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What is cornflower used for? Blue cornflower: description of the plant, cultivation and use. Procurement and storage of raw materials

Today we are talking about flowers, but not about all of them, only about one - the Cornflower flower. What secret meaning does it carry and what lies behind its beautiful appearance?

Giving flowers is a wonderful and amazing tradition that has come down to us since ancient times. Nowadays, few people know the symbolism of flowers. And back in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the help of these graceful and beautiful plants, it was possible to express the whole gamut of feelings from all-consuming love to burning hatred.

Young people of the Pushkin century read with interest dictionaries and books about the meaning of plants, gave flowers and bouquets of them, investing in this a special and even secret, intimate meaning.

The method of transmitting information using colors is called the “language of flowers.” It is believed that this extraordinary method of conveying emotions and feelings originated in eastern countries, where Muslim women and girls could not openly express their feelings.

Currently, the “language of flowers” ​​is not as popular as it once was and few people know the true meaning of flowers, their secret meaning. But, nevertheless, every year interest in such an original method of conveying feelings is growing and gaining popularity.

This is due to the fact that by giving a flower, you can express a variety of feelings: hatred, sadness and joy, expectation and meeting. Flowers also come to the aid of those who do not dare to openly express their feelings. One of these plants is the simple but beautiful cornflower flower.

Cornflower flower: origin of the name

It is believed that the beautiful wildflower cornflower got its name from the Greek word “basilikon”, which is similar in meaning to the modern nouns “basilisk”, “basil” and the proper name Basil. Cornflower flower- This is an Old Russian borrowing from the Greek language, which used to mean “royal flower”. Initially, the cornflower flower played an important role among the southern Slavs in funeral rituals and memorial ceremonies.

The botanical name of cornflower is “centaurea” is a Latin designation that comes from the Greek word “kentaureion”. This name is associated with the centaur Chiron, the famous Greek mythological doctor who knew the healing properties of many plants, including cornflower.

There is also a version that Latin name cornflower (“centaurea”) means “one hundred yellow flowers.” We associate cornflower with the color blue, but in nature there are also yellow, purple, blue, white and pink cornflowers.

Botanical description of cornflower

Cornflower belongs to herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family. Nowadays, there are more than 550 species of this beautiful wildflower. There are perennial, biennial and annual cornflowers.

Wildflowers are found in different parts of the world: North and South America, Eurasia, (tropics), and also one species in Austria. The height of cornflowers can reach one hundred and twenty centimeters. The flowering period of cornflowers is from June to September.

Symbolism of cornflower

Currently, cornflower in the language of flowers means: “I don’t dare express my feelings to you!”

In addition, the elegant plant symbolizes trust, fidelity, openness, delicacy, grace and simplicity. Usually cornflowers are given to girls to show their sympathy and goodwill. Also, such a gift is interpreted as an offer of friendship or renewal of acquaintance.

The famous Russian translator and poet D. P. Oznobishin in the book “Selam, or the language of flowers” ​​highlighted the following meaning of cornflower: “be simple like him.”

When compiling this publication, Dmitry Petrovich translated a German book published in 1823 in Berlin, adding new plant names to it. The publication was very popular among young people of that time.

The ancient Slavs associated two interesting holidays with the wildflowers cornflowers: “the ear went to the cornfield”, as well as the “birthday sheaf”. The first holiday was celebrated by our ancestors at the time when the first ears of corn appeared on the field.

Young people gathered on the outskirts of their village near a field of rye, standing opposite each other in two rows. Then the girls and boys firmly held hands, along which a girl decorated with blue cornflowers walked. After this, the couples moved from the last rows to the first. This action continued until the girl walked along the hands to the field, where she descended to the ground.

In a field of rye, she picked several ears of corn, after which the whole procession went home, singing ritual songs. The second holiday took place before the harvest. The first sheaf that women collected in the field was decorated with cornflowers. They called him “birthday” and solemnly carried him into their home with songs.

Our ancestors loved to make beautiful wreaths from cornflowers, which they then hung in the house. These wildflowers were believed to be able to repel crickets. Also, cornflowers were very often the main element in the embroidery of our ancestors-craftswomen.

Natural dyes were also made from cornflowers: the plucked outer petals of the flowers were used to create blue paint, and the tubular ones were used to create a beautiful rich blue dye. It is known that natural paints made from cornflower flowers are very durable. This is evidenced by the fact that a wreath of cornflowers, discovered in a tomb, did not lose its blue color after thousands of years.

