, since the development of relations will subsequently occur naturally, and depend on how well the partners fit each other. These love spells work a short time, and then they are removed on their own, leaving no consequences.

Features of white rituals

Bewitching the guy you like using white magic is quite easy. The main condition for the success of the ceremony is your sincere feelings for your chosen one. The love spells of white magic are aimed at helping two people understand their feelings. The peculiarity of such influences is that they awaken natural feelings in a person’s soul and push him to more decisive actions.

With the help of white love spells, you cannot bewitch the guy you like forever. Such influences do not destroy a person’s natural protective aura and do not cause irreparable harm to him. The influence is just a slight push to direct the thoughts and feelings of the person you like in the right direction. Therefore, if, for example, your chosen one has another love, or he experiences a feeling of hostility towards you, then white magic love spells will simply be useless. And if you are trying to get your chosen one for selfish reasons without sincere feelings, then a love spell can be dangerous for you.

Before wondering how to bewitch the guy you like, make sure of your own feelings for your chosen one. After this, eliminate the slightest doubt from your own soul about the correctness of your actions and carry out the chosen ritual. Upon completion, you should not expect that your chosen one will immediately come running to you and declare his love. In order for the love spell to be successful, you need to strive to be near your loved one and communicate with him as often as possible.

White magic has developed a huge number of different love spell rituals, which are aimed at attracting the attention of the chosen one and interest him. To bewitch a guy on your own, you don’t need any special preparation. The main thing is to love and believe in the power of magic. It is important to remember that before you decide to use love magic, you need to be sure that the person you plan to bewitch is free from another love.

This ritual came to modern world from ancient times. It may very well be that it was popular back in pagan times. This love spell ritual has a fortune-telling bias, as it can predict the possibility of developing a relationship with the person you like. All that is needed to carry out the ceremony is a small ball in which a red woolen thread is wound.

To bewitch a guy, you need to retire to a quiet room and light a candle. This will create the right atmosphere for a strong love message. It is necessary to sit for a certain time, concentrating on the image of your beloved.

Then you need to start winding the thread from the ball onto your finger, saying the following words:

“As this red thread curls around my finger, so you, the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name), will spin around me and reach out to me. Every person in the world prays to the holy icon and bows to it, so you bow to me, without me you will not know peace of mind and constantly yearn for me. So it will be. Amen!"

After reciting the love spell, remove the thread from your finger and rewind it into a ball. During this, you need to watch how the thread is wound. If you manage to wind it into a ball without getting it tangled, this indicates that the love spell was successful and there is a very high probability that the relationship with your chosen one will be successful. IN otherwise There will be disagreements and misunderstandings in your relationship. And if it happens that the thread breaks, then the guy you are planning to bewitch is not suitable for you, and you are unlikely to be destined to be together. Moreover, a torn thread warns that sorrows and troubles will come into your life along with your chosen one.

Very often, the power of the Moon is used in love spells of white magic. The night luminary allows you to strengthen the energy message; such love spells are most effective for starting a relationship. With their help, you can awaken a person’s desire to get to know another person better and, as a result, force him to take the first steps towards him.

To bewitch a guy, it is better to perform the ritual during the waxing phase of the moon. Along with the increase in the disk of the night luminary, the love feelings of your chosen one for you will intensify, and you can take advantage of this to awaken true love in him.

For an effective love spell, you will need to use one red candle and a natural red thread. The love spell is carried out at midnight, at all alone. In a separate room, you first need to sit in silence for some time, concentrating on thoughts about your loved one. On the background own desire To be with your chosen one, you should imagine possible future happy moments of your relationship. When you feel that on a subconscious level you have managed to establish a connection with your loved one, you need to light a red candle in front of you. After this, you should make an effort and, focusing your gaze on the flame, visualize the image of your chosen one.

“I am addressing you, the Servant of God (my name), the clear moon, the beauty of the night sky. Help me. Bring the Servant of God (name of your beloved guy) to me. As this thread burns, so the path in his heart for me will awaken. Amen".

After this spell, the thread is burned in the flame of a candle. Immediately after the love spell ritual you should go to bed.

Full moon method

Love spells also performed during the full moon are effective. Since they assume the maximum natural power of the night luminary, such love spells begin to work almost instantly.

