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What are non-current assets? Ratio of current and non-current assets. Analysis of current assets

All assets of the enterprise are divided into non-current and current.

Fixed assets enterprises are fixed assets, intangible assets, long-term financial investments.

Fixed assets— cash invested in fixed assets.

Fixed assets- a set of material assets used as a means of labor, which participate in the production process for a long time, maintaining their natural material form.

Circulation of the value of fixed assets

Intangible assets— enterprise costs in intangible income-generating objects: rights to use land and natural resources; patents, licenses, trademarks and so on.

Long-term financial investments: investments in securities, interest-bearing bonds; authorized capitals of other enterprises, etc.

Non-current assets of the company

The effective operation of a company is possible if there are certain economic resources used to produce products or provide services. In economic literature, everything that a firm has and uses in production activities, is called property. Initially, the property of a company or enterprise is created at the expense of the total funds of the founders transferred to it in the form of contributions (contributions, shares, shares). In accordance with Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, real estate includes land plots, subsoil plots, water bodies, buildings, structures, forests, as well as aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. Things not related to real estate, including securities and money, are recognized as movable property. The real estate part consists of non-current and current assets. In turn, non-current assets include fixed assets and intangible assets. To start entrepreneurial activity the presence of three elements is necessary: ​​means of labor, objects of labor and living labor itself.

The means of labor in organizations are expressed in fixed assets (funds). The organization's fixed assets in monetary terms are fixed assets.

Non-current assets are property assets of an enterprise that are repeatedly involved in the process economic activity as means of labor and transfer the used value in parts to the manufactured products. In other words, fixed assets- this is that part of the enterprise’s property that has been functioning for a long time in an unchanged natural form. Non-current assets in practice include several types of property:

Fixed assets– that is, means of labor used in economic activity for a long period of time (more than a year), without changing their material form and appearance. They wear out gradually, and their cost is transferred to the created products not immediately, but in parts as they are used, using the depreciation procedure.

A characteristic feature of fixed assets is the invariability of their material form during operation: for example, a sewing machine after three years of operation will remain a sewing machine, in contrast to thread and fabric, which in a matter of hours from a spool and roll will turn into a suit, dress, trousers, etc. etc., in this case it will be impossible to restore them back to the reel and roll.

Non-current assets of most enterprises mostly consist of fixed assets. Fixed assets include:

  • buildings and constructions;
  • transfer devices;
  • vehicles;
  • cars and equipment;
  • some types of tools, production and household equipment;
  • working and productive livestock;
  • perennial plantings;
  • capital costs for land improvement.

It should be noted that some objects that last longer than a year have a fairly low cost, and it seems irrational to charge them with monthly depreciation during their useful life in the amount of several rubles. In this regard, current legislation provides for enterprises the opportunity to independently set a limit on the cost of fixed assets at a level of no more than 20,000 rubles.

If the company has exercised this right, all objects that have been used for more than a year, but cost less than the established limit - for example, a computer printer, a copy machine - are not included in fixed assets, but are accounted for as part of current assets as inventories.

Intangible assets- long-term investments that do not have a material structure, but are used in the economic activities of the enterprise and generate income. This could be intellectual property, know-how or business reputation of the company.

Intellectual property objects represent exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity: inventions, industrial designs, utility models, computer programs etc.

Know-how means such information of technical, organizational or commercial content that has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknown to other persons. There is no free access to this type of information on a legal basis and the owner of the information takes the necessary measures to protect its confidentiality.

Concerning business reputation , it determines the level of trust of counterparties and has great importance when making transactions, in particular credit transactions.

In Russia, intangible assets also include organizational expenses for creating an enterprise (preparation of constituent documents, registration of an enterprise, etc.), provided that these expenses are paid by one of the founders and registered as his contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise.

Investments in non-current assets– these are the costs of creating, acquiring and increasing the size of non-current assets that are not intended for sale. These include: costs of construction and installation work, acquisition of equipment, tools, real estate, intangible assets, costs of design, survey and drilling work, etc. This category of non-current assets is represented by unfinished construction projects, uninstalled equipment, etc.

As construction or installation work is completed and the facility is legally registered, it is put into operation, i.e. transferred from the category of “investments in non-current assets” to fixed assets or intangible assets.

