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How to call the one who caused damage. How to find out who caused damage, the most powerful ways. Wax fortune telling

Today I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will tell you how important it is to be on time recognize damage and find out who brought the magical negative. There are fundamentally important points in positive witchcraft. There are people who carry negativity within themselves. Bad thoughts, words, dissatisfaction, criticism - this destroys everything good around them, does not allow money, luck, happiness, success in life to come into their lives. People like this can be found in any social group. It’s not just difficult to be around them, but extremely undesirable and impossible. They are like mold, quietly absorbing everything around them.

How can you find out who damaged a person?

By resorting to rituals of practical magic, you can find out with great certainty who has cast the evil eye, and who has deliberately brought severe damage to a certain person. But this is not always important. It is much more important to diagnose and remove the evil eye in time, including through independent rituals. When you know your enemy by sight, it is easier to defend against him. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: we are not always familiar with faces, but this does not prevent us from punishing them with the help of magic.

A negative attitude towards the world, dark thoughts, condemnation, criticism are contagious. Next to such people, all thoughts of luck and joy perish.

What do you call a person who is always negative?

In psychology, such people are called pessimists. But in magic they have a different designation: energy vampire, black hole, envious person, evil eye.

It’s as easy as shelling pears for such a person to jinx it, ruin your affairs with a poisonous word, and drive away good luck. Some people have such strong energy of destruction that they don’t even need to do a simple ritual of damage; they can envy silently or out loud - and the wheel of the evil eye will spin, bringing failures and ruin. In the practices of witchcraft, of course, there are ways to determine who did the evil eye or caused damage to a person. This is what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk to you about now.
It is best to ignore energy vampires and stay away from them if possible. This does not mean that such people should be hated. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, just want to say that you need to worry about your own well-being. In every sense, including the magical one.

Is it possible to find out on your own who did the damage?

Without a doubt. Witchcraft has practical rituals. There are old folk rituals and means of diagnosing the evil eye and damage, and in addition, the magician has at his disposal an ancient system of predictions - Runes. Tarot cards also provide the most complete answers and the most up-to-date information.

The easiest way to manage people is through negativity. It's right. When doubts are sowed into a person’s soul, thoughts about his weakness and worthlessness are instilled, most people sooner or later give up and become dependent on the manipulator, at his complete disposal. This is precisely what cannot be allowed. If you notice undesirable changes in your reality, or feel clouds gathering overhead, immediately take action appropriate to the situation. To determine who caused the damage or evil eye, make a Tarot card spread. The answer will be given to you. If you yourself are not strong in diagnosing the evil eye and damage from a deck of Tarot cards, contact a professional tarot reader.

Folk conspiracies to find out who did the damage

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said at the beginning of the article, it is not so important to recognize the person who jinxed or caused damage. It is much more important to understand the type of damage inflicted on you and quickly remove it from yourself. In the rituals of black magic there are unique purges with the return of the removed negativity, which allows you to send damage and the evil eye back to the customer, or to the one who caused them. And rest assured, the dark energy of corruption will find its way back no matter how far the enemy is, and no matter how well he hides behind and devotion.
And if you want to punish an enemy who harms you by magical means, but do not know his name, you can send devils or a dead man to work. In such cases, in a folk conspiracy to return damage removed from a person, the following phrase is usually pronounced: “The devil knows his name.” When removing damage to a cemetery, without knowing the name of his enemy, the magician can turn to the spirit of an unmarked grave. Entities will be able to find the one who did the damage, and punish as you wish.

A real magician has the opportunity to turn to his spirit assistant and order a dream. The truth is often revealed in dreams. There are special practices for prophetic dreams (in black and rune magic) that should be used when you are looking for answers to questions that concern you. There are, of course, strong conspiracies that are read to find out who did the damage. They are used by white and black magicians.

Here is a folk plot to help you independently determine who did the damage:

“Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream. Whoever thought a dark thought, who said an unkind word, who did an evil deed, who sent a spell of damage, let (name) appear to me in a dream. Amen".

An independent plot for diagnosing damage to yourself, read this one before going to bed. Perhaps you will see your ill-wisher in a dream. But, it is not enough to find out for yourself who did the damage; it is much more important to know how to remove the energetic evil eye, everything harmful, induced, alien.

Find out on your own who did the damage and get rid of the evil eye

Here is a good, independent cleaning to remove damage to red matter. Working, effective, very effective ritual for home use. It removes the evil eye and damage from a person, you can also use it for yourself, however, this cleansing is still aimed at getting rid of the patient’s negativity, it even removes very much (cemetery damage), plus, it has a return effect. But, in the cleaning punish the person causing damage, not important. It is much more important to remove the induced evil eye and energy negativity from a person. The blow went back to the original source, good. If he didn’t go, that’s not the point, the main thing is that the black damage done to the person is removed.