For one of the powerful love spells, you will need to use three thin wax candles. The ritual aimed at bewitching the chosen one should begin an hour before the full moon. In a secluded place, you need to light two candles, and you need to start kneading the third candle, warming it with the warmth of your hands. In the process of these actions, you need to force yourself to think only about your beloved guy. The candle is kneaded so that its two ends touch and a ring is formed. This is a symbol of your relationship with the guy you are bewitching.

After this, the following love spell is pronounced:

“As the full moon is filled with natural power, the heart of the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) is filled with loving feelings for me, the Servant of God ( given name) will overflow. The strong moon will protect our sincere love feelings and it will unite our hearts forever. Amen".

The spell over the ring from the candle is spoken three times. After this, such a love talisman should be hidden in a secluded place. Soon you will notice that your chosen one will begin to pay attention to you and will strive to be alone with you as often as possible.

If you have little experience, then you should use the simplest love spells. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective. One of the main factors for their success is their belief in magic. So, you can bewitch your loved one using ordinary rock salt.

With salt shaker and candles

In the ritual you will need to use an open white salt shaker and two church candles. It is advisable on the eve of the full moon to choose a time when you will be alone in the kitchen, light the burner, open the window and turn on the water tap. Thus, the love spell ritual will involve three elements: water, fire and air. In the room you need to light candles and turn off artificial lighting.

Then you need to stand over a burning fire and take a salt shaker in your hand. Then you should take a pinch of salt and sprinkle the flame, drawing a cross with salt.

During this process, it is necessary to pronounce the following magic spell:

“The fire is blazing, and the salt is burning in the flame, so let the heart of the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) burn with love in the Servant of God (own name). Let it be so. Amen".

These steps should be repeated seven times. After this, you just need to look carefully at the flame for some time, trying to visualize the image of your loved one. Then you should immediately go to bed, leaving the salt shaker on the table untouched. The water should be turned off, and the window should be left open. The stove can only be washed the next day. If you really want to be with the person you are bewitching, then such a ritual will definitely awaken feelings for you in his soul.

With a photo of the chosen one

You can bewitch your loved one in one day using a photo of your chosen one. Above the photo, the love spell is read three times a day: in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For this, right hand The front side of the photograph is covered, and the following words are spoken:

“Any person on earth sees his own shadow, so the Servant of God (the name of the guy being bewitched) will live with longing for the Servant of God (his own name). I want you to walk, stumble and not get rid of the desire to be next to me. The bright sun cannot live without a blue sky, so you, the Servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched), cannot live without me. Amen".

A love spell is, of course, a very effective means, but in any case it is coercion. Therefore, it should be used only when all your attempts to improve relationships without magic have been unsuccessful.

How to bewitch a guy at home. If you think carefully about these words, you get the following: the girl has very low self-esteem, and she is not at all confident in herself and her abilities if she resorts to this kind of help in order to get what she can achieve without any magic, it costs her just want it very much, using all your imagination, charm, charm and femininity. But, if there is no other way to attract the attention of the stronger sex to yourself, your beloved, then let magic become your assistant.

There is a misconception that if I cast a love spell, my dear one will immediately love me sincerely and forever, and I will get away with everything for not following the laws of the universe. No matter how it is! And your loved one will not love you, but will be zombified by you without his own desire, and the universe will not forget that you treated its laws without due respect, violating what is considered immutable from the beginning of time, therefore, without consequences, committing a person’s subjugation to yourself , without his will and desire, it will not work out in any way - you will have to pay the bills in any case - you turn to white magic for help, or to black magic. The fact that white love spells exist is also a huge misconception. Higher powers will never help you fulfill your selfish desires, especially those that relate to the deprivation of the free will of another person. For them, this is a taboo, and they will not violate universal laws, and they do not have the right, unlike a narrow-minded person mired in pride, however, you are beings of free will, and you decide how to act in a given situation. In short, the choice is yours!

