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Which zodiac signs are compatible with each other? Bad alliance: which zodiac signs are not suitable for each other. Sagittarius and Capricorn


Creating a couple and family is a responsible and serious matter. Many people imagine how they will arrange their home, build strong relationships, and raise children. Remember: family life is a constant balancing act between passionate battles and love, among compromises and claims, selfless dedication and manipulation. It is believed that the quality of people’s family unions largely depends on the signs of the zodiac - after all, they determine the character and attitude of a person.

How to determine the compatibility of zodiac signs in love by date of birth

In most cases, determine the zodiac signs, suitable friend friend in love, you can use a special table. The date of birth of a particular person falls on a specific zodiac symbol. Knowing it, you can determine from the table the following: with a representative of which signs it is worth building a relationship and creating a marriage union in the future, and with which one it is better to remain friends or acquaintances. Thanks to the compatibility indicator, you can find out in advance approximately how long the alliance with a particular person will last.

Compatibility table

You can find out the compatibility of zodiac signs in love, regardless of age category, from the table related to astrology. It contains information about which horoscope compatibility options are favorable, and which may be far from the most ideal. The symbol “+” means that the combination is successful, “-” means it is unfavorable for getting married, and an empty cell indicates uniformity, neutral compatibility:





Zodiac signs - who suits whom in love

Check out more detailed horoscopes compatibility for men and women of each sign. Those who have such information will have a good chance to create a strong family where both spouses will respect each other. The combination of zodiac types will help you initially decide on a person with whom it will be interesting and fun to communicate, and problems will be solved easily and quickly.


The Aries woman is characterized by frequent mood swings and unpredictability. The key concept for her is desire, and in the broadest sense: from primitive needs to high spiritual aspirations. Sometimes it can be difficult for a partner to understand her. She loves riddles. The desire to compete is both its disadvantage and advantage. Conflict and hot temper are often condemned in a woman, but thanks to these qualities, Aries achieves his goals. It is quite possible to create a strong union with men who were born under the signs of the zodiac:

  • Sagittarius;
  • Virgo;

Due to the fact that Aries women - strong personalities and leaders by nature, then their relationship with Taurus, who is stubborn, will be difficult. A woman born under the sign of Aries will often quarrel with Gemini. As for union with the same zodiac sign, it is possible only in the presence of pure, strong love. In this case, you will have to accept the conditions of the other half - then the union will bloom.

Aries men are leaders by nature. He is distinguished by perseverance and self-confidence. Such a man imagines himself as a leader in various areas of life, including love. It is typical for him to set his own conditions and wait for his partner to fulfill them unquestioningly. An Aries man is able to create a successful couple with a representative of any sign, but on the condition that the chosen one will delve into every word of her partner. Relationships and marriages with Geminis often end in breakup due to the fact that such a man does not like powerful girls.


Representatives of this symbol are slow and unhurried individuals who need affection and sincere confirmation of their partner’s feelings. The Taurus woman is the most “earthly”. The energy of everything present and earthly is fully manifested in her. The main thing for her is her home and family. She shines at home: she manages life well, cooks well, and creates comfort for herself and her loved ones. Alliances with dynamic people are often doomed to failure.

To create a strong, good family, a Taurus woman should look for a representative of the stronger sex of one of the balanced signs - this is:

  • Fish;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

The Taurus man in most cases becomes good husband, to whom the concept of fidelity is not alien. Taurus's goal is to find that one and only girl. Often he tries to “take root” as early as possible, i.e. get married, build a house and have children. He would rather be with one woman for the rest of his days than change them like gloves.

The representative of the stronger sex with the Taurus symbol takes care of his soulmate and loves the comfort of home. He just wants to go with the flow with the person he adores. Life with him is considered comfortable and safe, although he can be demanding. In order not to sacrifice everything, it is better not to try to build a relationship with a Lioness, which will turn out to be unsuccessful due to her aggressive manners. The ideal would be a union of Taurus with a representative of the related element of Earth. A good alliance can be concluded with a girl:

  • Virgo;
  • Cancer;
  • Sagittarius.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are gentle and easily vulnerable romantic natures, who are characterized by many faces. They constantly need affection and expression of feelings from their partner. Gemini women need to feel that they are truly loved. Often they cannot contain everything that happens in their inner world, they select words to express their own feelings and thoughts. These representatives of the fair sex love poetry. For men it is both easy and difficult at the same time. Such girls can have an ideal family with:

  • Gemini;
  • Capricorn;
  • Aquarius;

Men born under the sign of Gemini are freedom-loving individuals who do not tolerate monotony or boredom in any area of ​​life, incl. and in love. They like to spend their time as actively as possible. Such a man lives in his imagination, and real relationships often seem very “grounded” to him. You should not think that he is not capable of a serious relationship, because... in fact, he can turn into a very ordinary husband who will quickly get used to comfort and will not waste time on a new union.

Such a representative of the stronger sex can wait in the wings for a long time, without giving the appearance that he likes someone. At the same time, he will look after you elegantly. The Taurus woman is capable of cooling the ardent temper of Gemini, which is characterized by explosiveness, but such a union will be relatively short-lived. It is recommended to avoid relationships with a Lioness or Pisces. Reasonable Libra and Virgo are able to please Gemini for a long time.


