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How do strippers dress? What does a stripper's job look like from the inside? First person story. Being a stripper is humiliation

Whether you're just starting out as a stripper or just want to dress up in sexy clothes, there are a lot of factors to consider. Fortunately, the fairly simple recommendations in this article will help you with this. Don't forget that not all strippers and strippers look the same, so you always have the opportunity to add your own style to the look.


Preparing for female striptease

    Choose the right shoes. It is very important that these are heeled shoes with a height of at least 7 cm, and even better - about 15. Against their background, your legs and stomach will look most attractive. If you're really getting ready for a striptease, look for shoes with solid plastic soles on the heels, as these will be the most durable and strong. It's also a good idea to include non-slip pads in your shoes.

    • Don't try to overcome yourself at once. If you are not used to walking in heels, try to gradually get used to higher and higher heels rather than trying to immediately dress up in shoes with 15 cm heels.
    • Use a hair dryer to shape the plastic shoes into the shape of your feet. Soften the plastic with hot air and put on your shoes when they are pliable but not too hot. Using your hands, gently help the shoes fit on your feet and let them cool.
    • Try to use shoes with the most comfortable heels you can find. High heels cannot be called the most comfortable shoes in the world, but your feet will thank you if you keep their comfort in mind when making a purchase.
  1. Wear suitable underwear. Many strippers purchase underwear specially designed for this purpose for performances instead of regular panties or two-piece swimsuits. If you are going to dress up as a stripper just for fun or for a fashion show, then a regular thong will do just fine.

    • Neon colors and lace are good choices.
    • Strippers do not always choose thongs, and in some cases (depending on the country where you are located and even the region) there are requirements that professional dancers have a certain percentage of their body covered. However, no one will tell you anything if you are just going to have fun.
    • Special underwear for strip dancing is more durable and flexible than regular underwear and swimsuits. It can always be ordered through online stores.
    • Bring your sense of self to the rescue and wear lingerie that makes you feel sexy!
  2. Dress up in the right clothes. IN in this case You have a lot of choices, but as always, it's important to choose something that makes you feel hot. However, there are a number of other factors to consider as well.

    Choose the right accessories. Professional strippers usually do not use jewelry, as it clings to clothing and is distracting while dancing. However, there are some accessories you might want to consider.

    Apply appropriate makeup. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all makeup that strippers wear, the most important thing is to just stick to the style that you think makes you look sexy. If you want to improve your makeup application skills, there are thousands of tutorial videos on the topic. If you can already consider yourself a professional in this matter, then you can think about the following simple makeup ideas:

    Invest in clothes that can be easily torn off. This is one of the defining qualities special clothing for male striptease. While it is possible to purchase this type of ready-made clothing, you should know that any regular clothing can also be altered accordingly. Buy items 3-4 sizes larger than yours, open the outer seams and install Velcro fasteners there. If you have the skills to work with a needle and thread, then you can do all the work yourself, otherwise the studio will be happy to help you.

    Think twice about body hair. Some male strippers cultivate the image of having facial and body hair, but most prefer to show off smooth skin. So consider shaving your facial stubble and waxing your chest hair.

    Think about makeup. Not all strippers wear makeup, but if you're performing in a club, stage lights can blur your facial features. In this case, you can make your face a little more expressive with a small amount of makeup. The right makeup will highlight your facial features without being obvious.

    • If you have facial stubble, use an eyebrow pencil to give it more definition.
    • Apply a neutral foundation under your cheekbones to highlight them.
    • Line your lips with a neutral foundation. You may also want to use lip balm to keep your lips from drying out.
    • If you line your eyes with brown eyeliner, your eyelashes will appear fuller. But don't extend the lines to the corners of the eyes: if they close together, the makeup will become too obvious.
    • Lightly spray your body with glitter spray to draw attention to your muscles.

Taking care of personal hygiene

  1. Shave with oil. This will prevent the formation of red bumps and keep your skin hydrated. Coconut oil works especially well, and it also smells nice. If the oil is frozen, rub it in your hands to melt it before applying to your feet.

