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What can you do if your chest hurts? Chest hurts. Drug treatment for chest pain

Few women know that if their breasts hurt, this could indicate a serious illness. Depending on the nature of the sensations, their duration and accompanying symptoms, a rough picture of the disease can be drawn up. But this should not be a substitute for a full and qualified examination by a doctor. Let's look at the main causes and ways to eliminate them.

Before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s breasts tend to swell and ache. Many representatives of the fair sex under the age of 40 are familiar with this. If your chest hurts just before your period arrives, and after it ends, everything goes away, then there is no reason to worry. This is a normal process that does not require treatment.

Uncomfortable underwear

A bra that is too small or underwear with underwire can lead to stagnation of blood in the lymph nodes located near the armpit. In addition to discomfort, you can find red marks from pressure on the body, and sometimes bruises. Wearing such underwear is strictly contraindicated, especially if your chest hurts after wearing it. Strong compression of the mammary glands is fraught with mastopathy and even oncology.

Hormonal disbalance

Responsible for everyone's work female organs. And if an imbalance occurs in the body, then it can manifest itself. In addition, you can notice a violation of the menstrual cycle, excess weight, lethargy and lack of libido. To eliminate the disease, you will have to undergo a course of drug therapy using hormonal drugs.

Impaired functionality nervous system

Frequent stress and regular nervous experiences negatively affect the functioning of the entire body. The chest also suffers. become tense, rough and painful to the touch. Nervous system disorders must be treated otherwise More serious complications cannot be avoided.


According to statistics, women are most often diagnosed with cancer. There are many reasons for this: trauma, mastopathy, menopause and much more. If your chest hurts constantly and severely, and when you palpate you feel lumps, then you cannot do without a visit to the doctor. Oncology is now treated in 90% of cases, but if you delay going to the hospital, this can lead not only to the loss of the mammary gland, but also to death.

Other causes of discomfort

    If your chest hurts, you need to get checked for pregnancy.

    Pain when breastfeeding- this is normal if they are not accompanied by fever and redness of the chest.

    Iodine deficiency. Another cause of pain, which recedes when the lack of an element in the body is replenished.

    Excess weight. Too much rapid growth breast pain often manifests itself as unpleasant sensations.

    Neuralgia. Pain in the right or left breast may indicate that it is necessary to pay attention to their nature and location.

    Cyst. The pain is concentrated in a specific area where a small swelling or lump can be palpated. A cyst can only be detected by ultrasound. Proper care for the mammary glands will eliminate the cyst without drug intervention.

Many women at any age can experience breast pain. In some cases, this ailment may be associated with natural hormonal changes that occur during certain periods menstrual cycle in girls of reproductive age, during puberty in teenage girls during the initial stages of mammary gland development, during pregnancy, breastfeeding or during menopause in mature women.

But sometimes chest pain indicates developing pathological processes in female body, about possible disturbances in the hormonal system or about serious diseases that threaten the health and even the life of the patient. Chest pain or other similar concerns should not be ignored if they recur regularly.

Self-diagnosis and self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous, since without a professional examination and the help of a doctor it will be impossible to accurately determine the cause of chest pain, eliminate possible health threats and find correct method treatment.

What is mastopathy?

The most common cause of chest pain is mastopathy, which, according to statistics, occurs in 80% of women of different ages. Mastopathy is usually called a benign disease of the mammary gland, which manifests itself in the pathological proliferation of its tissues. Most often, mastopathy begins to develop against the background of hormonal imbalance. Experts consider two types of mastopathy.

Diffuse mastopathy- the most harmless form, which is characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue and the appearance of small nodules in the mammary glands. With diffuse mastopathy, the breasts hurt mainly only before menstruation, but on the first day of the cycle the discomfort disappears.

Sometimes, with diffuse mastopathy, in addition to chest pain, small spherical lumps form. Most often, such mastopathy goes away on its own and does not require special intervention from a doctor. But there is a risk of diffuse mastopathy developing into a more severe form, so constant monitoring by a mammologist is necessary.

