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Animal names in English. My Favorite Animal (Stories about Animals in English). Pets in English

How to write a short story about my favorite animal? It's very simple. In this article you will find several examples of such stories about both pets and wild animals from the forest. You yourself can compose any similar story using a simple scheme: first you name this animal, then describe its appearance, what is characteristic of it (for example, long ears, a short tail, beautiful fur, smart eyes - everything that seems characteristic of it to you). this animal).

Then describe a little of its habits, what it can do, how it helps people, or how you take care of it, how this animal plays, where it lives, what its favorite food is, and so on. At the end you can write a short conclusion about why you like this animal. The main thing you may need is a supply of adjectives about animals, the ability to use verbs in, and you can check the correct spelling of your essay for free on the website:

Animal stories:

My favorite animal is a dog

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. He is white with a bit of brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice his tail is wagging. He likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. He lives in our house. All my family likes to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone approaches me, he starts to bark. But he never bites. All these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. It is mostly white with some brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice, his tail wags in a friendly manner. He loves to eat meat and cakes. He lives in our house. My whole family loves playing with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his mouth and drops it on my leg for me to kick. Larry takes care of me. If someone comes near me, he starts barking. But he never bites. All of these reasons show why I truly love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite animal is cat

My favorite pet is my little cat. Its name is Musya. Her color is white, gray and a little reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it by her selves, but I also keep her neat and clean. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also likes fish and meat. She is playful. Sometimes she is scratching me with her claws. Musya likes to go out in our garden where she eats some grass and climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I like playing with my cat very much.

My favorite pet is my little cat. Her name is Musya. She is white with gray and reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it herself, but I keep hers clean and tidy too. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also loves fish and meat. She's playful. She sometimes scratches me with her claws. Musya loves to go outside in our garden, where she eats grass and climbs trees. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I really like playing with my cat.

My favorite animal is horse

My favorite animal is a horse. Its name is Mila. Its color is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very big and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers in their work. She likes eating grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love to feed her, to take care of her, and I love riding her.

My favorite animal is a horse. Her name is Mila. It is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very large and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers with their work. She loves to eat grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love feeding her, taking care of her, and I love riding her.

More short stories about my favorite animal

Hedgehog - Hedgehog

My favorite animal is the hedgehog. It has sharp spines all over its back. He can curl up into a ball. He can climb trees and swim in water. He loves to eat bugs and dig in the ground for earthworms. He uses his sense of smell to find food.

The hedgehog sleeps under stones and in tall grass. It has short legs and a short tail. He doesn't like winter. Winter is too cold for hedgehogs, so they curl up and go to sleep. A few months later they wake up and they are very hungry!

Fox - Fox

My favorite animal is fox. They look like dogs. They have triangular ears and a long and bushy tail. The fox has reddish fur and a pointed muzzle.

At night they like to catch mice and rabbits. They also eat fruits and vegetables. They live in the forest. Sometimes they go to farms to hunt chicken. Farmers don't like foxes.

There are many fairy tales about the fox. The fox is cunning and careful. I love them because they are very beautiful.

Monkey - Monkey

My favorite animal is the monkey. Monkeys have five fingers and five toes, just like humans. They have long arms and a long tail.

The monkey lives in trees in tropical forests. It is very hot in the tropical forest. They swing on the branches with great pleasure.

They love to chew fruits and leaves. Bananas are their favorite food. A group of monkeys is called a troop. Monkeys are very smart animals.

Penguin - Penguin

My favorite animal is the penguin. It is a type of bird, but it cannot fly. He waddles.
They have black and white feathers. They have black and orange beaks and black webbed feet. Penguins are good swimmers. They can jump out of the water. They live in a very cold place called Antarctica.

There is a lot of ice and the water is very cold. Penguins have a lot of fat on their bodies to keep them warm. They eat seafood, preferably fish and squid. They can lie on their stomachs and slide across the snow. I like penguins because they are so cute and wonderful.

