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Ideas for the New Year's table. Decorating a table for the New Year: the best photo ideas and rules for festive table setting How to decorate a desk for the New Year

The most fabulous and magical holiday that both adults and children look forward to is, of course, New Year. You always prepare for it with inspiration and special trepidation, trying in every possible way to please the symbol of the year, thinking through the decoration of the New Year's table and creating culinary masterpieces.

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster. 2017 promises to be bright and memorable. Something very special awaits each of us this year. The rooster is a proud bird, its mood will determine the nature of the events that will happen to us in the New Year. In order for the owner of the year to be satisfied and favor all our endeavors and dreams, we must meet him in the right way. Characterizing the Rooster, we know that he loves to be the center of attention, he needs to be noticed and pleased, that’s when he will be happy and satisfied.

Cooking and decorating

It is important not only how you decorate the New Year's table, but also what you put on it.

Note! The rooster will obviously not like it if you decide to treat your guests to poultry meat, in particular chicken.


Preference should be given to beef, pork, and lamb. It is advisable not to serve turkey, duck or quail dishes.

An excellent option would be potato and pork dishes baked in clay pots. The rooster will really like this rustic table setting. You can also prepare a juicy meatloaf with mushrooms and herbs; meat stuffed with cranberries; puff pastry meat with tomatoes and herbs. A good option for a holiday menu would be a vegetable stew baked with cheese in the oven.

Main courses can be decorated with flowers cut from vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, cucumbers (salted or fresh), radishes, lemon, olives, apples. The Fiery Rooster will not at all mind seeing an abundance of fresh vegetables and slices on the festive table.

Note! You should avoid serving stuffed chicken eggs; you should not use them to decorate other holiday dishes. Don't be alarmed, you can add eggs to salads, and choose quail eggs for serving dishes.

Don’t go overboard with fried and highly salted foods; dishes should be light, not high in calories and simple. Do not use canned food and pickles; let your table consist of dishes made from fresh vegetables.

Sandwiches and canapés

For snacks, choose sandwiches and canapés with tomato or orange pepper, fish, red caviar and crab sticks, here you will match the color scheme and delight the Cockerel with fresh bread. Be sure to think through the design of sandwiches on the New Year's table; it should be festive.

Canapes usually look elegant anyway, but you need to decide how to serve this festive dish, for example, sometimes canapes are stuck into a bun, loaf or vegetable.

From fish

Fish dishes can be an excellent option for a festive table. Choose what you like best: Asian dishes, Mediterranean or Russian cuisine. If you still prefer Slavic dishes, then jellied or oven-baked fish will come in handy.

Pike perch, sturgeon, trout – there are a lot of options for a tasty and festive dish. If you serve the fish whole, cut its back, insert a piece of lemon into the cuts, garnish with mayonnaise, add herbs and vegetable shapes. It will turn out very tasty.


The rooster will like seafood and shrimp salads, rice and rolls. In vegetable salads, give preference to tomatoes, sweet peppers, and fresh cucumbers. Any salad and cold appetizers can be themed in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, most importantly, more greenery. Dill, parsley, and lettuce will make the table juicy green and bright; the host of the coming year will really like it.

Desserts and sweet table

Here you have the right to come up with whatever you want, the main thing is not to make very complex desserts, or desserts that contain alcohol. The Rooster will like everything else. For children, you can bake cookies or muffins with berries and nuts. In addition, you can prepare cookie tubes with predictions; pleasant wishes for the coming year will be pleasant to your family; everyone will appreciate such a surprise with a smile and will look forward to the fulfillment of the prediction.

Gingerbread in the shape of a Christmas tree, house, cockerel, etc. would be appropriate; they can be both a gift and a treat. Such a delicious handmade gift will be the most pleasant surprise for guests.

Fantasize and delight your family and friends.


