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Useful bugs, tricks and small strategies for Oblivion on PC and Xbox360

All of the above that follows has been collected from many sites - these are tips from players from all over the world. Many of them can be useful and will come in handy if you play Oblivion on PC or Xbox360. However, it doesn’t hurt to at least try it on PS3 either.

Fighting melee attacks

If a melee fighter comes towards you, climb onto a hill and shoot him with all the weapons you have.

If you're scared of a big, scary melee that's coming right at you, then... run.

Run and look for stones, rocks - anything you can jump on.

So, climb to the very top and just shoot the enemy with arrows, fireballs - whatever you have.

The poor guy may live a long time, but he won’t be able to defend himself.

How to get to you.

Your success is guaranteed!

Slowing Items

If you play Oblivion and use different weapons, you may notice how quickly your inventory fills up.

If you play Oblivion like a true nerd and use different weapons, you may notice how quickly your inventory fills up. Well, how much can objects slow you down, even if you still have two-thirds of free space.

So, gentlemen, here’s a good way for you to carry around a bunch of armor, potions, weapons - whatever your darling desires, and even useless items for quests that, in general, you didn’t give up on.

When you get off Dark Brotherhood Shadowmane, then you automatically forget about all the other horses in principle. Unless animal rights activists will suffer.

So, beat Shadowmane until he loses consciousness. His, not yours. And immediately, before he comes to his senses, search him like any enemy. Typically, an unconscious character lying on the ground will only give you, um, "Talk" to yourself. You can search the horse; press the left trigger and throw away everything you need to transfer. This is much better than carrying all sorts of slag in your inventory during battle.

This works on Xbox360 using horse armor; in other cases... Well, check.

Choosing the right weapon

Carry a weapon with you at the same time different types: fiery, stunning, having a magical effect - and normal.

There are so many different enemies in Oblivion, and remembering them all is simply unrealistic. And even more so their vulnerability to different elements and abilities. After the fifth level, you can’t escape enchanted weapons, so carry with you both a fire weapon, a stun weapon that has a magical effect, and a regular, unenchanted one. Yes, all together. And the Ease Burden spell, which can be bought at magic guilds, will help you with weight.

Why is this? So that you don't feel stupid when scoring fire weapon fireproof enemy and wondering what you will need to take with you next time. You meet an enemy and start going through weapons one after another in search of weaknesses. Yes, sometimes the difference is measly units per shot. But somehow this can save your life.

Quickly close the Oblivion Gate

If you don’t want to worry about it for a long time or anything else, then believe me, it’s not difficult. Once you get to Oblivion, run as fast as you can and grab the Sigil Stone. All.

Rapid increase in Acrobatics skill

Well, who doesn’t want to quickly gain a skill? Exactly. Acrobatics is no exception. Run towards the stairs or steep hill and just jump your way up. This way you will be in the air for a record amount of time and quickly start a new jump. Voila!

To increase your stealth skill, you should go to the Arena of the Imperial City, approach one of the ponds with sacred lotuses and press Q (by default) to enter Stealth mode.

The same egg, only in profile.

Go to the Imperial City Arena, go to one of the sacred lotus ponds and press Q (by default) to enter Stealth mode.

There are guards behind the door, so your skill will increase.

Don’t worry - go and have some coffee, let the brave hero run around on the courts, think about his behavior, learn to hide well.

By the way, if Stealth is your core skill, then your level will increase.

Take note.

Fun is in the air

Well, finally, this is not a hint. But it's fun.

Jump up next to the NPC and start a conversation with him. And while he talks to you, you... will remain in the air. It's a pity, but when you leave the conversation, you will also fall. Sadness.

Duplicate items

To duplicate any item in your inventory, you will need a bow and at least two arrows.

To duplicate any item in your inventory, you will need a bow and at least two arrows - any. Pull the string and, leaving the bow in this state, enter the inventory. You need to remove equipped arrows from the active cell; then a message will appear stating that you cannot remove the weapon during the attack.

After that, select the item you want to copy and throw it away.

Upon exiting your inventory, you will find that there are as many discarded items on the ground as there are arrows equipped.

This only works if there were more arrows equipped than the items you wanted to copy. That is, if there are two arrows, and, for example, three keys, it will not work. Make sure the bow is fully drawn before opening your inventory.

This doesn't work on most enchanted and rare items either, but there are exceptions.

They say that if you double-click on a magic scroll and then throw away the item, the effect will be the same... But this is not certain.

Kill Umbra and take her armor and sword

To kill Umbra and take her equipment, jump onto the destroyed pillar in the square and shoot her. Well... That's it. The sword that devours souls is yours.

Rapid increase in Stealth skill

There is another way, yes. Enter a house where someone is sleeping, go into Stealth mode, and then go into the wall. Into the wall. Into the wall. And don't stop.

In my opinion, the option of drinking coffee is still preferable.


Play Oblivion as if you were in the world, living the life of the character you created.

Just a little reminder that Oblivion is a sandbox in which you can and should have fun.

Many gamers try to play Oblivion the same way they played any other RPG - Final Fantasy, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo... They think that they are playing a game with standard features and goals.

However, Oblivion is meant to be played as if you were in the world, living the life of the character you created. When someone says that they didn’t like Oblivion, but liked other RPGs, it usually comes down to the desire to stupidly follow instructions: tasks in the journal, a strictly structured plot...