Dolphin - Dolphin

My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins live in the ocean. Dolphins have a long tail and a large fin at the top. Their skin is gray and white, and they have no hair.

They can swim very fast and jump out of the water. They are very smart. There are many varieties of dolphins. You can find them in all the oceans of the planet.

They eat fish and seafood. They can play. They can make sounds. Some species of dolphins can hold their breath for 30 minutes. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open. Dolphins are very good and friendly, and sometimes they can save people's lives.

Parrot - Parrot

My favorite bird is the parrot. The parrot is a very beautiful and intelligent bird. He lives in warm countries. Its colors are green, yellow, blue and red. It has a strong and curved beak. It eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds, pears, nuts, and cooked rice. It can also eat worms and other insects. He washes himself every morning.

Some parrots can talk and whistle. They can imitate the human voice. Some people keep parrots in a small cage at home. Some people train parrots to do amazing things.
I love parrots because they are very beautiful, smart and can learn to do many things.

Hamster - Hamster

My favorite animal is the hamster. He has a small body, a very short tail, mustache, sharp teeth and red eyes. A hamster looks like a mouse. Hamsters love to eat seeds, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Hamsters are black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red or a mixture of colors.

Hamsters are cute and smart. Typically, they sleep during the day and play at night. They carry food in their cheeks and this makes their head twice the size. It is very funny. The hamster is playful. He loves to exercise, so you should put a play wheel in his cage. I like hamsters because they are very cute and funny.

Fish - Fish

I have a goldfish and his name is Minor. He lives in a large aquarium. Minor has large black eyes and chubby cheeks. It has a long tail, which helps it swim very fast. At night he sleeps in a hole in a large stone. He's probably having some really nice fish dreams!

Minor loves to eat fish food. I feed him twice a day. Minor is a very greedy fish because he loves a lot of food. His stomach looks like it's going to burst, but he never stops eating.

I like my goldfish because he is calm and quiet, easy to take care of, and very funny. That's why my cute goldfish is my favorite pet. I absolutely adore it.

Cow - Cow

My Zorka, like all cows, has a tail, two horns, an udder, and four legs with hooves. It is black with large white spots on its sides. Zorka moos loudly. In the summer, Zorka grazes in the meadow all day, and in the evening she goes home herself, and I follow her, but in the winter she remains in the stall. She mostly eats grass and drinks water. We also give her some vegetables and bread.

In winter she eats hay and straw. There is always a large piece of salt in the corner of the stall and Zorka can lick it whenever she wants. Zorka chews all the time.

She is a friendly and smart cow. Zorka gives us milk, and her milk is very tasty. My mother milks her twice a day. Zorka is curious and calm, but she can be scared if someone wants to touch her. We make butter and cream from Zorka's milk. I love to play with my beloved Zorka, pet her and give her tidbits. She snorts funny and tries to lick my nose.


Molly is very small, with short brown fur and a white belly. She has rounded ears, a pointed nose with curly mustache, beautiful black eyes and a long tail. Molly is a very clean animal that constantly grooms itself by licking its fur.

I put shredded paper and fabrics in her crate so she can have a comfortable bed. My Molly rips fabric and makes a huge nest in the middle of which she sleeps, it's very cute.
I love her and give her the best food and care. I clean her cage every 3 weeks and give her mouse food every day. She also loves fresh vegetables, seeds, cheese, fruits and grain bars from pet stores.

Whenever I give her food, she squeaks back, “thank you!” and eats her. Most of all she loves seeds.

She gets a lot of exercise, sits on my hand when I reach her into her crate, and loves to be held. Molly is tame and pleasant.

Mice are great pets if you are willing to spend time playing with them and taming them.
I love mice because they are all unique, playful and loving animals.

Turtle - Turtle

My favorite animal is Dormouse the turtle because she is cute and easy to keep as a pet. The turtle has claws, but it is a tame animal that does not harm anyone. This reptile also has a thick, hard shell to protect itself. She uses her four plump legs to crawl. The turtle is known as an animal that is never in a hurry.

