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Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. “Horrifying terrorist attack”: what is known about the explosion in Manchester

On Monday evening, an explosion occurred at the Manchester Arena stadium in the city of Manchester, killing 22 people and injuring about 60, presumably including children. UK police called the incident a terrorist attack. The explosive device, according to police, was activated by a suicide bomber. The territorial group "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the incident.

Manchester Arena is the largest indoor sports arena in the UK. The explosion occurred immediately after the concert of American singer Ariana Grande. The bulk of the spectators were young people and minors. According to Sky News, the explosion occurred in the lobby, in the ticket sales area. Police in Manchester, England reported deaths and injuries as a result of the explosion. The singer herself was not injured.

“Ariana Grande finished the last song and walked off stage, and immediately after that there was a loud explosion,” said one eyewitness quoted by the Daily Mail.

“I'm broken. From the bottom of my heart I say that I am very sorry. I have no words,” Ariana Grande later wrote on Twitter.

According to some reports, Ariana Grande plans to interrupt her tour because she is in a state of shock after the incident.

Emergency services were sent to the scene of the explosion. City police urged citizens to avoid the Manchester Arena area. Nearby streets were also blocked and Manchester Victoria railway station was closed.

City authorities confirmed that they are considering the explosion at the stadium as a terrorist attack. A few hours later, the terrorist group “Islamic State” (IS, banned in the Russian Federation) claimed responsibility for the attack. According to Manchester police, the terrorist attack was allegedly carried out by a lone suicide bomber using an improvised explosive device; the terrorist died on the spot. Law enforcement officers are still trying to find out whether the attacker had accomplices.

According to one of the eyewitnesses, at the entrance to the concert, spectators did not pass through frame metal detectors; in general, practically no inspection was carried out.

“There was practically no security at the entrance to the concert, it was zero. We did not go through any frame metal detectors. The only thing that the inspectors were interested in was whether we had our own bottles of water. In fact, the bags were not controlled at all, no one looked into them,” Nikola Trokhtova, one of the spectators, told RIA Novosti.

A few hours after the explosion, a suspicious object was discovered near the stadium. The police destroyed it, but later it turned out that it did not pose any danger - it was just someone's forgotten clothes.

Manchester Mayor Andrew Burnham wrote on Twitter that the night of the attack was "terrible" for the city.

“My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones as we admire our brave emergency services. A terrible night for our great city."

London Mayor Sadiq Khan also expressed words of support and condolences. "London and Manchester are in our thoughts and our brave emergency services are all with the lives lost and injured tonight," he wrote.

Several world leaders have expressed their condolences to the British people, including Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The English football club Manchester City and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) also expressed condolences to all the victims.

The US Department of Homeland Security said it is ready to support the British and help them investigate the terrorist attack and eliminate its consequences.

British Prime Minister Theresa May interrupted the election campaign for the parliamentary elections scheduled for June 8 due to the terrorist attack. Her opponent, British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, followed her example, saying he was shocked by what happened.

In addition, May announced that she would hold a meeting of the emergency government committee COBRA, which meets in the event of a direct threat to the country's security.

At around 10:35 p.m., an explosion occurred at the Manchester Arena during a concert by singer Ariana Grande. There were 21 thousand people in the stadium. According to the latest data, 22 people, more than 50 injured. Police say the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber.

What happened

Concert-goers reported hearing one or two loud bangs. This happened after the concert ended and people began to leave the stadium. The explosion, as eyewitnesses said, occurred in the foyer.

Eyewitnesses spoke of two explosions. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.

What the police say

The police are considering the possibility of a terrorist attack. NBC News, citing sources, said the explosion could have been carried out by a suicide bomber. According to CBS, the bombs were filled with destructive elements.

Judging by eyewitness videos, there were arrests near the explosion site, but they were not officially reported.

The police warned that they would carry out a controlled explosion. They later reported that it was “discarded clothing, not a suspicious item.”

British Prime Minister Theresa May said work was underway to establish "all the details of what police believe is a horrific terrorist attack." She also suspended her election campaign.

Posted by @_arianavalentine_ May 22, 2017 at 5:01 PDT

"Our best night turned into our worst"

@iMinajLovato “I had to run back to the hotel with a friend. We had Google Maps open and were running so fast that we got lost. This was really scary"

Latest news from Manchester - an entire university campus where hundreds of students were taking exams was evacuated. A suspicious package was found near the library. The alarm has just been cleared. But according to some reports, people are being escorted out of a crowded metro station nearby.

The situation in Manchester is tense to the limit - after a terrorist detonated a bomb at a concert the day before. 22 people died at his hands. One girl was eight years old. There are dozens of victims, mostly children and teenagers. The police announced the name of the criminal about two hours ago. He is said to have been known to the authorities.

