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If a pregnant girl gets sick, what should she do? Expectant mother, beware! The most dangerous diseases for pregnant women. Phlebeurysm

Together with measles and rubella, they pose a huge danger, because we are talking not only about the health of the mother, but also about the life of the unborn baby...

“Childhood” viral diseases have a lot in common. All of them are transmitted by airborne droplets and are highly contagious. To catch any of these ailments, it is enough to inhale the tiny droplets of saliva that the patient secretes when breathing, talking, coughing and sneezing. The danger is that identifying an infected person by sight is not at all easy. It becomes contagious several days before it appears characteristic symptoms. Therefore, purely theoretically, any seemingly healthy person can pose a threat to the expectant mother. Especially if it's a child. But this does not mean at all that a pregnant woman needs to panic and not go outside for the entire 9 months. It's not that scary. The main thing is to remember whether she had measles, chickenpox, mumps and rubella in childhood. If the answer is yes, the young lady can be calm: nothing threatens her and the baby. After suffering from diseases, the body has developed a strong immunity to them, so you cannot get infected again even if you want to. You only need to worry if the “childhood” sores bypassed the woman and she was not vaccinated against them.

However, even if you have been vaccinated, you should play it safe and, just in case, get tested for antibodies to pathogens. After all, 25 years after vaccination, the immunity formed to them weakens significantly, or even disappears altogether. This means that mommy has every chance of catching a dangerous infection.

Measles: strikes at a distance

Measles is one of the most contagious viral diseases. A child can catch it by being in a room where a sick person was 2 hours before. And it is enough for a pregnant woman, for example, to be in the same transport with a sick person, and they can even sit at different ends of the bus. The measles virus easily travels a distance of several tens of meters, and if it has reached a person, it will probably take over. If this trouble happens to the expectant mother, it is very important to determine the stage of pregnancy at which she fell ill. The smaller it is, the more severe the consequences. Measles infection in the first trimester in 20% of cases leads to miscarriage or various pathologies of the fetus. The baby may be born with a low level of intellectual development (oligophrenia) or serious damage to the nervous system. Moreover, these defects are the worst diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy. Unfortunately, neither an experienced gynecologist nor a qualified specialist in ultrasound examination they will not be able to say for sure whether a young lady in an interesting situation will bypass trouble or whether she will fall into this ill-fated 20%. Therefore, it is not uncommon for women who have had measles to early stages pregnancy, they offer to terminate it artificially. But, of course, this is an extreme measure, and before deciding to take this step, a thorough examination is carried out.

The prognosis of the disease suffered after the 16th week of pregnancy is more encouraging. At this stage, measles, as a rule, proceeds more easily and does not have a negative effect on the fetus. The disease is prevented from spreading by the placenta, which by this time has finally formed and reliably protects the unborn baby from the negative effects of harmful factors. However, in the last weeks of pregnancy the danger reappears. If the mother gets sick closer to the end, then she can infect her little one when he passes through the birth canal. Back in the middle of the last century, such a “gift” could have led to the death of a child, but now, when doctors have strong antibiotics and modern methods resuscitation, infant mortality from congenital measles infection has decreased significantly. The chance that something irreparable will happen to the baby is negligible.

Chickenpox: rare, but accurate

Doctors say that most people who think they never had chickenpox as children actually had it in such a mild form that they didn’t even notice it. Only 4% of adults are immune to this disease. Apparently, this is why it rarely occurs in pregnant women. According to statistics, out of 2,000 expectant mothers, only one catches the chickenpox virus. If a woman falls ill before 20 weeks, miscarriage and intrauterine fetal death are possible. If the pregnancy continues, the danger still remains. The baby may develop the so-called congenital chickenpox syndrome. The defects it causes include scars on the skin, underdevelopment of muscles and bones of the extremities, cataracts, various neurological disorders (atrophy of the cerebral cortex, mental retardation, urinary and fecal incontinence, etc.). Fortunately, this syndrome is no more common than the disease itself. The probability that it will form in a baby does not exceed 2%. But it’s still better to play it safe and undergo an unscheduled ultrasound, which will determine whether the chickenpox virus has reached the fetus, and if so, what is the extent of its damage.

No less dangerous is the disease transferred to later pregnancy, especially 4-5 days before birth. When a baby is born, it can become infected from its mother. The tragedy is that chickenpox in infants is very difficult and is often accompanied by complications: bronchopneumonia and damage to internal organs. Unfortunately, not all kids cope with this test. A third of them die. Therefore, if the expectant mother gets chickenpox a few days before the expected delivery, doctors often try to artificially delay it. And if this is not possible, then immediately after birth the baby is given immunoglobulin and antiviral treatment is carried out. Such measures do not protect the newborn from infection, but can significantly reduce the risk of death.

Pig: scary only at first

Mumps, or mumps as doctors call it, is less contagious than chickenpox or measles. Even close contact with a carrier does not always lead to the development of the disease. Nevertheless, this disease is common among expectant mothers. Mumps is most dangerous in the first trimester, when the virus can easily reach the embryo. In this case, the pregnancy often stalls or spontaneous abortion occurs. As a rule, this happens 2 weeks after the woman falls ill. There is also an assumption that the mumps virus affects the ovaries and it is for this reason that a miscarriage occurs. If the pregnancy continues and future baby continues to develop, which means there is no reason to worry. Future mom can safely drive away thoughts about possible anomalies. Mumps does not cause developmental defects, so the baby will be born healthy.

If a pregnant woman catches an infection shortly before giving birth, she can infect her child, as is the case with chickenpox and measles, when he is born. Or a little later, putting the baby to the breast, since the mumps virus is easily transmitted through mother's milk. But even in this case, the prognosis is favorable. Typically, mumps, even in young children, is relatively mild and does not cause complications.

Rubella: danger code – red!

Rubella is the most dangerous “childhood” infection for pregnant women, because the disease in the early stages always (!) leads to the loss of the child. If the infection occurs in the first trimester, the infection will certainly reach the fetus. As a result, a miscarriage may occur. In the case when pregnancy continues after an illness, irreversible changes occur in the development of the child. Most likely, the baby will be born with congenital rubella syndrome, the so-called pathological triad: cataracts, heart disease and deafness. In addition to this, microcephaly (reduction in the size of the brain), microphthalmia (reduction in the size of the eyeballs), enlarged fontanelles, inflammatory diseases of the brain, damage to the vestibular apparatus, and malformations of the skeleton and genitourinary organs may be added. And this is not a complete list of the “dowry” of a baby who was infected in utero. That is why pregnant women who have had the disease in the first trimester are recommended to have an abortion. medical indications. Otherwise, the baby will be born defective.

If infection with the rubella virus occurs after 16 weeks, then the risk of giving birth to a toddler with developmental defects remains, but becomes minimal. It is believed that in the 4th month of pregnancy the risk of infection of the fetus is 5-6%, in the 5th and later – about 1-1.7%. Therefore, there is no need to terminate the pregnancy. But you should prepare for the fact that the baby may be born with short stature and low body weight. In the future, such children lag behind their peers in physical development. If the mother becomes infected on the eve of childbirth, the baby will develop typical skin rashes, which will soon go away. And the baby himself will remain contagious for several months after birth.