When choosing a ritual, decide what you want to do: remove negativity or punish sorcerers? If both work out, that's a plus for you. And if not? Don’t refuse to remove damage from your loved one for free! For the most part, we don’t even know who sent what to us.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And if you know who caused the damage, what should you do?

Yes, the same thing: remove the evil eye from yourself, put up strong defenses, and then, if you have the strength and desire, you can punish the enemy. If you really want to take revenge on the sorcerer or the customer of the damage, then it’s better to separate it: remove it separately, return the damage and revenge separately. And it's not at all necessary find out on your own who did the damage, because negative energy will find a way out. It is better to install mirror protection against damage and the evil eye immediately after the removal ritual.

Find out who is doing the damage - remove the damage to the red fabric

This independent ritual of removing strong damage from a certain person is for those who work with Demons and have a connection with this Power. After the cleansing ritual, make a ransom. But which one exactly is an individual question. You can, of course, include the classic ransom: coins, vodka, cigarettes. But it’s better to find out what the assistants want. Therefore, ask before the ceremony, using any methods available to you.

To perform the ritual of cleansing a person from corruption, you need:

  • red natural fabric
  • sharp ritual knife

If a person quickly withers and fades away, and no one knows what happened to him, then, most likely, damage or the evil eye has been cast on him. In this situation, the need fades into the background recognize who is doing the damage. It is much more important to cleanse yourself of it. To correct everything, including failures from the body and soul of the victim, this is what needs to be done. You need a large piece of natural red fabric. In the evening, as the sun begins to wane, you need to go into the forest, where the aspen trees grow. Yes, away from prying eyes, so that no one interferes. Yes, not to go alone, but with someone who suffers from damage.

The ritual is old and works well for novice magicians. It may not make it clear who caused the damage, but it will save a person from black negativity. Tear the fabric into 5 strips. Turn the person with the damage to him with his back to himself, and tie a strip of fabric around the patient’s right leg below the knee, and fasten it with a knot.

At the same time, only read the words of the folk conspiracy once to cleanse yourself from the strong evil eye:

“Not the lower, not the upper path, marmot, evil, nocturnal, screeching, no more to go through, neither direct nor roundabout path. Redrawing redrawings, so as not to measure either the old path or the new one. Thus, I redden the enemy’s machinations into the fabric, I tie a wraith, I tie a taint, I wrap up a malicious shroud with (name), and I redden it through the strip, so that the fool of the paths back to the enemy who sent him measures the way back, and in the neck, and with a bone in the throat. It’s Vlasitsa’s command, no one will say anything against it. Az. Amen".

To read these words of a strong conspiracy, not in order to find out who cast a spell on a person, but in order to free him from the effects of negative energy, they are only said once when the left leg is tied, when the right arm is tied over the elbow. And when the left hand is tied over the elbow, the plot is also read once. And when the last strip of red cloth is tied on the forehead of a person who is being treated for damage, they say this:

“Neither in my mind, nor in my mind, nor in the font can fools enter. And the one who measured the path, having found the hut to get along at first, took into account Vlasitsa’s commandment, in red fabric, to measure this path to the enemy beyond measure. Then he commanded Vlasitsa, but there was no one to tell him. Az. Amen".

Then you need to take a sharp knife and cut off everything that was tied to the victim. But, cut so that the knot remains intact. First, cut from the left leg, then from the right, then from the left arm and from the right. And only after everything, remove the strip from your head. These rags with knots need to be buried under the aspen tree. Leave the payoff to Vlasitsa (Devil) there too. Go home without looking back. This is a good folk ritual for getting rid of damage.

Demonic cleansing gives results quickly and works accurately. And, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will repeat, it doesn’t matter who ordered the damage, there is no need to waste effort on find out on your own who did the damage. The negative is removed in layers; several damages made by different “well-wishers” can go away at once.

How does a person who has caused damage behave?

What happens to the person who caused damage? If treatment for damage with return is done, he may receive a strong portion of negativity. But if there are good defenses, they will withstand the blow. The same applies to magical revenge on the person who damaged you. If a strong sorcerer is harming you, it will be very difficult to break through his defenses and really harm him in return. But if the negative was caused by a weak magician or a novice in witchcraft, this will greatly simplify the task of punishing you for the damage caused. But there is no need to rush to take revenge, you need to be able to wait, look for the right moment. If you are dealing with a black sorcerer who is stronger than you, you can seriously suffer from your attempts to punish him.

It is believed that the person who caused the damage behaves in a special way.

He is active, he can call, write to you, ask you for something, in general he manifests himself in some way. May come in a dream. This is how the Forces point out to you the one who is harming you by inducing damage. However, this does not always happen. After cleaning, there may be no special effects at all, even if you were eager to find out who cast the evil eye, or who is casting a spell against you.

