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Essay snow queen. Essay on the topic “The Snow Queen. Several interesting essays

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The main characters of the fairy tale The Snow Queen are children. The boy Kai and the girl Gerda have been friends with each other since childhood. The children lived next door and loved each other very much. The boy and girl always spent all their free time together. The children played, dreamed and loved the snowy winter. They never thought that fun winter activities could bring them any sorrows.

But one day a disaster happened. A shard of a broken curve magic mirror hit Kai in the heart. The boy became angry, selfish and callous. The ice shard in his heart had the properties of turning good into evil and made his heart more and more cold. Stolen by the Snow Queen, the boy completely forgets his family and beloved Gerda.

Gerda waits for Kai's return all winter. But he is still not there. The little girl goes in search of her friend.

The brave little girl, no matter what, tries to free Kai from this captivity. She encounters many difficulties and obstacles along the way. Robbers, a witch, a prince and a princess, frost, snow flakes - the queen's army. Thanks to her dedication and love, Gerda withstands the fight against them and overcomes all obstacles and helps Kai out of trouble. The main idea of ​​Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen is love and happiness. Gerda tries with great difficulty to melt the ice in her friend's heart. But all attempts are in vain.

Only her hot tears melted this terrible fragment and returned the boy to his former life. The main lesson from the fairy tale The Snow Queen is that with your love you can make another person better and kinder. In any circumstances, we must try to do only good to others. The author of the fairy tale encourages us to see only the good in people. Good always triumphs over evil.

Essay No. 2

If a mirror is invented by a troll who has only evil in his heart, then this mirror is capable of bringing a lot of bad things to all living things. The mirror was magical. Even good things were seen distorted in him. All good things were destroyed by magic glass. And then one day, due to the pranks of the troll’s naughty assistants, the mirror broke. How much evil it brought! Only one small fragment easily transformed kind person angry and suspicious.

On a cold winter evening, a piece of shrapnel gets into Kai's eye. Until now, the boy has been very kind and sensitive. And then his heart became cruel. He saw everything distorted. I think the main idea of ​​Andersen's work is to show that evil people have a cold, indifferent and callous heart. Their life cannot be happy because they only see the bad in everything. Gradually, these people poison the lives of those around them. Is it possible to save cruel people? Can they be made good again?

Kai's little friend, Gerda, decided to help the boy. She understood that she would have to fight the evil that lives in the heart of her friend. She will have to sacrifice everything, her comfortable, warm world, and part with the people dear to her. And yet, this brave girl did everything that depended on her. She entered the Snow Queen's palace. I found Kai and helped him understand that he will only become happy when he remembers kindness and the warmth that friendship gives. Family values ​​and small joys in life bring happiness. Each person decides for himself what he wants to be, good or evil. I decided for myself that I want to be kind.

  1. Who is Gerda?
  2. Why did she go looking for Kai?
  3. Who and how helped Gerda in search of a friend.
  4. What character traits helped Gerda find Kai.
  5. My attitude towards Gerda.

A girl named Gerda - main character Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". She has been Kai's best friend since early childhood. The boy and girl spent a lot of time together: they read and played, in the summer they looked after the marvelous rose bushes, and on long winter evenings, when the blizzard howled outside the window and the fire crackled merrily in the fireplace, they listened to their grandmother's fairy tales.

When trouble happened to Kai - the Snow Queen kidnapped the boy and took him to her ice palace - Gerda could not come to terms with the idea that she would never see her friend again. After all, despite the fact that they were not relatives, she considered the boy a close person, her sworn brother, and had kind, tender feelings for him. And now Kai was missing, and she really missed him. Her heart was not in the right place, so she immediately decided on a brave act for a teenage girl: she went in search of him.

Gerda wanted Kai back so badly that she was not afraid of any difficulties or dangers. And she had to experience a lot of them. She didn't know where to go, or anyone to turn to for advice. But the girl was so sincere, kind and open to the world that not only different people, but even birds and animals helped her in her search for a friend. After all, Gerda so touchingly shared her bitter experiences with them, told her story, how she loves Kai and how long she has been looking for him.

