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How to change your thinking. How to change your thinking. Who thinks positively

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From the Buddha and Marcus Aurelius to every modern self-help guru, there is one piece of advice that is given over and over again: a person is what he thinks. Changing thoughts - the only way, thanks to which you can truly transform your life and direct it in a positive direction.

There are several ways of thinking, and each of us uses our own combination of them. Blogger Blaj Kosh has compiled a list of nine pairs of thinking models, which will be discussed in this article.

Fixed and flexible

People with a fixed mindset feel doomed. They believe that innate intelligence and talent are immutable and therefore do not change or develop.

People with flexible thinking believe that any quality can be developed by systematically working on oneself, and the initial level of intelligence and talent is only the starting point. This is how a love for constant learning and resistance to difficulties and failures is formed. This concept was coined by Carol Dweck in her book The Flexible Mind.

As you understand, you need to develop flexible thinking in yourself. How to do it? Using affirmations that will eventually become your daily thoughts:

  • I can learn anything I want.
  • Through my actions I improve and develop.
  • I like challenges and constantly challenge myself.
  • When I make a mistake, I learn from it.
  • I am inspired by other people's success.

You can't force yourself to grow five centimeters, but you can definitely become smarter, slimmer, wittier, wiser, more purposeful and seek new opportunities.

Scarcity and Abundance

People with a scarcity mindset believe that they have few choices. But what's worse is that they think that there is something like one big pie in the world: if one person gets the most of it, then the rest will get less. This kind of thinking leads to narrow-mindedness and stinginess.

People with this type of thinking often turn into the hero of the movie "Scarface", with all the ensuing consequences. It influences decisions in business: you begin to perceive competitors as enemies, not partners; you want war, not friendship. The same applies to work colleagues.

People with an abundance mindset think differently. They know how to give sincere compliments to colleagues and their competitors, because they know that there is enough work and material rewards for everyone. You just need to improve your skills, learn to cooperate and negotiate. If you develop this type of thinking, you will also be less susceptible to stress and depression.

To develop an abundance mindset, you need to understand that:

Remember that you have all the resources to not only succeed, but also to help others.

Negative and positive

If you have negative thinking, then all opportunities are perceived as threats and obstacles, and at the first failure you give up and have a desire to blame others for everything.

If you tend to think positively, then everything is different: the obstacle becomes part of the path. Do you have a lot of weaknesses? Then you can turn the situation around to your advantage. This technique is used in business when they are trying to show that, for example, a car is “not small, but compact.”

To develop positive thinking, read our article entitled "" and get rid of them.

Problem-oriented and solution-oriented

In the first case, a person becomes fixated on problems so much that he experiences unpleasant emotions: depression, stress, sadness, anger. This drains valuable energy and prevents you from moving forward.

In the second case, immediately after a problem arises, a person takes on solving it. Moreover, he is bursting with curiosity: why did it arise and what needs to be done to solve it?

Perhaps both people will eventually solve it in an optimal way, only one will be exhausted, and the other will be full of energy. But we are talking exclusively about a way of thinking, and not about intelligence or skills. You may be smarter than others, but if you obsess over your problems, you will be left behind.

What to do? You must always remember that you cannot focus on the problem and look for a solution at the same time. It is impossible to accuse people of all mortal sins and at the same time conduct brainstorming sessions.

The moment you shift your focus from whining to finding potential solutions, a miracle happens: negative emotions disappear and you can use your .

Therefore, as soon as a problem arises, immediately start thinking about a solution. There is no need to waste energy on “if only”. To maintain a solution-oriented mindset, you need to:

  • Be positive.
  • Knowing that a problem is a test of creative thinking. Any failure can be an opportunity.
  • Always look for ways to solve a problem faster, better and more efficiently.
  • Question the ways you used before.
  • Remove “can’t” from your vocabulary.
  • Try new solutions and methods.
  • Know that failure is another step towards the right decision.

Reactive and proactive

Reactive thinking is characterized by a whole set of negative behavior: the desire to blame others for everything, wrong questions asked, negative emotions, deterioration of relationships with people.

A proactive person asks the right questions: he tries to understand what happened, why it happened and what needs to be done. He does not waste his energy searching for those responsible, because he takes full responsibility upon himself.

