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How to open a money channel. We open a money channel. Ritual for money gain

It is difficult to find a person who would not want to become at least a little richer and more successful. But if capricious Fortune is ready to shower some people with millions, then she has no such gifts for others. Is it possible to change your destiny and attract finance into your life? Mages believe so. To do this, you just need to know how to open a money channel.

Advice! Try to change your thinking style. If you look at an expensive and desirable thing, then instead of the attitude “I can’t afford it,” start thinking along the lines of “what should I do to get it?”, “How can I achieve this?”

Reasons for blocking cash flow

For a rich and successful person, the money channel works “like a clock.” Such an individual usually has everything in order on the personal front, so the question will not interest him at all.

People who chronically lack funds even for household needs usually suffer from blocked financial flow. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Negative thinking*
  • Impaired communication with people
  • Damage to poverty

*Negative thinking does not allow you to open a money channel and makes it almost impossible to successfully implement large plans. So stop dwelling on your failures. Anyone who sees only problems everywhere misses a lot of opportunities to change their life for the better, to discover something new.

Communication skills are essential for anyone who wants to succeed. Gloomy and withdrawn people are unable not only to open an effective business, but even to find a job with decent pay. If you have serious problems with communication, then consult a psychologist. Or at least read a couple of books on communication psychology.

To open a channel (financial flow), it is not at all necessary to seek help from a magician or a psychic. You can do this yourself by following the recommendations outlined in this article.

Clean up your workplace

Nothing repels Fortune more than dirt and chaos. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the workplace in perfect order. Do you work in an office? Regularly wipe off dust from your computer and desk! Did you manage to open a small shop?

Carry out wet cleaning more often, and carefully monitor the display of goods. A neat and well-groomed place will be loved by both buyers and Fortune. Cleanliness helps keep the money channel always open.

To attract money, a traditional Feng Shui symbol is used - a toad with a coin in its mouth. It needs to be installed on the windowsill, with its back to the window. In order for the toad to “work” well, it should be washed periodically. Some people thank the frog when they receive a profit, and also tell it about their plans, the implementation of which requires money.

Golden Stream Ritual

Do you want to know how to open a money channel and attract good luck? In this case, you need to perform this ritual. The ritual is performed on Sunday, the day should be clear and sunny. It will be ideal if Sunday falls on the waxing moon (the period from the new moon to the full moon).

Before you open a money channel, you must completely cleanse yourself, ritually “renounce” your unsuccessful past. To do this, take a shower and change into new or at least clean clothes. For a while, forget about unpaid debts, delayed salaries, the need to pay for utilities/studies and other troubles.

Place seven candles in one row on the table and light them. It is recommended to use thin candles that burn out quickly. Extend your arms in front of you, palms up, similar to the picture on the right. Say the following three times:

“As the sun moves west across the sky, so from now on I will always be lucky in everything. It will be the way I want it, whatever I want is what I will get! Amen."

Now close your eyes and imagine that money is raining down on you from above. It is best to imagine not paper bills, but gold coins. “Bathe” in this rain for a few minutes. You can then return to your daily activities. Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out completely.

How to buy off your “bad” share

Some people have been plagued by money channel blocking since birth. They say about such people that they are chronic losers. They have to live from paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they borrow all the time. often accompanied by health problems, which further aggravates the situation.

To change your destiny, you need to know how to open your money channel. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a “farm” - a small package that is left where people walk. Replace 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle made of natural fabric. Add to this “bag” a twig from a broom, which you use to sweep the floor at home, and a small personal item. It could be a ring, a brooch, a personal pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and quickly leave without looking back and without speaking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that those around you do not pay attention to the fact that “something fell out of your pocket or purse.” If you suddenly get your package back, you need to thank it and leave. In this case, you will have to perform the ritual again.

Perhaps you have been damaged?

If financial troubles suddenly hit you “out of the blue,” then we can assume that an ill-wisher has cast a spell on you. Sometimes it is used for this purpose, which leads to a very destructive result. Typically, negative magical effects manifest themselves as follows:

  • Loss of ability to work, unexpected illness
  • Trouble with the law
  • Dismissal from work
  • Serious business problems
  • An accident, such as a car accident

How to recognize that you have become a victim of damage and how to get rid of the induced curse? You will find all the necessary information.

If lack of money and debts have become your constant companions, then this means a blockage of the money channel in the family or your home. You can unblock the money channel with the help of an experienced specialist (magician, reiki master, psychic) ​​or yourself.

You can have different attitudes towards such methods, but in critical situations it is worth trying all possible methods. There are many rites and rituals on how to open a money channel and attract money using meditative practices, Reiki techniques, Cimorron rituals, magical rites and conspiracies.

How to open a money channel yourself?

To change your life for the better, you must first create the right attitude. To do this, try following a few simple rules:

  1. Notice the abundance. Something good and beautiful is always happening around us, the abundance of nature, the blue of the sky, sunlight, the rustling of leaves and the starry sky - this is your wealth too.
  2. Learn to be grateful. In all magical rituals, gratitude for what you have is one of the postulates of abundance.
  3. Don't get stuck on one source. If your job does not bring you joy and well-being, look for another type of activity.
  4. Use rituals, talismans and spells for abundance.
  5. Share your wealth. The banal truth that the more you give, the more you receive, works and all wealthy people know about it.

There are several ways to activate the money channel. For independent work, meditation and rune magic are best suited.

To open a money channel yourself with the help of meditation, you need to get up at sunrise and face east. It is important to choose a sunny day for this ritual; the rays should fall on the body and face. To relax, you need to take 12 deep and slow breaths in and out. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine a golden stream that envelops your entire body with sparkling energy. This exercise must be repeated every day, achieving maximum visualization.

In rune magic there is, the action of which is aimed at clearing and activating the money channel. It can be applied to paper or wood and always carried with you. Some magicians suggest drawing a stave on the body, preferably on the arm.

How to independently open your own money channel - Golden Flow ritual

Many people have their money channel blocked. Some people are born with a program of beggary, others acquire it in the course of their lives. Such people live from paycheck to paycheck, and even borrow money. Bad luck with money is often accompanied by health problems, which does not help matters at all.

If this sounds like your situation, learn how to clear your money channel.

You can open and activate a money channel in different ways. In practical magic there is always an alternative. You choose exactly how to make the money channel active, and how to get in touch with the money egregor. This egregor is strong, but he lives separately from us, regardless of our will and desires. Therefore, our task is to make the egregor manifest itself in our lives more often and more willingly.

Try to do the Golden Flow ritual - independent cleaning of the money channel and its activation. The ritual is performed on Sunday, during the lunar rise, on a clear sunny day. Cleanse yourself, give up your unsuccessful past, take a shower. Forget:

1. about your troubles,,
4.delay of salary
5. and other financial difficulties.

Place 7 wax candles on the table. Take thin candles that burn out quickly.
Light these candles and open your money channel.

Stretch your hands in front of you, palms up, and read the words of the spell for good luck and prosperity three times: “As the sun moves across the sky to the west, so from this hour I (name) will be lucky in everything. It will be the way I want it. Whatever I want, I will get. Amen".

Then, without giving up, close your eyes and visualize the rain of money falling on you. Gold and silver coins are falling with a ringing sound, smoothly, like leaves, large denomination bills are falling - the currencies of different countries, and your national currency, of course, too. Hold this vision for as long as you can, do not allow extraneous vain thoughts, and do not doubt. Right now you are doing magic, opening a money channel yourself. Experience the joy of feeling your wealth. Do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out.

Hold this picture in your mind. When you fall asleep, on the border between sleep and wakefulness, bring it back and relive the wonderful moments of communicating with money. Money is a visible and familiar manifestation of monetary energy to us. But first of all, money is energy. Activate it in yourself, and sources of enrichment will open to you. In this way, you can open a money channel yourself. It may look simple, but in fact, visualization is not fragmentary slides, but the intention of the magician, which is read by the Forces.

I want to continue this topic not with rituals of black magic and not with advice on visualization, it’s time to pay attention to runes, to opening a money channel with their help. But, before we move on to rune bets to attract money, let’s look at the visualizations. I know that its essence is not entirely clear to beginners. So visualization is intention.

About visualization and cleaning the money channel with runes

Visualization differs from phantom fantasies in that it is emotionally neutral. To achieve the desired effect, you need to put intention into your visualization. But, without emotions, since emotions tend to distort the canvas of reality.

Emotional explosions create energy gaps, which is very undesirable for magical performance, if not disastrous. When you do a rune stave to cleanse the money channel, you also visualize the result, and this is exactly what gives the stave energy.