No one could refuse to help the girl, since her story touched the hearts of even the most callous and heartless people, awakened the sprouts of goodness in them and encouraged them to do good deeds. The raven and the crow showed her the way to the palace, where, in their opinion, Kai now lived. But, unfortunately, it was another boy - a real prince, and not the one Gerda was looking for.

The princess and prince gave her beautiful warm clothes and a golden carriage with servants so that she could quickly continue her search. Gerda was caught, robbed and wanted to be killed by highway bandits. But the little robber saved her life, gave her the best fast deer, some food and simple warm clothes. The strong animal quickly carried the girl to the north. Here they were forced to stop at the small house of a Lapland woman, as they were very cold and wanted to eat.

The Lapland woman fed and warmed Gerda and her deer and wrote a message to another Finnish woman, so that she would accept them and help them find the Snow Queen's palace. The deer rushed on and stopped at the Finnish woman’s house, who showed them the final destination of their difficult journey. Soon the girl found Kai in the Snow Queen's castle. Gerda's hot tears were able to melt the boy's icy heart, rekindle the fire in his soul, and awaken dormant kind human feelings. He remembered his faithful friend and the happy old times when they were just children. Now, during their separation, they have both matured, but their friendly feelings and affection for each other have only strengthened.

True love and Christian faith helped Gerda set off on a long, unknown journey. They strengthened her in moments of despair, when hope seemed to have disappeared. And her brave, passionately loving heart helped her endure all the trials and hardships sent by fate and find Kai. Of course, not every person is able to dare to do such an act, fearing the unknown. And Gerda is a very determined, patient and brave girl.

It seems to me that she did the right thing, even a real feat, which inspires other people to take the same courageous actions for the sake of their loved ones. If I had such a faithful childhood friend, and trouble happened to him, I, too, would go to the ends of the earth to look for him.

My favorite fairy tale is about the Snow Queen. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen, a great storyteller. The tale tells of a mysterious enchanted kingdom of snow and ice. And how the queen of this frozen land stole the boy Kai and took him to her cold country.

The theme of The Snow Queen is good and evil. The good in the fairy tale is Gerda. The image of Gerda is very simple and understandable. She is very selfless and wants to save her brother Kai. Gerda is not afraid of anything. She goes to look for Kai because she knows he is in trouble. She is not afraid of a very long journey to the palace of some unfamiliar, scary and bad queen. She is not afraid to leave her cozy home.

And the evil in Andersen’s fairy tale is the Snow Queen herself, and also the troll who invented the crooked mirror. The Snow Queen doesn’t seem to be evil, but there is no good from her either. She separated Kai from his parents and Gerda and almost froze him. This is a cold and indifferent lady. In everything she recognizes only intelligence and prudence, and turns people’s hearts into pieces of ice.

And the troll spoils people's views - the mirror distorts the whole world and makes all people, all objects ugly. Mirror fragments are also dangerous for people. Instead of good things, they begin to see only troubles and shortcomings. It seems to me that in our world some people, even without the troll’s malicious mirror, see everything around them this way...

The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” was presented to the whole world by the famous Dane Hans Christian Andersen. He wrote many fairy tales that were interesting to both children and adults. My favorites are “Flint”, “Thumbelina”, “The Little Mermaid” and “The Snow Queen”. When I first met the heroes of these stories, I was so worried about them! But at the end of the story, good triumphs over evil.

“The Snow Queen” also talks about the triumph of good over evil. An evil troll created a crooked mirror, which, although it shattered, did not lose its charm. Even the tiniest fragment of a crooked mirror could fall into a person’s eyes, and then he began to see only bad qualities and sides in everything. And when a piece of the mirror got stuck in the chest, the person’s heart turned to ice.

In addition to the theme of good and evil, Andersen describes in a few words the life of a Danish city, “where there are so many houses and people that most of the inhabitants have to be content with indoor flowers in pots.” The themes of devotion and friendship, sincerity and cunning, courage and cowardice are revealed in The Snow Queen, and the theme of strength is also raised God's help and prayers.