Long-term financial investments- diversion of funds for a period of more than one year, the purpose of which, as a rule, is to make a profit on a long-term scale. Long-term financial investments can be of several types:

  • investments in securities - the purchase of long-term bonds, certificates of deposit, financial bills, etc., as a result of which the company will receive interest, and at the end of the period established for this securities, will receive the invested funds back;
  • investments in the authorized capitals of other organizations - by purchasing shares (OJSC, CJSC) or acquiring shares (LLC) in order to exercise control over this enterprise, as well as receive income (dividends);
  • providing long-term loans to other organizations.

Any enterprise or organization has assets, by condition, structure, the volume of which can be concluded not only about the sustainability of the business, but also the market value of the enterprise or firm. The assets of a business entity (enterprise, organization, etc.) are, in simple words enterprise property. Property in this case is interpreted broadly as financial, tangible and intangible assets. The totality of assets is the property of an enterprise, the use of which generates income. Net assets or equity are the difference between a business's assets and its financial liabilities. The size of assets significantly affects the tax base.

If an enterprise is on a simplified taxation system or pays tax on imputed income, then the value of assets does not affect the tax base. However, it is advisable to keep records of assets in accounting in these cases, since when going beyond these taxation systems (annual income, number of employees, etc.) one has to switch to common system taxation. Assets are broadly divided into current and non-current assets.

Current assets- these are those that participate in the production cycle for less than one year. These assets transfer their value to finished goods entirely within a year. Typically these are raw materials, materials, cash on hand and in the current account, as well as short-term financial investments. Fixed assets- these are assets that are used in the activities of the enterprise for more than a year. They transfer their cost into finished products in parts. The answer to the question of what non-current assets are is important when determining the tax base. Non-current assets of an enterprise are most fully reflected in accounting documents. According to accounting Non-current assets are four categories of assets.

  1. Tangible non-current assets (fixed assets).
  2. Financial.
  3. Intangible.
  4. Other noncurrent assets.

Let's look at everything in order. Material non-current assets are:

  • land;
  • buildings (main and non-permanent) and structures;
  • machines, machines, equipment, complex office equipment, instrumentation and vehicles;
  • furniture, office equipment, tools with a service life of more than a year;
  • unfinished capital construction;
  • animals and perennial plants;
  • trade equipment (counters, cash registers, display refrigerators, etc.;
  • equipment purchased but not installed, as well as spare parts for it;
  • property leased or rented;
  • library collections;
  • other tangible assets.

Tangible non-current assets are recognized as such if their value can be determined.

In addition, such assets have a cost limitation. Their cost should be above 10,000 rubles. Otherwise, low-value material fixed assets are classified as “low-value”. Such assets, despite the fact that they last more than a year, for example, a telephone, are accounted for as working capital in the form of inventories. Land plots are accounted for at their acquisition price or cadastral value. Buildings and structures - at the price of their acquisition or construction.

Unfinished capital construction, as well as equipment that is not installed, is taken into account at the purchase price of materials/equipment and the costs of their delivery, construction and design. Furniture, tools and trade equipment are accounted for at the purchase price. Accounting for the cost of animals and perennial plantings has its own characteristics and is discussed in detail in specialized sources. For example, you can recommend or Since fixed assets gradually transfer their value to products, their value is reduced annually by the amount of depreciation. The depreciation period, and, consequently, the amount that is included in the cost price and by which the value of the objects is reduced, is a standard value regulated by law.

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The residual value of an object is the difference between its original cost and accrued depreciation over the period of operation. No depreciation is charged on unfinished construction and uninstalled equipment. Other non-current assets include costs for land reclamation, major repairs that change the value of objects. Non-current assets and what relates to them can be acquired by the enterprise independently, donated, exchanged or created using its own/borrowed funds or authorized capital. Sometimes fixed assets are a contribution to the authorized capital of a newly created joint stock company. In this case, such assets are reflected in the constituent documents.

Financial assets- These are, first of all, long-term financial investments, which can be of several types.

  1. Bonds with a maturity of more than one year, bills of exchange and certificates of deposit. The purpose of such long-term investments is to use free Money, in order to earn profit in the form of interest on such securities.
  2. Buying shares in closed/open joint stock companies and shares in limited liability companies. The purpose of such acquisitions is to establish control over the relevant business entities and receive profit in the form of dividends. In some cases, such acquisitions are aimed at establishing control over the supply of raw materials or creating own system sales
  3. Providing loans to organizations/enterprises. Such loans, in addition to the purposes of generating income, may pursue, for example, the expansion of production of raw materials at the supplier’s enterprise.
  4. Investments to improve the financial condition of subsidiaries.
  5. Other financial investments lasting more than one year.

