All about car tuning

Carrot dishes. Recipes with photos by Ekaterina Vitina. What to cook from carrots? How to cook carrots for the winter? How to cook carrot cutlets? Delicious carrot dishes

Lenten carrot cutlets

The famous authors of the no less famous “12 Chairs” would probably be surprised when they found out how popular and loved vegetarian lean carrot cutlets would be! This tasty dietary dish is useful not only for children, but also for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Carrot cutlets are not only appetizing, but also beautiful. They are prepared quickly and easily. There are no eggs in the Lenten dish, but when Lent ends, add an egg to the carrot mince and the cutlets will become much tastier.

Korean carrot

Today I decided to introduce you to a recipe for an indispensable snack on any holiday table. And we will cook carrots in Korean! In fact, preparing this dish is not difficult, the main thing you cannot do without is a proper grater, which should grate the carrots into strips.

Fried onions and carrots

Simple at first glance, if you can call it a dish, but so often irreplaceable. The speed and simplicity of its preparation allows you to quickly get a good flavoring addition to almost any dish. Frying onions and carrots is one of the types of frying that many housewives use and are very satisfied with. Surely you will like it too.

Carrot-apple cutlets

This time, dear chefs, we will try to prepare a dish that is original in its composition. It is called nothing other than carrot-apple cutlets. Well, the composition is clear to everyone, and as can be seen from the name of the dish, its main components are carrots and apples. But as for the cooking process itself, it has its own peculiarities; I’ll say right away that it’s not very complicated. So, let's go.

Carrots in milk sauce

Any, even the most exquisite, meat or fish dish can be ruined by a side dish. And that doesn't necessarily mean it won't be very tasty, it might just be overly ordinary. After all, you can spend several hours preparing some truly magical-tasting meat, and modestly serve mashed potatoes as a side dish, and it seems like your guests or family members won’t see anything surprising on the plate. And in order to produce a truly delicious effect, you need to choose an unusual and tasty side dish. Carrots in milk sauce are just such an addition: non-standard, tender and incredibly tasty.

Carrots stewed in honey

Carrots stewed in honey are incredibly delicious! The dish has a pleasant sweetish taste. These carrots are perfect as a side dish for meat, and are good and appetizing on their own. Fragrant spices and honey give vegetables a unique taste.

Fried carrots for garnish

Fried carrots as a side dish are incredibly tasty. First, the carrots are boiled and then fried in butter with spices. It tastes great! Carrots are an excellent source of vitamins, and they are also very tasty, especially when they are young and fresh.

Carrot cutlets

Carrot cutlets prepared according to this recipe will become a favorite dish of your family and especially children. Moreover, carrots are a very healthy vegetable rich in vitamins. The cutlets are prepared very simply and quickly.

Pickled carrots with garlic

Pickled carrots with garlic are a delicious, spicy appetizer that looks impressive on a plate. These carrots will be very popular as a salad or as a side dish for meat. In addition, you will be able to preserve the benefits and appetizing appearance of the vegetable, so that in winter you will have a bright, sunny snack that is always ready to serve, just open the jar.

Carrots with green beans

Carrots with green beans are a delicious side dish for meat dishes. For taste, add butter to the vegetables and wheat flour to thicken the sauce, and you’ll get a great addition to almost any lunch.

Carrot roll

Carrot roll is a delicious vegetable snack with curd and sour cream filling. This dish is suitable for an everyday table, and there is no shame in serving it on a holiday. A bright and original dish can be given to both adults and children. Be sure to try it!

This vegetable is very useful to eat raw, as carrots are full of vitamins, it strengthens the gums, the retina of the eye and promotes growth. You can not only cook many dishes from carrots, but also squeeze out the juice. Carrot cutlets and casseroles are very tasty. This root vegetable goes well with fermented milk products and any vegetables. It has been proven that eating carrots has a positive effect on improving tone.

It’s high time for us to forget about vitamin A tablets, because we can get the required dose by regularly eating carrots. Recipes for dishes made from this vegetable are quite varied and healthy. Let's not waste time and find out with you what can be prepared from carrots.

What to cook from boiled carrots?


  • millet – 200 g;
  • milk – 400 ml;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • ground crackers – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g.


Pour the millet into a saucepan, pour a glass of milk and cook the porridge over low heat. Peel the carrots, chop finely and simmer with the remaining milk until tender. Then combine both masses, add eggs and mix well. From the resulting dough we form sicheniki, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry them in oil on both sides until cooked.

How to cook carrots for a side dish?


