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What brand is Kuppersberg? — Official dealer of Kuppersberg in Russia. About the Kuppersberg brand

Kuppersberg is the brainchild of M&G Hausegerate GmbH. The history of its origin goes back to 2000. It was at the beginning of the new century that the first hoods of this brand from Germany were born. Literally immediately they began to be in incredible demand among consumers. After all, each hood was based on innovation, high-quality materials and the work of experienced specialists. Thanks to this magnificent tandem, products gradually began to become popular and recognizable in many parts of the world.

Over almost two decades, the company has grown very much. Currently, its “industrial heart” beats simultaneously in 6 factories. Absolutely all production facilities are located in Europe. Thus, a brand from Germany can control the high quality of its own products and not deviate from the established criteria for creating first-class equipment.

Each product from a German manufacturer is stylish and laconic in design, true German quality and versatility. All these qualities are perfectly complemented by simplicity and comfort of use, as well as safety. Kuppersberg never compromises its own conscience. When creating equipment, the company uses only best materials and advanced technologies.

The production of German brand products always takes place on high-precision equipment. Each product item fully complies with the highest quality standards. Any product is thought out to the smallest detail. Thanks to this, Kuppersberg appliances can easily create the ideal appearance of your home.

Today, the manufacturer can offer its customers a huge amount of wonderful equipment. In its extensive product catalog you can find functional electric and gas ovens, microwaves, silent powerful hoods, dishwashers with amazing functionality, as well as many other household appliances.

Kuppersberg brand products are high quality in every detail! It can make the life of any person convenient and comfortable, and will certainly give its owners a lot of positive emotions and significant time savings for more interesting things.

Who makes Kuppersberg equipment

Competent technical policy and highly qualified employees in the field of technology allowed us to ensure the dynamic development of the company. After just five years of intensive, fruitful work, Kuppersberg has become a large concern that has taken its place among the leaders in the household appliances market.

The company has mastered the production of new types of products. Today, the company's product range includes more than one hundred and fifty types of kitchen appliances. These are various models of gas and electric ovens, microwave ovens, hobs, refrigeration and exhaust equipment, washing and dishwashing equipment.

Caring about product quality, the company did not locate production facilities in Asian countries in order to save money on paying employees. Kuppersberg equipment is produced at six enterprises located in European countries. The enterprises are equipped with high-tech modern equipment.

Using the capabilities of the latest equipment and the experience of highly qualified employees allows us to produce components with high dimensional accuracy. This ensures the possibility of high-quality assembly of household appliances.

The assembly process, like all stages production process strictly controlled. Finished products are subjected to multiple testing to ensure compliance with various criteria. Products are manufactured using high-quality materials using our own unique technologies.

The result of the activities of Kuppersberg enterprises is the production of high-quality, highly functional, reliable household appliances that enjoy the trust of consumers all over the world. The technology guarantees a high level of safety when used.

Kuppersberg products are manufactured in accordance with strict European standards. Talented designers ensure the creation of an elegant image that is organically combined with various style solutions in the design of kitchen interiors.

Each manufacturer has its own history of formation, successes and temporary stops along the way. Each has its own achievements and its own unsurpassed products. If you carefully study information about a brand, you can conclude whether it is developing or has already stopped in its development. But you can only trust production that is in constant motion, searching for new configurations, developing more advanced models, and not just searching for new markets. What is known about the world-famous Kuppersberg brand?

In fact, the modern Coopersberg concern is relatively young. Only 17 years have passed since its inception trademark with that name. The founders of the brand are Germans. More precisely, the company M&G Hausegerate GmbH. At the very beginning of this century, they decided to produce a rather necessary mechanism in everyday life - a kitchen hood. The direction of their further developments was immediately determined. The company was focused on the future, so only high-class specialists were hired, including the management team of the new production. Five years were enough for German entrepreneurs to turn a small company producing hoods into a fairly large and generally recognized concern producing a wide range of household appliances for the kitchen.

They also decided to name the concern Kuppersberg for a reason. Germans are often even more superstitious than Russians. Therefore, they decided to include the basic principles of development even in the name. The first part of the name, “Kuppe”, in translation sounds like “peak”, and not a pointed one, but one on which you can hold your position for a long time. The second part, "berg", means "mountain". In other words, the name of the concern is a clear key direction of production - only upward, only to the very top, to gain a foothold on it and take a leading position for a long time. That's what the company is doing today.

Today, its catalog includes not only kitchen hoods, but also a number of other, ultra-modern and fairly high-quality products for kitchens. Quality standards are strictly adhered to. All equipment is economical and aimed at saving energy resources. And one of the fundamental factors on which all production is based is environmental conservation. No harmful or dangerous alloys or impurities. High performance with relatively low consumption of energy resources.