    Wash your face well. Washing is an important part of normal hygiene procedures, which helps to avoid acne and oily skin. It is especially important to wash your face correctly if you have to apply stage makeup.

    Choose a good scent. Your presence should beckon and intoxicate those around you. People should strive to be around you. This means that you just need a good aroma.

Natasha Fedorenko

I came to striptease a month and a half after of his majority. Before that, I dated a man who loved young girls - but by that time we broke up, and I was already used to spending ten thousand rubles a day, and I felt uncomfortable when they were gone. I knew what I was going for - money.

I typed “good strip club Moscow” into the search engine and went to interviews at the first five addresses. I chose a club where I could start working immediately after the interview: the ability to dance was optional. At first I felt like a stranger: I didn’t have my own shelf in the locker room, on busy days I changed clothes in the toilet or on a bench next to the managers. Then it got better.

Portrait in the office

The artistic director of the club didn’t deal with us; usually he just yelled at planning meetings. But it didn't matter. You can make good money by dancing like at a rural disco, or you can be a professional and make 700 rubles a night - you don’t have to do it every time. Only a few danced well - they had pre-set routines. The rest simply held on to the pole with one hand and foot - I was one of them.

Guests usually look at the figure. One girl earned a million from private dances, and her portrait hung in the director’s office. In my opinion, she was stupid, not particularly pretty, but she had a size 6 breast, and the men paid her ten privates (private dances - Ed.), to watch her jump, squat, lie down, or to touch her breasts. There were also girls who were completely “made” (as was fashionable in the 2000s), with huge breasts and lips.

Sex and consummation

I have a fairly ordinary appearance, so I quickly learned to remain sympathetically silent in order to receive tips - the club receives only 30% of them, and this is quite profitable. The main thing is to understand which of the clients really has money, otherwise you can sit all night next to a beggar for 500 rubles - he will not order anything at the bar. Strippers receive a percentage of the order from the table where they sat - this is called consummation. At the club where I worked, orders started at fifteen thousand rubles.

You had to split the rest of your earnings equally with the club. “Crazy menu” is a list of non-private services. For an additional fee, you could, for example, watch simulated lesbian sex in the main hall or lick salt from the nipples of a stripper. Everyone made money from private dances, including waitresses, bartenders and the club administrator. You don’t need a lot of intelligence for this - you just need to squirm for five minutes in what your mother gave birth to. A private session with an ordinary girl cost 1,400 rubles for five minutes; fatal beauties cost three to four times more.

Sex with clients could only be had on the night from December 31 to January 1 - the price was set by the girls themselves. At other times, sex was prohibited under penalty of dismissal: clients could not touch us in the bikini area, and we could not remove their pants. There were cameras everywhere - sometimes security would peep into private booths, checking if everything was in order (by the way, in many other clubs they allow sex). You could only get to your belongings after the performance naked and without shoes - before, the girls hid their “tea” so as not to share it with the club, so they began to search everyone.

"Girl in a Box"

At the very beginning of my work, I decided to have sex bypassing the club, but a stupid thing happened. A 40-year-old man invited me to his dacha on Rublyovka and promised to give me 20 thousand rubles. We got into a taxi, I dozed off and woke up in a village near Volokolamsk. The man was high on some kind of hard drug, lying on the sofa and muttering something. I stayed there the whole next day, because Moscow taxis refused to take me from there, it was too far away - I was able to leave only in the evening. In the process, I met his mother, who attacked me with her fists. Of course, I didn’t receive any money and now I take the amount in advance so that the man doesn’t promise something that he won’t deliver.

The situations were different. They offered me a private meeting in a gas mask. There was also a good guy who looked after me beautifully, but nothing came of it - now we only congratulate each other on the holidays on social networks. And there was one guy who brought a box into the club and said: “I want some ugly chick to sit here for five minutes.” The girl sat in the box for a couple of minutes and received thirty thousand rubles as a tip.