  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 1 teaspoon;
  • chopped ginger – 1 teaspoon;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.


Melt the butter, put honey, nutmeg in it and add a little water. Peel the carrots, chop into strips and place in a cup with the prepared sauce. While the vegetable is soaking, fry the grated ginger in oil, and then add the carrots to it along with the sauce. Simmer the side dish for 10-15 minutes and garnish with herbs before serving.

How to make carrot salad?


  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 70 g;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing.


Boil the eggs until tender, peel and cut into small cubes. Grind the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater and lay out all the salad components in layers: first the carrots, then the eggs and cheese. Sprinkle garlic squeezed through a press and mayonnaise on top and mix before serving.

How to cook carrot cutlets?


  • carrots – 600 g;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 125 ml;
  • spices;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. spoons.


We clean the carrots, rinse and grate them on a coarse grater. Then put it in a saucepan, add milk and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, adding salt, sugar and butter to taste. Then add the semolina, mix and cook for another 5 minutes. Cool the finished mixture, break the egg and form small cutlets. Roll them in breadcrumbs, place them on a steamer rack and cook for 20 minutes.

How to make carrot casserole?


  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sour cream – 150 ml;
  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • granulated sugar - to taste.


Peel the carrots, grate them and put them in a saucepan. Then fill it with water so that it barely covers the carrots and cook over low heat. As soon as the liquid starts to boil, add butter, add salt and a little sugar. Continue cooking everything over low heat until cooked through for 30 minutes. Next, carefully drain the water and cool the mass. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat with a mixer until strong white foam and put in the refrigerator.

Mix the yolks and add the grated cottage cheese to them. After this, add the egg-curd mixture to the carrots, gradually add flour and carefully introduce the cooled whites. Place parchment paper in a baking dish and lay out the prepared dough, leveling it with a spoon and sprinkling it on top. Place in a hot oven for 40 minutes and set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and valuable fiber for the body. They are best consumed, of course, fresh. But for variety, they can also be stewed, steamed, baked and fried. Although the last method is the least useful of all possible.


One of the vegetables that is good for beauty and, of course, health is carrots. Moreover, it is also delicious. You can crunch on fresh peeled carrots instead of a snack. It perfectly satisfies hunger and helps saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients. Also, regular consumption of fresh carrots improves your complexion, gives you vigor, and makes your tan more intense in the summer. That is why carrot dishes, recipes with photos of which you see in our article, must be included in every person’s diet.

It produces a delicious juice, to which you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil, preferably unrefined olive oil. This must be done because carrots contain fat-soluble vitamins that can only be absorbed this way. The first and simplest carrot dish is ready. If you add freshly squeezed apple and beet juice to it, then the pleasure will know no bounds. Even children are happy to try this drink. Fructose and glucose, which are rich in all components of the juice, make it pleasant and sweet in taste.


First, let's look at simple carrot dishes. Their preparation does not require much time or money. These include primarily salads. The most famous one, which includes carrots, is called “Health”. As a rule, it is often served in catering establishments that are located at children's educational institutions, but all kinds of health complexes also cannot do without including this dish on the menu. For one serving of salad you will need a quarter of a small head of cabbage, a medium carrot, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, green onions, salt, and ground black pepper to taste.

There are at least two options for dressing the “Health” salad. For example, low-fat sour cream with finely chopped herbs. And also - oil with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice. Acid softens cabbage well, so vinegar is often used for this purpose. But it is much healthier to sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. Cabbage, preferably from a young harvest, must be shredded, carrots grated, green onions finely chopped. The entire vegetable mass should be slightly mashed with your hands. Then add dressing and spices.

Carrot and apple salad

Also, most of us have known dessert dishes made from carrots since childhood. Simple recipes still help young mothers diversify the diet of their babies, who often and unjustifiably dislike this vegetable. Carrot and apple salad is easy to prepare. You will need honey and vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Carrots and apples should be grated or crushed until pureed.

Next add a teaspoon of honey and dressing. Mix everything thoroughly and serve immediately so that the apple does not have time to darken. To avoid this, it is sometimes sprinkled with lemon juice, which gives the dish a pleasant sourness. You can also add raisins and nuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews and pine nuts go well with salad. However, this version of a carrot dish is more suitable for adults (due to the presence of nuts in the composition).