There may be nothing, no . Yes, in fact, you don’t need anything other than diagnostics after removing the damage, during which you find out that it no longer exists. And this is exactly the result for which all the work was done. Experienced, knowledgeable people read information from cards, runes, and are shown visions in dreams. Magicians see clearly and hear clearly, so they know their true, most dangerous enemies. This is not given to beginners, but everything comes with practice.

If a person has been damaged, the first thing he should think about is how to get rid of this negative impact. Today, there are a large number of ways to remove damage, including with the help of a good specialist. When a person gets rid of harmful influences, the question becomes reasonable: how to find out who caused the damage? After all, there is no guarantee that the ill-wisher will not want to resort to black magic again to try to harm again. Therefore, it is very important to determine where the negativity comes from and prepare for it in time.

Simple methods for determining spoilage

In order to determine whether a person has damage, there are methods that were used by our ancestors. They can be used at home, because they do not require any special expenses. First, you need to inspect the apartment to identify unfamiliar or foreign things. Very often, damage is done by charming some small object and then throwing it into the home of the person to whom they wish harm. If such an item is found in the apartment, it must be thrown away immediately.

Also a good way to find out if damage has been caused is to use plants. For example, you can leave St. John's wort indoors overnight. If the plant withers, it means that the person who was in this room at night has been damaged. Also, St. John's wort has long been sewn to clothing as a talisman. You can find out what other protection against damage there may be by visiting the page on the website.

It is believed that black cats are endowed with sensitivity to any spells and damage. If you don’t have such an animal in your house, you can temporarily ask your friends for one. However, it is necessary for the cat to live in the new home for some time, getting used to the different environment. Every family member should hold an animal from time to time. If someone’s cat feels restless, meows or struggles, there is a possibility that this person is under the negative influence of damage. There are other ways to determine damage, which you can learn about from the article on the website.

Who sent the damage?

Victims of such acts, who at one time were under the influence of negative influence, believe that it is very important to know who exactly caused the damage. After all, this knowledge is not simple curiosity; there are a number of objective reasons:

The ill-wisher may make another attempt;

Damage may be sent to some other family member;

It's better to know who to watch out for;

Knowing who the performer is, it is easier to remove the negative impact.

In order to determine who is the cause of failures or poor health, you need to use the most effective method for this. But, it should be noted that after identifying the enemy, you cannot threaten him with physical harm or take revenge in the same way. You just need to take all measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from this person.

To simplify your task and accurately determine the name of your ill-wisher, it is best to seek help from an experienced bioenergetics specialist, who will then remove the damage. However, you can try to do the work yourself, at home. There are a large number of rituals for this - they all differ from each other, but are aimed at performing the same task. The main thing is to consistently and accurately fulfill all the conditions of the ritual.

How to find out who caused the damage yourself?

Good specialists always advise people who want to find out who did the damage to simply wait for some time after healing. Moreover, you won't have to wait long. The aggressor will reveal himself. As a rule, after the magical effect is removed, the ill-wisher begins to make multiple attempts to contact the victim of his negativity. From the outside, this behavior looks a little strange and makes it possible to determine who caused the damage.

Also, the enemy will try by hook or by crook to enter the house of his victim in order to take possession of some thing. By telling stories about his difficult financial situation, he may ask to borrow some money. In the eyes of this person you can see fear and anxiety, because subconsciously sorcerers always feel the neutralization of the negative impact and are afraid of a retaliatory strike.

An experienced healer, who will remove the damage in a short time, will always give advice on how to behave after the ritual. For example, in no case should you give anything from the house to anyone for three days after the damage has been removed. After all, the new occult blow will be much stronger. You also cannot forgive the person who caused the damage. Forgiveness threatens to come back. After words of repentance, it is best to answer: “God will forgive.” It should be noted that the behavior of witches and sorcerers is always the same.

Therefore, after the negative program has been removed, you need to carefully monitor what is happening around you. It is quite possible that one of those who has always been considered a good friend or friend is not behaving quite adequately and is suspicious. Perhaps this person is an envious and ill-wisher.

Ritual with wax

There is an effective way to find out who caused the damage. To do this, you will need clean water - filtered, but not bottled, some kind of container and wax. Next you need to proceed like this:

You need to melt the wax in a water bath.

Slowly pouring wax into the container, you need to say: “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy.”

Then you need to carefully examine the form into which the frozen wax has turned. For example, if the figure resembles a bear, a crow, or a geometric figure in the form of a diamond, then the enemy is a man. If the shape of the wax is similar to a flower, the moon or a female figure, then we can confidently say that the negative magical influence is the work of a woman.

If the shape of the poured wax does not make it possible to determine the gender of the envious person, then this indicates that the damage is very strong. In this case, it is best to contact a good psychic who will give answers to all questions.

