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How to develop a leader within yourself. Personal qualities of a potential leader. What prevents many people from developing leadership qualities?

For some reason, many people think that the ability to be a leader is given to a person from birth, but in fact this is not the case. Leaders are those people who have developed the set of qualities necessary to be someone who is followed by many. If desired, each person will be able to develop leadership qualities. If you are also aspiring to become a leader, this article will help you. Let's look at 15 tips for developing leadership skills.

1. A true leader is able to manage himself, so he does not allow emotions to dictate what to do. If you want to develop leadership skills, then first of all, practice self-control. It will only be difficult at first, and then the ability to control your emotions will become a habit and become as natural an action as breathing.

2. An equally important quality for a leader is punctuality, so it is necessary to work on developing time management skills. The ability to properly manage your time will make you not only punctual, but also more effective, which is no less important for a leader.

3. Tell people only what you yourself believe in - this best exercise to develop the skill of persuasion, a very important quality of every leader. You can only be convincing if you yourself are 100% convinced of what you are saying.

4. Develop the skill to complete all planned tasks on time. A leader is a person who is first in everything, and if you procrastinate and put off important things until tomorrow, you will not only achieve success nowhere.

5. A good leader is first and foremost a grateful person. And people become grateful when they learn to appreciate everything they receive. Develop this skill in yourself.

6. A leader who is able to lead people must first of all show interest in them. Interest is the antipode of indifference and indifference. The leader does not hesitate to show that he is interested in his team and needs the people who surround him.

7. It is important for a leader to be able to correctly define goals - because this is what will help direct his efforts and the energy of the team to achieve them. Work on the ability to set goals correctly, clearly define their time limits and see the end result.

8. A leader is not only a person who knows how to correctly define goals and direct the efforts of people towards their implementation. A leader is, first of all, a person who is the first to direct his energy towards achieving goals and leads people in this matter.

9. The most important quality that distinguishes all leaders is a sense of responsibility. Develop it in yourself, because a good leader understands his responsibility for goals, results, and, of course, for his team.

10. Leaders who are able to lead people are people who are “on fire” with their idea and charge everyone else with this enthusiasm. Therefore, it is important to develop passion in yourself, to look for internal sources to fuel your inspiration and enthusiasm.

11. Good leaders are always motivated people who clearly know what and when they want. But, besides this, they know how to motivate other people. To learn how to do this, it is important to be able to understand the desires and needs of other people.

12. It is very important for a leader to be able to trust people and, based on this, delegate. Believing in yourself generates faith in other people - your team. Learn to trust yourself and people, and they will show amazing results.

13. To become a leader, you must defeat negative thinking once and for all. A leader sees perspective, opportunity, and bright spots in everything. It is important for a leader to develop positive thinking.

14. An indispensable quality for a leader is persistence. In order to give good results, it is not at all necessary to have favorable conditions - this is not a decisive factor. But the person who did not stop, despite the presence of numerous obstacles, will definitely show great results.

15. A leader is always open to people and strives to convey his experience as much as possible. Therefore, learn to communicate and be open to people, to convey to them the most valuable thing you have - knowledge and experience.

The promotion fell out of the blue. My predecessor, an old maid in her forties, suddenly got married and drove off to follow her handsome prince. Good education, work experience, and, damn it, a wonderful character, played a role.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, I became a middle-level manager of an organization in which I had recently been an ordinary cog. An acute problem arose: how to become a leader in a team that knows you inside and out, without having any experience in leadership work.

Having covered myself with psychological literature, I began to build my own line of behavior. My first education in psychology helped a lot; all the knowledge gained fell on prepared ground. What I firmly decided from the very beginning was that I would never repeat the mistakes of my predecessor.

Looking ahead, I will say that from my own experience I am convinced that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” About hell, of course, this is too much, but the fact that you shouldn’t envy the leader’s position too much until you “get into his skin” is absolutely true.

Laws of team building

It is impossible to become a leader if you do not know by what laws the team is built. Moreover, these laws are the same for the army, sports, school, student and industrial teams. Leaders naturally sense these patterns subconsciously. Those who have set themselves the goal of becoming a leader will have to learn this. Management psychology is also a science.

From the very beginning, I thought that giving instructions left and right in an orderly tone was, to say the least, stupid. I didn’t want ostentatious authority, but real authority. And one more aspect: the Big Boss, the one above me, will probably first check the correctness of his decision on personnel changes. This means that there is one more unknown in the equation about the tactics of my behavior.