Accounts receivable, the maturity of which is several years, can also be classified as non-current assets.

Intangible assets represent a large group of objects, the valuation of which is sometimes difficult. This part of the company's balance sheet requires detailed consideration. Intangible assets include:

  • software products and databases (if these objects are not proprietary, then they are accounted for at the purchase price);
  • rights to use subsoil and land plots;
  • licenses for the right to conduct a particular type of activity;
  • patents, know-how, industrial designs and trademarks.

The results of scientific research and surveys are not intangible assets, expenses for improving personnel training, advertising and the creation of industrial designs and trademarks. These expenses are expensed in the period during which they are incurred. The difficulty in registering intangible assets lies in determining their value. Tax authorities often have questions about the value of acquired patents and know-how.

It should be borne in mind that the term of patents (and therefore the period of their protection) is usually twenty years. The older the patent, the lower its value. But, on the other hand, if an object protected by a patent is sufficiently “promoted” at the time of acquisition, the higher its value. The latter option is often found in the case of pharmaceuticals. Unlike patents, know-how (from the English know how - know how, production secret) does not have a validity period and is often acquired along with a patent (license).

Know-how belongs to the most protected objects of intellectual property.

This is the most common target of industrial espionage. Often it is know-how that protects patents more reliably than intellectual property laws containing difficult-to-control technologies or product formulations. Indeed, if you have invented a new technology for the production of polyethylene and received a patent for it, then the polyethylene produced using the new technology is no different from that produced by the old method. Your competitors may simply use the description of the invention, and you will not be able to control this. But if the patent contains know-how (which is not published and is not freely available), then the competitor will not be able to reproduce the patent. Therefore, the presence of know-how significantly increases the cost of a patent.

Adult animals received free of charge, assessed at market value, are reflected in the debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" in correspondence with the loan: for productive livestock - account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount 1 "Other income"; for draft animals - account 98 “Future income”, subaccount 2 “Free receipts”.

Costs for completed operations of forming the main herd are written off from account 08, account 01 “Fixed assets”, subaccount 4 “Working and productive livestock”.

Subaccount 08-8 “Planting and growing perennial plantings” takes into account the costs of planting and growing perennial plantings.

Analytical accounting of the costs of planting and growing perennial plantings is carried out by type of perennial planting, year of planting and their location. For example: costs of growing an apple orchard planted in 1999 in brigade No. 4; costs for planting and growing a plum orchard planted in 2000 in department No. 5, etc.

Since the technology and nature of production processes when planting and growing perennial plantings are similar to the general production technology in the crop production industry, costs for this subaccount are taken into account in the same items as for the crop production industry.

A feature of accounting for investments in non-current assets for planting and growing perennial plantings is that on account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” they are taken into account only within one calendar year, although the process of growing plantings lasts several years, that is, only costs incurred in the current calendar year (from January 1 to December 31 of the given calendar year).

At the end of the calendar year, the current year's costs for planting and growing perennial plantings are written off from the credit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets", subaccount 8 "Laying and growing perennial plantings" to the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", subaccount 5 "Perennial plantings", where for these purposes a group of analytical accounts has been opened for types of young perennial plantings. Consequently, at the end of 2001, the costs from the analytical sub-account 08-8 - the costs of growing a plum orchard planted in 2000 in department N 5 - from account 08-8 will be written off as a debit to account 01-5 to the analytical account "Young plum orchard planted in 2000" in department No. 5".

An analytical entry for the amount of next year's costs for growing a plum orchard will be made after 2002, etc., that is, annually the costs of caring for young plantings from account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" will be added to the cost of young plantings accounted for account 01 “Fixed assets” in the analytical accounts of young perennial plantings.

In some cases, a harvest is obtained from young growth of perennial plantings even before the onset of normal fruiting. Harvesting costs are additionally taken into account as part of the costs of caring for young plantings on the debit of subaccount 08-8, and the resulting products are debited to account 43 “Finished Products”, subaccount 1 “Crop Production” from the credit of subaccount 08-8 at possible sale prices.