If you want to develop a proactive solution, then:

  • Know that life is not what happens to you, but what you create.
  • Take full responsibility for your destiny and stop blaming other people.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Create a mission for your life.
  • Set clear goals you want to achieve.
  • Meet people you admire.
  • Hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst.

Reactive people always hope for something and expect something. They expect the government to pay a high pension, which will appear in their career on its own. new opportunity that a diploma will ensure success at an interview, that children will grow up smart and intelligent without the participation of their parents. Proactive individuals never do this. They create their own opportunities and increase their chances of success in every area of ​​their lives.

Suboptimal and optimal

With suboptimal thinking, a person is fundamentally focused on solving a problem. He mutes negative unnecessary emotions and asks the question: “How can I solve this?” This good way, but not ideal.

The optimal solution involves the same thing, only with a choice of the best option: “What is the best way to solve this problem?” Now, instead of immediately rushing into battle, you take a couple of minutes to think, develop a strategy and search for tools.

To start making better decisions, you need to ask yourself the right questions. For example:

  • What best way do it?
  • Which method will help solve the problem better than others?
  • Which the best option choice for me?
  • What will lead me to better results?

When you ask questions like these, you stop expecting that top scores will arise by themselves.

Selfish and mobile

A selfish person believes that he is right because... he is right. He has few arguments, and his confidence is based solely on the fact that his method has already worked once. It does not take into account that the situation and factors could have completely changed.

With active thinking, a person looks like a scientist. He does not take it for granted that his opinion is the most correct. He conducts experiments, checks facts, and works through all situations.

The path to success is always full of holes and potholes. Therefore, you should always turn on search mode. In it you make two important decisions: persistence or temporary retreat. If something doesn't work, you need to take a step back, evaluate the situation and try a different method.

For example, you want to lose weight and have tried several diets. Weak person will spit on everything and continue to live as before. You will persistently look for something new, after first finding out why the previous methods did not work.

Hesitant thinking and minimal regret

It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it all your life - this hackneyed expression can emphasize the whole difference between the two types of thinking.

To live with the right mindset, always imagine yourself at the age of 80. Think about where you will end up and what you will regret. So it may turn out that much of what you do is not worth a damn. And many decisions were not made due to banal fear.

Know that you can always refuse something. But the regret will stay with you for the rest of your life. Deep down, every person understands where the best solution is. So take enough time to find it and then keep going until you reach the finish line.

You need to improve all these types of thinking. This way you can change your whole life. These are not just words: in fact, even by choosing one thing, you can notice huge gains.

How to change your thinking and your life?

This process consists of several steps that can be performed in turn or in parallel. It all depends on what is better and more interesting for you. Because this is partly a painful process, which means motivation comes first.

Pay more attention to your emotions

You need to start by noticing your mediocre, negative and toxic thoughts. How do you know what they are? According to your emotions. If you feel bad, then this is a clear sign.

Your negative emotions are nothing more than the way in which you look at yourself, life situations, problems, and other people. This is also an internal dialogue that, in fact, is conducted from waking up to going to bed: it can be dominated by positive or negative emotions.

So the first step is to take a close look at your thoughts when you have serious negative feelings. Every bad emotion is a result of negative thinking and is caused by irrational self-talk.

Yes, despite the fact that the title says to pay attention to emotions, you must first learn to understand the connection between them and thoughts. Separated from each other, such knowledge will be meaningless.

Write down everything that comes to mind. Don't analyze emotions and thoughts without a piece of paper and pen. And no censorship. This will help you see trends and patterns in your thinking.

Use mental feedback

This is a very simple technique: count All your toxic thoughts that arise throughout the day. Just add one by one, without reasoning or judging. In this way, you will become more aware of your thoughts - this is the value of this simple exercise.

Better yet, buy a simple counter and add one every time something like “Prices are rising, but I don’t know at all how I can continue to live” flashes through my head.

After a few days, do the following:

  • Start not only counting, but also writing them down.
  • Once you start writing down, organize them into categories.

Very soon you will learn to understand your thoughts like a professional. You can instantly say to yourself, “Aha, that thought is suboptimal thinking.” And once this happens, it will be much easier to make changes.

Watch your body language

Your inner state, emotions and thoughts are expressed through the body. If you feel inner harmony and do not experience cognitive dissonance, this is a good sign. If not, it's time to analyze the situation.

A negative emotional state, along with toxic thoughts and thinking, manifests itself in poor posture, frowning, looking at the floor, anxious movements, and so on.