Do not choose very strong alcohol; it is better to celebrate the New Year with a glass of wine or champagne. The ideal choice would be cocktails that are colorful and bright, like a rooster's tail. For those who do not drink alcohol, Rooster offers natural juices and fruit drinks; drinks in red and yellow colors will especially decorate the table.


To please the Rooster, set the table in this year's colors. Preference should be given to shades of red, yellow and gold. But don't decorate the table too brightly. Choose a tablecloth in light colors and made from natural fabrics. The dishes on your table can be with golden patterns or bright colors; the symbol of the eastern horoscope will like this, but it is advisable that they be made of natural materials: glass, wood, clay.

The Fire Rooster simply loves classics and simplicity; there is no need to invent something original. Choose napkins that match the tablecloth; if you have napkins made of natural linen, be sure to use them to beautifully set the festive table; the Rooster will be pleasantly surprised. Glasses can be decorated with natural waxed cord or pieces of burlap. Cutlery can be decorated with fir branches and tied with natural threads or gold cord. Naturalness in everything - the Rooster will really like this. Decorate your home and holiday table in a rustic style. If you have wooden toys or candlesticks, wicker or clay vases, all these decorative elements will harmoniously complement the festive interior. In the center of the table, place a dish with sprouted grains and a bowl of clean water, this will show how you are waiting for the owner of the next year and are glad to meet him. Instead of sparklers, it is better to decorate the table with a large number of red or gold candles; they will add warmth and comfort to the New Year's atmosphere.

The long-awaited New Year holiday should be the most memorable. Try to please the Fire Rooster and appease him with your welcome for the whole year, because in otherwise he can show all the temper of his character.

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New Year is almost here, which means it's time to think about how you will decorate your room.

It is very important to think over not only the style of interior design, but also pay enough attention to setting the New Year's table.

It is at the festive table that you will gather all your guests, which means that the style of the table decoration should correspond to the theme of the New Year and create a festive atmosphere.

The key points that you need to focus on in the process of decorating it are: brightness, solemnity and convenience of arrangement of elements.

Do not forget also that all the necessary items must be on the table, so it must be large enough. In addition to the main holiday dishes, the decoration of the 2018 New Year's table should include various decorative items.

New Year's table decoration, photo

Remember: The symbol of the coming year requires the use of specific shades and elements.

The main rules for decorating a festive table

To decide what and how to decorate the New Year's table on the eve of the holiday, you need to know about the basic rules for decorating it.

New Year's table decor

The key shades, the use of which is mandatory in connection with the symbolism of the next year, are brown, yellow, white and orange. It is not necessary to use only these colors; you can dilute them with other shades, but remember that It is not advisable to use a lot of too bright colors. So we advise you to refrain from using saturated but incompatible colors.

DIY New Year's table decoration

If you want to emphasize the mysterious atmosphere of this holiday, use decorative candles. As for the tablecloth, it is advisable to choose a white or warm yellow option.

Remember! It is imperative to lay out napkins on the table so that during the New Year celebrations you do not have to be distracted by searching for them.

Any table should have central composition, as which you can use some of the decorative elements or put one of the dishes. Tradition says that if Place a crystal vase filled with water in the center of the table, this will relieve you of negative energy and will help attract good luck to your home in the New Year.

How to decorate a New Year's table

The decor of the New Year's table in the coming 2018 involves presence of a large number of unusual decorations: these can be bright candles, figurines, special compositions of toys and fir branches.

New Year's table setting, photo

IN Lately Decorating the New Year's table with your own hands has become a widespread trend, so you can try embroider your own napkins, make figurines or coasters for glasses or make it for the new year decorative candles.

Decoration features

And yet, how to decorate the New Year's table besides standard holiday dishes? In fact, there are a huge number of options for such jewelry.

How to decorate the New Year's table

For example, they will help make it even more elegant beautiful napkins for the New Year's table. In order for them to emphasize an elegant style, it is not necessary to use bright or patterned options.

You can take plain napkins and fold them into an unusual shape, roll into a tube and tie with bright ribbons or use decorative napkin holders.