Subaccount 08-9 “Other investments” takes into account the costs of radical land improvement. The group of costs for radical land improvement includes non-inventory costs (not related to the creation of structures), drainage, irrigation and other reclamation works, cultural and technical measures for surface improvement of land (land planning), uprooting areas for arable land, clearing fields of stones and boulders (cutting hummocks, clearing thickets, cleaning reservoirs, etc.).

Accounting for the costs of radical land improvement is carried out according to the elements and cost items established for crop production.

Analytical accounting of the costs of radical land improvement is carried out for each land plot separately, indicating the volume and cost of each type of reclamation and cultural work (drainage, irrigation, uprooting of bushes, cutting of tussocks, cleaning land plot from stones and boulders, etc.). At the end of the year, all costs are written off from account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”, subaccount 9 “Other investments” to account 01 “Fixed assets”.

Subaccount 08-9 “Other investments” also takes into account the costs associated with the construction of temporary title and non-title structures. Developer organizations keep records of overhead costs for construction in an economic way by cost groups, in particular:

Administrative and economic costs for construction;

Expenses for servicing construction workers;

Expenses for organizing work at construction sites.

Overhead costs are allocated monthly to construction and installation work or to the costs of constructing temporary (non-title) buildings and structures in proportion to direct costs.

Accounting for non-capital work is carried out using analytical accounts:

1 "Construction of temporary (title) structures";

2 "Construction of temporary (non-title) structures";

3 "Other non-capital works".

Costs for the construction of temporary (title) buildings and structures, as well as the performance of work on the re-equipment of other buildings and structures for construction maintenance, are reflected separately in the case when the construction organization’s settlements with the developer are made as a whole for the completed complex (finished construction products) taking into account the costs of erecting temporary (title) buildings and structures included in the cost of construction and installation works and site estimates. In the process of performing work, a construction organization can reserve funds for the construction of temporary (title) buildings and structures on account 96 “Reserves for future expenses” at the expense of the cost of construction and installation work.

If the costs associated with the construction of temporary (title) buildings and structures are not included in the estimated cost of construction and installation work and site estimates, and calculations for them are carried out separately, then construction organizations keep records of costs for such objects on account 20 “Main production” V general procedure. After acceptance, these objects are reflected on the developer’s balance sheet.

The cost of objects not related to fixed assets is included in temporary (non-title) structures in the debit of subaccount 10-11 “Inventory and household supplies”. The cost of temporary (non-title) structures, buildings, fixtures and devices (on-site storerooms, work producers' offices, sheds, distribution of steam, air and electricity within work areas, etc.) as they are accepted are included in the temporary (non-title) ) structures under subaccount 10-11 "Inventory and household supplies". Upon completion of the work, the cost of demolition and dismantling of objects stopped by construction, developers performing work in an economic way, include the cost of work as part of overhead expenses.

For non-capital works, the costs of which are taken into account on analytical account 2 “Construction of temporary (non-title) structures”, reflect only direct costs without overhead costs. Costs taken into account in analytical accounts 1 “Construction of temporary (title) structures” and 3 “Other non-capital works” are reflected taking into account overhead costs.

As non-capital work is completed (commissioning of temporary title and non-title structures), they are written off from account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” to the debit of account 01 “Fixed assets” or account 10 “Materials”, subaccount 11 “Inventory and household supplies” and at the same time, depreciation is calculated for fixed assets on the credit of account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” and the debit of account 96 “Reserves for future expenses” - when creating a reserve for the construction of temporary structures.

The same sub-account reflects the costs of unfulfilled and finally abandoned construction, as well as the costs of demolition, dismantling and protection of objects, subject to write-off in the prescribed manner.

Developer organizations write off these costs as the decision to write them off is made. Until the issue of write-off is decided, they are taken into account in subaccount 08-9 “Other investments” in the general manner.

Costs for temporarily or permanently discontinued construction, for which there is no decision to write off, are allocated in analytical accounting under subaccount 08-9 “Other investments” in a special group.

The balance of account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” characterizes the amount of capital investments of the organization in construction in progress, as well as unfinished transactions for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible and other non-current assets, including costs for the formation of the main herd and planting, growing perennial plantings.

Analytical accounting for account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” is carried out for costs associated with the construction and acquisition of fixed assets - for each object under construction or acquired. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the ability to obtain data on costs for:

Construction works and reconstruction; drilling operations; installation of equipment requiring installation; purchase of equipment that does not require installation, as well as tools and equipment provided for in capital construction estimates; purchasing equipment that requires installation but is intended for storage; acquisition of buildings and structures; planting and growing perennial plantings, carrying out cultural work on lands that do not require drainage; design and survey work, other capital investment costs;

According to the costs associated with the formation of the main herd - by type of animal (cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, etc.), in some cases - by breed;

For costs associated with the acquisition of intangible assets - for each acquired object.



