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Story. Modern map of Palestine. The main attractions of Palestine: photos and descriptions The modern name of Palestine

Once a beautiful area with clean, intact homes and infrastructure, the Palestinian territory is now a dilapidated disaster zone. The ongoing war for the right to own their ancestral lands takes away the opportunity for the population to take a break and restore their economic activity.

The story of a small but very proud state is still sad, but Palestinians are full of hope for a bright future. They believe that one day Allah will remove all infidels from their path and give peace and freedom to the Palestinian people.

Where is Palestine?

The territory of Palestine is located in the Middle East. Geographic map includes in this territory the Asian countries of the southwestern part: Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and others. Among them there are surprising differences in the state system: some states are distinguished by republican rule, others by monarchical rule.

Historians have proven that the territories of the Middle East are the ancestral home of ancient civilizations that disappeared many millions of years ago. Three famous world religions appeared here - Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The terrain mainly consists of sandy deserts or impassable mountains. For the most part, there is no agriculture here. However, many countries have risen to the peak of their modern development thanks to oil fields.

A darkening factor for the residents is territorial disputes, due to which a huge number of civilians are dying. Since the emergence of a Jewish state was an unexpected factor, almost all countries of the second point abandoned diplomatic relations with Israel. And military conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians have continued from 1947 to the present day.

Initially, the location of Palestine occupied the entire area, ranging from the waters of the Jordan to the Mediterranean shores. In the middle of the last century, the Palestinian disposition changed after the creation of the famous state of Israel.

Which city is Jerusalem status

The history of the ancient city of Jerusalem goes back to ancient times BC. Modern realities do not leave the sacred land alone. The division of the city began immediately after the establishment of the borders between Israel and the Arab state in 1947, after many years of British claims. However, Jerusalem was endowed with a special international status; all military garrisons were to be withdrawn from it; accordingly, life was supposed to be exclusively peaceful. But, as often happens, everything did not go according to plan. Despite the instructions of the UN, in 48-49 of the twentieth century there was a military conflict between Arabs and Israelis to establish power over Jerusalem. As a result, the city was divided into parts between the Jordanian state, which was given the eastern part, and the Israeli state, which received the western territories of the ancient city.

The famous Six-Day War of 67 of the 20th century was won by Israel, and Jerusalem completely became part of it. But the UN Security Council did not agree with this policy and ordered Israel to withdraw its troops from Jerusalem, recalling the decree of 1947. However, Israel ignored all the demands and refused to demilitarize the city. And already on May 6, 2004, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the full right of Palestine to occupy the eastern part of Jerusalem. Then military conflicts began with renewed vigor.

Now Palestine has a temporary capital - Ramallah, located thirteen kilometers from Israel, in the center of the western banks of the Jordan River. The city was recognized as the capital of Palestine in 1993. In the 1400s BC, the settlement of Rama was located on the site of the city. This was the era of the Judges, and the place was the sacred Mecca for Israel. The modern boundaries of the city were formed in the mid-16th century. Wars were also fought over this city, and at the beginning of the second millennium AD the city was finally transferred to the state of Palestine. The burial place of Yasser Arafat, who passed away in 2004, is located in Ramallah. The population is twenty-seven and a half thousand people, exclusively Arabs live here, some of whom profess Islam, and some of whom are Christians.

President of the country

The President of Palestine is the same chairman of the Palestinian National Authority. As in many presidential countries, he is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President has the right to appoint and remove the Prime Minister, and is also personally involved in approving the composition of the government. The President can revoke the powers of the head of the board at any time. He has the power to dissolve parliament and call early elections. The Palestinian President is the determining element in matters of foreign and domestic policy.

TO historical information This can be attributed to the fact that, by UN decree, Palestine was prohibited from representing its head as the President of Palestine, despite the fact that the state of Palestine was officially created in 1988. The penultimate chairman, Yasser Arafat, did not use the word president to designate his position. But the real chairman of the Palestinian Authority in 2013 issued a decree officially replacing the position with a presidential one. True, many countries around the world have not recognized this change.

The name of the President, who has ruled for four years, is Abu Mazen. The Palestinian president's term of office cannot exceed five years and can only be re-elected consecutively once. Yasser Arafat, his predecessor, died while in office.