Sonia loves me and she slowly follows me around the house. She finds me and lies on her back waiting to be tickled. I tickle her, pick her up and take out some food. The turtle is mainly a vegetarian animal. It feeds on plants and sometimes worms. Sonya loves cheese and I always feed her it.

Sonya also likes to play with small balls, I roll them 30 cm and she follows them and tries to move the ball with her paws.

Some people like cats or puppies as pets, but I would definitely prefer a turtle because it has a long life. She can live more than 150 years.

We are all, to some extent, dependent on our smaller brothers. These cute little bundles of happiness bring us joy and lift our spirits. And although not all animals can be called cute, this makes their role in the existence of planet Earth no less important. Animals in English is the basis that all students go through when studying English. So that your vocabulary does not end with dogs and cats, you need to make a little effort. C"mon!

To make it easier for you to learn the names of animals in English, we have divided them by type. For example: domestic, farm, wild and exotic animals. In this article you will find lists where animals are presented in English with transcription. We are sure that you had no idea about the existence of some of the list.


Those very favorites that many want to acquire. Most of the words below may not be new to intermediate or beginner level students, but they can be extremely relevant to beginners learning English. Also, a list of pets in English for children will be very useful. In addition, animals in English for children and adults will be easier to learn if you use the Training section, which is absolutely free for all our registered users. You can simply create a list of words called “Animals”, the translation of which you will enter there. After studying this list, English will seem a little easier to you. And so that your spelling is correct, we have added a transcription to each word.

So let's get started.

Pets in English:

cat cat
kitten kitty
dog dog
puppy["pʌpɪ] puppy
hamster["hæmstə] hamster
parrot["pærət] parrot
guinea pig["ɡɪnɪ pɪɡ] guinea pig

Farm animals

Those friends who benefit us in the household are our irreplaceable helpers and breadwinners. You may already be familiar with most of the words on the list, but words like “lamb” and “kid” are less common. In English vocabulary, however, they will not be superfluous. When you are in a store abroad, now you definitely won’t be at a loss, if, of course, you want such meat.

Farm animals in English:

chicken["tʃɪkɪn] chicken
rooster["ru:stə] rooster
turkey["tɜ:kɪ] turkey
gobbler["gɔblə] turkey
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
billy goat goat
kid kid
sheep[ʃi:p] sheep
ram ram
lamb lamb
bull bull
cow cow
calf calf
horse horse
stallon["stæljən] foal
colt foal
mare mare
pig pig
sow female pig
piglet["pɪɡlɪŋ] pig
rabbit["ræbɪt] rabbit
kit rabbit, kitten
doe female (rabbit, deer, hare, goat, rat, mouse, ferret, kangaroo)
buck male (rabbit, hare, deer, antelope, sheep, goat)

Wild animals

Those that delight and frighten us are those, unfortunately or fortunately, that are not found in our country and cities, such as in Australia or Africa. But what if you happen to go on a luxury safari in Africa? It's worth improving your wildlife vocabulary to fully understand or even correct your guide.

Of course, you may never meet some animals in real life, but broadening your horizons has never harmed anyone. By the way, if you don’t know, it will be very useful to watch programs about wild animals in English. This way, you will improve your listening skills and also expand your vocabulary. Also remember that when learning new words, be it fruits, vegetables or animals, the English translation must be from a trusted source.

