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Ryazhenka cream soufflé. Summer dessert made from fermented baked milk instead of ice cream for children and not only Dessert made from fermented baked milk with gelatin - step-by-step cooking process

Fermented baked milk jelly is a dairy-based dietary recipe that is prepared quickly and easily, resulting in a real delicacy for children and adults. This is a delicious and, most importantly, natural milk soufflé. The tenderness of baked milk is enlivened by the sourness of sour cream, and the delicate consistency brings no less pleasure than the taste.


  • Ryazhenka - 0.5 l,
  • low-fat (10%) - 1/3 tbsp.,
  • sugar - 1/4 tbsp.,
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp.


Soak gelatin in a small amount of water (80-100 ml) for 10-20 minutes or more (as indicated on the package). After swelling, heat with constant stirring to high temperature until the gelatin dissolves (but do not boil). Then leave it to cool.

Combine fermented baked milk, sour cream, sugar and beat them with a mixer for about 3 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Without stopping whisking, pour the cooled gelatin into the milk mass and continue whisking for another 3 minutes. Gelatin should not be hot to prevent dairy products from curdling. Immediately pour the resulting mass into glasses, vases or molds and place them in the refrigerator until solidified (usually 2-4 hours).

Ryazhenka jelly

The finished jelly can then be decorated at your discretion with berries, nuts, grated chocolate and served as a dessert.

From higher-fat starting products, a less dietary dessert is obtained, but more airy and with bubbles.

A dessert made from fermented baked milk with gelatin is a delicate taste and pleasant associations... With what? With ice cream! That is why this delicacy received the well-known saying “instead of ice cream.” Indeed, such a dessert is an ideal option for children who constantly ask for ice cream in the summer. Everything would be fine, but nowadays, if you read the composition of ice cream, you won’t want it at all... And even more so to give it to a child! Therefore, it is better to pamper your children, yourself, and all your loved ones by preparing a dessert from fermented baked milk and gelatin with your own hands and from proven products.

By the way, fermented baked milk can be safely replaced with kefir. It will be delicious with it too! But I still prefer today's version. Probably because I love fermented baked milk in its pure form indescribably more than kefir. More precisely, I don’t drink kefir as a drink at all - my stomach doesn’t accept it. Several attempts ended in failure, I don't try anymore. Besides, with fermented baked milk, in my opinion, it still turns out more tender. Today's dessert is made from fermented baked milk with gelatin and sour cream, although there is not much of the latter here - 10 times less sour milk. However, it also gives the finished dish tenderness, taste and smoothness of structure.

As for gelatin, I used the most common, powdered one, which can be found in the culinary section of almost any supermarket. However, to prepare this dessert from fermented baked milk, you can also use agar-agar. Just remember that you will need less of it. As a standard, unless otherwise provided by the recipe, agar-agar should be taken 3 times less than gelatin. That is, if you apply these proportions to today’s recipe, you will get 0.5 tbsp. agar.

I made a dessert from fermented baked milk with gelatin in a chocolate version, adding traditional cocoa powder. But you can cook it light - creamy, without additives. Or experiment. As a coffee lover, of course, the coffee option immediately came to mind. It will be interesting to try various spices - cinnamon, vanilla, star anise...

Of course, a dessert made from fermented baked milk with gelatin and sour cream can have the level of sweetness that you personally like. I added 3 tablespoons per 750 ml of fermented baked milk. Considering that I got 5 servings of dessert, it turns out to be 0.6 tbsp. sugar per serving. This seemed enough to me. You are guided by your taste. Nobody bothers you to take a sample. You can even add sugar after adding gelatin. Just beat well so that the grains disperse and the mass becomes homogeneous.

So, let's take a closer look at how to make a dairy dessert for children instead of ice cream! Well, for adults with a sweet tooth, too, of course))


  • Ryazhenka (or kefir) - 750 ml
  • sour cream - 70 g
  • gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
  • classic cocoa powder - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. or to taste (or sakhzam)
  • cold boiled water - 100 ml

Ryazhenka dessert with gelatin - step-by-step preparation process:

If it comes to gelatin, then you need to start with it. I filled it with cold boiled water and left it to swell for 40 minutes. Gelatin varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, so it may take less time. For example, 20 or 30 minutes. Look - if all the water has been absorbed, then you can proceed further.

I soaked the gelatin immediately in a ladle, in which you can put the mixture on gas. It's more convenient. Place the swollen gelatin on the fire. Heat it well until it boils. Without allowing it to boil, I removed it from the heat. Let it cool to barely warm temperature. Strained through a fine sieve. In principle, this procedure can be ignored. But I wanted the dessert made from fermented baked milk with gelatin to be as homogeneous as possible, and so that there would be no gelatin lumps there. It's usually not very pleasant.

I poured fermented baked milk into a bowl convenient for whipping. I sent her sour cream, sugar and cocoa. The optimal fat content of sour cream in this case is from 15 to 25%.