Be sure to think about it lighting sources for your desk. After all, usually in New Year's Eve the light turns off and the room illuminated only by garlands. In this case you can use beautiful candles.

Candles for the New Year

New Year's candles for 2018 should correspond to its theme. Therefore, you can purchase ready-made candles in the shape of its symbols or use regular-shaped candles decorated with New Year’s pictures or patterns.

Advice: try making these candles with your own hands. It will take very little time and will save you money. In addition, you will have the opportunity to design them to your own taste.

Ordinary candles will decorate original New Year's candlesticks. They can be purchased ready-made, or they can be made from scrap materials: these can be small plates, cups, decorated with fir branches, toys, cones, berries and many other elements.

They will look original candlesticks made with ice.

Table decoration with orange candles

By the way, the use of candlesticks is not at all necessary. If there is enough free space on your table, place a large deep bowl of water in its center, in which you can place waterproof snowflakes, stars or other elements, and also let small floating candles.

Floating candles

They are used as another popular decorative element. They are stands or trays decorated with twigs, Christmas balls, streamers, pine cones, candles, garlands and other elements of New Year's decor.

You can decorate them with New Year's cookies, tangerines or candies.

New Year's compositions on the table

Don't forget to decorate the dishes: you can purchase ready-made plates or glasses with a New Year theme or decorate them yourself. For example, you can decorate New Year's glasses by gluing a beautiful design on them, painting them with gouache and glitter, or wrapping them with bright ribbons.

Decoration and serving

When planning the New Year's table setting in the coming year, do not forget that all decorative elements must correspond to the same style.

Table decor for the New Year

If you do not have experience in selecting shades to decorate it, you can use the traditional option: decorate the table with a white tablecloth, crystal, snow-white dishes with beautiful patterns. Decorative elements of absolutely any color will suit this style.

Advice: To prevent a New Year's table decorated in white from looking too boring, decorate it with gold or silver elements. These could be gilded figurines or candles, beautiful forks, spoons and knives, or even rain that can be placed around the dishes.

New Year's table setting ideas

As for the tablecloth, it is extremely important to choose the right size. It is advisable that the tablecloth extends 20-30 cm beyond the table. The material should not be too smooth, otherwise it will slide across the table.

Advice: If you plan to use a single-color tablecloth, you can attach colored snowflakes, bows, or other elements to it.

Next important point- This . Since guests will come to you, it is better to decorate the table with the help of a set. Usually, Several plates are placed for each guest. The dinner plate is placed first, with the snack plate on top. The knife is placed on the right, the fork on the left of the plates.

Don't forget that your guests may need sugar or salt, so you need to place them so that each person can easily reach them.

New Year's dishes

Wine glasses, glasses or glasses are placed to the left of the plates. It is better to place several types of such dishes at once, because your guests will drink different drinks.

Bottle decor for the New Year

Typically, the following utensils are used for drinking:

  • for champagne - elongated glasses on a high stem;
  • for wine - small glasses;
  • for stronger drinks, such as vodka or cognac - small glasses;
  • for non-alcoholic drinks - glasses or wine glasses with a flat bottom.

Must be present cold appetizers, sauces for hot dishes, as well as sliced ​​fruits. Don't forget to allocate space for drinks and main courses.

New Year's table decor option

There are still a large number of ways to decorate the New Year's table. For these purposes, you can use Christmas tree balls, beads, pine cones, and decorate dishes with a New Year theme. The main thing is that such a table creates a festive mood and awakens the appetite.

We hope that the style of your festive table for the New Year will not leave you or your guests indifferent.


How to decorate a New Year's table so as not to overload it with details and make it moderately festive? We decided to look at the most beautiful photos New Year's table setting options

Gifts have already been bought, dishes have already been prepared, the heart is dancing the samba in anticipation of the New Year, which is about to set foot on the threshold. All that remains is to set the table beautifully in order to meet it with dignity and not fall on your face.