Cancer women, who are romantics by nature, need a courteous and attentive partner who will give gifts and give compliments. If the other half turns out to be a strong personality, then he will become a reliable support for the girl in life - such a marriage will be successful. They say about the Cancer woman that she is elusive, changeable, emotional, and tender. Being under the auspices of the Moon, such a girl quickly adapts to a person’s mood.

In fact, a lady born under the sign of Cancer is a caring mother, whose affection the representatives of the stronger sex miss so much. This is the secret of the special charm of these “lunar” persons. For a relationship to be successful, they must learn to trust their partner. Surprisingly, such “moon” girls are confident careerists who slowly, step by step, achieve their goal. They can achieve good compatibility with Leos and Taurus.

A Cancer man knows how to win a lady’s heart and make sure that she will always be with him. He tries in every possible way to prove his love to his partner, treating her with great respect. The ideal girl for him is someone who can make him laugh and feel somewhat relaxed, but most importantly, she should stay with him. Often such men are blinded by strong, influential ladies who turn out to be older. Relationships with Libra girls will be difficult. The perfect combination will become Taurus.


Girls with this fire sign are proud, strong-willed and noble; they easily place high demands on their other half. Due to the fact that they are strong and domineering natures who like dominance, they need an accommodating and softer partner. The Leo girl's main fuel is social recognition and love. She can achieve phenomenal heights - provided that she feels moral and material support. An alliance with Aquarius and Scorpio will not be the most successful.

For a Lioness, relationships with men are a wonderful battlefield. She will experience passion, resentment, jealousy and love. She uses such passions unconsciously to attract attention. The Lioness will not miss hers. It may seem that she is just a beast, but her motives are the most noble, because... such a girl fights for herself and her family using all possibilities. She can have strong and long-term relationships with Sagittarius or Virgo.

When a Leo man falls in love, he spares no effort to make the relationship truly luxurious. He is one of those people who remember the date he met his significant other and can fall asleep to a lady various gifts. At the same time, Leo is looking for a comrade-in-arms and best friend in a girl, with whom he will find it easy and fun. Since Leos are concerned about their well-being, and only then about the feelings and desires of their beloved, the other half must show care and endurance. Relationships with Libra or Gemini can have a tragic ending, but Virgo is the ideal marriage partner for Leo.


Women with the Virgo zodiac sign prefer to adhere to conservative views on life, so they need to be constantly pushed. They are energetic, punctual, honest. The Virgo girl does not like to show her emotionality to others, but she is able to demonstrate her almost manic concentration on details. Sincere love can manifest itself in a marriage between a Virgo woman and a Pisces man.

To avoid constant showdowns and misunderstandings, such a girl should not try to start a family with men of such signs as:

  • Scorpion;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Capricorn;
  • Scales;
  • Virgo.

A male representative born under the sign of Virgo is a good family man. It is easier for him to fulfill any whim of his soulmate than to offer something of his own. To show care and protect his love, he needs to feel needed. Such a man has the ability to attract a representative of the fair sex who is having difficult times. He is the one who can listen and support a person. At the same time, Virgo will begin to empathize. A good relationship can work out with Pisces, but it is not recommended to start a relationship with Aquarius and Scorpio.


In family relationships, Libra is compliant and tolerant. Considering that they have a changeable temperament, such a girl needs to look for a calm partner. She is very romantic, sees beauty in the most ordinary situations, phenomena, people. The ability to give everything an aesthetic meaning is inherent in her from birth. Ruled by Venus, the Libra woman has an innate sense of grace and unsurpassed diplomatic skills. You can achieve peace in relationships and balance them with:

  • Taurus;
  • Scorpio;
  • Taurus;
  • Aries;
  • Pisces.

The Libra man is almost never silent; he can say absolutely anything to his face, including what is contrary to etiquette or unpleasant. He feels entitled to criticize others and put people in an awkward position. Such a representative of the stronger sex values ​​equality and independence in relationships. He wants his other half to feel happy with and without him. The partner should prepare for sudden mood swings of the chosen one. Libra creates a good union with a Lioness, but a marriage with a Taurus can turn into a divorce. Relationships with:

  • Virgo;
  • Gemini;
  • Aries.


The Scorpio girl is a femme fatale, a seductress and an intellectual personality, inside of whom there is a hurricane of feelings and emotions. At the same time, she is distinguished by secrecy, because. does not show them to others. This lady is a master of self-control, loves extremes and needs extreme clarity in everything, including love. She likes a variety of men, but she has something in common. The chosen one must be strong, romantic by nature, and at the same time have a stable nervous system. An alliance with a partner of your own sign is doomed to failure, but a marriage with Pisces or Gemini will be successful.

A representative of the stronger sex with the zodiac sign Scorpio wants to create a true story of great love, a unique union. He needs a woman who can become the closest person to him. He likes independent, strong ladies who have many interests and successful careers. At the same time, Scorpio strives to become a leader in the family. He likes it when she lives by his rules. A good partner for Scorpio would be Sagittarius or Pisces. A harmonious relationship with Aquarius, Virgo, Aries will not work.