As a rule, people come to a strip club with friends or girls. The latter sometimes get drunk and start kissing - one of them literally had to be pulled away from one of the girls. And I understand why many people like striptease. Dating a prostitute is somehow awkward, but dating a stripper everything seems natural. She spun around - you got excited - you can have sex.

Insurance until 23:00

I worked in striptease for six months and did not earn the promised three hundred thousand rubles (only the top girls collected that much). In fact, it came out to forty to sixty thousand rubles a month for four working days a week. It was hard both physically and mentally: wearing heels and an ugly dress, putting on stupid makeup and burning my hair again with a curling iron (they weren’t allowed to see guests without a hairstyle). According to internal prices, hair styling and makeup cost eight hundred rubles, manicure and pedicure were paid separately. At the same time, there were days when the earnings were small: one private or a thousand rubles for tea. There was also compulsory insurance of 1,500 rubles (a guaranteed payment from the club to those who were unable to earn money on tips and privates) if you went to the gym before 23:00. If not, you don’t get this money.

My entire group at the university found out about my work - all my friends at the faculty turned their backs on me, there was terrible gossip. But I had money, and it’s much easier to be sad with it than without it. I was also tracked by men in in social networks and wrote about my work to everyone they knew.

I would not advise anyone to take such a job. I was uncomfortable and I don't remember any girls who liked being a stripper. There were ladies who loved to dance on the pole, but they also didn’t want to undress in front of a hundred men, each of whom despises you. There is no talk of any admiration from the guests in the striptease.

Strip clubs are bad. They propose a model in which men can only feel like “real men” if women grovel before them and fulfill their every desire. Some people say that it doesn’t go beyond the club, but that’s not true. Power is intoxicating, and a person, leaving the club, treats all women derogatorily. In an ideal world, strip clubs wouldn't exist.

Favorite shoes

Besides, you can’t earn much in striptease - it’s much more profitable to meet men one on one, which is what I did in parallel with working in the club. I was very tired: on rare weekends I lay flat, everything hurt and sometimes I couldn’t go outside. Now I'm in the sex business. While working as a stripper, I had a friend who owned a brothel and massage parlor- she offered to go to her and get more. That's what happened in the end. I left the striptease with a scandal - they didn’t want to give me my earnings for the night. It’s just a pity that my favorite shoes were left at the club.

Someday I will leave sex work completely, but probably not earlier than in seven to ten years. You need to take advantage of your youth, no matter how terrible it may sound. My parents earn very little, and when they retire, they will earn even less. And I consider it my duty to help them: send them on vacation, make pleasant purchases. By the way, I took a break when I married one of my clients. True, this did not lead to anything good, our marriage broke up, and now I am working again.

I started working as a waitress. I went into the manager’s office on the top floor of a club in the city center, he looked me over and called a colleague from another club: “I have something for you.” beautiful girl“At least let me go on stage now.”

The main goal of any club is to find more dancers, attract clients and earn money more money. The owners hire attractive girls, dress them in sexy lingerie, and offer to work eight hours a day for minimum wage while other women around them earn thousands of dollars a night. They hope that the poor waitress will eventually say, “Why am I worse?” and will also start dancing. And in most cases the plan works.

The prospect looked tempting. Most of the women seemed to enjoy the process and made good money. Circumstances forced me to take on this work; I found myself on the brink of poverty. I had a part-time office job, but the rent was exorbitant. The strip club, with its night shifts, was perfect. In addition, there was no need to study like to work in a “normal” place.

I watched with envy as other women counted hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars after hours of work, but my body didn't seem attractive enough to show off naked on stage. So I worked hard as a waitress. The manager realized that he could rely on me, and promoted me - I began to work behind the bar. The shifts were a little longer, but I didn't have to walk around the hall, I could hide behind the counter and watch. This is what I did.