Color mood

You can maintain the festive mood or lift it if the New Year's bustle has taken a lot of your energy, using color. Complete your New Year's table with colorful accents in the form of bright balls, beads, and napkins. And if you are preparing in advance, then do not forget about colored glasses, made in the same shade.

Try to stick to one color concept. Traditional colors for the New Year are red, green, blue, light blue and white.

Beautiful dishes

New Year's Eve is one of the most significant of the year; people prepare for it in advance, choosing outfits, decor and beautiful dishes. Where would we be without her? This evening everything should be impeccable, and unusual dishes with festive designs will only enhance the effect of solemnity.

The plates can be painted with patterns traditional for your region, which looks very colorful. Devices with snowflakes, images of New Year's balls, fir branches and cones will also look original. Decorate such a plate with a fabric napkin with the image of Santa Claus, which will remind your friends that the New Year is a time of miracles and gifts.


A traditional white tablecloth will never go out of style. Ironed and starched, it always looks impressive, making any table look elegant. Although today you can also find specially crumpled tablecloths, which introduce notes of negligence into the interior, thereby diluting the pathos of the New Year's evening and relieving tension.

Our opinion:

The tables are dazzlingly beautiful, decorated with shiny tablecloths. If your choice fell on models with large and bright sparkles, then select dishes in neutral shades, even white plates and crystal glasses will do. If the tablecloth does not attract much attention, then plates with elements that shade or complement it will look good on it.


There is still time before the guests arrive, and do you also like to create various decorations with your own hands? Great! The fastest version of the New Year's composition is made from balls, beads, cones and fir branches. For example, place the balls on a candy dish, complement the composition with several spruce branches or strings of pearls (special New Year's decorative threads are also suitable for these purposes).

Without changing traditions

When decorating the table, do not forget about the traditional New Year symbols: snowmen, gray-haired grandfathers, deer, snowflakes and stars. Place several figures on the table, cut out a couple of snowflakes and hang them from the ceiling above the table, put a spruce “path” of small branches in the middle of the table. Imagine!

Do you have time? Bake gingerbread houses or decorate some dishes in the form of some figures, as, for example, in the days Soviet Union we made snowmen from cottage cheese or decorated salads in the shape of hedgehogs.

Our opinion:

Fire symbolizes warmth and comfort, so candles will not be out of place on the New Year's table. The main thing is to choose the right candlestick to avoid a fire hazard. Alternatively, place small candles in glasses or transparent glasses. Candles can make your table especially solemn and homely.

That’s why they prepare for it in advance, sparing neither money nor time for preparations, one of the stages of which is decorating the New Year’s table. How to actually do this? Let's dream together.

Fire: mysterious, festive, romantic

Candles always create a festive atmosphere. How to use them correctly? The main thing is to be careful. But to beautifully decorate the New Year’s table with candles, there are several ideas:

  • Standard: candles to match the tablecloth in beautiful, stable candlesticks.
  • There is also the option of floating candles. Prepare a deep plate of water and place the lights there. You can throw on pieces of tinsel, and put colored pebbles or bright beads on the bottom. If you are planning the New Year for two, then rose petals in water will add romance.
  • High heat will provide more light. If you don’t have suitable candlesticks in your house, then use transparent glasses with high legs. Turn them upside down, place a pine twig or a New Year's toy for decoration under the glass, and place a candle on the inverted bottom. It is better to take those that are intended for “swimming” - in small round plates.
  • A large dish with several candles of different sizes, so that the lights are at different levels, will look very beautiful and original in the center of the table. Place pine cones from the nearest forest or park along the edges - you will get an interesting New Year's composition, inexpensive and original. If desired, the cones can be painted silver or gold.