Legends about cornflowers

There are many beautiful legends associated with the wildflowers cornflowers. In Russian legends, the name of this wonderful plant is associated with the old legend about the love of a beautiful mermaid and an ordinary plowman Vasily.

Two loving hearts could not decide where it is better to live in water or on land. As a result, she turns her lover into a beautiful blue flower that resembles the blue of water.

According to German legend, blue cornflowers are small fragments of the sky with which a golden rye field fell in love. And even now you can see that with every breath of wind, the ears of rye bend towards the beautiful cornflowers, quietly whispering wonderful words of love.

Healing properties of the flower

Cornflowers have been actively used in medicine and cosmetology since ancient times. Due to the presence of antiviral and antibacterial properties, a large number of useful substances, cornflowers are indispensable assistants in the treatment of various diseases.

The plant is widely used in folk medicine as a diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, cornflowers have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. In cosmetology cornflower flower used as a tonic. The plant is believed to have a rejuvenating effect.

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Cornflowers are beautiful, bright, graceful perennials that are loved by many connoisseurs of garden ornamental crops.

general characteristics

Cornflower is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae family. It has an inflorescence in the form of baskets with small blue, white, pink, red flowers. Cornflowers are annual or perennial flowers with double or semi-double inflorescences, having narrow leaf blades and a stem up to eighty centimeters high. The flowering period is from early summer to September. The ornamental plant is unpretentious, is not afraid of low temperatures and arid climates, and loves the sun's rays.


Decorative perennial grows in Europe, Asia, USA, North Africa.

Varieties and types

In total, there are up to five hundred varieties of both annual and perennial cornflowers in the world.

Varieties of annual cornflower

  • A group of blue cornflowers has a stem up to 65-80 centimeters high;
  • The stems of the variety of low-growing cornflowers are 20-30 centimeters;
  • Musk cornflower flowers look like small pompoms of various colors.

Varieties of perennial cornflower

  • Whitened cornflower. Grows to approximately sixty centimeters: the Steenbergii variety has large raspberry-colored flowers with a white center; John Coutts flowers are even larger, they are pink with a yellow center;
  • Large-headed cornflower (80-150 cm), in which yellow “balls” bloom on thick stems;
  • Mountain cornflower (40-60 cm), in May - July produces abundant feathery white, pink or lilac flowers.


Cornflower should be planted in non-acidic and crumbly soil with average moisture. Before planting, heavy soil is improved with river sand and fertilized with organic fertilizers.

Seeds are usually sown in mid-spring, on dug up and leveled areas of soil warmed by the sun. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top. After which the seeds are carefully watered. The first shoots appear after seven days. When planting in winter, the seeds are planted in October - November, and it is not necessary to cover them.

Strong seedlings are obtained if sowing is done in mid-late March. When growing them, it is better to use hollow cups pressed from peat and filled with a nutrient substrate. During this period, the seedlings are systematically watered and provided with sufficient light. Seedlings are planted directly in peat pots into the soil. This is usually done at the end of April. Before planting, the seedlings are well saturated with moisture.

The distance between perennials should be 20 - 55 cm. In this case, the bushes will be lush. It is also important to know that the higher the stem, the greater the distance should be between perennial specimens. With strong thickening, the plants stretch out and lose their decorative effect. After 55 - 65 days, the first buds bloom.


Caring for the plant is not difficult. They should be watered sparingly as the soil dries. Excessive moisture leads to soaking of the roots and death of the flower.

Every two to three weeks, cornflowers should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. This guarantees lush flowering and active growth of greenery. In order to ensure a good wintering, perennial bushes need pre-winter feeding. This procedure allows cornflowers to endure unfavorable conditions of winter and early spring, guarantees rapid growth and abundant flowering in the warm season. Periodically sprinkling the stems and leaves with crushed wood ash will help prevent diseases throughout the growing season. Don't forget about weeding.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to collect the ripened seeds of the plants. If seed collection is not intended, then in order to maintain the attractive appearance of the bushes, faded buds should be removed.

Perennial cornflowers are adapted to transplantation. It is best to replant them in late summer or spring.


Perennials reproduce:

  • By seeds: sowing and self-sowing;
  • By dividing adult bushes in August or March.