Nodular mastopathy- a more dangerous type of pathology, in which the growth of gland tissue and the formation of large nodes is observed. The chest can hurt so much that sometimes the pain radiates to the shoulder, back, lower back and other parts of the body. Sometimes with nodular mastopathy, discharge from the nipples appears.

Who is at risk?

The appearance of chest pain, the development of mastopathy and cancer is possible for certain groups of women. You may also be at risk if:

  • abuse alcohol;
  • are addicted to nicotine;
  • suffered mechanical chest injuries;
  • have never given birth to children;
  • have a family history with a high risk of developing cancer or mastopathy;
  • suffered an artificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • refused breastfeeding for a long time after childbirth;
  • do not have regular sex life;
  • suffer from obesity, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver or thyroid gland.

How does chest pain manifest?

Depending on the cause of the illness, age, individual characteristics body, hormonal status and the presence of certain concomitant health problems, chest pain can manifest itself in different ways, differentiated by:

  • degree of intensity(weak, strong),
  • frequency(temporary, permanent, gradually increasing),
  • nature of manifestation(aching, stabbing, sharp),
  • localization zone(pointed, fragmented, spread to other parts of the body).

Also, the chest may hurt only when at rest or only during movement (for example, while running, climbing stairs, bending, doing exercises). physical exercise). Sometimes pain manifests itself only upon palpation during self-examination. In addition, with some types of diseases, the mammary glands not only hurt, but also swell, swell, become covered in a rash, turn red, and in some cases, discharge from the nipples is observed.

Why does my chest hurt?
  • Natural hormonal changes for PMS, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, as well as in girls during puberty after menarche (first menstruation).
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages and associated disturbances in the hormonal system.
  • Thyroid diseases(for example, hypofunction can increase the risk of developing mastopathy and chest pain several times).
  • Genetic factor. The presence of benign and malignant neoplasms in women in the pedigree.
  • Frequent stress, depression, tendency to neurosis.
  • Iodine deficiency in organism.
  • Diseases of the bile ducts, liver, gall bladder.
  • Disturbances in the hormonal system.
  • Obesity or a tendency to gain weight quickly.
  • Postponement of the operation on the chest.
  • Breast diseases(cyst, fibroadenoma and other possible pathologies).
What tests should I undergo if I have chest pain?

As a rule, most women start with a self-examination. This is indeed a very important diagnostic method, allowing timely detection of various changes in the mammary glands (the appearance of lumps or nodules in the breast, changes in shape, asymmetry and other suspicious symptoms) and is mandatory for drawing up a further clinical picture.

If you notice that your chest hurts, you should contact a mammologist, who will conduct an examination to identify the cause of the discomfort. Firstly, he will need to tell about all the features of the manifestation of chest pain, the course of the menstrual cycle, the fact of previous operations, abortions, and childbirth.

Secondly, the mammologist will examine the breast using palpation. The next stage of professional diagnostics will involve mammography or ultrasonography breasts

It should be noted that even if you do not have breast pain, mammography is mandatory for all women over the age of 35. It is recommended to undergo it every two years, and after 45-50 years - annually.

What can I do to make my breasts stop hurting?

The method of therapy or method of relieving chest pain should be chosen by the doctor in accordance with the established diagnosis. No need to resort to folk recipes, pharmaceutical drugs and cosmetic products without prior agreement with a specialist, since only he knows which method will be the most effective and safe for chest pain.

The patient may be prescribed medication for gynecological diseases if they are the cause of chest pain. If the patient has a hormonal imbalance, the endocrinologist will prescribe hormonal therapy.

Mastopathy is also treated with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, specially selected vitamin complexes, homeopathic and immunostimulating remedies. If your chest hurts after undergoing surgery, you may need physical therapy and painkillers.

The doctor will independently decide what is suitable in your individual case, since there is still no one universal scheme that could help all women to the same extent. Each patient’s body is individual and therefore has certain characteristics for which specific treatment must be selected.

