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World map in the interior of a nursery. We use geographical maps in the interior. Geographic maps in the interior in the design of the floor and ceiling

We offer you to buy photo wallpaper world map to decorate the interior of a children's room and study. Canvases with three-dimensional and realistic images have a beneficial effect on visual receptors, promote learning and better memorization of information. Using the printed elements, the child will be able to study countries, their language and geographical terms. For younger age groups, the wallpaper will be an ideal play base with which they can play pirates, explorers and sailors.


World map photo wallpaper for children is mounted on the wall and is available in several variations:

  • antique map - suitable for decorating a teenager’s room, looks aesthetically pleasing due to its subdued brown and beige tones;
  • sea ​​map – fits perfectly into the interior of a boy’s or girl’s nursery, displays water resources planets and the movement of ocean currents;
  • photo wallpaper in the form of a political map of the world - distinguished by its variegated colors and variety of colors used, it looks ideal in a light and airy bedroom;
  • a physical map with one or two hemispheres – emphasizes attention due to circular details, while creating a dynamic environment.

Before purchasing, you should decide on the location of the canvas. Our store offers custom-made products and ready-made world map photo wallpapers on the wall with dimensions indicated. A function for selecting the width and length of the canvas is available on the website.

Geographic maps have long attracted people's attention. Maps are an amazing invention of mankind. This is not only an integral part of the science of geography, but also magic item, which makes you mentally transport yourself to exotic countries, swim across seas and oceans, climb steep mountain peaks, or simply travel in order to understand the world around you. Inside every person there lives a traveler who dreams of incredible adventures that develop emotions, expand their horizons, and discover new bright colors. However, no one can afford to travel continuously. But maps of continents, countries or cities will help you move to other places, learning the culture and traditions of different peoples. Therefore, geographical images in the interior are of great importance for people seeking to search and understand the secrets of the universe. Cards in the interior decoration of rooms serve as an excellent accessory for any style:

Each of us, while receiving school knowledge, studied physical, political or economic maps of the world. A variety of design solutions can combine all these types of images earth's surface: these include photo wallpapers, printed textile accessories, and embroidery. By entering our lives in this way, they can become our friends and helpers, especially for children and adolescents.

Decorating a nursery using geographic maps

Photo wallpaper with images different countries in a children's room - this is not only a decoration of the room, but also a colorful tutorial, helping to learn, develop imagination and fantasy.

Wallpaper with images of the earth's surface can cover the entire wall from floor to ceiling. To prevent this option from being too strict and reminiscent of a school geography classroom, it is important to think through the decorative items and color scheme throughout the room. For example, if you decide to use photo wallpaper with a political or physical map of the world in rich colors, you need to choose bright accessories in the nursery: furniture, a carpet on the floor, paintings or prints on the walls:

Geographic maps are a bright and self-sufficient element of the interior. Therefore, it is very important to design the interior decoration of the nursery so as not to overload it with the variety of other decorative elements. This will allow you to focus your attention on the map. It is better to place the image of continents and oceans on one wall, and paint the rest in neutral colors: white, cream, vanilla:

For young children, instead of photo wallpapers, images of continents and countries printed using stencils will look very original. Bright colors will attract the attention of future travelers and form a general idea of ​​the geographical structure of the world:

Options for using cards

An ordinary map simply pasted on the wall will not original decoration and will not create the desired effect. There are many ways to use geographical images in the interior.

Cards as style compositions

It is best to use a two-color card in soft pastel shades. This will visually expand the space and fit harmoniously into any room: hallway, hall. Moreover, maps can be not only physical or political. The plans of cities, metro or individual states look no less original:

And in rooms for active young people, non-standard two-color cards that will not disrupt the stylistic unity will be an excellent decoration:

Youth style today is characterized by creativity, simplicity and functionality of room design, so a map with the contours of the continents is just right would be better suited extravagant interior:

In a bedroom decorated in the style of an ascetic traveler’s home, an aged map casually attached at the head of the bed will emphasize the exotic restraint and unpretentiousness of all accessories:

Decorative elements from images of the Earth

In addition to the traditional decoration of walls with maps, you can show your imagination and use geographical images as extravagant decorative elements. A unique triptych made from a world map will become an inimitable accent in the living room:

Geographic maps can also be used in the kitchen or dining room. Roller blinds with a printed pattern in the form of a continent emphasize the originality of the design:

A fragment of the card can be used to decorate a convex ceiling rosette. To decorate it you need to use the same Decoration Materials, which were used in the main interior. This way you will maintain compositional unity, for example, in a room with colonial style elements:

Partitions for zoning space can also be covered with schematic images of our planet. It is best to choose colors that match pieces of furniture or other accessories:

In an area for mental activities, it is appropriate to decorate a wall with bookshelves or shelves with geographic wallpaper. This will give a special intellectual message to the room:

Organically fitting into interior design, cards become not only a beautiful addition or accent, they bring the spirit of romanticism and adventurism into our lives. This is a reminder of the beauty of our planet, about environmental problems on a global scale. For children and teenagers, such a decorative item contributes to the development of cognitive and educational abilities.

Tags: https://www..jpg 604 914Administrator https://www..pngAdministrator 2014-09-20 13:53:59 2014-11-09 14:51:07 Geographic maps in the interior

Wallpaper "world map" in a variety of images is a stylish and eye-catching decoration for any room

Wallpaper with map images has become a popular element of interior decor. They easily fit into different types of interiors thanks to the variety of images. Also, wallpaper with world maps can be used both to decorate the entire area of ​​the room, and to its individual parts. There are a lot of variations on the theme of which wallpaper to choose. The choice of wallpaper depends on the room in which the renovation will take place. This can be several rooms, with different types kart. Such cards have a wide format. They combine several functions and serve as room decoration. Same for educational purposes.

There are a great variety of wallpapers with different types of maps. This has a positive effect on the consumption of such wallpaper, as well as meeting the needs of each customer.

Common types of photo wallpapers:

  • Wallpaper in the style of ancient maps. Such wallpaper gives every room an aristocratic look. It is appropriate to use them in styles such as Baroque, Empire, Rococo. The color range ranges from green and turquoise tones to light brown shades. Such wallpaper will look very good in an office or fireplace room.
  • Wallpaper with a marine theme. Basically, such wallpapers depict continents, their contours, ships and marine paraphernalia: lifebuoys, anchors and steering wheels. They can be an excellent decor for an office or children's room.

  • Wallpaper with a classic map in the form of two hemispheres. Such wallpapers are often decorated in an antique style using a special method. Maps can be with the countries of the ancient states of Sumerian-Akkadian, Persian and other states.
  • Wallpaper with a world map in Art Nouveau style. Such maps reflect the geopolitical situation, the borders between countries are drawn with a dotted line. Very often designers use different kinds font for decorative writing of names of countries and cities.

Political map of the world: wallpaper for walls

A political map of the world on wallpaper is quite common among buyers. Such a card should be chosen with clear ideas about the interior style and the room in which it will decorate. Such wallpaper will ideally fit into simple interiors with large, bright spaces. They will fit ideally into an office where the atmosphere is conducive to thought and mental activity.

Political maps of the world can be presented in different languages:

  • In Russian;
  • In English;
  • In Chinese.

Gluing “world map” wallpaper to the wall (video)

Wallpaper: map of Russia

One of the fashionable modern trends is the use of wallpaper with an image of a map of Russia. What could be more unusual and patriotic than looking around the whole country in the morning. You can highlight your favorite places and cities on the map.

Wallpaper "map of Russia" is an elegant and extraordinary decoration for any room

Photo wallpaper with a map of Russia will fit well into any interior. It will look special in an office or above a table in a work area.

The map can also be used to decorate the walls in the living room, but the style of the interior and furniture should be taken into account. To avoid contrasting differences.

The most beautiful places in the world: wallpaper for the room

In order to add romance and unusualness to the interior atmosphere, wallpaper with images of the most beautiful places in the world is used. The buyer can choose the places that he likes and about which he keeps warm memories and hopes. Wallpaper can be made to your taste, to order.

It is important that the wallpaper be matched to the interior and color scheme of the furniture.

This type of wallpaper will look very harmonious in the living room, bedroom and even in the kitchen. After all, where else but with a cup of tea or aromatic coffee can you dream and plunge into the world of dreams.

Style compositions from wallpaper with maps

When placing wallpaper, it is very important to take into account the style in which the renovation was carried out. If you know some features and nuances, an ordinary room can be turned into an ideal example of style.

Secrets of placing wallpaper according to style:

  • In a room with a small area, experts advise using two-color world maps made in pastel colors. Thus, the map will help to visually make the space wider. Almost all rooms are suitable for such a card: hall, living room, dining room, bedroom. Maps can be physical or political.