Before dividing, the bush is removed from the ground, and ground shoots are shortened by 10 centimeters from the base. The roots are thoroughly washed and cut into pieces. The rhizomes must have daughter buds. Before planting them, the soil is mixed with compost.

The seedlings obtained by self-sowing are carefully removed from the soil together with the earthen clod in the spring and transplanted to another, permanent place.

Use in folk medicine

Blue cornflower is a slightly poisonous plant, as it contains:

  • Hydrocarbon-containing substances of an organic nature;
  • Colored plant glycosides;
  • Resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • Organic acids;
  • Slime;
  • Bitterness;
  • Sahara;
  • Unsaturated hydrocarbon;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Oil.

In medicine, cornflower is used primarily as a diuretic. Medicinal compositions from this medicinal plant relieve pain, heal wounds, relieve inflammation, fever and spasms, cause accelerated bowel movements and dilute stools (this will also help), and increase bile and sweat formation. Medicines are taken for menstrual irregularities, accumulation of transudate in any of the body cavities, icteric discoloration of the skin, and diarrhea. Powder from dried cornflower leaves reduces swelling. Perennial is used in the treatment of:

  • Kidney nephrosis;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Bladder;
  • Renal pelvis;
  • Edema;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Kidney pathologies.

The flowers of the plant can be used for diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.

Application in landscape design

In flower beds, cornflowers look great with herbaceous perennials, calendula, cosmos, and poppy. These plants bloom in one period, and the result is a beautiful variegated meadow.

Pharmacotherapeuticgroup. Diuretic.

Description of the plant




Rice. 8.21. Blue cornflower - Centaurea cyanus L.

Blue cornflower flowers-flores centaureae cyani
- centaurea cyanus l.
Sem. Compositae– asteraceae (compositae)
Other names: field cornflower, blavat, voloshka, blueflower, cyanosis

One- or biennial herbaceous plant with a thin tap root and a branched thin stem 30-80 cm high (Fig. 8.21).
Leaves alternate, lower ones - petiolate, trifoliate or pinnately lobed, upper ones - linear-lanceolate, coarsely toothed or entire-edged, sessile. Like the stem, the leaves are slightly cobweb-like and gray-green in color.
Flower baskets single, large, on long peduncles located at the ends of the stems, with a wrapper of imbricated membranous leaves.
Marginal flowers blue, funnel-shaped, asexual, irregularly five-toothed; median- violet, tubular, bisexual. There are 2 times more middle flowers than marginal ones.
Fetus- an oblong gray achene with a short, easily breaking off tuft.
Blooms in June – July, fruits ripen in August.
The plant easily tolerates autumn frosts.

Composition of blue cornflower




Main active ingredients cornflower flowers are

  • anthocyanins: cyanin – cyanidin diglucoside, pelargonidin glycosides,
  • as well as flavonoids, represented by derivatives of apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol.

In addition, there are

  • coumarins (cycornine),
  • tannins,
  • a little essential oil
  • bitter glycosides.

Properties and uses of cornflower




Pharmacological properties of cornflower

Cornflower flowers as an infusion

  • increase diuresis,
  • have a choleretic effect,
  • have antimicrobial properties,
  • have an antispasmodic effect.

In clinical studies on patients with urolithiasis, it was discovered that infusions of cornflower flowers

  • increase diuresis,
  • reduce the concentration of substances involved in stone formation in the blood (calcium, inorganic phosphorus, uric acid),
  • increase phosphorus clearance in urine,
  • reduce the level of uricemia and uric acid in the urine.

Use of cornflower

Cornflower flowers are used

  • for edema in patients with heart disease as a diuretic;
  • as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases
    • kidney,
    • urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis),
    • prostate gland;
  • in patients with salt metabolism disorders (urolithiasis, cholelithiasis) as a remedy diuretic and regulating salt metabolism.

The bitterness found in the plant improves digestive functions.

Choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties cornflower flowers are used for

  • cholecystitis,
  • cholangitis,
  • biliary dyskinesias,
  • hepatitis.





Spreading. A field weed, widespread throughout the European part of the country, except for the Far North and arid southern regions. In Western Siberia it is found only in the southern regions. There are winter and spring forms.