How to decorate the New Year's table: decorate holiday dishes

Fill the New Year's table delicious dishes not enough. It is desirable that they be beautifully and originally designed. These can be “Christmas trees” made of fruits or vegetables with sprigs of herbs, originally served salads, tartlets, canapés and much more. Even an ordinary “herring under a fur coat” can be decorated in such a way that you don’t want to destroy it. With the right amount of imagination, the most ordinary products can be presented in a very original way: stuffed eggs in the shape of little mice, tomatoes made into a Santa Claus hat, sliced ​​meat or vegetables arranged in the shape of a fancy flower, and a bouquet made of sweets. Imagine, experiment, create!

New Year's table decoration ideas. Symbol of the year

The Chinese calendar with its symbols came to us relatively recently. According to this calendar, there is a twelve-year cycle, and each year is led by an animal. Adhering to this symbolism, the decoration of the New Year's table can be partly dedicated to the creature responsible for the coming year. And it’s not just about figures, figurines and images. All decor can be subordinated in one way or another eastern calendar. For example, if the Year of the Tiger is coming, then tiger print on various table settings will be relevant.

You can also decorate the New Year's table with your own hands with the items that the main animal loves. Let's say, in the year of the Rooster, it is important to put up several bouquets of cereals or place a composition of dry ears and stems.

New Year's table and surprises with wishes

New Year's Eve cannot be complete without congratulations and wishes. Why not do it in an unusual way. Write all kinds of wishes in advance on beautiful pieces of paper. For example: “This year will bring you amazing luck,” or “This year will be full of pleasant surprises"Prepare small beautiful boxes decorated with ribbons and bows, and hide leaves with text there.

An abundance of mini-gifts on the table will not only decorate it, but also create intrigue and a good mood. Ask your children to help you decorate surprise boxes and let them make them with their own hands. You can even take a matchbox, cover it with foil on all sides, wrap it gift paper, tie it with ribbon or tinsel, attach a small bow - the chest is ready. If this is not a corporate event in an expensive restaurant, then this “home” option is quite acceptable, and a good mood is guaranteed.

Instead of boxes, you can take walnut shells decorated with gold, silver, or simply bright multi-colored colors so that guests do not confuse them with the treat. Place the accordion-folded wish inside and glue the shells together with regular glue. Do you feel how much you can entrust to children?

How to beautifully decorate a New Year's table: design ideas

Usually New Year's tables are decorated in the traditional way: beautiful dishes, napkins, sometimes mysteriously folded, and in the center - candles, pine branches with pine cones, shiny tinsel or toys. It is better to make bouquets of twigs low, almost recumbent. After all, this is decor, and it should not occupy the entire table, interfering with the arrangement of plates, dishes and drinks. Figurines symbolizing the New Year would also be appropriate for the festive table setting.

Balloons are always festive. If miniature Christmas trees and candles are not enough, and you don’t want to bother with the design of salads and fruit slices, then decorate the table with the most ordinary balloons filled with helium. Secure the threads in a beautiful heavy box, and let the balls themselves “fly” to the ceiling so that they do not block the faces of the guests.

Cutlery can be placed not in napkins, but in covers in the form of red socks and mittens. Although the symbol is Christmas, in our culture these two holidays have long been mixed up. Does your daughter know how to knit socks a little larger than for a doll? Great! Let him not only cut salads.

Tablecloths, folded napkins, Christmas tree decorations, all kinds of accessories and trinkets - everything can be used as New Year's decor. Take any proposed idea and develop it in your own direction to make it beautiful and original. Happy New Year!

The New Year's table is always the center of attention of guests. How to decorate it beautifully and originally, using improvised means, read the article.

The table for the New Year's celebration requires much more attention than on other holidays. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is such freedom for imagination!

Of course, every year dictates its own rules and sets restrictions. But without giving up the traditional Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, you can come up with many non-standard dishes. And the table setting is varied: from formal for a corporate meeting to cheerful for a children's party.

Options for decorating the New Year's holiday table

Classic style: red and white with gold

Setting a festive table in red and white was and remains timeless. Majestic and elegant. By adding gold in the form of decor for glasses and cutlery, the decoration takes on an even more solemn sound.