If neoplasms, nodes, or tumors are detected during the diagnostic process, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed, and in difficult cases, the doctor will refer for surgery to remove them.

To prevent the recurrence of chest pain or prevent its manifestation, it is necessary to maintain healthy image life, give up alcohol, cigarettes, unhealthy diets, have regular sex life with one partner, and, if possible, avoid any operations on the genitals and mammary glands, including abortions.

Breast hurts on palpation

Symptoms. Pain occurs only when touching the chest, when acting on it, or when lying on the stomach. Without mechanical impact, chest pain in in this case may never appear or occur in a mild form.

The mammary glands may hurt on palpation during pregnancy and lactation, when the glands change under the influence of prolactin, but this can also be associated with pathological processes and diseases (breast cyst, mastopathy, fibroadenoma, breast cancer).

Solution to the problem. Natural hormonal changes usually do not require treatment, but if your breasts hurt too often, you may want to ask your doctor to prescribe homeopathic remedies for relief. If the cause is a tumor, surgery may be performed to remove it surgically.

Breast pain after surgery

Symptoms. After surgery, bursting pain in the chest is always observed, which can be repeated during the first rehabilitation period, but gradually goes away on its own.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. In this situation, the chest hurts because the tissue was recently injured during surgery.

Solution to the problem. With severe pain, it is very difficult to do normal activities, as this affects the quality of life and general well-being in the first days of postoperative recovery, so the doctor can recommend painkillers, homeopathy, and therapeutic procedures.

Chest pain caused by illness

Symptoms. The disease can cause not only pain, but also significant changes in breast tissue, ranging from deformation of the glands to the appearance of tumors, nodules, and other types of neoplasms.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. This may be associated with Paget's disease, fibroadenoma, breast cyst, mastopathy, lactostasis and a number of other diseases. Clinical studies are needed to clarify the diagnosis.

Solution to the problem. Therapy will be prescribed depending on the disease and the general clinical picture of its course. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial therapy, professional breast massage, hormonal drugs, as well as surgery to remove the tumor.

Breast pain before menstruation

Symptoms. Chest pain may occur temporarily and be mild. However, it appears only in the period before the start of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, all painful and accompanying discomfort sensations (heaviness in the chest, swelling, distension) disappear on their own as soon as menstruation begins.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. Before the start of a new menstrual cycle, the female body undergoes natural processes that prepare it for a possible pregnancy. Under the influence of hormones, some changes in the tissue of the mammary glands may temporarily occur. Against the background of these changes, chest pain is quite common. Typically, women of reproductive (childbearing) age face this problem.

Solution to the problem. Doctors advise monitoring the condition of the mammary glands throughout the menstrual cycle, but Special attention pay attention to its changes in the period before the onset of menstruation, since it is usually on these days that it swells and tenses. If your glands hurt too often, you should see a doctor. To relieve chest pain, massage, homeopathy, and hormonal medications can be prescribed.

Breast pain during pregnancy

Symptoms. Swelling, swelling and pronounced enlargement of the breast, stretching of its tissues, discharge from the nipples is possible.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. During the first, second and third trimester, most pregnant women experience chest pain. This phenomenon is associated with vasodilation under the influence of CHC and progesterone, the development of fatty and glandular tissues.

Solution to the problem. This natural state mammary glands, which usually does not require special treatment and intervention from a doctor. But if your chest begins to hurt too often and intensely, experts can recommend special massage techniques, home treatments with a contrast shower. By improving blood circulation, you can reduce swelling and eliminate chest pain.

Breast pain during lactation

Symptoms. Swelling and increase in breast size, significant increase in its tissue. The glands often hurt in women while breastfeeding or after this process.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. Sometimes this is normal, but most often the pain is associated with improper attachment of the baby to the breast. Another reason is significant tissue stretching.