Ritual with a nail

For those who are interested in how to find out who did the damage, there is another fairly effective ritual. It requires a nail from the cemetery. He can be found where he was lost when nailing the coffin lid. It should be noted that such a nail should not be touched with bare hands. Before picking it up, be sure to wear gloves.

Having brought it home, you need to drive it into the threshold of the house, while reading a certain conspiracy out loud. The enemy will very soon appear on his own, most often in nervous exhaustion and very tired. The fact that this is an ill-wisher will become clear immediately, because when using this ritual, his energy reserves are depleted. This can cause nervous breakdowns and even other, more serious mental disorders. Therefore, special knowledge is required when using this method.

However, the fastest and most accurate method of identifying the person who caused the damage is to seek help from a good specialist. When looking for a good psychic, the main thing is not to make a mistake. Therefore, first you need to talk to people who have already received the necessary help, or read them

Damage, as a rule, is sent secretly, without revealing their true intentions. When a person discovers the negative effect of dark forces on fate and health, he wants to find out the customer or performer of the black rite. How to find out who did the damage? Let's consider several magical rituals that open the veil of secrecy. After carrying out simple rituals, the enemy will certainly make himself known - either he will come, or call, or dream about it.

Regular sewing needles are a magical tool if used correctly. With the help of a needle you can cast a spell on the future, send damage back and find out who caused the magical effect.

The ritual will require 7 needles purchased specifically for this action. You need to buy needles without change, you can give money for payment - the main thing is not to take change from the seller.

When you get home, heat up a regular frying pan and throw 7 needles on it. Hold the pan by the handle over the heat and make clockwise rotations, as if stirring fried onions while cooking. At the same time say:

You need to speak as many times as your heart tells you. Often, already during the ceremony, enemies are identified - they begin to call and be interested in something, or even come if they are familiar personalities.

When you complete the ritual, you need to get rid of the needles. You can throw them in an outdoor trash can (not your indoor bin) or bury them in the ground. It is strictly prohibited to use needles in the house!

When is the best time to perform the ceremony? The best time is when no one will disturb or distract you. Practitioners advise performing the ritual from 12 to 3 am.

Ritual with keys

This ceremony is performed only on Friday at sunset. You need to find 7 old keys from seven different locks and throw them into boiling water. You must have your own keys - take them from the house, from the car, from the mailbox. When the keys are boiling, say the following words 7 times:

After this, close the fire and leave the water to cool. Drain the water and take out the keys. They can be placed in the house, they do not pose any danger. Pour out the water at the road intersection closest to your home.

After some time, the organizer of the damage will make himself known. This could be a phone call or a reminder in some other way. You will understand that this person is to blame for your misfortune.

It may also happen that the henchman appears at the door and starts asking to come into the house. You can’t let him in, especially not give him anything from home. If he starts a scandal, do not get into a squabble - just remain silent. He behaves this way because he feels bad and wants to get rid of unpleasant feelings.

Important point! Immediately after the ceremony, put magical protection on yourself. If you don't know the rituals, just read Psalm No. 90 every day.

So that the person responsible for the damage apologizes

This ritual has a very strong effect on the hexer, forcing him to apologize. These apologies can relate to any issue, not necessarily induced negativity. A person will find a reason to say - forgive me. Important condition: the apology will be in the first three days after the ceremony. The following days do not matter.

The ceremony is carried out at night. You need to walk around the apartment and touch every corner and every door with your right hand. Hold a lit candle in your left hand, and touch corners and doors with your right. If the candle does not go out on its own after the ceremony, let it burn out to the end. Conspiracy text:

Among the spoilers may be your best acquaintances or friends. A person will suddenly call or start apologizing in a personal message on a social network. It’s worse if he comes into the house and starts asking to borrow something or offers to take the thing from him - don’t take it or give it away.

Seeing a henchman in a dream

How to independently find out who caused damage through a dream? This ritual should be performed on one of the twelve church holidays. When going to bed, say the following words:

After casting the spell, you need to immediately go to bed. You cannot talk to anyone or go to the kitchen to drink water. At night you will have a prophetic vision in which the image of a villain will appear.

Salt ritual

How to recognize damage and find out who caused it? The ritual with salt will help determine whether there is negativity on a person, as well as recognize your enemy. Wait for the stars to appear in the sky and place the frying pan on the table. When it's hot, throw in three handfuls of regular salt.

You need to heat the salt in a frying pan for at least 20 minutes. Stir the salt with a wooden stick or wooden spoon and read the words:

If the salt darkens and begins to crackle, it means there is negativity. In this case, you need to go outside and count 21 stars to your right and say:

Return home, pour salt from the frying pan into a bag and scatter it at the intersection. You need to leave the intersection silently, not turn around and not utter a word. Within three days the henchman will make himself known.

Ritual with wax

You know that you are damaged - how can you find out who caused the damage? Wax casting can help with this. Prepare the following items:

  • a bowl of spring (or defrosted) water;
  • saucepan for a water bath;
  • 100-150 grams of wax.