The team structure proposed by the famous psychotherapist M. Litvak seemed to me to be the most objective. I decided to take it as a basis, here are the main informal groups of any team:

  • Educational and career group. A support for any leader, its members strive for professional and personal growth; those who are constantly growing should feel comfortable with them. This means that I won’t have any problems here; my diplomas and certificates of various courses can easily be pasted over one wall of the office. By the way, management psychology believes that the higher the social status of the team, the more careerists there are in it. I also found such clever people, which means I’ll have someone to rely on.
  • Cultural and entertainment group. In it, most often those who are at work, but their thoughts are somewhere on the side. This could be a home, extra work, commerce, or other interests. Formally, you can’t find fault with them, they fulfill their duties, but not a step to the side, no initiative. There were also such people, some of them were all about the country house under construction, some were thinking about children who had gotten away from their hands.
  • Alcohol-sexual group. The most uncomfortable part of the employees, especially in the first, alcoholic part. They are not interested in the goals of the team, these groups are formed gradually, they have an informal leader who “spoils the whole raspberry” for the formal leader. Such groups are almost impossible to imagine in commercial organizations, but we worked in a budget agency, and we also had such a group. Moreover, at its helm was an employee with a very quarrelsome character.
Having promised myself to think about the goals that were important to informal groups later, I decided to evaluate my own chances of success as a team leader.

Personal qualities of a potential leader

It seemed to me that a real leader must have charisma - an elusive, attractive charm that acts on others like a magnet. And management psychology considers the following qualities to be leadership qualities:
  • High level of intelligence. Hooray! At least here there is complete correspondence - something, but this cannot be taken away. The habit of constantly acquiring knowledge is now more valuable than ever. Life changes rapidly, you need to learn all your life. And for those who love this activity, the golden time has come. Moreover, there are enough sources of information even in the provinces.
  • Confidence in own strength . The category is not exactly mine, but confidence, like a muscle, can be trained. The character of a melancholic person does not contribute to the development of confidence, but since the situation obliges him, his character will have to be adjusted. A leader needs confidence like air, because he will have to make decisions with lightning speed.
  • To be a leader means be ready for change. The ability to change on the fly, maneuver between “possible” and “impossible”, convincingly prove to yourself the correctness of the chosen path, which yesterday led in the opposite direction - all these qualities are in the blood of my contemporaries of the era transition period.
  • To be a leader means have character. I did not have a hard hand, but I had a rare persistence in reserve, well disguised by softness and delicacy. As my husband puts it: “It’s soft to lay down, but hard to sleep.” It will do for the first time, then we will see what kind of character is required.
  • To be a leader means be able to assemble a team of like-minded people. The art of motivation was my strong point, I can set the right goals, and the ability to persuade is also quite good. All that remains is to build a functioning team with a clear division of responsibilities.
  • Being a leader means being able to move towards a goal no matter what. This quality has two components: desire and persistence. The desire, aka the incentive, was there, there was no lack of persistence, it seems that everything is “in chocolate” here too. The character of a leader is called upon to bring the work he has begun to a victorious end, not to give in to difficulties, and to be tailored to the system and its goals.
A small piece of paper with this cheat sheet went under the glass on my work table and was very useful to me later. The work became very interesting; all the “informals” were united by a common goal. And the cantankerous comrade, who was an informal leader, turned out to be very efficient, it was worth noting his achievements once in front of everyone.

Big Boss, making sure that the wheels were spinning as they should, gave unlimited credit and hinted that I had been noticed upstairs. I finally believed that psychology is a science no less important than computer science. With its help, you can correct any character and try to change it for the better.

Leaders are not born

Management psychology has become my next hobby; I wanted to know whether these laws work in children's team, especially since a convenient opportunity presented itself for this. A work colleague shared a problem - her son does not know how to become a leader in the class where he was recently transferred from another school. It turns out that when deciding how to become a leader in a company of classmates, you need to develop the following qualities:
  • Self confidence. Such a person will not go unnoticed anywhere; thoughts on the topic: “what if my character does not correspond” are alien to him. If you believe in yourself, others will believe in you. There is no confidence - you can develop it, praise the child and support him (not to be confused with overprotection!). Criticism for failures is strictly prohibited.
  • Capabilities. Anyone who is thinking about how to become a leader in life must stand out with some kind of talent. Sing the best, whistle the loudest, knit the fastest maritime knots, jump the furthest, and so on. Developing a small talent into a sufficiently noticeable talent is the responsibility of caring parents.
  • Ability to take responsibility. The psychology of team management considers this quality to be perhaps the main one for those who are thinking about how to become a leader in the classroom. A true leader is always responsible for his actions, no matter good or bad. This quality is cultivated from childhood; it is advisable not to scold a child for taking initiative. The slogan “Initiative is punishable!” Only suitable for a construction battalion.
  • Be resistant to criticism. Don’t get upset, but take criticism constructively, considering it a chance for self-improvement.