Now the questions are: how did he manage to carry a bomb to the entrance to one of the largest indoor arenas in Europe? Did he have accomplices? And of course, what happens in Manchester at the end of the day?

Manchester. Half past ten in the evening. Spectators leave the indoor stadium after the concert of American pop diva Ariana Grande. And at this moment the concrete structures tremble from the explosion.

The infernal machine was brought into action at the moment when the first spectators reached for the exit. It appears the suicide bomber was waiting in the lobby and was spotted. Seconds before the explosion, the guards standing on the doors began shouting for people to run to their places, but many did not have time. A homemade bomb exploded inside the building, near the ticket booths.

“I was in the arena, heard a pop and ran for my life. They tried to calm us down, saying that the balloon had burst. But it wasn’t a ball,” says the girl.

The video was filmed on a mobile phone inside the arena: spectators can be seen rushing in panic between the rows of seats and in the aisles next to the stands, clearly not understanding where to run or where to take cover.

The tragedy occurred a few minutes after Ariana Grande and her musicians played their last song. A little later, on her page on the social network, the singer wrote: “I am sincerely very, very sorry. I have no words".

ISIS, a group banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack. But at first, not much was said about who blew himself up along with the audience. The first information from the police: he allegedly fell under the influence of radicals long ago. A little later, the British Prime Minister nevertheless hinted: much more is known about him.

“Our law enforcement agencies believe that they know the identity of the perpetrator of the terrorist attack. "The intelligence services are now investigating whether a wider group of people were involved in planning the attack," British Prime Minister Theresa May said.

The police later clarified that the terrorist's name was Salman Abedi. He was 22 years old and authorities apparently knew the man was dangerous. Police raids have already taken place in two suburbs of Manchester. At some point, the special operation moved to the city center.

And in the afternoon, the police suddenly began evacuating one of the largest shopping centers in Manchester, Arendale. Buyers and sellers were kept on the street for several hours without explanation. A little later, information appeared that law enforcement officers detained a suspicious young man near the entrance to the building, who began resisting the law enforcement officers during his arrest.

A little later, authorities announced a second arrest. The detainees are being interrogated. Meanwhile, Theresa May interrupted her election campaign and flew to Manchester. Here she visited the wounded. There are about 60 of them. 22 people became victims of the terrorist attack, among them an eight-year-old girl. Why did a suicide bomber target a concert in Manchester that was mostly attended by young audiences?

"The only reason they hit the children was to create more panic," says former CIA analyst Bob Ayers. - This is approximately like the seizure of a school in Beslan, when children become the target. This is even worse than terrible.”

Schoolchildren, students, young, laughing faces. They haven't returned home yet. Their sisters, brothers and parents turn to social networks: maybe someone accidentally saw their loved ones? But the search is not only in the virtual world.

Because of the terrorist attack, the police cordoned off several central blocks of Manchester. Hundreds of spectators who managed to escape from the Arena found themselves cut off from the outside world. Among them are young children and teenagers. They spent the night in a hotel. Here the children waited for their fathers and mothers.

Chris and Joan Elinson had just picked up their daughter, Abigail, and her friend. The girls were given concert tickets for their eighteenth birthday.

“Abigail immediately called, a bomb exploded next to them. She was terribly scared, her voice was shaking. We are so happy that everything worked out!” - says Chris Elinson.

“If we had left a little earlier, then everything might not have turned out so well! We are very lucky,” adds Abigail Elinson.

Investigators are still working in the Manchester Arena area. At the same time, sappers used a controlled explosion to destroy two suspicious objects - one near the concert hall, the other on the outskirts of Manchester. And about half an hour ago, people began to gather in Albert Square, in the city center. Rallies in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on the evening of May 23 will be held across Britain.

Into the crowd on La Rambla in the center of Barcelona. 14 people were killed and more than 100 were injured. That same night, in the municipality of Cambrils, another group attacked pedestrians. As a result of the second attack, 7 people were injured. The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack.

On the night of June 3-4, 2017 There were two terrorist attacks in central London. On London Bridge, the van carrying the attackers hit pedestrians, then did not stop, but continued driving and drove to Borough Market. There, three people armed with hunting knives got out of the vehicle and... The police managed to shoot all three attackers. Eight people were killed as a result of the terrorist attack. The terrorist group “Islamic State” (IS), banned in Russia, is responsible for it.

On the night of May 22-23, 2017 After the end of the concert of American singer Ariana Grande in Manchester, an explosion occurred. An explosion occurred in the foyer of the Manchester Arena concert hall as spectators were already leaving the hall. According to surveillance cameras, the alleged perpetrator of the terrorist attack, Salman Abedi, returned from Libya shortly before the incident. The explosion killed 22 people and injured another 59. The Islamic State terrorist group took responsibility for the attack.

