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Current spells. Real witchcraft spells. How to recognize working words. By time of entry into force

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Real witchcraft spells have enormous power and can have different directions. Some of them allow you to solve heart problems, others attract good luck and financial well-being, others establish powerful protection from negative energy.

The Internet contains a huge number of spells for every taste, but how can you find a truly effective spell among all this information? In fact, it is not so difficult, but to do this you need to understand which conspiracies can be called real. After all, not so much depends on the words themselves; any spell in the power of which the performer believes can work. In other words, a real conspiracy is one in the effectiveness of which you yourself believe.

How to recognize real magic spells

There are a huge number of sources from which a modern magician can draw information of interest to him. Effective spells can be found in specialized books, on the Internet, and learned from grandmothers and mothers. Another question is, will each of them work in your case?

The first condition for an effective conspiracy is that the performer must like it.

Choose only those spells that find a certain response in your soul, in the effectiveness of which you unconditionally believe. Because of this same condition, many professional sorcerers advise making up conspiracies on your own so that these words literally come from your heart.

Rules for casting spells

Many beginners are afraid to make magic spells on their own, because they are afraid of doing something wrong, they are afraid of making a mistake. IN

It's actually not that difficult to make your own spell. The performer must follow several basic rules, and he will definitely be able to create a strong and effective conspiracy.
Basic Rules:

  • The text of the spell must reflect its purpose. If you need to bewitch a man, then do not hesitate to directly talk about it during the ritual.
  • In the text you will have to indicate the exact time frame in which your spell should begin to work.
  • In every single spell there should be no mention that you want to harm anyone. It will be even better if the plot specifically states that you do not intend to harm others. Under no circumstances should you cast spells aimed at causing severe harm to the health and life of another person; you should not cast spells on illness or loneliness. Black magic is not the most suitable section for beginners. Always remember that harm caused to a person will definitely come back to you, which is why even experienced magicians rarely take on this area of ​​​​witchcraft.
  • Contrary to popular belief, an effective spell does not necessarily have to rhyme. Conspiracies in the form of prose show no less positive results. Therefore, if you are bad with poetry, you don’t need to torture yourself and the text.

Spells safe for humans

Today there is no consensus on whether there are spells that are completely safe for the performer. People who are far from witchcraft, but close to the church, say that any manifestation of magic is a sin, and therefore you will have to pay for it in the future.

Some professional magicians are convinced that the white area of ​​witchcraft is completely safe for humans, therefore such conspiracies can be used without any fear for one’s fate. But the opinion of the majority of experienced sorcerers differs from the views on this issue listed above. They believe that any magic is dangerous for humans, however, a competent performer can protect himself from any negative consequences.

Magic is an integral part of the world around us

The last opinion seems to be the most authoritative, since many respected esotericists speak out in support of it. Indeed, even white magic in inexperienced hands can lead to various consequences, including negative ones. And if you build a powerful defense, then even black magic will not be so destructive for the performer.

Opponents of magic also say that all the difficulties and trials sent to man come from the will of the Lord, and therefore trying to change something in one’s destiny is an act of disobedience to higher powers, and the punishment for such actions can be much worse than any difficulties in life .

In fact, this is not entirely true. We can argue for a long time about where the source of our problems is, but even if they come from God, will a mortal really be so guilty before the Almighty if he uses magic? After all, everything in this world was created by the Creator, and even Jesus Christ healed the sick with the help of the same white magic, which the churchmen call a miracle and in no way classify it as witchcraft.

Real magic spells

As mentioned above, any spells that a person believes in can be called real, because it is from faith and spiritual forces that magic and the ability to influence the world around us are born. As an example, below are several proven rituals and conspiracies, varying in focus.

To attract a guy

This is an effective plot that will help you attract the attention of the guy you like. This spell cannot be classified as a love spell, since it does not deprive a person of his will, but only forces him to take a closer look at you. The subsequent development of relationships will depend only on people, and magic here will have absolutely no effect.