A girl with the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a freedom-loving person who does not tolerate control over herself. At the same time, she needs protection, tenderness, and attention. Such a lady does not lose heart and tries to defend her ideals to the last. The bar for her demands becomes so high that the Sagittarius girl often feels alone in the world. Sagittarius love interesting men, with whom joint activity is possible. As a couple, they always strive to teach and re-educate. Relationships with Aries, Aquarius, Gemini will be short-lived and full of quarrels. Best combinations:

  • Scorpion;
  • Capricorn.

Representatives of the stronger sex belonging to Sagittarius are charming people who attract the attention of many ladies. In relationships with Sagittarius, a special paradox arises - he wants to feel free with his chosen one. For this reason, it is difficult to keep such a man. He is able to become an excellent partner, although somewhat impulsive. A relationship with Taurus for a Sagittarius man can end in complete failure and severe shocks. A girl of the same sign and a Leo woman suit him best.


The Capricorn woman is perfection itself, an angel. She thoughtfully approaches her actions and actions before doing anything. If a Capricorn girl falls in love, she will become a support for her partner. Many such ladies devote themselves to their husbands. They will be interested in their career and constantly support their chosen one. They are distinguished by reliability and sincerity. It is better for Capricorn to enter into mutually beneficial and strong relationships with a man of an identical sign or Gemini, Taurus. There is no point in planning an alliance and going to the registry office with Libra, because... he is doomed to scandals.

Capricorn men are often indecisive and thoughtful. They need to be constantly pushed to take active action, but an alliance with them is designed to create a strong family. The core of Capricorn is stubbornness in all relationships. The value of such a representative of the stronger sex is that he is restrained and serves his job. Beneath the strict appearance of Capricorn lies a sentimental, sensitive nature. He should not instill optimism in himself in alliance with Pisces or Scorpios. The best combinations will be:

  • Calf;
  • Capricorn;
  • Sagittarius.


Girls born under this watery zodiac sign strive for a warm and cozy family environment. They require constant feeding of feelings, otherwise their love will quickly begin to fade away, turning into indifference. Aquarius is a model of originality and freedom, so such a girl cannot withstand the shackles of love. Housekeeping is not her strong point. She needs a partner with a sense of humor and emotional ease. A good union is possible with a Gemini chosen one. Relationships will be tense with:


The main characteristics of the Pisces girl (February 20 - March 20) are that she is insightful, loving, and incredibly romantic. The Pisces motto is “I believe.” Such a lady can stand up for herself, but she needs a strong, purposeful partner. The representative of this sign prefers to be in family life on the sidelines, giving the leading role in the pair to his partner. Her union with Capricorn or Aries will become difficult. To make your relationship more positive, you should pay attention to:

  • Scorpio;
  • Cancer;
  • Virgo;
  • Taurus;
  • Fish.

The Pisces man is flighty and very changeable. In a relationship with him, you should be patient and show understanding. The main secret of the affection of such a representative of the stronger sex and a successful relationship with him is considered to be the lack of desire to re-educate. The marriage of a Pisces man with an Aries or Capricorn is doomed to rapid failure. A good union is possible with:


Which zodiac signs are suitable for each other in love - compatibility horoscope


It is impossible to deny that constellations influence our lives. Before looking for love, relationships, or planning to get married, you need to find out which man suits a woman according to her zodiac sign. The topic of gender relations has long been studied by psychologists and astrologers. The combination of people to some extent depends on the date of birth, the horoscope for the compatibility of zodiac signs. If you understand the secrets and laws of astrology, you can prevent many mistakes in your personal life.

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

You can find out the compatibility of zodiac signs in love using synastry astrology. This direction arose in ancient centuries and includes precise calculations, analysis and observations. Horoscope compatibility is based on which element the zodiac sign belongs to: fire, water, air, earth. From this we can conclude about the similarity of interests, the level of trust, and possible conflicts. To understand which men are suitable for a woman according to her zodiac sign, you need to look at the zodiac circle. If there are two positions between the representatives of the elements, then they are incompatible.

Compatible signs

Capricorns, Aries, Aquarius can avoid family relationships for a long time. Cancers, Aquarius and Pisces get along well with representatives of their signs and elements. Such unions are doomed to happiness, harmony, and mutual prosperity. Cardinal cross signs (Aries, Capricorn, Cancer and Libra) are looking for a strong, independent soul mate. The most faithful in relationships are Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio. These are proud, capricious natures who are monogamous by nature, love constancy and treat with contempt those who often change sexual partners.

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini are considered more spontaneous and changeable personalities. They choose partners who are similar to themselves. With such men you will experience the whole gamut of love feelings, a lot of positive emotions. A marriage with a representative of this four will be successful if both partners can settle down, find common interests and common ground. Compatibility of zodiac signs in relationships provides a chance to study the character traits of each representative, methods of dealing with conflicts with them and finding common ground.

Incompatible signs

Cancer does not get along well with Libra, the first is inclined to a calm, measured life, and the second is constantly looking for adventures. Aquarius is not used to running and bowing, when, like Pisces, they are selfish by nature and require increased attention. It is difficult for Sagittarius and Scorpio to get along in everyday life; family life is contraindicated for them. Scorpios have clear boundaries, do not give in to persuasion, entreaties and want total control. Capricorns and Geminis will often face conflicts. The former are always guided by reason, the latter by emotions.

