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How to survive a summer separation from your boyfriend. How to survive a separation from a loved one or a divorce from your husband - step-by-step instructions. Love yourself for real

They abandon everyone: beautiful, smart, rich, thrifty, kind and reliable... They abandon both men and women. They even abandon those who, on the contrary, always abandoned first... When a partner leaves, it seems that everything around loses its meaning. You don’t know how to survive parting with your loved one, you are constantly tormented by memories of old times, driving yourself to mental exhaustion. This type of behavior will not lead to anything good. A psychologist's advice on how to survive a breakup with a man should help you restore emotional balance.

Cry and suffer, but... not for long!

People are not robots, so they “break” not only from physical damage. Emotions after a breakup can cause incredible pain, but according to psychologists, this pain needs to be felt.

Just be sure to define for yourself a clear period of suffering.

For some, two weeks is enough, for others, a month. But experts do not recommend stretching it.

What to do during the period of “suffering”? Cry, be sad, lock yourself at home and listen to sad songs. Yes, yes, all this can be done, but only in limited quantities. Mark a date on your calendar from which you can no longer do this, and keep your promise to yourself.

Cut off all threads with the object of suffering

Have you heard that a habit can be developed within 21 days? That is, if you hold out for 21 days, then your actions (or inactions) will be automatic.

To make it easier to get over a breakup and get rid of the pain faster:

  • Add your ex to the black-list everywhere (on social networks, on your phone, in apps, etc.)
  • Throw away or give away all the gifts he gave you.
  • Remove photos together from visibility, or better yet, delete or throw away
  • Don't call, don't write, avoid places where you could theoretically meet your ex
  • Buy new bedding - get rid of the ones you slept on together
  • Change the decor in the house where you lived together, and if funds allow, even make repairs

Rachel Sussman in her book “The Breakup Bible” recommends abstaining from communicating with a person for a month if it is still impossible to completely stop communicating (for example, you have children together). In a month, you will develop immunity and communication with your ex-boyfriend will be less painful.

According to popular beliefs, the ritual of burning a wedding dress will help you forget your beloved husband.

Watch and take care of yourself!

Even if you don’t have any emotional strength for this, step over yourself. Get out of bed, wash your face and go to your master. Do this at least for the admiring glances you will get from strangers. The attention of the opposite sex greatly increases self-esteem, which, as a rule, falls after you are abandoned.

Manicure, depilation, new hairstyle - these are your remedies during this period! And don’t ask – who is this for? Of course, for yourself, your beloved!

Change and develop: choose new hobbies, style and social circle

Since unpleasant changes in life have already occurred through no fault of yours, productive and pleasant changes must be initiated by you yourself:

  • Change your appearance. Change your hairstyle, hair color, makeup application. Transform your wardrobe, finally change your usual clothing style.
  • Change internally. We are talking about new hobbies, self-development and improving your skills and abilities. Have you always wanted to learn how to belly dance? Why not?! It's time to. Sign up for language, culinary, or art courses - this way you will occupy your thoughts with something pleasant and useful, and also find new like-minded people.
  • Change your environment. Especially if it is connected with an ex-man. Yes, people from your common past are not to blame for anything, but firstly, their very appearance will remind you of what needs to be forgotten. And secondly, in a conversation they may inadvertently constantly return out of habit to your broken-up couple and the object ex-love. Extra reminders about this will not benefit the “recovering” person.

In fact, the people we love require increased attention, thereby robbing us of time for our own development. Look at the situation from the other side - now you can invest your temporary resources in yourself, and not in someone else! And such an investment will benefit you, and not someone who can wave their hand at you at any moment.

Don't hesitate to ask for help!

During such a period after a breakup, even an experienced psychologist with a master’s degree may need the help of a colleague. Don't be shy to admit that you need support, including a professional psychologist.

A more affordable alternative psychological assistance An intimate conversation with a friend is considered. It is better not to trust your problems to the first untrusted person you meet.