Side effects of love spells

As mentioned above, any love spell entails Negative consequences, and if someone promises you that these particular rituals will be absolutely harmless, both for the victim and for the performer, do not believe them, they are deceiving you. For every action of this kind, such as a love spell, there will be retribution, which may consist of the following:

  • deterioration in the health of both you and your loved ones (the emergence of various chronic diseases, phobias and mental disorders, accidents);
  • life's adversities and constant troubles both at home and at work - troubles will rain down on you with such force that you yourself will not be glad that you interfered with the immutable laws of the universe;
  • a love spell on a guy at home is not eternal - its effect will not last long, only a couple of years - maximum, but what next? Interest Ask;
  • if the guy being bewitched did not have love for you before the love spell, then after the ritual it will not appear - the person will suffer greatly, experiencing an attraction imposed on him towards you, which can make him aggressive or even dangerous towards you;
  • It may happen that the guy you bewitched will soon tire of you, but the love spell works and won’t go anywhere ahead of time! What then? And then your life will turn into absolute hell - night visits and calls, hysterics and threats to take the life of you and yourself, and the like. Think about it, do you need it?

At home, you need to understand that magic is fraught with some dangers. Not all rituals can be done independently, without special protection. For home “magicians,” it is recommended to use light love spells that will make the guy show interest, but will not enslave him. That is, the impact will be effective, but will not harm his and her energy. So

In this way you will force the object of your desires to look at you with interested eyes, and leave the rest to nature.

at home, if you practically do not communicate with him

It happens that you like a guy, but there are no points of contact. No problem! You can perform a light love spell ritual so that he himself wants to communicate with you. To do this you will need an apple and a candle. But these items must be special. It’s best if you pick the apple yourself from the branch or buy it from old women selling goods from their garden. When buying, you can’t take change, otherwise it won’t work! It is better to take a red candle. The whole evening before the ritual you need to think about it. Before midnight, left alone, light a candle and, dripping wax onto the apple, say: “The apple is ruddy, pouring spicy! Just as she cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without the maiden (her name) “Amen!” Repeat as many times as there are letters in

chosen one's name. The apple should be completely covered with wax. Place it where no one can touch it. When your relationship begins, you need to finely chop the apple and feed it to the birds, saying: “Birds are sisters! Fly to heaven, may my beauty not fade in the eyes of the servant of God (name)! Fly to the pond - take away the trouble! Fly on a tree, let your sweet heart languish! Amen!"

Still at home

This ritual is for those who communicate with the object of desire. During the feast, you need to talk about the drink that your loved one will drink. The plot is as follows: “Just as a rainbow cannot exist without the sky, the earth cannot exist without snow, the sun cannot exist without the moon, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without me (name). It will happen, it will come true, in my opinion it will turn out like water pouring down your throat! Amen!" You can whisper it, or you can say it mentally.

Warning: when choosing a way to bewitch a guy at home, do not pursue the complexity of the ritual. Very “sophisticated” love spells require high energy costs and special conditions. Some are done only for others you need to “pay”. From such actions, an unprepared performer can get sick or suffer in other ways!

An easy way to bewitch a guy

It is believed that one of the most effective and efficient ways is to establish an energetic connection. There is no need to use special ritual objects or words here. When deciding how to bewitch a guy at home, proceed from the circumstances in which you live. Maybe easy way just for you! Take a photo of your loved one and, having tuned in well, begin to look at it. At the same time, focus on his personality. You have to imagine how he thinks, what he is passionate about, what interests him. When you decide that you have established a connection, imagine your relationship (vividly and in detail) and “convey” it to his eyes in the photo. The next day you will see the result!

Of the variety of methods on how to bewitch a guy you like using spells at home, in today’s article I will discuss only the simplest ones. And after reading the text written by me, the magician Maxim, to the end, you will also see that I offer not only simple rituals on how to bewitch a married man who you like at home or ways to bewitch someone you like at home. In addition, you will definitely find recipes on how to bewitch someone you like without consequences - in which the phrase “without consequences” is the key one.

Therefore, if you are looking for spells describing how to bewitch someone you like from a distance, then you will find them in this article. And having found and applied, you can sleep peacefully, knowing that no consequences will affect you.

And I'll start from the very beginning simple way how to bewitch a guy you like at home, spells. The conspiracy to perform this ritual is very simple. But you need to repeat it many times a day, taking natural elements and various luminaries as your assistants. But let me just draw your attention to the fact that you need to pronounce this conspiracy while being on the street under open air. Or, at a minimum, going out onto an unglazed balcony.

And so, when you see the sun, stars, moon, clouds, or feel rain, snow or wind, you must address the object by name and pronounce the following spell on it:

“Sun, I ask you, help!