Habitat. In crops of rye, wheat and other grain crops, sometimes found in fallow lands, young fallow lands, and waste areas.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




Preparation. For medical purposes, only marginal and partially central tubular flowers without baskets are used. The raw materials are collected immediately after the flowers bloom in the basket. When harvested later, the flowers turn white. The quality of raw materials depends not only on the time of collection, but also on drying methods. When harvesting, the cornflower baskets are picked or cut off and the outer flowers are plucked out. The receptacle and involucre are discarded.

Drying. In rooms with good ventilation, lay out the flowers in a thin layer (1-2 cm) on paper. It is better to dry quickly in artificial dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. The yield of dry raw materials is 20%.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, art. 6.

Storage. In a dry, well-ventilated area, protected from light. Shelf life: 2 years.

External signs of raw materials




Blue cornflower - Centaurea cyanus L

Blue cornflower flowers

Mixture marginal and middle flowers.
Marginal flowers asexual, irregular, with a funnel-shaped corolla up to 2 cm long, with 5-8 deeply incised lanceolate limb lobes and a tubular base up to 6 mm long.
Median- bisexual, with a tubular 5-toothed corolla about 1 cm long, sharply narrowed from the middle to the base.
Stamens 5, with loose woolly filaments and fused anthers.
Pestle with lower ovary.
Color marginal flowers blue, colorless at the base; middle ones are blue-violet.
Smell weak. Taste slightly spicy.

The Cornflower flower belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family, or this family is also called Asteraceae. The flower has a straight stem that can reach over a meter in height. The flowers are collected in baskets and can be of different colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, blue, purple, red or burgundy. The plant can be annual, biennial or perennial. Flowers begin to bloom in June and can delight with their beauty until late autumn.

Cornflower can be found almost throughout Europe and throughout Russia. The most famous species is Blue Cornflower, which is found in fields, in winter crops, and in vacant lots. The plant reproduces by seeds.

The plant itself is unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Loves the sun very much. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years and still maintain lush flowering. Practically not susceptible to disease. Due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering, it is very common among gardeners.

Application of Cornflower:

The cornflower flower is used in cooking. Its leaves have a delicate aroma and are often used as a seasoning for dishes.

Medicine has not been spared cornflowers either. This flower has diuretic properties. Therefore, cornflower decoctions are used for kidney diseases, edema, etc. Cornflower decoctions also have choleretic properties. It is also used for liver diseases, including jaundice. Cornflower also has antipyretic, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

The flower is often used in cosmetics. Cornflower is also in demand as a decorative flower. Cornflower is also mentioned as a dye for Easter eggs. But in our time, when food dyes are available, it is unlikely that people will run into the field for cornflowers.

Flower Cornflower video

Cornflower varieties:

Blue cornflower is the most famous variety. It is distinguished by a very beautiful turquoise color of the flowers; the length of the flower stem can reach a height of 80 cm. A one- or two-year-old plant. You can meet them in fields, wastelands, meadows.

Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower is a perennial plant. Can grow on any soil. A very unpretentious plant - can survive in difficult conditions. Flowers can be blue, purple, burgundy. It can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

White cornflower

White cornflower is a rare variety of flower that is listed in the Red Book. It is distinguished by white flowers and double petals. At the same time, the growth of the flower is quite small - up to 30 cm in height.

Large-headed cornflower is a perennial plant. It is distinguished by its large size. The height of the flower can reach more than 1 meter. The flowers also differ in their size - they can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is light or bright yellow.

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 80 cm in height. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, less often white. The plant is covered with a cobwebby cover. Flowers are collected in baskets.

Yellow cornflower is a perennial plant whose size can reach up to 1 meter in height. The color of the flowers is bright yellow and the cornflower flower is approximately 5 cm in diameter. The stem is thick and straight.

Eastern cornflower

Eastern cornflower is a large perennial plant that can reach 120 cm in height. The flowers are quite large, collected in baskets.

White cornflower is one of the most beautiful types of cornflower. It can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The lower leaves can be white and the upper ones green. The cornflower flower itself is also beautiful. The color of the flowers is bright pink.

Pink cornflower is a perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The inflorescences are large and single pink. The flower stems are strong and swollen under the inflorescences.

Spreading cornflower is a biennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The flowers are white or pink, collected in baskets. The plant itself is very spreading.