Although now this type of psychological assistance such as training is gaining popularity. People with similar problems gather in one room and talk, helping each other find a way out of current life situations. Such events have already proven their effectiveness - against the backdrop of other people’s more serious and hopeless situations, yours may not seem so catastrophic.

What should you not do when someone breaks up with you?

Many women, not knowing how to survive a separation from their beloved man, go to extremes. But this is absolutely impossible to do. Remember that where one door closes, another will open. And don't forget about self-esteem.

So, a girl cannot:

  • Run after a man, follow him, bother him with calls and messages.
  • Threaten, blackmail, manipulate children, etc.
  • Arrange a showdown with a rival.
  • Start a new romance out of spite, until you finally let go of your past love.

No matter how much it hurts, don't humiliate yourself. Yes, there is always a chance that the man who left will return. Another question: do you need a man who once left you? Each woman in a specific situation will have her own answer, no one has the right to judge the others. But remember that if you aggravate the departure of your spouse or boyfriend by the actions listed above, there will be no chance of his return.

And further! Don't rush into the arms of the first person you meet. This is especially true for those who don’t know how to get over a breakup with a guy after a long relationship. Forgetting a few years of your life is much more difficult than forgetting a month's worth of dates. Therefore, after such painful breakups, people simply cannot control themselves and sometimes make mistakes.

You won’t be able to recover right away, even with the help of a new person, if enough time has not passed. But you risk having your heart broken again. And besides, inflicting pain on a third person who does not realize that this is a way to “get distracted” is mean and low. Do not be like the one who hurt you.

At the very beginning of the relationship Reward, Motivation, and Emotion Systems Associated With Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love Oxytocin and dopamine are produced in the brain. When the partner is nearby and everything is fine, the reward system turns on and a whole cocktail of hormones is released into the blood. And it seems to us that we are happy.

After a breakup, the reward system stops working and the body begins to experience withdrawal symptoms. Reward, Addiction, and Emotion Regulation Systems Associated With Rejection in Love. Stress hormones produced affect the immune, digestive and cardiovascular Neurohumoral features of myocardial stunning due to sudden emotional stress systems.

The systems that are responsible for the perception of pain are also activated. This is why our brain thinks we are in physical pain. Separate neural representations for physical pain and social rejection, although in fact there is nothing wrong with the body.

Let yourself get hurt

Yes exactly. There is no need to artificially invigorate. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream (just don’t forget about the neighbors who can hear you). Sing sad songs in the shower. Binge-watch TV series.

They will tell you that everyone breaks up and there is no need to make a tragedy out of it. Don't listen or try to hide the pain. Nobody knows what's in your soul except you. If it hurts, let it hurt. Cry until you run out of tears, until you feel better, or at least until you feel devastated.

Your strength will return, but it will take time. Each person has their own time.

Don't blame yourself

The decision to break up does not come in one day. And not even in a month. Most often it is accompanied by a long process of comprehension.

Write a poison letter to your ex-partner. Freely express your repressed emotions in it, be it pain, rage or anger.

Now describe your feeling of guilt. You can engage in self-flagellation as much as you like - paper will endure everything.

Remember that there are two manifestations of guilt. The first is related to self-flagellation. The second is a real admission of guilt for some actions. Remember the times when you manipulated, said nasty things, or tried to make your ex-partner angry.

It's unpleasant, but it will help you realize your shortcomings and get rid of them.

Now write a confession letter to your ex-partner. There is no need to show him or her what you have written - this is done only for you. Admitting mistakes will free you from .

Finally, write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. You have done a great job and deserve forgiveness from yourself. important person in your life - from yourself.

4. Describe all the good things this relationship has given you.

Try writing a thank you letter to your ex.

5. Reassess reality

Come up with a new role for your ex-partner.

Describe what task you are facing now. What do you want from the future? How do you see your new partner?

Regardless of how people felt about their breakup, whether they realized that they were still sad and confused, or whether they were convinced that they would never be able to come to terms with the breakup, they all left the class feeling that they had managed to rise to a more conscious level. level of perception.