Wild animals in English:

crocodile["krɒkədaɪl] crocodile
deer deer
elephant["elɪfənt] elephant
elk elk
fox fox
giraffe giraffe
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
hare hare
hippopotamus hippopotamus
hyena hyena
jaguar["dʒæɡjʊə] jaguar
leopard["lɛpəd] leopard
lion["laɪən] lion
lynx lynx
marten["mɑ:tɪn] marten
mink mink
mole mole
mongoose["mɒŋɡu:s] mongoose
monkey["mʌŋki] monkey, monkey
mouse mouse
hedgehog["hedʒhɔg] hedgehog
muskrat["mʌskræt] muskrat
otter["ɒtə] otter
panda["pændə] panda
panther["pænθə] panther
polar["pəʊlə] fox arctic fox
puma["pju:mə] cougar
raccoon raccoon
rhinoceros rhinoceros
sable["seɪbl] sable
squirrel["skwɪrəl] squirrel
tiger["taɪɡə] tiger
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle (land)
wolf wolf
yak yak
zebra["zi:brə] zebra

Exotic animals

And these are the most unique, strange, disappearing and rare, crawling and rustling “troubles” that are phobias for many. Let them remain in your life only in your vocabulary. Although, you can have a cute turtle at home, just like a snake, but this is not an acquired taste. And, for example, you can even find a lizard in your country house. There are rumors that you can even buy a penguin for $5,000, but this must be a very carefully considered purchase.

Exotic animals in English:

hissing cockroach hissing cockroach
triton["trʌɪt(ə)n] tritone
piranha piranha
scorpion["skɔ:pɪən] scorpio
salamander["saləmandə] salamander
chameleon chameleon
tarantula tarantula
green iguana green iguana
tamandua ant-eater
flying squirrel["flaɪɪŋ "skwɪr(ə)l] flying squirrel
kinkajou["kɪŋkədʒu:] kinkajou (chain-tailed bear)
Chanterelle Fennec[ʃæntə"rel "fɛnɛk] fennec fox, African fox
skunk skunk
capybara capybara, capybara
hermit crab["hɜ:mɪt kræb] hermit crab
bush baby galago (prosimian)
alligator["alɪɡeɪtə] alligator
crocodile["krɒkədʌɪl] crocodile
emu["i:mju:] emu
ostrich["ɒstrɪtʃ] ostrich
penguin["pɛŋɡwɪn] penguin
snake snake
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle
lizard lizard
chinchilla chinchilla
kangaroo kangaroo


Any animal, like a person, has the right to a happy existence in this world. Make the decision to buy a pet consciously; do not leave your beloved kittens at home alone for days. Even wild animals are of great benefit to flora and fauna; it is important to love and protect nature.

Let all the animals in English be easy for you, develop with EnglishDom and become better every day.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

When studying English, it is impossible to ignore such a topic as animals. Animals are mentioned in ordinary daily conversations, films are made and books are written about them, and animals are often the heroes of common expressions and jokes.

In English, all animal names are neuter and can be replaced by the pronoun it.

The whale is in the sea- Whale in the sea.
It is in the sea- He's at sea.

But in the case when it is necessary to indicate the gender of an animal or indicate its special place, you can use the pronouns he or she.

This is my wombat. She is two years old- This is my wombat. She is two years old.

We have prepared for you a list of the most common wild and domestic animals and a table of how the animals themselves “speak” in English.

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Irregular English verbs: table, rules and examples

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Title in Russian Title in English Transcription
cat cat
dog dog
hamster hamster [ˈhamstər]
cow cow
goose goose
pig pig
sheep sheep
chicken han
rat rat
turtle turtle [ˈtərtl]
parrot parrot [ˈparət]
ferret ferret [ˈferət]
mouse mouse
bull bull
goat goat
turkey turkey [ˈtərkē]
gold fish goldfish [ˈgōldˌfiSH]
donkey donkey [ˈdɒŋki]
horse horse
rooster rooster [ˈro͞ostər]

Forest animals

Title in Russian Title in English Transcription
hare rabbit [ˈrabit]
wolf wolf
fox fox
snake snake
owl owl
bat bat
beaver beaver [ˈbēvər]
bear bear
mole mole
woodpecker woodpecker [ˈwo͝odˌpekər]
elk moose
squirrel squirrel [ˈskwər(ə)l]
lynx lynx
deer deer
lizard lizard [ˈlizərd]
boar boar
marten marten [ˈmärtn]
swan swan
hedgehog hedgehog [ˈhɛdʒ(h)ɒɡ]
pheasant pheasant [ˈfezənt]