The magician's intention can be compared to the properties of the energy put into visualization. Visualization is a mental video of the result obtained, while intention is the impulse that triggers it. To a certain extent, intention can be commensurate with emotions towards something or someone. But while emotion is chaotic, intention has a clear message: what the sorcerer puts into the visualization and the outcome he expects.

Money channels can be polluted, blocked or closed by negative magical influences; The magician’s task, using a certain runic pattern, is to clear and activate the channel, allowing monetary energy to circulate.

How to put intention into visualization?

This is the question that worries beginners. In simple terms, the picture is as follows. During magical cleansing, for example, you keep an image in your head: how a dark veil goes away or black suction cups fall off. When setting a love spell, it is also important what you hold in your imagination. The task is formed depending on what is required from the object: intimacy, cohabitation or marriage. When performing rituals to obtain magical power, visualize a cloud, thick and dense, which penetrates you, making you powerful, capable of influencing reality. The same visualization can be done by setting runes for successful trading, or for another purpose. When setting up protection, images may come as if you are being covered by a dome. This is just an example of images. Everyone has their own when performing magical practices.

The same thing happens when you use a rune stave to open a money channel. Hold the image, and use a magical spell or spell to give the desired message. Visualization is important because the Forces you work with read your mental messages. This happens at any time, which is why positive thinking is so important. But especially when conducting witchcraft rituals, since at this time the magician comes into direct contact with the Forces.

You already know about the 3 main steps to... Now read additional recommendations that are very important for opening a money channel.

1.Noticing abundance

Pay attention to the abundance that is around you. Look at our nature. She makes us understand that everything in our world is limitless. Seas, oceans, trees, flowers... so much of it all! The same is true in material terms. The universe is built in such a way that there is enough for everyone!

2.Thank you

The powerful power of gratitude produces remarkable results. This technique is based on the law of attraction. You feel grateful, focus your attention on the positive aspects and thereby attract even more good things into your life.

In addition, you can be grateful not only for the things you have, but also for the things you want to have. The thing is that our subconscious does not know the future or the past. It takes everything literally and then transforms it into reality...

3. We use different sources of income

Successful people do not focus on one source of money. They attract wealth by taking advantage of everything possible. For example, this could be a real job (or business), making money on the Internet, passive income from investments, and much more.

4.Buy a record

It will attract new opportunities and material successes. Many businessmen use it. It replaces one hour of regular meditation to open a money channel.

5. Simoronim playfully

For positive people with a good sense of humor, they are excellent, which are good because their implementation removes the importance, which is one of the barriers to materializing what you want.

6. Know how to share your wealth with others

Money is energy that needs movement. When you only take and don't give anything, you block it. Your cash flow is shutting down. Therefore, learn to do good deeds with money, share your own benefits with others. Remember one of the laws of the universe: “What you give is what you receive.”

7. Use Feng Shui to open a money channel.

Feng Shui is an additional way to increase your attractiveness to money. You can bring harmony to your home by allowing the chi energy to flow easily and freely. You can study what money talismans exist in this art and place them in the wealth sector in your apartment.

To attract money into your life, you need to establish harmonious interaction with the financial egregor.

Indeed, for the material embodiment of the energy of money, it is necessary that the wealth channel operates at the maximum of its capabilities, and cash flows circulate in it unhindered.

And for this it is necessary to free the financial channel from all obstacles and obstacles - to open it.

After opening it, you will only need to maintain the right mindset and regularly perform various magical rituals.

What is a money channel

Every cell continuously participates in energy metabolism, and money is no exception.

They have a material, that is, tangible and visible embodiment, and with their help, a person interacts with the world.

This energy exists in the mental sphere in the form of a money egregor, which embodies the whole variety of words, thoughts, motives and desires related to financial issues.

The money egregor often exists independently of a person’s will and does not have a tangible influence on him, no matter how hard he tries to get rich.

Therefore, without special synchronization with its subtle energies it is very difficult.

Correct adjustment is necessary so that the egregor comes into contact with the biofield more often, more stable and with greater readiness.

A special energy flow is formed between him and the person, which is called the money channel of wealth.

In order to establish interaction with the money egregor, it is necessary to fully and clearly understand the principles of its operation.

How does the overlap of the money channel manifest itself?

People who chronically lack funds even for household needs usually suffer from blocked financial flow.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • negative thinking
  • disruption of communication with people
  • curse of poverty

Negative thinking prevents you from opening your money pipeline and positive thinking is the key to your success and makes it almost impossible to successfully implement big plans.

So stop dwelling on your failures.

Anyone who sees only problems everywhere misses a lot of opportunities to change their life for the better, to discover something new.

Communication skills are essential for anyone who wants to succeed.

Gloomy and withdrawn people are unable not only to open an effective business, but even to find a job with decent pay.

If you have serious problems with communication, then consult a psychologist. Or at least read a couple of books on communication psychology.

The evil eye, damage and other attempts by ill-wishers to prevent you from getting rich do occur.

In exceptional cases, ancestral karma is realized, bringing financial well-being, and a specialist should already understand this.

The narrowing or complete blocking of the financial energy flow can be judged not only by the emptiness of the wallet, but also by the physical signals of the human body.

  • frequent headaches - problems communicating with others, which can bring significant costs and losses
  • sore throat and sore throat - your aggression and anger freely pour out on others, bringing conflicts with debtors and colleagues on whom your income depends
  • toothache - excessive spending on relatives, which does not allow you to maintain wealth in the house
  • Diseases of the limbs - the presence of ill-wishers that harm work, business and other sources of income
  • problems with the spine - lack of work on oneself due to fulfilling other people’s karmic tasks

If there are no signs described above, but money passes you by, then you simply have low sensitivity and you need to work with the subconscious with redoubled force.

You should also know what prevents you from attracting wealth and good luck.

The reasons for failure when trying to attract money are external and internal.

Very often, relatives and close people interfere, causing a disruption in your energy field with careless words and actions.

The internal reasons for the instability of the money channel are incorrect attitudes and neglectful attitude towards material issues.

How to open a money channel

There are many ways to open money channels yourself.

These are rituals, effects on chakras, mantras, feng shui and other effective methods.

Simoron gaming techniques are also suitable for beginners.

It is important to start with a reassessment of values, changing the perception of the world around you and working on yourself and your own worldview.

Try to change your thinking style. If you are looking at an expensive and desirable thing, then instead of the attitude “I can’t afford it,” start thinking along the lines of “what should I do to get it?”, “How can I achieve this?”

Money magic ritual to open a channel of wealth:

1. Light 3 candles.

2. Take a 1000 ruble bill.

3. At exactly midnight, light all the candles.

4. Looking piercingly at the bill, monotonously pronounce the money plot.

From now on, I will open the channels of wealth, I will carefully hide the rituals from everyone. Let my money multiply randomly and add up to countless wealth. Amen!

5. Spend the bill.

6. Having acquired a new one, you perform the money ritual again.

The right attitude and visualization

The visualization ritual is performed before dawn as follows:

2. Close your eyes and take twelve deep breaths in and out, noticing how your body relaxes and your mind clears.

3. Imagine a sparkling crystal of pure energy appearing in front of you. Absorbing the rays of the rising sun falling on it with its edges, it begins to shine even brighter and expands more and more.

4. Gradually this pure light approaches you, penetrates your body and absorbs it completely. You are surrounded on all sides by a reliable sparkling dome, through which nothing can break through.

5. Try to imagine this as clearly as possible, see the crystal and the light emanating from it in as much detail as possible. Remember the feeling of harmony and security that appears and return to it mentally if necessary (in uncomfortable situations).

It is better to begin the ritual of visualizing the independent opening of a money channel on the waxing moon and then carry out it daily.

To open a channel (financial flow), it is not at all necessary to seek help from a magician or a psychic. You can do this yourself by following important recommendations.

1. Notice abundance.

Pay attention to the abundance that is around you. Look at nature. She makes us understand that everything in our world is limitless. Seas, oceans, trees, flowers... so much of it all! Also in material terms. The universe is built in such a way that there is enough for everyone!

2. Give thanks.

The powerful power of gratitude produces remarkable results. This technique is based on the law of attraction. You feel grateful, focus your attention on the positive aspects and thereby attract even more good things into your life.

3. Know how to share your wealth with others.

Money is energy that needs movement. When you only take and don't give anything, you block it. Your cash flow is shutting down. Therefore, learn to do good deeds with money, share your own benefits with others. Remember one of the laws of the universe: “What you give is what you receive.”

4. Use Feng Shui to open your money channel.

Feng Shui is an additional way to increase your attractiveness to money. You can bring harmony to your home by allowing the chi energy to flow easily and freely, study what money talismans exist in this art, and place them in the wealth sector in your apartment.

5. Play the role of a rich person.

To open a money channel, it is important to feel rich now. Enjoy this state. Experience positive emotions.