“May my dream, servant of God (name), come true. May my beloved, servant of God (name), be near you forever. And six months will not pass before he finds love for me in his heart. To be with me every moment, nothing can cool his heart. May my words come true and do no harm to anyone. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful spell to attract finance

“Let the money in the house of God’s servant (name) quickly appear, let it be fertile day and night, let its source never be crushed, let the profit go to the joy of all residents. And not a year will pass before everything will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Weight loss conspiracy

Undress in the evening, stand near the mirror and read the words:

“And not a year will pass before I, the servant of God (name), will become slim. Unnecessary food, fatty food will no longer enter my mouth. Let the fat will go away from the sides, let everything unnecessary melt, let the belly disappear. My will is strong, my word is accurate, everything will come true, as I said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell for protection from enemies

“With the powers of earth, fire, water and air, with the power of all four elements, I conjure, servant of God (name). Let the air come between me and my enemies, let it absorb the vulgar minds of my enemies. Let the ground open up under the enemies if they look at me unkindly. Let the earth swallow them up for their evil word. If they touch me, they will burn alive in the fire. Let them quickly forget about me, let them not do any harm. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Is mastering white magic an art or a gift from God? In essence magic is the ability to control the energy of the universe, in order to influence otherworldly forces to fulfill the plan. Control of universal energy is achieved through magical rituals, conspiracies and witchcraft manipulations. It is known that magic is divided into black and white, depending on the goals pursued by the magician.

Science has proven that a thought put into words can materialize. To this postulate, experienced sorcerers add the need for strong faith in the words spoken in a conspiracy, skill and with convincing intonations. Having mastered various types white magic spells, a person will help himself in any difficult life situation.

How to perform a white magic ritual

Every inhabitant of the Earth is naturally endowed with magical power, which is expressed in his energy, emotions, power of imagination and intentions. For most people this power is dormant., but anyone can awaken it with a strong desire or in certain life situations, using the power of a spell word. Magical techniques and rituals are based on the extreme concentration of emotions, emotions and feelings of the person performing the magic.

To create a white magic spell, you must be able to transform your desire into reality as much as possible. The result of the fulfillment of a wish depends on the more energy invested in certain words of the conspiracy. When creating a spell, try to clearly visualize your desire in your mind and believe that it will certainly come true, or even visually imagine how it has already come true.

For example, a person wants. Then, after the spoken words of a money conspiracy, he must behave as if he has a sufficient amount of money, imagine how much and where he has it, how he manages these funds. For a conspiracy to come true, you need to believe strongly, and if faith is not sufficient, then the person is not yet ready to practice white magic and fulfill his dream.

Requirements for performing magical rituals

All rituals of white magic have rules that must be strictly followed.

  • The ceremony must be carried out in a good mood. All thoughts and thoughts must be pure and directed towards creation, not destruction. Please note that you cannot be a supporter of white magic and at the same time use your spells with the aim of harming someone. If you intend to perform a love ritual, do not do it when you are offended by your loved one. Wait for the resentment to subside and leave your consciousness. Do not perform a ritual for money at a time when you feel the hopelessness of the current situation. Only when you bring your feelings to a calm state can you perform a magical ritual.
  • People who profess any religion at the beginning of the magical ritual they must turn to the Higher powers after reading the prayer. For Christians, such a prayer is the “Our Father.”
  • The ceremony should be carried out without the presence of strangers, alone, in a well-lit room where you will feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Say the magic spell in a calm tone out loud or in a whisper, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and your thoughts are maximally concentrated on readable text and request. It is unacceptable that while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, your brain is occupied with extraneous everyday thoughts. After reading the words of the spell, you need to say them in your mind several more times, since thoughts are more powerful than spoken words. You should concentrate all your attention on the frontal chakra and make an effort to direct your thoughts precisely to this point, from where you can redirect your thoughts to the desired object (a loved one, money, and so on).
  • Faith in the words of the spell. If you admit the thought that nothing will work out for you as always, then it will happen. Faith in the cast magic spell must remain even after the end of the ritual.