The psychology of team management believes that sometimes the greatest power in a team is not the bright and self-confident “soul of the company,” but a seemingly modest and not particularly sociable comrade. However, it is his opinion that is listened to, it is his word that is decisive, it is his style of clothing and his manner of behavior that classmates begin to imitate. This " eminence grise“Keeps everyone at a distance, never imposes his point of view, but has a strong opinion on all important points.

In order to be a leader of any team, you can develop the necessary qualities in yourself. The team is formed according to certain laws, they cannot be ignored. The makings of a leader can be cultivated from childhood, taking into account the type of temperament of the child. Not everyone needs these skills; for some it is easier to be led and live according to the principle “Every cricket know its nest” .

Each of us strives to be respected, have authority and unquestionable influence on other people. Each of us wants to be a leader, but very few achieve this.

How to become a leader in life? It's not easy, but it's quite possible. Let us discuss with you the main points that are vital to know along this path.

The leader is

Translated from English, a leader is a commander, a leader. It is the person who takes responsibility for the work of the team who is the first to reap its successes and failures. A group without a leader is anarchy, where everyone is on their side, and there is no organization at all.

The concept of leadership is rooted in social psychology. Any group of people consisting of 3 or more people automatically creates a leader. Even if outwardly it is not too noticeable. People listen to him a little more, respect him a little more, and his jokes are always a little funnier, even if this is not entirely true. This occurs due to the need to take responsibility for the group. Below we will look at these conditions and other nuances in more detail.

Types of leadership and qualities of a leader

The concept of leadership has been studied very carefully by psychologists and sociologists. Several large-scale theories of the emergence of leadership have been created, and we will analyze their main points.

Behavioral psychology distinguishes between formal and informal leadership. Thus, there is a difference between the nominal and the actual leader in any team.

Let's take a very simple example: the formal leader in production is the director, but the real influence belongs to the shop manager, who is in direct contact with the workers.

If the formal and informal leader is one person, then the team acts harmoniously and coherently, receiving a clear and definite vector of development. If not, conflicts may arise due to different policies and instructions from the formal and informal leader.

If you intend to become a leader at work or in a company, then it is important to first gain authority in the team and become an informal leader. Because personal relationships with the team have a much greater impact than various documents and certificates.

Depending on the environment and the scale of the tasks being solved, there are 3 types of leadership:

  • Everyday leadership - in the family, schools, universities, spontaneous groups. It has the smallest scale and is often unexpressed - the leader is not formally elected, but has a greater share of influence than other group members.
  • Social leadership - in production, in trade unions, sports or creative societies.
  • Political leadership – public and statesmen. The maximum degree of leadership, which has a clear hierarchy.

There is a clear connection between these types of leadership. A household leader, with the right level of perseverance, can become a social or even political leader.

If you want to become a leader, I offer you a 10-step program that will help you develop your leadership skills. The examples are drawn from business, but the principles of leadership development are universal.

Step 1. Think about why you need to be a leader?

Yes Yes exactly. You need to understand the reasons for your desires. Despite the apparent simplicity of this step, everything can turn out to be much more complicated. One does not become a leader out of boredom or lack of emotions.

A leader is a person who leads people towards the realization of a desired goal. Leadership is not the goal itself, but the means to achieve it. What is your goal? A big, inspiring goal will not only activate you and your potential, but will also attract people who will want to go towards this goal with you. Therefore, you first need to determine what you really want.

Step 2: Create a success journal.

This tool is familiar to everyone. This is the simplest and most effective tool for personal development and motivation that will help you become a leader. Keep a separate notebook. Write down your successes and victories in it every day. It is advisable to do this more often and as much as possible. Minimum 5 wins or achievements daily.

At first, this may seem like a monotonous and pointless task. But within a few weeks you will see that these successes are a very powerful incentive for further victories. The more confidence you have, the more other people trust (follow you) you.

Step 3: Create a leadership environment.

To be a leader yourself, you must constantly be among leaders. Feel free to make new acquaintances and communicate as much as possible with interesting and active people.

To speed up the process of developing you as a leader, place yourself surrounded by people stronger and more successful than yourself. May you have your own personal leaders. This will help you better understand the psychology of leadership and learn to be strong, following the example of other leaders.

Step 4: Be purposeful.

Once your goal is set, you need to make every effort to achieve it. There is no other option.

It's not scary to fail if you know that you made every effort to achieve your goal. It is much worse if this defeat was the result of negligence and a frivolous attitude towards it. To become a leader, you need to learn to develop clear plans and step-by-step tactics to achieve your goals. Only a serious approach that leaves no room for carelessness.