Daphne Rose Kingma, psychologist, writer

Go to a psychologist or psychotherapist

Pain after a breakup is normal. But if it doesn't go away, you may be depressed. If you don’t eat for days or, on the contrary, overeat, if you are depressed and everything is falling out of your hands, if you think slowly and don’t move at all, it’s time to think about visiting a psychotherapist.

What not to do to get over a breakup

Don't look for casual sex

Most likely, it will not help, and you will feel even worse than before. The desire to have sex is generated by withdrawal symptoms. The brain lacks oxytocin, and so we look for someone to comfort us.

Not convinced? Then at least don't get drunk before a date. Alcohol is a depressant. So, instead of a fabulous orgasm, you will only get resentment towards your ex and a feeling of guilt, and in the morning you will also have a hangover.

Don't bully or blackmail

Emotional blackmail is often used by the person who has been abandoned. The goal is to make your ex-partner feel guilty and uncomfortable. If your ex-partner really feels guilty, then he will not respond and besiege you when necessary.

Why can't you do this? Because it's low.

Don't start a relationship immediately after a breakup

Some people try to forget their ex-partner in this way. Sometimes it works. Sometimes new relationships turn out to be strong. But most often they only make things worse. The patch won't help when you need stitches.

Don't force mutual friends to take sides

First of all, don't give ultimatums. People don't like it.

If your ex-partner treated you badly or used violence, and your friends still communicate with him and take his side, think about whether you need such friends.

How to forget your ex-partner

Remove him from all social networks

Some people, after breaking up, begin to intensively monitor the social networks of their former lovers. Someone - in the hope of seeing signs of an imminent return: “In the last photos she is sad because she misses me.” Someone - out of gloating: “He was burned on vacation, now, I suppose, the skin is peeling off.”

Your ex-partner has a different life now. And if you see posts about her in your feed, it may be difficult for you. So clean up the tape. It will also be useful to delete all correspondence.

And there is no need to give secret (as you think) signals about yourself. Do not post photos, statuses, quotes like “I am hard to find and easy to lose,” and so on. Understand that the more time and energy you spend on an ending relationship, the more stuck you become in it.

Sofia Enikeeva, psychologist, coach

Return all his things and gifts to him

Just so that nothing reminds you of. This is difficult if you have lived together for a long time and bought a lot together. But without reminders, you will be able to get over the breakup faster.

If he or she doesn't want to take his or her things, give them to someone else or throw them away. You might even break it. Chances are it will get a little easier.

How to stay friends

You are not obligated to support a good relationship, if you don't want to. Even if you have several children or apartments in common. Only you can decide how to behave further with your ex-partner. Listen to yourself, not others.

If you still decide to remain friends, that's fine. Even if it's hard.

Respect each other

It's the most important. If you feel like saying something that's not too nice, try .

Take a deep breath or several if necessary. Think about why emotions have become so strong and why they are so difficult to contain. Once you find the reason, it will become easier.

When you're both ready, it's time to talk about the relationship and why it ended.

Keep your distance

Although it is difficult, you are no longer together. We need to learn to find new boundaries in our relationships with each other, and this takes time.

If your ex-partner feels guilty, he may try to help you as before. You should not encourage this and sit on his neck.

Remember that life does not end with relationships. And even if it seems that there is no light, if you are tormented by a feeling of guilt, do not despair. You once lived without your partner, which means you can again.

Parting is the beginning of a new life. It gives you the opportunity to grow above yourself, become more aware and happier.

No matter how magical a couple's relationship may be. be it husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, no one guarantees that the fairy tale will last forever. Often, one far from perfect day, one of the partners utters the fatal phrase: “We need to break up, I’m leaving forever,” and you lose your love. How to cope with a breakup with dignity? How can you help a loved one cope with such a loss? We'll tell you in this article.

Why is it so difficult to get over a breakup?

Most people believe that the initiator of the breakup usually has a much easier time coping with the breakup. It is he who makes a difficult decision, manages to get used to it, and sometimes already has in mind a worthy replacement, from his point of view.

