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How does dysplasia manifest in dogs? Causes, symptoms and treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs. Dysplasia in dogs - how to determine at home

Mostly large dogs suffer from dysplasia, and the disease consists of the destruction of joints. The illness is serious, but it is not a death sentence.

With proper care from the owner and medical care, the dog will live a normal life. How does dysplasia manifest in dogs and how to cure it?

With dysplasia in a puppy, the formation of the joint structure is disrupted: the acetabulum, in which the head of the bone is fixed, gradually becomes flat. This leads to the bone does not hold tightly in the joint, the effect of constant dislocation occurs, the animal lames, it is in pain.

Dysplasia in dogs: what is it? This is a disease that results in the destruction of the animal's hip joints. St. Bernards, retrievers and others are susceptible to this disease.

Stages and causes of the disease. Veterinarians distinguish 4 stages of the disease:

  • 1st degree (mild form) – the acetabulum is flattened, but the bone “sits” firmly in it;
  • 2nd degree (medium form) – the flattening is already noticeable, irregularities appear on the head of the bone, the articulation weakens, but is still considered strong;
  • 3.4 degrees (severe form) – the acetabulum is flat, the head of the bone is also flattened and destroyed, the joint is in a state of dislocation.

Most often, dysplasia affects the hip area, but this does not mean that other joints are safe. Any one of them could get hurt.

The disease can be congenital or acquired. Causes of dysplasia in dogs:

  • genetic factor– if one of the parents has at least a mild form of dysplasia or a tendency to it;
  • increased physical activity when the puppy’s skeleton is forming (and this lasts for large dogs up to 2 years);
  • insufficient physical activity, when both muscles and joints cannot form correctly;
  • poor nutrition – excess calcium and phosphorus, low-quality dry food, growth stimulants or excess meat in the puppy’s diet;
  • excess weight, which leads to excessive stress on the joints, that during the period of skeletal development increases the risk of disease;
  • joint injuries.

The consequences of the disease are sad: lameness, body asymmetry, with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia in puppies, growth stops, joints swell. If the elbows are affected, there is lameness on the front legs, the pet will not go down the stairs.

Signs, symptoms, diagnosis

It is difficult to notice signs of the disease at an early stage without an x-ray, which means the owner will need to pay special attention to the puppy. What should cause concern? Symptoms of dysplasia in dogs:

  1. When walking, the pet sways, limps slightly, and is stiff after sleep.
  2. When running for walks, he pushes off the ground with both hind legs and rests often. He doesn’t immediately run towards his owner, but walks carefully, as if warming up.
  3. He limps, starting to run, but then it goes away. Limps after physical activity. Moreover, this sign may appear or disappear.
  4. When the puppy lies down, the paws are unnaturally turned out.
  5. Refuses to go up stairs, won't give paw on command, or whines when he does.
  6. The joints are swollen, edematous, painful. If you feel it, the puppy will whine.
  7. Asymmetry of the body that occurs because the pet transfers weight from diseased paws to healthy ones.

After the dog turns one year old, it will be more difficult to cope with the disease.

If you detect at least one sign, you need to consult a doctor immediately! In the hospital, the veterinarian will, first of all, examine the puppy: palpate the paws, try to straighten the joint one way or another, listen to see if there are any clicks or squeaks, or maybe friction when bending the limbs.

This is a preliminary part of the diagnosis. After this, the doctor will order an x-ray. It is performed on dogs under anesthesia; there is no need to be afraid. They do this because animals resist strongly when excited.

In the image, the veterinarian will be able to clearly examine the condition of the joint, acetabulum, and the tightness of the bone. This is enough to make an accurate diagnosis of the presence or absence of dysplasia.

Condition of the pet's joint after x-ray Doctors describe it this way:

  • A (no pathologies);
  • B (there is a predisposition to the disease);
  • C (mild form);
  • D (medium shape);
  • E (severe form).

It is certainly impossible to determine dysplasia without an x-ray! There is a high risk of making a mistake, and in this case a healthy animal will suffer from treatment.

There is another way to diagnose the disease - arthroscopy. The joint cavity is punctured and a small camera is inserted inside, through which the veterinarian examines the structure of the dog’s cartilage tissue. The procedure is informative, however, it is performed only in very well-equipped clinics. There are few of them.


How to cure dysplasia? Depending on the degree of damage to the joint, the doctor prescribes either surgical or drug treatment. The first is used for severe forms of the disease, the second does not so much treat as mitigate the consequences of dysplasia.
Surgical intervention. Before the operation, the dog will definitely have an x-ray taken again. Surgical treatment of dysplasia in dogs can be as follows:

  • cutting off the pectineus muscle inside the joint, which reduces the load and minimizes pain during movement;
  • removal of the head of the bone and subsequent fastening of the limb to a special ligament;
  • dissection of both the bone itself and the articular cavity, then unfolding so that the bone is in closer contact with the joint;
  • removal of a wedge-shaped piece of bone for better fit into the articular cavity, while fixing the bone with a special plate;
  • joint replacement, when the patient is completely removed and replaced with a prosthesis.

Operations are performed only on young dogs whose weight does not exceed 15 kg.

Drug therapy. Treatment for hip dysplasia in dogs is by taking special medications and performing procedures in the clinic.

Medicines prescribed:

  • droppers and injections that help restore joints and cartilage;
  • antispasmodics to relieve pain from movement;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • dietary supplements that strengthen bones.

We must remember that you will have to monitor the animal’s weight, follow a special diet, and exercise Special attention to physical activity – A dog cannot run, but it can swim.


The pet requires close attention during the entire growth period; in large breeds it lasts from a year to 2.5 years. At this time, you should not overdo it with stress, but you should not allow an overly passive lifestyle.

It is necessary to take seriously that the food is of high quality and balanced in terms of vitamins and minerals.

There should not be excess weight, which means that the dog should not be given any growth stimulants; overfeeding with cereals and meat is also contraindicated. And run on long distances the pet doesn't need it.

A large breed puppy should be shown to the doctor periodically, even if everything is fine with the baby.

With careful attention to the choice of pet (careful selection) and on the part of the owner, the risk of dysplasia is minimized. However, even if it develops, the dog can be helped, the main thing is not to delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Additionally, watch the video about the manifestation and treatment of dysplasia in dogs:

The diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs does not sound reassuring. The disease negatively affects the mobility of animals and causes pain and discomfort. Dogs with a large weight and large build that experience intense physical activity are especially susceptible to the disease.

Dysplasia in dogs - symptoms

If there is a genetic predisposition, the disease can overtake the animal at an early age. Cases observed in six-month-old puppies are not uncommon. Incorrect fit of the head of the bone to the articular socket can be suspected by the nature of the dog’s movements and its changed habits. It is necessary to take your pet to a veterinarian if:

  • the dog began to limp and sway when walking;
  • places its paws incorrectly, pushes off with both hind limbs when running;
  • takes frequent breaks to rest;
  • movements become constrained - it is difficult for the dog to move up steps, get up from the floor, or follow commands;
  • the body gradually becomes asymmetrical - the massive chest and forelimbs clearly stand out against the background of a narrow pelvis and atrophied muscles of the hind legs;
  • there is swelling and swelling of the joint;
  • The dog experiences pain when touched.

Dysplasia in dogs - causes

Many factors can precede the appearance of joint problems. Owners need to be especially vigilant if the puppy’s parents suffered from this disease. Joint dysplasia in dogs is not considered a congenital disease; the following can become a trigger for the development of pathology:

  • Not proper nutrition with an excess of protein foods;
  • feeding with low-quality feed;
  • excessive intake of calcium and phosphorus into the body;
  • grueling loads;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • suffered limb injuries.

Diagnosis of dysplasia in dogs

Timely detection of the disease is a guarantee of a speedy recovery and return of the pet to a full life. Therefore, at the first suspicion, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. A preliminary diagnosis of hind limb dysplasia in dogs is made by a qualified specialist immediately after examination. The veterinarian conducts a mobility test, feels the limbs - this information is enough for him to set an algorithm for further actions.

To determine the degree of hip dysplasia in dogs and prescribe treatment, an additional x-ray is taken. The photo provides full information about the nature of joint damage and helps determine optimal therapy. In modern, well-equipped clinics, dogs undergo arthroscopy for a complete diagnosis. This is an expensive, but informative procedure that allows you to study the structure of cartilage tissue and the degree of its damage.

Testing for dysplasia in dogs

In order to prevent the disease, owners of large breed dogs try to get tested for dysplasia in advance. As practice shows, the first signs of the disease can appear at the age of 2-9 months. However, experts do not recommend rushing to conclusions, since disturbances in puppies can be temporary, associated with intense and uneven growth.

Hip dysplasia in dogs can be definitively diagnosed no earlier than 9-18 months (depending on height and breed). This does not apply to hereditary pathologies, which are clearly visible when the puppy reaches 4 months. The dysplasia test is a necessary official document for dogs applying for breeding. Although the absence of the disease in the parents is not considered a guarantee that the puppies will not be prone to developing pathology.

X-ray diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs

Hip dysplasia in dogs is diagnosed through x-rays and a hypermobility test. Both the first and second procedures are carried out under general anesthesia. Therefore, before conducting the study, consultation with a cardiologist and anesthesiologist is necessary. Full sedation of the dog ensures its correct positioning and, as a result, obtaining high-quality, reliable images in all the necessary projections. After all, even the calmest and most obedient animal will strain its muscles and ligaments, which will prevent the correct placement of the articular surfaces.

Dysplasia in dogs - how to determine at home?

Suspect an illness by characteristic symptoms problematic at first. Joint dysplasia in dogs is visible to the naked eye only in advanced stages, when the animal experiences severe discomfort and pain. This condition is accompanied by:

  • incorrect position;
  • lameness or “bunny” gait;
  • intolerance physical activity;
  • aggressive behavior, often when touched.

Degrees of dysplasia in dogs

By how dysplasia manifests itself in dogs, one can judge the degree of development of the disease. According to the classification of the International Canine Federation, the disease has several stages of development:

  • A– absence of pathology;
  • IN– borderline state, predisposition to the development of the disease is present;
  • WITH- mild degree - the dog is recommended for exclusion from breeding;
  • D– average degree;
  • E– severe dysplasia - accompanied by serious mobility impairments.

Prevention of dysplasia in dogs

A radical measure to prevent the development of the disease in dogs - excluding individuals with this disease from breeding - is yielding results. However, heredity is far from the only factor that can trigger the development of the disease. Even animals with excellent pedigree can be susceptible to the disease. Joint dysplasia in dogs often develops as a result of exposure to external factors. To prevent possible problems, owners should remember that:

  • a puppy whose joints and muscles have not yet been formed should not be subjected to strong physical stress. Contraindicated for children are jumping from great heights, heavy objects, long-distance running;
  • the pet must walk and move; lack of activity can lead to underdevelopment of the acetabulum;
  • you need to feed the animal in moderation, extra pounds are not an indicator of love, but the risk of developing many diseases, including hip dysplasia in dogs;
  • Adding additional supplements to your pet’s diet should be done with caution. This is especially true for specialized feeds.

Hip dysplasia in dogs - treatment

It is possible to correct the development of dysplasia and provide the animal with a decent quality of life using conservative and surgical methods. Traditional therapy includes:

  • drug treatment using chondroprojectors, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, food additives;
  • following a special diet (for obesity);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetic, laser therapy, ozokerite, massages).

The answer to the question of how to treat dysplasia in dogs also involves surgical methods. Depending on the individual characteristics of the four-legged patient, surgeons can perform:

  • myectomy of the pectineus muscle;
  • resection arthroplasty;
  • pelvic osteotomy;
  • complete joint replacement.

Dysplasia is an insidious disease that is passed on from generation to generation. There are versions that the cause of its development may be injury, poor diet or insufficient exercise, but genetic predisposition undoubtedly plays a leading role. The passion for large breeds of dogs did a disservice: not wanting to lose profits, breeders were not very conscientious about culling and sterilizing animals with pathologies.

As a result, the situation can now be called catastrophic - joint dysplasia is being detected more and more often, not only in dogs after 1.5 years, but also in puppies up to 6 months.

Description of the disease

Dysplasia is a disease that causes deformation and destruction of articular and then bone tissue of the musculoskeletal system. An incorrectly formed joint or one damaged as a result of injury, when the gap between the head and the acetabulum is too large, with constant friction literally “eats” the cartilage tissue, causing severe pain. Then the process affects the bone, ultimately depriving the dog of the ability to fully move and lead an active lifestyle.

This is interesting! Most often, this disease affects the hip joints. It is they who bear the heaviest load when running and jumping, when the pet is forced to push its weight as much as possible in order to perform the movement.

Somewhat less commonly, one or all of the elbow joints are affected, causing lameness in the front legs. The dog refuses to follow some commands, for example, “Give me a paw”, “Down” when running up stairs, and does not allow you to touch the affected area. The disease can also be noticed by inflammation at the bend and the appearance of thickenings.

The knees are the least likely to suffer, but this does not make the problem any less significant. Dysplasia on the hind legs often appears after a fall, blow, or any injury to the knees, due to which the leg could twist or dislocate. An amateur will not be able to straighten the joint on his own to avoid consequences; he will need the help of specialists. But this does not guarantee complete recovery. Pain and lameness may reappear at any time.

The worn cartilage tissue should prevent contact and damage to the bone. When the bone decomposes, the joints change, not only disfiguring the paws, but also hindering movement.

If the disease begins to attack the puppy’s unformed, growing body, pathologies will become noticeable quickly, affecting not only the joints, but the entire musculoskeletal system. But usually violations are detected by 1.5 years, when the dog gains muscle mass, becomes heavier, and, accordingly, the load on the paws increases.

Important! The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to save the animal, adjust treatment regimens and prevent exacerbations. If the “history” includes “relatives” suffering from dysplasia, it is best to obtain certificates from the puppy’s parents that they have successfully passed the test for the disease.

If you suspect a genetic disorder, it is worth doing an X-ray examination of the joints, which can easily detect dysplasia even in the initial stage.

Which dogs are at risk?

Symptoms of dysplasia in a dog

At first, the puppy is not very willing to take part in the fun without which just yesterday he could not imagine life; he gets tired and lies down, indicating that he wants to go home; during walks, he begins to be afraid to go down or up the stairs. He has occasional lameness, which may go away with rest. Experienced dog breeders begin to sound the alarm already at this stage, rushing to the veterinarians.

If your pet develops almost constant lameness, he begins to waddle, as if staggering, and when running he places his paws unusually, trying to push off the ground with both hind legs, for example, you should rush to a specialist immediately. Even those who first got a four-legged friend will notice these symptoms.

It hurts the dog to move, run, and often lies down, stretching and twisting its paws. At this time, the seals in the joint area are already clearly visible; the pet does not allow you to touch them in order to examine them. In children with the early development of the disease, asymmetry, unusual for the breed, becomes very noticeable. If the hip or knee joints the puppy transfers the load to the front legs, so that they appear more massive and better developed.

Important! Having noticed some of these manifestations of the insidious disease, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian and undergo an examination with it. This will help determine what kind of dysplasia is present, and how and what you can do to help the dog lead a normal life.

In this case, the muscles in the back of the body atrophy. Not only by examining, but even by stroking the dog, you can detect seals in the joint area. Soreness causes the dog to shy away from attempts to pet it, and can also cause aggression.

Diagnostic methods

Not only a good specialist on the treatment of animals, but it will not be difficult for an experienced dog breeder or breeder of large dog breeds to diagnose dysplasia during examination. The very fact that the pet does not like it when a little pressure is applied to its paw at the bend should alert you. In addition, the affected area, which is inflamed or compacted and has already grown tissue, can be easily felt.

When bending the paw, a characteristic sound is heard: a click, a crunch, and sometimes you can feel the friction of the head of the joint on the bone. These are the very first signs that may not mean a disease, but indicate its imminent onset, a predisposition to dysplasia.

The veterinarian will need to take an x-ray of the sore area to see how far the disease has progressed. To do this, dogs are almost always given an injection, which will numb them and make them unable to move (anesthesia, anesthesia). After all, forcing a puppy or a teenage dog to lie still when there are so many people around strangers, objects, and the situation looks threatening, it is impossible.

The owner needs to be prepared for this procedure in order to reassure his friend, to show that he is safe, and that the one he trusts is not going to leave him alone. A leash and a muzzle are mandatory conditions for visiting the clinic; some animals react very aggressively to the white coats of doctors after the first vaccinations, so you should not forget about basic safety measures amid all the worries.

The dog is subjected to a rather painful procedure that requires anesthesia in order to see how damaged the tissues are from the inside. It is called arthroscopy: a miniature camera, an endoscope, is inserted into the joint through a puncture. This way you can get a very objective picture of dysplasia damage. Equipment for such a procedure is available only in large clinics, so it is not performed everywhere.

The letter “A” in the diagnosis will mean complete well-being, that is, the tissues are not affected.

“B” in the verdict means a predisposition to pathological changes, and this means increased attention to the pet, constant examinations, adherence to the prescribed lifestyle and diet to stop the process.

Important! The cost of the service is high, but the results will not raise the slightest doubt.

If the veterinarian writes the letter “C”, dysplasia has already taken over, the joints are affected, but the process can be taken under control.

“D” - the disease is progressing, the dog needs to be treated to alleviate its condition, restore the ability to move normally, and then constantly engage in prevention so that a relapse does not occur.

The letter “E” means severe damage to the joint tissue; we can only talk about supportive treatment.

The serious condition of the dog is most often caused either by poor health, or by the complete reluctance of the owners to take care of the pet, which they are obliged to take care of. An undetected disease, refusal of veterinarian help, an incorrectly chosen diet, lack of proper care and conditions for normal growth and development contribute to a very rapid, aggressive course of a genetically determined disease.

Treatment of joint dysplasia in dogs

Many dog ​​owners are frightened by the fact that it is impossible to cure dysplasia. They abandon a puppy that has been diagnosed with a disease, sometimes simply throwing it out onto the street and dooming it to vagrancy and quick death.

But even pathology noticed at an early age can and should be treated. If you ignore the lameness, soreness of the paws, the puppy’s frequent mood swings and his not too active behavior, by 6 months he may simply be semi-paralyzed, any movement will cause him pain. And with increased weight gain (the animal remains large, actively grows, eats with appetite and cannot burn calories), it faces death from obesity and related problems.

Both young and adult dogs are usually treated conservatively. Therapy is carried out only by veterinarians, selecting medications, physiotherapy, developing the necessary nutritional and training complexes. Often a course of injections with drugs that relieve inflammation and pain (chondroprotectors) is required.

For any degree of dysplasia, physiotherapy and gentle training with clearly controlled loads show good results. You should not allow your dog to stop moving completely, this will have an even more detrimental effect on his health. Jogging next to the owner, short runs on level ground, playing ball, bathing and swimming will help in normal muscle development and stop osteoarthritis.

Important! Veterinarians will definitely tell you what and in what quantity supplements should be included in the diet. There are many vitamins that can have a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue.

In addition to conservative treatment, surgical treatment is also offered, but an artificial joint is very expensive, and not every dog ​​owner can afford such an expensive operation. In addition, this method is applicable only in cases where the animal is already fully formed; this method is not suitable for young dogs.

Dysplasia – chronic illness, no medicine, no operation can completely heal a pet. Therefore, everything possible should be done to prevent the disease from developing. If it is detected, it is worth following all the recommendations of doctors, achieving long-term and stable remission.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by underdevelopment of the acetabulum of the hip joint. Large breeds of dogs are especially susceptible to the disease. The disease is dangerous because it provokes partial and sometimes complete destruction of joints and cartilage tissue, and threatens loss of motor functions. Diagnosis and timely treatment of dysplasia will help stop degenerative processes in the animal’s body.

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    What is hip dysplasia

    Hip dysplasia is a defect in the development of the joint in the socket area. The disease was originally called subluxation of the articular head due to the increase in the gap between the socket and the head of the bone (it is not adjacent to the joint, which leads to friction and wear of the head). As a result, compaction and deformation of the joint occurs.

    Causes and risk group

    Most often, dysplasia is diagnosed in German shepherds, retrievers, Great Danes, bullmastiffs and St. Bernards.

    The main causes of THD:

    • heredity;
    • overfeeding, unbalanced nutrition (lack of phosphorus, calcium in the diet, excess protein leads to the development of the disease);
    • excessive physical activity (pets under 18 months of age are prohibited from heavy exercise, especially large and heavy breeds);
    • lack of movement (puppies need gentle exercise for bone and muscle tissue to develop properly);
    • rapid growth of bone and joint tissues in the first 6 months of life;
    • injuries.


    A veterinarian can detect the disease in the 12th month of a puppy’s life, but dysplasia begins to appear only at 2-2.5 years.

    Signs of hip dysplasia in dogs:

    • lameness that occurs spontaneously (when examining the limbs, no changes in integrity are observed);
    • even with a small load the dog gets tired quickly;
    • hind legs are shaking;
    • the dog sways while walking;
    • when palpating the upper thigh area, the pet whines and tries to bite;
    • the hind legs are spread to the side.

    Puppies with dysplasia, while resting, take a frog position to unload the hind limbs. Also, young individuals exhibit body asymmetry: powerful front legs, weak hind legs and a developed chest.

    Symptoms of DTS may appear partially, so diagnosing the disease at home is difficult. For example, a pet may place its paws differently due to fatigue, or limp due to damage to its paw during a walk.


    Diagnosis of diseases related to bones is carried out using x-rays. Based on the image, the veterinarian can determine not only the presence or absence of pathology, but also the degree of deformation of the joint.

    X-rays are performed under general anesthesia so that the results are good quality. In some cases, arthroscopy is done. During this procedure, an incision is made into which an arthroscope is inserted to examine the joint. A mini camera shows the condition of the desired area and surrounding tissue.

    The study helps the specialist determine the severity of the animal’s illness:

    • A – no deviations;
    • B – there is a predisposition to joint deformation;
    • C – initial form;
    • D – middle stage;
    • E – severe dysplasia.

    Conservative therapy

    Treatment for hip dysplasia is effective in early stages diseases. Therapy is based on eliminating pain, swelling, and restoring cartilage tissue.

    Conservative treatment includes the use of:

    1. 1. Chondroprotectors– medications that restore joint and cartilage tissue (Glucosamine, Adequan, Chionate, Teraflex, Mucosat, Chondrolone). Medicines are prescribed in the form of intravenous drips, injections into joints, intramuscular injections. The drugs can be taken alone or in combination.
    2. 2. Antispasmodics– eliminate pain syndrome (Analgin, No-shpa, Baralgin).
    3. 3. Anti-inflammatory drugs- Rimadyl, Nimesulide.
    4. 4. Mineral complexes based on glucosamine and chondroitins- Omega-6, Omega-3.

    Veterinarians prescribe corticosteroids hormonal drugs, which are injected under the skin (small breeds) or directly into the joint. However, with such therapy a number of undesirable side effects are possible.

    Conservative treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy. Veterinary clinics may administer electromagnetic radiation or laser therapy. These procedures are aimed at warming up the joints, but are not always effective, as they have many contraindications.

    Operative technique

    Conservative therapy is not always effective for hip dysplasia. In later stages of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary. The complexity and duration of the operation depends on the degree of joint deformity.

    Types of surgical intervention:

    • Excision of the femoral head and neck is a major operation that involves a long recovery period. After excision, the joint is restored, and the pet can move independently without prostheses. Due to the narrowing of the pelvic cavity, organ dysfunction is sometimes observed abdominal cavity.
    • Osteotomy– dissection of the bone and change in the position of the articular fossa, promotes the correct location of the joint. The procedure can be performed when the disease is not aggravated.
    • Myectomy– excision of the pectineus muscle during the puppy’s growth. This procedure does not lead to a complete recovery, but it reduces lameness and restores motor function of the joint. The operation is performed when conservative therapy is ineffective. Myectomy is performed on puppies between 6 and 12 months of age.
    • Resection arthroplasty– joint resection to reduce pain syndrome. The procedure eliminates friction between the head of the joint and the socket, resulting in reduced pain. The operation is indicated for small breeds of dogs weighing up to 20 kg. Arthroplasty can be performed even on older dogs.
    • Endoprosthetics- prescribed at the last stage of the disease. The joint is replaced with an artificial one made of titanium alloy. After the procedure, the dog moves without pain and leads a normal life. The operation is prohibited for muscle atrophy. From a functional point of view, it is recommended to install a prosthesis in dogs weighing more than 30 kg.


    Massage is a mandatory procedure that is performed in combination with conservative and surgical therapy. It relieves pain, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation. You can also perform massage exercises at home:

    • warm up the muscles with confident, slow movements;
    • apply pressure;
    • Initially, it is necessary to massage the longitudinal spinal muscles on both sides, and then move to the hind limbs;
    • You can only work the muscles; pressing on the bones is strictly prohibited.

    Care and nutrition

    To quickly rehabilitate your pet after treatment, you need to provide appropriate conditions. The diet should contain vitamins, proteins, minerals, microelements, and at the same time you should monitor your pet’s weight to prevent obesity.

    The dog should not be put on a strict diet, as this will lead to a worsening of the condition. You need to remove foods containing large amounts of fat from your diet.

    After surgery, it is necessary to force the pet to move to ensure additional blood flow to the limbs, this will help the muscles not to atrophy. The dog should be examined systematically. Due to the weakening of the body, diseases associated with nervous system, abdominal organs, penetration of infection.

    You should walk a pet with dysplasia on the lawn, minimizing walking on asphalt. Swimming is beneficial, since the water reduces the load on the joints, and the rest of the muscle group receives the necessary load.

    What is prohibited to do

    For hip dysplasia in dogs, the following is strictly prohibited:

    • exclude meat products from the diet;
    • treat the disease with painkillers;
    • try to insert the bone into place on your own;
    • cool or warm the pelvic part;
    • independently administer intramuscular or intravenous drugs.

    Also, physical activity and long walks, which cause strain on the hind limbs, are contraindicated for sick dogs.


    Preventive measures include proper nutrition with plenty of microelements. At an early age, puppies' food should be nutritious and healthy. They also need to avoid heavy loads, as microcracks can occur in underdeveloped limbs.

    If an animal is diagnosed with dysplasia, it must be spayed or neutered so that the disease is not passed on to descendants.

Hip dysplasia in dogs, the signs of which are not always noticed by novice dog breeders, is one of the most severe and, unfortunately, common ailments. musculoskeletal system our four-legged pets. As the disease progresses, the animal's hip joints suffer This causes severe pain and problems with movement.

If the disease is not treated, it will cause irreversible changes and the dog will lose mobility of the hind limbs. Severe pain causes animal suffering. Often people who have never had a pet before ask: “How long do dogs with hip dysplasia live?” At early diagnosis, timely and competent treatment and compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations of the veterinarian, most animals with this disease lead an active and fulfilling life for many years.

What is dysplasia?

This is a so-called deformation. A rather large gap is formed between the glenoid cavity and the head of the bone, which, when moving, does not fit correctly against the joint and rubs against it. Bone tissue delaminate, their structure changes, they become brittle. The disease leads to partial and often complete destruction of cartilage and joint tissue, and loss of motor functions.

Veterinarians distinguish between different degrees of hip dysplasia in dogs, according to the FCI classification:

  • 1 (A) - norm: symptoms and disease as such are absent;
  • 2 (B) - borderline condition;
  • 3 (C)) - a mild form of the disease, when the animal has dislocations;
  • 4 (D) - moderate form;
  • 5 (E) - severe degree: serious, sometimes irreversible dysfunction of the joints.

Once symptoms of hip dysplasia are detected in dogs, treatment must begin immediately. With timely treatment of the disease in the early stages, it is possible to alleviate your friend’s suffering and slow down degenerative processes.