Where are the borders of Palestine? Geography of the country

Officially, only 136 UN member countries out of 193 have recognized Palestine as a state. The historical territory of Palestine is divided into four parts, which consist of the lands of the coastal plain to the Mediterranean territories of Galilee - the northern part, Samaria - the central part, located on the northern side of Holy Jerusalem and Judea - the southern part that includes Jerusalem itself. Such boundaries were established according to biblical scriptures. However, on this moment The Palestinian area is divided into only two parts: the bank of the Jordan, the river in Palestine (its western part) and the Gaza Strip.

Let's consider the first component of the Arab state. stretched for only 6 thousand kilometers, and the total length of the border is four hundred kilometers. In summer it is quite hot here, but in winter the climatic conditions are mild. The lowest point of the area is the Dead Sea with its 400 meters below sea level. With the help of irrigation, local residents adapted to using the land for agricultural needs.

The West Bank is a predominantly flat area. Palestine as a whole has a very small amount of territorial land - 6220 square kilometers. The main part of the western plain is covered with small hills and desert, and there is no sea traffic. And forest space is only one percent. Accordingly, the border between Palestine and Jordan runs here.

The next part of the country is the Gaza Strip, with a border length of sixty-two kilometers. The area consists of hills and sand dunes, the climate is dry and the summers are very hot. Gas depends almost entirely on supply drinking water from the source of Wadi Gaza, from where Israel also receives its water. The Gaza Strip borders Israel and is connected to all vital communications that the Jewish state has established. In the west, Gaza is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and in the south it borders on Egypt.


Considering that the area of ​​Palestine is quite small, the population in Palestine is only about five million. The exact data for 2017 is 4 million 990 thousand 882 people. If we recall the mid-twentieth century, the population growth over half a century was almost 4 million. Compared to 1951, when the country consisted of 900 thousand people. The number of male and female populations is almost the same, the birth rate exceeds the death rate, perhaps this is also due to a slight decrease in military operations in the form of bombing populated areas. Migration is also popular, with almost ten thousand people fleeing Palestine this year. The average life expectancy for men is only 4 years less than for women and is 72 years and 76 years, respectively.

Since, by UN decree, the eastern part of Jerusalem belongs to Palestine, the population is almost entirely Israeli, as is the west of the city. The Gaza Strip is inhabited mainly by Arabs who profess Sunni Islam, but among them there are also a couple of thousand Arabs with a Christian cross on their necks. In general, Gaza is mainly settlements of refugees who fled Israeli soil 60 years ago. Today, hereditary refugees live in Gaza.

Approximately four million former Palestinian residents live in refugee status. They settled in the territories of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and other states of the Middle East. The official language of Palestine is Arabic, but knowledge of Hebrew, English and French is common.

History of origin

The historical name of the state of Palestine comes from Philistia. The population of Palestine at that time was also called the Philistines, which literally translated from Hebrew means “invaders.” The place of settlement of the Philistines was the modern part of the Mediterranean coast of Israel. The second millennium BC was marked by the appearance of Jews in these territories, who nicknamed the area Canaan. In the Jewish Bible, Palestine is referred to as the Land of the Children of Israel. Starting from the time of Herodotus, other Greek philosophers and scientists began to call Palestine Syria Palestine.

In all history textbooks, the state of Palestine traces its origins to the colonization of the area by the Canaanite tribes. In the early period before the coming of Christ, the area was captured by different peoples: Egyptians, invaders from the shores of Crete, and so on. 930 BC divided the country into two different states - the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah.

The population of Palestine suffered from the aggressive actions of the ancient Persian state of the Achaemenids; it was annexed by various states of the Hellenistic period, and in 395 it was part of Byzantium. However, the revolt against the Romans brought exile to the Jewish people.

Since 636, Palestine came under Arab control, and for six centuries, like a ball, it rolled from the hands of the Arab conquerors into the hands of the crusaders. Since the 13th century, Palestine has been part of the Kingdom of Egypt, and it was ruled by the Mamluks until the arrival of the Ottomans.