Briefly, all the requirements for the ritual are concentrated in the following: clearly formulate what is planned, unshakably believe in one’s abilities, and be completely focused on the desired result. Only in this case can you begin the ritual and master all kinds of spells

Ritual for beginner white magicians

Rite of initiation into white magic designed to tune a person’s consciousness to perform white magic rituals. It must be carried out continuously for several months in complete solitude. To complete the ritual, you should put on loose clothes in muted colors, get rid of jewelry, shoes and anything that could interfere with the free movement of blood in the body. Then you need to place only a white candle on the table so that it is located at waist level and light it. Next, you should stand in front of a lit candle with your face looking south, spreading your arms to the sides and raising your head to look into the heavenly distance, concentrating on an imaginary star.

At this time, turn to higher powers, saying a cleansing prayer:

“Merciful God. Forgive me for the sins I have committed. Wash away all unworthy deeds from me. Free me completely from all sinful acts. After your cleansing, I will become pure, like the first snow. Give me a kind heart and a righteous spirit, just as you created the Crown.”

When saying a cleansing prayer, you need to imagine flowing streams of water that cleanse the body from head to toe and take away all problems and sorrows.

At the end of the prayer, you need to make a clockwise turn in a circle, drawing a circle of fire in your thoughts. Try to clearly imagine this flaming circle at the level of your heart and see with your inner eye the energy filling it. Mentally outlining a circle, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “From the depths of my heart I call forth a circle of fire. Neither chaos nor evil will be able to get into it."

Having completed the ritual, the novice magician must mentally imagine a scarlet cross in the center of his heart, which gradually rises from the heart, disappearing into infinity. Then, after taking a few deep breaths and exhalations, say: “I thank the All-Seer for the successfully performed ritual, designed to endow me with the perception of Spiritual Light.”

Items that help perform magical rituals

Any witchcraft ritual occurs with the use of various objects that have energy that can assist in the fulfillment of the plan. What are these items? They can be precious, semi-precious and other stones, minerals, flaming church candles, photographs and plants. Practically, any object imbued with positive energy can have witchcraft powers. The main thing is that the magician has strong faith in his energetic power, can concentrate extremely, be positively disposed and remain in a state of mind. Especially for a beginner in magic, it is recommended to use such objects, draw positive energy from them and use them for visualization.

All actions that the sorcerer performs with auxiliary objects affect the result. Eg:

  • a candle that burns out quickly - portends the fulfillment of a desire soon,
  • when it burns for a long time, the witchcraft will have its effect for a long time,
  • If the object used to perform the spell is buried in the ground, then the effect of the magic will occur gradually.

And one more important detail for novice magicians: not a single auxiliary for magic the item will not have the desired magical power if the magician does not have good health or feel at least a little unwell during the ceremony.

Examples of white magic rituals

Ritual to attract love

This can be done for both men and women who are hungry for love. a certain person or if there is no one yet - those who want to meet him in the near future. The ritual can also be used in case of loss of reciprocity between two halves or cooling of feelings between spouses. A magical ritual for love must be carried out during the growing month for 7 days, of which last day allowed on the full moon, but not on the waning month.

At night, in a secluded place after 22.00, in the light of lit church candles, you need to cast the following spell:

“Everyone is destined by the forces of heaven to be in a couple, to share joy and sorrow, to experience happiness and misfortune! So let everything happen according to the path destined for me. higher laws! May love fill every moment of life, may it give happiness to me and the one who is destined to be with me. Let everything take its course"

After the words have been spoken, the candle must be extinguished, leaving it for the next ritual.