If you notice such signs, this is already good. When writing down your emotions, try to evaluate their external manifestations. This is good for you, and you will learn to notice how thoughts affect your emotions and body.

Calculate your happiness index

Create a simple graph that shows how happy you are. Morning, afternoon and evening, assess your emotional state.

Rate it on a scale of ten. How do you feel immediately when you wake up? And after lunch? After work? Before bedtime? This is necessary in order to develop awareness. Try to analyze why your mood changes.

Explore your surroundings

Usually, environment is a reflection of the internal state and thoughts. And vice versa. By assessing your environment, you may realize that bad thoughts are formed because everything around you is conducive to them. It could even be dirty dishes. But the people around you are especially important. They greatly influence how you think and what you think about.

Remember that you choose your environment. If it interferes with development and movement forward, then it will be extremely difficult to change habits and improve yourself.


  • “Change your thinking and you will change your life” Brian Tracy.
  • "The Flexible Mind" by Carol Dweck
  • "Genius to order" Mark Levy
  • “How people think” Dmitry Chernyshev
  • "Brain Rules" John Medina
  • "The Invincible Mind" Alex Lickerman
  • "Mindfulness" Mark Williams and Danny Penman
  • "How a Man Thinks or the Thinking of a Man" James Allen
  • "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
  • "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" Eliezer Yudkowsky
  • "Skeptic. A Rational View of the World by Michael Sherme

And finally, another short video about how to manage your thinking.

We wish you good luck!

Greetings, dear readers. Everyone knows that positive attitude and faith in yourself and your strengths is one of the important conditions on the path to achieving our goals. Let's see how to change your thinking, so that it helps, and does not hinder, getting what we strive for.

When embarking on the path of knowledge, or wanting to resolve a difficult life situation, we often turn to psychologists, esotericists, and clergy for help. And we discover one life law: only we are responsible for all events in our lives. Gradually the realization comes: you can change your life by changing the way you think.

Where to start, how to change your thinking? There are a lot of ways. First of all, you need to learn to be aware when experiencing an emotion.

Our feelings are most often reflexive. We are offended by some actions, others make us happy, and we are indifferent to others. When you feel a change in mood, try to determine what exactly you are experiencing: sadness, irritation, anxiety? Think about it, how does this feeling benefit you? Why exactly this? Is it possible to replace it with something else? For example, not to be offended, but to sympathize with the offender: how did he get it in life, since he takes it out on someone.

If you think about it, you can find something good in every situation. They say: “every cloud has a silver lining.” You just have to switch your attention and see the other side.

  1. Fixation on the good

The method is as follows: when positive emotions arise, you need to artificially prolong them. That is, consciously re-experience pleasant moments. At least twenty seconds every day. Strengthen your small and especially big victories.

It’s even better to take a beautiful notebook and write down all your brightest and most joyful moments in life, which gave you particularly strong positive emotions - made you feel joy, happiness, moments of delight or jubilation. Open this notebook every day in the morning and at night before bed, and by re-reading it, you will revive all these experiences and pleasant moments again and again. In this way, you force your consciousness to focus more often on positive events and sensations, and therefore there will be more and more of them in your life.

  1. Neutralization of negativity

Everyone understands that cleanliness can be achieved in two ways: cleaning more often and not littering. Negative thoughts clog our minds just like trash clogs our home. If you feel angry or sad, mentally imagine what this feeling is like: a poisonous fog or a rotten fish? And this is THIS you are going to keep in your soul? If your imagination is okay, try turning the image into something pleasant, for example, a sunbeam.

Another way to switch from negative thoughts to positive ones:

Take a piece of paper and a pen. At the top write:

“I thank life for...”

And list everything in your life that you can be grateful for in life or God right now. For example, health wellness, your home, food on the table, for loved ones next to you, for sunlight and a bright clear sky above your head. Yes, all of these are seemingly familiar and ordinary things, but it is important to remember that they are worth being grateful for, because not everyone has this.

  1. Soul cleansing

It is best to cleanse yourself of accumulated mental trash from a specialist: a priest or a psychologist. If this is not possible, keep a diary where you write down everything bad: your thoughts, events, actions for which you are ashamed. After this, destroy the records. You can take a piece of paper, write down everything that worries, upsets and burdens you, and then burn it. Let everything that was written on that piece of paper leave you with the fire. It is especially effective to do this early in the morning or before bed.

