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Ergonomics of a computer workstation definition. Computer ergonomics - how to properly organize your workplace. Workspace: rules and regulations

Operational requirements for a computer workstation - this is a system of criteria on the basis of which the equipment, ease of use and compliance with sanitary standards of the workplace at a personal computer are assessed. All these criteria are formulated by various institutions and structures and subsequently formed into unified SanPiN.

Workplace characteristics

To understand the mechanisms by which the organization of workplaces in the field of health, safety and ecology is regulated, it is necessary to clearly understand the conceptual apparatus. The most commonly used terms in this area are:

  • Work zone - a zone up to 2 m high above the territory where work functions are performed.
  • The workplace is a limited area within which an employee stays from 2 hours to half the time during the working day. It is possible that in the process of performing his functions, an employee constantly moves between different areas on the territory of the enterprise; in this case, all points on the route of his constant movements will act as a workplace.
  • Atmospheric ionization is the presence of microparticles with an electrical charge in the surrounding air. In the natural environment, the process of their occurrence is natural. A person needs a certain amount of ions in the atmosphere. If they are deficient, there is a drop in performance and the inability to complete assigned tasks with the required level of tension and concentration. The number of ions in the air is estimated in relation to the cubic. cm of its volume.

There is a huge amount of microelements in the atmosphere. To assess their presence, specialized instruments are used to detect their specific gravity in the air. For example, for buildings where offices are located, it will be especially important to determine the content of oxygen and related compounds, since it is the sufficiency of oxygen that will affect the intensity of functioning of employees.

  • Illumination - originates from physics terminology, means the amount of light radiation per unit area. Calculated by the formula:

E - illumination level (unit of measurement - lux (lx));

F - volume of luminous flux in lumens (lm);

S is the area of ​​the illuminated area in square meters. m.

However, you need to keep in mind that recalculating the light flux in lumens is a rather difficult task that can only be performed by a very highly qualified specialist. To simplify the process, the standard radiation is shown on the lamp; based on this data and specialized tables, anyone can carry out the appropriate calculation. In particular, the labeling of 75 W electric lamps indicates a flux of 935 Lm.

In addition, radiation does not reach surfaces in a straight line, but, as a rule, with a significant deviation from it. In this case, the light intensity is significantly reduced. To take this factor into account, it is necessary to enter the appropriate correction factor into the calculation:

E = (F / S) × Kp,

where Kp is the correction factor. To apply it, you need to refer to special tables. At the same time, to confirm sufficient illumination of production premises, it is better to involve a trained specialist. In the case of repairs or redevelopment in a small office, it will be enough to apply a coefficient of 0.5: in rooms of this class, no more than 50% of the radiation reaches the corresponding planes.

  • The daylight index is used to characterize the amount of natural light entering a room through windows. Defined like this:

KEO = E M / E N,

KEO - natural illumination coefficient;

E M - degree of illumination of the internal space at a certain point M;

E N - degree of illumination outside the windows of the room.

  • Brightness is the ratio of light intensity to the area emitting it.
  • Noise is a disordered combination of sound vibrations with various parameters. The greatest negative effect on the body is produced by the repetition and intensity of sound.

Repeatability (frequency) - the number of oscillations of a sound wave per unit time. Sound is nothing more than vibrations of air. In this case, different numbers of them can be carried out within 1 second. The unit of change for this value is 1 hertz, equal to 1 oscillation per 1 second.

Intensity is the strength of sound that is transmitted by sound vibrations. It is measured in decibels.

  • Microclimate - reflects the summary environmental characteristics of the work premises.
  • Diffuse reflective materials include objects whose surface does not reflect light.
  • SanPiN - sanitary rules and regulations. In most cases, they incorporate the provisions of several normative acts and regulations. An example is SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4, which defines the conditions for working with a PC. They synthesized the content of the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation.

Criteria for assessing the suitability of places and premises for work

The following area standards are considered sufficient to perform the functions of one employee:

  • at least 6 sq. m for a place with a PC;
  • not less than 20 cubic meters m of space around the workplace.