Only in Oblivion you create your own story. And, realizing this, you will make the game process much easier for yourself. You just have to make choices the way you would make them in real life- and don’t be afraid of mistakes.

The most fun for me usually began when I was about to be caught, or when I was not strong enough to win the fight - and I had to get out and come up with something unusual. No, really, “Oblivion” is a huge sandbox where you can either build your little world out of sand or destroy it to hell! Do not be shy.

Easy enemies during the walkthrough

If you want to make it easier to defeat enemies, simply create a new character and choose the main skills that you hardly use or don't use at all. Yes, you won’t be particularly pumped up - just like the opponents you’ll meet.

Tired of being overloaded?

To reduce weight, you can make potions that will reduce weight, although not for long.

Unfortunately, this advice does not apply to real life, but only to games.

In general, there are several tips. One of them requires a more or less leveled up Alchemy skill and access to the Arcana University.

The simplest solution is to enchant a weapon or piece of armor to increase strength or decrease weight.

There is something more complicated - through alchemy. If your skill is up to par, you can make potions that will reduce your weight by hundreds.

True, only for a few minutes. And if you drink several potions at a time, you can lose weight over 1200 units for more than 500 seconds.

Kill ten bears quickly

In order to get a bear, you can lure it into the garden, and then shoot it with a bow or fill it with spells.

If you have problems with leveling, but you still have to kill ten wild bears for the farmer, then you shouldn’t despair.

Go for a walk, and when you come across a bear, run as fast as you can back to the farm. And then head to the fenced garden.

The bear will chase you. And when he is in the garden, run outside before he kills you and slam the door behind you.

All. The bear is trapped, and now you can shoot him with a bow or fill him with spells. Repeat ten times.

Easy Killing of Minotaur Lords

The Minotaur Lord is the most difficult and expensive monster.

Once you go through all the steps to the title of Grand Champion of the Arena and become one, you will be able to fight against some monsters once a week for a certain fee. The most difficult - and expensive - of them all is the Minotaur Lord. It gets to the point where you can go up against three of these peppers at a time.

The trick is to run back to the exit to the Arena at the very beginning of the battle: the minotaur lords are simply too gigantic to crawl behind you. And, since they do not have long-range weapons, you become unattainable.

You will need a bow and at least about 50 arrows. Well, or a good arsenal of attacking spells. Voila - the minotaur lords are defeated without any problems. And for your torment you receive at least 2000 gold. Agree, quite good.

Solving problems with Speech

Everything will become much easier when you join Arcana University (Mutki with the Mages Guild). You just need to create a very cheap spell: increase Charm (Enchant) by 100 points for 2 seconds. It's really cheap. This will solve all possible problems with Speech. This is incredibly useful in terms of Trading.

Gold from Count Skingrad

The Count of Skingrad is very absent-minded - which is where he needs to take advantage.

Oh, this Count of Skingrad is very absent-minded - and this will do you good.

When you complete the vampire quest (the one where you are cured of vampirism), he will offer you a reward for saving his wife from suffering.

Only he won’t remember that he has already rewarded you.

Ask him for 2500 gold again and again.

You will quickly be able to afford that lovely little house or improve your Alchemy or Trade skills, which are slowly gaining momentum.

Easier to win battles

The easiest way to defeat the AI ​​is to climb to a high point where the enemy cannot reach you.

The easiest way to defeat the AI ​​is to climb to a high point (for example, a rock), where the enemy cannot reach you.

The upgraded Acrobatics skill will be very useful here - you can easily jump to where no one will ever touch you.

Well, now use long-range attacks - magic and arrows to help.

Well, what if the enemy is also a truck driver? See if you can hide in cover or at least dance around something without going down.

If you fall or the enemy somehow rises towards you, try to do the same thing again in the same place - or find a better place.

Best light armor for beginners

The best light armor for beginners is the Bruzef Amelion armor set

Perhaps the best light armor you can get at the beginning. Go to Leyawiin (a town in the south). Just outside the city you will find the Tomb of Amelion - in the north, on east coast"river" Follow right side rivers and you will be happy.

Inside there will be a whole set of Bruzef Amelion's armor. They increase resistance to ice damage, the sword adds 5 units of cold damage. Believe me, at the beginning of the game it is simply wonderful. And it looks nice. Pieces of armor are scattered throughout the tomb, but they are not difficult to find.

Just leave the cuirass and sword in your inventory later - a quest will be associated with this tomb, and if you don’t have them, you will lose a thousand gold.

You don’t have a home, but you need to leave your trash (and other things) somewhere? Use roofs. Country houses are especially good for this purpose; They can usually be jumped onto from slopes or rocks. Items are not in the inventory, NPCs do not climb onto roofs, so your things will be safe and sound.

But you shouldn’t shove anything into random containers - when the game restarts, everything can simply self-destruct.

+5 to favorite stats

Oh, this is puzzling. The matter is resolved through the console. Will you take the risk? Forward.

Open the console ("~" key) and enter "setdebugtext 10", then add "TDT" - these commands will display all the information about your skills and show how much time is left before leveling up the skill. By entering "TDT" over and over again, you can open and close this information.

Have you played enough? Also admire how many points you have earned in each attribute.

For example, if it says STRENGTH: 10, this means that you received 10 strength points, which means that you will receive another +5 after leveling up. If you can take advantage of this and choose your profiling skills wisely, it will be quite easy to have +5 to your chosen stats during each level up.

Easily increase Stealth and Athletics

To increase your Stealth and Athletics skills, rest your forehead against a wall or corner and turn on autorun.