  1. Inspiring Beacons

Changing alone is quite difficult. But everything will become easier, once you discover a person who has coped with adversity and is ready to share his experience. You can read inspiring biographies, and it would be better if they were training books, of which there are a lot. Here is just an incomplete list of authors who not only went through difficult life trials, but also showed the way to other people:

  • Mirzakarim Norbekov,
  • Louise Hay,
  • Liz Burbo,
  • Julia Cameron
  • Maya Gogulan.

Emotion training is similar to doing physical exercise: the result will definitely be noticeable if you practice constantly.

Make these five points your daily ritual. Or at least three of them. And gradually you will begin to notice how bright thoughts become your habit.

When you complete these five steps, please share in the comments whether everything worked out for you and how you felt after completing it.

Or maybe you have your own effective methods that help you change your train of thought and switch to the positive? Share, it's interesting.

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In the article you will learn:

Greetings readers! I don't believe in magic (well, almost...). But I believe that everything in the world is interconnected. And if I call some event not a problem, but a situation, then in my life there really are no problems, but only situations that I solve. Today you will learn how to change your thinking to a positive one, make life happier and more enjoyable.

I realized that I was thinking negatively when, when I went to bed, I felt uneasy because nothing bad had happened during the day. And it interferes with life, you know! Just imagine! I was already in the mood for trouble in the morning. I was expecting them. And, naturally, they happened to me quite often.

What did positive thinking give me? And how will it help you? Looking back on your life Before and after, I see a huge difference:

  1. More situations are resolved effectively, because I’m less nervous and experience negative emotions less often.
  2. Past failures no longer bother me, a focus on the future has appeared, this has accelerated the development process.
  3. I began to notice how many good things were happening to me. I feel like I attract the positive like a magnet. (I used to pronounce positive statements quite often - affirmations, and then they joined the daily flow of my thoughts. I didn’t even notice how)
  4. From me whiners and dissatisfied people have fallen behind, but surrounded by cheerful people.
  5. I live in harmony with myself. I feel healthier and the symptoms that bother me have disappeared.

Accordingly, all these positive changes affected me as a person. Smiling, good mood, humor, ease of solving situations, luck - these are the bonuses that fill me and accompany me through life.for any difficulties.

Who thinks positively?

It is impossible to form positive thinking if you are a deeply unhappy person. Therefore, you need to start by understanding your inner needs, desires and motives. This is what we call “understanding yourself.”

Accordingly, being aware of your desires, you will automatically form the right positive thoughts that will lead to the right actions. And those, in turn, will make you happy. Thus, positive thinking is born from an internal state.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to figure it out on your own, contact a specialist with a specific request: define goals, outline a path. Otherwise, follow my recommendation: to understand your true desires, start taking action.

Yes, leave the “sofa” search for yourself and start a conscious movement, get experience. Even with mistakes, no one can do without them. As you move, you will understand what you want and what you are capable of. It is important.

  • You shouldn’t close your eyes when they advise you to ACT, because now many theorists have developed, but there is not enough practice. We need to upgrade this point! Forward.

And to speed up the process of transforming your thinking, I will share a couple of secrets.

Changing your thinking from negative to positive

I really like this method because it has a profound effect on ability thinkpositive. He opens up new knowledge and illuminates with discoveries. You will be able to find those weak points in yourself that hinder and hinder development.

So, the essence of the method in the right questions. And no need to make excuses now, like “too banal way.” You should actually try it first. When something happens to you and you habitually worry, get angry or panic, answer the following questions:

  1. Why did I need this situation? What good does she teach me?
  2. What is the cause and effect relationship? Which ones are there? solution options(there must be at least three).
  3. What am I I'm afraid? Model what will happen if your fear comes true and how you will feel then.
  4. What is the best option, taking into account all the previous answers?

I would like to emphasize that now it is important not to tailor the answers to the questions, but to record in writing everything that comes to your mind. Even the most surprising things, in your opinion. Don't resist, trust yourself completely.

I will give one of my examples. With the help of this technique, I realized that I often got irritated by little things and got angry. This made me feel more unhappy, but I didn’t understand why. I had to sit down, take time and reflect in writing. Initially, I thought that the problem was with work, but this was only a superficial reason. Therefore, we answer, gain experience and learnthinkotherwise!