April 7, 2017 A truck at high speed crashed into a crowd of pedestrians near the Ahlens Mal shopping center in Stockholm, located on the main pedestrian street of the Swedish capital. As a result of the incident, four people were killed and another 15 were injured. A few hours after the terrorist attack, a citizen of Uzbekistan, Rakhmat Akilov, was detained and soon admitted his guilt. Suspected of committing a terrorist attack with the Islamic State terrorist group.

March 22, 2017 A terrorist drove a car into people on Westminster Bridge in London, then crashed into the fence of the British Parliament building, got out of the car and attacked a policeman with a knife. The policeman died and the terrorist was shot dead. Five people became victims of the terrorist attack, and about 40 more were injured. Responsibility for the Islamic State attack

December 19, 2016 a truck with a trailer walks into a crowd of Christmas market visitors in Berlin. He drove through the territory for about 80 m, killing 12 people and injuring another 48. There was a passenger in the cabin who died. The wanted suspect, a 24-year-old Tunisian national who was driving the car, was later killed in Milan in a shootout with police. The terrorist was associated with the Islamic State group.

July 14, 2016 A truck was thrown into the crowd celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. The car managed to drive along the embankment for about 2 km at a speed of 60-70 km/h before it was stopped. The driver was shot and killed by police. Firearms and grenades were found in the car; the entire arsenal was on alert. The attack killed 84 people.

March 22, 2016 two explosions in Brussels: one at the airport, the other at the Maelbeek metro station. As a result of the explosions, 32 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

November 13, 2015 a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Paris. Unknown people opened fire in one of the restaurants, three explosions occurred near the Stade de France stadium, where a match between the French and German football teams was taking place, and unknown people took hostages at a concert in the Bataclan hall. A total of 129 people died. The Islamic State group was responsible for the attack.

January 7, 2015 brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi attacked the editorial office of the humor magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris and killed 12 people. The attack was caused by the publication of cartoons on Islamic themes. The pursuit of the Kouachi brothers continued for three days. On January 9, as a result of a special operation, they were killed.

On the night of May 22 in Manchester, immediately after the concert of American singer Ariana Grande, a bloody terrorist attack was committed. According to the latest police data, at least 22 people were killed at Manchester Arena and about 59 were seriously injured.

At 22:35 London time, police received a report of an explosion at the concert. According to eyewitnesses, immediately after the end of the performance, when people headed towards the exit, they saw a bright flash and heard an explosion.

2.5 hours after the incident, the police published official data on the victims: 22 dead and 59 wounded. Earlier, the American channel NBC News reported “hundreds” of victims. The stadium where the terrorist attack took place seats 21 thousand people. It is likely that new victims will appear.

The explosion did not occur in the hall itself, but in a covered passage connecting the stadium with the station, which was closed immediately after the incident. The police immediately classified it as a terrorist attack.

There were many children and teenagers at the concert. Ariana Grande is popular primarily among young people. After the explosion, reports of casualties among her little fans began to appear online.

Residents of Manchester quickly responded to the incident: many offered rooms near the stadium so that the victims could spend the night; hotels received teenagers for free who were awaiting the arrival of their parents; Taxi drivers provided free transportation from the scene of the incident.

People were in panic and fled from the scene of the explosion; eyewitnesses can hardly describe what happened before their eyes. Some of them, having recovered from the first shock, were still able to give testimony and first interviews.

Abby Mullen: “As we were leaving, the explosion happened centimeters away from me. Scraps of meat and skin flew in all directions. I still find pieces of someone's skin in my hair.

No one expects that this could happen to him. I will not soon be able to forget that sound, the blood and people running around randomly with horrific wounds and severed limbs."

Singer Ariana Grande commented on the situation: “I’m broken. I'm sorry with all my heart. I have no words".

Andy Hawley: “I was waiting for my wife and daughter when the explosion happened. I was thrown about 10 meters away. When I stood up with difficulty, I saw bloody corpses next to me.

In a panic, I ran to the police and firefighters and tried to find my family among the bodies. Fortunately, I soon met them, and then we quickly got out of this hell."

Gary Walker: “My wife and I were waiting for our daughters from the concert. After the last song played and people began to leave the hall, there was an explosion.

I felt a terrible pain in my leg. My wife, clinging to me with her fingers, said: “I need to lie down.” In horror, I discovered that blood was gushing from her torn stomach."

Louise Tyan and Nikolai Borovinsky: “When we were sitting on the podium after the end of the concert, we heard a strong bang and people running back and forth. There was a smell of sulfur and smoke.

What surprised us most was that no one was searched at the entrance to the concert. There weren’t even metal detectors, only water bottles were taken away.”

Jenny Brewster: “We started getting ready to go out during Ariana’s last song - we wanted to beat the crowd. Walking through the tunnel, we ran into guards who ordered us to turn around and go the other way.

A couple of seconds later they shouted: “Run!” There was an explosion right behind them. These guards saved our lives."

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