Compatibility of horoscopes of men and women

Love compatibility according to zodiac signs depends on the elements to some extent. To get a complete picture, it is important to know the horoscope sign and the element to which the person of your heart belongs. Leo and Aries can expect pleasant emotions from the union, but Sagittarius and Aries will find it difficult to get along and find common interests. Compatibility of signs from representatives of different elements:

  • water/land – good;
  • air/fire – normal;
  • fire/earth – bad;
  • one element is good.


The compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs in love differs from the forecast for marriage. Couples who are in perfect harmony during a romantic relationship may not get along at all in everyday life. Below is a marriage compatibility table. Rating scale - from 1 to 5. 1 - conflict union, 2 - many contradictions, 3 - moderate relationship, 4 - good union, compatible signs zodiac, 5 – ideal partners.





In love

The compatibility of partners in love depends on many factors. Disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts arise due to different expectations. Cancers are slow, like to think and analyze a lot. They do not tend to violently express emotions or make scandals. This can irritate overly active partners. Geminis, with their frantic pace of life, cannot sit still and are constantly trying to learn new information.

Virgo's rancor does not give them the opportunity to forgive the impulsive, hot-tempered actions of Aries. Suspicious, shy Pisces will pale in comparison to the graceful, eloquent Leo. This can cause envy and anger. If you take into account the horoscope for the compatibility of zodiac signs and character traits, you can build strong relationships based on love and respect.

Physical Compatibility

Aries men are temperamental, passionate in bed, but quickly cool down. Their partner must maintain passion all the time, be hot. Aries girls often take the initiative in sex, which puzzles Cancers, Pisces, and Virgos. In public, a Taurus man does not show tender feelings, but a real hurricane awaits his partner one-on-one. Capricorns are the best at supporting his mood. Taurus women in bed completely shift their attention to their partner, which is why many people remember them for the rest of their lives, ideal sexual compatibility with Virgo.

Geminis are not monogamous and are ideally combined with their elemental representatives. Cancers are capable of being gentle and sensual, they love long foreplay, kisses, and caresses. Without love they do not have sex. Ideal sex partner – Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces. A Leo man in bed wants to feel like he’s in charge, wants to surpass all his partner’s previous lovers. Good lovers are Aries, Leo, Taurus. The Leo woman gives herself completely only to strong, powerful men, who are Scorpios and Capricorns.

Virgos are characterized by stiffness and tightness; it is difficult for them to trust a stranger. Taurus and Scorpio will be able to conquer the impregnable fortress. The Libra man loves to give compliments and decorate the marriage bed beautifully. With him, a woman feels like a queen. In bed they feel good with Lionesses, Aries and even pious Virgos. A Libra woman expects romantic feelings and tenderness from a man, and goes well with Libra and Aquarius. Scorpios are modest in appearance, but have powerful potential and are often ready to experiment. Compatible with all signs.

What kind of man does a woman need according to her zodiac sign?

You can break a series of unsuccessful relationships if you find out which men are suitable for a woman according to her zodiac sign. Character traits, traits, weaknesses - all this was written in ancient times by astrologers. The science of the stars will allow you to more carefully choose a future partner with whom you can create the foundation of a strong relationship. Below you can find out which man suits a woman according to her zodiac sign.


Aries women are under the protection of Mars. These are passionate, strong individuals who want an equal partner. Aries only needs successful, confident men. Ideal candidates for husbands are Scorpios, Sagittarius, Leos. There may be conflicts in relationships with Aries men; everyone will pull the steering wheel in their own direction. Beware of Cancers and Capricorns.


This is a sign of the earthly elements, which is under the protection of Venus. Taurus women are very sexy, feminine, and romantic. Without flirting and attention from men, they can become depressed. Gemini, Cancer, and Pisces will help them maintain fire and romance in their relationships. Sometimes an alliance with Scorpios is successful. Avoid Taurus and Aquarius men.


Gemini women belong to the element of air, under the protection of Mercury. Such ladies are talented, creative, and feel good in society. Geminis cannot stomach stingy, petty men. Libra, Aries, Taurus, and Aquarius are suitable for starting a family. There can be true love with Gemini men, but they are not suitable for family. Beware of Virgos and Scorpios, they will drive you crazy with their stiffness.


The Cancer woman belongs to the element of Water, and her patron is the Moon. She is distinguished by her fragile physique, grace, beauty, and meek character. When choosing men, she often focuses on external gloss. Cancers love well-dressed, stylish people. The sloppiness of Gemini and the silence of Pisces often do not attract them, which is right. The ideal union will be with Scorpios.

a lion

The Leo woman is considered a representative of the fire element under the auspices of the Sun. Most of them are bright, energetic, successful, beautiful women. They love style, chic and external shine. The whole life of Lionesses is like a movie. They always have spare fans in their arsenal, so there is no problem of choice. With Pisces, a Leo woman will be bored. A good union is possible with Scorpios, Taurus, Capricorns.