Ritual for better health

This conspiracy to good health It is used most often to improve general well-being rather than to cure a specific disease. It takes place at dawn during the growing month and only for baptized people in the following way: place holy water in a glass in front of you and light a church candle. Looking at the candle fire, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Fire and water are two strong elements, I am sending you my words, asking for help. Protect me from illnesses, protect me from illnesses. Direct your strength to my defense. I thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

These words must be read three times and wait until the candle burns out. The charmed water remains on the windowsill all night, and in the morning you should drink it all in small sips. This ritual is performed solely for prevention purposes. If there are health problems, then a ritual is used to cure the illness. The effects of such rituals are characterized by gradualness and the absence of side effects.

Ritual to attract good luck

He carried out to overcome long-term financial difficulties on Wednesday on the waxing moon. The spell is cast early in the morning, before dawn. The magical action must take place while two lights are burning. church candles. In this situation, you should repeat the words seven times:

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for luck and good fortune. I ask her for help, I call her to the rescue. Make sure that everything goes well for me, money rushes to money and grows so that there is enough for my existence, human happiness and worldly joys.”

When the spell has been pronounced seven times, the candles are extinguished, wrapped in a white napkin and put away in a secret place. The ritual is repeated a month later.

Daily rituals for good luck

It is advisable to cast magic spells programmed for success every day, because every day of the week is under the influence of special higher powers. So that luck becomes a constant companion in life, don’t be lazy to cast the following spells:

  1. On Monday: “I conjure the heavenly angels with the omnipotence and omnipotence of the names Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who created the sea. I conjure you in the names of those who rule the main legion, subject to Orphaniel. I conjure you to help me in my affairs and accompany me to success."
  2. On Tuesday: “I conjure by the power of the holy angels, by the power of the sacred Ai, Elohim, He, Va, Hi, Adonai, and by God, who created dry water, to help me in the fulfillment of all my desires.”
  3. On Wednesday: “I conjure the holy angels Aye, Azari, Adonai and God, who created the sun, I ask by the power of the name of the six-winged animal to help in the fulfillment of my will.”
  4. On Thursday: “I conjure the angels of God with all the strength and might of the names of Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who became the creator of the sea, I conjure in the name of Jupiter to bestow the appearance of good luck on me.”
  5. On Friday: “I conjure you, kindest angels of power, with the sacred names of Ai, Elohim, Va, He, Hi and the name of the planet Venus, to assist me in fulfilling my will.”
  6. On Saturday: “I conjure in the name of God, the powerful lord of change, light and warmth, luck and fortune, to help me in everyday affairs, coloring them with success.”
  7. On Sunday: “I conjure all the angels of heaven in the name of Almighty God to always help me, for without your participation I cannot cope and will not see success.”

Many of us think that magic is only available to a select few, special people. However, this is not the case. Real spells that can rarely be found on the Internet will help you fulfill the desire of almost any person. They have special powers and are able to bring any magic to life.

The main condition is that your desire must be sincere, and the person casting magic spells must wholeheartedly believe in their power.

Where do real spells come from?

For centuries, the magical texts of spells were kept by witches and sorcerers in deep secret from other people. It is believed that they were secretly whispered by powerful spirits who helped healers and sorcerers master the secrets of esotericism.

The words of the spells were pronounced and written in Latin so that the common man could not understand their meaning and purpose. Hereditary witches real spells were passed down orally from generation to generation or written down in a special Book of Spells, which was kept like the apple of one's eye.

Centuries have passed, the 21st century has arrived - the age of information, and the secrets of magic are now accessible even to the uninitiated. Ancient spells written in Latin have been translated into many languages, including Russian. You can read them in this article and one day take advantage of the power of secret knowledge.

How to read correctly?

Before you try to try the power of a magic spell, it is worth knowing how to read real magic texts correctly. There are a number of conditions that must be observed, otherwise the magic will not work:

  • you need to read them, freed from all negative emotions;
  • all words are pronounced clearly and confidently;
  • the special text should not be heard by strangers;
  • Spells cast in the late evening or early morning work best;
  • you need to pronounce special words on an empty stomach and a clear head;
  • You can read real spells either by heart or from a sheet or book.