The office must have windows to ensure the presence of both natural and artificial lighting. In addition, it must be equipped with a heating and ventilation system. Finishing is carried out with the obligatory use of materials that do not reflect light. The floor covering is made smooth, made of materials that prevent the accumulation of dust, and is easy to clean. It is also necessary to have a fire extinguisher and medications in the office.

These are the most common requirements for work premises and workplaces in company.

Limitations on temperature, humidity and the presence of harmful impurities in the air

Environmental and climatic requirements are formulated in SanPiN, hygienic standards GN and GOST 12.1.005-76:

  • Maintaining indoor temperatures not lower than +22…+24 °C in winter and +20…+25 °C in summer.
  • Permissible air humidity is 40–60%.
  • Mandatory air circulation at a speed of 0.1 m/s.
  • The permissible proportion of air ionization: from 400 to 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3, having a positive charge, and from 600 to 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3, having a negative charge.
  • The maximum permissible concentration of harmful impurities is different for individual types of substances. The current standard was created with the expectation that their presence in the air will not have a negative impact on an employee during a week of continuous exposure. Changes in concentration must be continuously monitored. If several types of hazardous impurities are found in the environment, their total permissible concentration is determined:

K1/PK1 + K2/PK2 + K3/PK3 + … ≤ 1;

K1, K2, K3 - degree of concentration of a particular substance;

PC1, PC2, PC3 - the maximum permissible concentration of a given impurity.

Required level of lighting in the workplace

Currently the following are in effect workplace lighting requirements:

  1. For natural light, it is stipulated that it can be equal to or exceed the value:
    • 1.2 KEO - for places with permanent snow cover;
    • 1.5 KEO - for other areas.

In this case, the light should enter the workplace from the left side.

  1. For light of artificial origin the following is provided:
    • its use to illuminate the entire room;
    • uniformity (without interruptions and changes in brightness);
    • absence of reflections from various types of surfaces (monitors, tables);
    • value of at least 300 lux in industrial buildings;
    • increasing the value to 500 lux in places where you work with business papers and technical documents.

The allowed lighting brightness value is:

  • for luminous surfaces - 200 cd/sq. m,
  • for reflections on the monitor screen - up to 40 cd/sq. m.
  1. Fluorescent ceiling public lamps are used as a light source for offices with computers. Incandescent lamps with a reflector are possible as additional sources.

Noise parameters that the work area must meet

For places where computer work is carried out, the maximum permissible sound level at frequencies perceived by humans should not exceed 50 dBA. To fulfill this requirement, you must:

  • follow the standards regarding the territorial location of work areas;
  • use specialized materials in the process of finishing cabinets;
  • implement additional measures to ensure noise absorption.

Conditions for organizing the workplace

When creating computer jobs, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • there must be at least 1.2 m between the sides of the monitors;
  • there must be at least 2 m between the back of one monitor and the front of the other;
  • Each seat is equipped with a foot shelf measuring 300 by 400 mm, adjustable in height up to 150 mm.

There are also certain requirements for a table as an element of workplace equipment:

  • tabletop width from 600 mm, length - from 1,200 mm, distance from floor to tabletop - from 680 to 800 mm;
  • the table surface should not form reflections;
  • availability of sufficient free legroom;
  • availability of space for a keyboard.

There are also a number of selection criteria for an armchair or chair:

  • creating and maintaining optimal working posture;
  • seat size not less than 400 by 400 mm;
  • ability to adjust height from 440 to 550 mm;
  • backrest measuring at least 300 by 380 mm;
  • the presence of armrests of the appropriate size;
  • non-electrifying and non-slip upper part of the seat and backrest.

Assessing the workplace from a health perspective

Due to the fact that the work process affects the health of the worker, strict control over the condition of the workplace is necessary. In order to ensure this control, the following are provided:

  • determination of periods of work and non-working time;
  • implementation of procedures related to health improvement and prevention;
  • determination of the mechanism for passing medical examinations;
  • checking compliance with the conditions for working with a PC by certain categories of employees.