The girl Gerda is the main character of the fairy tale. She goes to look for Kai, her beloved friend, who was kidnapped by the sorceress Snow Queen. A few months before Kai was taken away by the Queen, crumbs from an evil mirror hit him right in the heart and in the eye. The kind Kai turned into a callous and angry boy. But Gerda’s devotion is stronger than insults! She believes only in the most best qualities loved ones.

During her travels, Gerda meets many people, animals and plants. Someone extends a helping hand to the girl, and someone, on the contrary, plots.

For example, the old sorceress from the garden cast a spell so that Gerda would forget about the purpose of the trip. But I think the old woman did it not out of malice, but out of loneliness. To brighten up her loneliness, the sorceress decided to leave the girl in her house. Probably, the Snow Queen also stole Kai because she was unhappy and lonely.

But the raven with his bride, the princess and prince Gerda provide support. Even the evil robber at first threatened to kill Gerda, but she was imbued with her story and helped her escape from the lair of robbers. Thanks to the deer and the wise women of the North, Gerda finally finds herself in the Snow Queen's lair, where she finds her friend. But Kai does not recognize Gerda, he is absolutely indifferent. And the girl didn’t back down again! With fiery hugs and tears, she warmed the boy’s heart and returned him to his former self – dear and sympathetic.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” Andersen calls for kindness, mercy and mutual assistance. The story of Gerda and Kai is a unique symbol of devotion, fortitude, faith and love.

The well-known fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is not only a story about the kindness of a girl who helped save her friend from the magic of the evil queen. This is a story about good and evil, about love and insensibility.

The Snow Queen is one of the main characters in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". This is a negative character who is a representative of evil as a phenomenon.

The heroine loves the cold, it’s not for nothing that she is called the Snow Queen. Her appearance is also characteristic of a negative character: she is beautiful, but her beauty is soulless. Her skin is pale, and her gaze is lifeless and icy.

She lives in an ice palace where permafrost reigns. There was never any fun or warmth in her home. The heroine likes this cold loneliness. She does not recognize love, kindness and mercy.

The Queen's throne is in the middle of a lake called the Mirror of the Mind. This is a symbol of a cold mind that has no feelings.

The Snow Queen only likes to cause harm to people and nature in general. At some moments she looks for a new victim in order to have fun. She is amused by the various sufferings of people. If the heroine decides to do something for her own benefit or for her own amusement, she definitely achieves her goal. The Snow Queen is strong enough, few can resist her. The kind and friendly one also could not resist the magic. The Snow Queen is shown as omnipotent in the work; just one kiss from the heroine makes Kai forget about his past life, which he considered happy. He was influenced by the charms of the Snow Queen. The heroine chooses Kai because she was angry with his words, and she decides to re-educate the boy, for this she sends ice shards into his heart and eyes, and then takes him to her castle.

In the palace, a boy collects the word “eternity” from ice cubes. It is not for nothing that this word is associated with the image of the Snow Queen. After all, in her domain, time froze and turned into a kind of eternity. Cold and lifeless eternity. The heroine was satisfied with this infinity, but she did not understand that it is impossible to know eternity without feelings, especially without love and kindness.

With the Snow Queen, everyone lives by her laws, since she has magical powers. This is forced, not arbitrary, submission. The heroine dreams of freezing the whole world. To do this, she takes children into her kingdom, because it is children who have hot hearts that the heroine wants to extinguish. However, she is not as strong as she is kind and loving. The struggle between the warmth of Gerda and the cold of the Snow Queen is shown throughout the entire work of H. H. Andersen. The Snow Queen's anger cannot overcome the little girl's sincerity. She is defeated and moves even further north, to even colder places. Defeat will not make the Snow Queen any kinder; most likely, she will continue her dirty tricks, and maybe increase their size and strength.

The Snow Queen is a symbol of evil and the lack of positive human qualities. The Ice Queen's icy and soulless beauty leads her to eternal loneliness.