The beginning of the 16th century falls on the reign of Selim the First, who increases his territories with the help of the sword. For 400 years the population of Palestine was subject to Ottoman Empire. Of course, over the years, successive European military expeditions, for example, Napoleon, tried to take possession of the territory. Meanwhile, the fleeing Jews returned to Jerusalem. Together with Nazareth and Bethlehem, leadership was carried out on behalf of Orthodox and Catholic church leaders. But beyond the borders of the holy cities, the overwhelming majority of the population was still Sunni Arabs.

Forced settlement of Palestine by Jews

In the 19th century, Ibrahim Pasha came to the country, he conquered the lands and founded his residence in During the eight years of his reign, the Egyptians managed to carry out a reform movement according to the models presented to them by Europe. Natural resistance on the part of the Muslim people was not long in coming, but they suppressed it with bloody military force. Despite this, during the period of Egyptian occupation, extensive excavations and research were carried out in the territories of Palestine. Scientists have tried to find evidence for the biblical writings. Towards the middle of the 19th century, a British consulate was established in Jerusalem.

At the end of the 19th century, Jewish people poured into Palestine at breakneck speed, mostly followers of Zionism. A new stage in the history of the state of Palestine has begun. At the beginning of the last century, the Arab population was 450 thousand, and the Jewish population was 50 thousand.

After the First World War, London establishes its mandate over the territories of Palestine and modern Jordan. The British authorities pledged to create a large national Jewish diaspora in Palestine. In this regard, in the 20s, the Transjordanian state was formed, where Jews from Eastern Europe began to move, and their number grew to 90 thousand. In order for everyone to find something to do, they specially drained the swamps of the Israel Valley and prepared the land for agricultural activities.

After the sad events in Germany and other European countries, Hitler’s rise to power, some Jews managed to leave for Jerusalem, but the rest were subjected to brutal repression, the consequences of which the whole world knows and mourns. After the end of World War II, Jews made up thirty percent of the total population of Palestine.

The creation of Israel was a blow to the Palestinian territories and the state as a whole. The United Nations, by its right, decided to allocate a certain piece of the Kingdom of Palestine for the Jews and give it to them to create a separate Jewish state. From this moment on, serious military conflicts begin between the Arab and Jewish people, each fighting for their ancestral lands, for their truth. At the moment, the situation has still not been resolved and the confrontation with the Palestinian army continues.

By the way, Soviet Union also had its part in the Arab lands, which were called Russian Palestine and were acquired back in the days Russian Empire. On the lands there were special real estate objects that were intended for Russian pilgrims and Orthodox people from other countries. True, these lands were later resold to Israel in the 60s.

The President and the Palestinian lands are protected by the Palestine Liberation Army. In fact, it is a separate military organization that had its head office in Syria and is supported by Syrian Islamists, therefore, according to some Russian and Israeli sources, the AOP is a terrorist group. It took part in almost all military operations against Palestine and its leaders condemn all military activities against Syria and the Syrian people by Western countries.

Country culture

Palestine's culture modern form features works and works of local art. Palestine is gradually developing cinema; taking into account world examples, the dynamics can be seen at a good level.

In general, the art of Palestine is closely connected with Jewish art, because these two peoples lived side by side for hundreds of years. Despite political strife, literature and painting are based on traditional culture Jews, and practically nothing remained of the Arab past. More than seventy percent of the population are Sunni Muslims, that is, Islam is the traditional religion of the state, which coexists with minorities in the form of Christians and Jews.

The same goes for customs and traditions. There is practically nothing from the Arabs in Palestine: for many centuries, the Palestinians absorbed Jewish traditions both in the song style and in the dance steps. The design of the houses and interior decoration are also almost identical to the Jewish ones.

The present state of Palestine

Today the most major cities Palestine can be called Jerusalem (taking into account its Eastern part, given by UN decree to Palestine), Ramallah (the capital city), Jenin and Nablus. By the way, the only airport was located in the temporary capital area, but was closed in 2001.

Modern Palestine looks depressing from the outside; crossing the famous wall, which is a military fence between the two countries, you find yourself in a world of complete destruction and “dead” silence. Houses dilapidated by bombing border on newly rebuilt ones. Many Palestinians, left homeless, live the life of refugees and equip stone caves for rooms. They build masonry walls in the form of walls to enclose the family territory. Despite advanced development in different areas, poverty dominates the number of jobs. Having traveled a little deeper through the country, we find ourselves in the last century, where there is no electricity or it is supplied at certain times. Many people burn fires to keep warm right on the floor of the former entrances of now destroyed houses. Some never left their dilapidated home; they continue to make internal frames for stability, because there is simply no opportunity for major repairs - financial support does not allow them to spend so much money on expensive restoration.

At the border of two warring states, a thorough check of documents is underway. If the bus is a tourist bus, then the police may not throw everyone out onto the street, but simply walk around the cabin and check their passports. The thing is that Israelis are prohibited from entering Palestinian territory, in particular, zone A. Everywhere on the roads there are indications of zones and warning signs that it is hazardous to health for an Israeli to be in this place. But who will go there? But many Palestinians, on the contrary, have Israeli IDs and, accordingly, dual citizenship (if we take Palestine as a separate, isolated state).

The local currency is the Israeli shekel. Which is convenient for tourists who suddenly find themselves from the western part of Jerusalem to the eastern. The central parts of the temporary capital and large cities look more modern and even have their own nightlife. According to tourists, people here are hospitable and always try to help, but there are scammer taxi drivers and street guides. Despite the close connection with Israeli culture, Muslim shrines are highly revered by local Arab residents, so you need to dress accordingly for a trip to Palestine.

IN last years Another problem between Palestinians and Israelis was the construction of Israeli settlements in the west of the Jordan River and in East Jerusalem. Officially, such settlements are prohibited and illegal. Some Arab families have lost their private lands, which, however, they promise to return in monetary terms.

But there are also Jewish houses facing demolition on the west bank of the Jordan River; the resettlement of such people has been delayed for ten years, due to the reluctance of the Jews themselves to leave their territories. They build barricades and organize rallies. The Palestinians are fierce opponents of any presence of a Jewish commune on the lands of their state. Thus, the conflict drags on for even more years, because Israel categorically refuses to listen to the instructions of the UN, and the idea of ​​​​creating two separate states is gradually becoming utopian.

Jordan River

There are only three rivers in the Palestinian state: Jordan, Kishon, Lachish. Of course, the most interesting is the Jordan River. And not by his attitude towards Palestine or Israel, but from a spiritual point of view. It was here that Christ was baptized, after which he was proclaimed the prophet Jesus, and it is here that pilgrims come to bathe, and many to accept the faith of Christianity. In ancient times, pilgrims took with them clothes completely soaked in the waters of the Jordan, and shipbuilders scooped up sacred waters with buckets for storage on the ship. Such rituals were believed to bring good luck and happiness.

Palestine is a sacred land that is associated with such legendary biblical names as Abraham and Sarah, Joseph and Mary, Jesus Christ, Isaac and Jacob. Every year it is visited by several thousand pilgrims who flock here from all corners of the Earth.

In addition, Palestine attracts true connoisseurs of antiquity. This long-suffering region has a lot to offer curious travelers - ancient cities, magnificent temples, ancient landscapes, deep caves and much more.

On the territory of Palestine is located one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world - Hebron. In Arabic its name sounds like Khalil El Rahman, which means "Friend of God". Hebron is a shrine to the three largest mono-religions in the world - Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The city is inextricably linked with the name of the great biblical prophet and ancestor of many nations - Abraham, who chose Hebron as the place of his residence and the burial of his wife Sarah.

Hebron is attractive for tourism not only due to its rich historical and biblical heritage, but also due to its appearance. Numerous winding streets, ancient temples and buildings attract travelers from all over the world.

The name of the city immediately evokes images of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus, as well as the three wise men who brought sacred gifts to the cradle of the divine child. For Christians, Bethlehem is the most sacred place on Earth, since it was here that Jesus Christ was born from the immaculate conception.

Modern Bethlehem is one of the main tourist destinations in Palestine. Not only numerous pilgrims come here, but also connoisseurs of antiquity. The city is famous for its magnificent temples and palaces, which are true masterpieces of oriental architecture.

The temple was built in 332 by Emperor Constantine on the site of the cave where, according to biblical tradition, the baby Jesus was born. Unfortunately, the temple has not been preserved in its original form. All that remained of it was a fragment of the mosaic on the floor and part of the frame. The existing Basica was erected on the site of a destroyed temple in the first half of the 6th century.