Expert opinion

Anna Mtskhvetaridze, obstetrician-gynecologist at the American Medical Center:

– Several years ago in Russia, most people suffered from “childhood” infections at an early age, so these diseases were not so common in pregnant women. actual problem. Currently, many children do not go to kindergartens, as a result of which their risk of disease increases in the future. If you did not have rubella, measles, chickenpox and mumps when you were a child, be sure to get vaccinated several months before conception. During pregnancy, immunization cannot be carried out, since the live virus on the basis of which vaccines are created can adversely affect the fetus. If pregnancy has already occurred, and tests show that you do not have immunity to pathogens of “childhood” diseases, treat your health with the utmost care and try to avoid contact with children.

Recognize the enemy by sight

Measles – fever and cough. The first symptoms of measles can easily be confused with a common cold. You feel lethargic and weak, your temperature rises, your eyes are watery, your throat hurts, you have a runny nose and a dry “barking” cough. After 2-3 days, small whitish spots, similar to semolina, appear on the inside of the cheeks. And after a few days, the ears, face, body and limbs become covered with small red spots, which gradually darken and merge into large figures, between which healthy skin is visible.

Chickenpox - blisters on the lips. Chickenpox also begins with a high fever and general malaise. After a few days, a blistering rash appears on the lips and scalp, which gradually spreads to the torso. These are raised, fluid-filled pustules that later dry out and turn into crusts. Do not scratch the blisters under any circumstances, otherwise scars may remain on the skin.

Mumps - pain behind the ears. The first sign of mumps is an increase in salivary glands. Usually they become inflamed on both the left and right, but only one of them can be affected. If you press your finger behind your ear, you will feel severe pain. It becomes difficult for you to talk, chew and swallow food. The temperature may remain normal.

Rubella - blotchy skin. With rubella, the lymph nodes in the back of the head become very swollen. Then a rash appears behind the ears and on the face, which quickly spreads throughout the body. The lesions are small, do not connect with each other and disappear within 2-3 days.

A cold during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that can cause various health complications. It can have a negative impact not only on the woman, but also on the baby, namely, with the active course of the disease, problems may arise during the development of the fetus; internal organs and vital systems.

To prevent this, it is important to know the main manifestations colds, features of their course and treatment in women during pregnancy.

What is a cold during pregnancy?

A cold during pregnancy is a disease caused by the influenza virus or ARVI. Many people, both adults and children, encounter it, but it is still worth considering that when carrying a child, a cold is the most dangerous, because it can negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother and the development of the child.

Especially the highest activity of colds is observed in the cold seasons - late autumn, winter and early spring. Often this condition manifests itself at the very beginning of pregnancy, this is associated with a decrease in immune system in a woman. But it is still worth considering that in each trimester there may be features and symptoms.

The consequences of a cold can be different, sometimes the disease goes unnoticed and goes away on its own, but in some situations it can be accompanied by complications and serious consequences. To prevent this, it is important to know how to treat colds during pregnancy.

The danger of colds for mother and child

Pregnancy and a cold are not related conditions because a cold can cause serious health complications. For this reason, many gynecologists strongly recommend that expectant mothers be wary of various viral and infectious diseases, especially in the first stage of pregnancy.

But it’s not in vain. Many women who are in an interesting situation should definitely listen to doctors and follow all their recommendations. The fact is that a viral infection poses a high danger, which can provoke the development of disorders and pathological processes. They can negatively affect the expectant mother and cause severe disruptions in the development of the fetus.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy should begin immediately after the first symptoms are identified, and it should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. If this is not done in a timely manner, violations may appear. Moreover, at each trimester, different consequences may arise, which may have distinctive features of the course.

The danger of colds during the first trimester

The greatest danger of colds in pregnant women is during the first trimester. At this time, the formation and development of vital organs and systems of the future human being occurs. Doctors strongly recommend that women be very careful during the 5-6 week period. During this period, intensive development of the embryo is observed, and a greatly reduced immune system simply cannot fight various infections on its own.

If you do not start timely treatment of colds in pregnant women during the early stages, dangerous consequences may arise:

  • at the initial stage, the infection can cause disruption of the functioning of the placenta and disturbances in the intrauterine nutrition of the embryo;
  • further serious brain damage is observed;
  • the process of formation of the nervous system and heart muscle is disrupted;
  • If the required measures are not taken, a miscarriage may eventually occur.

For this reason, it is very important not to catch a cold during early pregnancy. To do this, a woman must protect herself from possible infection and strengthen her immune system.

If you were unable to avoid a cold at the initial stage of pregnancy, then you should not immediately panic; even in such a short period of time, this disease can be successfully treated. According to numerous studies, about 80% of women suffer from colds at the initial stage of pregnancy, and they give birth to healthy and healthy children.

The main thing is to find out how to treat a cold during pregnancy; your doctor usually tells you about this. In this case, self-medication is contraindicated, otherwise it can cause serious harm to the baby. After therapeutic therapy, an ultrasound scan is required, and if it does not reveal pathologies and complications, then the woman can calm down.

The danger of colds during the second trimester

If a cold occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can relax and calm down a little. At this stage, this disease, which may be accompanied by a cough and a slight runny nose, does not pose a serious danger to her unborn baby.

During this period, the fetus is under reliable protection of the placenta. It acts as a kind of shield for infections and the negative effects of various infections. It is this important organ that protects the baby at this time and resists negative influences.

However, if a pregnant woman has a viral disease or ARVI, which is severe and accompanied by complications, then the visible shield (placenta) may be disrupted. As a result, placental insufficiency may develop. The danger of this condition is that the fetus will not receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

A woman should definitely consult a gynecologist and find out what cold medicines pregnant women can take in the second trimester. Taking antibiotics or drugs with an antipyretic effect during a viral illness can be dangerous for the development of the baby. All this can lead to the development of serious complications and undesirable consequences.

The danger of a cold during the third trimester

Infecting a woman with a cold during the last stage of pregnancy is an undesirable condition. During this period, it becomes much more difficult for the expectant mother to endure all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease; in addition, there is a risk of contracting a virus or infection of the child herself.

If the disease overtakes a pregnant woman a week before giving birth, then after the birth of the child she is usually isolated from him so that the baby does not develop serious problems health problems that can become life-threatening. Thus, the mother is deprived of all those exciting and joyful moments that every woman experiences after childbirth.

Often, with a severe cold, a woman experiences difficulties and complications during childbirth. This is especially often observed if the woman in labor is severely weakened by the ongoing pathological process. During this period, she may experience increased body temperature, headaches, weakness, severe cough and nasal congestion.

During the third trimester, it is especially dangerous to carry a viral or infectious disease on your legs. During this period, treatment of colds during pregnancy should be safe for the unborn child and for the woman herself. If she is diagnosed with even slight malaise and weakness, then she must be prescribed complete bed rest; this requirement is necessary; the successful result of treatment depends on it.