The Virgo woman belongs to the element of Earth, the protector is Mercury. She has well-developed intuition, which allows her to weed out unnecessary fans. Virgos never forgive betrayal, deception and laziness in their partner. They are loyal, ready for serious actions, but in a relationship they expect the same. Astrologers believe that you need to build love with Scorpios, Cancers, Capricorns. Beware of Leo, Aries, Gemini.


The Libra woman represents the element of Air and is protected by Venus. She is a harmonious, sensual nature. Libra attracts many men with its softness, tact, and feminine energy. They do not recognize violence, stubbornness, or rudeness against themselves. A happy union will be with Cancers, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces. Conflicts with Leos, Taurus, Aries are possible.


Scorpio women belong to the element of Water, their patron is Pluto. They are particularly seductive, proud, and cunning. Scorpios approach choosing a partner for a serious relationship with all responsibility. They are attracted to stylish, charismatic men who can surprise a lady in bed. The Scorpio woman is demanding and picky, but if she falls in love, she throws herself into the pool headlong. Harmony in marriage will be with Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn. Beware of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.


Sagittarius women are under the fire element, Jupiter protects them. They give themselves completely to feelings, are created for ardent love, and therefore choose men with temperament. Whining, suffering, stinginess - these are the things that push Sagittarius away. For the sake of their loved ones, they are capable of many sacrifices. It is better to choose a companion among Aries, Libra, Aquarius. Disagreements are possible with Taurus, Leo, Capricorn.


Capricorn women are earth signs, under the protection of Saturn. For the most part, they are confident, have high self-esteem, value intelligence, and love to play cat and mouse with a partner. They are attracted by the very stage of acquaintance, building relationships. Capricorns love to conquer the object of passion, more often it is the best man from their environment. Taurus, Virgo, Pisces are suitable for marriage. Beware of Aries, Gemini, Libra.


Aquarius women belong to the element of Air under the auspices of Uranus. They are attractive, bright, and know how to please opposite sex. In love affairs, Aquarians are extremely picky and prefer cheerful and active partners. More often in their life there are many different hobbies. They will be successful in love if they choose partners Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Pisces. Relationships with domestic Virgos will be boring.


Pisces women belong water element, are under the protection of Neptune. They are creative, emotional, smiling, romantic natures. Pisces often lose their heads over strong, unapproachable, mysterious men. They cannot rationally explain their choice, but often their mind and heart are in harmony. Success in marriages is possible with Cancers, Libra, Scorpios. With Sagittarius, Pisces will have a short-term romance, or non-reciprocal love.


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Which man is suitable for a woman according to her zodiac sign - compatibility horoscopes by date of birth

The stars know about compatibility in relationships born of love. The zodiac signs of the partners will tell you whether they are suitable for each other in love, whether their marriage will be happy, and with whom from the zodiac circle love and a strong family will not develop.


It is extremely important for you to create a relationship with a partner who will balance your fiery explosiveness. However, on the other hand, you need a person with a core. You can only be influenced by the power of authority. You will be able to build harmonious relationships with Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Libra. If you happen to fall in love with Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer or Pisces, you will only dream of peace. In family relationships with these signs, you will feel like you are on a battlefield.


Heaven has given you the ability to sympathize, empathize and find yourself in the right time and space for your loved ones. Therefore, relationships with you are always reliable, and marriage is desirable. Your union will be most successful with zodiac signs that have the same life priorities and values. Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer will become a reliable support for you in life. You should not expect sincerity and loyalty in love from stubborn Scorpios, unceremonious Leos and categorical Aquarius.


Your diversity (at times reaching the point of theatricality) and frequent improvisation in the form of unpredictability are not understandable to everyone. Therefore, only Libra, Leo, Aquarius will be able to feel and understand the full depth of your nature. With them, both love and family relationships will be filled with understandable, pleasant and accepted content for everyone. You shouldn’t expect understanding and a “single wave” from signs that value balance and evenness in life. Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces will not be able to get along with you.


Being an extremely sensitive nature, you don’t just fall in love, you literally “get sick with love,” surrendering to the feeling to the last drop. Not everyone can handle the tons of love you are capable of. Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Cancer can accommodate the breadth and sincerity of your soul. It is unlikely that you will be able to build mutually beneficial relationships, much less start a family, with Virgo, Libra or Capricorn. They, fed up with love that is too sweet for them, will run away or, if the circumstances require it, they will remain insincere with you.


You cannot lack calmness, although many, behind the feigned menacingness, are not able to discern your inner docile cat. All air signs can kindle the fire of peaceful love passion in you. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius will be able to develop harmonious relationships with you. Your alliance will develop no less favorably with Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. But with Scorpio and Taurus, instead of “making love,” you will only practice stubbornness. Also, you should not plan a long and happy family life with Capricorn and Virgo.


Your character, it would seem, contains the most strong qualities- intelligence, reliability, empathy, hard work. However, even they do not help you easily make contact with your chosen one. And no matter who he is in the zodiac circle, no one will have an easy relationship with you. Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn have a greater chance of success in love. Perhaps Cancer will also fall into this favorable zone, unless it spoils your relationship with him through boredom and indecision. The stars categorically do not see your happy union with Aries and Sagittarius.