  • For a high-tech style, a black and white card would be an excellent solution, which will look stylish and will not disturb the overall harmony.
  • An aged map will look very beautiful and unusual in the bedroom. It will add romance, naivety and sweet audacity to the overall style.
  • The walls in the room can be decorated not only with traditionally large solid wallpaper. You can make triptychs and diptychs from cards. Which will highlight the creative nature of the owner and make an accent in the entire interior of the room.
  • Wallpaper with images of various maps can be used to zone rooms, emphasizing the genre orientation of each zone.

A rosette made from photo wallpaper on the ceiling around the chandelier will look very beautiful. This will give the room an aristocratic look and at the same time introduce a bit of an adventurous spirit.

Solutions: where to place cards

Each room can be decorated in its own unique style thanks to wallpaper with maps. This will not only add charm to the room itself, but will also tell a lot about its owner, his character and hobbies.

Most suitable for room decor:

  • Cabinet. The presence of a map in the office will indicate the inquisitive nature of the owner, his accuracy, diligence and scrupulousness. The cards will look best above the table, in the middle of the largest available wall.

As an option for combining wallpaper with a “world map”, light, monochromatic colors are ideal. This is done so that the wall does not look too colorful

  • Living room. The cards look very harmonious behind the sofa and armchairs. If you choose this option to decorate your living room, you need to be careful when choosing the color of the remaining walls. It is advisable that their color be uniform.
  • Children's room. Here you can show your imagination, or even better, let the child choose the wallpaper themselves, the image of the map, as well as variations in their location on the walls. The child will like the cards and will contribute to the development of non-standard solutions and a craving for new knowledge.

Decorating walls with photo wallpaper depicting a world map is becoming increasingly popular. Once upon a time, this option for decorating walls already existed, but then the quality of the wallpaper left much to be desired.

Wallpaper “world map” in the interior (video)

Today, the construction market offers a varied selection of wallpapers of excellent quality, with clear patterns and bright colors. If necessary, the card can be made to order, realizing all your ideas and fantasies. The main key to success will be not to overload the interior, to choose a card that will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room in size, quality, image and color.

Wallpaper “world map” on the walls (photo)

Any maps can be used in the interior: precise geographical or political, fantasy, ancient or super-modern - depending on what result you want to get.

The basic rule: there should not be many other decorative elements, and they should not distract attention to themselves. Let the world map in the interior become the main component, and the surroundings become a calm background for it.

As a rule, the map itself, that is, a drawing of the earth's surface, is placed on one of the walls, covering the remaining walls with neutral light shades, for example, beige, olive, white.

If the room is small, then the world map on the wall should not be multi-colored. It is best if the continents are indicated in one tone, the water surface in another, and these tones are not too bright.

This solution will help to visually enlarge the room. Typically, this option looks good in a room for any purpose - such as a bedroom, nursery or living room.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

Maps in the interior can be anything, for example, a map of your city or the city where you like to relax, a metro map or your region will not only decorate the interior, but can also serve its intended purpose - quickly find a particular locality or route required route.

An interesting idea is the visual division of space using maps. For example, in the work area - wallpaper with a map or diagram, and in the bedroom - any other type of decoration.

Try to use the colors that are used in furniture upholstery, curtains, and decorative elements of your interior.

Living room

Those who love to travel enjoy marking places they have already visited on maps and plotting future routes. For such people, cards in the interior have a special meaning.

If you paint the outlines of the continents on one of the walls, indicating individual cities, then you can make such marks directly on the wall. The result is an interactive map that will serve not only as decoration, but also as a kind of informer.


It can be quite difficult to place a world map on a kitchen wall: usually the entire space is occupied by wall cabinets and household appliances. In this case, you can use a small map in the form of a poster, or apply a drawing of a geographical map to roller blinds.

Another option is to order an apron for your work area with maps on it.


The most “correct” map of the world in the interior of a children’s room is a classic geographical one, which gives an idea of ​​the real picture of the world. After all, for a child this is, in fact, not just a design element, but a real geography textbook. However, it could also be a map depicting the world of his favorite children's books.


When decorating a bedroom, the map is usually placed on the wall adjacent to the headboard.


Traditionally best choice placing a world map in the interior of the office is considered. If a separate room for an office is not allocated, then the map will help visually highlight work area in the living room or bedroom. Here they can be hung on the wall in frames, or mounted on sheets of plywood and hung above the desktop.


