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How to make a pickaxe from three types of materials? How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft - learn how to create objects How to make a pickaxe from boards in Minecraft

The pickaxe is one of the main tools in Minecraft - “Mining Craft”. Before you start playing, you should study the process of mining, processing and assembling various materials (wood, stone, iron, diamond) into a single element - a pickaxe.

The first levels of Minecraft will introduce the player to a wooden pickaxe, which requires 10 blocks of wood to craft.

Here, in fact, you will need knowledge to answer the question:

How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft

After extracting the required amount of wood, which you will chop with your own hands, create boards from it.

Then - the workbench. It is made from 4 boards, as shown in the picture.

And already in the workbench - carve a few sticks.

Combine the 2 sticks and 3 boards you previously made and get your first tool. Hurray, you have your first pickaxe. It may be made of wood, but with its help you can already mine stone!

But a wooden pickaxe is only a temporary tool that can be used to quarry stone. We advise you to immediately make at least a stone one after this.

How to create stone, iron and diamond pickaxes in Minecraft?

For a stone pickaxe, the player will need the nearest rock and 3 blocks of cobblestone extracted from it. Repeat the assembly process you did at the beginning (wood/stone).

Making an iron pickaxe will require you to mine and then smelt the appropriate ore. Do not forget about the coal, which should be in the fuel compartment of the stove.

Here are all possible pickaxes, in increasing order of their strength and rarity - from wood to diamond.

Gold is not the best material for a pickaxe!

Diamond is a rare block, the extraction of which will be much more labor-intensive than previously carried out work. You need to go as far down the shaft as possible and almost reach the adminium level (impenetrable black cobblestone). This depth is intended for searching for diamonds. By digging forward (bypassing the encountered stones and dodging lava and water), you will gradually find the required number of diamonds and be able to create a tool of the highest level - a diamond pickaxe.

A little advice. The mined gold will have a very fragile structure, implying rapid (faster than wood) destruction of the pickaxe and, accordingly, the loss of the previously diligently collected resource.

Today we will talk to you about how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft. Anyway, let's get acquainted with this game item. After all, it is considered quite important in the virtual world.

What is it for?

So, today we will start talking to you about such an item as a pickaxe. Probably, anyone who has already tried his hand at the game Minecraft realized that it is impossible to do without collecting various resources. You can't get through them with your bare hands. Then the question comes about how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

This item is used to process various blocks and resources. It can be crafted or found in different chests. It should also be noted that there are several types of pickaxes. Each has its own strength. So let's take a closer look at how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

Made of wood

Well, you just started playing and already want to start collecting various resources? Then you will have to suffer a little. The fact is that the toy contains a so-called wooden pickaxe. It is a kind of ancestor of all such items. Created quickly and easily.

If you just started Minecraft, how to make a wooden pickaxe? Look for wood! You only need sticks and boards, which are then connected together. To get sticks, simply collect the boards and combine them. Wood can, of course, be obtained from different plants. But don't worry: wood is one of the most common materials and is available literally on every corner. But over time, you will begin to think more and more often about how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft that will be more durable and powerful. Let's try to figure out what can be made.


So, if you have already become a little more comfortable with collecting items and resources, then we can talk about more durable tools. For example, about a stone pickaxe. The name alone makes it clear what it will be made of.

If you are wondering how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft, you can try stocking up on sticks and cobblestones. From them our instrument is obtained. But where to get the stone? If sticks can be assembled from boards and wood, then what to do with cobblestones?

This resource can also be easily found in the game world. The fact is that when processing stone blocks you will get so-called stones or cobblestones. They are quite durable and are one of the most common materials in the world. If you notice deposits of stone, grab a wooden pickaxe and hurry to destroy them. After collecting, combine two sticks and 3 cobblestones. You will get a stone pickaxe. This is a more “pleasant” item. But there is another crafting option.


You've probably already gotten comfortable with Minecraft. How to make an iron pickaxe that is significantly different in strength from the previous two options? This is quite easy to do. Especially when you have already “scraped together” various materials into your inventory. Open it up and see what you have.

To create an iron pickaxe you will need sticks and, of course, iron ingots. You can get them in several ways. The first is processing. Find the required deposit, then collect the material and melt it down.

The second option that will help you get ingots is to destroy iron blocks. One such “cube” produces 9 iron ingots. True, you can kill an iron golem, which will drop from 2 to 5 units of material upon death. Remember that you need to collect three bars. Once you have them in your hands, you can start creating. Just combine two wooden sticks and three iron ingots. You will get a pickaxe that will last you a long time. Its strength is almost 2 times greater than that of stone. So after you get the hang of it a bit, this is the most suitable option. That's all. Now you know how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

Installed the game MineCraft to become a miner? Explore the endless caves and depths of Mother Earth? Then you need pick! What would it be like without her? Using a pickaxe, you dig into mines and quickly collect blocks (of a certain type) and ore. The picture below shows, how to make (craft) a pickaxe. You need sticks and boards/stones/ingots of iron/gold/diamonds.

I would like to note that collecting certain blocks may require a certain pickaxe. So, for example, we will not be able to collect gold ore with a wooden or stone pickaxe. For this we need an iron or diamond pickaxe. Below is a table of the ores and pickaxes that can be collected by them.

Gold, wood, stone, iron, diamond

Coal Ore 0.4 s 2.25 s 1.15 s 0.75 s 0.6 s

Diamond ore — — — 0.75 s 0.6 s

Gold ore — — 15 s 0.75 s 0.6 s

Iron Ore — — 1.15 s 0.75 s 0.6 s

Lapis lazuli ore — — 1.15 s 0.75 s 0.6 s

Red Ore — — — 0.75 s 0.6 s

Gold block — — — 0.75 s 0.6 s

Lapis lazuli block — — 1.15 s 0.75 s 0.6 s

Diamond block — — — 1.25 s 0.85 s

Iron block — — 2.5 s 1.25 s 0.95 s

Obsidian — — — — 10 s

Below are the characteristics of the pickaxe.