21 days without...

This method is very popular in different countries, including in Russia, but I haven’t tried it yet. Judging by the reviews, people change a lot. Therefore, I will be glad to see your comments and feedback!

The task is as follows: put a bracelet on your hand with the instruction to live for 21 days without criticism, whining, aggression, etc. Anything that has a negative meaning for you. However, every time you violate the setting: you catch yourself whining or aggression - change the bracelet to your other hand and start all over again.

People often ask why exactly 21 days. It is believed that this is the time needed to get rid of the habit. Rarely does anyone achieve continuous wear the first time. Mostly it takes up to 6 months, and on the first day you will be completely tired of changing clothes. The author of the method, for example, achieved the goal in three months.

The secret of the technique is that most often during the day you pay attention to your hands. And looking at the bracelet, you will inadvertently wonder “ Didn’t I complain today, didn’t I get angry?».

The bracelet needs a rubber one so that you can easily take it off and put it on, and also not be afraid of ruining it. It's better to choose a color violet, it is associated with freedom and independence.

In the first days you will feel surprised and confused, and the bracelet will constantly send signals to your brain that everything is fine, the world is beautiful. Your thoughts will begin to change gradually, but inevitably.

And finally

As they say, if a person wants to live, then medicine is powerless. So it is in our case.

  • If a person wants to be happy, then nothing can stop him.

Always keep the main goal in mind.

Monitor unpleasant thoughts and emotions and, before becoming overly concerned, give yourself a break, take a break and let the whole world wait. To begin with, breathe evenly and moderately, think about something abstract, then remember what other options for reacting to this case may be and take into account the most acceptable one.

Allow yourself to become a different person, happy, calm, with a cheerful outlook on everything around you. Allow yourself this, just like you allow yourself to enjoy a delicious cake. After all, you deserve it!

With love, your June!

What lies behind us and what lies in front of us is incomparably less important than what lies inside us - for a person is what he thinks about all day long.
Ralph Emerson

The fountain of grace must flow within ourselves—in our hearts and minds. Anyone who knows human nature so poorly that in search of happiness he changes everything except his own position will waste his life and increase the sorrow from which he was trying to get rid of
Samuel Johnson

The hardest thing is to start.

And it doesn’t matter what these words refer to - writing a book or the beginning of a new round in life, it is important that now I have taken the first step by writing the first lines, and by reading the book you will take the first step towards well-being.

If I interrupt my story, you will not know what I was going to talk about, but if you are a seeker, sooner or later you will receive answers to your questions from other sources.

Well, what if you stop on the way from theory to practice? You still have to write the script of your own life.

Only if you stop, it will not be much different from your real life.

It is in your hands today to adopt the techniques described in the book and allow you to build storyline one’s destiny so that the achievement of happiness is conditioned by the logic of its development.

Your destiny is your way of thinking and the world of your fantasies.

A person's social status, his environment and financial situation are an accurate reflection of his thinking.

What you should be - poor or rich, happy or unhappy, successful or not - only you decide.

Unlimited strength, fortitude will allow you to get everything you want from life.

Anyone can learn to use this power.

To do this, there are simple and very specific techniques for influencing your subconscious. Use them in Everyday life, and you will get everything you dreamed of and even more.

The power hidden in your subconscious is unique.

When you learn to communicate with your own subconscious, its wisdom will lead you on the right path.

You will be visited by ideas, the implementation of which will allow you to make a revolution or, if you want, a qualitative leap in your life and enter the path of prosperity and success.

To do this, it is very important not just to know about the existence of inner strength, but to realize it. If you really want to become a rich, happy and successful person, start working on yourself so that prosperity becomes your natural inner state.

It is precisely this kind of work on oneself that the practical part of this book is devoted to. The training is based on a simple motto at first glance:

“Change the way you think and you change your destiny.” Changing consciousness is a fairly long process that will require enormous faith, patience and perseverance from you before concrete positive results appear. But this is perhaps the only sure path to success known to people today.

The entire world around us is subject to certain laws of the universe, and we, an integral part of this world, cannot be an exception.

As you work on the program, you will become aware of these laws and understand that your subconscious always maintains contact with the endless source of life and immense wisdom.

Happy is he who trusts his subconscious, its divine nature, for those who follow it will fill their lives with peace, joy and prosperity. The subconscious mind takes care of us 24 hours a day, and it is in our power to order a ball. As soon as you give an idea to your subconscious mind, it starts working for you.