Veterinarians note that in last years The number of dogs suffering from this disease has increased significantly. Animals of giant and large breeds are most often susceptible to it. This disease is extremely rare in small animals.

Causes of the disease

Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to name the exact causes of the development of this disease. At the same time, veterinarians are increasingly inclined to believe that hip dysplasia in dogs (we posted the photo in this article) is a genetic disease. But its course can be influenced by factors such as nutrition, regimen, physical activity, and the animal’s habitat. Breeders of large breeds should pay special attention to their pets:

  • St. Bernards.
  • Labradors.
  • Shepherd dogs.
  • Newfoundlands.
  • Divers.
  • Dogov.
  • Rottweilers.
  • Chow-chow.

The peculiarity of the disease is that the symptoms of hip dysplasia in a dog, as a rule, appear a year and a half after the birth of the puppy.

It is extremely rare to diagnose it in six-month-old babies. Today, veterinarians include the following as the main reasons that can cause the development of THD:

  1. Heredity: dogs are often used in breeding that have not been tested for the presence of this disease, which leads to the manifestation of the disease in the offspring.
  2. Rapid growth of joint and bone tissues in the first six months of a puppy’s life.
  3. Overfeeding and an unbalanced diet, which is manifested by a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium and excess protein. Eventually overweight will worsen the course of the disease.
  4. Excessive physical activity. We must not forget that puppies under the age of eighteen months (during the growth period) are contraindicated in large physical activities. This primarily applies to large breed dogs.
  5. Lack of exercise: Young dogs and puppies need a lot of exercise for proper development of bone and muscle tissue.
  6. Injuries: often dislocations or injuries to a joint can cause the development of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Treatment for hip dysplasia in dogs should begin immediately after identifying at least one of the symptoms listed below. In a dog's body, the hip joints are among the most vulnerable. When running and jumping, they are subjected to powerful loads and shock absorption.

A healthy animal does not experience discomfort even during grueling and lengthy training and serious physical activity. An animal with the initial stage of dysplasia, the symptoms of which may immediately suffer from every movement of an inattentive owner, which causes pressure on the affected joint and acute pain.

How to identify hip dysplasia in dogs? It should be noted that it is almost impossible for a non-professional to identify this disease by eye in the initial stages. But veterinarians recommend that owners pay attention to a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • the animal's gait changes: the dog sways its body, limps, its paws bend;
  • The pet cannot withstand the physical activity that was previously usual for it:
  • the animal rests for a long time after running and jumping;
  • “rabbit” running: while running, the animal pushes off with two hind legs;
  • movements become difficult: the dog has difficulty getting up, lying down, or climbing stairs;
  • while resting or sleeping on its stomach, your pet may take unnatural poses: strongly turns its paws in different directions - frog pose;
  • in puppies, if the disease can be diagnosed, asymmetry of the body can be observed: the front legs are powerful, the chest is developed, and the hind legs are weak;
  • pressing on the joint area causes pain in the dog, it becomes restless and may whine.

These are the main symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs. Treatment started in a timely manner will prevent its serious consequences.

Diagnostics and testing

An attentive owner will probably notice changes in the behavior of his pet, but only a veterinarian can determine what is happening to the dog and prescribe treatment. An experienced specialist will first examine the animal and try to identify problem areas by touch. Bending and straightening the joints, listen for creaks, clicks and friction sounds. Based on these signs, he will be able to identify pathology.

The next stage of the examination will be an x-ray, which will confirm the diagnosis and reveal the degree of deformation of the joint and bone tissues. This procedure requires complete immobility, but it is almost impossible to force the dog to lie down in a certain position without moving at all. Therefore, the animal is given a sleeping pill.

Experts consider arthroscopy to be the most informative diagnostic method. A puncture is made in the abdominal cavity, into which a microchamber is inserted, penetrating into the center of the problem area. It shows the structure and condition of cartilage tissue with millimeter accuracy. This procedure can accurately determine the degree of joint damage and the stage of dysplasia. The operation is performed in modern clinics with the latest equipment and only under anesthesia.

hip joint in a dog?

Veterinarians say that advanced, final stages of dysplasia are extremely difficult to cure. However, this does not mean at all that your pet is doomed and you need to let the disease take its course. Without treatment, it develops into an even more serious disease - osteoarthritis. It is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage tissue and joint dystrophy. The dog completely loses mobility.

To prevent this, veterinarians use treatment aimed at inhibiting the disease, stopping and slowing down pathological processes.

How is the treatment carried out?

Having identified treatment, the veterinarian prescribes based on the results various types research. The choice of treatment method largely depends on the stage of the disease, the general health of the animal, and its age.