In my own way appearance The basilica resembles more of a fortress designed to protect Holy place from invaders and insults to believers. The interior decoration of the temple amazes with its luxury. Here you can still see skillfully made mosaics dating back several centuries.

The main site of the Basilica is the Grotto of the Birth, where Jesus was born. His birthplace is marked with a silver Star of Bethlehem on the white marble floor.

In the city of Beit Sahour, God's messengers told the shepherds the Good News - the birth of Jesus. Translated from Arabic, the name of the settlement is translated as “field of shepherds.” At the resting place of the shepherds, an underground temple of St. George the Victorious was erected. In addition, the shepherds themselves and several Christian martyrs who died at the hands of the Persians at the beginning of the 7th century were buried here.

Quarantal is the legendary Mount of Temptation, located next to the ruins of the ancient city of Jericho in the Judean Desert. According to biblical tradition, Satan tempted Jesus Christ here for 40 days.

Quarantal is one of the main places of pilgrimage for Christians. Near its top there is an Orthodox Greek monastery, built in the distant IV century. The main shrine of the temple is the stone on which Jesus Christ prayed during his forty-day fast.

Not far from the Church of the Nativity there is a milk grotto. It is primarily a place of pilgrimage for women who, for some reason, cannot conceive a child or have problems with lactation.

According to biblical legend, after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph hid from the soldiers of King Herod the Great in the territory of a secluded grotto. When Maria was breastfeeding her son, drops of milk fell on the walls, turning them milky. It is generally accepted that the powder from the cave walls has miraculous properties and helps women solve their problems.

On the territory of the grotto there is an icon of the Mother of God, which women with problems of conception or lack of breast milk can turn to.

This is one of the pilgrimage sites in Bethlehem. Here the saint worked on translating and compiling tests of the Old and New Testaments in Latin. In total, Jerome spent 33 years of his life in the cave.

You can get into the cave only from the Church of St. Catherine. Before entering the holy place, tourists will see stained glass windows depicting the saint in the process of his work.

In the central part of ancient Jericho there is the Zacchaeus tree, which, according to biblical tradition, existed during the time of Jesus Christ. It was on it that, due to his short stature, the tax collector Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus, who was heading to Jericho.

This is one of the oldest cities on Earth, which, unfortunately, is currently almost completely in ruins. It dates back over 10 thousand years. Throughout the history of its existence, it was destroyed more than once and passed from the hands of one conqueror to another. The city is mentioned several times in the Old and New Testaments, making it a major place of pilgrimage for Christians and Jews.

As a result of archaeological excavations, many artifacts, ancient temples and structures were found on the territory of Jericho. Near the city there is the legendary Mount of Temptation and the Tree of Zacchaeus.

To the east of ancient Jericho, a modern city of the same name was built, which is continuously developing. Local residents are running Agriculture and work in the tourist services industry.

This is a legendary place, located among a pine forest 4 km south of Bethlehem. Solomon's ponds are fragments of hydraulic structures built by King Solomon. The stone reservoirs, which in the past could hold 160 thousand cubic meters of water, are quite well preserved. Rainwater accumulated in them, which was then supplied to nearby cities using special pumps.

These are the ruins of the palace of Herod the Great, striking with their former power and grandeur. The fortress is located on a hill east of Bethlehem. Previously, it had a height of 8 floors. At the foot of the hill there was a thermal bath, a swimming pool, and also a palace for those close to the king.

This is one of the largest structures in ancient Judea. Outwardly, Mar Saba resembles a fortress rather than a monastery. Previously, several thousand monks lived here.

The monastery was founded in the second half of the 5th century by the Monk Sava the Sanctified. First, a cave church was built here, and after students began to arrive here, a decision was made to build fortified monastery walls and watchtowers.

Until today, the monastery has been preserved quite well. It is worth noting that Mar Saba is a men's temple, so women are strictly prohibited from entering here.

This is the winter palace of Caliph Hishiam, which was once a majestic and powerful structure. However, shortly after its construction, a major earthquake occurred, turning the palace into ruins. Currently, only fragments of this once luxurious structure are available to tourists. The mosaic floor and fragments of walls are well preserved. Particularly admirable is the “Tree of Life” mosaic, which is an imitation of the famous Persian carpets.