Only the attending physician can tell pregnant women how to treat a cold during the third trimester. But every expectant mother should follow a number of important recommendations during this period that will help avoid dangerous complications:

  • many doctors recommend using during this period for treatment folk remedies. Good action provide herbal teas, decoctions, medicines with natural ingredients;
  • the use of any medication should be coordinated with your doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy;
  • do not delay treatment. It is important to remember that complications from a previous cold can provoke a delay in the development of the child, cause hypoxia or premature birth;
  • At the height of the season of viral diseases, it is important to have as little contact with people as possible and to arrive in crowded places where patients may often be present.

What are the consequences of a cold for mother and child?

If a cold during pregnancy is not treated promptly, then, as mentioned above, it can cause serious complications. Negative consequences can affect both the mother and the unborn child.

There are a number of misfortunes for the mother that may arise if modern treatment is not carried out:

  • threat of miscarriage. A woman may experience spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth;
  • various complications - sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammatory lesions of the heart muscle, pyelonephritis in gestational form, gestosis with varying severity and much more;
  • exacerbation of various chronic diseases. These may include bronchial asthma, chronic otitis media, heart pathologies and vascular system, kidney diseases and others;
  • increased risk of injury and blood loss during childbirth;
  • Activation of a chronic intrauterine infection and the development of postpartum infectious diseases of the internal genital organs may occur.

If you identify the first signs of a pathological process, you should immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat a cold during pregnancy, and he will prescribe the correct and effective treatment therapy. If this is not done, then Negative consequences illnesses can affect the child himself.

A cold can cause a number of unpleasant consequences and complications in the development of the unborn baby:

  • it often causes the formation of developmental defects in the child;
  • delays intrauterine development;
  • provokes the development of a whole complex of disorders of the fetus and placenta, as a result of which the child experiences oxygen starvation and insufficient supply of nutrients;
  • intrauterine infection - septic manifestations, congenital pneumonia. The most dangerous complication is the death of the child in the womb;
  • development of deviations in the mental and physical development of the child.


How to treat a cold during pregnancy usually depends on the symptoms that appear during this period. It can be influenced by the period of bearing a child, because in each trimester the course is different, as are the possible unpleasant consequences. The main treatment therapy should begin immediately after the first signs appear.

An advanced disease is always much more difficult to treat; it can provoke a large number of unpleasant complications, both for the woman herself and for the unborn baby. For this reason, you should not run it and carefully monitor state changes.

There are no problems with identifying a cold in a pregnant woman, because this disease manifests itself in pregnant women in the same way as in other people. At the very initial stage, a slight malaise occurs, headache and fatigue. A woman may constantly feel sleepy, for this reason it is better for her to lie down to rest, this will greatly alleviate her condition.

If measures are not taken, the pregnant woman’s condition may worsen within a day. In the subsequent period, she may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • manifestations of cough;
  • sneezing;
  • decreased appetite. But, despite this manifestation, a woman must eat through force, this is required for the full development of the child;
  • when swallowing, pain and soreness are detected in the throat;
  • when examining the throat cavity, swelling and redness are detected;
  • chills may occur;
  • state of fever;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • feeling of itching in the nasal cavity;
  • There may be mucus discharge from the nose.

Often, pregnant women with a cold experience a moderate and dry cough. If the disease is not too serious, then the temperature may rise to 38 degrees. If the development of influenza is noted, then during it the most vivid and pronounced symptoms may occur compared to a common cold with a mild form.

After 2-3 days, all manifestations become less pronounced and they begin to slowly disappear. This is due to the end of the active period of the cold. It is worth considering that its symptoms are similar to those that occur with other diseases. For this reason, at the first manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Colds during pregnancy can occur due to various reasons. It is worth considering that during this period a woman is much more susceptible to infection, because she has a decrease in the immune system and a general weakening of the body. Contact with a sick person or slight hypothermia can easily cause infection with a cold.

It is important to study in advance how to treat colds for pregnant women; this will help to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and prevent the development of severe complications with the woman’s health and with the development of the unborn child. the first thing you need to do is consult a gynecologist, the doctor will be able to help, he will select the appropriate therapy that will not harm the mother and child.

When a cold appears in pregnant women at the initial stage, the doctor will, of course, tell you how to treat it, but he should also prescribe a number of recommendations in advance that can protect the woman from a cold:

  • a woman must walk in the fresh air every day for 3 hours;
  • The diet must be correct and healthy. It should include a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, and cereals;
  • you need to take vitamins. A woman should drink various herbal vitamin teas. Tea with rosehip has a good effect; it contains: high level vitamin C, which increases and strengthens the immune system;
  • it is necessary to avoid contact with sick people;
  • hypothermia of the body should not be allowed;
  • if you still need to visit public places with large crowds of people, you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment;
  • if there are infected people or someone more in the house, then you can chop the onions and garlic and place them in different places in the room, this will protect against infection;
  • it is important to ventilate the room every day;
  • To strengthen the body's protective properties, you can use various essential and aromatic oils - tea tree, lavender, orange, eucalyptus. They should be used for external treatment of the nose;
  • after visiting public places, it is recommended to rinse the nose and gargle with a solution with the addition of baking soda;
  • It is imperative to dress according to weather conditions.

Following the above measures will help prevent contracting a cold. It is important to follow them throughout your pregnancy. First of all, a woman should improve her immune system from the very beginning of pregnancy; for this she should take special vitamin complexes, consume healthy and natural food and spend at least 2-3 hours in the fresh air.

What to do if infection could not be avoided?

If a cold has just started during pregnancy, then you should not be alarmed right away; it can be easily cured. It is important to consult a doctor immediately, because self-medication can negatively affect the child’s condition. In this case, taking medications that are usually taken for respiratory and infectious diseases is contraindicated, because they can provoke pathologies in the formation of the unborn baby. Only a specialist can determine how to treat a cold during pregnancy.

How to treat colds during pregnancy at home can be learned from the following important recommendations:

  • the first thing you need to do is reduce your physical activity, it is important to get a good night's sleep. Under no circumstances should you carry a cold on your feet;
  • You should not take antibiotics, especially Levomycetin and Tetracycline. It is worth remembering that antibiotics cannot help ARVI because they affect viral organisms. Antibiotic medications are recommended to be used only in extreme cases for complications that cannot be treated with folk remedies;
  • Many women are interested in the question of what pregnant women can drink for a cold. When you have a cold, it is important to drink plenty of fluids; tea with lemon and raspberries has a good effect. If you don’t have fresh raspberries, you can add jam from this berry. Warm milk with honey and an infusion of raspberry leaves and twigs have a good effect. But still, you should not drink too much, because excessive fluid intake can cause swelling;
  • It is recommended to reduce salt intake, because it provokes swelling. And this can increase nasal congestion;
  • It is important to eat fatty and heavy foods as little as possible. The fact is that the body spends too much energy and strength on its absorption, which is better used for recovery.

How to lower your temperature

Every woman should definitely know what medications pregnant women can take for colds and fever. They should be weak and should not contain potent substances that could negatively affect the child’s condition. For this reason, you should not self-medicate; it is better to immediately go to the doctor or call him at home.