Why is spring water necessary? Because there are no impurities in it. You can prepare spring water yourself. Freeze water in a bag or bottle, drain the cloudy sediment and melt the ice at room temperature. This water is considered purified.

Now you need to prepare the wax for casting. Melt it in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Carefully pour the wax into the bowl of water and say:

When the wax has hardened in the water, remove the casting and look at it carefully. If you see the moon, the moon or flowers, the damage was done by a woman. If the figure of a bear, wolf or any male animal appears, the damage was done by a man. The geometric figures in the cast will also tell about the man. Sometimes you can see the face of the hexer on wax due to special signs.

Who brings trash to the doorstep?

Damage is often caused through the lining under the door. However, teenagers can also litter because it is harmful. How to recognize damage? Bring an aspen rod and place it near the threshold, saying:

If within three days a neighbor complains of poor health, it means she wore the pads.

To protect yourself from the witchcraft of your neighbors and discourage the desire to do mischief, do the following. Insert three new needles into the threshold, point up, and read the plot:

When the fire burns, go home. Stand against the wind to avoid breathing smoke from the fire. Then read “Our Father” 9 times. Take a shower at home.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

A misfortune can happen to every person; one of these unpleasant incidents may be damage or the evil eye. Absolutely all people can be influenced by the forces of evil. Everything that was planned begins to go wrong, relationships do not work out either in the family or at work. Just a streak of bad luck? Or the evil eye? We need to recognize what is really going on.

How to recognize damage or the evil eye

If there are any doubts or suspicions about a possible curse, then you should immediately deal with it. There are signs inherent in a person on whom a spell has been cast.

The basis for such thoughts may be

  1. Drowsiness. When you wake up, you always want to go back to sleep. Having gotten out of bed, a person longs to lie down and lie there all day.
  2. Lethargy and chronic fatigue. Very similar to the first point, but still different.
  3. Irritability. For no particular reason, the individual becomes furious and angry. He is irritated by everything that happens around him.
  4. Loss of interest in life. There is no incentive to do your favorite things or work. Nothing motivates me at all. I don’t want to start work, I don’t want to eat/drink either.
  5. Constant colds, feeling unwell. Despite following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, a person still gets sick all the time.
  6. Constant conflicts with colleagues, in the family, with loved ones and friends. Love for them never disappears, but quarrels are inevitable. They sometimes appear out of nowhere, but they flare up as quickly as a fire in a forest.
  7. Feeling short of air.
  8. Insects, rodents and other signs of evil spirits appeared in the house.

There are many ways to find out about damage. If at least three of the above signs are present, then you should proceed to any of several rituals.

Definition of damage by a gold ring

For the simplest thing you will need a few items: a gold wedding ring, water. Let the ring sit in the water for about five minutes. With your right hand, you need to run the end of the ring along your cheek from your earlobe to the tip of your nose. If a white line remains after the ring, then there is no evil eye. If a black line remains, then a curse is present and you need to start fighting it.

Determining spoilage using a chicken egg

Fortune telling using a chicken egg is also very effective. It must be fresh and not cooked. The egg needs to be twisted at each temple, held from the chin to the middle of the ribs, and applied to the forehead.

Determining damage using St. John's wort

The well-known herb St. John's wort has magical properties, our grandmothers knew about this from childhood, they used it for fortune-telling during Christmas time. A bunch of this grass should be divided into as many equal parts as there are corners in the house, counting each room.

Place fresh grass in each room and pay attention to the degree of drying. If the greenery has dried out in the bedroom earlier than in other rooms, it means that someone has harmed the aura. The removal of this scourge should not keep you waiting.

A piece of coal can help you quickly identify damage. Take three small coals and throw them into the water; if they drown, there is an evil eye.

Why do you need to know who did the damage?

If you already know that the evil eye has cursed you, then you need to “know the enemy by sight.” It is very important. There are different reasons for all people to find out who their enemy is. Some “thirst” for revenge, others want to protect themselves from contact with the person, and others dream of finding out why the person harmed them.

You should immediately warn that taking revenge on a sorcerer is stupid and useless, since it consumes energy and can make things worse for yourself. The sorcerer may have magical protection; everything that is sent to him from you will simply return like a boomerang.

The only sure way is to simply protect the magician from yourself. It is important to sever all ties and stop any communication. Don't ask for an apology and leave without explanation.

It is important and necessary to do this, because if you hesitate, the magic will intensify and cause even more harm.

Ways to determine who cursed

There are a lot of such methods. They all differ in technique and performance characteristics. The complexity can vary from the simplest rite to the most complex ritual.

You can choose absolutely any option, but you must proceed from your skills and talents. There are many ways to open the veil of secrets.

What methods exist?