Compliance with fire protection and electrical safety conditions

In order to ensure electrical safety, specialized rules for working with equipment are established for each workplace, with which the employee must be familiarized with a signature.

Fire safety also requires the implementation of a whole range of measures to familiarize workers with basic rules. Here it is necessary to provide workplaces with fire extinguishing equipment and outline evacuation routes in case of emergency.

Compliance of places with sanitary and hygienic criteria

All sanitary and hygienic requirements for the workplace are observed through the application of the procedures described above in the text. Examples include the following:

  • Most requirements for materials for renovation of premises indicate the possibility of their easy cleaning;
  • workplace layout involves minimizing the rate of spread of infection and ensuring compliance with employee evacuation parameters.

Conditions for organizing production sites

For execution purposes requirements for production premises and workplaces in the field of safety, one must be guided not only by SanPiNs, but also by building codes and standards (SNiPs). As a rule, their norms are partially duplicated, but there are also differences that must be taken into account.

Compliance with occupational health and safety conditions requires carrying out on a regular basis a whole range of measures of both a preventive and control nature. In accordance with legal requirements, for this purpose the company must have a specially trained responsible person or a separate specialist who is responsible only for these issues.

Working with a computer involves many repetitive, monotonous movements, such as typing on a keyboard and controlling a mouse. Over time, these movements can negatively affect your body, especially your wrists, neck, and eyes. Computer ergonomics will help you minimize these risks.

Don’t be lazy and organize your workplace correctly. And also follow the recommendations that must be followed when working with a computer. This will help avoid fatigue and the development of occupational diseases in the future. Take care of your health.

Watch a short video that clearly shows the problems of improper workplace organization.

Fundamentals of computer ergonomics

Computer ergonomics is the science of organizing a workspace to eliminate discomfort and increase productivity. Today, equipment and furniture manufacturers take into account ergonomic parameters, which gives us the opportunity to use ergonomic keyboards, chairs and tables.

Now let's look at the basic computer ergonomics tips:

  • Armchair: It is recommended to use a special office chair that allows you to adjust the backrest position and height. You can also purchase models that are equipped with lumbar support, adjustable armrests and tilt angle, which minimizes the load on your back. Your fit should be natural and comfortable. Your feet should be on the floor and the angle at the knee joint should be 90 degrees.
  • Keyboard: The placement of the keyboard on the table should be such that your arms do not hang, and your wrists are kept straight and relaxed. Many computer desks have a shelf for the keyboard; according to ergonomic standards, this is the optimal height for comfortable work with the keyboard. You can also buy an ergonomic keyboard that has optimal key placement for comfortable operation.
  • Mouse: The mouse should be located next to the keyboard at the same level. This will allow you to control the cursor comfortably and eliminate incorrect wrist position.
  • Monitor: The ideal distance from the monitor to your eyes is 40–50 centimeters. It should also be set at eye level or slightly below. Ideally, the source of natural light should be located on the left side, this will minimize glare and reflections.

  • Take breaks: It is important to take breaks when working on the computer. To avoid eye strain, you should periodically look away from the monitor. It’s better to get up and walk around, warm up, so as not to sit in one position for a long time. You can also use timers that will remind you to take a break and do eye exercises.

With the right approach and organization of your workplace, you will work comfortably, even spending the entire working day at the computer. And remember that no one will take care of you and your health.

Safety and ergonomic rules when working with personal computer devices in Belarus are defined by San PiN 9 -131 RB 2000.

It is now generally accepted that only a computer can improve the efficiency of education and industry, banking and trade and unite the whole world through the Internet. Like every stage of social development, it brings new problems. And one of the most important is environmental. This is also important because the younger generation is actively involved in the process of computerization.