Balance in everything is your life credo. You don’t understand people who first burn with love, and then are capable of hating their lover with the same intensity. Even your passion is balanced by common sense. That’s why you look for partners with a similar attitude. Fire signs will speak the same love language with you: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. Aquarius or Gemini can also make you fall in love with them. But with water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - you risk going down in family relationships. Capricorn and Taurus will also not be ideal partners for you.


The stars have endowed you with tenacity bordering on stubbornness. Walking through life with the motto “Song of Love on the Battlefield,” you stubbornly fight battles in relationships, which for you are an indispensable sign of love. You shouldn't get into love with an Aries, Leo or Aquarius. They are not ready to compromise with you, because they themselves are stubborn. You shouldn’t get close to another Scorpio either - you’ll poison each other’s lives. But with Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo and Capricorn, you will be able to build relationships leading to the registry office.


Optimism runs like a red line throughout your life. Therefore, you are looking for a partner for life with similar qualities in character. Leos, Aries, Scorpios, Cancers, Aquarius will become reliable companions for you. However, with each of them you will have to tame your vanity and desire to prevail. It is this feature of yours that will prevent you from developing love relationship with Pisces and Virgos. They will not forgive you for your assertive dominance in the family. The stars advise you to create an alliance with easy-going, “positive” people who are able to recognize your desire for leadership and freedom.


You are a sign of extremes: from manic secrecy to frantic self-dispersal, from callous indifference to wild jealousy, from puritanism to blatant debauchery. At the same time, you manage to create a surprisingly stable family life with your partner. This is easy for you with Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios, Pisces. They are able to balance your emotionality. But a marriage with Gemini and Cancer will be doomed to an inevitable break. You will not have any relationship with them.


An angel and a demon coexist peacefully in you, but you are old-fashioned in family matters. unacceptable to you open relationship or a fashionable guest wedding. You are sentimental, vulnerable and sensitive. “Fall into love” with Cancer, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo. They won't let you crash. And do not trust your heart to Pisces, Capricorn and Taurus. The relationship will be a test for both parties.


You tend to understand everyone and everything except yourself. But you are looking for a partner who is not afraid to plunge into your depths. You will find such a person among Scorpios, Taurus, Capricorns, Cancers, Leos. You are very loyal, flexible and tolerant. However, the stars warn you to sacrifice the bird in your hands for the sake of that very pie in the sky. Don't see yourself for illusory family happiness with Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra or Aries.

The Aries woman is unpredictable and changeable. It can be quite difficult to understand. Therefore, the best partner in love for her will be a man born under the sign of Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius or Leo. They just love riddles. Who you shouldn't be with is a Taurus or Gemini. In relations with them, frequent scandals cannot be avoided.

The Aries man is persistent and self-confident. He prefers to be a leader in everything. He wants his partner to obey him unquestioningly. A woman of any sign will suit him, but only if she accepts all his rules. A marriage with a Gemini usually ends in divorce, since this man does not like domineering and eccentric people.

2. Taurus

Representatives of this sign are unhurried and slow. They prefer that a man constantly proves his love. Such women can create the best union with Aquarius, Pisces or Libra. Relationships with more dynamic signs are doomed to failure.

Taurus men are almost always true family men, they take care of their wife and children, and love the comfort of home. Almost all zodiac signs will be the best love partners for them. Exceptions - Lioness. A marriage with her will definitely end fatally. Simply because of the incompatibility of characters.

3. Gemini

Gemini women are very romantic and tender. They need affection and affection from their partner. They will have a good marriage with Gemini, Capricorn or Aquarius.

Representatives of the sign are very freedom-loving and active. They cannot stand monotony and boredom. Only Virgos or Libras can walk hand in hand with them through life. A marriage with a Lioness, Fish or Taurus will be unsuccessful.

4. Cancers

The Cancer woman is very romantic and demanding. She needs a courteous partner who can constantly fulfill her whims and give her gifts. And, most importantly, who she could trust. The best zodiac sign partner for her is Leo or Taurus. With the same signs reveals perfect compatibility and a Cancer man. Only he himself likes to look after everyone.

5. Lions

Lionesses are very demanding, domineering and strong. They need an accommodating spouse. Therefore, they should not build a relationship with a Scorpio man. But a marriage with Sagittarius and Capricorn will be successful.

For Leo men, finances come first, and only after the desires and feelings of their beloved. A representative of this sign will only marry someone who is gentle, caring, and patient. A Virgo woman would be the best match for him. But relationships with Libra and Gemini will quickly fail.

6. Virgos

The Virgo woman is conservative and secretive. She doesn't like to show her feelings in public. An ideal love partner for her would be a Pisces man. She should not start a family with Virgos, Scorpios, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorns. Since relations with these representatives of the sign will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings.

The Virgo man is a good family man. He will gladly support his wife in everything. And he will even fulfill her whim with pleasure. He should marry Pisces. Aquarius and Scorpio women should be avoided in every possible way.

7. Libra

Libra women are changeable. Therefore, they should look for balanced and calm partners as life partners. They will have good relationships with Scorpios, Aries, Taurus and Pisces.