These two skills can be improved quite well at once. Stealth increases when you meet the following three conditions at the same time: you have at least one NPC near you, you remain undetected (the eye icon is dark), you move. Achieving this is very simple: just find a wall or corner next to which there is an NPC who is not looking at you.

Well, a guard or a goblin in a cave would be absolutely perfect. Did you find one? Great. Enter stealth mode, rest your forehead against a wall or corner and turn on autorun. Well, autorun, whatever you like. The hero will continue to move into the obstacle, while remaining hidden, and at this time you can calmly admire how your skill is growing. Just remember to first get rid of all light sources: spells, torches... And remember: if your Stealth is less than 50, take off your shoes, otherwise you will be noticed.

Athletics, even though it is not a core skill, is even easier to learn. To do this, you just need to walk or run. Well, you understand, right? You run into a wall - preferably a corner, so you can't turn anywhere - and use the autorun. Thus, the displacement is zero, but the speed is not. This means that you swing calmly, as if you were traveling. You also automatically provide yourself with +5 speed when you catch the next level-up.

The plot comes first

In games with open world, as a rule, everyone dilutes the storyline with the help of side quests and exploring locations. However, in Oblivion everything will have to be done a little differently. To be more precise - quite the opposite. The fact is that by completing all kinds of tasks you level up, and at the end of the game your opponents will automatically be of the same level as you. But the allies you go with will remain low-level, and therefore die easily. And you most likely will not beat the game.

One hundred percent invisibility

First of all, you need to be able to enter the University of Magic - to do this you need to complete at least one quest from the Mages Guild. Then make sure you have five large soul stones. Yes, it is difficult, but very important. Now enchant five pieces of armor with Chameleon. Congratulations, you are completely invisible! Enemies will not attack you, and the guards will not even notice that you are stealing something. Check it out if you don't believe me.

Is there a threat?

If you are unsure whether you should be wary of an attack, quickly enter stealth mode. If the crosshair is yellow, then look around: the enemy is somewhere nearby.

Storing loot in bones

Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing about Oblivion is when you have to part with valuable loot due to overload. This problem can be solved by killing a collapsing enemy - for example, a skeleton or a thunder atronach.

Take a fragment from the corpse of a fallen enemy using the "Z" key. In a small bone you can store as much loot as you need. Don't forget to bring it back to town to sell it or keep it for the future.

Finding cover under fire

When you are brutally assaulted in an abandoned tower, run up the stairs to the very top.

When you are brutally assaulted in an abandoned tower, run up the stairs to the very top.

There you can jump onto the ledge, where the enemies will no longer reach you.

There you will have time to heal and prepare for the second run.

This is also a great point to estimate the number of enemies - not only for tactical purposes, but also, um... Aesthetic ones.

Always immediately try to mark such safe places.

These can be high cliffs that are not easy to reach, destroyed walls... Sometimes it can even reach the roofs of buildings.

Easy increase in Alchemy skill

Alchemy, oddly enough, is one of the easiest skills to level up. Duplicate the necessary ingredients (it is written above how) and start preparing potions. Lots of potions. And yes, these potions can also be sold, and not cheaply...

Lifehack for the quest “Through a Nightmare”

To successfully complete it, reload until you get a weapon with 80 damage and an enchantment to use weapon disintegration nine times.

For those in the tank: a quest from the Mages Guild, in which you need to free Henantier from the world of his dreams. We're talking about the Test of Determination. Firstly, it’s worth saying that if you have a leveled-up Acrobatics skill, you can jump onto the balcony without a ladder and avoid the battle with two minotaurs. If your skill is insufficient... Let's move on to the second point.

Save before starting the Challenge. The fact is that the weapon spawns randomly, that is, it’s different every time. Yes, the staff of lightning will always be in place, but the other two... Randoooom!

Did you receive a not very good set? Reboot. Reload until you have a weapon with 80 damage and an enchantment to use weapon disintegration nine times. Now you can destroy the minotaurs' hammers, and everything will become much easier. This is especially noticeable at higher difficulty levels.

Lots of free money

Once you become the Grand Champion of the Arena, you will have the opportunity to fight one, two, or three Minotaur Lords.

This thing will provide you with at least 6000 gold per week. Once you become the Grand Champion of the Arena, you will have the opportunity to fight one, two, or three Minotaur Lords. Actually, these guys are hard to put down. But go ahead and take three at once. But when the gates go down, run not forward into the arena, but back.

Minotaurs simply won’t fit into your corridor because of their huge heads. It is enough to move away and throw spells at them or run up to them with a sword, hit them and run back so as not to get hit.

If you start to lose health, move away. Wait until the mana is restored, heal and... Again.

You will receive 3200 gold for victory and will be able to pick up three weapons that the minotaurs will leave behind - usually axes, hammers, etc. Doesn't sell cheap.

Almost easy to increase your Speech skill

A fairly quick and easy way to level up Speech - however, only for Xbox360. Start a conversation with someone and try to convince him. Start the mini-game with a circle - it doesn't matter whether you understand what to do or not. Just spin the circle and press A without stopping. You can do this for a very long time. You can take a break and watch TV. The main thing is to keep twisting and pressing. It doesn’t matter how the NPC reacts there. Well, something like this...

Enemies don't like eyebrows

Well, eyebrows. Curbs. Like invisible barriers between locations. As some oldfags remember, in Morrowind, opponents could not move to another zone. In "Oblivion" this seems to have been corrected... Or not?