For beginning magicians or witches, you should remember: black magic spells cast to the detriment of a person - damage, love spells - can hit the “reader” himself several times harder. Therefore, it is better not to use them if you are not sure of own strength and protection.

Secret words will be strengthened if you have a real magic wand in your hands. Other items with which you are accustomed to conjuring will also help increase the power of ancient texts: a magic fortune teller’s ball, a deck of cards, lighted candles, etc.

Spells for money, success, prosperity

“Like a cold spring flowing out of the ground,
It turns into a stream, and that stream flows into a river,
Large, full-flowing.
That river flows endlessly into the ocean.
So my luck begins with small luck,
Luck with good fortune strives for big money,
And money with luck and good luck flows into my house.
I collect and collect them and leave them in my house forever.
Let it be so!".

“The hen pecked and pecked, grain by grain, and laid a golden egg. I’ll pick up the egg, take it in my hands and put it in my chest. I’ll hide it behind seven locks, I won’t say a word to anyone! So be it!"

Magic spells for love

Love magic is one of the most successful means to real life a person you care about fell in love with you. Here is one of the powerful real love spells:

“Like a dove and a dove fly in the sky,
They flap their wings, they can’t live without each other,
So my beloved (name) and I will be together,
We can't look at each other enough,
We will admire each other day and night!
My word is strong and true! Amen".

Attracting a guy/girl

“Like a spring flower waits and waits for the sun,
Summer warmth, heavenly light,
So let (boyfriend/girlfriend’s name) long to meet me,
The look of my eyes, the pleasant words.
A flower without the sun fades away,
My friend (name) is worried and bored without me.
A flower blooms under the sun,
My friend (name) is charged with the happiness of love from me.”

For beauty

“In the morning I will get up, wash my face with clean, transparent water,
I will ask for her blessing and help.
Mother Water, be generous, give me beauty,
Clean skin, chiseled figure.
With a beautiful face and a strong look,
So be it! Amen".

For weight loss

"You, Moon, are waning,
and I'm losing weight
How do you purify your light in the darkness,
This is how my body is cleansed of excess.”

White magic spells for good luck and fortune

Good luck and fortune are some of the most common white magic spells that actually work. They are best read early in the morning, at dawn, facing east.

“The sun is clear, light up the world!
Give me good luck in business!
When there are clouds in the sky, we call you.
Sunshine, may I be lucky:
And always, and in everything!”

“Mother Nature, be generous with me, your daughter! Give me your wealth! So that my luck will never be interrupted, just as life on Earth will never be interrupted!”

Real witch spells on desire

These spells are considered very powerful, and it is better for a novice sorcerer or one who is not very confident in his abilities to refrain from casting them. Otherwise, the desire may turn out to be detrimental to the speaker of the ancient words.

But there is an ancient spell that will not bring trouble, and if it works, it will give absolute self-confidence and support from higher magical powers. This is a spell for a successful search for treasure:

“In a dense forest, under the branches of an ancient oak, under thick grass, in the damp and cold ground, a pot of gold and silver lies. He lies there, chills, waiting for a strong witch. I will go into the dense forest, to that oak tree, I will dig up the ground, I will find an ancient treasure. My strength will increase, the spirits will obey me!”

If after this you find money within 13 days (not necessarily under an oak tree in the forest, you can just find it on the street), it means that the ancient forces have heard you and will now definitely support you in any magical matters.

If you still really want to get what you want, you can use safe.

Black magic spells on the offender and enemy

It was not for nothing that ancient sorcerers and witches hid books of black magic spells under seven locks from strangers. These spells can truly bring a lot of harm, not only to the person they are aimed at, but also to the magician himself and his close people.