However, the question of how to survive a breakup is asked by both former lovers, regardless of gender and who exactly suggested ending the relationship.

How to get over a breakup with your boyfriend or husband? Girls and women, as a rule, have a hard time and find it more difficult to come to terms with loss. Often, when thinking about how to survive a breakup with a loved one, a girl is still far from realizing that the breakup is final and her ex-lover or husband will not return. This “waiting mode” - “what if he comes back to me” exhausts the nerves much more than the separation itself.

Pain, bitterness, disappointment and... emptiness - with these unpleasant sensations Everyone who experiences a breakup in their relationship with their husband has to face it, especially if it was long and intense. Accustomed to spending a lot of time with a loved one, it is difficult for a person to quickly find a worthy “replacement” that can fill the gap.

5 stages of accepting the inevitable

In the second half of the last century, E. Kübler-Ross, a psychotherapist from the USA, developed a conditional system, which has now become known as the “5 stages of accepting the inevitable” or “5 stages of understanding loss.” This system is used in modern psychology, including for situations related to the loss of relationships and betrayal:

It is possible to overcome separation and betrayal - this is one of those tests that life presents to almost everyone. Of course, many (especially men) prefer the classic “Russian” method - a friendly binge. However, this only helps to forget for a while and drown out the pain, which will return over time. To make it easier to cope with a breakup, it is recommended to take the advice of psychologists.

Don't live on memories

Memories of the past literally kill the future. Of course, in lost relationships There were many good and happy moments, but there were also negative ones. However, you should not devote all your time to “rewinding” episodes from the past in your thoughts and resurrecting relationships that have already been lost forever. This is not only pointless, but also harmful - such thoughts fuel depression.

Some psychologists recommend making a list of the negative traits and qualities of your ex-partner (spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend) in order to find something good in the breakup with this person. However, this approach seems illogical, as it fuels the aggression stage. There is no need to look for disadvantages in the one who gave his warmth and love, even if he no longer does this.

A much more sensible option is gratitude. You don't have to express it personally. It is enough to mentally thank you for all the good things that happened in life thanks to your ex-lover, wish him a good journey in his future life and close this topic. The past, good or bad, must remain the past.

Get rid of negative emotions

After separation and betrayal, you need to be prepared for the fact that the memory will periodically immerse a person in memories of happy moments or, on the contrary, resurrect not the most pleasant episodes and events. It's quite normal. There is no need to get angry and try to get the lost relationship out of your head. As well as trying to drown out negative emotions towards yourself, your ex-lover or the situation in general.

Emotions, even negative ones, will need to be lived and felt. They are like a kind of tribute to the past. Only by paying it off in full does a person become truly free from the past, which means a new stage begins in life and there is room for new events, acquaintances, and relationships. To get rid of negative emotions, psychologists advise:

Chat with friends and family

How to survive a separation from your husband or boyfriend, wife or girlfriend? Realizing that a dear person, on his own initiative, abandoned his “soul mate” is difficult and painful. Feeling bad in such a situation is normal. However, this is not a reason to lock yourself within four walls and suffer alone.

The closest people - friends and relatives - will help you cope with the pain of loss, anger and resentment. It's time to call your mom or dad and spend a soulful evening with your family. The next day, contact an old friend or friend and organize an exciting adventure together - in fun company there is no place for bad thoughts, they go away by themselves, just like the feeling of emptiness.

Set yourself up for happiness and new relationships

Psychologists say that a positive inner attitude is very important - not only how a person perceives himself, but also the perception of his personality by others depends on it. If a woman, deep down in her heart, is still waiting for the return of her former lover, she unconsciously blocks all options for a new relationship, because, from her point of view, she remains unfree.

To tune in to a positive wave, to literally force yourself to believe that even without a lost relationship there is every chance of finding your happiness - this is real, you just need to want it.

Those around her feel the readiness for new relationships subconsciously, and if a girl is open to communication, strives to find love and find happiness, her dreams will definitely come true.