  1. Appeal to the Higher Powers. This requires a lot of energy and strength, and an unprepared person may find himself devastated at the end of the action.
  2. Meeting an offender in a dream. The simplest and least expensive methods. It is important to tune your brain to the “wave” you need and get ready to receive a flow of information.
  3. Rituals with magical attributes.
  4. Rituals coming from religion. Many different nationalities and gods, it is possible to overcome the slander with the help of these higher powers.

Ritual to see the offender in a dream

Before going to bed, take a cool shower, relax, massage the back of your head to relax the tension of your whole body. It would also be a good idea to do a little warm-up before going to bed, stretching your lower back, for example.

It is advisable to change the bed linen and night clothes in which you sleep, so that the old energy does not interfere with sleep. Before you go to sleep, don’t guess who your offender might be. It is important to fall asleep without unnecessary thoughts, completely relaxed and calm, then you will be able to see the outline of the face or the entire face of the enemy.

It is important to say the following words before going to bed:

“I walk among people, their eyes devour me,

I understand that they don't know anything.

I see the blessed holy face in the crowd,

Points to that old man who is faceless.

It is important to open your heart and let it out

The one who sent the cold into my soul.

May I see your face. Amen".

Now you can fall asleep, in the morning, if everything is done correctly, you will remember the face of this person who wishes you harm.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

Turning to such forces can be dangerous both for health and for the spiritual world, but if there are no options left, you should proceed to just such a ritual. The result, as mentioned above, depends on your skills.

Using black magic

Appealing to higher powers using black magic is quite easy, but dangerous. It is strictly prohibited for those who are completely unfamiliar with it. If you still decide to take on this method, then you should close all the windows in the house, turn off the lights and light candles, animals should be removed from the room in which the ceremony will be held.

No strangers should be present in the house. This ritual is similar to fortune telling for the betrothed. Sitting in front of the mirror, you need to hold the second counterpart to the first. The candle should be lit between the mirrors.

Sentencing the words:

“Come and show yourself. Open my eyes to your image. Envy brought you to me, and it will drive you away.”

Repeat this phrase three times. Later, in complete silence and silence, peer into the mirror opposite. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and just watch. For an unprepared person, this can affect his mental state, so you should be careful.

Ritual on an iron nail

If it doesn’t help, then you need to go to the cemetery. The hardest thing to do there is to find an old nail; at night this is not an easy task. It is strictly forbidden to touch this iron with bare hands.

Go home, drive a nail into the door frame of your house, saying the spell:

“If you don’t come in three days, that means you’ll die in six months. Come and show yourself, I’m waiting for you here.”

Soon this person should appear on the threshold of your home. It happens that the person you suspect will call or somehow reveal himself in an unexpected way. If you suspect a certain person, you should say his name, but if he does not come, then he will not be the enemy.

Fortune telling on a candle

You will need: a church candle, a cut glass of water, half full. Place a candle there and light it, sprinkle it with salt and say:

“Don’t forgive me, only come for selfish purposes.”

Say three times. Let the candle burn out in a glass of water so that the fire goes out upon contact with the water.

During the week, carefully monitor your guests; the enemy will not be able to apologize for a spilled mug of tea, for example. He will only make any requests, feel uncomfortable with you, but still communicate, as he is subject to conspiracy.

Using natural wax

For this ritual you will need a tall, white, wax candle and a small container of water at room temperature. Pour wax from a candle burning at an angle into the container, whispering the cherished words:

“The wax knows the whole secret, it will read your name.”

Then start looking at the figures.


Letters - initials of the conspirator

The numbers are his approximate age

Flowers, sun, heart - your enemy is a woman

Pets (cat, dog, chickens) - your former lover, the person with whom you had a relationship

Wild animals (wolf, fox, elk, lion) – man

Using the energy of the offender

This method requires certain skills. An individual must distinguish between his own energy and foreign energy. To do this, you need to properly deal with your thoughts, meditate every day, and find balance with yourself. Doing yoga helps a lot.

If these skills are well mastered, then it will be very easy to identify someone else's energy and begin to weaken it.

Any witchcraft blow of a black magician, be it bad thoughts or spells, is reflected in a person’s karma. He feels this burden and heaviness. Heaviness, density, temperature, color all begin to change in your aura. Usually pain and swelling begin in the part where the “edge of the curse” hit the most.

A very strong stone, known to all magicians, is black tourmaline. Attach it to a silver chain and keep it separate from everything else. Having identified and tuned in to the energy of the black magician, ask questions that interest you.

Indicate the sides of the stone, for example, right - yes, left - no. Ask the man or woman whether you know this person, whether you have a close relationship, how long ago you saw each other, whether you will see him tomorrow. With the right questions, you can easily understand who your enemy is.

Don't try to call the curse back on the magician, just protect yourself from the person.