Solution to the problem. First of all, you need to check whether you are attaching the baby correctly. If the cause of chest pain is not related to the error, then you should check with a specialist further. It is possible that milk stagnates in the breast because it is not completely expressed.

Breast pain during menopause

Symptoms. During menopause, women aged 45-55 years may experience breast pain periodically or constantly. Most often, the pain has a mild aching character.

Causes and factors that cause chest pain. If your breasts hurt during the decline of the reproductive system in a woman’s body, this is due to sudden changes in the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Hormonal imbalance during menopause significantly affects the general well-being of a woman and the condition of her mammary glands. Another factor is imbalance fatty acids and increased breast sensitivity to hormones.

Solution to the problem. It is possible to eliminate pain by normalizing hormonal levels. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to the patient.

Why is it necessary to solve the problem today?

If your chest often hurts, this should not be ignored. Every second woman may be at risk because different kinds mastopathy is associated with breast cancer. In addition, disturbances in the hormonal system and even natural changes in hormonal levels caused by pregnancy or menopause can one day lead to the development of benign or non-malignant changes in the glands.

Self-diagnosis and regular mammography will help detect possible pathological processes in a timely manner. Almost any disease can be prevented by early stages development, therefore necessary preventive examinations breasts at any age.

On different stages In life, every woman sooner or later faces such a problem as chest pain. Of course, we all know how important such issues are for women's health, however, given pain syndrome should not become a cause of panic and fear. Of course, these pain sensations are a sign of some kind of disorder in our body, and their occurrence must be treated with full responsibility. In this article, we will tell you about what can cause chest pain, as well as what needs to be done if you have chest pain.

Causes of chest pain

    Chest pain due to PMS is something that a woman faces every month. And the reason for the occurrence of these pains lies in the following: the breast is the most sensitive organ in our body to hormones, therefore, as soon as any changes in the hormonal background occur in our body, we immediately experience discomfort in this area. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in this situation, because such a reaction to this process it is completely natural and does not pose any threat to our health;

    Mastopathy. This disease is the most common cause of chest pain. By the way, mastopathy is observed in almost 80 percent of all women 25-45 years old. The essence of this disease is benign changes in the tissues of the mammary glands. The main symptoms of this disease are regular pain and tightness in the chest;

    Pregnancy or breastfeeding. During these processes, chest pain may also occur, which, as we have already said, is due to changes in hormonal levels;

    Irregular sex life– is also the cause of this pain syndrome, where, again, hormonal imbalances are to blame;

    Incorrectly selected underwear - too tight - always causes chest pain, therefore, remember that by choosing the “right” clothes, you will save yourself from many problems in the future;

    Breast cancer. This cancer is extremely rare, so do not panic too much, as various stresses and experiences can also trigger chest pain. If we talk specifically about this disease, then it is characterized by the following symptoms: bloody discharge from the nipples, elongated or thickened skin over the tumor, enlarged lymph nodes in the subclavian and supraclavicular cavities, as well as in the axillary area.

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are a number of other factors that can provoke chest pain:

    excess body weight. At overweight bodies in the female body there appears an excess amount of androgens or, simply put, male sex hormones, the accumulation of which occurs in fatty tissues, which in turn leads to the growth of the mammary gland. The consequence of this whole process is the formation of tumors;

    iodine deficiency in the body. We need iodine for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for our hormonal levels, so seafood and iodized salt should be regularly present in our diet. In pharmacies you can also find special iodine-containing preparations in tablets;

    initial stage of pregnancy. If you begin to experience aching pain in your chest every day, the first thing that is recommended to do is take a pregnancy test;

    frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays. Of course, we all love to sunbathe, however, it is worth remembering that these rays can cause the development of various tumors, therefore, when exposed to the sun for a long time, always use sunscreen;

    Taking contraceptives can also cause chest pain. Before you start taking any contraceptives, you must consult a specialist, because if you choose the drug yourself, you risk acquiring a lot of problems with your health in the future.