How to survive the severity of a breakup after a long relationship?

The end of a long-term relationship is always more painful than the end of a light fling. The main cure for mental pain in such situations is time.

As the heroine of one popular TV series said, to forget a man, it will take half the time you spent together. Of course, if we are talking about several years, you don’t want to wait that long, and there’s no need.

Those who have successfully experienced a breakup after a long-term relationship often share their experiences on forums, blogs, social networking pages and simply in private conversations. All stories are individual and unique, but psychologists have compiled a list of the most common behavior patterns that can help many women and men who have been abandoned by a loved one:

How to help a child cope with a breakup with a loved one?

It is always difficult for parents to see their child in pain. I would like to provide support to my son or daughter to survive a breakup with a loved one. Unfortunately, during this difficult period, many fathers and mothers make a number of critical mistakes, of course, with the best intentions, and subsequently it becomes difficult to achieve a trusting relationship with the child. It is very important to follow these recommendations:

  • Listen silently. If your daughter or son decides to talk about their experiences, you need to listen in silence. That is, say absolutely nothing. No memories of your own experience (how you survived a similar situation), useful tips, comparisons, especially sarcasm or barbs addressed to a former lover. An attentive, sympathetic look and silence. There is no point in asking questions either. When the story ends, you just need to say: “I understand you,” “I sympathize with you,” or just silently hug.
  • Surround with warmth and care. Wrap yourself in a blanket or bring a pillow, offer a cup of hot tea or cocoa, a piece of cake or a delicious sandwich... Caring should not be excessive or intrusive, the main thing is that it is sincere.

Almost every person experiences a breakup in their life. Breaking up a relationship is considered normal and natural, since it is not always possible to immediately find your person with whom not only strong feelings will arise, but also a desire to be together all your life. Often people fall in love or have feelings for a short time, and then break up in various ways. How can someone who did not initiate the breakup survive a breakup?

Parting is experienced quite hard for the reason that a person has strong feelings to your ex-partner. It is much harder to cope with a breakup when there are feelings. Even someone who breaks up can regret their actions if they actually still feel something for the person they broke up with.

Breaking up a relationship is easy for those who do not have feelings for their ex-partner. He feels relief and a sense of freedom after realizing that he no longer has to see and be obligated to his partner.

By the way, feelings are tested. The online magazine site understands that at the moment of separation, the rational recedes into the background, you want to cry and feel sorry for yourself. However, try to take your mind off your tears for just a moment. Realize that breaking up will allow you to:

  1. Check the feelings of your ex-partner, who will definitely return if he really loves you. IN otherwise he will not come to reconcile.
  2. Understand your own feelings for your partner, which are also rarely recognized as they really are.

How to get over a breakup?

Parting. This is one of the most unwanted and unpleasant events in a person’s life. However, everyone periodically encounters this phenomenon. Friends leave someone, relatives leave another, and a third loses their children. But the worst and most painful separation is when your loved one leaves you.

Why does it hurt so much? After all, you wouldn’t say that you experience joy and happiness when someone leaves you? Of course, if you leave someone, you do not experience a heavy and oppressive feeling inside. You may be in in this case sad or a little ashamed. However, you do not become depressed, do not shed tears, do not reproach yourself for mistakes, that is, you do not do what someone who has been abandoned usually does.

So why does breaking up hurt so much? Being in a non-existent reality, refusing to accept what is real is what causes the main pain. When a person stubbornly refuses to adapt, in this case negative emotions, instead of truly disappearing as one gets used to the new reality, turn into an instrument of torture. A person, through an effort of will, refuses to believe in what happened, but nevertheless constantly contacts it and experiences it. He is angry at the facts, feels fear, despair, hopelessness, but does not draw any conclusions. By an effort of will, driving away thoughts that may question his previous beliefs, and ignoring facts that do not fit into the picture of his inner world, a person continues to suffer greatly and for a long time.

That is, until you accept reality with your whole being, you will be angry, despair, irritated. As long as you keep the situation of separation to yourself, going back and forth to the past where you were with your loved one, you will not be able to rebuild, realize reality, accept it and live on, without your soulmate.

This is why a person experiences pain after parting with a loved one, because he does not want to believe that the relationship has come to an end. As long as you hold on to the bond with another person who has left you, you will suffer. Sometimes such suffering drags on not just for months, but for entire years. Don't you feel sorry for the time you spent on someone you can't get back? Do you feel sorry for wasting your health and emotional peace on something that has already passed?

Of course, you will not be able to immediately accept reality and live without worries. You should give yourself some time so that your conscious and subconscious mind gets used to the fact of separation from your loved one. Allow yourself to cry, scream, blame yourself and others. Don't keep all the negativity to yourself. Spilling out your emotions will help you quickly calm down, relax and return to the reality in which you now live. And most importantly, remember that it is the acceptance of what is happening and the current state of affairs that will allow you to quickly get rid of the pain of separation and return to life as quickly as possible, where you can find someone who wants to be with you for many years.

How to survive a breakup with your loved one?

An excellent and common piece of advice for those going through a breakup with loved ones is to bide their time. Over time, any feelings pass or become dull. And if the former partner is not seen or heard, then the process of forgetting will be very fast. What's the secret?

Scientists talk about the appearance of love and affection due to the hormonal surge that occurs when two people meet. This hormonal “boom” occurs in all people who eventually start dating. But it passes, which is why “hormonal love” becomes impermanent. The maximum period of hormonal surge reaches 3 years. But this period may differ for each person. If your partner's feelings have cooled down, it means that his hormones have stopped affecting him. He left because the hormones stopped playing in the blood.

If you are still hormonally attached to a person, then you should wait. Your hormones will also stop playing soon, and love will pass to the one who broke off the relationship. It just turned out that your partner’s “hormonal boom” passed faster than yours.

How do people cope with breakups?

Each person experiences separation from their beloved partner in their own way. Depression and decreased self-esteem become common during the period of experiencing a breakup. This is explained by the fact that a person is being rebuilt. He needs to get used to a lifestyle that is dedicated to himself and does not include his ex-partner.

Scientists say that people have a hard time breaking up not because someone left them, but because they no longer receive the emotions and sensations that they experienced in relationships with their partners. In other words, people do not miss their former partners, but the emotions they received with them.

Each person experiences a breakup differently. There are two main positions:

  1. – when a person feels sorry for himself, cries, feels helpless and unable to do anything, cannot influence circumstances, and is offended by his ex.
  2. – when a person hates, shows anger and aggression towards the one who abandoned him.

Can loving person break up over a trifle? This question becomes especially worrying when it is not you, but your partner who initiated the breakup, and you are absolutely not ready to leave. A person who says he loves you leaves you, and the reason for your separation is some trifle (minor quarrel, misunderstanding, bad mood, etc.).

If a person loves, then he will endure a lot and go through many difficulties. But if a person does not love, then any little thing will become a reason for separation.

Think for yourself: if something is very important and valuable to you, you are willing to give it up just because you are in a bad mood or have some difficulties. Of course, you are upset because of problems, then, having calmed down, resigned yourself, you return to what you value and love. And when something is not important or valuable to you, how do you behave? You gladly refuse this, both with and without reason. But since breaking off a relationship without a reason does not look very nice and understandable, a person who does not love is just waiting for the slightest mistake on the part of his partner in order to leave him (and at the same time be right in the eyes of others and his own).

Can a loving person break up over a trifle? No, he can not. He may go away for a day or two to calm down, but then return to the one he loves. If there is no love, then any trifle will become a reason for separation.

How do women cope with breakups?

Women often experience painful separation from the men they love. Psychologists often encounter the fact that women have a love addiction to those with whom their relationships have collapsed. Love addiction makes women see the reasons for the breakup in themselves, engage in self-flagellation, suffer and not notice anything around them.

It is not uncommon for women to turn to psychologists in order to get rid of suffering due to a breakup. Psychologists focus their work on restoring women’s self-esteem and bringing them back to reality.

How do men cope with breakups?

Men experience a breakup just as hard, but they behave differently. Men often start drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs, going for walks, or, conversely, withdrawing into the house. Many people think that quick affairs and sex with other women will help with their worries. However, it is not. Intimacy relieves physical stress, but does not help in solving mental problems. Typically, women who appear in a man's life immediately after a breakup do not stay in his life for long.

Normally, a man experiences a breakup if the decision to end the relationship was mutual or not so unexpected.

Each person will decide for himself how to cope with a breakup. However, the psychologist gives the following advice:

  1. Don’t get hung up on the problem, occupy your head with other things, worries, questions.
  2. Try to restore the relationship if possible.
  3. Distract yourself with various things: work, new hobbies, new acquaintances, etc.

Bottom line

IN love relationships It is not uncommon for partners to break up. Exactly at this moment When a relationship hangs by a thread, partners wonder: should they leave or bring their loved one back?

Should I leave or stay? Quit or go back? On the one hand, you understand that your union has ceased to please, but on the other hand, you still want to continue what you had. What to do in such a situation?

The wise truth says the following: you need to break up when you understand that you don’t love your partner. If you feel that you do not want to be close to the one with whom you are in a relationship, then you can safely break up. It makes no sense to store something that actually doesn't exist. If at least one of the partners no longer wants to be with their companion, it is better to break up than to torment yourself and your “partner in grief.”

However, if the separation was provoked by some problems, difference of opinions, fatigue or emotional quarrel, then it is better to return everything back. If you broke up stupidly (there is no other way to call an emotional quarrel), then you will suffer because of your action.

In psychology, there is such a thing as “unfinished relationships.” This is when partners only broke up on an external level, but on a psychological and emotional level they still continue to meet. This state of affairs can be observed quite often. Former spouses continue to communicate, sometimes make love, the man continues to help his ex in her work, the woman continues to get bored and sometimes meet with her ex - these and many other cases when former partners broke up, but continue to maintain some contacts, indicate that in reality In fact, they continue the relationship. People did not separate on the psychological and emotional levels, which means they committed stupidity when they broke the union on the external plane.

We broke up. Leave or return? To answer this question correctly, answer another: if you break up, will you be free and happy? If you are happy with your single existence, then you really need to break up. However, if you understand that you will be unhappy and bored after breaking up, then it is better to direct your efforts to normalize the relationship. You are not ready to break up, which means you have the opportunity to change everything and make sure that the question of separation no longer arises, since you are happy in your relationship with your loved one.

For many women, there comes a time when they have to think about how to survive a breakup with a loved one. It is important to try to benefit even from such a difficult situation. You need to analyze your behavior, distract yourself and find sources of inspiration in order to continue going through life with a smile.

Why is it difficult to let go of your loved one?

To understand how to survive the pain of parting, you first need to decide why you can’t let go of your lover. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The relationship was long-term.
    When people date for many years, they become very accustomed to each other. Daily conversations and frequent meetings become an important part of life. Many couples even develop their own traditions. With the breakup of a relationship, these familiar things disappear. At first there won't be enough of them.
  2. First relationship.
    First love is often strong. The girl thinks that her first man is her destiny. After a breakup, it is difficult to come to terms with the idea that this love was not for life.
  3. Age.
    If a woman is already over 30, she does not have a husband and children, but wants to have a family, then she may perceive a man as her last chance.
  4. Low self-esteem.
    A woman who considers herself ugly or boring will, after a breakup, begin to think that she will never have new fans again, because no one will love her like that. She may also feel guilty, believing that she alone is to blame for the breakup.
  5. Falling in love is like addiction.
    In this case, after the breakup, the girl will not only suffer greatly, but may also begin to pursue her ex-partner.
  6. Lack of close people.
    If a woman does not like to be in society and she has no friends, then after breaking up she will be left completely alone, because the ex-man was her only close person. Loneliness will scare her, and she will begin to cling to failed relationships.

The reasons may also be related to the fact that something constantly reminds you of your ex-lover. For example, if he works with a woman and they have many mutual friends.

What's the best way to cope with a breakup?

Burn all your bridges

After a breakup, you need to burn bridges. To do this, you need to block your ex-lover's phone number. If the communication took place on social networks, you need to remove him from friends and add him to the blacklist so that this person does not appear in the list of recommended profiles. If a woman feels that she will still look into his account, then it is better for her to remove herself from the account for a while. social network.

You can’t try to establish communication and return love. Obsession will only anger the ex-lover, and he will once again be convinced that he did the right thing by ending this relationship. If he wants to return, he will come himself.

Separately, it is necessary to mention how to survive a breakup with married man, who was not ready to leave the family. Then you will have to block not only him, but also his wife, who will also be a reminder that a loved one has decided to leave.

Ask loved ones for help

To escape from difficult thoughts, you need to spend more time with loved ones. It’s better to tell them about the breakup so that they don’t bring up that man in their conversations.

We should go to the movies and for walks together. It is easier to cope with a breakup when life is filled with interesting events and pleasant meetings.

You can also ask your relatives how to get over a breakup with your loved one so that you can take their advice.

Find a reason to be happy

You need to think about how to calm yourself after a breakup. It is important to find a reason to be happy. It all depends only on the girl’s hobbies. You can sign up for a course, buy a pool membership, go shopping, go on a trip, or read a new book. A woman should remember what she has wanted to do for a long time, but constantly put it off due to lack of time.

It is important to take your mind off the breakup so that there is no desire to take revenge or return to this love relationship.

It is worth learning to see the beauty around you. To do this, you need to get out of the house more often and walk around the city. The reason for joy can be sunny weather, the first snowfall or blooming flowers.

Be irresistible

Separately, it is necessary to mention how to forget betrayal, how to survive betrayal, separation because of another woman. In such a situation, self-esteem suffers greatly. This cannot be allowed.

It’s worth taking a closer look at your appearance: go to a beauty salon, buy a new dress, try unusual makeup. If a girl feels beautiful, it will be easier for her to forget the man who left for another.

Set new goals for yourself

When discussing how to survive a difficult breakup, it is important to mention that you need to set new goals. In this way, you can not only take your mind off your worries, but also channel your energy into a peaceful channel.

For example, learn new language or learn how to cook French cuisine. The goal could also be a new position at work.

You shouldn’t immediately set the goal of finding a man, because first you need to completely let go of your old love.

It’s better to take time for yourself, find new hobbies and engage in self-development so that you can enter a new relationship refreshed and full of strength. Such a woman has a better chance of attracting a man.

How long does it take?

When wondering how to get over a breakup after a long relationship, it is important to consider how long it takes. It all depends solely on the woman and how dear this man was to her.

To quickly cope with a breakup, you need to stop crying, realize that this person is forever in the past, and engage in self-development. As soon as a woman understands that her life has become interesting, rich and happy, we can consider that the separation has been survived.

This will take at least 1 month. During this time, new habits will appear and the rhythm of life will change. If you continue to cry and worry, then it will take a whole life to let go of this relationship.

When do you need help from a psychologist?

Breaking up a relationship is always very stressful. When a girl realizes that she cannot cope on her own, she can go to a psychologist for an individual or group lesson. The help of a specialist is needed if, due to a breakup, self-esteem has suffered, faith in love has disappeared, and the first symptoms of depression have appeared.

A psychologist will help a woman understand herself so that she finds the strength to move on in life, set goals and achieve them.

Experts advise first to forgive the person for this pain and for the difficult breakup, otherwise it will not be possible to let him go, because... internal resentment will constantly gnaw.

You can express all your feelings in a handwritten letter, but you cannot send it. It must be torn or burned, thereby putting an end to it. After this, relief will come and there will be a desire to act further, making life more interesting and happier.