So what medications can pregnant women take when they have a cold to lower their temperature? Let's look at the list of the most suitable ones:

  • Paracetamol. This remedy can be used for colds during pregnancy at any stage; it will help reduce pain and fever. But it is recommended to take it no more than 3 days in a row. If paracetamol is used in the correct dosages throughout the course, it will not have a negative effect on the woman’s condition and the development of the baby. But it is still worth considering that this medicine can penetrate the placenta;
  • Panadol. This medicine can be taken by pregnant women for colds at any stage. But still, only a doctor should prescribe it. The active components have an analgesic and antipyretic effect. It is recommended to use the drug for no more than 3 days;
  • What other medications can pregnant women take for a cold with fever? If paracetamol and Panadol do not give positive results, then the doctor may prescribe Ibuprofen. However, you should be especially careful when taking it. In the first trimester, tablets or syrups with ibuprofen for colds during pregnancy should not be taken, because this component can cause a miscarriage. But in the second and third trimester it does not pose any particular danger to the child.

However, it is worth paying attention to some antipyretic cold medications that should not be taken by pregnant women:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and all drugs based on this component (Coldrex, Efferalgan);
  • Nimesulide (Nimesil, Nisit);
  • analgin;
  • various biological supplements- Dietary supplements.

All of the above medications are contraindicated for pregnant women with a cold. Their use can negatively affect the development of the child and cause various disorders. And sometimes they can cause severe bleeding in the mother. They should also not be taken during breastfeeding.

Harmless means to reduce fever

What else can pregnant women do for colds besides medications? Other harmless means can be used to reduce the temperature.

The most effective and efficient are the following:

  • cold compress. It is done on the forehead area. You need to wet a towel or soft cloth in cool water. Next, the fabric is folded and applied to the surface of the forehead. You need to hold it until the surface of the moistened towel or napkin becomes warm, then turn it over to the other side;
  • How else can you treat a cold during pregnancy? You can use a heating pad with ice instead of a damp towel. It can be applied to the forehead area, but you should first place 2-3 layers of fabric. This procedure can reduce fever, alleviate the woman’s condition, and reduce the intensity of headaches;
  • rubbing using a bite. How to treat colds with fever in pregnant women using this remedy? For this procedure, you cannot use vinegar essence; vinegar with a concentration of 5% is suitable for it. It is recommended to wipe the woman’s arms, legs, neck, and chest with this product. After about 10-15 minutes the temperature will drop. You should not use vodka or alcohol for rubbing. Alcohol can quickly penetrate the surface of the skin;
  • Tea with linden blossom is a good remedy for colds and fever in pregnant women. It is useful both in fever and in conditions without it. You can take this drink at any stage of pregnancy. You can brew a healing drink in a thermos. It takes about 10-15 minutes to infuse. You need to drink ½ glass twice a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey or raspberry jam to the tea.

Cough treatment

How to cure a cold during pregnancy that is accompanied by a severe cough? Many people are familiar with the discomfort this manifestation causes; sometimes the cough syndrome can be so strong that severe pain occurs in the throat area. And during pregnancy, coughing is especially dangerous.

Severe cough syndrome, especially when it is dry and paroxysmal, can become an obstacle to the child receiving sufficient oxygen. For this reason, it is important to know what cough medications pregnant women can take for colds, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

Antitussives for colds in pregnant women are usually prescribed from the following list:

  • in the initial period of pregnancy, the most effective medications for dry cough are Sinekod, Stodal, Bronchicum;
  • What medications can pregnant women take for colds in the second period? The following will be suitable - Stoptussin syrup, Coldrex, Falimint, Libexin;
  • during a wet cough, cold remedies during pregnancy are often prescribed in the form of syrups - syrup containing licorice root, Herbion, Doctor Mom, Mucaltin. A breast mixture made from medicinal herbs has a good effect.

In any case, only a specialist should decide how to treat a cold with a severe cough during pregnancy. Self-medication can cause negative consequences for both the health of the expectant mother and the child. All medications should be taken according to the instructions and in the indicated dosages.

Harmless cough remedies

How can pregnant women be treated for a cold that is accompanied by a severe cough? To do this, it is not necessary to take strong medications, which can provoke unpleasant symptoms and effects, and even more so cause disturbances in the development of the child.

So, what can pregnant women use for colds at home? Let's look at the most effective ways to treat a severe cough:

  • To eliminate a dry and suffocating cough, it is recommended to drink warm milk. You can add 1 teaspoon of goose fat or butter to it, you can also add a small amount of natural honey;
  • What can you drink for a cold during pregnancy to reduce unpleasant cough syndrome? Herbal or green tea with a slice of lemon and raspberry jam. The drink relieves inflammation in the throat, relieves the condition and also reduces fever;
  • How else can pregnant women treat colds at home? Inhalations based on essential oils have a good effect. To do this, it is recommended to place a pan of water on the fire and heat it to a boil. Next, add a few drops of oil to the water. Oils from sage, St. John's wort, and eucalyptus have a good effect. Next, the container should be removed from the heat, the head should be covered with a towel and slightly tilted over the container. After this, for 5-67 minutes you need to breathe in healing vapors, they will penetrate through the nose and mouth, relieve pain, redness and inflammation in the throat cavity. After inhalation, the woman should rest and lie on the bed under a blanket for a while;
  • What else can you do for a cold during pregnancy with severe cough syndrome? A suitable and harmless option would be to inhale potatoes over steam that have been boiled in their jackets. Additionally, you can add a few drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, St. John's wort, and sage. The procedure is carried out in the same way as during inhalation over steam with essential oils.

Features of the treatment of runny nose

A runny nose is an unpleasant symptom of a cold, which is accompanied by nasal congestion. It can not only cause discomfort in the mother, but can be very dangerous for the development of the child. For this reason, it is important to know how to treat a cold with a severe runny nose during pregnancy.

What medications pregnant women can take for a cold with a severe runny nose can be found at the pharmacy, but they should still be prescribed by a doctor. He must determine the woman’s condition and the degree of nasal congestion. Also, medications are prescribed depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

So what medications can pregnant women take for a cold with a severe runny nose? Below are the most effective and safe ones:

  • Doctors always prescribe special liquids that are designed to rinse the nasal passages. The most effective drugs are Aqualor and Dolphin. It is recommended to use these products no more than twice a day;
  • What else can be used to treat colds and nasal congestion in pregnant women? You can use the well-known product with Aqua Maris sea salt. The liquid is used to rinse the nasal passages 2 times a day;
  • To relieve the inflammatory process and eliminate pathogenic organisms, cold medications during pregnancy in the form of drops can be used. Doctors prescribe Pinosol and Nazivin. They should be used carefully in accordance with the instructions and in small doses.

Many doctors do not recommend using cold medications with vasoconstrictor properties during pregnancy. They can provoke unpleasant reactions and side effects. Sometimes they have a negative impact on the baby's development. It is better to replace them with the safest drugs and natural remedies.

Harmless remedies for runny nose

A runny nose can be treated independently at home using effective and safe natural remedies. They will help not only eliminate severe nasal congestion, sneezing, and breathing problems, but also prevent disturbances in the development of the child.

So what can pregnant women take for colds with a severe runny nose? Let's consider several effective and safe treatment options:

  • It is not at all necessary to use strong cold medicines for pregnant women; they can be safely replaced with regular onions and garlic. These vegetables have a strong antiviral effect. They contain phytoncides that destroy influenza and ARVI viruses. It is enough to cut several onions and cloves of garlic and place them in different places in the room. Additionally, every day you can carry out the procedure of inhaling the aroma of onions and garlic for 10 minutes;
  • To improve breathing and clear the sinuses, you can use effective soda-tannin drops, which can be easily made at home. Pour 200 ml of hot water into the container and pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaves into it. Next, it is placed on low heat, the tea leaves are evaporated for 10-15 minutes. After this, it is filtered. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the prepared solution. It is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with the prepared product; to do this, use a pipette to instill a few drops into each nostril. This procedure is required several times a day. The solution cleanses the nose well and promotes the rapid removal of mucus;
  • to improve breathing, you can instill aloe juice, phytosolutions from fresh carrot or apple juice into the nasal cavity;
  • after visiting places with large crowds of people, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions or liquid with the addition of baking soda;

If a woman experiences severe nasal congestion with headaches during pregnancy, then you can use a cake made from flour and honey. It must be applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

How to treat a throat

A cold is almost always accompanied by a sore throat and inflammation. This symptom is caused by an infection, which can not only provoke health complications in the woman, but also cause disturbances in the development of the child. For this reason, it is important to eliminate this manifestation as early as possible.

What to take for a cold for pregnant women who have severe inflammation and redness of the throat is prescribed by the appropriate specialist. It must take into account the woman’s condition, the severity of symptoms and the trimester of pregnancy. It is imperative to take into account that many medications have contraindications and side effects, so they must be used in accordance with the instructions.

So what can pregnant women take for inflammation and redness of the throat during a cold? Let's consider the most suitable and safe drugs:

  • What can pregnant women drink if they have a cold with inflammation in the throat? Miramistin and Chlorhexidine solutions have a good effect. But they should still be used in the form of rinses;
  • inflammation and redness in the throat will help remove medications in the form of aerosols - Ingalipt, Hexoral. They have an antiseptic effect. Safe for child development;
  • if a woman experiences severe soreness, as well as pain when swallowing, redness of the throat mucosa, then she can be prescribed the effective medicine Faringosept;
  • Furacilin solution can be used to gargle. The solution relieves inflammation, eliminates pain, removes severe redness;
  • To eliminate inflammation and relieve severe pain, doctors recommend using Bioparox spray.

Harmless means

Many syrups, sprays, solutions, and pills for pregnant women against colds can be dangerous to the health of the mother and the development of the baby. They have contraindications, they can provoke unpleasant effects and cause problems in the development of the baby. For this reason, many doctors recommend using folk remedies to treat colds.

  • A decoction of chamomile has a good effect. Additionally, you can add calendula, oak bark, sage, and eucalyptus to its composition. Be sure to add a little sea ​​salt;
  • To eliminate pain and inflammation in the throat, you can make a solution of sea salt, iodine and baking soda. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of soda and salt and a few drops of iodine to 1 cup of warm boiled water. Everything is mixed until all components are completely dissolved;
  • For the solution, you can use an alcohol tincture based on propolis, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Add 1 teaspoon of tincture to a glass of warm water.

What not to do when treating a cold during pregnancy

Treatment of colds while pregnant should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor. All drugs and remedies should be prescribed depending on the woman’s condition, the severity of symptoms and the semester. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; what pregnant women can drink for flu and colds should only be found out from specialists.

There are a number of precautions and procedures that should not be performed when treating colds during pregnancy:

  • Under no circumstances should you take hot baths, even for your feet. They can cause bleeding, and in the worst case, miscarriage;
  • You cannot take antibiotics on your own. What pills pregnant women can take for a cold should only be decided by a doctor;
  • should not be used alcohol tinctures, because they cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • Prohibited drugs include co-trimoxazole derivatives - Biseptol, Bactrim;
  • medications containing acetylsalicylic acid are not used because they cause blood thinning;
  • It is contraindicated to take Indomethacin, this medication provokes an increase in pressure in the pulmonary arteries;
  • taking hormonal and sleeping pills can cause disturbances and pathological disorders in the development of the child;
  • drops with a vasoconstrictor effect should be used with caution. They should be used only when necessary, no more than 1-2 times a day;
  • There is no need to wear woolen clothes and cover yourself with warm blankets, this can cause severe overheating of the body.

Every woman should approach the treatment of colds during pregnancy with special responsibility. During this period, she should think not only about herself, but also about her future baby.

It is important to closely monitor your condition during this period and at the slightest suspicious symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor. It is a specialist who will be able to tell you what pregnant women need to drink when they have a cold in order to quickly eliminate the disease. These can be medicines and folk remedies based on natural ingredients.

It is important to eliminate a cold as early as possible so that it does not cause negative consequences in the development of the child. For this reason, it is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of your gynecologist. At the initial stage, he will prescribe vitamin complexes and immunostimulating agents that will help boost the immune system.

It is also important to observe the correct and healthy eating, which should only include natural products. Compliance with all recommendations and rules will help you bear a healthy baby without harm to your own health.

Protecting yourself from infectious diseases during pregnancy is quite difficult. But when it already happens that you have caught a cold somewhere, then you need to do everything in order to minimize possible damage to the unborn child.

Consequences of a cold during pregnancy

Doctors strongly recommend not to get sick in the first three months of pregnancy. This is a huge risk for the baby, because various inflammatory processes in the body can lead to early death amniotic fluid and bleeding, it is possible that the child may develop many pathologies. Up to the 16th week, colds can affect the central nervous system baby. In later stages, a cold is also undesirable, but with proper treatment it does not pose much of a danger.

It is necessary to treat colds during pregnancy, even though the means for this are in an “interesting situation” and significantly limited. After all, a “sore” is dangerous precisely because of its consequences, which can manifest themselves in the absence of a proper response. If the child’s relatively mild colds are “spared” with a high degree of probability (although not a single specialist can say for sure whether a cold will affect the child), then severe viral infections, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, can cause developmental disorders of those organ that are formed during the period of illness. What can be relatively “calming” is the fact that a cold suffered during pregnancy does not cause genetic abnormalities and pathologies.

How does a cold affect pregnancy?

Does a cold affect the course of pregnancy? And if so, how does a cold affect pregnancy? These questions are asked, perhaps, by any pregnant woman who has discovered symptoms of the disease.

Of course, a cold initially affects pregnancy by causing a general deterioration in the woman’s condition. Weakness, increased fatigue, cough and runny nose, sore throat, which are the most common “companions” of a cold, do not in any way contribute to a woman’s good mood and well-being. What’s worse is that a cold can affect pregnancy not only by deteriorating the condition of the expectant mother herself, but also of the fetus. Thus, a cold that occurs in the early stages can lead to the development of internal hypoxia in the baby - a lack of oxygen. It is also scary that, at first glance, it is not a particularly dangerous disease, but a cold may well lead to the development of various pathologies in the fetus, which can even cause a frozen pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

Therefore, the disease should be avoided as carefully as possible, especially in the first trimester. And, if you still cannot avoid a cold, you should resort to competent treatment. But under no circumstances should you engage in self-medication - how and what to treat should be determined by a qualified doctor.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy:

- cough

It is strictly forbidden to take any cough tablets; this is even prescribed in the instructions for these medications. Naturally, various mixtures, syrups and alcohol tinctures are also not suitable. If treated this way, it will do more harm than good.

It is best to remember the old folk methods - rinsing and. For gargling, a solution of sea salt, ordinary table soda, infusion and calendula is suitable. You can use chamomile and soda for inhalations; in addition, menthol and eucalyptus oils are good to use. Decoctions won't hurt either. medicinal herbs, which should be taken, but consult your doctor before using them, as some herbs may be contraindicated during pregnancy.

- runny nose

When a pregnant woman has difficulty breathing, this, in turn, leads to the fact that the baby does not receive enough oxygen. A runny nose should be treated immediately.

If you are used to using drops, now you can use them only after consulting a doctor. Good use from hot hand baths. Under no circumstances should you steam your feet; this can cause a miscarriage. However, hot hand baths are a great help for a runny nose. To carry out the procedure correctly, you need to wet it in hot water hands up to the elbows, after a while, you will feel the expected effect.

Menthol oil helps not only with coughs, but also with runny noses. They need to put drops in their nose or apply it to their forehead, bridge of the nose and temples.


Increased temperature further weakens the already weak female body. However, if the body temperature is not higher than 38 degrees, doctors do not recommend rushing to lower it. In any case, even when the temperature starts to go beyond 38 degrees, you will have to forget about aspirin and other antipyretic drugs. Fortunately, there are also folk ways to reduce the temperature - this is tea from coltsfoot, a decoction of pine buds.

It happens that the temperature is too high, then you can take it. Attention: you should not get carried away with it, because this medicine has an adverse effect on the liver. It is best to discuss taking paracetamol with your doctor.

- antibiotics

You need to know that they do not act on the virus, and therefore they do not help in the case of ARVI. Therefore, you should take antibiotics only when severe complications have already developed. Don’t forget to read the instructions for all the products you plan to take; they must indicate whether there are any contraindications for pregnant women.

- vitamins

Pregnancy vitamins should be taken throughout the entire nine months. However, their quantity and dose should be regulated by a doctor. It is not recommended to increase even the dose of vitamin C on your own during pregnancy.

And most importantly, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. But it’s better to eat honey in moderation, otherwise it can lead to allergies in your baby.

When you have a cold, it is best to stay at home, and if the temperature is elevated, you must stay in bed. Under no circumstances should you suffer from a cold on your feet - that’s all possible complications will affect the child.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

A well-known rule: it is better to avoid any disease than to later make every effort to cure it “correctly”. Prevention of colds during pregnancy, although not a 100% guarantee, is a very real possibility of avoiding the disease. The rules of prevention are not at all complicated and are as follows:

  • It is advisable to avoid crowded places, especially during seasonal outbreaks of diseases:
  • you should regularly ventilate the room, as well as spend enough time walking in the fresh air, preferably in the park (at least 2-3 hours);
  • It is useful to eat onions and garlic with regular food, which have bactericidal and antiviral properties; you can also simply cut the vegetables into pieces and place them in different rooms of the apartment;
  • prevention of colds should be carried out in parallel to all family members, but if someone gets sick, immediately isolate him;
  • It is also worth strengthening the immune system through the now popular vitamin-mineral complexes, but the doctor must select the appropriate drug; fruits and vegetables can be a natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

Love yourself, listen to your desires and don’t get sick!

Especially for- Maryana Surma

Perhaps the most common illness among pregnant women is the common cold. The causative agent of this disease can be viruses or hypothermia. As you might guess, the greatest likelihood of catching a cold occurs during the cold season - winter and early spring. There is even folk sign: If a girl starts to catch colds too often, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

These are only superficial similarities to a cold, which are caused by hormonal changes after conception that lead to fatigue, fluid retention and a persistently stuffy nose.

During pregnancy, the body of even the healthiest woman is in a state of suppression of the immune system, so that a rejection reaction does not accidentally occur that can destroy her own child, whom the body may mistake for a foreign body. As a result of this immunosuppression, the woman becomes more susceptible to all seasonal diseases in order to preserve the life of the baby.

Many women mistakenly consider immunosuppression to be a pathology and try to cure it. According to doctors, this condition is normal behavior of the body during pregnancy and is not a cause for concern.

A cold, like any other illness during pregnancy, can harm the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor your health and pay attention to the most harmless signs of illness. Not many mothers manage to spend their pregnancy in a warm climate, so try not to catch the flu or cold in the fall and winter. Any wrong step during pregnancy can harm the baby's health!

The very first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy can be headaches, constant fatigue and malaise. Already in the first day the condition may worsen. A runny nose appears, then the throat begins to hurt and a cough begins. In some cases, cough may appear before other symptoms. Loss of appetite and sore throat also indicate a viral disease. As a rule, if the disease is not very serious, then a cold during pregnancy can occur without a high temperature, usually no more than 38 degrees.

The greatest discomfort is caused by the first 2-3 days of a cold, with proper treatment of which the disease quickly begins to recede.

Typically, signs of a cold can occur when the body is wet or hypothermic. More complex diseases of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections appear as a result of the action of viruses and bacteria. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are very similar, but require a different approach to treatment. Not every young mother will be able to distinguish between bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it will be important to find out what disease you will have to deal with.

Why are colds dangerous during pregnancy?

Another unpleasant moment is that the virus may already be in your body, but not show activity. But when favorable conditions occur, which include pregnancy, the virus begins its active reproduction activity. Most often this happens in the first trimester, when the fetus is just beginning to develop and form. Even a minor illness like a cold can cause a delay in the development of a child’s vital organs.

If herpes appears on the lips, which happens quite often during pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. The appearance of a cold on the lips can give the child immunity to this disease after birth, since along with nutrients the baby also receives antibodies against viruses.

The most dangerous thing in the first weeks of pregnancy is getting rubella. The symptoms of this viral infection are very similar to a cold: cough, runny nose and swollen lymph nodes. There may be minor skin rashes that only an experienced dermatologist can see. Even a slight runny nose is another serious danger. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can progress to sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Another great danger for a baby is posed by viral infections such as influenza. There are usually 2 options here: either the virus does not have any effect on the development of the child, or defects appear that lead to spontaneous miscarriage. In such a situation, you should definitely see a specialist. Only he can tell whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. If the results of tests and studies do not reveal any pathologies, then there is no reason to worry.

Such serious diseases will have to be treated with serious medications. But in the first months the embryo is so weak that any medicine can terminate the pregnancy. The sad fact is that you can kill your baby before you even know you are pregnant. If the pregnancy was planned, then taking care of your health should begin from the first days after conception.

Colds in the second trimester are less dangerous, but you shouldn’t relax! Many unpleasant complications may also arise for the mother: polyhydramnios, the development of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, complications in the postpartum period and chronic infections.

No one can say how a harmless cold will end, but if you take timely care to maintain immunity and fight the first symptoms of the disease, then this will not affect the health of mother and child!

But even a severe form of a cold during pregnancy is not a death sentence. The mother's body can withstand many diseases without consequences for the fetus and the woman herself. It all depends on the state of health and genetic predisposition.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, many diseases have similar symptoms, so before starting treatment you need to know exactly which disease you will have to overcome. Of course, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist - your attending physician. During pregnancy, completely different methods of treating colds are required. Normal medications may be ineffective during pregnancy and may even lead to complications!

The first thing you should do if you notice any signs of a cold is cancel all your plans and lie down at home for a couple of days. During the treatment of diseases during pregnancy, bed rest is a prerequisite. Leave the house or exercise homework It will be possible only after all symptoms have been cured. If the treatment of a cold is delayed, then you need to contact your doctor again!

An important element of health and treatment during pregnancy will be proper balanced diet and a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. Water helps remove pathogens and accumulated toxins from the body. But this does not mean that water consumption should become uncontrollable. Excess water in the body can lead to edema.

It is recommended not to load gastrointestinal tract heavy food during pregnancy, and choose more digestible foods and dishes. You should also exclude spicy, salty and fried foods. Porridges and stewed vegetables, dairy products or dietary broths will be an excellent source of energy. In a word - choose warm and liquid food. If you love onions and garlic - great, a couple of cloves of garlic will help you cope with the disease faster.

Drinking alcohol and medicines alcohol based. Without the need and permission of a doctor, do not take antibiotics, antipyretics, immunomodulators, or products that increase blood pressure. Best to use natural preparations and traditional medicine.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy with folk remedies

Most medications are generally prohibited or not recommended to be taken during pregnancy, because pharmaceutical companies are afraid to take responsibility for possible fetal defects. Any caring mother should understand that any pill can affect the child in the most unpredictable ways. Therefore, it is best to resort to centuries-tested folk methods Treatment of colds - medicinal herbs!

It is not recommended to take herbal tinctures with alcohol, like any alcohol. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the fetus! The child's heart works at a high rate - at least 200 beats per minute. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can speed up this rhythm even more, which can lead to chronic heart disease after birth!

During epidemics, it is better to use more effective means to maintain immunity. For example, regular horseradish is one of the most effective remedies for colds during pregnancy. This one is especially popular folk recipe: You need to finely grind the horseradish root and mix it with an equal amount of honey; using refined sugar is also not recommended. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for 1 day and take a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalations with sage or chamomile will be effective against cough. They soften the inflamed nasopharynx and treat a runny nose. To carry out inhalation, you need to boil the potatoes along with the peel, adding a tablespoon of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves to it, and then inhale its vapors directly from the pan while covering your head with a towel.

If you are suffering from a dry throat, you can make gargling decoctions from calendula, chamomile or sage. If herbs do not help get rid of pain, then you can buy ready-made rinsing mixtures in the form of tablets at the pharmacy; they quickly dissolve in water and disinfect the oral cavity. The most suitable during pregnancy are Furacilin or Chlorhexidine.

Another proven remedy for treating colds during pregnancy is honey and bee products! These are delicious and healthy treats are an excellent remedy for respiratory diseases. Honey will be especially effective in combination with lemon and rosehip infusion as tea. But you shouldn’t get carried away with honey towards the end of pregnancy - your baby may develop an allergy, and the mother may develop diabetes.

The dangers of overheating when treating a cold

When treating colds in pregnant women, special care should be taken with water procedures. A relaxing hot bath with salt or essential oils can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth! Going to the bathhouse or sauna is also prohibited.

You need to be careful with your foot park. Heat causes blood to rush to the legs, and there is a possibility that blood will drain from the placenta, which will cause a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the baby.

Colds during pregnancy are best treated dry and warm. Wear a scarf, wool socks and warm pajamas. Just a few nights in this form will significantly improve your well-being and relieve a sore throat and runny nose.

Runny and stuffy nose

A severe runny nose during a cold makes breathing difficult not only for the mother, but also for the child. This syndrome is called hypoxia. But along with the lack of oxygen, the body begins to experience a lack of water! With a severe runny nose, the body can lose 2 liters of fluid per day! Therefore, try to make up for these losses during the day.

Also, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to unnecessarily abuse nasal drops like Naphthyzin, Nazivin or Galazolin. Read the instructions for the drops carefully and do not exceed the recommended dosages. The fact is that these drops contain vasoconstrictor substances, the action of which can negatively affect the blood supply to the placenta, which can lead to a delay in the development of your child.

In addition, everyone knows about dependence on such drops. After just 3 days of using Naphthyzin, addiction and almost drug addiction may occur, which will provoke you to frequently put it in your nose, even for no reason. This occurs due to vasospasm and swelling of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, drops provide only temporary relief, and after a while the nose becomes even more stuffy, which leads to a vicious circle! The use of these drops is recommended only during severe mucus discharge from the nose.

Pregnant girls are even more susceptible to drip addiction; many experience nasal congestion throughout pregnancy until the birth of the baby. In this case, it is best to rinse your nose with a weak salt solution - just half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water will be enough. You can also buy nasal drops based on sea water, for example, Aquamaris. Or put a couple of drops of aloe juice into your nose.

Another effective remedy is Zvezdochka balm. You can simply inhale it or lubricate your nose with it. Doctor Mom ointment based on herbs has a similar effect. Carefully monitor the manifestation of allergic reactions; if they appear, then it is not advisable to use these ointments and balms.

Boosting immunity with vitamins

During pregnancy, women need vitamins more than ever! So try to eat as much fresh fruit as possible every day! Apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples are almost available all year round. And in the summer season, do not deny yourself juicy berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries and others will quickly fill your body with vitamins. Most often, this method is much cheaper and more effective than using tablets and capsules with synthetic vitamins.

If you want to accept and pharmacy vitamins, then be sure to consult a doctor! After all, a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy and the presence of diseases. Your doctor may recommend an appointment ascorbic acid to maintain tone during infectious diseases. The most important thing is not to take more vitamins than normal; an overdose of vitamins can lead to improper development of your baby!

What to do if you have a high temperature during pregnancy?

As a rule, colds go away at a body temperature of 38 degrees. More high temperatures are very rare. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs, for example, Paracetamol. The use of Aspirin is not recommended, as one of its side effects can be miscarriage! It is strictly forbidden to take any, even the latest antibiotics, which can lead to the development of fetal defects. Colds during pregnancy can be cured without them.