It turned out that aggressive NPCs can indeed cross the boundaries between locales. But they very rarely do this in large groups. Sometimes they don't do it at all. This is especially noticeable in Kvatch if you enter a location with about six hostile Daedra subjects. You can just turn around and leave - one will follow you, the rest...

Further experiments showed that enemies leave the zone one at a time, or at most two at a time.

Rule and humiliate, gentlemen.

Free cool horse

The game gives you the opportunity to get a unicorn or a horse.

To get a free horse or even a unicorn, head south of the Imperial City across the moat until you see a camp on your compass.

Enter it and go south again until you see the Shrine of Hircine, then go south again into the open field, kill three minotaurs and...

Here it is, the unicorn.

Fast and strong!

Just don’t attack him, otherwise he’ll never let you ride him again.

Choose Journeyman as a magician's birth sign

When starting a game as a mage, always choose the Apprentice as his birth sign. In the end, this will allow you to cast master spells that require 500+ mana.

Well fed crab

On the road from Skingrad to the Imperial City there is a cave called “Green Meadow”. You will have to wander around inside, but in the end you will find a crab that has already eaten even the grandmother who cooked for it.

Secrets of the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

To call the console in Oblivion While playing the game, press the [~] (tilde) key. After this, you can enter cheats - game console commands with which you can influence the gameplay, thereby simplifying the passage of the game.

It should also be said that all console commands (cheats) in the game Oblivion insensitive to the case of letters, that is, a command to turn on/off. invulnerability T.G.M. equal to command tgm(same command, but written in lowercase).

How to set the default English language - this instruction will help you set the English language in the console Oblivion, if you speak Russian.

Master list of Oblivion cheat codes

List of the main and most popular cheats for the game Oblivion which will be useful in any situation.

T.G.M.- on off. invulnerability mode.
P.S.B.- get all spells. This command is very CPU intensive and can lead to the game closing. If after using a spell your game closes, do not use it (spell). You can only cancel this cheat by loading a previous save.
TMM 1- show, open all markers fast travel on the map
TMM 0- hide all fast travel markers. This command completely hides all markers in the game, including those that were opened independently.
TFOW- on off. fog on March of the world
TCL- on off. flight mode and walking through walls.
TFC- on off. free camera mode. This mode is a little similar to the TCL cheat, but unlike it main character remains stationary and only one camera moves. After turning off this mode, the camera automatically returns to the character.
TAI- on off. artificial intelligence all NPCs. All NPCs stop doing anything and just stand there doing nothing.
AdvLevel- raise character level 1
Player.SetLevel N- install N character level, where N number from 1 to 255
KillAll- kill all NPCs in sight

player.additem F 1000- get 1000 gold
player.additem A 500- get 500 master keys

SexChange- change the gender of the main character to the opposite
ShowBirthsignMenu- open the zodiac sign selection menu
ShowClassMenu- open the class selection menu. After using this command, your character's level in some cases may drop to 1. It all depends on the version of the game.

QQQ- quick exit from the game to the desktop. The game will immediately close without saving.
ShowSubtitle- on off. subtitles when talking to NPCs
TM- on off. game menu and interface. This mode can be used to create “clean” screenshots.
TWF- on off. grid of objects. This mode may only be useful when creating modifications to the game.
TFH- on off. show background information
TDT- on off. debugging information: FPS, current coordinates that can be used for fast movement and other sufficient helpful information, which can be used in conjunction with other cheats. Before use TDT You must indicate exactly what information you want to see. To do this you need to enter STD N, where instead N You must specify one of the following numbers:

  • 0 - information about the current game time and location ID
  • 8 - the amount of magic of the main character, all active spells and their duration
  • 9 - information about character attributes and skills
  • 10 - the amount of experience required to raise the current level
SWDP- list of NPCs who see your character
save name- create a save file named name

Codes for selected objects

The following codes will only work if an object or NPC is selected. To select an object in Oblivion you need to do the following:
  • get as close as possible to the desired object
  • open console
  • click on an object with a bear
  • enter cheat code
TCAI- on off. artificial intelligence of the selected NPC. If no NPC has been selected, then this command applies to all NPCs in the game.
tdetect- on off. detection. This cheat acts as if your main character is under the influence of invisibility - the NPC simply does not notice you. If no NPC has been selected, apply to all.
kill- kill NPC. Some characters who, after using this command, do not die, but only fall to the ground for a short time, cannot be killed in any way. They take part in the main storyline or in some other quests. Killing NPC data if possible would make the game unworkable and cause quests to freeze.
resurrect- resurrect the selected NPC.
unlock- open the lock of the selected object

Performance boost

As you know, after completing several college quests as a magician, it is possible to create spells with different duration, area of ​​effect and strength, but such spells, as a rule, consume a huge amount of magic, which makes their use impossible. However, the limitation on the maximum amount of magic, health and stamina can be bypassed using the console - you need to increase the characteristics using the following code: player.setav name N- set the characteristic value name V N units.

Example: player.setav Health 2000- set 2000 health

List of all characteristics that must be entered instead name:

  • Health - health
  • Fatigue - reserve of strength
  • Magicka - magic
Note. The maximum amount of magic, strength and health in the game itself is limited to 65,535 + magic from your intelligence. In other words, when entering the code to increase the characteristics in Oblivion You must enter a number no more than 65,535 (without a space), if you enter more, nothing will happen. This limitation cannot be circumvented by any third-party applications.