Before using magic spells, you should think three times whether it is worth doing this and risking your well-being, or even health. However, if you are completely confident in your abilities and ability to protect yourself from rollback, you can cast one of these black spells:

“I will seriously punish my enemy,
I will invite the crow into his life.
The black raven breaks through the roof,
My enemy (name) is afraid, the anxiety does not go away.
The black raven will break through the roof with its beak,
The enemy (name) will bring misfortune and sadness to his house.”

“Spirits of fire, spirits of earth! Water spirits, forest spirits! Burn the mind of the enemy (name), bury his feelings. Confuse him, drown his sensible thoughts! There will be no peace for you (name) either day or night, neither in water, nor on land, nor in heaven, nor underground, until you correct your evil! Let it be so!".

Basically, all modern rituals, one way or another, came to us from ancient times. were able to prove that knowledge of all the rules and instructions plays a key role. If a person performs the ritual in a modified form, then all the actions that were performed can be turned against him. Especially if he doesn't know.

When casting spells, you must adhere to certain rules:

· The spell is pronounced in a quiet and clear voice.

· The spell must be memorized in order to avoid pauses and hesitations.

· Before you begin, you need to set yourself up psychologically and achieve ideal well-being.

· You should experience exclusively positive emotions.

· During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he is saying and only then will he receive it in full.

· In addition, he must be confident that everything will work out and he will achieve the purpose for which he is using ancient magic .

Ancient rituals and spells

In ancient times, each conspiracy had a name - a grimoire. Often the books that contained information about such rituals were called the book of the magician or witch. Such records contain rituals that can solve any human problem. However, it is more suitable for beginners.

There are many legends surrounding each book. Until now, the exact date of writing the grimoire is not known. Previously, it was believed that only its owner could use the rituals described in it.

Today we will look at how it can be useful ancient magic and spells which are described in magic books. Each will have a different execution process and effectiveness. If you choose this particular category, follow the instructions exactly.

How to get the love of your chosen one using ancient magic

Every spell that was used in ancient times was written in Latin. To date, each of them has been translated verbatim, but still some of them may differ from the original spells. At that time, no paraphernalia was used, therefore, we will not need it. The text memorized will be enough:

The book shows that words need to be spoken exclusively during the waxing phase of the moon after the first twilight has appeared on the street. When the time is right, recite the spell:

« With black eyes from heaven I will cut through the dark human forest. I choose two young bodies (yours and the name of your beloved), I mix souls in them, I clothe them with a wedding. Let them drink the cup of love to the brim. Whoever does not hear my word will breathe his last day!».

Take the pronunciation of the conspiracy very seriously. After all, spells are a very complex science. And if you use it, be especially vigilant.

How to get good luck using ancient rituals

Ancient magic of ancestors for good luck it was used to attract rain and thereby receive big harvest. The requirements of the people of that time were different from ours, magical sacraments were created to achieve goals that seem meaningless to us today.

In order to get what every person wants, you will need to do a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less traveled area and start a fire. It must be made of wood. Secondly, you need to learn a spell, which will give power to this ritual. The time should be evening. To keep the fire burning and not going out throughout the entire process, choose oak or birch. In addition, you will need to make a sacrifice in the form of some personal item.

After the fire is lit, begin to read the words:

« Okay, mother! Rainbows and yokes spread throughout the whole earth. Walk along it, happiness will be ahead! Open its doors so that we can pass through!».

Forbidden magical mysteries

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witches and black sorcerers. It had an amazing effect. But few people could dare to take advantage of such sacraments. Therefore, these rituals could not reach our time. They have been modified too much and now cannot give what they could before. But you can still try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help you get wealth, luck and even love. It can be applied to both men and women. To complete this you will need herbs. They need to be collected at dawn and then dried for a week. You should put them in your everyday clothes and carry them with you at all times.

« My spells are powerful, they will help me find happiness. Witchcraft lives in me. Despite everything, to spite everyone, I will find everything I need. May it be so forever and ever».