In 1947, in one of the local caves of Qumran, Bedouin shepherds found the most important find - the Dead Sea Scrolls. These are the oldest biblical scriptures, the significance of which for the world is quite great. Since that time, large-scale archaeological excavations began on the territory of Qumran. Various scrolls and fragments of biblical texts, as well as ancient household items, were found. All finds are currently stored in the Israeli museum - the Temple of the Book.

The first mentions of Palestine, or rather the prototype of the state that was located on the modern territory of Palestine, have biblical roots and date back to the ninth millennium BC, when, according to legend, the city of Jericho was built on the banks of the ancient Jordan River. And it was with him that the modern history of Palestine began.

The vicissitudes of Judea or the history of Palestine

If we return once again to the question of the historical right of Jews and Arabs to Palestine, then history of Palestine seems to be a rather tangled “tangle” of the whole chain historical events starting from the formation of the Canaanite kingdom, which, according to the Bible, was conquered by the Hebrew tribes under the leadership of Joshua. And then this territory changed its owners and patrons many times, from the ancient Roman conquerors to the rulers of the Ottoman Empire.

And today, debates continue in scientific and political circles as to whether this territory is originally Arab or has belonged to Jews since time immemorial. So, until Palestine ceases to be the subject of military-political interests of leading world leaders, the question of Palestinian statehood will remain in limbo, as evidenced by story the last fifty years of the existence of this state.

Capital of Palestine

Based on numerous historical twists and turns, it should be located in Jerusalem. However, the creation of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization led by Yasser Arafat, the realities were slightly adjusted by the UN decision of 1947, the capital of modern Palestine is ancient city Palestinians Ramallah, and no less ancient Jerusalem received the status of an open city under the protectorate of the same United Nations.

Population of Palestine

Today, the Palestinian population numbers just over 4.6 million. And the overwhelming majority are the so-called ethnic Arab Palestinians, who consider themselves heirs of the Canaanites, whose Arab roots have been evident since 634, when the Arabs invaded the historical lands of Palestine under the leadership of Caliph Adu Bakr.

State of Palestine

This is how it turns out purely historically, but the question of whether it is legal from a legal point of view remains open today. But a significant part of the Arab countries of the Middle East do not even question this issue and open representative offices of Palestine in their capitals, unlike representatives of Israel.

Politics of Palestine

Today it is somewhat problematic to talk about what it is. Since for several decades now Palestine and its military formations are waging an undeclared guerrilla war with Israel. At the same time, according to some leaders of Palestine itself and a number of Arab countries, it captured part of the territory of this state not recognized by the world community.

Language of Palestine

Officially belong to the Arabic group of languages, which is enshrined in the official documents of this public education. Taking into account precisely this moment, the Palestine culture . However, the realities of our time make their own small adjustments. Since some of the population of Palestine considers themselves ethnic Jews, Hebrew is practiced as the language of interethnic communication in Palestine.

Palestine and Israel are undoubtedly the most bizarre states in the world. Let's start with the fact that a small handful of Jews who survived the Second World War were able to receive the largest indemnity from Germany at that time for the total destruction of the Jewish nation. But this same handful of Jews received a considerable amount of territory on the site of an ancient state, long forgotten by everyone and mentioned only in connection with biblical events. Then Jews from all over the world came to these lands, fulfilling the long-standing dream of their people - finding the Promised Land. In a few years, using the power of money and weapons, this piece of land turned into a sovereign, powerful independent country.

As for the map of Palestine and Israel, the borders of these states. Naturally, the Arabs did not really like the fact that a new state had been formed, and they declared war on the Jewish people. But he repelled the attack of the Arab army, moreover, went on the offensive and defeated the entire Arab army. But, you need to know the Arab people, they did not accept defeat, because the whole point in principle is how to accept defeat from a people who never have their own lands and territories.

And therefore, in the division of territories to this day, they do not make any concessions or compromises, since they cannot bear such a humiliation of everything Arab people. The division of territories continues between the Arab world and the Jews to this day. From the Palestinian side, there are constant protests by Arab extremists and shelling. Most likely, the Arabs still hope that soon, at the cost of various efforts, they will erase the strange entity Israel from the map of Palestine and Israel.