I watched women skillfully handle their sexuality and men who could not resist

In my free time from knocking out checks for private rooms and pouring drinks, I watched gorgeous women, skillfully handling their own sexuality, and men who were unable to resist. I saw how married man came five nights a week and spent at least $2,000 a night on just the same woman. He always waited patiently for her to become available and politely declined offers from other women. She would dance a dance or two for him and then just sit on his lap and talk to him. That's what they did for hours - they talked.

He gave thousands of dollars for a small portion of a stranger's time and attention, obviously it helped him. One part of me assumed that he was a widower, the other believed that he had been married for at least 30 years. Obviously, he felt lonely and lacked love.

I saw young guys who came in a noisy crowd and threw away hundreds of dollars to repeat a scene from a well-watched video. They didn't skimp on tips, handing out banknotes left and right. For several hours in the club they looked rich, influential and happy. But I saw how each of them signed the bill and sadness ran over their faces. Like me, they knew that the illusion was about to be shattered.

They used money and women to boost their self-esteem and forget about their perceived shortcomings.

The sun will rise and the comfortable darkness will not be able to hide their problems that they tried to disguise. These guys made me sad and angry. I felt sorry for them - they bought into the on-screen image of masculinity. I was angry because they used money and women to boost their self-esteem and forget about their perceived shortcomings.

I saw men who came here against their own will, yielding to the pressure of dashing friends. They felt awkward and insecure, clearly did not want to stay here, but they could not say a word against it. Putting on a smile, they spent the entire evening in tension. I saw angry men who wanted to take out sexual frustration or anger from a recent rejection on a woman they considered an empty place. Usually these guys were kicked out before closing time, and rightly so.

I saw women who loved their jobs. Striptease was a way for them to express sexuality and self-love. And other women: they did striptease because they were convinced that they couldn’t do anything else. Their self-esteem was strongly tied to their body and the ways in which it was used. And, unfortunately, women who engaged in striptease due to alcohol or drug addiction. They obviously hoped for nothing and wanted nothing, and they are the ones I think about the most.

Until I found a job with a decent salary and left the club, I managed to learn a lot about men, about women, about how powerful my body can be if I decide to love it.

It is the condemnation of female sexuality that ensures the prosperity of strip clubs

I became one of these women. I learned that if you arch your back in a special way, your belly will appear smaller, and that light is everything. I learned about love and sex, how they can be completely separate for some and connected for others. I learned a lot about perseverance and money.

But most importantly, I learned that it is the condemnation of female sexuality that ensures the prosperity of strip clubs. We have convinced women that sexuality is bad, that we should be ashamed of our bodies, that only prostitutes can love their bodies, so that others can profit. I learned that clubs attract men not only with naked bodies and passionate dancing, but also with their forbiddenness. It's exciting because it's bad, and women are bad because it's exciting.

I learned that a woman’s strength is not in the shape of her body, her willingness to be naked, or her attractiveness to the opposite sex. There is strength in being yourself without excuses and being proud of every facet of who you are rather than being ashamed of it. She is strongest not when she can convince a man of her attractiveness, but when she convinces herself of this.

You've been stripping for three years. What happened before that?

During my student years, I completely accidentally started working as a go-go. And then she worked for two and a half years in one of the nightclubs in Perm. I worked three days a week and received 16,000 - 20,000 rubles per month, unrealistic money for me at that time. At the same time, I studied to become an economist-accountant. But for me this is a dark forest; I have never worked in my specialty for a day. I just had to get it higher education, no matter where.

Why did you decide to move from go-go to striptease?

In my city, I would never in my life go to work in a striptease. Go-go was already the limit for me. In Perm, all strip clubs offer additional services, that is, intimacy. Maybe something has changed now, but before there was no one without intimacy.

And you decided to move to Moscow?