If a sharp rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, then it is best to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink a few cups of hot water. herbal tea from raspberries, oregano or coltsfoot. Heat will help dilate blood vessels and warm the body. Next, you need to bring down the heat; to do this, you can rub the body with 3% vinegar diluted with water.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

Treating a cold is not a pleasant task. It's best to take care of your health in advance! To prevent illness from taking you by surprise during pregnancy, you must follow a few simple rules. An important condition for preventing any cold is strengthening the immune system!

The main health success during pregnancy will be healthy image life! You urgently need to get rid of all bad habits. Try to spend more time outdoors - at least 3 hours a day. Walking in a park or forest will help strengthen your immune system and heart muscles. In cold or rainy weather, avoid hypothermia or getting wet. lower limbs. You will have to forget about fashion - wear only comfortable and warm things. Ventilate your home as often as possible, clean and wipe off dust. Try to exercise daily therapeutic exercises or yoga.

Another good remedy for the prevention of colds during pregnancy - aromatherapy and essential oils. Oils such as mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and many others have a good antiseptic effect. But read the instructions carefully - many essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy, and also have individual intolerances. Onions and garlic also have an antiseptic effect - you can not only eat them, but also place the chopped slices where you spend most of the day.

The only disease on our list that is not an infection. This is a parasitic disease. It is caused by a single-celled animal, Toxoplasma. In most people, toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic and does not pose any particular danger, but not during pregnancy. The parasite enters the human body from contaminated foods, water, and cat feces.

According to some studies, toxoplasmosis affects one in 200 pregnant women, and the congenital disease occurs in one in 10,000-30,000 newborns. If a woman becomes infected shortly before pregnancy, the risks to the unborn child are minimal.

If you are in the house, you can get infected from it. To avoid this, the expectant mother should not clean the cat's litter box. As a last resort, do this with gloves and a mask, and then wash your hands thoroughly.

Prevent infection through food and water will help"Five Principles for Improving Safety" food products", which experts from the World Health Organization advise to adhere to

  1. Keep the kitchen clean.
  2. Raw foods should not be located next to thermally processed ones, much less come into contact with them.
  3. Expose products.
  4. Store food at the correct temperature.
  5. Use safe water and raw foods, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease that belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections. It is caused by herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types, and can be infected during sexual intercourse (including oral and anal) and kissing. The disease manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling and blisters on the skin; many people are asymptomatic. After this, the pathogen remains in the body, and the person becomes a carrier.

If a pregnant woman has genital herpes, she can transmit the pathogen to her baby through the placenta or during childbirth. This does not always happen: according to American statistics, 25-30% of expectant mothers and only 0.1% of newborns suffer from genital herpes.

If a woman first becomes ill during pregnancy, the risk of infection to the fetus or transmission of the infection during childbirth is 50-75%. If chronic herpes has recurred, the mother already has antibodies in her body, and they can protect the child: the risk of transmission of infection during childbirth will be 5%. The herpes virus can lead to miscarriage, damage to the baby's brain, liver, congenital malformations, and death.

If an exacerbation of herpes is detected after pregnancy, the doctor will most likely recommend a cesarean section.

Used in later stages antiviral drug, but it will not protect the child 100%, in addition, its safety during pregnancy has not been fully studied.

If a woman is not infected, and her partner has genital herpes (tests will help dot the i's), then sex during exacerbations is contraindicated, and during the subsidence of symptoms - strictly with a condom. If a partner has oral herpes, kissing and oral sex are prohibited.

Cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus is a member of the herpes virus group: its close relatives cause herpes and chickenpox. Many people are carriers of the pathogen: they once suffered an infection, and since then the virus has been “sleeping” in their body. Transmission of cytomegaloviruses occurs through biological fluids: urine, saliva, semen, breast milk.

For a healthy person with a normally functioning immune system, cytomegaloviruses are not dangerous. The infection is most often asymptomatic or accompanied by fever and temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes.

It is dangerous to become infected or reactivate the infection during pregnancy. For a child, this is fraught with loss of hearing, vision, epileptic seizures, reduced intelligence and learning ability, muscle weakness and motor coordination disorders, microcephaly (reduction in the size of the skull).

If you are caring for children and are not a carrier of the virus (based on test results), Here's what will help you protect yourself from infection::

  • Wash your hands often. Change diapers using gloves.
  • Don't kiss children on the face.
  • Do not share utensils or hygiene items with children.


Listeria is a bacteria that is found in soil, water, and can land on the surface of vegetables and fruits. Some animals are their carriers. These microorganisms are found in raw meat, unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Listeriosis is a relatively rare but dangerous infection; according to some data, the risk of infection during pregnancy is increased by 20 times.

The first manifestations occur 2-30 days after infection. Worrying symptoms that resemble flu, headaches and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea.

During pregnancy, the risk of a dangerous invasive form of listeriosis is increased, when sepsis and meningitis develop. The mortality rate is 20-30%. Listeria leads to miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths (in approximately every fifth affected woman). Infection of the newborn may occur.

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To prevent listeriosis and other foodborne infections stick toWHO’s “Five Principles for Improving Food Safety,” which we have already written about above.


The chickenpox virus is a relative of the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus. Most adults are immune to chickenpox because they had it in childhood. But in rare cases, if immunity is greatly reduced, you can become infected a second time.

In the external environment, the virus quickly dies, but once it enters the human body, it will not miss its potential: susceptibility to infection among those who have not recovered is 100%.

According to British statistics, 3 out of 1000 women fall ill during pregnancy. This is fraught with serious complications for both the mother and the fetus.

The risks for the child depend on what stage of pregnancy the infection occurred: if before, then fetal chickenpox syndrome may develop, which manifests itself in the form of underdevelopment of arms and legs, scars on the skin, microcephaly, damage to the brain, bladder, intestines, and when infected at 28-36 weeks, the virus enters the child’s body and in some cases is activated in the first years of life.Thanks to vaccination, rubella has become a rare disease; however, any unvaccinated expectant mother is at risk of getting sick, and this is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus. The rubella virus is spread by airborne droplets, the source of infection is a sick person.

A woman who gets rubella during pregnancy has an increased risk of stillbirth and premature birth. Infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester - before. The child develops congenital rubella syndrome, which can manifest itself in the form of deafness, cataracts, heart defects, decreased intelligence, damage to the spleen and liver, low weight and skin rash after birth, glaucoma, pneumonia, and thyroid problems.

A reliable way to protect yourself from rubella during pregnancy- get vaccinated in advance. You can become pregnant no earlier than 4 weeks after the vaccine is administered. You cannot get vaccinated during pregnancy.

Zika virus

The Zika virus became a popular horror story after it was declared a global threat by WHO experts. This infection cannot be contracted in all countries. Full list can be found, for example, on the website. Carriers are mosquitoes.

The Zika virus is considered dangerous for pregnant women. There is evidence that it causes microcephaly, developmental delays, dwarfism or short stature, mental retardation, and hyperactivity in children. There is no clear evidence, the degree of risk is unknown, and yet it is not worth the risk.

During pregnancy, it is better not to visit countries where you can become infected.. But if a woman nevertheless decides to take such a trip, she needs to take measures to protect herself from mosquitoes: wear clothes that cover the entire body, use mosquito nets on windows and doors.