Leveling up your skills in Oblivion

To quickly improve your skills in the game Oblivion without wasting a huge amount of time, which can be spent, for example, completing the next exciting quest, you need to enter the following code: player.setav name N- install N skill level name

Example: player.setav Block 73- set blocking skill level 73

List of skills that need to be entered instead name:

  • Acrobatics - Acrobatics
  • Alchemy - Alchemy
  • Alteration - Change
  • Armorer - Gunsmith
  • Athletics - Athletics
  • Blade - Blades
  • Block - Blocking
  • Blunt - Blunt weapon
  • Conjuration - Witchcraft
  • Destruction - Destruction
  • HandtoHand - Hand-to-hand combat
  • HeavyArmor - Heavy armor
  • Illusion - Illusion
  • LightArmor - Light armor
  • Marksman - Shooter
  • Mercantile - Trade
  • Mysticism - Mysticism
  • Restoration - Restoration
  • Security - Hacking
  • Sneak - Stealth
  • Speechcraft - Speechcraft

Attribute Boost

In addition to the usual basic characteristics, the game Oblivion There are also several attributes that directly affect your character and which can also be increased using the console. To do this you need to enter the following code: modpca name N- increase the attribute value name on N units. To lower attributes, enter a negative number.

Example: modpca Strength 200- set 200 units. strength

List of attributes that must be entered instead name:

  • Strength - strength
  • Intelligence - intelligence
  • Willpower - willpower
  • Agility - dexterity
  • Speed ​​- speed
  • Endurance - endurance
  • Personality - charm
  • Luck - luck
Note. Maximum value of all attributes in the game is 255. If you enter a value greater than this, nothing will happen or it will give an error message.

Increase FPS in Oblivion

Next group console commands(cheats) does not affect gameplay or game balance in any way and is intended only to increase FPS in Oblivion for owners of relatively weak computers. These codes must be entered into the console in cases where the game slows down a little.

PCB- clear used memory. In some cases, it increases the number of FPS.
TG- on off. vegetation on the ground: grass and other greenery.
TT- on off. trees
TLV- on off. leaves on the trees
T.S.- on off. clouds
TLL- on off. objects in the background. The range of drawing and review is reduced.
TWS- on off. water display

ID of weapons, armor and other items

Using the IDs below Oblivion you can get any game item: weapons, armor, ingredients and other things that you can put in your inventory. Here is full list Item IDs Oblivion both from the original part of the game and all official DLC. All item IDs Oblivion you can add it in a standard, usual and at the same time slow way - open the console and enter one command for each item. If you want to get just one item, that's fine, but if you're going to add, for example, a full set of armor, a shield, some jewelry and weapons, then adding all these items will take you a lot of time. To reduce adding multiple items to one console command, do the following:
  1. Go to the main game folder.
  2. Create an empty text file add.txt.
  3. Using the item search form, which is located a little lower, find the items you need and click on them. After these steps, a list of items will be generated.
  4. Click the button to get the code.
  5. Paste the resulting code into the file add.txt.
  6. Go to the game and enter in the console bat add.txt
Note: close or restart the game after each file change add.txt no need.

To add 1 item manually, you must enter: player.additem ID quantity

Example: player.additem 00016C0F 3- get 3 “Yartar Sword”

Spell ID

Using this form you can find the ID of any spells from the game Oblivion and quickly learn or remove selected spells. To add many spells is necessary.
  1. Create a text file in the main game folder add.txt.
  2. Create a list of spells; press the button to get the code.
  3. Copy the resulting code to a file add.txt.
  4. Enter the command in the game console bat add.txt
Spell console commands:
  • player.addspell id- learn a spell
  • player.removespell id- remove the spell


Using the search form you can find the ID of any NPC in the game Oblivion and then create any number of characters, monsters and some other animals. Using the NPC search form you can also find mount IDs Oblivion- horses, including horses with armor. To quickly find horses in the field Name enter horse.

To create an NPC in the game console, enter: player.placeatme ID quantity

Example: player.placeatme 000CA000 5- create 5 wolves

Used in many Bethesda RPGs. Therefore, in most games, users can safely install amateur modifications, use console commands and change the appearance/gameplay beyond recognition. With the help of codes you can also make it easier for yourself to pass through high level complexity or just test some features. From this article you will learn what console commands there are in Oblivion and how to use them.

Team classification

There are a lot of console commands in the Oblivion game, so they can be roughly classified as follows:

  • Standard cheats. This category includes those commands that refer to ordinary cheat codes, familiar to all avid gamers. For example, turning on invulnerability, leveling up, completing a quest, and so on.
  • Actions with the card. Using this section of console commands for Oblivion, you can move around the game map, place a marker in any place, go to any dungeon, turn on/off the fog of war, and more.
  • Actions with objects and spells. This category of codes allows you to add, remove, change items in the inventory, as well as change levels, spells and character parameters.
  • Change of characteristics. A separate type of cheats that allows you to set any values ​​for the hero’s parameters (strength, agility, intelligence, etc.). There are also commands for changing name, gender, race and others external signs, which do not radically affect the gameplay.
  • Relations and factions. With these codes, the player can change the relationship between his hero and the NPC, as well as the reaction of any faction to your character.
  • Dialogues and quests. You can use commands like these in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion to start and complete individual quests.