One fine night I loaded my things into the car and with 4,000 rubles. in my pocket I went to the capital. I didn’t go to Moscow to dance a striptease, but to study to become a makeup artist. Here I had no friends, no acquaintances, no work. Where did I go at first - in some apartments where mothers, children, cats and dogs lived. And they took me into a corner somewhere. Then the main goal was to somehow survive, find housing, earn money. And make-up artists earn little at first. Therefore, I had to go to work part-time.

I worked as an administrator night shift at a car wash, where I had five workers who spoke Russian poorly, at the reception in a shopping center, as a salesperson-cashier in a store. I also bombed for the first year and a half. And one day I gave a ride to a decent-looking man at the airport. It was he who asked me why I didn’t go to the striptease. But in Moscow I never had such a thought. I went to a bunch of go-go castings, but with my Perm costumes I looked like an ugly duckling. I didn’t even know what a pole was or what to do with it. Based on Perm’s experience, she immediately remembered intimate services.

Anyway, my travel companion told me about the Show Girls club. I thought about it for six months, and then I went to the casting. I saw the rehearsal of the show program, and I was literally shaking - that’s how I wanted it. And they took me to show ballet. I ended up working there for two and a half years, and then Show Girls closed. My girlfriend went to Virgins and invited me here.

Did you agree right away?

For the first two weeks I sat at home and thought, and then I came. At Virgins, the rules were even stricter, especially regarding sex. This is such a puritanical club among stripteases in Moscow, just an institute for noble maidens (laughs). At first, many men don’t believe that we only have striptease and nothing more, they try to trick you into something. But in reality, we don’t have outcalls here; you can’t ransom a girl and take her away in the middle of the night. At Virgins we even have an extremely detailed definition of sex. It starts with pants down. The girl must control the guest's hands, his behavior and his fly. There are, of course, cases when in a room with a jacuzzi you turn away to check the water, turn around, and that’s it - a naked man is standing. And then only persuasion: “Kitten, get dressed.”

Do you get fined if you don’t control something?

Surprisingly, there are no fines at all at Virgins. Although in many clubs they fine you for everything.

Is an evening at a strip club an expensive pleasure?

Our price range is different. Plus color differentiation of bracelets for girls. White is for new girls, red is for you to be a party girl and you don’t even undress on stage, blue is experienced dancers, and most of them are girls. For all these categories, a private dance costs 1,500 rubles. Then it goes up. The last level is black bracelets, like the black pearls of our club. There are only three of them at Virgins, and I am among them. We have a private dance - 3000 rubles. The most expensive service is “foam jacuzzi” - a guest pays 9,000 rubles for 15 minutes.

Are you wondering what you will do after striptease?

Like ballet dancers, we have 30 years and that’s it. I’m 27 years old and I already feel like an old woman (laughs). I know that the transition to normal life is difficult. Some leave and then return because the regime is wrong, there is less freedom, and there is simply not enough money. But I already have my own small business: a pizzeria with equipment that I own and part of which we now rent out. The income is small, of course, but there is a reserve for the future.

What's the highest tip you've ever been given?

By the way, this happened recently. Near€ 1000. And the record for tips was in Show Girls. One guest simply wasted money. I could give about 100,000 at a time.

Is it true that in your profession it is possible to earn money for an apartment?

Absolutely real! I know stories where they made money for several apartments.

Can you identify certain types of clients?

We don't have clients, we have guests. Although it seems to me that, on the one hand, this subconsciously leads to a certain freebie. A man comes to visit and expects to be treated. I can probably describe some of the guests as heavy. They have a hard time parting with money or are difficult in character. In general, we must find an approach to anyone and be good psychologists.

Is there any slang for strippers?

From my point of view, slang is quite poor. There are no words that the guest will not understand. But there is such a community - strip talkers. They go to clubs like experts, and then leave their reviews on the forum. So they call dancers strips: good strip, bad strip. Does this definition offend me? No, the main thing is that the guest comes and has a good time.

In general, it’s more disparaging to call a girl a stripper. We are striptease dancers. In our club, girls are generally called artists. I'm definitely an artist at heart!