As for Palestine itself, this state is even more mysterious and interesting. Palestine today has become so accustomed to the image of a fighter against Israel, so imbued with this spirit of struggle against the Jewish state, that it is unlikely that it will be able to live today differently - without wars, in peace.

But, at the same time, mutual confrontation does not prevent the Arab population from working in Israel, and from having and using state government.

But, as for the tourist map of Palestine and Israel, its merits should be appreciated by all tourists without exception. Since everything is marked on the map, including Palestine, popular tourist routes, and biblical places. Moreover, on the map of Palestine and Israel, not only large cities and the main Israeli resorts are marked in full detail, other settlements, rivers and reservoirs are also marked, as well as the states with which Israel and Palestine neighbor. In addition, using the map you can find out the administrative structure of Israel and Palestine.

The map of Palestine and Israel clearly shows that Palestine is divided into several geographical areas - the Coastal Plain, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea region, Galilee - in the northern part of the country, Samaria - the central part, located north of Jerusalem, and Judea - the southern part of Palestine, in which Jerusalem enters. And one more area - east coast Jordan River - Transjordan.

By the way, exactly the same geographical concepts are mentioned in the Bible. Today, the territory of Samaria and Judea is more often called the West Bank of the Jordan River; this name is more commonly accepted in Russian-language sources. If you look at the map of Palestine and Israel, it shows not only the administrative division of the state, but also the landscape, geographical position. For example, in the territory of Samaria, Galilee and Judea there are also mountain groups, valleys and deserts.

The map to the south shows the mountainous Judean Plateau, in the center of the state - the Samaria Mountains, and a little further away - Mount Tabor, the famous ski resort Hermon, the famous Mount Carmel, where the prophet Elijah lived in a cave. Here on the map you can see all the water bodies of the countries - Lake Tiberias, which is located below sea level, and the Dead Sea, a unique body of water located 418 meters below sea level. The Dead Sea is the deepest land basin on earth.

The Gaza Strip - by decision of the United Nations - is part of the territory that was specifically allocated for Arab Palestine. As can be seen on the map of Palestine and Israel, the Gaza Strip is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The eastern and western borders of the Gaza Strip are with Israel, and the southwestern with Egypt. If we talk about the area of ​​the Gaza Strip, it is approximately 360 square kilometers, while the length is 50 kilometers, and the width of the Gaza Strip ranges from 6 to 12 kilometers. There is an agreement between Palestine and Israel, signed in Oslo, according to which the State of Israel provides full military control and military protection of the airspace of the Gaza Strip, as well as some of its borders on land and sea, that is, territorial waters. Today, most of the population of Palestine - the Gaza Strip are refugees who fled the territory of Israel during the wars. In the Gaza Strip, the population density is at the level of Berlin in Germany, which is approximately 4 thousand people per square kilometer.

But, nevertheless, the main advantage of the map of Palestine and Israel is that you can look at it and see detailed diagrams of different Palestinian autonomy - Tel Aviv and Eilat, Nazareth and Bethlehem, Tiberias and Haifa. By the way, the map necessarily displays the most famous tourist places for tourists, all tourist routes to attractions and holy places, historical and architectural monuments are indicated. For example, on the map you can easily find a popular exotic farm in Tiberias where crocodiles are raised - Hamat Gader. Here, on this farm, you can see a fascinating and sometimes simply shocking crocodile show.

Using a detailed map of Palestine and Israel, you can get to any settlement in the country without any problems or difficulties. The map clearly and clearly shows road maps in Israel, gas stations are indicated, as well as roadside cafes and restaurants, shops and all the interesting places that you should definitely visit when traveling through the amazing and unique country of Israel.

By the way, on many maps that are sold for tourists, including the map of Palestine and Israel, all the companies and offices that are engaged in renting out cars are indicated, and therefore this issue is removed from the agenda, since with the help maps you can easily find such a company or office.

Among other things, the map of Palestine and Israel displays all the necessary telephone numbers, Internet points, email addresses of various firms and companies, as well as short description of a particular area and information about the country. On the map you can find hotels and hotel complexes popular among tourists, restaurants and cafes.

It must be said that for many travelers, a map is a kind of guide to the country, as well as a storyteller about its attractions, historical places, a brief historical reference book, a “navigator”, and, of course, a guide who will tell you about cities and towns, roads and routes, the history of the country and its present.