Christian ritual

It is suitable only for baptized and believing people. The ritual includes the following steps:

  1. The cross is worn on the neck. In a church or temple we buy seven tall candles and an image of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, if desired, one more saint.
  2. Take holy water, cross yourself and leave.
  3. At midnight, light the purchased candles in front of the images of the saints and place water in a container in front of the icons.
  4. Say the well-known prayer “Our Father”

And then the following words:

"All saints, listen,

Our Father will help me

I believe all the forces of evil will not be able to resist.

And I will stand against my enemies, against myself.

Couldn't be stronger in spirit..."

Drink three sips of holy water.

Before the candles, start saying:

“Not wishing harm to anyone and redemption, I ask one thing, your servant of God (servant of God), after the end of the time of candles, to see the one who doomed me to loneliness. Amen".

Drink water again.

In complete silence, concentrate on the flames of the candles, wait until they go out, and go to bed. Throw away the cinders before doing this. The guest will arrive to you in the coming days.

Ritual with keys

It couldn't be simpler. Very unusual, but effective. Seven rusty keys and a pot of boiling water are all you need. They must be thrown into boiling water with the following sayings:

“Whoever wants to harm me, God’s servant (name), will have no peace. Before death, you won’t know peace until you show yourself.”

The next day, wait for the conspirator on the doorstep, as he will be completely deprived of peace and cannot help but think about you.

Identifying an enemy using an egg

An egg helps not only to find out whether there is damage to a person, but can also give an answer to an exciting question: who wishes evil, who ordered death? Ask the egg itself about this, and then break it into a container of water. Sit down and press your chin to your chest, place a glass of water on the crown of your head. After 8 minutes, carefully study the contents.

  • Nothing has changed - you are not haunted by the evil eye, no one is jealous, everything is fine.
  • The protein threads appeared - damage or the evil eye, the more threads, the stronger.
  • Strings of protein at the very bottom - the enemy is hiding, hiding from prying eyes, including yours.
  • There are air bubbles in the threads - a conspiracy for money, financial well-being.
  • A boiled yolk is a sign of loneliness or the crown of celibacy, the inability to have children.
  • Air bubbles in the yolk - addiction to alcohol will intensify, with possible serious consequences.
  • The yolk is not fully cooked - long agony, illness, bad weather in the soul.
  • Black specks indicate sudden death of one’s own or a loved one.

Ritual with oil

Essential oils will be required. Each spoilage has its own smell, temperature and color. Essential oils are also used in meditation, so if a person does it, it will be very good. You can use “Rose”, “Saffron”, “Tea Tree” and “Fir” for the ritual.

Before meditating, put on an aroma lamp, light a candle, and calm down. There should be no foreign animals in the room. You need to spend 30–40 minutes alone with yourself.

This will help you not only recognize the face of the offender, but also improve your health, cleanse your aura, and find peace in this activity. The position should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time you need to ensure that your back is straight, your arms are relaxed, and your legs are obedient.

Close your eyes and try to relax your body from head to toe. Direct your attention to tense areas of the body. If you can't do this, it's okay, leave everything as it is. Inhale the aromas of oils deeply.

Attune your attention to the mantra OM. You can also choose any other mantra that you like best. And when you notice that you have started to think about something else, just calmly return your attention to the starting point.

Beware of attempts to reflect emotions (sensations), desires that arise in the soul. Accept these things without getting involved in them.

Now concentrate, listen to your body, your mind, someone else’s energy will show you its owner, reveal this secret to you, the main thing is to do everything correctly and not burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts. Don't try to compare your "suspects" in your head, nothing good will come of it.

Ritual with needles and candles

Candles (2 pieces) should be purchased only in the church and nowhere else. Light one with a match, break the second into two parts. Melt the broken piece in a small container over a burning candle. Pour the melted wax into a bowl with a watery liquid. The second candle should burn out quietly. The resulting image may resemble the image of a sorcerer who has caused damage.

Three needles will help now. Thread your hair into them. Stick them into the resulting image and say the spell:

“The tip is in the water, and I’m in trouble. Come and show yourself, spellcaster. The needles hurt, but you remember me.”

We should wait for news. The used container is placed at the doorstep all night, in the morning the water is placed at the window, and so on until the guest arrives or calls.

Using coal

This method is practiced in Eastern Europe and is very powerful and simple. All you need is water and coal or a burnt candle, but preferably the first, of course. State your name, which was given to you at baptism.

This is very important, since often the names do not match, for example, Oksana, and at baptism Ksenia. Dip the coal into the water. If he drowned, this is a bad omen. But you shouldn’t be afraid; damage has been caused that does not lead to death. It is also possible that it could be directed at a child or husband.

The very last piece of advice is to turn to a witch or fortune teller. Having spread out the cards and looked at the photograph, it will give answers to all the questions that worry you. Main - . She will also help remove damage and determine its type, danger to life and family, and provide the assistance necessary for any person.