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Cornflower is an ornamental plant from the Asteraceae family. Many people compare cornflower flowers exclusively with the color blue, but modern gardeners have developed dozens of varieties with a wide variety of shades - white, pink, red and blue. Many in childhood drew this familiar flower, which is considered an ordinary weed, but for gardeners it is another group of plants. This flower can be annual or perennial, its stem is up to 80 cm in height, the leaves are narrow, and the inflorescences are semi-double or double, their diameter is up to 5 cm.

Cornflower is a beautiful meadow plant. It has a rough stem, a powerful taproot, elongated lanceolate leaves and bright flowers collected in large, single baskets, with several buds on one branch. The color and structure of cornflower can be different, for example, shades start from bright blue and end with purple; after flowering, an achene fruit is formed. The flowering of the plant lasts all summer, and by autumn it bears fruit. If you look at what cornflower looks like, you will notice that it is a weed, but it happens that it is cultivated in personal plots as a decoration for a flower bed.

Taking into account the country of growth, the description of the flower changes; cornflower grows in Russia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine and throughout Europe. The flower is unpretentious, but it loves moist soil; it is found in potato, rye and wheat fields. Even in ancient scriptures, the healing properties of cornflower are mentioned; it has magical properties; it is used to remove damage and in arable rituals. Check out the article: .

Cornflowers flowers: cultivation

Since the flower is an annual plant, it can be planted using the seedless method, that is, the seeds are sown directly into the ground. Planting is done at the end of April or at the beginning of May, choosing well-lit, sunny places. The flower prefers non-acidic, loose, sandy loam soil, where there is enough light and good watering. If alkaline soil is used, then the growing of plants will be more intensive, and the flowers themselves will become bright and large. If the site has clay soil, then it is advisable to add sand to it, which will make it more loose. Acidic soil is mixed with lime, which must be done before the first frost.

Before growing cornflowers in the garden from seeds, you need to prepare the beds in advance. First, mix two kilograms of peat and humus and add a little ash and nitrophoska. Then the beds are carefully dug up and the soil is leveled, after which it is necessary to make small grooves for planting seeds. The top of the beds is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered abundantly. After this, the soil is carefully compacted, and the bed itself is covered with fabric to create a greenhouse effect. When creating a flower arrangement, the beds are formed in such a way that there is no shadow from the flowers on smaller plants.

When planting cornflowers: growing them requires abundant watering, especially in hot summers. The distance between the bushes should be about 40 cm. Water the sown seeds every 2-3 days. On average, about 2 liters of water are consumed per square meter of land. Cornflowers sprout within one to two weeks after planting the seeds. In order for the plants to be healthy and strong, they are thinned out, leaving at least 10 cm between young bushes. Plants are grown in beds, pots or fields, since the medicinal properties of cornflower flowers are used in medicine and cosmetology. Planting material remains viable for 2-3 years.

Known varieties of cornflowers and their descriptions

The well-known wildflower cornflower is a plant that does not require special care and has a lot of useful qualities.

It is biennial, perennial and annual, and comes in a variety of colors: purple, blue, pink, yellow and white. The shade depends on the place where the flower grows; for example, white garden cornflower grows in Europe and is listed in the Red Book, as it is an endangered species. Ordinary perennial field cornflowers are weeds, so they try to destroy them in rye fields.

meadow cornflower

Meadow cornflower belongs to the Asteraceae group. It is a herbaceous perennial that reaches a height of 1.2 meters and has a rough, erect stem. Its leaves are elongated, alternate, slightly pointed, entire and slightly pubescent. The shape of the leaves can be different, for example, ovoid, elliptical or lanceolate. Meadow cornflower blooms with pink, white and purple inflorescences. In one inflorescence there are two types of flowers - these are funnel-shaped and asexual, extreme, and there are also bisexual and tubular flowers, which after flowering form a seed capsule.

Cornflower blooms almost all summer, until late autumn. It often grows on roadsides, in bushes, in clearings and meadows, as well as in steppe, forest and forest-steppe surroundings. This variety of plant is used only in folk medicine, thanks to which effective medicines are obtained. Tinctures and decoctions of dry cornflower have good choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Double cornflower

If you compare cornflower flowers in the field and double varieties, then growing them from seeds is practically no different from other varieties. After all, each flower is unique and has its own qualities. All of them have a strong flower basket that holds the peduncle and protects it from wind and rain. Each flower fits tightly to the other, which ensures the doubleness of this variety. However, on one branch there can be double and regular cornflower. Therefore, before planting seeds, it is necessary to study in more detail the characteristics of each variety.