Wooden pickaxe: enough for 60 blows (even blows to the air count).

Stone pickaxe: enough for 132 blows (even blows to the air are counted).

Iron pickaxe: enough for 251 blows (even blows to the air are counted).

Golden Pickaxe: enough for 33 hits (even air strikes count).

Diamond pickaxe: enough for 1562 blows (even blows to the air are counted).

This tool has been improved for a long time and used in a variety of fields of human activity: mining and coal mining, development of ore deposits, construction, agriculture, and war. In many museums around the world, weapons collections are decorated with elegant and formidable coins, claws and other battle picks.

Speaking seriously, despite modern types of various equipment, the pickaxe is still widely used today. Everyone knows the combined construction picks, which are used to split bricks during laying; climbers always have a light and durable ice ax pick with them; geological exploration work cannot be done without this tool of different sizes: from small and light to real “combat” monsters , capable of splitting the rock in the right place.

To determine how to make an iron pick, you need to imagine and understand the difference between it and a pick. The classic form has a sharp hammer-like attachment, mounted on a durable and long (up to one and a half meters) handle made of hard and tough wood.

In this case, the nozzle can only have a long pointed end with one striking part, the opposite side is made in the form of a butt. This option is called a pickaxe; it is often used in combination with a heavy sledgehammer, which is used to strike the butt.

The second and more common variant is the (mistakenly called pick) pick, which has two pointed striking parts on opposite ends of a hammer-like head. One end is made with a flat and wide blade, similar to an axe. The second, tetrahedral, is pointed and curved: it is convenient for them to tear off, break out and uproot.

From the description of both options it is clear that polishing nails with such things will not work. This tool is designed for rough physical work. The long lever of the wooden handle and the fairly large weight of the nozzle, combined with the pointed ends of the working striking parts, allow blows of enormous destructive power. This uses the power of one human muscle force.

How to make a pickaxe from wood and iron?

The most primitive option iron pickaxe You can make it yourself from a durable and fairly thick stick. In it, at a distance of five centimeters from the thicker end, a hole is drilled with a diameter slightly less than the thickness of the reinforcing rod. One end of a piece of such a rod is sharpened into four edges, and the second is riveted.

When heated, the metal rod is driven into the prepared hole. This is done carefully so as not to split the wood; you can first select and put crimp rings on top and bottom of the hole. You should get an L-shaped pick. The intersection of the axes of the handle and the rod is wrapped crosswise with raw leather or tarred rope.

Option wooden pickaxe can be considered a hoe, a primitive agricultural tool. They can be seen in photographs taken in countries with patriarchal agriculture. Thinking about how to make a wooden pickaxe, you can probably use the tools from such photos as samples.

A result similar to that described above can be obtained by cutting off part of a straight trunk with a branch growing from it. The tree must be a hardwood with branches at least two-thirds the thickness of the trunk. Cuts should be made five centimeters below the branch site and a meter and a half above.

Then the resulting workpiece is sanded, and the branch is cut at an acute angle at a distance of up to thirty centimeters from the place of growth. To increase strength, the branch site and the remaining protruding part can be wrapped with tarred rope or leather tape; it is good to place strips of metal under them.

The dimensions of the pickaxe are maintained for reasons of strength of the future tool. If you leave too long of a branch, it will easily break.

How to make a stone pickaxe - a non-standard tool for our time

No matter how strong a wooden pick is, it will not withstand intense loads for a long time. Our ancient ancestor understood this: he probably spat, scratched his head and began to look for a solution to the problem. And I found it. There are many stones on our planet. Among their abundance, it is not difficult to pick up a long, sharp and durable fragment.

Then you need to get a strong stick and tear off a small piece of skin from a wild boar running through the forest. Now all that remains is to attach the fragment to the end of the stick, wrapping the joint crosswise with raw leather soaked in a saline solution. Once dry, it will create an extremely strong bond. That's it, you can go hunting.

Now, knowing in general terms how to do stone pickaxe, you need to adjust the details and materials. Since nature conservation authorities will now sell seven skins for a wild boar, it is better to replace its skin with a strong, resinous rope. Otherwise, the principle remains the same.

In conclusion, about the most banal. It is not for nothing that the pickaxe was and is considered not only a powerful tool, but an extremely dangerous weapon. Therefore, even accidental blows with it can become the reason for a premature meeting with the same quick-witted ancestor who invented the first pickaxe.

Greetings to the readers of this guide! So, let's see how important pickaxes are in Minecraft. Pickaxes are needed to mine various underground resources - but there is one caveat! Not every pickaxe can mine diamonds or gold!

Types of picks

  • Wooden pickaxe. Starting pickaxe. Quite fragile, very easy to make, 3 Boards and 2 Sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal.
  • Stone pickaxe. Also unreliable, like its predecessor, but it will help you extract one of the valuable ores - IRON. Crafted from 3 Cobblestones and 2 Sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron.
  • Iron pickaxe. The first serious pickaxe, with its help you can get the most valuable resource in the game - DIAMOND. To create it, you will need to rummage in the mine and craft the long-awaited pickaxe from 3 iron ingots and 2 sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli.
  • Golden Pickaxe. A very fragile pickaxe, but it impresses with its speed. Better leave your gold on the same compass. Crafted from 3 gold bars and 2 sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli.
  • Diamond pickaxe. The most valuable pickaxe in the game! If you are lucky enough to get 3 diamonds and 2 sticks, then you can become the proud owner of this pickaxe. Produces ALL resources in the game. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian.