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How to make fresh fruit. How to make fresh juice from different fruits and vegetables? What it is

Freshly squeezed juices are very popular among those who are used to eating healthy. Orange juice is a delicious drink that contains many useful substances. What exactly are its benefits, and how to prepare it correctly at home, will be discussed in the article.

Calorie content and composition

Juicy citrus fruit is a real storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Fresh orange contains many useful substances that have an extremely positive effect on the human body. At the same time, you can drink such a drink even during diets, because its calorie content is only thirty-six kilocalories per hundred grams of product. There are practically no fats and proteins in this fresh juice, but there are more than eight grams of carbohydrates.

This drink can rightfully be considered a record holder for vitamin C content; it contains vitamins A and E, as well as B vitamins. The product contains useful substances such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and so on.

Freshly squeezed juice with pulp contains a large amount of fiber, which also has a beneficial effect on the body.

Benefits and harms

Fresh orange juice is a vitamin drink that gives you a boost of energy and positivity for the whole day. This product can not only lift your mood, but also strengthen your immune system, helping the body resist seasonal diseases such as flu and colds. Therefore, it is extremely useful to drink the drink in autumn and spring, during those very seasons when the body is in dire need of vitamins and protection.

Fresh fruit helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves their elasticity, reduces the risk of hemorrhages, improves metabolism, helps with joint diseases, and neutralizes the effect of nicotine on the body.

But also, regular consumption of such fresh juice helps remove toxins and waste, helps fight swelling and promotes weight loss. For this reason, citrus juice is so loved by those who adhere to proper nutrition And healthy image life. Fresh orange juice also helps normalize intestinal function, making it easy to cope with constipation.

Citrus fresh, thanks to the presence of beauty vitamins, namely A and E, improves skin condition, helps fight the first signs of aging and has a positive effect on the health of nails and hair.

In addition, a freshly squeezed drink perfectly helps fight depression, helps restore strength and fight fatigue. This fresh juice perfectly supports the fight against diseases such as anemia, vitamin deficiency, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and so on. Moreover, the drink is recommended to be consumed during physical and nervous exhaustion of the body.

As for contraindications, of course, this citrus fruit can cause serious harm to the body if there is an allergy or individual intolerance to the product. This fresh juice is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, and increased acidity. For children younger age It is also not recommended to give such juices, as there is a high probability that an allergic reaction may occur. And it is also not recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to stomach upset, liver and kidney problems. Moreover, people suffering from obesity are not recommended to drink such fresh juice in large quantities. Otherwise, this may lead to a worsening of the situation - additional weight gain.


Prepare the healthiest drink easy at home. The main thing is to choose the appropriate recipe and stock up on juicy and ripe oranges. You can make fresh juice in a juicer, in a blender, or even squeeze the juice by hand.

Of course, the easiest way to prepare the drink is in a special juicer, since you don’t have to peel the fruit for this. But if you have a regular universal juicer, you will still have to peel off the peel. To prepare fresh juice in a blender, you will also need to peel the peel. By the way, if you first scald the orange a little with boiling water, then even by hand you can squeeze out much more juice. Remember that one large fruit yields an average of ninety to one hundred milligrams of juice.

In order to prepare sweet fresh juice, you will need the following ingredients: one large citrus fruit, fifty milligrams of pure water, two cubes of refined sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Wash the fruits, peel and squeeze out the juice. Then add water, sugar and vanilla to the juice. It is better to beat the drink in a blender before serving.

To prepare original fresh orange juice, use with the following recipe. Take two ripe fruits, two tablespoons of sugar, one hundred milligrams of purified water and a teaspoon of grated ginger root. Peel the orange and place the seedless segments into a blender bowl. Add water and all other ingredients. Whisk, pour into glasses and enjoy the vitamin drink.

For variety, you can prepare fresh juice not only with orange, but also with the addition of other fruits and vegetables. For example, with carrots. For this you will need: one large citrus fruit, one large carrot, one hundred milligrams mineral water and literally two or three grams of ginger.

Squeeze the juice out of the orange. Grate the carrots on the finest grater and fill with water. After ten minutes, squeeze the juice through a sieve and mix it with fresh orange juice. Add some ground ginger and enjoy. By the way, if you replace ginger with cinnamon in this recipe, the taste of the fresh juice will be just as original.

The zesty taste of orange goes well with the sweet melon. Even children will like this fresh recipe. Take one large orange, two hundred grams of peeled melon, and some ice. It is best to choose melon with red flesh; it is sweet, but not so fragrant. This will allow it not to overwhelm the taste and aroma of the orange. Place the purified ingredients in a blender, add ice and blend. The refreshing fresh juice is ready. If desired, you can add a little ground ginger or a few mint leaves.

If for a change you want to treat yourself to various fresh juices, then it is worth remembering that orange goes well with apples, pineapple, kiwi, grapefruit and even celery. This way, you can diversify the usual taste of the drink every time and add even more benefits to it. In addition, ordinary water in the recipe can be replaced with birch sap, then you will get a very original fresh taste.

  • You should absolutely not consume this fresh juice in the morning on an empty stomach. This may lead to negative consequences. Freshly squeezed juice will have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Best time For drinking such a drink, this is the period after breakfast and before lunch. Try to drink it an hour or two after breakfast. It should not be consumed immediately after meals.
  • In an effort to get rid of extra pounds, many drink fresh juice before bed. This is not necessary, as the drink can cause intestinal problems. You may also become very thirsty, which will eventually lead to swelling.
  • In order not to harm the body, you should consume such fresh juice no more than twice a week.
  • It is recommended to consume fresh juice through a straw. This will help protect tooth enamel from destruction.
  • You should not use concentrated fresh juice. It is better to dilute it in equal proportions with clean water.
  • You cannot prepare fresh juice for future use, as over time it will lose some of its properties. useful qualities. You should prepare freshly squeezed juice in as much quantity as you can consume at one time.

How to cook delicious Orange fresh in a blender, see the next video.

Fresh is juice from freshly squeezed fruits or vegetables (from English fresh - fresh) or, as experts say, directly pressed juice, which is distinguished by a high concentration of active substances - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and is an excellent means of cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. . Of course, fresh juices are much healthier than juices industrial production in bottles and tetrapacks. They contain no preservatives, dyes, flavors or other artificial additives.

However, according to doctors, fresh juice is not just a pleasant “invigorating” drink, but a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, so it must be prepared and consumed correctly, otherwise harm will result instead of benefit. For example, you should not get too carried away with fresh carrots, as this can lead to specific jaundice. In addition, the huge amount of beta-carotene contained in freshly squeezed carrot juice is a big burden on the liver. This juice can be drunk no more than 2-3 times a week. Fresh pomegranate must be diluted with water - it has an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. Fresh grapefruit should not be consumed by people suffering from stomach diseases. Some experts generally advise diluting fresh juice with filtered water in a 1:1 ratio.

When planning to make fresh fruit, you need to choose fruits that are ripe, fresh, undamaged and not rotten. Selected fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed under running water (root vegetables can first be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes to soak all particles of earth and sand), then peeled, seeds, stalks and inflorescences. Equipment - juicer, as well as knife and cutting board must be perfectly clean.

When choosing ingredients for fresh juice, nutritionists advise trying not to mix freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice with vegetable juice, because they require different enzymes to digest them. In addition, it is recommended for fresh fruit to combine fruits according to the principle: green with green, red with red. It is also not recommended to mix stone fruits (cherries, apricots, plums, etc.) with fruits. Fresh fruit juices are higher in calories than vegetable juices because they contain more sugar. An exception is pineapple, which contains bromelain, an enzyme that promotes fat burning. Juice from peeled pineapple not only helps maintain slimness, but also helps rejuvenate the body.

Optimal vegetable combinations: beets + carrots; celery + carrots + tomato; cucumber + celery + spinach. It is appropriate to add a spoonful of olive oil to fresh vegetables - then the vitamins will be better absorbed by the body

Single juice juices are preferable for young children: in this case, the risk of developing allergic reactions is reduced and beneficial substances are better absorbed. Mixed juices healthy child can be given from three years of age.

It is also important to remember that beneficial substances are stored in freshly squeezed juice for no longer than 15-20 minutes, so it should be consumed immediately after preparation, preferably 30-40 minutes before meals.

Delicious vitamin drinks for the body, like accessories for clothing, complement, complete and lift your spirits.

Smoothie- one of the versions of the classic milkshake. The main component here is not milk - but fruits, berries and vegetables. Some recipes call for adding natural yogurt to the drink, and for vegan diets, coconut or soy milk.

A glass of smoothie is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is not always possible to eat a banana, an apple and a handful of berries at one time. And drinking a glass of smoothie is easy! Preparing this vitamin-rich, refreshing breakfast/dinner will take you no more than half an hour. After drinking one glass, you will forget about the feeling of hunger for half a day.

Banana smoothie recipe with berries


100 g milk or kefir;
200 g berries;
1 banana.

Cooking method.

First you need to chop the berries and banana, then add the dairy products and mix again until smooth.

Berry-fruit smoothie


200 g frozen or fresh strawberries;
150 g frozen or fresh raspberries;
4 things. kiwi;
2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
ice if the berries are fresh.

Cooking method:

Peel the kiwi and grind until smooth. Beat the berries separately, adding 1 spoon of honey. Layer in three tall glasses: strawberries, kiwi, raspberries.

Peanut smoothie with ice cream


2 tbsp. peanut butter;
200 g vanilla ice cream;
¾ glass of milk;
a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Heat the milk to 40-50°C and add peanut butter to it. Mix with a fork or whisk. Cool. In a blender, beat the resulting peanut butter, ice cream and cinnamon until smooth.

Tomato smoothie


1-2 large tomatoes;
1 carrot;
celery stalks;
a couple of drops of olive oil;
salt, pepper to taste;
a few ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Wash the vegetables, peel the tomato, cut everything into cubes and blend until smooth in a blender. Add olive oil. If desired, you can decorate with sprigs of herbs and crackers.

Coffee Banana Smoothie with Cinnamon


1.5 cups 1% milk;
½ cup soft tofu;
1 banana;
2 teaspoons instant espresso;
sugar, ground cinnamon to taste;
2 ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Mix milk, tofu, peeled and diced banana, a tablespoon of sugar, coffee, and ice in a blender. Beat until smooth and add more sugar if necessary. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

There are several tricks to making smoothies.

When mixing fruits and vegetables with dense pulp, add juicier ones so that the drink does not turn out to be too thick.
The drink can be diluted with boiled, filtered or carbonated water, low-fat yogurt or milk.
Add some crushed ice to your smoothie.

To neutralize berry acid when making a cocktail, add pear, banana or persimmon instead of sugar.
To increase the protein and nutrient content of the drink, you can add some flax grains or sprouted wheat to it.

To prepare milkshake you will need 15 minutes, milk and a product that will be the basis of your dairy masterpiece.

Snickers milkshake


10 ml chocolate syrup;
20 ml sugar syrup;
200 g vanilla ice cream;
80-100 ml milk;
20g roasted peanuts.

Cooking method:

Beat all ingredients together in a blender. It is preferable to use caramel syrup instead of sugar syrup.

Strawberry cocktail recipe


2 glasses of milk;
1 cup strawberries;
1 package of strawberry yogurt;
2 tablespoons ice cream.

Cooking method:

Blend strawberries, ice cream, and yogurt in a blender. Add milk.

"Chocolate mint"


4 tablespoons ice cream;
¼ glass of milk;
¼ cup chocolate syrup;
1-3 drops of mint oil.

Cooking method:

Blend all ingredients in a blender and garnish with mint if desired.

"Honey Gogol-mogol"


2 glasses of milk;
1 egg;
150 g honey;
2 tablespoons lemon or orange juice.

Cooking method:

Beat everything in a blender and drink with pleasure.

Cherry milkshake


½ glass of milk;
½ cup whipped cream;
2 tablespoons cherry juice;
½ cup ice.

Cooking method:

Mix all ingredients in a blender for 1-2 minutes. Pour into tall glasses and garnish with cherries or whipped cream.

The main rule fresh juices: As soon as you prepare it, drink it right away!

The approximate duration of the usefulness of fresh juice can be estimated at 15-30 minutes. This is because vitamin C is an incredibly capricious element. It breaks down upon contact with air and metal surfaces that make up the juicer. In addition, any juice is a suitable environment for the life of bacteria, and microbes that live on the surface of the fruit and inside the juicer easily get into your drink.

For better absorption of the beneficial elements of freshly squeezed juice, it is better to drink it 30-40 minutes before meals or an hour after.

Drinking juice should not only be healthy, but also tasty. Feel free to add honey, sugar, mint, cinnamon and other elements to the fresh juices you prepare.

The most delicious fruit combinations in your glass:

Carrots and celery;
orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime;
banana, kiwi, orange;
orange, melon, pineapple, kiwi;
tomato, cucumber, parsley, carrots;
orange, carrot, apple, a pinch of ginger or 20 ml of ginger juice;
mango, pineapple, lime, a pinch of ginger or 20 ml of ginger juice;
orange, kiwi, fresh mint leaves;
carrots, mango, a pinch of vanilla;
apple, lemon, ginger, cinnamon;
pear and cranberry;
grapefruit and pear;
peach and orange;
carrot, apple.

Lowest calorie juices:

Apple juice - 87 kcal and 23 grams of sugar;
grapefruit - 70 kcal and 17 grams of sugar;
orange - 78 kcal and 29 grams of sugar.

1. Fresh vegetable

Even if you don’t like fresh vegetable juices, you will definitely like this vitamin cocktail of vegetables and fruits

Ingredients: 1/4 celery root, 1/2 fennel, 2 cm fresh ginger root, 1/2 lemon, 1 medium carrot, 1 medium beet

Preparation: Wash and peel vegetables and fruits, pass them through a juicer. Pour the juice into a glass and add a few ice cubes if you prefer cold drinks.

2. Sunny fresh

This fresh juice is a great start to the day! Grapefruit, carrots and spicy ginger will help you get a boost of energy for many hours.

Ingredients: 1 grapefruit, peeled, 4 medium carrots, 1 cm fresh ginger root

Preparation: Peel the grapefruit and remove white membranes. Peel the carrots and cut into large pieces. Grate the ginger on a fine grater. Extract juice from carrots and grapefruit, add ginger and serve.

3. Cinnamon-ginger nectar

At first glance, the combination of ginger and cinnamon may seem strange, but only at first glance! In addition, cinnamon lowers blood sugar.

Ingredients: 4 cups spinach, 1 head romaine lettuce, 1 cucumber, 1 stalk celery, 1 apple, 2 cm fresh ginger root, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
5 drops stevia syrup

Preparation: At low speed, squeeze the juice out of the spinach, lettuce and cucumbers. Increase the power of the juicer and extract juice from celery, apples and ginger. Add stevia syrup, pour fresh juice into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

4. Apple-lemon fresh juice

This refreshing fresh juice with a spicy note of ginger perfectly quenches your thirst. And if you add a pinch of cayenne pepper to it, it will become more piquant.

Ingredients: 5 apples, 1 lemon, 2 tsp. tablespoons grated ginger

Preparation: Separately, squeeze the juice from apples and lemon, mix and add ginger. Before serving, add ice cubes to the fresh juice.

5. Green summer fresh

Emerald juice from spinach, apples and carrots is a wonderful choice for a hot day.

Ingredients: 1 bunch spinach, stems removed, 2 carrots, 1 1/2 apples 1 tablespoon lemon juice, sugar and water to taste

Preparation: Pour lemon juice into glasses with ice. Pass spinach, apples and carrots through a juicer, dilute the resulting juice with water in a ratio of 50 to 50. If the fresh juice is not sweet enough, add the other half of an apple or sugar. Pour the juice into glasses with ice and serve.

6. Fresh vegetable for athletes

This spicy tomato juice is perfect after a run or at the gym.

Ingredients: 3 tomatoes, 4-5 lettuce leaves, 1/3 English cucumber, 1 stalk celery, 1/3 small beets, 2 medium carrots, 1 clove garlic (optional), 1 pinch sea ​​salt

Preparation: Squeeze the juice from the vegetables and pour into a large glass. Add a pinch of sea salt and mix well.

Proper nutrition involves eating a large amount of “live” foods - fruits and vegetables, which contain nutrients necessary for health. One of the solutions to the problem of enriching the family’s nutrition is the use of fresh juices - freshly squeezed juices of berries, fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Of course, they are healthier than their packaged counterparts, which are sold in stores and are positioned by manufacturers as a natural product.

Fresh juice is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. But not always and not everyone can drink such drinks. After all, they can cause allergic reactions. And we’re not just talking about citrus juices here. Not every stomach can withstand the attack of apple or orange nectar in its pure form. Therefore, it is better to dilute all fresh juices with water in a ratio of 1:1 or more.

It is known that healing properties Fresh drinks are used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Currant, cranberry and citrus nectars are champions in their vitamin C content. Vitamin C is known as an excellent remedy for preventing colds and strengthening the immune system. And their mixtures are not only tasty, but also original!

Carrot, pumpkin and plum juices are excellent laxatives. Beetroot pressing will support a woman’s well-being during menstrual cycle, fresh watermelon will help you lose a couple of extra pounds! Fresh grapefruit is good for mono-diets.