Fortunately, there are methods for doing this. Use them to enhance your leadership potential. It is important to remember that a leader is first and foremost a role model. You must be what your expectations are for the best people your team, only in an enhanced version. If you want your team to be strong, purposeful and achieving goals, become such a person yourself. Everyone looks up to you.

Step 5: Make decisions and be responsible.

This is the most pivotal moment in leadership. In a group of three people, someone automatically becomes the leader. Why? – Because the other two trust the opinion of the group leader more. This feature has back side: Whoever expresses an opinion or plan of action can easily become the leader of the group. “You lead, and there will be those led” - good aphorism, accurately conveying the very essence of leadership.

I repeat: a leader becomes one who has the courage to set a goal, captivate other people with it and lead (give work) everyone towards its implementation. It is responsibility for one's decisions that distinguishes a leader from an ordinary group member. The ability to take responsibility for the decisions of your subordinates is also important.

How to become a leader? I dare say that many people are asking this question. In this article we will look at this topic in detail, and after reading it to the end, you will become a team leader. True, it will take desire and desire.

A leader is a person who takes responsible decisions regarding the interests of the group he leads. The leader's decisions often determine the direction and nature of the team's activities.

In some cases, the head of the team is officially appointed, although often he does not even hold an official position. In other words, he leads the team thanks to his organizational skills.

How to become a leader in a team

A leader is a person respected in society, who in various situations manifests himself as a confident and purposeful person.

A person with leadership qualities is not afraid to make mistakes and is not afraid of criticism. He is concerned about the decline in authority, especially when a competitor appears who claims leadership.

Leadership is a unique quality, genetically inherent in a person, which is formed under the influence of stereotypes and conditions.

  1. If there is no inclination towards leadership qualities, it is difficult to cultivate them. A leader's mission is not a simple task. Only a highly intelligent person is able to reach the top. True, if you feel tired or want to change your lifestyle, you need to think about everything.
  2. A woman who is able to manage other people rarely becomes an ideal housewife. Even if he considers housework to be his calling. Such women often complicate the situation and make the lives of loved ones tense. This is explained by the desire to control other people and an attempt to restore order.
  3. The presence of peace and harmony in the home directly depends on whether a woman with leadership qualities has the opportunity to release energy. Otherwise, loved ones will feel inferior.
  4. If you do not have leadership inclinations, choosing a specialty related to leadership is extremely undesirable. Such a position will be an overwhelming test, and you can’t count on a career.

I shared information about leadership in a team. It became known what one would have to face as part of leadership activities, and which individuals are not suitable for the role of team leader.

Video tips and instructions

How to become a leader at work

There is an opinion that leaders are born. It's a delusion. Every person can become a leader at work, and the desire to achieve goals, perseverance and titanic work will help in this.

If leadership qualities first appeared in kindergarten, it will be easier to achieve status at work. In every group there is a person who leads the rest. She acts as a leader who emotionally turns on her colleagues and leads them to success.

The leader will be the one who helps his colleagues and knows what to do. The status will be given to a person with a wealth of experience and a decent age.

The tandem of perseverance and patience will be your ticket to the league. You will have to learn additional skills.

  1. Making decisions . Decisions must be thoughtful and timely. When considering any issue, weigh and think about everything.
  2. Ability to find the root of the problem . If you break down a problem into parts, you will be able to solve it faster and easier.
  3. Use of force . It's easier to develop abilities that you already have. Find a few strengths and focus on developing them.
  4. Career . Going with the flow is strictly prohibited. Overcome difficulties and strive for success.
  5. Initiative . If you make a mistake, admit your guilt. Add the mistake to your personal experience.
  6. Optimism. If you fail, you should not fall into a state of helplessness. Find a plan that will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Listen to advice and your inner voice, make sure you want to become a leader and take on responsibilities.

How to become a leader among friends

Any team is unthinkable without a leader. He leads the group members, sets the mood, distributes responsibilities, forces them to follow instructions and listen carefully.

According to psychologists, one team can have several leaders:

  1. performing
  2. inspiring
  3. emotional
  4. situational
  5. informal
  6. formal
  7. business
  8. universal

Each team member can become a leader in a certain area if the character matches the type.

  1. If you want to lead a group of friends, become confident. Leadership is closely related to confidence.
  2. Learn to joke and stand out from the crowd. A higher salary, more pronounced muscles, high popularity with the opposite sex, a unique hobby, etc. would be suitable.
  3. Learn to persuade, win arguments and prove what is right. The listed features are extremely important. Disputes often arise in a male company, and the skills listed above will help in such situations to win a share of leadership.

If you want to become a leader among friends and the life of the party, take an active part in resolving conflicts of varying complexity, be ahead of your peers and feel respect, listen to advice.