And it will not distinguish how good or bad your idea is, its task is implementation. Here it makes sense to note that the subconscious mind does not discriminate, does not reflect or think about any specific things, this is the sphere of activity of the conscious mind. The subconscious and consciousness are two spheres of activity within one mind. As soon as your mind accepts an idea, the subconscious begins its work.

Jokes with the subconscious are not appropriate. Always remember that the subconscious mind nurtures any seed you plant.

The effectiveness of the subconscious is increased many times through suggestion or self-hypnosis.

It is this method that is included in any of the programs aimed at prosperity and success. We have all suffered greatly from unreasonable indoctrination since childhood.

Phrases: “You are not capable of anything”, “Wealth is for the chosen few”, “Don’t expect much from life” and others, uttered first by parents, then by friends and work colleagues, did their job.

Fortunately, you have the power to resist destructive ideas. And the choice was always yours. Perhaps you just haven't thought about it.

All disappointments and troubles in life come from unfulfilled desires.

With the help of the proposed program, you will sow the seeds of success in your consciousness, and the subconscious mind will take care of their growth. You will learn to monitor your thoughts and understand that by repeating all the time: “I can’t afford to buy such an expensive thing,” you really won’t get it, since the power of your subconscious will definitely take care of it. Forget the word “I can’t”, replace it with “I can” and, no matter how amazing your desire is, entrust the solution to the problem to the subconscious, let it take care of a positive result.

You can start today by understanding that best time working with the subconscious - the hour when you fall asleep and wake up. In a drowsy state, mental activity is reduced to a minimum, consciousness fades into the background, but for the subconscious a period of activity begins.

Remember this blessed time, the time for solving any life problems, since the subconscious knows the answers to all your questions. Having cast aside all doubts, unshakably believing that the answer exists now and not in the future, scroll through any of your problems every evening and morning.

For example, if you have money difficulties, you can address your subconscious as follows: “I need to get a certain amount of money to solve a certain problem (name the desired amount and the existing problem). Knowing about your deepest wisdom, that you know the answers to all my questions, I trust you, my subconscious, with the solution to my pressing problem, I believe that it will be resolved in the near future, and I am eternally grateful for that.”

The answer does not always come immediately, but it will certainly come in the form of an irresistible premonition, sensation, and even a clear awareness that you know what to do in this particular case.

Follow your intuition. Always go to sleep with faith in tomorrow, believe that you were born for success, and eventually you will be able to implant this idea in your subconscious.

I really like Joseph Murphy's installation, repeat it before going to bed and immediately upon waking, it will help you overcome difficulties and fulfill your intentions. “The vast intelligence that inspired, guides and guides me reveals to me an impeccable plan for the fulfillment of my desires. I am fully aware of the deep wisdom of my subconscious mind's response, and what I feel and ask in my thoughts receives its form in the material world. I am calm, balanced and in complete control of myself."

When starting your journey, you will not be able to afford much, this will be your reality.

But under no circumstances should you allow the thought “I can’t.” Tell yourself: “I receive this,” “I am worthy of this,” “I accept this,” “I am grateful for this.”

Time will pass, and you will see how your capabilities expand, how what you received today on a mental level begins to come true. “I can do anything with the power of my subconscious.” Remember this phrase.

Believe in good fortune and divine guidance. Watch your every word and every thought. Apart from your negative thoughts, there are no obstacles on the path to happiness. Only you are responsible for the consequences of your thoughts.

Every conscious act of yours is the realization of your desire, your thought. Words are symbols. They are instruments of thought. A word can mean not only a concept or sensation, but also a whole complex of ideas. “I can” creates an incentive, “I can’t” - destroys any good undertaking.

Live easy! It is completely wrong that you can only get rich by the sweat of your brow. Try to do what brings you joy. It is in this work that your abilities will be most fully revealed and will lead to success. Going your own way is not the destiny of the chosen few, but the right of everyone. And the attitude “you shouldn’t expect much from life” is fundamentally wrong.

It’s just that at some point in time you lost the ability to freely follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. You are able to live in anticipation of the best, in faith in the fulfillment of desires. You just have to clearly realize that you are worthy of happiness.