Fruit and vegetable soufflé

The second version of this fruit and vegetable duet is suitable for making soufflé. For it you will need carrots - 200 g, 1 apple, semolina and sugar - 1 tbsp. l., butter - 5 g, half a glass of milk, 1 egg white. The fruits must be peeled and chopped using a blender. Next, add sugar and milk, put on low heat, and gradually bring to a boil.

Then gradually add semolina, stirring constantly, and simmer until thickened. While the mixture is cooling, beat the egg white into a stiff foam, adding just a little salt and a level teaspoon of sugar. Then add to cool puree. The resulting mass must be poured into molds and placed in a water bath or in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. The time may differ from the specified time, so you should be guided by the consistency of the dish. If the mass has frozen, it’s time to remove from the heat.

Carrot dishes: photos and descriptions

You can also make pancakes or pancakes. To do this, the carrots must first be boiled or stewed. In the first case, it should be crushed after cooling. The workpiece should have the consistency of puree. Add 1 glass of milk and a pre-beaten egg to it. After thorough mixing, you must very carefully add the flour, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.

To make the products lush, you can add yeast. For a glass of milk you will need approximately 2 grams of dry mixture, which will need to be completely dissolved and then added to the main mass. After mixing all the ingredients, add sugar and butter (1 tablespoon each), as well as a pinch of salt. Then the mass must be placed in a warm place for about 10 minutes.

If you plan to cook pancakes, then the consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream - not flow, but stretch. In the case of pancakes, the mass should be made more dense by adding more flour. Then heat the frying pan well - first dry, then adding vegetable oil. Fry the mass like pancakes or pancakes, on both sides. There are many options for preparing this carrot dish. For example, add pumpkin or apple puree. For lovers of vegetable pancakes, beets, cabbage, and zucchini are suitable. The dish can be served with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise, and for sweet options - jams and preserves.


What dishes can you prepare from carrots and onions? For example, cutlets. To prepare them, you need to boil 2 medium carrots whole, then peel, chop or mash with a fork. Pre-fry the onion until golden brown. Mix the vegetables and add 1 egg, then add a little flour. Knead the mixture and form cutlets. Fry on both sides in a frying pan with hot oil. At the end, add bay leaf, ground pepper and cover with a lid for a few minutes, then turn off the heat. Best served with creamy, mushroom sauce or mayonnaise.


There are also dietary carrot dishes. These include soup with the addition of celery root. For cooking you will also need 1 onion, 2 medium carrots and parsley. You can add potatoes to this soup, although you can do without them. Chopped onions, grated carrots and diced celery root should be stewed a little in heated vegetable oil.

When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, slowly add half a tablespoon of flour and fry as well. Add a little salt. Then pour water or meat broth into the pan to cover the vegetables. After 10 minutes, you can turn off the stove, add finely chopped herbs, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for about half an hour.

The degree of roasting can be adjusted. If the dish claims to be completely dietary, then the vegetables should only be slightly simmered and a minimum of salt should be added. From identical ingredients, only without the use of heat treatment, you can prepare a tasty and healthy salad. Dietary carrot dishes are a great help during strict fasting.

Celery salad

You can prepare a salad with the addition of fresh celery and apple. Note that there are two variations of its creation - strictly vegetable and with fruit. To prepare the first option, you will need one medium carrot, celery root and greens, preferably dill or young onions. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, peel, pour boiling water over them and cut or cut into strips. Also chop the greens. Place everything in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil. For added spice, you can add a teaspoon of sesame seeds.


What dessert dishes can you make from carrots? Now we'll tell you. Let's take a simple dessert as an example. First you need to cut the apple into thin slices. The Simirenko variety is best suited. Then cut the carrots into slices, it is better to finely grate the celery. Place all ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle with vegetable oil, pour over honey or sprinkle with sugar. Sweetness can also be added using dried fruits. For example, add raisins, finely chopped dried apricots, etc. This salad will be even tastier if seasoned with sour cream.

Beet salad

Now we will tell you how to prepare dishes from beets and carrots. For example, let's take the Fantasy salad. For cooking you will need vegetables - potatoes, beets, cabbage (100 g each). They can be raw, boiled or stewed. You will also need a medium carrot. It's better to boil it. Fresh onions add piquancy to the dish, and fried onions add a richer taste.

Raw it should be added in the form of thin straws, and only to that part of the salad that is served immediately. Otherwise, the onion may give off an unpleasant odor. Next, you will need 50 g of hard cheese or feta cheese - for everyone. You will also have to boil 2 chicken eggs. Everything should be cut into cubes, add a tablespoon of canned peas or beans and season with vegetable oil or sour cream to taste. It is also worth salting the dish and seasoning it with ground peppercorns. It would be a good idea to add finely chopped dill. You can also diversify the taste with all kinds of natural seasonings.