How to become a leader in a relationship with a girl

A person with a package of complexes, without a sense of humor and self-confidence in the matter of leadership is not able to succeed. By and large, to become a leader in a relationship with a girl, it is enough to be yourself, demand respectful treatment, and indulge your companion’s weaknesses.

  1. First of all, show yourself as a protector, hunter, breadwinner and a real man. Make the girl an object of adoration and protection. Then the girl will take the position you prepared.
  2. The leader makes decisions in relationships. A guy should consult with his soul mate, listen to her opinion, but the last word must be behind him. If you do everything right, the girl will develop a feeling of trust and respect.
  3. What to do if your other half is a strong and independent woman? According to the girls, the only thing that will help in this situation is confidence, which will bring the status of a leader, and the woman will feel protected and will be able to relax.
  4. It is useful to demonstrate care and express sympathy. In this case, the girl will understand that there is an attentive and caring man nearby and will become a good wife.

The tips really work. And if you awaken trust, it will become soft and fluffy.

How to become a leader in the classroom

The school acts as a miniature model of the world where social skills are acquired. There is a leader in every school class. In most cases, this person is ahead of his peers in all segments of school life.

In the classroom, he has to assert leadership as some of his classmates try to take his place. In some cases, vigorous activity allows you to do this.

The leader in the class is not always the most successful, handsome, smart and strong. Such a person has strengths, and he knows how to use them.

If you want to become a leader in your class, read the basic rules.

  1. Without self-confidence nothing will happen. If you don’t have confidence, work on yourself, learn to make important decisions and take responsibility for them.
  2. Be an example for your classmates. They should be interested in your opinion and listen to your advice. To do this you will have to know more than others and be an excellent student. Development and reading will help you achieve your goal.
  3. Be in the center of the action. This concerns school and peer groups. In this case, there are more chances to prove yourself. Take on difficult tasks and involve your classmates in solving them.
  4. Play sports and drive healthy image life. Classmates like it when colleagues stand up for them. In addition, a person actively involved in physical education participates in competitions, defending the honor of the school.
  5. Finish the things you start. A leader who is unable to fulfill a promise will not last long in the team.
  6. An important point - appearance. The person at the head of a team, even a school one, is always neat and wears fashionable clothes. Learn to combine fashion trends, trying not to shock your teachers.
  7. Don't humiliate weak peers. This will reveal your bad sides and your classmates will understand that you are not capable of acting differently.

Believe in yourself. If there is a leader in the class, you should not despair. Try your hand at a small team of opponents. It is possible that you will be appreciated here.

How to become a leader in life

A leader in life will be a self-made man. To do this, it is not necessary to have high intelligence or unique talents.

A leader is able to see the situation ahead and create highly effective channels of communication with people. Developing personal qualities will help you become effective in life, lead a group of people, inspire, manage and lead. What qualities will be needed?

  1. Communication skills . Without followers, a leader is empty. Followers count driving force and enable you to succeed. Develop public speaking and communication skills. Words will help inspire and gain respect, support and sympathy.
  2. Advice. Communicate with other people on equal terms, participate in social activities, give each team member the opportunity to feel important.
  3. Thinking. If in some situations you have to take quick solutions, in others you have to make thoughtful moves and weigh alternatives. If all else fails, the leader must offer a non-standard solution to the problem.
  4. Creativity . Focus on developing creative thinking Special attention. Listen to the opinions of others. Undoubtedly, group members can come up with wonderful ideas, but uncertainty and complexes prevent them from putting the idea into practice.
  5. Attentiveness . Notice active people, encourage and help develop their initiatives. The result will be success.
  6. Courage. Leadership and fear are incompatible things. Even if some action is wrong, you should not be afraid. Draw appropriate conclusions, and introduce the error into the experiment.
  7. Organization . An important quality is the ability to organize effective team work. We are talking about the work process, preparing for the holidays, going on vacation, and so on.

A leader in life is a multifaceted personality who fearlessly moves forward, leading followers. If you consider yourself such a person, try becoming a leader. Perhaps this is your calling in life.

The first step is to define the word leader. A leader is the one who holds the general mood in his hands, creates an emotional atmosphere, the one who knows why he is doing this. Leaders are not born, leaders are made. And to become a leader, you need to educate yourself accordingly, learn to set your own priorities.
A leader is not necessarily a person with outstanding natural abilities or an ultra-high IQ. This is, first of all, a person with intuition, insight and communication skills.
There are many qualities that are attributed to leaders. And almost all of them appear in the process of purposeful work on oneself. The psychology of a leader is a way of thinking, a way of assessing reality and one’s capabilities. This is a filter that helps you remain a confident person who believes in your abilities. And you need to cultivate the psychology of a leader in yourself if you want to succeed.
Psychologists have long developed many systems and methods for developing the psychology of a leader and leadership qualities. In this article, MirSovetov will look at some psychological exercises, since there are a lot of them and most complement or modify each other.