Each of the console commands has its own syntax, without which the code simply will not work. All cheats must be entered strictly on English language, case sensitive and exact number of spaces/characters. Below you can see several examples of entering cheats. After that, use the commands, changing only the numeric values ​​(item IDs, quantity, and so on).

To access the console, you need to press the "~" key. It is assigned as the default game. If the console does not open, check the key assignments in the game settings. After you have entered the code correctly, you must press the Enter key to activate it.

Support programs

If, in addition to console commands, you are going to modify Oblivion using third-party add-ons, then you will definitely need a utility called Oblivion Mod Manager. It allows you to place modifications in the correct order to improve the stability of the game. The software is also used to install textures, unpack archives and much more. The Oblivion Mod Manager app is an essential tool for players who actively mod the game. TES 4: Oblivion.

Now we will look at a number of console commands that can be useful to almost every fan of this game.

Regular commands

First, we will list the codes that allow you to pass a difficult place in the game, finish a quest that has caught a bug, quickly replenish your health, and so on. In general, these cheats can be called the most common. These include the following:

  • TGM - invulnerability;
  • Killall - killing everyone around, including friendly characters;
  • CompleteQuest - completion of the current task;
  • Help - displays a list of all commands;
  • player.coc *ID of place or location* - instant teleportation to a specified location;
  • tfc - free camera movement;
  • savegame *name for the slot" - saving the current game progress;
  • qqq - quick completion of the game;
  • AdvSkill and AdvLevel - increasing the level of ability and experience, respectively;
  • Unlock *object name* - this command opens the specified object on the map and allows you to quickly navigate to it.

We got acquainted with the main console commands in Oblivion. Now let's move on to those codes that allow you to obtain any items, spells and skills.

Commands for obtaining items

Using the console, players can easily add any item knowing its unique number. Below we will look at the procedure for adding items.

First you need to remember the basic commands:

  • player.additem *item ID* *quantity* - code for adding a certain item in a certain quantity;
  • player.removeitem *item ID* *quantity* - the same thing, only removing an item from the inventory;
  • player.equipitem *Item ID* *quantity* - equipping a specific item on a character.

Now you need to find out the item IDs for console commands in Oblivion. You can find a complete list of unique codes on any of the databases dedicated to this series of games. ID consists of numbers and letters arranged in random order.

Using console codes, you can get not only weapons, armor, food, garbage, and so on, but you can also add soul stones, quest items, and any item that may appear in your inventory during the course of the game.

Oblivion console commands for skills

Now let's move on to the second category of codes. With their help, you can transform your hero into any class in a few seconds or test a specific build so as not to waste time leveling up a useless character.

To increase skill levels, you must use the command player.setav *name* *value*. Each skill has an individual name in English:

  • Block.
  • Acrobatics (acrobatics).
  • Alchemy (alchemy).
  • Alteration (change).
  • Armorer (gunsmith).
  • Athletic (athletics).
  • Blade (swords).
  • Blunt (blunt weapon).
  • Conjuration (change).
  • Destruction.
  • Hand to Hand (hand-to-hand combat).
  • HeavyArmor (heavy armor).
  • Illusion (illusion).
  • LightArmor (light armor).
  • Marksman (shooting).
  • Merantile (trade).
  • Mysticism (mysticism).
  • Restoration (restoration).
  • Security (hacking).
  • Sneak (stealth).
  • Speechcraft (eloquence).

For example, to increase the level of the "Trade" ability to 100 points, you must enter the code playersetav mercantile 100 and press Enter.


In addition to abilities and skills, you can increase attributes using console commands in the Oblivion game. For this, the command modpca *attribute name* *number of points* is useful. The name in English can be found below:

  • Strengh (strength).
  • Intelligence.
  • Willpower (willpower).
  • Agility (dexterity).
  • Speed.
  • Endurance.
  • Personality (charm).
  • Luck (luck).

The principle of entering a line is the same as in the previous example above. In addition to attributes and skills, the game can also increase HP, mana, and stamina. To do this, you need to use the already familiar player.setav command, adding the parameter name and quantity to it. You can change Health (health), Fatigue (strength), Magicka (mana). The final cheat will look like this: player.setav health 1000 (increasing the maximum health level by 1 thousand points.

Console commands in "Oblivion" for spells

  • player.addspell *spell name* - adding an ability to the list of learned ones;
  • player.removespell *name* - removes the selected skill.

Each spell also has a unique name and ID address, which is used to create a command for the console. There are so many different abilities and spells in the game that it would be impossible to list them in one article. Therefore, you can use the knowledge base for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and copy the name of the spell from there. There is no need to assign a numeric value at the end of the command, since there can only be one ability.

The game is divided into a number of schools - restoration, change, illusion, witchcraft, mysticism, destruction. In each of the areas there is a gradation of skill - beginner, student, specialist, expert, master. Each level has a certain set of spells and skills. You can assign any of them to your character using the command described.

Additional Information

Listed above are console commands in Oblivion that can be useful to any player. The developers have also added a number of codes that are used quite rarely, but have an interesting or very useful effect.

The following are facts and rules you need to know before using commands for Oblivion:

  • The maximum numeric value can be 255, but cannot exceed this number. If you enter 256 or more, the parameter will reset to 0.
  • The codes work properly both when entered as an abbreviation and when entered in full.
  • All entered codes are applied to the game character by default. If you want to perform any action with an NPC, then you need to open the console, select the desired character so that the target appears at the top of the screen, and then enter cheats.
  • Any unique ID consists of 8 characters. If you found an item number from more numbers and letters, then it will not work in the game.
  • If you want to add an item from any modification using an ID, then this addition should come first in loading priority. The already mentioned Oblivion Mod Manager will help you in arranging mods.