Development of Kuppersberg in Russia

Russia first became acquainted with the company’s products already on its market in 2012. And the model range of the offered assortment attracted buyers so much that cooperation with Russia continues to this day. The popularity of the product is growing. And this happens not only thanks to the German quality of both material and workmanship, which has long been confirmed by practice. But also a number of factors:

  • elegant and stylish appearance each model;
  • quite a wide range of various kitchen appliances;
  • long service life, backed by good warranties;
  • classic colors and reliable, environmentally friendly materials.

The company's catalogs usually present fairly cheap options, which, however, are in no way inferior in quality to more expensive ones. And real “author’s” works of technical art. The price, of course, is higher, but few people dare to challenge it, since a lot of experience, knowledge, time and innovative developments have been invested in these units.

Modern products of the Coopersberg brand include over 150 different configurations of household appliances. Each individual unit has its own “face” - a unique design and either a completely uncomplicated design or quite elaborate. Every year, two or three innovative developments are added to the existing list of options for each model range. In addition, the company is known for the fact that many devices have been and continue to be manufactured according to the individual order of a particular client.

The concern's catalog includes:

  • permanent kitchen hoods;
  • dishwashers;
  • a whole range of hobs;
  • microwave ovens and ovens;
  • refrigerators;
  • faucets and even sinks.

In addition, at any Russian representative office of the company you can purchase a number of useful additional accessories from the same Kuppersberg brand. Perfect practicality and versatility, comfort and ease of operation, modern technologies manufacturing and the latest equipment, careful attention to every detail, even insignificant at first glance - all these are products of a famous German brand.

Each of the famous home equipment brands has its own unique story, but what they all have in common is that they have achieved incredible success. Kuppersberg household appliances are renowned for their high quality, in addition to being attractive and durable.

Over its short history (when compared with some other manufacturers), the company has established the production of a full range of home equipment and has taken its rightful place among well-known brands. Kuppersberg plants produce hobs, ovens, dishwashers, microwave ovens, faucets and refrigerators.

Origin of the company

This is one of the youngest manufacturers of household appliances, founded in the early 2000s by a company from Germany, M&G Hausegerate GmbH. Kuppersberg's first products were kitchen hoods, which first appeared on the Russian market. The key to the company's great achievements are the most experienced entrepreneurs and qualified engineers in the field of technology.

Just five years after its formation, the Kuppersberg brand became one of the most recognizable in the world. Russian market. From year to year the company grew, gained momentum and eventually turned into a powerful concern for the production and sale of household appliances of the most different types. The corporation's partners are well-known manufacturers of kitchen furniture.

The founders named their brainchild “Kuppersberg” for a reason. The parts of this compound word are “Kuppe” and “Berg”, which means “top of the mountain” in German. Thus, the brand name proclaims its main goal - to be a leader in the production of household equipment.

History of development of Kuppersberg

Despite the apparent ease of conquering peaks in the production of household appliances, not everything always went smoothly. There were difficulties, mistakes and failures. However, thanks to faith in own strength, perseverance, talent and hard work of management, designers and developers, Kuppersberg products became increasingly popular and in demand.

The first kitchen hoods were a success among consumers because they were efficient and inexpensive. A little later, the company began developing new types of home equipment and improving existing ones. Thanks to innovative technologies, Kuppersberg hoods have become more productive, economical and virtually silent.

Today, the “industrial heart” of the company beats simultaneously at six enterprises located in Europe. Factories produce gas and electric ovens and hobs, which are distinguished by a wide range of capabilities and a variety of modes. If you would like to get acquainted with the possibilities of modern washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens, microwave ovens and other Kuppersberg appliances, visit a store that sells brand products. Experienced consultants will help you choose a unit that will fully meet your ideas about ideal home equipment.

What does the concern produce?

The range of household appliances produced at the concern's factories is incredibly wide. The company produces all types of cooking equipment: ovens, hobs, microwaves. Kuppersberg hoods and dishwashers keep the air and dishes clean in the kitchen. In the brand’s refrigerators, products retain their freshness, vitamins and minerals for a long time. Faucets and sinks from a German manufacturer are practical, reliable and durable.

Each model of Kuppersberg equipment is distinguished by its thoughtful design and ergonomics. The designs are made with an eye to comfort during operation, maximum functionality and ease of maintenance. The manufacturer also took care of safety. Automatic shutdown, locking the control panel, protection against water leaks and other protective functionality ensures reliable use of the equipment.

The model ranges include products in country style and minimalist design. Built-in and free-standing household appliances are in amazing harmony with each other, which makes it possible to create stylish combinations from Kuppersberg units. The color palette of the equipment of the German brand is rich, which emphasizes the individuality of each model.

Quality of Kuppersberg equipment

Household appliances are distinguished by truly German quality, functionality, practicality and high level security. Each model is assembled under the strictest supervision and control, tested and undergoes repeated testing according to various criteria.

All models of Kuppersberg household appliances are made from high-quality materials using our own unique technology. Components are produced on high-tech modern equipment. The result is high-quality, reliable and durable household appliances.