N p/p

Corresponding account

By debit of the account

Calculation of depreciation of own and leased fixed assets for capital investments

Calculation of the amount of amortization of intangible assets for capital investments

Attribution of the cost of equipment transferred for installation

A balance sheet is a document that most fully reflects the flow of funds within an enterprise or organization, as well as their quantity at the beginning and end of a certain period. The balance sheet consists of several sections, each of which, in turn, is divided into lines.

The first section of the form is called “Non-current assets”. What is it and what lines are included in it?

Section "Non-current assets" in the balance sheet

Non-current assets are fixed assets and fixed assets invested in material objects and values ​​that are used in production, but, at the same time, are not consumed in its process, unlike current assets. can participate in the production process repeatedly, while their cost is transferred to the cost of the finished product gradually in the form of depreciation.

Section I of the balance sheet includes the following lines:

1110 – intangible assets

Intangible assets (IMA) are assets that do not have a physical embodiment, however, representing a certain value for their owner.

Intangible assets include:

  • trademarks/service marks;
  • literary and scientific works, as well as objects of art;
  • inventions and utility models;
  • know-how; – selection achievements;
  • business reputation (goodwill) is the name of a company on the market, which, if sold, may have a certain value.

The main criterion by which intangible assets can be distinguished is their alienability, i.e. the possibility of transferring the right to use them to a third party, despite the lack of physical embodiment. This means that the employee’s qualifications, intelligence, knowledge and skills cannot be recognized as intangible assets.

1120 – results of research and development

This line contains information about the amount of funds spent on research and development work. In this case, only those works for which the results were obtained are taken into account:

  • subject to legal protection, regardless of whether they are properly formalized or not;
  • in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, not subject to legal registration.

The expenses incurred for the implementation of R&D include:

  • the cost of materials purchased to perform the work;
  • remuneration of employees and services of third-party organizations;
  • contributions for social needs (including insurance contributions);
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • the cost of specialized equipment and accessories purchased for the implementation of the project;
  • costs of maintaining and operating installations and structures directly involved in R&D;
  • other expenses if they are associated with the performance of such work.

1130 – fixed assets

Fixed assets are material assets that are used by an enterprise in the production process and for management purposes for a period exceeding 12 months.

  • building;
  • structures;
  • equipment;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • measuring instruments;
  • vehicles;
  • tools;
  • perennial plantings;
  • breeding stock, etc.

The enterprise's fixed assets are accounted for on account 01, with the exception of funds provided for temporary use or possession for the purpose of generating income - they are accounted for on account 03 as part of profitable investments in material assets.

1140 – profitable investments in material assets

Such investments include fixed assets that are intended to be provided to third parties for the purpose of obtaining material benefits.

1150 – financial investments

This line contains information about the amount of material investments whose maturity period exceeds 12 months from the date of their transfer for use. The amount of investments at the end of the reporting period is indicated taking into account the adjustments made by the enterprise during this period.

Such investments may include:

  • securities;
  • contributions to the authorized capital of both third-party and own subsidiaries;
  • loans granted to other organizations, deposits, as well as accounts receivable formed as a result of the assignment of a debt claim.

1160 – deferred tax assets

A deferred tax asset is a part of deferred income tax, which allows you to reduce the amount of tax payable to the budget in subsequent reporting periods.

1170 – other non-current assets

This line contains information about all assets that are not included in the listed categories, provided that their circulation period exceeds 12 months.

Such assets may include:

  • investments in other non-current assets and costs of completing previously started R&D;
  • deferred expenses, for example, lump sum payment for the right to use;
  • the cost of young perennial plantings that cannot be exploited at present;
  • the amount of advances transferred to pay for work and services for the construction of fixed assets.

1100 – total for section I

The value indicated in this line characterizes the total amount of non-current assets available to the enterprise. The line must contain information for three reporting periods - as of December 31 of the current year, as of December 31 of the previous year and the year before.

So, non-current assets are enterprise funds that are not spent in the production process, but transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products in the form of depreciation. IN balance sheet all non-current assets are divided into 7 large groups, each of which includes assets characterized by certain characteristics.