Drug therapy

To restore cartilage tissue, veterinarians prescribe medicines, which stop pathological changes in joints - chondroprotectors (“Stride”, “Bonharen”). The latter drug helps strengthen articular cartilage and relieve pain. It is important that these funds have virtually no side effects. However, the effect of such a medicine gives a very short-term positive effect and only in the initial stages of the disease.

They are injected intramuscularly or directly into the joint. Drug treatment Hip dysplasia in dogs may also include intravenous use of chondroprotectors. Injections into the joint are most effective, but only a specialist can do them.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used only those intended for the treatment of animals. Of the painkillers, Deramax, Rimadyl, and Ketoprofen have proven themselves well. Treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs is impossible without the use of food additives Glucosamine and Chondroitin. They can be given to the dog constantly to prevent tissue destruction. When treating hip dysplasia in dogs, only a doctor prescribes medications, since the dosage and their combination depend on the degree of the disease, the general condition of the dog, and the presence of chronic diseases, which the specialist takes into account.


The use of homeopathic medicines in treatment is rather a supportive, preventive procedure. Such medications cannot stop pathological damage to bones and joints. And despite this, trust your veterinarian to select these products, of course, if he considers their use appropriate. Independent use even herbal preparations can lead to disastrous results.

In veterinary medicine, the drug “Discus compositum” is quite often used for dogs under the age of nine months. It is given to puppies from the first weeks of life twice a week. The homeopathic drug “Hondratron”, which is made on the basis of comfrey, rhododendron, bee venom, cinquefoil and other natural ingredients, receives good reviews.

Often, treatment of dysplasia is supplemented with antibiotics - Cephalosporin, Lincomycin or Chloramphenicol.


Conservative therapy must certainly be supplemented with physiotherapy.
Often in veterinary clinics, dogs are prescribed laser therapy and electromagnetic radiation. The effect of these procedures is aimed at warming up the joints. However, such treatment does not always bring the desired result. The fact is that there are a number of contraindications when exposure to magnets and lasers can cause harm.

Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian, who will schedule the sessions and also determine their duration.

Surgical techniques

The listed methods cannot cure the last stages of hip dysplasia in dogs. In this case, surgery is vital. This treatment is not cheap, but it is most effective. In most cases, it is thanks to the intervention of surgeons that the dog begins to walk normally. Today, veterinarians can offer three types of operations: arthroplasty, triple osteotomy and endoprosthetics. Let us explain what their essence is.


In this case, the head and neck of the femur are removed (in whole or in part). This operation is recommended at the 4th or 5th stage of the disease, when the processes become irreversible and the pathology of the joints moves into the next phase - osteoarthritis.

Triple osteotomy

The purpose of this operation is to surgically improve the angle of the acetabular component of the joint with which the head of the bone is in contact. It is usually prescribed to young animals at the age of nine to ten months, when the skeleton, cartilage and bones are already formed.


During this operation, a joint is replaced with a prosthesis. We will not hide that this is a complex procedure both in terms of execution technique and in the rehabilitation of the animal’s body. The risk of prosthesis rejection cannot be ruled out. But in the vast majority of cases, endoprosthetics shows excellent results. Animals return to an active life, jump, run, and do not experience pain during physical activity.

Basics of proper nutrition

  • Make broths for your pet. Liquid food quickly saturates, stimulates secretion, and is easily digested.
  • From the first days of life, supplements containing Chondroitin and Glucosamine should be added to the puppy’s diet to prevent the development of dysplasia.
  • Choose balanced foods enriched with essential minerals, vitamins, and probiotics.
  • Select ready-made mixtures based on the weight and age of the dog.

Prevention of hip dysplasia in dogs

The disease can develop both at the genetic level and due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. Below we will present you with basic preventive measures that will help you avoid the development of this serious disease:

  • Carefully observe the puppy’s behavior, especially in the first six months of life, when its skeleton is forming and its joints and bones are growing. In large dogs, these processes are often very intense.
  • For preventative purposes, visit regularly veterinary clinic, examine your pet’s body and monitor its development.
  • Do not overuse protein in your animal's diet. The components must be balanced. Fats and proteins, fiber and carbohydrates, vitamins and probiotics, minerals, phosphorus and calcium should be included in your pet's daily diet.
  • Obesity is one of the main provoking factors. Excess weight significantly increases pressure on the joints. Until one and a half years, do not allow excessive physical activity and grueling training. Full evening and morning walks strengthen muscles and saturate the body with oxygen.

Let's sum it up

So, how to defeat this formidable and insidious disease? It is necessary to know about its existence and be mentally prepared for its appearance. According to veterinarians, dysplasia often occurs in completely healthy animals that did not exhibit any developmental pathologies during the first six months of life. The sooner a dog is diagnosed, the higher the likelihood of healing.