May - where does this nickname come from?

I've had it since Show Girls. At first I was Elena the Beautiful. But then the club decided to switch to simpler pseudonyms and posted a list of possible names on the wall. And I saw the shortest and simplest thing - May. Not just any Virginia or Annabelle. Some ask: “Maybe?” And it’s easy to answer: “May, may!”

The Village continues to find out how the personal budget of representatives of different professions works. In the new episode - a dancer from a Moscow strip club. She told why she started pole dancing, how she got a job, what kind of clients come to her and how much she earns.




60–110,000 rubles

(average 80,000 rubles)


4,000 rubles

public transport

10,000 rubles

5,000 rubles

work clothes

25,000 rubles

2,000 rubles

15,000 rubles

hobby (BJD dolls)

19,000 rubles


How to become a stripper

I graduated from nine years of school and studied at a design college. I started working at the age of 14 - I always really wanted to do it. The first place of work was kindergarten, where I painted swings and other metal things on the playgrounds. I also worked at McDonald's - and in many places in general. It was easy to get into striptease. I didn’t have to feed my family, and life didn’t force me - I started dancing because I wanted to.

I liked pole dancing, I watched dance videos on the Internet - it was so cool! But there was no money for a subscription to do this myself. Besides, I was very embarrassed of myself - I was fat and constantly sat at the computer, what kind of dancing? At some point, I finally made up my mind, saved up some money, and went to classes. At first nothing worked out, so five months passed, I ran out of money, I hitchhiked to the south and returned in the fall. Then the thought crept in that if I succeeded, I could try to work in this.

It took me a month to gather my courage and went to get a job at the club. They didn’t take me, making it clear that I was not suitable for them (not surprising: the club was good, and I still worked there when I got in shape). My best friend and I found a simpler club and went there together. They hired us right out of the gate, without any work experience - they basically didn’t care. Of course, we were very nervous, we brought dresses, shoes, and various underwear with us, but they didn’t even look at our luggage.

First we had to come up with stage names, the manager chose my name - he called me Aphrodite. In my opinion, it didn't suit me at all. Dancing on stage for the first time was scary, but I did it, although now I barely remember what I did then and how I felt. I was never afraid to undress. Difficulties arose mainly when it was necessary to approach men and start a conversation. I have always been not very sociable and not arrogant at all, so it was hard at first. But still, for any girl there was a guest for whom she was a goddess, and he spent money only on her.

After some time, it became easier for me - I began to enjoy my work. The club has a cool atmosphere, it’s like another world there. Everywhere beautiful women, in underwear or evening dresses, everything sparkles and glows, it’s like you’ve arrived on another planet. And pole dancing looks cool and beautiful. Yes, not everyone knows how to do some tricks, but in the right light, even when a girl is just walking around the pole, she looks mesmerizing.

Features of work

I've been working about four days a week for almost three years. Most often, clubs have a so-called “guarantee” - a certain rate per night. My guarantee is 1,500 rubles. To receive this money, it is enough to comply with some conditions: work at least four days a week and go to the gym at 11 pm completely ready. If this does not work out, your earnings consist only of what you earn yourself.

I need to dance topless on stage (sometimes completely topless when the club has themed days), perform in shows, and also work with guests. They need to sell items from a crazy menu - for example, private dances or artist release (when a guest pays a certain amount for a particular girl to sit only with him and not go on stage). In intimate clubs, you need to be alone with the guest (it’s obvious why): usually he pays for the room and for the girl’s time separately. But I didn’t work in such clubs, so I don’t know much about it.

With the preparation of rooms, everything is different in each club. Somewhere the show consists of one improvisation, somewhere the numbers are rehearsed before work at a general meeting, somewhere they train themselves. Some clubs have choreographers who help prepare routines and teach beginners. And, of course, if you want to put your number, you must agree on it with the manager.