The environmental problem of computerization has two problems:

1. Physiological characteristics of human work at a computer;

2. Technical parameters of computerization tools.

The study of such problems is ergonomics. The main goal of ergonomics is to create perfect and safe equipment, organize the workplace, and prevent labor.

Why is working at a computer harmful to human health? The fact that working on a computer is unsafe was felt first by the United States - the most computerized country. Disability benefits cost $100 billion annually.

Premises requirements

Workplaces cannot be placed in basements. The premises must have natural light. One workplace for adults must have at least 6 square meters. and a volume of at least 20 cubic meters. (in computer classes up to 4.5 square meters is allowed)

The noise level in the room should not exceed the norm (50 dB in classrooms). The premises are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation or air conditioning systems. Next to the computer lab there should be a laboratory area of ​​at least 18 square meters. The floor surface must be flat, convenient for wet cleaning and antistatic. Microclimate parameters: t = 19-21 degrees. Celsius, relative humidity 40...60%, air speed 0.1 m/s. The premises must be ventilated after each academic hour.

Requirements for technical means

Levels of positive and negative aerons and harmful chemicals must comply with the following standards:

2. Magnetic flux density 250 nT;

Parameters 1,2,3 should not exceed the specified values ​​at a distance of 50 cm from the screen.

4. Level of EMF (electromagnetic field) emitted by the keyboard, system unit, etc. must be within 25 V/m (0.3...300 KHz) to 10 μW/cm (0.3...300 GHz).

5. The level of industrial frequency EMF current is up to 0.5 kV/m.

6. The intensity of infrared, ultraviolet radiation, and X-ray radiation from the monitor screen should not exceed established standards.

7. Illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300...500 Lux.

8. The safety factor of the common area should be equal to 1.4. The pulsation coefficient should be no more than 5% in the absence of high-frequency ballasts (including ballasts), lamps or luminaires must be alternately connected to different phases.

Workstations are arranged in rows. The design of the desktop should ensure optimal placement of equipment.

As a result, the design of the work chair must provide height adjustment and angle adjustment of the seat and backrest. The surface should be semi-soft, with non-slip, non-electrolytic and breathable coatings, adjustable armrests. The screen should be at a distance of 600...700 m, but not closer than 500 mm.

The duration of breaks depends on the intensity (number of signs taken per shift). The working time per shift for teachers is 4 hours, for engineers – 6 hours, for students – 3 hours. During intensive work, rooms for psychological relief are provided.

Working on computers should be done alternating theory and practice.

In which duration: 5 years - 7 minutes, 6 years -10 minutes, primary school -15 minutes, (5-7) Grade 20 minutes, 9 Grade. – 20 min, in 9th grade lessons. – 25 min, (10…11)Cl – 40 min. The total duration of work for students is no more than 3 hours. During breaks, do voice exercises. To relieve general fatigue, take physical exercise breaks. Classes should be held in the morning. Each enterprise has safety instructions that take into account the specifics of production.

ALIS 36 Ergonomic support of ALIS

An important aspect of the functioning of a library (even without the use of automated technologies) is its creation of work and comfortable working conditions for users by complying with sanitary, fire and other requirements that ensure the protection of people and funds from natural (unauthorized) influences, as well as compliance with lighting standards , heating, ventilation and air conditioning, room design, use of special furniture, etc.

The term “ergonomics” comes from the Greek words “ergon” (work) and “nomos” (law) and means a scientific discipline that studies the functional capabilities of a person in labor processes, identifying the possibilities and patterns of creating optimal conditions for highly productive work and providing the necessary amenities to workers.

When communicating with automated technical means, some specialists may experience a psychological barrier. In a computer environment, it is also possible to disorganize the expression of emotions such as stress and frustration. Signs of emotional stress are usually: disruption of the process of interaction between a person and a computer, emotional-volitional instability, and a poor level of preparedness to work with a computer. A “psychological barrier” arises to a greater extent among older b-k workers as an individual’s defensive reaction to any attempts to change the sequence of actions established over a long period of his life and work, the implementation of procedures, etc. One of the main reasons for its occurrence is the low ability of a certain category of people to learn computers.