If you don't believe that you are worthy and capable of getting everything you need, then who will believe you? By laughing at your dream, you show distrust of life, and its mighty flow leaves you on the sidelines. If you do not allow into your consciousness that wealth is limitless, rest assured that it will not fall into your hands.

Before your dreams become the same reality as day and night, winter and summer, heat and cold and much more that is not in doubt, you need to work on your consciousness. You need to convince your subconscious that you deserve large sums money, that prosperity is yours natural state. The idea of ​​abundance should be key for you.

When working on your consciousness, the feeling of wealth will be stronger the deeper the idea of ​​well-being becomes.

Well, what if nothing happens? There will be only one reason: you did not wholeheartedly accept the idea that you were born for wealth and prosperity, and you cannot deceive the subconscious with empty words.

Faith plays a colossal role in life and in working on oneself. Moving from theory to practice, working daily on your consciousness, repeating formulas for success and well-being, where the key is the attitude: “Mine financial condition improves every day,” don’t rack your brain about how this will happen.

Trust your life. Over time, looking back, you will see results that you may not have immediately realized, since the shoots of your work were just gaining strength and were not yet clearly visible. Do not be afraid of the future, trust it and rejoice in the fact that every new day increases your well-being and your importance to the world.

Don’t ask yourself another question: “Why is there still nothing?” Has already. Need time. Only in complete peace, trust and faith in yourself will you allow your subconscious to work beneficially. Peace of mind is the key to success. Trust yourself, draw a happy life with your imagination, this will speed up the process.

Any negative thought (“I can’t do anything,” “I can’t pay the bills,” and other similar thoughts) will neutralize your positive statements.

Imagine: today you planted seeds and dug them up tomorrow, what kind of seedlings can you expect?

As soon as you feel a negative thought in your mind, replace it with D. Murphy’s attitude: “wealth”, “success” or “My wealth is constantly increasing” - and don’t worry about anything else. The solution to the problem will come on its own.

Often a person has no idea where to get money from. But the subconscious has no shortage of ideas. Once you change your thinking, these ideas will begin to flow into your life, bringing the “wealth” and “success” that you first simply cultivated with love, supported only by blind faith, by the power of which you won.

If your consciousness was formed in poverty and you have been haunted by failures all your life, it is especially difficult for you to believe that any person, having changed his consciousness, is able to achieve prosperity. So develop your ability to think positively until new thoughts, new habits, new actions become second nature.

You must be clearly aware that before you are allowed to achieve real success, your strength, that is, perseverance, will be tested repeatedly. And if you endure, you will win.

This is difficult only at the beginning, then, when daily work on yourself and your goals becomes your habit, you will experience the joy of an exciting feeling of control over your own life and gratitude for the opportunity to live, and not drag through life.

However, you are mistaken if you think that to achieve your goal, inspired dreams are enough, that life itself will take care of you and give you everything you want, without any effort on your part.

Yes, it all starts with a dream, yes, life will change as soon as you change your consciousness, because by changing your consciousness, you change your reality. But without a clear plan of action based on sound reasoning, without confidence that you are able to direct the events of your life in the right direction, you will not be able to achieve all your dreams.

There is another mistake - the attitude towards age. Many, citing age, refuse to change anything in their lives, believing that it is too late. Now imagine yourself in ten years as you are today, with all your problems, dissatisfaction, fears - and the way you can become if you now find the courage to begin realizing the goal that will lead you to your dream.

These ten years will pass anyway. Won't you take the opportunity to change everything? I know a woman who, at the age of forty, gave up her stable, measured, but unsatisfying life and decided to realize her old dream. She entered medical school, successfully completed it and today I’m happy because I found a way to express myself in this life and a way to really bring goodness and help to the people around me. This was very important to her. What if she hadn’t taken this step ten years ago?

Years would pass without changing anything in her life, leaving emptiness and bitterness of dissatisfaction in her soul.

But even at sixty it’s not too late to start your journey. If a goal is desirable, if it is truly yours, you should find a sense of joy in the process of achieving it. And even if God decrees that you will not have time to rise to the top, still these years will be much more meaningful and eventful than miserable vegetation behind the locked gates to life, on which you yourself hung the sign “No entry. It’s too late for you.”

Change the sign and the gate will open. I don’t know how old you are, but instill in yourself the idea that now life is just beginning. Always be aware of the powerful force hidden within you, the power of your subconscious and its ability to realize any of your dreams and help you.