Only a woman who can adapt to the constant changes in his mood can become a Libra man’s partner. According to his zodiac sign, representatives of the following signs are well suited for him: Gemini, Aries and Virgo. But the alliance with Taurus will end unsuccessfully.

8. Scorpios

The Scorpio woman wants to trust her man and rely on him in everything. A marriage with Pisces or Gemini will be successful for her. But an alliance with a representative of your own sign will be short-lived.

Scorpio men are leaders by nature. In the family, they establish their own rules and procedures and monitor their implementation. The best partner for him according to his zodiac sign in love will be a Sagittarius or Pisces woman. Relationships with Virgo, Aries or Aquarius will be unsuccessful.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius women are very freedom-loving. They never listen to anyone and have no control over themselves. And yet they really need someone to love them, protect them, and take pity on them in moments of despair. They should choose a Capricorn, Scorpio or Leo man as their spouse. You should avoid relationships with Aries, Aquarius or Gemini.

The Sagittarius man is charming and always cheerful. Many fans are constantly hanging around him. But he should take as his wife either a representative of his sign or a Leo woman. Relationships with Taurus are doomed in advance.

10. Capricorns

The Capricorn woman is always practical. She tries to think everything over 100 times before making a decision. He respects and loves his other half very much. She should marry a Taurus, Capricorn or Gemini man. Relationships with Libra are most likely doomed from the start.

Representatives of this sign are thoughtful and indecisive. They need someone to constantly push them to take action. Therefore, they should marry ladies born under the sign of Taurus, Capricorn or Sagittarius. But with Pisces and Scorpios they are not on the same path.

11. Aquarius

The Aquarius woman strives to create a cozy atmosphere in her family nest. But she needs her lover to look after her and show his feelings in every possible way. She also wants her husband to set a goal and strive to achieve it. Such a woman should marry a Gemini. It is better not to mess with men with Pisces, Virgos, Aquarius and Scorpios. Since the relationship will be overshadowed by constant quarrels.

Only a kind and wise woman with incredible patience can make the life of an Aquarius man happy. Therefore, he should marry a representative of the Taurus sign. He will not be able to have a harmonious union with Aquarius, Virgo and Leo.

12. Pisces

The Pisces woman is sweet, good-natured and calm. He can take care of himself. But in family life she prefers to give the leading role to her husband. Good compatibility she has with Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer or Virgo. But she shouldn’t even try to build a relationship with Capricorn or Aries; they won’t end well.

The Pisces man is very changeable and quite flighty. Only the girl who will not re-educate him will be happy next to him. Such a man can make a good alliance with a Scorpio, Libra or Pisces woman. Things won't work out from the very beginning with Aries and Capricorns.

As a conclusion

Now that you know which zodiac signs are suitable for each other in love, remember one simple rule: astrology is, of course, good, but you need to listen to your heart. Only it can tell whether you can be happy with this person.

Nata Karlin

Every person is born under the influence of one or another zodiac sign. Originally a constellation endows him with certain qualities and character traits, influencing later life. When people of different zodiac signs interact, new traits and shades of personality for each of them may appear. Therefore, a horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs with other 12 signs in love can help people understand themselves and understand the hidden thoughts and origins of their partner’s actions, and explain how to do the right thing to improve relationships.

Guy and girl holding hands

However, it is worth remembering that the horoscope of compatibility between men and women by date of birth will not give you precise guidance for action. Compatibility may not be absolute and relative, the stars show people the path, and walking along it hand in hand or leaving this idea is everyone’s decision. In the absence of the desire to understand your partner, make compromises and delve into the essence of each problem that arises, even zodiac signs that are completely suitable for each other will not coexist together for long.

Which zodiac signs suit each other according to astrology: tables and percentages

The following compatibility table will show who is suitable for whom according to their zodiac sign in percentage:

Compatibility in %He
AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
SheAries45 73 46 47 59 48 66 59 67 43 89 43
Taurus85 89 72 79 54 76 67 89 79 79 63 91
Twins51 63 75 57 48 56 73 60 66 86 89 38
Cancer48 92 67 51 95 87 74 79 55 56 71 73
a lion49 53 43 94 45 68 69 76 88 79 68 43
Virgo39 55 54 90 76 62 62 78 78 58 38 53
Scales58 56 66 74 89 61 69 64 87 49 90 55
Scorpion53 84 58 68 92 72 54 38 96 54 52 87
Sagittarius61 49 71 61 93 53 85 95 91 66 89 88
Capricorn58 95 72 63 88 49 45 64 40 84 78 91
Aquarius72 56 78 61 78 38 89 50 75 67 76 71
Fish45 92 39 72 52 63 68 65 82 69 46 76

In some eastern countries, including India, young people ask a local astrologer before getting married calculate compatibility by year of birth according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope. It should be noted that many couples, having received a negative result, refused to marry. Unfortunately, the divorce statistics in Russia are quite sad, so it would not be a bad idea to adopt the experience of Eastern lovers.

The classic compatibility chart for zodiac signs is as follows:

Compatibility of zodiac signsHe
AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
a lion

Alone believe in the compatibility of zodiac constellations, others are not, others have confirmed this fact themselves. However, such a dependence has been proven by numerous surveys and studies.