In the initial well-known period, the following can be proposed: studying the basic psychological and production inclinations of workers, carrying out automation processes consistently and accurately, providing, if necessary, psychologically unprepared workers with temporary or permanent work in other areas (divisions) where their potential capabilities will be in demand.

Organization of work with personal computers.

The work and rest schedule for computer workers is determined by the “Temporary Sanitary Standards and Rules for Computer Center Workers.” Long-term work at a computer in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards contributes to the appearance of such negative phenomena as skin dermatitis and “visual computer syndrome.” Changes: decreased visual acuity (34%), decreased accommodation (the ability to clearly see objects at different distances) - 45%, reduction of visual axes - 52%.

The negative impact on vision is due to the fact that ... is presented to the user independently, and not a reflected image.

During long-term intensive work at a computer, overstrains occur in the muscles of the tendons of the fingers, hands, forearms and shoulders. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and weakness (repetitive stress injury syndrome). Prolonged, immobile sitting position behind a PC screen also negatively affects the musculoskeletal system.

“Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization.” Working on a PC leads to an increase in air temperature and a decrease in humidity, causing stress in the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, deterioration of the filtration function of the skin, dryness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and headaches.

When working on a PC, harmful chemicals are released, the oxygen content decreases, and the ozone concentration increases.

Before working on a PC, the room must be ventilated. The optimal air temperature is 19-21 degrees. Celsius.

Display screens should not be placed side by side.

It is necessary to properly organize the workplace. The table and chair must be selected in accordance with the characteristics of growth so that when working at the PC, the forearms in relation to the shoulder, the shin in relation to the thigh are at a right or obtuse angle. Your back rests on the back of the chair. Table height -72.5 cm (68-80). Table surface 160*90 cm.

The color of the table should not be bright. It is better to use matte table surfaces. Direct sunlight should not fall on the display screen. Special computer chairs with armrests are used as chairs. The keyboard is 10 cm from the edge of the table. The desktop with the keyboard should be well lit.

Microclimate in the b-k

    Air temperature 18-22 degrees. Celsius;

    Relative humidity (the ratio of the amount of water vapor present in the air of a given state to the amount saturated in the air at a given temperature (40-70%));

    Air mobility 0.1-0.2 m/s;

    The average temperature is 16-18 degrees. Celsius.

A complex quantity that takes these parameters into account is the resulting temperature. To maintain indoor microclimate parameters, water, steam, and air heating systems are used. ventilation and air condensation. The simplest portable heating device is oil radiators (they have fire-fighting properties and do not reduce oxygen levels).

Ventilation systems: gravitational and mechanical. Local ventilation (tabletop, floor), supply, exhaust.

Condensers are automatically controlled systems that help maintain constant temperature and air humidity.

7th century Systematic approach to automation of billboard processes

The systems approach focuses on a preliminary thorough study of the functional organizational structures of the system. It allows you to detail an object into smaller subobjects in order to create a model of its main parts with identified connections to other subobjects and their modes of operation, which makes it possible to ultimately obtain a holistic description of the entire object. The following aspects are analyzed:

    Components of the system (subsystems, modules, elements, etc.);

    Changes in system elements depending on external and internal conditions;

    Application of the system depending on the state of the elements, as well as external and internal conditions.

In the systems approach, special attention is paid to identifying connections between the component parts of the system in order to highlight, subject to careful study, and determine the essence and development prospects of those that give the phenomenon under study integrity and determine its specificity.

It is important for a system to determine its structure. The structure of a system can be studied to study the composition of subsystems and the relationships between them, as well as to study the analysis of individual properties in order to study the functions of the system aimed at achieving set goals.

A systematic approach in a system allows us to identify common (typical) processes, elements of functioning, as well as their traditional forms.

We can distinguish four groups of processes that determine the activity of the library as a system:



    Service Library;

    Information support.