Wild animals

Title in Russian Title in English Transcription
a lion lion [ˈlīən]
tiger tiger [ˈtīgər]
giraffe giraffe
hippopotamus hippo [ˈhɪpəʊ]
wombat wombat [ˈwämˌbat]
ostrich ostrich [ˈästriCH]
whale whale [(h)wal]
elephant elephant [ˈeləfənt]
zebra zebra [ˈzēbrə]
crocodile crocodile [ˈkräkəˌdīl]
monkey monkey [ˈməNGkē]
dolphin dolphin [ˈdälfin]
eagle eagle [ˈēgəl]
kangaroo kangaroo
shark shark
rhinoceros rhinoceros
penguin penguin [ˈpeNGgwin]
walrus walrus [ˈwôlrəs]
koala koala
cheetah cheetah [ˈCHētə]
antelope antelope [ˈantlˌōp]

How animals say in English

Animal Sounds in Russian Translation into English
cat (cat) meow meow
dog (dog) woof Woof!
rooster (rooster) ku-ka-re-ku Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!
sheep (sheep) b-e ba-a-ba-a
goat (goat) meh baaaaaah
hen (chicken) co-co-co cluck-cluck
cow mu moo-moo
crow kar-kar caw, caw
mouse (mouse) pee-pee-pee squeak-squeak
donkey (donkey) Eeyore hee-haw
frog (frog) qua-qua quack-quack
pig (pig) oink-oink grunt-grunt
snake shhh ch-ch
horse (horse) yoke neigh-neigh
lion (lion) rrrrrrrr grrrrrrr
birds (birds) tweet-chirp tweet tweet tweet
owl (owl) woohoo hoo-hoo
bee zhzhzhzh bzzz
cuckoo (cuckoo) peek-a-boo Cuckoo!
purr (purr) purr purr purr, purr

Animal names for children

It is much easier for a child to learn the names of animals in English with the help of songs and poems, especially when they are accompanied by visuals. On the Internet you can find many cartoons and short videos about domestic and wild animals and the sounds they make. We have made a small selection of such videos for you.

Necessary English words on the topic “Pets and Beasts” for beginners, children: list with transcription and translation

The topic “Pets” in English is always interesting for children to study, because such lessons can be filled with different forms of work:

  • Acting out dialogues
  • Learning songs
  • Watching cartoons
  • Reading poems
  • Drawing
  • Hearing

In addition, the lesson assumes the presence of a large number of visuals (pictures), which children like so much.

The whole topic can be divided into several sections:

  • Pets
  • Animals on the farm
  • Animals in the forest
  • Exotic animals

Vocabulary plays the main role in studying this topic, so try to compile your own vocabulary (dictionary) and consolidate it by writing out, pronouncing and repeating each word. It is useful to write down and learn words based on transcription (signs representing sounds). If the child is small, but already knows how to read, you can even write down the sounds in Russian letters.

Topic vocabulary

Exercises in English for children on the topic “Pets and Beasts”

It is not enough just to give the child vocabulary (a list of words on a given topic), they should also be reinforced with the help of simple and complex exercises: written or oral.

What exercises can you suggest:

  • In the first part, you should label all the pictures so that the word matches the picture. In the second part of the task, simply connect the word and the picture with a line.
  • A simple task for young children that involves copying words - animal names.
  • Label the pictures of animals with the correct words, and then fill in the crossword puzzle with them so that the letters match perfectly (it is advisable to use a pencil).
  • Label the pictures using the suggested words in the column
  • A creative task for which colored pencils will be useful. In the picture you should recognize and highlight different animals in color, naming them.
  • Complete the colorful crossword using the pictures provided (remembering their names in English).