Now you know almost all the nuances that need to be taken into account when working with console commands in the game TES: Oblivion!

General information

The console opens with the "~" button (or some other one, depending on your keyboard). After opening the console in the lower left corner of the screen, you can write commands, completing them by pressing Enter, move up/down/right/left along the lines, or scroll through them using the "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons.

The console is not case sensitive: entering "TDT" or "tdt" will be equivalent. Commands that are abbreviations of words can also be run with their full name, for example, "tai" = "toggleai" and "getav" = "getactorvalue".

When executing a command on a target, you must first select an NPC/object and make it active, otherwise it will affect your character. To address a command to your character, you can use “player.command”, and to an NPC with a known RefID - “RefID.command”, or simply click on it with LMB. When an NPC/object is selected, its name and hex code will be displayed at the top center of the screen. For example, to unlock a locked door, you should open the console, LMB on this door so that its name and RefID appear at the top of the screen, and then enter the unlock command.

Some commands require FormID, and some require RefID. There are many articles on this site with given item IDs, you can also download archive (165kb) with a list of identifiers (this is a download of all names from the Russian Golden Edition of TES IV). If you need the ID of the earth's ring, for example, then the searched line in this file looks like this:

FormID: 0009844B EnchRingMundane CLOT Earth Ring

It is much more difficult to find out the correct identifier for items from plugins, because in this case, you also need modindex - the first two digits in FormID, which can vary depending on the number of connected plugins and the order in which they are connected: 01, 02, 03, etc., up to FE (Oblivion.esm is always loaded first, so for it modindex is 00, both in CS and in the game). Ways to find the modindex plugin:

  • find the NPC/object brought into the game by this plugin, open the console and click on it with LMB, then you will see the FormID, where the first two digits are exactly that modindex;
  • if you are using Oblivion Mod Manager, modindex will be shown when you hover over the plugin name in the list of connected mods;
  • if you are using Wrye Bash, the modindex for all active plugins can be viewed in the second column on the Mods tab;
  • The FormID of items, objects and characters can also be determined in-game using the FormID Finder plugin.

Note: if you have problems opening the console (this happens in Windows Vista), then try to bypass it again using plugins:

  • Ring of Console - adds a ring to the inventory, when equipped, the console opens;
  • Change Console Key - changes the standard key that opens the console.

Warning: Use console commands with caution!

Switch commands

  • pcb(Purge cell buffer) - allows you to free up used memory, often increasing fps;
  • showsubtitle- shows/hides subtitles for conversations between NPCs;
  • tfh(Toggle full help) - shows/hides help;
  • tdt(Toggle debug text) - shows/hides debug texts on the screen (sdt N is entered first, then tdt):
    • sdt 0 - in-game day of the week, date, time, EditorID of the current cell and its name displayed on the map,
    • sdt 8 (Magic Info) - the character’s magic reserve and all active spells with the amplitude and time of their action,
    • sdt 9 (Actor Info) - all values ​​of the character’s current/basic attributes and skills,
    • sdt 10 (Skill Usage) - current values ​​of all skills and their values ​​required for leveling;
  • tai(Toggle AI) - selectively turns on/off artificial intelligence (AI);
  • tcai(Toggle combat AI) - selectively turns on/off combat AI (if you don’t select anyone, it will affect everyone);
  • tdetect(Toggle AI detection) - turns on/off AI detection (if you don’t select anyone, it will affect everyone);
  • tgm(Toggle god mode) - turns on/off the invulnerability mode (only affects your character);
  • tcl(Toggle collision) - selectively turns on/off obstacles (your character will be able to fly!);
  • tfc(Freeflying camera) - enables/disables the free camera (the character remains in place);
  • tg(Toggle grass) - shows/hides grass;
  • tll(Toggle land LOD) - shows/hides remote landscape (LOD);
  • tlv(Toggle leaves) - shows/hides leaves;
  • ts(Toggle sky) - shows/hides the sky;
  • tt(Toggle trees) - shows/hides trees;
  • tm(Toggles menus) - shows/hides menus (great for taking screenshots!);
  • tmm N(Show/hide all map markers) - opens(N=1)/hides(N=0) all markers on the map;
  • tfow(Toggle fog of war) - opens/hides as yet unexplored areas on the area map;
  • twf(Toggle wireframe mode) - shows/hides the grid.