For example, an ordinary field cornflower can reach a height of one meter, but cultivated varieties will be shorter, so this factor must be taken into account when planting. With the correct design of the flower beds, tall varieties are placed in the background of the flower beds, and lower ones in the middle or near the fences.

Cornflower - blue flower

The most famous is the blue cornflower. This variety grows well in our region, choosing sunny, spacious meadows. It was from this variety that breeders began to develop other varieties of colors - pink, snow-white, blue and purple. For example, the flowers and grass of the blue variety of cornflower are low - only 20-25 cm. This blue cornflower is an annual flower, has narrow leaves and a wide stem up to 80 cm in height. The inflorescences of the plant are double and semi-double, 4-5 cm in diameter.

There are also perennial blue cornflowers, they have large leaves and large inflorescences. The plant blooms for a long time, beginning in June and ending in September. If tall varieties are planted, then they are suitable for cutting, but low varieties will decorate flower beds and garden beds. Cornflowers reproduce by seeds, which are planted in the ground in April or May; they can also be planted before winter. The first shoots will appear on day 7-8; when planting, the distance between the bushes is 10-12 cm.

White cornflower flower

In nature, the white color of cornflower can only be found in the mountains of Northern Iran and the Caucasus. If the plant is grown in cultivation, then it is capable of forming a powerful bush, which reaches a height of up to 55 cm. Its leaves are on the lower side on long petioles, strongly dissected. The leaves are dark green on the outside and white on the bottom. The diameter of the white cornflower flower is no more than 4 cm and differs from other varieties by single inflorescences. There is a variety that has large white inflorescences with pink edges. The plant blooms from July to September.

Application of cornflower flowers

What are the benefits of flowers? To extract all the beneficial properties of cornflowers, you need to collect the flowers at a certain time - this is at the end of July and until the beginning of August. First, the flower baskets are carefully cut off, and then thin petals are removed from them. All cut cornflower heads should be laid out on paper for further drying. This procedure is carried out in a dark room where everything is ventilated. It is very important to protect the crop from direct sun, as it will lose its medicinal properties by 50%, and its color will also change. From time to time, the dried flowers are stirred so that they dry on all sides. Next, the harvest is placed in a dry glass jar and then in a fabric bag. Cornflowers are often used for the eyes, making tinctures and decoctions from them.

Dried cornflowers are widely used in modern medicine, for example, they help soothe coughs, improve digestive processes, dull menstrual pain, and fight colds and flu. And the use of cornflower flowers gives positive results for food poisoning, blindness, skin diseases, colic, gout, and jaundice.

Cornflower flower oil

Cornflower contains coloring substances that are a natural antioxidant, and cornflower flower oil and infusions have a beneficial effect on the human body and are also suitable for children. Flower oil also strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system, improves skin tone, has an antibacterial effect, prevents the development of cancer, eliminates inflammatory processes and slows down aging.

Using cornflower flowers: its use can be very different. For example, it can be used to lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, fight colds, anemia, and cleanse the body of harmful foods. The finished oil is obtained by grinding and pressing; at home, it is mixed with olive oil and used as a medicinal or cosmetic product.

Cornflower tincture

Ready-made cornflower tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy at a minimal price, but if desired, it can be made at home. For example, for abscesses or eye diseases, prepare a decoction, which will require: a teaspoon of dried cornflower flowers and a glass of boiling water, mix everything and leave for 30 minutes. Next, filter the broth and take a third of a glass on an empty stomach once a day. This water infusion of cornflower is also used externally, that is, they prepare lotions for the eyes or sore joints.

In addition to independent use, cornflower flowers are part of medicinal preparations, which include several plants at once. For example, to treat acne, a herbal mixture is prepared, which includes: dried walnut leaves, cornflower flowers, string, horsetail, nettle, speedwell and pansies. Mix all the herbs, take 4 tablespoons of the mixture and pour a liter of boiling water. It will take 10-12 hours for the cornflower tincture to be ready, after which it is filtered and taken as a lotion.

Cornflower flowers: contraindications

When taking decoctions and tinctures, it is important to know that there are contraindications for cornflower flowers, which must be taken into account before treatment.

For example, you should never rule out individual intolerance to the components of the product, because some components of the plant are considered quite toxic. The most dangerous are the cyan substances of the flower, which are contained in small quantities, but can also cause harm to the body.