My working day begins with the fact that I come to the club at 18-19 hours, get ready, put on makeup and do my hair. Then, when I’m ready to perform, I go up to the manager - he checks my makeup, clothes, whether my legs are smooth, and so on. Then I get to work. I walk around, offer guests a private meal, drink with them or order something. When the DJ announces me, I go on stage and also perform the show if I’m not sitting in release. Basically, this is all my work.

In private, a guest can take one girl or several - as he wants. There the girls dance and undress completely. The guest can touch and stroke us, but without fanaticism. Sex, of course, is prohibited. We also have certain rules: you can’t take off a guest’s pants, you can’t be rude and swear, you can’t get drunk, you need to take payment on time. In private there are different things: serious-looking men love to be beaten and spanked, there are foot fetishists (sexual attraction to feet. - Ed.), and there are those who come just to chat. For example, I had a guest with whom we discussed cartoons in private, and the other one danced for me. There are also VIP guests who cannot be approached just like that, since they sit in a box and call the girls they like themselves or through the manager.

In this area, you need to be able to be friends with everyone, because today you helped someone make money, and tomorrow that girl called you when her rich guest came. A man needs to be able to please him at first sight, communicate correctly, and win him over. Make him want to come again and again and pay for you to be around.

The most enjoyable part of my work is probably the atmosphere, dancing and beautiful people around, as well as movement. You can learn a lot of new things by communicating with good people. And the most unpleasant thing is stupid, arrogant guests who are trying to cheat, and simply unkempt men. Sometimes they are frank bad days, when everyone refuses or there are few guests, I often just get tired of communicating.

Of course, what I remember most about my work are the guests with unusual preferences, such as BDSM. For example, a guest comes to us and pays for an hour of release for a girl in order to simply undress her, blindfold her and fasten her to the table. So she sits on her knees for an hour. There was also a funny incident: we have a go-go cage on stage, tall and with a door. Once, one girl got so annoyed with a guest that he put her in this cage for an hour of release, only for her to fall behind.

I think that striptease has changed me a lot: I have become bolder and more feminine, I began to understand people better, I learned to make new acquaintances and communicate, I stopped being shy.

All my friends know who I work for - I see no reason to hide it. I have never met anyone who had a negative attitude towards my work and me - perhaps I just don’t communicate with such people. In principle, I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks, the main thing is that I like it.


Our income is extremely unstable. Those who have been working for a long time may receive more or less the same amount per day. I can’t do this yet, because I often change clubs and take breaks from work, I don’t have time to get used to it. Sometimes I get tired - then I go on vacation, and then I start working in a new place. Also, the salary depends on the season - the hottest time is in winter, before the New Year.

I earn from 60 to 110 thousand rubles a month. A percentage of the services that I managed to sell is added to the rate. Each club has its own, usually they give me about 50%. Guests can also give tips, which I keep for myself. This is the average salary; There are girls who make 250–300 thousand rubles a month, but there are few of them, and they plow every day.


I don’t pay for housing, I live in my apartment in the Moscow region. I am quite happy with public transport - I spend 4 thousand rubles a month. Sometimes I take a taxi, but I rarely pay for it. I spend 10 thousand rubles on food, but on clothes it’s always different. Clothes in the style that I love are not cheap, so about 20 thousand rubles are spent on them. The last time a man bought me a dress, it cost about $120. In a cafe, even if I pay for myself, I spend about 500 rubles. I don't see any point in spending more on this. I don't have any loans.

You can save money when everything is good at work, that is, on those days when many good guests come. I usually save up for something specific - for example, this is how I saved up for breast surgery. I worked for a month and had an operation, it cost me 130 thousand rubles. This is not for the sake of work, but for herself. I had huge complexes about my body, but now everything is fine.

I have a hobby. I really love BJD dolls - I sew clothes for them and do makeup. This costs up to 15 thousand rubles a month.

I don't travel often. In principle, I can work abroad and combine business with pleasure. Then, as a rule, I only need to buy tickets. I can probably deny myself everything. If I really need to, I can live in any conditions.