If you are worried about relationships of a different kind, take a free online friendship compatibility test for zodiac signs. This will help you find mutual understanding with friends, work colleagues and bosses.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by elements: fire, water, air, earth

Each zodiac sign of the Western horoscope belongs to a specific element:

  1. Fire– Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  2. Earth– Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  3. Air– Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  4. Water– Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


It is not necessary that people born under the zodiac signs of the same element will be ideal for each other. They are similar in character, worldview, and habits, but this is precisely what becomes a stumbling block. The compatibility of zodiac signs in bed, love, and sex will be so intense that it will interfere with building harmonious relationships.

Burning Heart


It is very rare that people born in these elements are suitable for each other. Fire can burn out the earth, and the latter, in turn, extinguishes the flame. Opposites attract, but this does not mean that they will find complete mutual understanding.


A promising and interesting combination of two elements. Air fans (inspires) fire, so people of these signs have ideal spiritual intimacy. It’s easy and simple for partners to work together, but ambitious fire can overdo it in the struggle for leadership.

Fire water

A blazing fire boils water. These people will never understand each other completely. A fire claiming leadership may be damaged by the flow of water. However, it is in this combination that people experience the most vivid emotions.

Symbolic image of fire and water


This union promises to be strong because it unites people who are moving towards the goal along the same roads under the influence of similar beliefs. Family, love and loyalty come first for them. These are stable and calm natures, solving all problems together.


Almost incompatible elements, whose representatives understand each other little. The main problem of signs is their inertia. In relation to each other they experience neither passion, nor lust, nor emotions.


Easy and simple relationships based on romantic feelings and detachment from reality. While the partners are in the candy-bouquet period, their union is ideal. But with the transition to the stage of stability, their complete inability to cope with everyday problems becomes evident.


Very often people of these elements are drawn to each other. But one can expect continuous extremes from these relationships. They threaten complete calm and indifference or a raging storm.


Zodiac signs of the water element very often feel their own loneliness. Even their partner who is nearby cannot bring them out of this state. But when paired, representatives of these elements merge into a single powerful stream, overwhelming them with a waterfall of passions. Sexual compatibility of the zodiac signs of the Water element is the highest.

ocean wave

The love compatibility of zodiac signs by month and date of birth, depending on the element and numerology, is based solely on statistics and observations of astrologers on the relationships of different couples.

You need to remember that only you yourself can create an element of passion or indifference from your relationship

Compatibility of Aries by zodiac sign

Power-hungry straightforward and stubborn Aries I’m used to managing everything and everyone around me. It doesn’t matter to him at all whether he is right in the next dispute or not, because he is sure that he will emerge victorious. The best combination is observed with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. These people do not have very high compatibility with representatives of the element Water, but a completely harmonious union is possible.


Compatibility of Taurus by zodiac sign

Stubborn and ambitious Taurus will never give up his position to anyone. In love, sex, marriage, these are real dominants. Taurus feels great in the company of representatives of their own element - Virgo, Capricorn. In the combination of two Taurus, a constant struggle for primacy is possible.

Zodiac sign Taurus

Compatibility of Gemini by zodiac sign

Changeable and freedom-loving Gemini fickle and unpredictable, which is why it is so difficult to predict their subsequent actions. This zodiac sign is compatible with almost all elements. For example, an excellent union will be with Aquarius, Libra. However, the Gemini couple will never find mutual understanding: their union promises to be short-lived.

Compatibility of Cancers by zodiac sign

Romantic and timid, emotional and suspicious, Cancers are endowed with surprisingly strong intuition. They can be calm and affectionate, indomitable and energetic. Representatives of their own element will be excellent partners for Cancers. Unions of Cancer with their own kind, Scorpios and Pisces, are doomed to eternal work on their relationships, because the path will be strewn with misunderstandings and mutual distrust. However, having understood each other, they will definitely find happiness.


Compatibility of Leo by zodiac sign

The most suitable partners for Leo are considered to be representatives of the Air element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. They will get along with Aries and Sagittarius, the union of two Leos also promises to be successful, but the confrontation between the forces of Fire will haunt them all their lives. Union with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes boredom and hostility in Leo.

Virgo zodiac sign compatibility

Virgo is too picky, so it is very difficult for her to choose a partner. They are perfectly compatible with representatives of this zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. However, to communicate with water signs of the zodiac, Virgo needs to significantly reduce its requirements. Any undertaking in tandem with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will be completed with success. However V love union both need to moderate their demands and nagging at your partner.

Beautiful girl with a tiger


Libra zodiac sign compatibility

For all their loftiness and airiness, these are extremely cold-blooded natures, endowed with the gift of persuasion. . Patience and inner peace Libra allows them to look down on the explosions of emotions of representatives of the element of Fire - Aries or Sagittarius. Intellectual alliances with Aquarius and Capricorn are perfect for them. A pair of two Libras will quickly find mutual language, however, someone alone will have to unconditionally take responsibility.


Compatibility of Scorpios by zodiac sign

The best tandems for Scorpios are Pisces and Cancers. Two Scorpios in one family can have difficulty getting along. The battles for the right to primacy and leadership in everything will never subside.