A systematic approach makes it possible to eliminate disunity in work both within departments and individual libraries of different types and among themselves, providing an optimal solution to the problem of coordination, planning, management, economics and scientific organization of work in the library. in fact.

The most important requirement of the systems approach is to identify how the external and internal connections of the system develop and determine the prospects for its further development.

The most important element of the systems approach is quantitative analysis, based on the definition of functions, their characteristics and the possibility of use in a particular process. Thus, to assess the need for automation of certain functions in a bank, it is necessary to identify: the required characteristics of the future system, automation, the level of costs required for its installation, etc.

For the first time in the Bible. theory and practice in Russia, the systematic approach arose in the late 60s and was applied by I.S. Kartashov. Then his methods were used by N.I. Talina. Throughout the 70-80s. O.P. Korshunov, Stolyarov.

A person’s productive activity forces him to remain in a sitting position for a long time, which is a forced position, so the body constantly lacks mobility and active physical activity. When performing work while sitting, the shoulder girdle plays an important role. Moving your hands in space affects not only the work of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back, but also the position of the spine and even the legs.

A person’s workplace must occupy an area of ​​at least 6 m2, the height of the room must be at least 4 m, and the volume must be at least 20 m3 per person.

The user's workplace is organized as follows. The height above the floor of the working surface at which a person works should be 720 mm. It is desirable that a person’s work desk, if necessary, can be adjusted in height within the range of 680 - 780 mm. The optimal table surface dimensions are 1600 x 1000 square meters. mm. There must be legroom under the table with a depth of 650 mm. A person's desk should also have a footrest located at an angle of 15 to the table surface. Stand length 400 mm, width - 350 mm. The distance of the keyboard from the edge of the table should be no more than 300 mm, which will provide the user with comfortable support for the forearms. The distance between a person's eyes and the video display screen should be 40 - 80 cm.

A person's work chair must be equipped with a lift-and-swivel mechanism. The seat height should be adjustable between 400 - 500 mm. The seat depth must be at least 380 mm and the width at least 400 mm. The height of the back support surface is not less than 300 mm, the width is not less than 380 mm. The angle of inclination of the back of the chair to the plane of the seat should vary within 90 - 110

The workplace and the relative position of all its elements must meet anthropometric, physical and psychological requirements. The nature of the work is also of great importance. In particular, when organizing a programmer’s workplace, the following basic conditions are met: optimal placement of the equipment included in the workplace and sufficient working space to allow all necessary movements and movements.

Ergonomic aspects of designing video terminal workstations, in particular, are: the height of the working surface, the dimensions of the legroom, requirements for the location of documents at the workplace (the presence and dimensions of a document stand, the possibility of different placement of documents, the distance from the user’s eyes to the screen, document, keyboards, etc.), characteristics of the working chair, requirements for the surface of the desktop, adjustability of the elements of the workplace.

The main elements of a programmer's workplace are a table and a chair. The main working position is sitting.

A sitting working position causes minimal fatigue for the programmer. A rational workplace layout provides for a clear order and consistency in the placement of objects, labor tools and documentation. What is required to perform work more often is located within easy reach of the workspace.

The motor field is the space of the workplace in which human motor actions are carried out.

The maximum reach zone of the arms is part of the motor field of the workplace, limited by the arcs described by the maximally extended arms when moving them in the shoulder joint.

The optimal zone is part of the motor field of the workplace, limited by the arcs described by the forearms when moving in the elbow joints with support at the elbow point and with a relatively stationary shoulder, shown in Figure 4

Optimal placement of labor items and documentation within reach:

· The display is located in zone “a” (in the center);

· The system unit is placed in the provided niche of the table;

· Keyboard - in the “g/d” zone;

· “Mouse” - in the “c” zone on the right;

· Scanner in the “a/b” zone (left);

· The printer is located in area “a” (on the right);

The documentation necessary for work is within easy reach of the palm of your hand, and in the drawers of the table there is literature that is not constantly used.