When changing yourself, remain yourself. You shouldn’t put on a mask of who you want to become, even if you want it very much. Just puffing out your cheeks instead of an objective assessment of your capabilities, working on yourself, self-realization, no good results will not lead. Try to make full use of all the energy that is given to you, your gifts and abilities.
It is hardly worth expecting results from reading popular psychological literature with bright and promising titles like “Leader in a Week”, “How to Quickly Become a Millionaire” and the like, biographies of “celebrities and successes”. It will not be useful to attend courses in which self-proclaimed miracle-para-bio-psychologists, of course, for a fee, will teach people, for which they will offer a “magic shovel” of dollars for 100. Objective assessment yourself, your capabilities, coupled with self-development, clear goal setting - this is what is necessary.
In order to analyze your shortcomings, accept them (which in itself is a step forward) and eradicate them, there are the following ways:

Personal qualities of a leader

Changing yourself is truly difficult, long and difficult. The inner voice is inflammatory and sarcastic, saying that “this is impossible and it’s not worth getting involved at all.” But you and I are smart people, we understand that it’s very worth it. There are many qualities that are considered leadership qualities. If you don’t have them, you need to develop them regardless of where or in what you want to be a leader. How? Next, MirSovetov will consider psychological exercises that can develop the qualities necessary for a leader or outline the path to their development.

Self-development is the key to success. Among other things, it involves the accumulation of experience, knowledge and the desire to develop “endlessly striving for an unattainable ideal.” Read more books not only in the field you are going to study, but also in other fields. . Learn from others. Observe the work of those people who, in your opinion, have achieved success that deserves respect. Learn from the mistakes of others and, as much as you may not want to, learn from your own. Remember those people in your life who can be called leaders. Analyze through the accumulated experience what they did, how they got out of difficult situations, their behavior, their attitude towards the world.
Communicate more, make new acquaintances, which are never superfluous. Look for new friends. The information that you can receive during communication may be urgently important, or may be needed after some time. In addition, you will gain experience in understanding the mood and true thoughts of people, which is very important for a real leader. And we’re not just talking about “useful” acquaintances. A conversation with a traveling musician can be much more beneficial than a long acquaintance with another official.
All this will allow you to replenish your knowledge base, which you will definitely need in the future. The world is not limited by the visible, it is limited by vision.

Communication skills
Communication skills are not only the ability to clearly and consistently express your thoughts. In addition, it is common for a leader, with the help of a correctly constructed speech, to interest others and unite them under a common principle.

As a result of one of the sociological surveys, it was revealed that approximately 65 percent of managers, in the opinion of employees, lack the ability to use socio-psychological approaches.
In other words, the desire to cooperate must be justified. Therefore, communication needs to be structured in such a way as to bring the employee “closer in soul” as much as possible and to increase the sense of personal involvement in the activities of the team. At the same time, it is very important to know about the interests and goals of everyone, and, taking this knowledge into account, be able to explain how the implementation of the overall intended task will contribute to the achievement of the interests of each individual.
MirSovetov recommends communicating with everyone on an equal basis, while at the same time not forgetting about your leadership. To be part of the team and not seem like someone unfairly claiming leadership, try to communicate more with everyone (it is necessary that everyone realizes their personal importance). Participate in solving the team’s daily problems and in their leisure time. We will talk about the elements of behavior in communication further.

Self confidence
This is the quality without which it is impossible to imagine any leader. To develop self-confidence, you need to constantly (for yourself personally) record your own achievements and successfully completed tasks. And what is equally important, do not stop before solving the next problem, with some assertiveness, look for all kinds of ways out of it - going through difficulties always increases self-confidence. MirSovetov has already dwelled on this issue in more detail (in the material “”), but here we want to talk about how that same confidence is manifested during the conversation. Through communication, it is easy to notice how confident you are in yourself and your point of view. This can be felt in the timbre of your voice, in the words you use, and even in your gaze and the position of your body.
Do you want to feel like a leader?! Then show confidence with all your appearance, believe in yourself. When speaking, keep your head straight and look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Shoulders should be relaxed, chest out slightly.
Express your thoughts clearly and, if possible, do not use words that give your speech shades of uncertainty and excessive softness: “as if,” “seemingly,” “probably,” “I think so.” Try to present everything in such a way that the listener has as little uncertainty as possible in what you have stated. Everything should be extremely clear, concise and understandable. Instead of the word “I think,” use the word “I’m sure” or at least “I think.” Try not to make excuses with phrases like “I’m not an expert in this matter,” “I’ve only been here recently,” and so on. To do this, return to the first point and remember that you are a comprehensively developed person, and such phrases have no place in your words.
You shouldn’t even try to push for pity in any conversation. The timbre and depth of your voice can say a lot about your condition. Watch your voice. Let it be clear, moderately loud and even.