Thoroughly beat all the combined ingredients for two minutes. Then she poured in the barely warm, strained gelatin.

And I beat this mass for 2 minutes too.

I immediately poured it into glasses and put it in the refrigerator. The dessert made from fermented baked milk and gelatin stayed with me all night and morning. But it is usually ready within 2 hours. To determine readiness, you can gently touch it on top. If it's frozen, you can serve it!

I decorated each serving with shaped chocolate, white and dark, in the shape of hearts. Or you can grate chocolate, wafer, cookies or put ground nuts on top. However, even without these additions the dessert will not fail.

Prepare this delicious dessert from fermented baked milk both on hot days and on cloudy ones. It creates a wonderful mood in any weather! ;)

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Ryazhenka cream soufflé

Recipe from Sashi : Well, it’s just an incredibly tasty and tender recipe, I’ve already made it 5 times, almost every day. Better than any cheesecakes and cottage cheese casseroles, honestly. I recommend it to everyone.
The recipe was taken from the povarenok website, and second GadenKa
recommends adding chocolate and strawberries, I advise not adding anything - the dessert is perfect. Below is the author's recipe.

Description: Baked fermented baked milk, delicious? It turns out that it’s not just delicious, it’s magically delicious, the fermented baked milk cream itself is incredibly tender, the velvety texture just melts in your mouth, you can leave it all like that, honestly, it’s delicious without everything, but I didn’t know that until now)) so I made it with the most fragrant wild berry - strawberries, which I flavored with a little dark chocolate. What we ended up with was a great dessert after a light dinner, but for me it was breakfast and I was just happy.
Directly for cooking it will take only 10 minutes, the longest time is to wait before cooking + after, for cooling))


Ryazhenka (you can use kefir with 3.2% fat content) – 500 ml
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Corn flour (you can use potato starch or regular flour) - 1 tsp.
Quail eggs (or 1 chicken) - 4 pcs.
Dark chocolate (white can be used)
Strawberries (any berries, fruits)

The dessert is designed for my favorite one, i.e. for 2 molds of 125 ml each))))
We prepare the “soil” for preparing dessert in 2 or 3 days, but all you need is patience, no effort or diligence.
Once, in a conversation with one good person about her passion for dairy products, she said that she freezes regular kefir, then puts it on a sieve, and only then enjoys the most delicate cream.
Natashenka (Nata_kz), thank you, dear, for this wonderful idea, I used it successfully, I decided to try what it is. The result was above all praise. True, I used melted kefir, which gave the dessert a special delicate taste and shade.
I got a little distracted here, but sometimes I want it that way)))
Place the package (tetropak) with fermented baked milk in the freezer overnight, a day, or as long as your heart desires... the main thing for us is to freeze it.
Fold a piece of gauze in several layers to form a dense layer of fabric, line a colander or sieve.
Take out our frozen fermented baked milk, dip it in a bowl of hot water, cut the bag and pull out a solid block of fermented baked milk onto cheesecloth. Cover with a lid, put in the refrigerator and forget for another 2 days. You can put it away for a day, then take it out of the refrigerator and let it completely thaw and drain the whey. There is not enough time in the refrigerator for a day, you need at least 2, or even three. It strains at room temperature, but the consistency is better when it drains completely and defrosts in the refrigerator, it is better to wait. When all the whey is gone. What remains is such a delicate and thick cream.

But now you have to work a little to enjoy it later)))
Grease the molds with oil.
Grate the chocolate or chop it into small cubes.
You can take any berries you like.
Place berries on the bottom of the molds; the thickness of the layer depends on your taste, but it doesn’t cost too much either, because... the berries will give juice and the cream will float in the juice and may split during baking.
The best option is about 1.5 layers)))
Place chocolate pieces on top of the berries. You can take white chocolate, it will have a creamier and more delicate taste. I generally like bitter, but in combination with the sourness of berries, this is more than I would like for me)))

Mix the eggs with sugar, vanilla, and a pinch of salt using a hand whisk; no need to beat anything until foamy. If you beat the eggs, the cream will begin to rise during baking, but we need a homogeneous creamy structure of the dessert))
Add a teaspoon of corn flour to the eggs, you can replace it with starch or regular flour, mix.
Add fermented baked milk cream and carefully mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the mixture into molds over the berries.

Bake in a preheated oven at 130-150 o C for about 25-30 minutes. Depending on the oven, the time is approximate. The readiness of the dessert is checked in this way: if the cream has already set at the edges and slightly rattles in the middle, then it’s ready. Touch it with your fingertip; it doesn’t stick around the edges, but in the middle the cream sticks to your finger.
Turn off the oven and leave in it for 30 minutes. Remove, cool and put in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, or even overnight.