Give (name of person) love to me (state your name)!

You have the power to change it,

So he could love me!

I (state your name) am looking at you,

I ask you for help, sun (rain, wind, star, etc.)!”

This method of how to bewitch a married man who he likes at home is so harmless that everyone can use it without exception. And you can repeat the above plot an infinite number of times, both during the day and for longer periods of time.

How to bewitch the man you like at home to you

For women who are looking for an answer to the question of how to bewitch a man they like at home, the following conspiracies are suitable:

1. Food plot from the series of how to bewitch someone you like from a distance, village mania plots:

“I cooked and cooked,

She opened the door to her house for (man’s name).

I will cook and cook

Will (man's name) love me!

How fire turns raw things into food,

So my slander will transform me (name)

As a girlfriend, lover or wife!

I get to choose who to be for you!

You (man's name) are told only one thing -

Love me with all your heart!

But this means of bewitching someone you like without consequences will be useless if the man whose name you mention in the plot does not taste the food you have prepared. But it won't be difficult to feed him. It is enough to invite men to your place, or bring food to work (if you work together) and treat him, and he will immediately be under the influence of the love spell you cast.

2. On salt for those, how to bewitch a guy who you like at home, conspiracies:

“I brought salt to my lips,

So that you hear my words.

The first word is - forget others.

The second word is be mine.

The third word is love me.

The fourth word is the key in the lock forever.

I closed the hex with a padlock,

The lock was locked.

(name of boyfriend or man or husband) has bewitched you.

You will always be mine."

Or another way to bewitch a married man who you like at home using salt:

“I collected my tears,

I collected every single one.

I got salt from my tears.

It contains both my joy and my pain.

I’ll salt you, I’ll bewitch you to myself.

You will get attached, you will fall in love, you will suffer.

You will only dream about me day and night.”

Ways to bewitch a man you like at home using salt are good because the salt you get as a result of a love spell can be added not only to the man’s food. You can sprinkle it on his bed. It can be pressed into the soap with which he washes himself. This salt (literally a few grains at a time) can be thrown into a man’s pockets or in his bag. The main thing is that he comes into contact with it, and then it will have the very strong effect you need on the object of the love spell.

But this is not all, describing how to bewitch someone you like from a distance. So I will continue.

How to bewitch someone you like from a distance - spells for everyone

Another way to bewitch someone you like without consequences is to slander things from your pocket. To do this, you need to pull a person out of the pockets of your outerwear, to attract whom you perform the same ritual as how to bewitch a guy you like at home using spells, remembering what was where. Things need to be held in your hands, and the following spell should be whispered into the crack between your fingers:

“I will make you witchcraft,

My assistants!

You will do magic!

Will you love (name) for me (name)


The more I whisper,

The sooner you convey my will!

If you hand it over, I will return you back,

And if not, then I will punish you!

From three doors, along three roads,

Under the same moon!

(name) will be with me!

(last 3 lines need to be repeated 3 times)

After this, things need to be returned to where they were, without mixing anything up.

This method is suitable for those who are looking for a professional answer to the question of how to bewitch a married man who they like at home, and for those who are puzzled about how to bewitch a man who they like at home. And for those who spend hours on the Internet trying to find an answer to the query, how to bewitch someone you like from a distance, conspiracies and how to bewitch someone you like without consequences.

Just before you do anything, read the rules on how to bewitch a married man who you like at home, really without consequences.

How to bewitch someone you like without consequences and magical return

It is very important to know how to bewitch someone you like at home, or how to bewitch someone you like without consequences. To do this, you should follow these simple rules:

Before bewitching someone you like from a distance, you need to choose safe ones that guarantee no consequences;

Conspiracies describing how to bewitch a guy you like at home should be drawn up or selected by an experienced magician;

Methods of how to bewitch a married man who you like at home need to be carefully studied in order to pronounce all the texts by heart, and the actions automatically;

Any methods that describe how to bewitch a man you like at home contain instructions on the items that you will need to perform this or that magical action; these items should only be purchased in specialized stores for esotericists;

Any spells that tell you how to bewitch someone you like from a distance cannot be used for gaming;

- and you can’t think about how to bewitch someone you like without consequences if you wish someone harm.