Figure 5 shows an example of the placement of the main and peripheral components of a PC on the programmer’s desktop: 1 - scanner; 2 - monitor; 3 - printer; 4 - desktop surface; 5 - keyboard; 6 - mouse-type manipulator.

For comfortable work, the table must satisfy the following conditions:

· the height of the table should be chosen taking into account the ability to sit freely, in a comfortable position, leaning on the armrests if necessary;

· the lower part of the table should be designed so that the programmer can sit comfortably and is not forced to tuck his legs in;

· the surface of the table must have properties that prevent the appearance of glare in the programmer’s field of vision;

· the design of the table should include drawers (at least 3 for storing documentation, listings, and office supplies).

Great importance is attached to the characteristics of the work chair. Thus, the recommended seat height above the floor is in the range of 420-550mm. The seat surface is soft, the front edge is rounded, and the back angle is adjustable.

When designing, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of different placement of documents: on the side of the video terminal, between the monitor and keyboard, etc.

In addition, in cases where the video terminal has low image quality, for example flickering is noticeable, the distance from the eyes to the screen is made larger (about 700mm) than the distance from the eye to the document (300-450mm). In general, with high image quality on a video terminal, the distance from the user’s eyes to the screen, document and keyboard can be equal.

The screen position is determined by:

1. reading distance (0.6...0.7 m);

2. reading angle, viewing direction 20 below horizontal to the center of the screen, and the screen is perpendicular to this direction.

It should also be possible to adjust the screen:

1. height +3 cm;

2. inclination from -10 to +20 relative to the vertical;

3. in left and right directions.

Great importance is also attached to the correct working posture of the user. An uncomfortable working position may cause pain in muscles, joints and tendons.

The requirements for the working posture of the video terminal user are as follows:

1. the head should not be tilted more than 20 degrees,

2. shoulders should be relaxed,

4. forearms and hands - in a horizontal position.

The reasons why users posture incorrectly are due to the following factors: there is no good document stand, the keyboard is too high and the documents are too low, there is nowhere to put your arms and hands, and there is not enough legroom.

When using a computer, doctors advise installing the monitor at a distance of 50-60 cm from the eyes. Experts also believe that the top of the video display should be at or slightly below eye level. When a person looks straight ahead, his eyes open wider than when he looks down. Due to this, the viewing area increases significantly, causing dehydration of the eyes. In addition, if the screen is mounted high and the eyes are wide open, the blinking function is impaired. This means that the eyes do not close completely, are not washed with tear fluid, and do not receive sufficient hydration, which leads to rapid fatigue.

Creating favorable working conditions and proper aesthetic design of workplaces in production is of great importance both for making work easier and for increasing its attractiveness, which has a positive effect on labor productivity.

The article will tell you how to make your PC ergonomic.


Inexperienced users of personal computers, as a rule, have little understanding not only of the computers themselves, but also of how to sit at them correctly.

Ergonomics of the workplace

After a day spent at the PC, a fairly significant part (if not the majority) of users get up from the table to one degree or another drowned. This is accompanied by heaviness in the head, pain in the neck, shoulders and lower back. Many are even thinking of changing their PC to a tablet if their line of work allows it.

But what if you need a computer for work, you need it every day, and it’s simply not practical for you to change it for something else? How can we ensure that our long-term use of a desktop computer throughout the day does not result in one or another negative consequences for us?

Let's talk about this in our review. We will discuss how to make a computer ergonomic, or how to make your PC workplace ergonomic.

Why does working at a computer negatively affect our well-being?

The reasons why you feel unwell because of computer work are usually related to the wrong approach to this very work. For example, if you configure your monitor/video card incorrectly, then as a result of insufficient quality of the image displayed on the screen, you will have to constantly tilt your body forward (and sometimes backward) in order to better view the image.

In general, you unnecessarily strain the muscles of your neck and back, which become tired at the end of the day, causing you unnecessary discomfort.