Dialogue in English for children on the topic “Pets and Beasts” with translation

Act out a dialogue on the topic “Pets” in the class or with an individual student; it will help consolidate acquired knowledge and actively use new vocabulary in speech.

What dialogues are suitable:

Video: “Animal Comparisons Dialogue – English Lesson for Kids”

Phrases in English for children on the topic “Pets and Beasts” with translation

In order to have a good command of the topic “Animals and pets”, you should introduce into your conversation not only individual vocabulary units, but also entire phrases, with the help of which the child can compose stories, monologues and dialogues.

Phrases and phrases:

English Translation
I like animals I like animals
I have a pet I have a pet
My favorite pet is… My favorite pet is...
Do you like animals? Do you like animals?
My pet's name is... My pet's name is...
What's your cat (dog) name? What is the name of your cat (dog)?
Animals (pets) are good The animals are very nice
Dogs our friends Dogs are our friends
Domestic pets live in a farm Pets live on a farm
Exotic animals live in a tropic Exotic animals live in the tropics
I have a red cat I have a red cat
My dog ​​is clever My dog ​​is very smart
Parrot is a bird Parrot is a bird
I feed my pet with… I feed my pet...
My dog ​​likes bones My dog ​​loves bones

Songs for children in English on the topic “Pets and Beasts” with transcription and translation

A song in an English lesson is not only a way to escape from monotonous and complex work, but also a very effective form of work. By relaxing and moving, it is much more pleasant to memorize vocabulary and therefore it is deposited in memory much more firmly. An alternative to songs is musical cartoons, which also use visual memory, and therefore are more effective.

Songs about animals:

Video: “The animal song”

Cards in English on the topic “Pets and Animals” with transcription and translation

Cards are the main visual aid in the lesson, which will help any teacher present educational material well to children. The pictures on the cards must be bright, clear, and positive.

On the other hand, cards are individual work for each child, for example, cards with tasks where you need to write a certain word or complete a sentence.

Thematic cards for the lesson:

Cards on the theme "animals"

Games and riddles in English on the topic “Pets and Animals”

With the help of the game, you can interest your child in learning English and help him remember new vocabulary easier and faster.

What games can be used:

  • Individual cards. They may have a task: solve a crossword puzzle or connect an animal and its favorite food by signing each picture.
  • Puppet show. To do this, use soft toys - different animals. They can communicate or talk about themselves, for example: I am cat. My name is Foxy. I like milk. I live in a big house.
  • Puzzles. You can give the characteristics of a specific animal, and the student’s task will be to guess and name it in English. For example, “Who is it?”: it has white fur and a long ears. - Rabbit!

Poems in English on the topic “Pets and Beasts”

Learning rhymes in English will help your child not only remember words, but also practice pronunciation of owls using intonation and stress. Select theme poems ahead of time and have the children memorize them to present to the class.

SECRET: To make it easier for your child to remember, invite him to recite a poem with an animal - a toy. So he will use his associations.

Rhyme "Little Bird" in English

Poem in English “My cat” and “The cow speaks”

Poem in English “Once I caught a fish”

Poem in English "Pig" and "Little Turtle"

Poem in English “I have a little turtle” and “Monkeys”

Poem in English “Birds” and “Rooster, Fox, Cat and Wolf”

Cartoons for children on the topic “Pets and Animals”

Educational cartoons will help you diversify the lesson and make it more fruitful, because children absorb information with much greater interest through multimedia files and visuals than from text.

  • Game “Crocodile”: one child depicts the animal, the others guess it (only the English word should be named).
  • Imitate animal sounds (as is customary in English).
  • Talk about your pets, introduce them or show photos.
  • Use individual and group cards for work (preferably colorful and with pictures).
  • Ask children to use their creative abilities, for example, to draw a beautiful picture of their pet and talk about it in English.
  • Play the game “Moms and Babies”: distribute the pictures between the animals and name them with English words, for example, “hen - chicken”.
  • Video: “Animals in English: video trainer”