Forbidden magic of the ancients is capable of much and should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other rituals have proven ineffective. Do not try to modify the plot - especially if it is or, but read it as written above and then you will be able to make all your deepest desires come true.

What is the oldest magic?

Mailer's magic is considered the oldest. It has been used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform the rituals that relate to it, it was necessary to draw pictures on the rocks. In this way, the performer could show the higher powers exactly what he wanted.

The original rituals that were used by the people of those times had no consequences. This happened due to the fact that all actions were carried out in full accordance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals have survived to our times. Each of them has been modified, which will not allow obtaining the same effect that could have been realized previously.

Rituals were held before military campaigns. They helped the army win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to cure this or that disease, gain wealth, and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic was quite complex, but the result that could be obtained with its help was worth all the effort. However, everything remains a mystery to this day.

Old Russian magic

Magical sacraments played one of the key roles in Rus'. Rituals were used not only to obtain love and wealth, but also to bring rain or obtain a good harvest.

Magic ancient Rus' was very strong. Often, to perform rituals, huge fires were lit and incantations were read. In some cases, sacrifice could be used. People of that time believed that if you present a sacrifice to the Gods, they will fulfill all your wishes.

Today there is a ritual that has not been changed and is capable of bringing a result that will please every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings from a loved one. Can be applied to both men and women.

The traditions of that time have not been changed and to perform the ritual, you will have to make a big fire. While reading, you will need to add herbs to the flint, which you need to collect yourself, then dry them and prepare them. welcome.

After the fire is lit, pick up the plants and read the plot:

« Adversity, storm, nothing will affect our love. The bird will fly in, take the news and tell the whole world that we are together with you (name of your loved one). From this moment and forever, I will be your favorite!».

The entire time you are reading these words, throw previously collected herbs into the fire. The effect of what you have done will not take long to arrive, since the magic of ancient Rus' is very strong.

What did the ancient symbols mean?

Ancient symbols of magic were used to convey to higher powers what the person who used this or that ritual wants. Each of them had its own meaning and was used for completely different situations. in some way very similar to them.

╦ - this symbol meant what the person wanted to receive better life. It was used in rituals for good luck and wealth. The gods to whom the appeal took place could understand what a person wanted and gave it to him in the shortest possible time.

☼ - this symbol meant that the population lacked rain or harvest. In some cases it was used to remove frost. To date, there is little information left on how to use it.

╪ - this sketch has two lines that symbolized the fate of different people. The symbol was used to receive the love of a person who is at a great distance.

 – used to achieve death in a particular person. The symbol refers to Black Magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witches.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be saved and it would not be possible to make all wishes come true with their help.

Ancient Egyptian mysteries

Egypt gave birth to magical mysteries. The first rites or rituals began to be applied in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic they can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all sorts of problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient egypt numbered more than one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, humanity is not destined to find out their true purpose. This happened because the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share their rituals with others. They were confident that with their help they could rule the world.

Each ritual had a very complex process of execution. In addition, the time allocated for this could take several years. Their rituals were completely different from modern ones. Their implementation could require specific actions that are beyond the capabilities of to modern man. Often, for magical sacraments, a sacrifice in the form of a person was required. That is why many nations have abandoned this. The magic of ancient Egypt became unclaimed, and all rituals dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods She was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But today it is impossible to use most magical sacraments. Some rituals have been preserved, but modified, which will not allow obtaining the effect that was possible in those days. This article has presented several ordinances for you to choose from. Use them and you will get everything you want.

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Spells for beginners - texts that are intended for those who want to discover in themselves magical abilities. When you are just starting out on the path to learning magic, try to avoid complex rituals that require deep knowledge and high energy potential.

In the article:

Spells for beginner magicians - how to use

Spells are an integral part of rituals; miraculous phrases that accompany the ritual. These are not easy words; they activate various processes in the world.

An important part of any ritual with spells is auxiliary items:

  • attributes (candles, salt, crystals, photographs);
  • artifacts;
  • amulets;
  • herbs.