It’s not for nothing that the name of the company “Kuppersberg” is translated from German as “top of the mountain”. This brand, originally from Germany, has truly conquered many heights since its inception in 2000. Today, Kuppersberg kitchen appliances are associated only with functionality and quality.

Country of origin of Kuppersberg equipment

The German brand Kuppersberg produces kitchen appliances under the motto “quality in the details.” All models of equipment manufactured by this company are characterized by the following advantages:

  • sophistication of design;
  • intuitive ease of control;
  • many pre-installed functions;
  • first-class materials and components.

To manufacture equipment, Coopersberg uses Italian electronics and Emicon engines, Tison stainless steel, and especially durable Schott Ceran glass ceramics.

It took the company, headquartered in Germany, only 5 years to earn recognition among domestic consumers. Among the high-tech Kuppersberg models, it is especially worth noting powerful and aesthetic hoods, multifunctional ovens and hobs. The equipment produced by this brand is divided into free-standing and built-in, and is also divided into several collections according to styles, from classic to industrial. You can choose any option, taking into account the existing kitchen set and free space, because representatives of the Coopersberg brand have been cooperating with well-known furniture manufacturers for a long time.

It is important that Kuppersberg does not transfer its production to third countries - the development, packaging and assembly of equipment is carried out in the European Union. In addition, all equipment has passed domestic state certification, which is documented and once again emphasizes the high quality of the brand’s products.

The history of each of the modern brands for the production of household appliances is unique, but they have one thing in common - almost all of them have achieved great success, their products are extremely popular. Kuppersberg is no exception, its equipment is characterized by exceptional reliability and durability.

In a short time, the manufacturer launched the production of a full range of household appliances and stood on par with the most famous brands. Kuppersberg factories produce ovens, hobs, microwave ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators and mixers.

The emergence of the company

The company is one of the youngest. It was founded in the early 2000s by the German company M&G Hausegerate GmbH and began its activities with the production and sale of kitchen hoods, immediately identifying Russia as the main market. The key to the company's success is competent technology engineers and experienced entrepreneurs.

That is why, just five years after its birth, the Kuppersberg brand became one of the leaders on the Russian market. From a small company the company has turned into a huge concern for the production and sale of household equipment various types. The corporation's partners are the most famous kitchen manufacturers in the country.

The name “Kuppersberg” is a compound, its parts are the words “Kuppe” and “Berg”, which in German means “top of the mountain”. Thus, the very name of the brand proclaims its main goal - to be at the top in the creation of modern household appliances.

Trial and error

The “industrial heart” of Kuppersberg beats simultaneously in six factories located in Europe, and each of them is faithful to its own standard of quality that has been achieved. The company was able to achieve incredible success in a short period of time, but at first not everything went smoothly. Through trial and error, despite difficulties and thanks to the tenacity and talent of managers, developers and designers, Kuppersberg products gradually became famous.

Kitchen hoods were in great demand because they were a balanced solution in terms of price and quality. Success allowed the company to feel more confident and begin to develop new types of equipment, as well as improve existing ones. On this moment Kuppersberg's range of built-in household appliances is one of the widest on the market. The corporation produces powerful, silent hoods, gas and electric ovens, glass ceramic hobs, as well as washing machines and dishwashers.

Development of a global brand

Achieving good results did not mean for the company's management that it was necessary to stop there and reap the benefits. Own development and improvement of manufactured products were priorities for the manufacturer.

Today, the Kuppersberg product range includes more than 150 models of home electrical equipment. The technique has different design, functionality, differs in design. The brand’s product lines are replete with both budget solutions and real works of art. You can purchase Kuppersberg household appliances for every taste in a specialized online store. Experienced specialists will help you choose and offer the best option.

Thanks to the implementation of the ideas of the best designers who work in the ranks of the Kuppersberg Corporation, it is possible to create two or three new models in each product line every year. Unique samples of devices are also created according to individual customer orders.

Kuppersberg products are a combination of German functionality, high-end design combined with convenience and practicality. For employees of an organization, there is no compromise when it comes to the quality of materials used in household appliances. Much attention is also paid to technology. The corporation's factories have the most modern equipment, and technological process The production of each part is painted down to the smallest detail and brought to the point of automation.

Success and popularity

The demand for Kuppersberg household appliances is incredibly high, not only because of the breadth of the model range and excellent quality. The brand’s equipment is very economical in terms of energy consumption, which does not at all affect the performance of the units. In this aspect, Kuppersberg devices always excel!

A well-thought-out security system is also one of the competitive advantages of the brand’s household appliances. Automatic shutdown, locking the control panel, protection against liquid leaks - this is not a complete list of functions of Kuppersberg devices. The company does not stand still and continues to develop, so there is no doubt that it will delight consumers with high-quality and stylish equipment for a long time.

© Olga Tikholaz