Commands to target

  • additem BaseID N- adds N items with the specified BaseID to the inventory;
  • removeitem BaseID N- removes N items with the specified BaseID from the inventory;
  • equipitem BaseID- equips an item with the specified BaseID on an NPC/creature (subject to its availability in the inventory);
  • removeallitems- removes all items from the target's inventory (does not affect non-playable items);
  • addspell SpellCode- adds a spell with the specified ID;
  • removespell SpellCode- deletes a spell with the specified ID;
  • dispel SpellCode- dispels a certain magical effect from the target;
  • dispelallspells- dispels all applied magical effects from the target;
  • Prid RefId- selects an NPC with the specified RefId (this NPC will become the target for all subsequent commands);
  • disable- removes the selected object/NPC from the game world;
  • enable- returns the object/NPC deleted with the disable command;
  • kill- kills the selected creature/NPC;
  • resurrect- resurrects the selected dead creature/NPC;
  • createfullactorcopy- creates an exact copy of the selected NPC;
  • deletefullactorcopy- deletes the created copy of the selected NPC;
  • DuplicateAllItems RefID- copies all items from the target’s inventory into a container with the specified RefID;
  • moddisposition ActorId N- changes the location of the selected NPC to the player (-N reduces the location);
  • SetActorFullName name- sets a new name for the selected NPC/creature;
  • placeatme BaseID- creates a new copy of the selected NPC/creature and places it in front of the character;
  • moveto RefID- teleports the character to the place where this moment there is an NPC with the specified RefID;
  • setcrimegold N- “hangs” a fine of a certain amount on the target;
  • payfine- “repays” the target’s penalty;
  • getav attribute- shows the value of the specified target attribute;
  • setav attribute N- sets the specified value to the specified target attribute;
  • setlevel N- changes the target level;
  • lock N- locks the selected door/container (difficulty can be selected from 0-99);
  • unlock- unlocks the selected door/container;
  • SetOpenState state- changes the state of the selected door (1 unlocks and opens, 0 closes without locking);
  • SetOwnership owner- changes the owner of an item/building to another NPC, some faction or your character;
  • startcombat- causes an NPC/creature to attack another creature/NPC/player;
  • stopcombat- causes the NPC/creature to stop fighting.

Other commands

  • qqq- exit the game without calling the menu;
  • save Name- saves the game under the selected name;
  • saveini- saves the oblivion.ini file with current settings;
  • swdp- shows a list of those who noticed your character;
  • psb- adds all the spells available in the game to your character;
  • advlevel- opens a level-up window where you can raise your character’s level;
  • advskill skill N- increases the selected character skill by N units;
  • modpca attribute N- adds N units to the specified character attribute;
  • modpcs skill N- adds N units to the specified character skill;;
  • setpcfame N- sets the character's good fame value;
  • setpcinfamy N- sets the character's infamy value;
  • sexchange- changes the gender of your character;
  • showbirthsignmenu- allows you to change your character’s birth sign;
  • showclassmenu- allows you to change the class of your character;
  • showracemenu- allows you to change the race of your character;
  • setquestobject BaseID flag- sets(flag=1)/removes(flag=0) the status of the quest item;
  • killall- kills all NPCs and creatures in the area (except for immortals on quests);
  • completequest questid- completes the quest with the specified ID;
  • caqs- completes all quests;
  • getstage questid- returns the current stage of the quest with the specified ID;
  • setstage questid stage- sets the quest with the specified ID to the selected stage;
  • movetoqt- moves the character to the current goal of the active quest;
  • sq- shows a list of all quests;
  • sqt- shows the status of the active quest;
  • enableplayercontrols- enables character control during cinematic cutscenes;
  • coc CellName- moves the character to the location with the specified CellName;
  • coe X,Y- moves the character to the location with the specified coordinates;
  • fw ID- changes the current weather to another one, with the specified ID (for a list of weather identifiers, see the spoiler below);
  • showenchantment- opens the enchantment window;
  • showspellmaking- opens the spell creation window;
  • set timescale to N- sets the speed of play time;
  • set globalvar to value- sets the selected global variable to the specified value;
  • show globalvar- shows the current value of the specified global variable;
  • getgs game_setting- returns the default value for the selected game settings in the current save;
  • setgs game_setting value- sets the value for the selected game setting in the current save.


All FormID, BaseID, SpellCode, CellName and other identifiers can be found in this archive, list ID possible options Cyrodiil, Oblivion and Shivering Isles weather:

  • 000370CE Paradise (CamoranWeather);
  • 00038EEE Clear;
  • 00038EF0 Cloudy;
  • 0000015E DefaultWeather;
  • 00038EEF Fog;
  • 00032e15 OblivionDefault;
  • 00067198 OblivionElectrical;
  • 000671A1 OblivionMountainFog;
  • 000C0999 OblivionSigil;
  • 00067199 OblivionStorm (Oblivion);
  • 000836D5 OblivionStorm (Tamriel);
  • 0006bC8B OblivionStorm (MQ16);
  • 00038EEC Overcast;
  • 00038EF2 Rain;
  • 000C42DE Sigil Whiteout;
  • 00038EED Snow;
  • 00038EF1 Thunderstorm;
  • 00008BBC Thunderstorm (Kvatch);
  • 000452B5 SI - Summoning Weather (SE09);
  • 000825A6 SI - Jiggy Weather (SE13);
  • 00015883 SI - Gloom Storm (SE32);
  • 00044F58 SI - ClearBlue;
  • 00078801 SI - Clear;
  • 0006D221 SI - Clear01;
  • 0006D222 SI - Clear03;
  • 0008EF42 SI - ClearTrans;
  • 00044F59 SI - Cloudy;
  • 00044F5A SI - Fog;
  • 00079D76 SI - Mania Fog;
  • 00077C0A SI - Ordered Fringe;
  • 00077B28 SI - Overcast;
  • 00044F5C SI - Rain;
  • 00071D2F SI - TestAsh;
  • 00044F5D SI - Thunderstorm;
  • 00077B56 SI - WaitingRoomWeather;
  • 00041775 SI - TestBlissClear.

Almost all of the above console commands also work in Fallout 3 And Fallout: New Vegas, because these games are made on the same (improved) Gamebryo engine.

Questions about using console commands for your specific case can be