The bathroom, decorated in a marine style, will be successfully complemented by maps of great geographical discoveries. Cards can be used both in decoration (wallpaper or tiles) and as decorative elements (bath curtains or posters).

Photo wallpapers appeared in the mid-90s. Canvases very quickly became fashionable, although they were forgotten just as quickly because they were susceptible to mechanical damage and faded in the sun, but a few years ago designers remembered them again.

Today's photographic canvases differ from their predecessors in their high degree of resistance to mechanical damage, they are not subject to fading, and they are not at all afraid of water and dirt.

In addition to all of the above advantages, modern photo wallpapers are also very beautiful. Thanks to quality they have clear and realistic pictures, bright colors, and a variety of storylines.

Nothing reveals a person's essence more than his home. Here he feels comfortable, so each person tries to arrange his home based on his tastes and preferences. Every detail bears its imprint characteristic features and the worldview of the owner of the house.

Extravagant and extraordinary people prefer to decorate their apartment in a bright and glamorous style. Calmer natures limit themselves to neoclassicism, but pedants in the interior often try to use minimalism. And yet each person in his essence prone to romanticism and dreams of travel to distant continents and countries, so paintings on the theme of geographical maps will appeal to everyone’s taste.

If earlier for decorating libraries and offices used world maps, now designers use a more sophisticated method - with the image of geographical maps. These canvases decorate any room, regardless of its destination.

Classification of world maps through the prism of photographic images

World map photo wallpapers are classified into several categories:

Another striking example of modernist photo wallpapers are contour images of islands and continents, filled not with color, but filled with circles and small squares. Of course, such photographic canvases cannot bring any benefit, and their existence is aimed at a purely design function.

Anyone can choose photo wallpaper cards based on their taste preferences. Of course, it is worth paying attention to the functional properties of photo wallpaper. The simplest option is geographical images of the visible part of the wall, this way you won’t overload the overall background. The remaining walls can be painted or wallpapered in calm and neutral tones.

In small rooms you can use a canvas in the form bicolor pastel card: this will allow visually. In addition, this option will be looks good in a minimalist interior: kitchens, hallways, bedrooms and even in the bathroom.

They will be great for high-tech style two-color images of dark tones: they will fit into the overall interior and will not disrupt the unity of style.

Today, modern youth are characterized by creativity and preference for simpler and more functional room design. Therefore, photographic canvases with contour images of continents will look very impressive against the backdrop of an extravagant interior.

Another striking example of youth style is photo wallpaper in the form brick wall, on which the image of a geographical map is applied without explicit designations of continents and states.

A non-standard approach to the design of rooms will give the room a spirit of freedom and kindle the fire of the desire to travel.

Very often there are avid travelers who prefer to decorate their bedrooms and living rooms with geographical photo wallpapers, periodically marking on them the places they have visited. Just imagine one or two walls that are decorated with large-scale canvases from floor to ceiling.

To give your room a pioneering style furniture, lampshades, curtains and even the ceiling are decorated with images of cards. Using such accessories in the interior, you can declare yourself as an unusual and extraordinary person.

Canvases with images will look very interesting. The room can be decorated in the style of a “little traveler” or a “marine theme”.

In children's interiors, it is sometimes impossible to do without geographic photo wallpaper. The canvases will not only have a decorative function, but will also serve as a good educational aid on geography.

Or in the dining room you can also use geographical canvases, for example, to separate the dining area from the food preparation area. This way you can emphasize the originality of the design, and for additional decor you can use roller blinds or an apron in the form of cards.

Advice. An interesting result can be obtained if you decorate it with geographical canvases. If the spirit of sea voyages and wanderings is close to you, try using such decor in your interior design.

While enjoying a cool shower or soaking in a hot bath, you will see soft blue walls with a world map design. The blue color will give the bathroom a marine character and emphasize the appropriateness of the thematic canvas.

Important! The decoration of the rooms consists of many little things, so you can additionally use some original accessories in the form of a swimming ring or ship figurines.

Recently, office buildings have also begun to be decorated with geographical canvases. Images of world maps have an unobtrusive effect of globality and scale and allow you to concentrate and work productively all day long without being distracted by small things.

Photo wallpapers with geographical maps will harmoniously fit into the interior of any room. They can become not only stylish decor, but also to bring the spirit of adventurism and romanticism into everyday life.