Thanks to this quality, the already stated self-confidence is developed, and at the same time, confidence itself, coupled with willpower and strength of character, contribute to the development of this leadership trait in a person. And the sense of responsibility (which we will also talk about) regarding the presence of endurance should not be a burden, but an incentive for further action.
“Don't hang your nose” - this should become one of the main rules in your life. Whatever happens - good or bad, you must understand that it is not always you or those who were nearby who are to blame. There is always an element of chance. This means you need to think about everything again, calculate and try until the victorious finale. If, of course, you need it.

Thomas Edison created the incandescent lamp only after two thousand experiments. And he conducted experiments without any technical education, under the ridicule of “certified specialists.” When asked by a journalist whether it was easy for him to carry out experiments after so many failures, Edison replied that he did not get unsuccessful results at all, but found 1999 ways not to create a light bulb.
Only by overcoming difficulties can you become a leader. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance is most often not the path greatest benefit. By making yourself easier on less, you lose support in the form of experience and psychological readiness for difficulties in the future.
If you help a butterfly get out of the cocoon by cutting it, you can thereby deprive the butterfly of the ability to fly. Because when she resists and tries to break the cocoon, liquid enters her wings, giving them the strength to fly. It's the same with a person.
Set yourself tasks that you think you don’t have enough strength to cope with right now. And do whatever it takes to achieve it. Only high level claims to oneself and one’s capabilities are achieved by their development. “The lazy are always going to do something” - these are the words of the French writer Vauvenargues Luc De Clapier. This means that if you have something planned, don’t put it off. Do it and don't look for excuses not to do it. It may sound banal, but it's true.


Don't let anyone or anything piss you off. Try to eliminate as much negativity as possible from your life. These could be things that you keep for some reason, but which somehow get in the way. These may be people who are unpleasant. Try to communicate with those who are pleasant to you. No matter how cruel it may sound, when we constantly complain about life and whine, we ourselves absorb their problems.
It is impossible to give one-size-fits-all advice on how to be balanced. Melancholic people do not need it, and choleric people are unlikely to help. Remember that all your actions should be guided only by reason, not by emotions and certainly not by anger. The most banal and widespread advice: in order to calm down, count to 10, 50, 100, and if necessary, in special cases on the verge of passion, then to 1000. It helps me, if, of course, you count enough.

Know how to say no. How often is this needed! And we, in fear of losing a friend, having trouble or simply offending someone, cannot say this simple three-letter word. Well, comrades, “study, study and study again...”.
MirSovetov suggests playing out an imaginary dialogue with a friend involving you and some person whose position, apparently, does not require conscientiousness. And now you need something that this person refuses to do, but is obliged to do. The winner is the one who confuses his opponent, depriving him of his arguments. A very useful game. Do not use complaints, accusations, or threats. Only your confidence and intelligence.
Follow the same rule in life. You must stand up for your rights, be able to prove what is right and say “no”. Do not fall for tricks when they pressure your pity, conscience or sympathy. Let your word be so firm that all hope is lost. And with it comes “begging” for a service, the performance of which will entail too much inconvenience for you. And most importantly, maintain your composure.
Know how to say “no” to yourself. Freud spoke about the struggle going on in us. Remember that not all of your weaknesses need to be satisfied. This may be because of some common cause or simply because it is harmful to you. Quit smoking, don't drink a bottle of beer a day, don't buy a chocolate bar because it comes in a nice wrapper...

Decision making ability
Let initiative fill life in everything. When going to the store, don’t think about buying “something for dinner.” Know exactly what you want to cook and what products are needed for it.
Constantly train yourself to be an enterprising person and take risks. A leader is a source of various ideas; he contains that share of creativity that allows him to always think ahead about the future, make plans and schemes for their implementation.
When thinking through your plans (personal, work, creative, etc.), MirSovetov recommends making a list possible options actions. This will teach you to look for and make the most optimal decisions. Suppress the accompanying irritation, learn to adequately and calmly assess the situation. Include even the most unattractive alternatives and you will understand how many options for action there are always. Here’s an example: “Tomorrow is an important work meeting and a friend’s birthday at the same time. What to do? Options:
a. Go to D/R.
b. Go to a meeting.
c. Quit – I never liked this job.”
Think about the consequences and benefits that a particular decision will bring.