These colors can be combined in completely different ways. White tablecloth, red napkins, checkered coasters and so on.

Each personal place is decorated with additional New Year or Christmas elements. These are embroidered napkins, Christmas tree branches, tinsel and serpentine. Cutlery is packed in bags specially made for the New Year. There is a sense of solemnity, anticipation of joy and happiness in everything.

Icy reflections of the snowy kingdom

Much less often, among the options for decorating the New Year's holiday table, blue and other cold shades are used, unless, of course, there is a special theme for such a decision or the personal preferences of the owners. The change of color will reduce the solemnity a little, but along with it some stiffness will go away, and lightness and fun will appear. Serving in cold colors most often serves as an addition to the overall decoration of the home.

Minimalism, ecology and other styles

Adherents of a particular style will make the table setting elegant without much difficulty. A wooden table without a tablecloth, complemented by pine cones and twigs laid out on it, will look environmentally friendly. Linen napkins, jute twine for attaching toys - everything natural is welcome.

Minimalism in blue tones will delight high-tech lovers. No frills in the form of tinsel, no glamorous glitter. It is laconic, however, but looks stylish.

Delicious New Year's table decorations

Dishes prepared for a New Year's party serve as decorative elements in themselves. Hot dishes, salads, fruit plates - every housewife strives to come up with something unusual, to diversify the delicious decorations of the New Year's table.

New Year's decorations on the table from food, products and dishes

The highlight of the main dish, which sets the mood for the entire feast, can be its design taking into account Chinese horoscope. For example, 2017 was the year of the Rooster. Therefore, a roasted rooster or chicken on a beautiful dish will come in handy. Bright slices of oranges and apples, parsley, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes will help to present them beautifully.

Stuffed peppers are loved by many gourmets. Simple manipulations will help you turn an ordinary dish into something unusual - plant a Christmas tree in each pepper, using a carrot, a cucumber, or the same pepper, only in a different shape and color. But the stuffing recipe itself doesn’t need to be changed!

Cheese, meat and seafood plates will also decorate the table if you shape them, combining not only products, but colors and shapes. Supplemented with shaggy sprigs of spices reminiscent of Christmas trees, the dishes will look great.

New Year's decorations from food, products and dishes include sweets. And the cake requires New Year's decoration, which, by the way, can even be made from ordinary cheese. Cut out the Christmas trees with a sharp knife and place them in the chocolate meadow.

New Year's table decoration from fruits and vegetables

Tangerines, oranges, pineapple and apples are the most New Year's fruits. Make and place an unusual Christmas tree in the center of the New Year's table using fruit slices. This is not difficult: slices of citrus fruits, pears, apples, and grapes are placed on a pineapple base using skewers so that the resulting shape is a cone.

Tangerines are also shaped like a beautiful Christmas tree if there are a lot of them. Mixed with fir branches they will decorate the living room.

The Christmas tree theme can be used for all types of vegetables and fruits.

Decorate the New Year's table with fruits and vegetables in the Year of the Rat in the shape of these animals. Pineapple, watermelon and a little imagination.

Decorating salads on the New Year's table

The traditional Olivier salad is never alone at a holiday. There will definitely be bright colorful culinary masterpieces nearby. Prepare the salad according to the usual recipe, but decorate it with shaggy dill, parsley, thin carrot shavings and olive and pomegranate beads. As a result, you will put a colorful New Year's wreath on the table.

Using finely chopped egg white, carrot sticks, red bell pepper, it’s easy and simple to decorate a salad with a dense consistency. Decorating salads for the New Year's table is not a problem, the main thing is that the salads themselves are tasty and appetizing.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins

An ordinary fabric napkin, beautifully folded and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, looks very festive on a white plate.

To give the napkin an even more New Year's look, it is folded in the shape of a Christmas tree and complemented with thin tinsel, ribbons and artificial small fruits. Or place it on a plate in a cone.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins may require preliminary preparation. For example, double-sided fabric napkins may well complement the New Year's print of paper ones. But you will have to sew them in advance.