When to urgently contact a specialist:

    Chest pain that appears regularly becomes more intense each time;

    the pain is acute, and a burning sensation in the chest and squeezing is also created;

    chest pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle;

    chest pain is constantly localized in the same area;

    the pain does not go away for two weeks;

    In parallel with chest pain, the following symptoms are noted: increased body temperature, formation of nodes and other lumps in the chest, discharge of any fluid from the nipples, redness of the glands.

What to do if your chest hurts

Of course, the most correct decision in this situation would be to go to a specialist - in this case, to a mammologist - he is the one who is able to identify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Remember that you should under no circumstances delay dealing with this problem, as this is fraught with very sad consequences.

So, in order to determine the diagnosis, you will be prescribed the following procedures:

    ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which is prescribed to the patient one week after the start of menstruation;

    ultrasound examination of the mammary glands, which is prescribed in the second half of the menstrual cycle;

    study of hormonal levels;

    donation of cancer markers. This procedure is necessary to find out what your risk of developing breast tumors is.

Relieving chest pain

Of course, there is no universal remedy that can cure chest pain, and in order to get rid of this ailment, you need to visit medical institution However, if you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a doctor in the near future, then at home you can resort to some methods that can temporarily eliminate pain:

    massage in the form of circular movements. It is important to do this massage correctly: remember that only smooth, circular movements are allowed; point and sudden movements are strictly forbidden;

    You can reduce breast sensitivity by wearing a sports bra, which, in turn, fixes the breasts and makes them motionless. This is especially true for those with large breasts;

    a drug such as buprofen can relieve swelling and pain in the chest, however, you should carefully read the instructions for use of this drug.

One of the most common complaints among women of reproductive age is breast pain. This phenomenon is much less common among representatives of the fair sex who have experienced menopause. If you experience unpleasant sensations, you should definitely contact a doctor, but you should not consider them as something terrible. In most cases, the cause of pain is non-hazardous health conditions. Let's talk about them in more detail so that you know why your chest hurts, what the reasons are, and also discuss methods of dealing with such unpleasant sensations.

Why do women's breasts hurt?


As you know, the mammary glands are organs whose full growth and development are regulated by the production of sex hormones. That is why the appearance of painful sensations in the fair sex is often explained by changes in the normal ratio of hormone production that affects breast tissue or cells. The causes of hormonal imbalances can be very different.

Shortly before the onset of menstruation, the amount of hormones in our body increases, helping to consolidate and develop a possible fetus, if one occurs. At this stage, the breast may become slightly enlarged and painful, due to the stretching of the capsule. Itching may also occur due to irritation of the superficial nerve endings on the stretched skin. At this time, pressing on the nipples may cause the release of a small amount of colorless or yellowish liquid. All unpleasant phenomena disappear with the onset of menstruation.

In the middle of the cycle, short-term chest pain may occur in parallel with pain in the lower abdomen; they develop as a result of the action of hormones that ensure ovulation.

With prolonged hormonal imbalance, namely with the predominance of estrogen synthesis, constant swelling of the breast tissue, as well as the formation of mastopathy, can be observed. The mammary glands become engorged and sore. In this case, a woman may find it impossible to wear bras and tight clothing. Heaviness or small nodules may be felt inside the breast tissue.

This disease requires close attention and proper therapy.


In the first three months of bearing a baby, the mammary glands may hurt due to the influence of progesterone, which is responsible for preserving the fetus. As a result of the production of this substance, alveolar tissue grows; the glands can increase in size, preparing for breastfeeding.

In the second trimester discomfort are declining, but may start to bother you again expectant mother closer to the start of labor. In this case, fullness and pain develop due to the production of prolactin, which ensures the formation of lactation.


Pain may bother a new mother immediately after childbirth, when active milk production is observed. To eliminate discomfort, breastfeeding should be done on demand.