Set clear goals for yourself and don't expect to achieve them instantly. “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty,” especially if you don’t know why you cast the bait. Instead of “well, what can you do to get yourself some kind of job, and not so-so, but wow, what kind of job!?” Tell yourself, “I want this job because I deserve it. And I deserve it because…” and continue an unlimited number of times, inserting your positive qualities, of which there are probably a lot. But even this will not give you a job or a promotion, since you still need to try. Purposefully and systematically move in the intended direction. And know that the clearer the goal you want to achieve, the clearer the path to it appears. Therefore, if possible, exclude words like “somehow”, “somehow”, “for some reason” from sentences characterizing your goals.
It is all the more important to clearly state the plan and goals to other people, those with whom you work or simply members of the team you are going to lead. Remember Lenin's April theses? Briefly, clearly, leaving no questions - so should you.

Learn to admit your mistakes and accept responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the group. Try to do everything yourself and not put the most important things on the shoulders of others. This sets an example for others. Of course, the distribution of responsibilities if you work in a team is necessary, but let there be more responsibility on your leadership shoulders. This should spur you on to greater efforts in your activities. And don't give yourself any slack.
And remember that you and only you as a leader are obligated to be aware of everything that is somehow involved with you and your group, company, firm. You and only you make all decisions.
The question of what is more important: the interests of the team or the interests of each member of the team is quite complex. MirSovetov will not be able to answer this unequivocally, and it is hardly possible. It all depends on the specific case. And the burden of responsibility lies with the leader. Only he can think about what is more important. By remembering Comrade Stalin and acting accordingly, you risk being branded a tyrant and receiving the dislike of others. And by indulging any whim, you can lose your leadership along with respect. Here you need to look for some average value, which will change depending on external significant conditions.
Exists good way develop a sense of responsibility: you need to write ten or more sentences on a piece of paper that begin with the words “I am responsible for...”. It is not forbidden to enter the most stupid words at first glance. This exercise will allow you to rethink a little about what you consider yourself responsible for. Moreover, behind the apparent simplicity lies the importance of this exercise. It can help you recognize and eradicate the desire to always look good to others. And in order not to cause a feeling of worthlessness, you should approach this exercise with humor.

Organizational skills
Discord in any team leads to its disintegration and disruption of its work. One way or another, the mood in the team is created by the mood of each member. A leader needs to resolve all disagreements that arise. Help find mutual language- a rather difficult task, but you, as a leader, will not stand aside. Knowing these two people, reconcile them in every possible way. If this is some kind of working group and it is impossible to reconcile them, separate them in order to minimize their contacts during work.
But you still need to be able to unite people. This can be done with a common idea, goal, and prospects. Cohesion can only be achieved when everyone understands the meaning and importance of each other. Then there will be mutual assistance and the desire to give your best for the sake of the goal. This is important for any team, one way or another, but we always have to overcome certain difficulties together, together.
When communicating with a team, you should find out the personal opinion of each person, his activities, priorities, hobbies, passions, social and political positions, goals in life. You need to distribute responsibilities in a group as productively as possible, taking into account your knowledge about each person, personal interest in performing certain activities of each person. For example, someone may prefer a creative direction of activity, in contrast to someone who is more inclined to perform work accurately and consistently. But it is often impossible to take into account the personal preferences of each member of the team, then you should make a decision and assign certain duties to the person who, in your opinion, should and can perform them. But, in this case, there is a high probability of meeting the displeasure of the “appointed” one. And here, with all your characteristic intelligibility and tact, you should convey to the person that it is important for the team as a whole to carry out this activity and back up your words with the prospect of him receiving benefits and, therefore, the appearance of interest in this person.
The ability to unite and organize undoubtedly comes with experience. No such thing curriculum, after completing which one could become a wonderful organizer. This comes with time and is inextricably linked with respect for you in your team. Therefore, it is necessary to build relationships in the team on the basis of trust, mutual respect and, which determines the productivity of activity, on the basis of the personal interest of each and the team as a whole.

And finally, MirSovetov would like to advise not to deny yourself pleasures. Try to do something every day that you really want: buy yourself a cake with cream and a rose, go out of town to relax, go fishing or to the hairdresser (depending on your gender or preferences). Learn to enjoy it. So learn to understand that everything you want is achievable. If some force majeure does not allow it, well, alas... but you shouldn’t blame anyone. Five successful days a week is a good indicator.
Well, comrade leaders, have you learned? I hope that the article will help you achieve in life what you want and why you read the article. This is her goal. Now all that remains is to implement all this in life and move forward to unconquered heights. We wish you good luck.