At the initial level, the energy potential is small, and the novice witch needs help. A beginner should use various additional items that will charge him with strength. This rule applies to both white and black magicians.

The use of actual witchcraft spells and rituals must be supervised by an experienced teacher. He will show you how to drive correctly own strength. When there is none, they reach the heights of witchcraft on their own.

Be perseverant, patient and be careful. Try to gradually move from simple spells and rituals to complex ones. You shouldn’t take on dangerous rituals right away.

White magic - spells for beginner sorcerers

Similar practices are used for creation, purification,... With the help of such rituals, a person is healed and filled with positive energy.

There are many secrets of white magic. More often, texts from witch doctors and traditional healers are used in rituals. This practice is not as dangerous as black magic.

The white magician uses both ready-made spells and his own. Writing conspiracies requires considerable experience, so a beginner should not rush with such texts.

One simple example of a spell is improving the patient's health. You will need a bowl of water and salt. Use the usual one, or maybe the charmed one that was left with Maundy Thursday. The ritual begins by throwing 3 pinches of salt into a bowl of water and saying the words:

Mother, fast water, wash away all the dirt, all the scrap from the servant of God (name). Take them into the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put stone clamps on them. So that they never emerge, forget about the servant of God (name) forever.

The ritual is performed 3 times. Within a few days the person should feel better. For the conspiracy to work, you need a clear awareness of what you are doing and faith in it. When you don't put meaning into your actions, there will be no results.

Removing the evil eye using a spell

Often white magic is used to eliminate negative energy and black witchcraft. When a person is under damage or the evil eye,... Even a beginner can cope with a simple curse. To carry out the ceremony you will need a bowl of clean water, salt and a match. Throw a little salt into a container with liquid, light a match, cross yourself and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then break off the burnt end and throw it into the bowl with the words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from bad times, from women’s, from men’s, from children’s, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation.

The spell is read 9 times. Wash the person suffering from the evil eye with water, and constantly repeat:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After completing the ritual, the patient needs to drink water for 3 days. The conspiracy will take effect soon, and the person will gradually improve.

Black magic for beginners

Such spells and rituals are often aimed at destruction, suppression of the human “I,” bewitching a person, and obtaining material benefits.

A black magician can, the evil eye, significantly ruin the life of a victim. You need to be careful with such spells. For many rituals, the sorcerer requires the help of demons and spirits, and their behavior is unpredictable. More often when a newcomer comes into contact with them.

The development of witchcraft abilities and the use of black magic for personal purposes occurs gradually and carefully. There are both complex and simple ones that are performed without special preparation.

An example is a black post. The ritual begins at , and ends at . For 14 days the sorcerer refuses food. Allows himself water and bread. Each time while eating, the magician says:

Damn you (name).

The words are aimed at causing minor damage to the victim. Do not hope that a person’s health or financial condition will worsen, but you will disrupt your usual routine. New problems and worries will appear in his life that will exhaust him and deprive him of his strength.

Black magic and personal gain

Sorcerers also use black magic for personal gain. There are simple spells for beginner witches that will help. The ritual is performed on the new moon. Take in right hand 7 coins and stand facing the night star.

Stretch both arms forward. Clench your right one into a fist and open your left one. Palm up. Look at the moon and say the spell 9 times:

The money has arrived! Money came! They found the money in my pocket!
I always get my profit! The money in my piggy bank is coming!
I have more and more of them! Here, now, everywhere and always.
I'm getting richer day by day!

The action is repeated 3 nights in a row. After lighting the candle, lay out the coins and leave everything like that until the candle goes out. Read the spell 3 more times. Expect results within a week.

Magic does not tolerate haste and superficiality. The aspiring sorcerer must carefully practice each spell when he wants to achieve success in this subtle art. You should start with simple rituals that will not cause damage to the sorcerer, and over time, take on complex rituals. Only you will become an experienced, powerful magician.