There are a huge number of opportunities in your life for everything, and for making money in particular. Do not limit them in your consciousness, trust life, never tired of repeating: “I am in the flow of life. I trust life. And I thank you for that." In this world there is enough for everyone, not just a few. It’s not that they don’t give it to you, it’s you who don’t take it.

L. Hay asks: “What do you have in your hands when you mentally approach the ocean - the source of abundance? A mug, a jug, or maybe a bucket?” - and proves that any of these containers are an indicator of your limitations, offering a direct path from consciousness to abundance. Imagine , which directly connects you to the source of all blessings, and if you like to compare this source of abundance to the ocean, lay your pipeline straight into the inexhaustible depths.

ZY 🙂 Rely on the toad, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

In one of the television programs, singer Yulia Panova talked about the beneficial effects of Feng Shui on her financial condition. At the end of her interview, she said that in any case, we need to act. It’s not enough to put a toad with a coin and wait for money to flow to you like a river; you have to make efforts. She ended her speech with the phrase: “Hope for a toad, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” 🙂

There are two types of thinking: ambivalent and black and white.

People with black and white thinking know exactly what is good and what is bad. They quickly make their choices and are prone to firm decisions that they do not think about again. Therefore, black and white thinking makes the world simpler.

Ambivalent (gray) thinking is the ability to see a situation from several sides at once. A person who knows how to think ambivalently can accept the opponent's position and look at the problem from his point of view. Despite what ambivalent thinking does to us, it is very useful. After all, only those who learn to move into the “gray zone” will become smarter and wiser.

Gray thinking can be learned. After all, each of us initially possessed the skill of ambivalent thinking when we were small.

Kids do it like this

They love to torment their parents with questions. The chain of “whys” can be endless.

- Why does the dog stick out its tongue and breathe?

- She's hot.

- Why? I'm hot, but I didn't stick my tongue out.

- Yes, but the dog has fur and doesn’t sweat.

- Why does the dog have fur?

- To keep her warm.

- Then why don’t I have wool?

- That's it, that's enough!

Parents will probably recognize this dialogue: similar conversations with children happen often. For a child, the world is not black and white, and he easily tries everything on himself. There is still so much unknown. There are no foundations, no unambiguous truths. The worldview has not yet been formed.

How the world becomes black and white

As we grow older, our views become harsher. Certain frameworks are imposed on us from the outside. For example, students are asked to take exams consisting of test questions. This forces us to think in black and white. The correct answer is always A, B, C or D, it cannot be otherwise.

The main symptom of such a worldview is thinking in certain categories:

  • War is bad. War is good.
  • Capitalism is bad. Capitalism is good.
  • Higher education necessary. Higher education is a waste of time.

As we grow up, we think in slogans. They replace our understanding of the problem, the thinking process itself. After all, in order to think, you need to strain. And when it is clear what is black and what is white, there is no need to think.

Is it bad to have strong beliefs?

No, not bad. But real world not black and white. It is very difficult to find a question to which you could give the only correct answer. Our life is a gray area.

This is very difficult to accept: in schools and universities we are taught to believe that there are right and wrong answers. And only when faced with reality do we begin to suspect that the world is not so simple.

Clear answers and slogans are no longer suitable. If you know history well, you will not be able to unequivocally say that war is bad. Most likely, now you will say: “War is bad, but at some stages of the development of the state it was necessary, so it can be considered a complex and ambiguous phenomenon.”

From this answer it becomes clear: you are not inclined to make hasty conclusions. Ambivalent thinking is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can spend ages choosing between kefir and fermented baked milk. On the other hand, you have the ability to see the world from multiple perspectives and judge more wisely.

How to learn ambivalent thinking

Learning to think ambivalently is quite difficult, especially if you are prone to radical judgments. But this will help you see the situation from all sides and not rush to conclusions. Therefore, it’s still worth learning gray thinking, and here’s how you can do it.

1. Stop judging the world harshly

2. Think about the event or phenomenon in perspective

Consider phenomena, events and concepts from the point of view of time. Determine their significance, taking into account both the good and the bad.

3. Accept that you are not always right.

Accept your opponent's point of view. Try to believe that he knows the truth and you don’t.

4. Teach yourself that truth is ambiguous.

Look at the problem from all sides. Accept a different opinion. Remember how, and try to take at least a step towards ambivalent thinking.