The question of how to find out who caused the damage or caused it arises immediately after realizing the presence of a negative impact in fate. You can identify the offender and solve the problem yourself if you know the folk methods that sorcerers use.

Let's find out what damage was caused

The concept of damage is interpreted as both special and accidental, unintentional effects. Without malicious intent, you can even jinx yourself or a child.

Changes in life after induced negativity affect almost all areas of activity. Knowing the symptoms of types of damage allows you to see obvious deviations:

  • for success;
  • even .

Determine the type of negativity that has struck, because this is what determines the circle of people who need to be checked.

Before you hang a label, try to sit down and find the time point at which the problems began. Simple structuring of events will help.

Take a piece of paper with a pen, remember and write down everything that preceded the beginning of negativity in life. List who you talked to, received unexpected gifts, who asked for a visit and took you by surprise with a visit. This will help significantly reduce the list of suspects.

Now, one by one, name the potential offenders, imagine their image in front of you. Listen to your feelings. Cross out those you remember with warmth and tenderness. Leave people towards whom you feel hostility, indifference or hatred. Do this until there are 10 people left.

Chat with each selected person privately. You need to act unexpectedly, without calls or warnings. Otherwise, the object will sense the hunt and will be able to avoid the encounter. When confronted with a suspect, maintain composure and note:

  • The first emotion on the interlocutor’s face. Indicators of guilt will be fear and rage.
  • Catch your inner feelings. When imagining a potential enemy, negative feelings will intensify significantly.
  • Record exchanged phrases. The saboteur will definitely try to ask about affairs in the area on which he cast the spell.
  • Record the duration of the conversation. The enemy will smile in the face, while trying not to look into the eyes. As soon as he manages to find out about a matter that interests him, he will begin to rush to leave.
  • Watch the posture and gestures of the participant in the conversation. Crossed arms, clenched fists, moving the body forward, licking lips, scratching the tip of the nose are signs of fear and lies.

Sometimes you can’t recognize the enemy on your own. Among the reasons are:

  • the damage could have been imposed not on you, but on someone in the family, perhaps a long time ago;
  • the ritual was carried out by a strong sorcerer to order, and he managed to put a powerful block so that the secret of his participation would not be revealed;
  • a person subjected to an energy attack cannot correctly analyze the information received. For example, during a ritual with wax, he cannot interpret the resulting figures.

Then all that remains is to rely on higher powers that return the evil back to the customer. However, this occurs provided that the lining is discovered or the correct release ritual is performed.

If you have a large circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances, be careful in looking for behavioral deviations in each of them. Suspicion will alert the ill-wisher and scare away good people.

It would be more correct to use one of the magical rituals that allows you to find out who is causing damage or the evil eye.

Let's find out who caused damage in a dream

An option that forces the subconscious to work during rest. You can use the method when you go to bed on Thursday or Sunday. According to legend, they dream about Friday and Monday. Stay calm, sober and balanced. Be clear about what you expect from this dream, do not watch TV at night. Leaning back in bed, close your eyes and mentally wish to recognize your offender. When your concentration on the goal is maximum, begin to whisper:

“I walk in bright rows, I look at the faces of saints.
Among them is Saint Samson, I will ask him with my heart.
Saint Samson, show me a dream, point to the enemy, show his face.
May the living Trinity help me, may Mother Theotokos bless me.
Lord Jesus, save me, make my dream come true, help me remember it.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Amen."

To avoid losing your night visions, place a notebook and pen at your head. When you wake up, write down everything you remember. Try not to touch your head, otherwise you may erase your memories.

Determining who made the evil eye using wax

They also pour fear into children, seal the protection, and, of course, diagnose it. To see how it helps you find out who caused the damage, follow the instructions:

Take a small piece of wax or a church wax candle and melt it in a non-stick bowl. Carefully pour the melted mixture into a small container filled with water. Tell:

“I pour hot wax into the water, I reveal the name of my enemy!”

It cools down and turns into strangely shaped figures. Consider them. What information hidden in the symbols may interest you:

  • the numbers indicate the date of the black ritual;
  • the moon, flower or tree implies the female hand of the enemy;
  • geometric figures, sharp-beaked birds, large wild animals - the instigator is a man;
  • wax letters identify the initials of the offender.
  • a ball, hammer, scales and other objects may suggest the performer's profession.

Church ritual of identifying the mastermind of corruption

Bring some candles from church. Light one and break the other. Over the flame of the first, melt the broken part of the second in a spoon. Pour the hot wax into a bowl of water. The second candle should burn out nearby. Take a closer look at the image. Try not to blink and then you will be able to see for a moment the image of the sorcerer. If you have problems visualizing, look at the shape of the poured wax. What kind of symbol results, what gender is the enemy.

Now take three needles and stick them one by one into the floating wax. Speak.