Decorating the New Year's table with candles

The New Year's table setting will remain incomplete if there are no candles. It doesn’t matter whether they are large or small, colored or plain, handmade or bought at a nearby store! The main thing is that they exist. The light of a candle will turn an ordinary evening into fabulous magic.

Depending on the general design and the availability of free space on the dining table, the design for the candle is selected. There can be a lot of them on the table if space allows. Or one or two, surrounded by a wreath of fir branches and Christmas tree decorations. Decorating the New Year's table with candles is not limited to one style.

Handmade candles are decorative, it’s a shame to burn them, you just want to admire them. In this case, make sure that there are simpler candles for evening gatherings.

If you decorate the candles with cinnamon sticks and orange slices, they will look like an exotic dish.

Christmas trees for decorating the New Year's table

A live Christmas tree branch lying next to a serving plate or decorating a napkin is an affordable solution. Applicable for any decoration style, since a Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of this holiday.

And if there is no big main beauty decorated with toys, then Christmas trees on the table will be just right.

Individual small branches are placed in small containers with water and placed throughout the table. The decor is complemented with candles and pine cones. The result is a composition worthy of decorating a family holiday.

Spruce wreaths are not considered a traditional Russian decoration, but are increasingly found on holiday tables in the area with candles.

Original New Year's table decoration

It can be difficult to come up with an original decoration for the New Year's table, but ideas can be found on the Internet. For example, why not use the technique of decorating with candles not in classic candlesticks, but using the bottoms of glasses, as in the photo.

Turn the tall stemmed wine glasses upside down and place candles on their bases. Illumination is much better with a high fire position. And unusual, interesting.

Use brightly colored wrapping paper to wrap small gifts. This is very simple and quick to do: roll up the bag in the usual way and you're done. Place some sweets inside and on a plate for each guest. The recipe is quite suitable for serving the dessert part of dinner.

Bottles can be used for more than just drinks. An unusual lamp will look great on the table. Place a New Year's garland in a champagne bottle, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones and tinsel - a flickering light will decorate evening gatherings, creating a festive atmosphere.

Or dress the bottles in winter clothes!

An unusual table decoration can be made from orange peels. Use cookie cutters to cut stars, slices baked in the oven, and decorate candles.

When setting up a table, don't forget about the chairs. Decorate the backrests with the same decor that was used for table setting.

Simple New Year's table decorations: photos

Decorating the New Year's table with your own hands does not require much time and effort. Several sheets of white writing paper, scissors - snow-white snowflakes look great on a colored tablecloth or napkins.

Fasten regular napkins with New Year’s “rain” and tinsel - simple, affordable and, most importantly, elegant!

If there are no exotic vegetables and fruits, make a mound out of a regular salad and decorate it with the same vegetables that you have on hand.

Decorating a children's New Year's table: photo

The children's table should not be overloaded with cutlery and complex decorations, so as not to worry about broken cups. Children will be delighted by dishes made in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses and other winter fairy tale heroes.

As for the actual serving, show your imagination here too, or even better, involve the kids themselves in the process. Put funny hats on drink bottles and tie beautiful bows on spoons. Buy napkins with a bright pattern that your child can understand.

In any business, it is important to stop in time. Do not overload the holiday table with details; after all, it is intended for food, not for decoration. Products also do not tolerate crowding.

Be careful when using candles, especially thin ones: use special candlesticks to hold them without falling until they burn out completely. And do not decorate the composition with candles with flammable decor: dry spruce branches, nylon bows, etc.

Do not use candles on children's table, the toothpicks used to fasten the parts of the fruit tree, as described above, are also not the best option for children's dishes. It’s better to decorate the fruit plate a little more prosaically, but safely.

Use disposable decorations, so you can part with your used decor the day after the holiday without much regret.

Decorate the house and set the table with the whole family. It's fun and will help you become friends.

Video: New Year's table setting