When breastfeeding, stagnation of milk may occur, as well as infection. This causes mastitis, while the nursing mother feels severe pain in the chest, the tissues on the sides of the glands turn red, and a swollen area of ​​compaction is observed. The temperature may rise and the woman’s general condition may worsen.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, your breasts may hurt for one week. For longer-lasting unpleasant effects, you should consult a doctor.

Non-hormonal reasons

The chest may hurt due to ordinary bruises, sometimes the cause of this phenomenon is the development of infectious lesions (shingles). Unpleasant sensations can be caused by intensive training with weights. Unilateral pain can be explained by injuries and sprains.
If the unpleasant sensations are localized on the left, it is worth ruling out problems with the cardiovascular system. The main difference between dangerous pains is intensity and burning sensation.

However, such phenomena can be explained by other factors:

Cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis;
- scoliosis;
- stress, depression, neurosis, bloating;
- disease of the costal cartilages;
- problems with the stomach or pancreas and others pathological conditions.

What to do if your chest hurts (treatment)?

Therapy is carried out depending on the reasons that caused the problem. For correction premenstrual syndrome or ovulatory pain, the doctor may prescribe the patient vitamins and herbal preparations that have mild hormonal activity.

For purulent inflammation of the mammary gland, it is often recommended to take a course of antibacterial medications; sometimes surgical intervention to open and drain the lesion may be necessary.

To eliminate diffuse forms of mastopathy, it may be necessary to take hormonal medications, and nodular formations or cysts are usually treated with surgical methods.

A painful symptom caused by muscle strain or inflammation can be mitigated with the help of anti-inflammatory tablet formulations, as well as ointments or warm compresses.


We talked about why the chest hurts, what the symptoms were, and also talked about treatment. It is worth considering that the appearance of pain in the chest area rarely indicates the development of cancer, but this possibility exists. In any case, if unpleasant sensations appear, it is advisable to quickly seek medical help.

If you have had to deal with such an unpleasant problem when your chest begins to hurt very badly, do not waste time, contact a specialist as quickly as possible. In some cases, this symptom may not pose any danger to your health and life, but it often happens that intense pain in the chest area indicates the progression or exacerbation of a pathological process, which can lead to extremely negative complications.

Painful sensations can be of different types. In women, breasts begin to hurt before menstruation, during pregnancy, and pain and discomfort accompanies diseases of the mammary glands. Sometimes severe pain is caused by recent or old injuries, pathologies of the heart, respiratory or even digestive system.

Main causes of severe pain

To accurately determine the reason why your chest hurts a lot, you should determine the nature of these sensations. This is the primary sign for making an accurate diagnosis.

It should be understood that breasts are not only mammary glands, but also the rib cage. It can also hurt when there are problems in the functioning of internal organs.

The main causes of very severe chest pain include the following:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction);
  • pathologies that develop against the background of hormonal imbalance (mastopathy, gynecomastia);
  • problems with the condition of the mammary glands (breast cancer, hyperplasia);
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • injuries, fractures and bruises.

A woman may have very severe breast pain before and during menstruation. Similar signs also occur during pregnancy, when the mammary glands increase in size, swell, and begin to produce milk. Another cause of severe chest pain in women is abortion or miscarriage. In these cases, unpleasant sensations are associated not only with hormonal imbalance, but also with severe stress that the body had to endure.

Heart dysfunction

The myocardium is a muscle that continuously functions throughout our lives without interruption, transporting blood from the heart and throughout the body. In order for this muscle to contract in a timely and correct manner, it must be provided with a supply of not only blood, but also nutrients. And coronary arteries are the pathways through which blood passes. Their compression can cause the death of myocardial cells, which always leads to very complex consequences.

If the coronary arteries are compressed, a person will feel a lot of pain in the chest, and the pain may radiate to other parts of the body. This condition is commonly called angina. In most cases, it is alarming if a person is in a state of increased tension. Angina attacks are accompanied by fear for one's life and panic. To relieve spasms, take a nitroglycerin tablet. You just need to put it under your tongue. If there is no effect, you should call immediately ambulance.

An attack of angina can suddenly turn into a myocardial infarction. A dangerous condition can be recognized immediately by the following signs: the pain increases and becomes unbearable, pills do not help, blood pressure drops, and the patient may faint.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

A disorder of the nervous system can also be the reason why the chest hurts very much. This condition is known as cardioneurosis. Sometimes the painful sensations are constant, they are aching, pulling.

The pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • facial redness;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance.

Cardioneurosis is often confused with coronary artery disease (IHD), since the symptoms are almost identical. Women during menopause may also experience severe breast pain due to hormonal changes. This may be pain in the mammary glands or in the chest in the area of ​​the heart (climactic myocardiopathy). To help the patient, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed and sedatives.

With mastopathy, the chest also hurts. This disease occurs against the background of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Mastopathy is also called fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands, when small nodules and benign neoplasms form from the connective tissue.

Gradually they grow, progress, can become malignant, but can also remain unchanged throughout life.

The main reasons for the development of the disease include the following:

  • prolonged depression;
  • inflammatory process in the uterine appendages;
  • problems in liver function;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • heredity;
  • severe obesity;
  • diabetes.

At risk are women who have not yet given birth to a child before the age of 30, as well as those who do not have an established intimate life or hasn't been there for a long time sexual partner. The risk of developing the disease is very low in women who gave birth and nursed a baby before the age of 25.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Many patients complain that there is a lot of pain in the chest area, then they are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, for example. How can problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract cause pain in the chest? Very simply, they are caused by compression of the muscles of the walls of the esophagus. Patients not only have chest pain, but also worry about symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and abdominal pain. This is a clear sign of an ulcer. Pain can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs.

Severe pain is accompanied by diaphragmatic hernia, diseases of the bile ducts, gallbladder and even the liver (it hurts under the left breast). In acute pancreatitis, the same severe pain occurs as in angina pectoris.

Lung problems

Our lungs occupy part of the space in the chest area. If pathological changes occur in the respiratory organs, severe pain can also occur and more.

There are quite a lot of diseases that are accompanied by acute painful sensations:

  • cancer;
  • diseases of the pleural cavity;
  • pathologies of the trachea and bronchi;
  • pneumonia.

The human lungs are covered with a serous sac - the pleura. It consists of two parts, between which there is a cavity. If the pleura becomes inflamed, severe chest pain occurs and the temperature also rises. It hurts a lot when somehow liquid or air enters the pleural cavity. Painful sensations occur against the background of shortness of breath and low blood pressure.

Other causes that can cause severe pain in the chest area include: osteochondrosis, spinal diseases, rib fractures. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons; it is very difficult to independently determine the provoking factors; you shouldn’t even try, especially if you have a very indirect relationship with medicine or have no relationship at all. Some conditions are not life-threatening; the pain goes away quickly on its own or after taking medications. In other cases, very unpleasant consequences can occur, for example, with myocardial infarction.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you begin to notice that you are experiencing severe, sharp pain in the chest that appears suddenly and then disappears, do not hesitate, consult a doctor. Neglect of the condition can lead to death. Don’t expect everything to go away by itself, that’s stupid and naive. Only timely, accurate diagnosis and choice of adequate treatment will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, cure the disease in time and prevent complications.

To determine the exact cause of the pain, the patient will have to undergo a bunch of tests and be examined by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • mammologist;
  • andrologist

In some cases, even based on primary signs, an accurate diagnosis can be made, but not everyone will decide to do this, because there are diseases with absolutely the same course, but completely different causes. Some pathologies are treated only in a hospital setting, while the treatment of others does not require being under the constant supervision of medical personnel. Doctors usually prescribe medications to normalize the patient's condition.

Severe chest pain can be prevented, as can the diseases that can cause it. This is quite easy to do. You just need to monitor your health: regularly undergo periodic examinations, get tested, lead a normal lifestyle, give up bad habits, set yourself up for positive emotions, avoid stressful and conflict situations.