Freshly squeezed juices can also be used in home cosmetology. For example, the “tomato with milk” mask nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, eliminates flaking and dryness.

Fresh juice recipes

There is an opinion that the more fresh juice you drink per day, the more you can improve your health. But that's not true! Necessary daily dose– three glasses, no more. When diluting fresh nectars, it is better to use mineral or boiled water.

Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk separately from meals or at least an hour after a meal. It’s better to do this between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. It is under no circumstances recommended to drink food with them!

Some juices are generally best consumed together with some other drinks. Good absorption of carrot juice is possible with the addition of milk or cream, but only a little. Vegetable oil increases the benefits of squeezing tomatoes, but the salt with which they so love to drink it will destroy all its beneficial substances.

Fresh juices can be used to prepare all kinds of cocktails.

"Grapefruit cheerful morning"


  • Grapefruit – 2 fruits
  • Lime – 2 fruits
  • Grated ginger – 2 tbsp.
  • Purified water – 200 ml
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp.

Grapefruit nectar not only contains many vitamins, but is also rich in organic acids and essential oils.

It improves digestion and strengthens nervous system. Lime has antioxidant properties, slows down the aging process and improves immunity. Ginger improves metabolic processes and removes toxins and waste from the body.


First of all, prepare the ginger syrup.

  • Grate the ginger.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and ginger chips.
  • Let the sugar dissolve in the water.
  • Cool the prepared syrup.
  • Mix freshly squeezed grapefruit and lime juices in a container.
  • Pour in the cooled sugar-ginger syrup and mix again.

The cocktail is served chilled in a tall glass.

This energy cocktail will instantly perk you up after a night out and get you ready for an action-packed day.


  • Orange – 1 fruit
  • Low-fat cream
  • Brown sugar – 2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste
  • Crushed ice - optional

First, prepare fresh orange juice. We brew espresso. Mix the prepared drinks in a mixer, then add brown and vanilla sugar, cream and ice. Mix again.

Cocktail “Regenerating”

This fresh mix can be drunk in the morning after a fun feast. It will quickly remove poisons and unnecessary fluid from the body.


  • Cucumber – 1 fruit
  • Apple – 1 fruit
  • Lime – 1 fruit
  • Dill – 1 bunch
  • Celery (greens and stems) – 200 g

Place all ingredients in a juicer. Pour the prepared cocktail into a glass and drink it cool, but not too cold.

Pumpkin-banana cocktail “Soothing”

This drink is best drunk before bed. Pumpkin will not only calm you down, but will also be very useful for men suffering from prostatitis.


  • Pumpkin – 100 g
  • Banana – 1 fruit
  • Orange – 150 ml squeeze
  • Vanilla ice cream – 1 tbsp.

Let's prepare fresh orange juice. Grind the raw pumpkin on a fine grater. Mix everything in a blender: 3 tbsp. l. pumpkin puree, banana (preferably frozen), 150 ml freshly squeezed orange juice, 1 scoop of ice cream.

Calorie content of fresh juices

Many people are sure that fresh juices are the best component for any diet. However, this is a misconception. The relative excess of calories in pineapple juice - 130 kcal per glass - dispels all the myths about this fruit - a fat burner. A little more than 100 kcal per glass is also found in apple, orange and tangerine drinks.

Pumpkin and carrot juice– 40 kcal per glass. But “exotic” fresh juices are considered the lowest in calories and, according to nutritionists, healthy: radishes, turnips, spinach, cabbage and beets.

Of course, not everyone dares to refresh themselves with such juice. But they contain a high percentage of vitamins and minerals.

Fresh selection

Fresh is the juice that you have just squeezed yourself or that has been squeezed before your eyes. Everything else has nothing to do with freshly squeezed juices!

Juice squeezed an hour before your arrival is the same as “sturgeon of the second freshness.” Half an hour after spinning, it begins to lose its valuable properties. Therefore, when buying fresh juice, make sure that it is squeezed in front of you.

Sometimes in large shopping centers you can see fresh juices packaged in plastic. Don't be tempted - it's unknown when the juice was actually squeezed out!


Freshly squeezed nectars deteriorate when exposed to air, so it is not recommended to store them at all. If necessary, pour it into a glass container, and pour another half finger of lemon juice on top, which will not allow air to pass through.

This way, your “original” fresh juice will not come into contact with air and will not oxidize. All this “preservation” should stand in the refrigerator for no more than six to eight hours. But beet juice, on the contrary, should sit for 2-3 hours.