But the main reason may be that you simply organized your workplace incorrectly. You installed the chair incorrectly, the monitor on the table, you type incorrectly on the computer, you do not follow the operating mode on the PC, and so on.

In summary, let’s highlight the main factors that harm our health when working on computers:

  • Lack of mobility for a long time. This has a negative effect on the body. In particular, this contributes to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, digestion, and breathing.
  • Incorrect position of the body, head and limbs. If a person does something incorrectly, for example, sits in one place “not as expected,” then this has a bad effect on the physiology of the body. The ability to maintain posture is not just a sign of aristocracy, but also a desire to relieve the back and shoulders of unnecessary inappropriate muscle tension. And if, while sitting on a chair, you pull one leg to the left and under you, and put the other on the table, then at the end of the day you will come to the conclusion that you cannot sit like that.
  • The same movements repeated over time. In this case, we also strain our muscles once again and psychologically focus our attention on this. As a result, we feel bad.
  • Staying in a confined space (smoky, stuffy, etc.) for a long time
  • Radiation from the monitor. Point-blank electromagnetic and light radiation does not have a beneficial effect on the eyes. Of course, this can make our eyes get tired, hurt, and have a negative impact on our vision. At least once an hour you need to switch your gaze from the monitor to other objects, and it is best to pause, go to another room, breathe clean air, etc.

Radiation from the monitor

Now let's move on to the main thing. Above, we briefly examined why spending a long time at the computer negatively affects our well-being and health. It's time to learn how to deal with this.

Here are a few rules for the ergonomics of a computer workstation:

  • The monitor should be placed on the table opposite you and at a distance of 60 cm to 75 cm from your eyes. The center of the screen should be slightly below eye level, and the top of the monitor should be directly opposite (maybe lower, but not higher).
  • The table on which you install the monitor should be 70-75 cm high, your legs should be comfortably located under it. When you type on the keyboard, your elbows should be at a 90 degree angle. Also pay attention to the armrests of the chair; they should not interfere with the indicated position of the hands.

  • You should use a computer chair with a reclining back and one that can be adjusted in height. When sitting on a chair, your feet should be on the floor. Adjust the backrest of the chair to fit your back to maintain an even posture.

How to sit at the computer correctly

  • Always take a break, at least once every 1 hour. If possible, take a break once every 30 minutes.
  • Set your monitor to medium settings (brightness, correction, etc.). The text font should be read easily and without eye strain.

Keyboard and how to use it

Perhaps the very first thing you should learn to do at a computer is to type correctly. Typing correctly means typing with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard (touch typing). You can learn this through appropriate courses on the Internet. It is very easy to find such a course, for example. The training will take you on average 1 month, maximum 2 months. In any case, after this you will be able to type freely with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard for the rest of your life.

Why is this necessary? Firstly, so as not to constantly direct your gaze from the keyboard to the monitor and back. Such unnecessary actions have a negative impact on the neck muscles. It's much more convenient to just look at the monitor and watch the text you type. In addition, this printing method speeds up typing speed several times. For example, one user said that he types faster than he can read the text he is typing.

It doesn't hurt to choose an ergonomic keyboard. Search the Internet for “ergonomic keyboard.” This keyboard is specially designed for touch typing. The keys on it are located specifically for the location of your fingers and wrists.

Ergonomic keyboard

Ergonomic keyboard


You even need to be able to use a computer mouse:

  • Always place the mouse next to the keyboard so that you do not have to reach for it; your arm should always be bent. Nothing should interfere with the movement of the mouse on the table. Remove unnecessary items from the table.

  • You should not put pressure on the mouse with your palm, just as you should not press your wrist on the table. The palm should rest freely and easily on the body of the mouse, and the fingers should be on its buttons.

How to hold a mouse correctly

  • Do not move the mouse with your entire hand, much less your entire body. Operate only with the hand and a little with the forearm when necessary. Place the mouse on the mouse pad intended for it to outline the boundaries within which it should move.

Video: Ergonomics. Creating a Safe Workplace