You can decorate it however you like, with fresh berries, grated chocolate, etc. I crumbled sesame cookies on top, very tasty.
There is nothing superfluous in the cream itself, it does not need any additives, everything is very simple and tasty, the complete image is complemented by aromatic strawberries and pieces of chocolate, everything is harmonious and simply ideal for a light dessert or breakfast.
By the way, the cream holds its shape perfectly; if you run it along the walls with a sharp knife and turn it over onto a plate, it will look great.
You can also make it in a large form, it will be something like a dessert casserole. Then the baking time will increase to 50-60 minutes, and place a bowl of boiling water on the bottom of the oven and bake at 160-170 o C.


- Very tender and tasty!!!

And I tried it made from kefir and although I like fermented baked milk more, I liked the cream soufflé made from kefir much more, I also added mulberries and if the last time the soufflé from fermented baked milk with chocolate was very tasty, then the soufflé from kefir with berries turned out amazingly tasty ! Sasha, thank you very much for this wonderful idea with freezing.

- very tasty and delicate cream

Sweetener - to taste


Pour fermented baked milk onto gauze, folded several times and place on a sieve. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. You will get a thick and pasty ryazhenka cheese.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Add sweetener to the yolks and grind until white. Beat the whites into a strong foam.
Add the yolks with sweetener to the cheese mixture and mix well. Gradually add the whites and mix gently so that the mass does not settle and remains airy.
Grease ceramic baking dishes with oil and place our soufflé in them. Place on a baking sheet with a napkin and pour hot water so that it reaches the middle of the molds. Place in a preheated oven at 160 C for 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

The dairy dietary dessert is prepared quickly and simply, and it turns out to be a real treat for children and adults. This is a delicious and, most importantly, natural and low-calorie dessert that can even be used instead of ice cream: adding a couple of spoons of this soufflé to a cup of coffee turns out to be almost iced coffee.

My friend, whose grandchildren often get sick, makes this soufflé for them and calls it "warm ice cream"- yes, yes, don’t be surprised, it tastes like ice cream.

And this despite the fact that it consists of kefir and sour cream!!! A very interesting recipe: after trying this dessert, not everyone can understand that it is made from kefir.

  • Type of dish: dessert
  • Servings:4
  • Calorie content:95 kcal

The calorie content of a milk dessert is about 95 kcal (with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sugar). From the specified amount of products, 4 servings of 145 kcal each are obtained. A little for a tasty dessert and acceptable for those losing weight.


  • non-acidic kefir (or fermented baked milk) - 0.5 l.
  • low-fat sour cream - 1/3 cup
  • sugar - 1/4 - 1/2 cup
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet

Diet dessert


I really, really love this recipe! From very ordinary products you get real homemade deliciousness.

For the first time, it is better to add 0.5 cups of sugar to evaluate the taste of such a dessert - it will not be too sweet, but I add 2 tbsp. sugar - you get a delicate sweetish taste that really reminiscent of the taste of ice cream sundae or creme brulee depending on whether you use kefir (ice cream) or fermented baked milk (creme brulee).

Surprisingly, when added to coffee, the souffle continues to behave like ice cream, although the kefir included in it should curdle and form flakes. This doesn't happen. And only after finishing the coffee, a very small amount of curdled dessert is discovered at the bottom of the cup.

The recipe is good, of course, for those who are losing weight and lovers of goodies, as well as for children who do not like healthy dairy products. It takes very little time to prepare - no more than 10 minutes, but what a pleasure it is to please your loved ones!

Tasty, natural, light, cheap, healthy and easy to prepare - this dietary dessert can be prepared regularly, creating a small holiday on an ordinary weekday.

Other simple dessert recipes:

Bon appetit and be healthy! Did you like the recipe? Write, feedback is very important!

17 Dietary treats that can be prepared in MAXIMUM 7 minutes

To prepare the “Ice Cream” dessert from fermented baked milk, you need to soak instant gelatin in water (about 5-10 minutes). For 1 tablespoon it is enough to take 50-60 ml of water.

Place the gelatin and water in the microwave for 3-4 seconds. Do not let the liquid boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. Mix the swollen gelatin well with a spoon until completely dissolved.

To prepare a healthy dessert, both store-bought fermented baked milk and homemade fermented baked milk from sourdough are suitable.

In a bowl, mix fermented baked milk, sour cream (15-20%), sugar and vanillin. Beat with a hand whisk or mixer on low speed.

Add the cooled gelatin to the mixture and beat well with a whisk again.

Cut bananas into slices.

Pour a teaspoon of sugar into a frying pan, heat it and add bananas. Fry banana slices in sugar on both sides until golden brown.

Place a few rings of fried banana on the bottom of glasses, small jars or bowls...

Pour in the milk mixture and place in the refrigerator to allow the dessert to thicken well.

As a rule, 2-3 hours are enough for a small volume of dessert to harden; you can leave it overnight. It is better to cover the top of the bowls or cups with cling film so that the milk dessert does not absorb odors, and close the jars with lids.