Vegetarian food

There is also a purely vegetarian carrot dish. The recipe for making it is quite simple. For cooking you will need mainly vegetable root vegetables. Carrots, beets, onions, maybe potatoes. Celery and parsley roots should be pre-soaked.

Next, peel all the vegetables and pour boiling water over them. Then cut them into cubes or thin strips. Place in a saucepan, add a little oil and salt, and simmer over low heat. Next add water and cook until completely done. When serving, season with finely chopped parsley, dill, celery, basil, etc.


Dishes made from cabbage and carrots can most often be seen on the table in winter. There are many cooking options, for example, fresh, pickled, stewed, fried. You can prepare cabbage yourself and enjoy a tasty and healthy salad during the holidays. For this you will need 2-3 medium heads of cabbage and about 3 medium carrots, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt. The cabbage must be finely chopped and placed in a saucepan with a volume of about 5 liters. You should also grate the carrots.

Then the cabbage is salted generously, about a dessert spoon for each 3 cm layer. When the juice is released, the straws need to be crushed properly. Then grated carrots and peppercorns are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Several bay leaves should be added evenly to the salad.

On top you need to place a plate or lid of smaller diameter than the pan and press it with a weight. The container should be placed in a dark place. After a day, the juice will rise to the level of the plate. The salad should be opened, stirred and pressed again. Leave it like this for 2 days. Then try it. If the salad is ready, serve with green onions, seasoned with vegetable oil.


Delicious carrot dishes can be made from stewed vegetables. Now we’ll tell you how to make such a dish. For example, onions can be fried, then you should add 200-300 grams of cabbage, cut into strips, and one grated carrot. Add a little salt and pepper. Stirring, simmer until done. Sometimes a tablespoon of tomato paste is added for a rich taste.


What other dishes should you prepare using carrots? You can stew this vegetable and serve it as a side dish. To do this you will need one onion, which should be fried. Then add thinly chopped medium-sized carrots and simmer. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add a teaspoon of tomato paste. Serve as an appetizer or side dish with sour cream or on its own.

Carrot dish. Recipe with onions, peppers and tomatoes

You can also prepare another delicious side dish called lecho. For cooking you will need, in addition to the main ingredient, bell pepper - 500 g, onions - 200 g, tomato paste - 100 g, 3 cloves garlic, bay leaf, salt, black pepper. Carrots need 400 g. Vegetables should be cut into strips and fried. Salt, add tomato paste. If the mass has not yielded juice and looks too dry, you can add about 100 grams of vegetable broth. Then add bay leaf and pepper. When the vegetables become soft, add the chopped garlic. Simmer for another minute and remove from heat.


Now we’ll tell you how to prepare another dish of boiled carrots. Casserole lovers will love this dish, which can be prepared quite easily. You will need 200 g of carrots, pre-cooked and grated, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina or flour, 50 ml of heavy cream, 3-4 tsp. sugar, citrus zest, raisins, vanilla. While you are preparing the vegetables, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. The egg should be divided into white and yolk, beat each separately until stiff, adding a little sugar and half a pinch of salt. Then combine both masses together and add cream. Stir carefully so that the foam does not fall off. Mix carrot pulp with semolina, sugar and other ingredients. Then combine the egg foam and the main mass. Vanilla should be added at the tip of a knife. Zest and raisins - to taste.

When the mass is ready, it should be placed in a baking container, which should first be coated with butter and sprinkled with semolina. Carefully move the mixture there and place in the oven for about 20-30 minutes. At first, the product may rise greatly, but then most often the top falls, but this does not affect the quality of the dessert. Check the readiness of the casserole with a long wooden skewer. If after immersion in the dough the stick comes out dry, then the product can be considered ready.


Now you know how to cook carrot dishes. We have provided you with recipes with photos. We hope that you will be able to prepare such dishes for the whole family.

Both in summer and autumn, even in rainy weather you can at least find a little sun at your ease. Prepare a delicious boiled carrot salad! There are a lot of cooking recipes and the orange vegetable goes well with many foods. Find out which recipe you like.

Salad "Multicolored"

This recipe for boiled carrots and eggs salad is simple, budget-friendly and won’t take much time. And the number of calories will please women.

Grate the already cooked carrots or cut them into small cubes. Grind the eggs in the same way. Try to cut all ingredients the same size. This will not only be more beautiful, but also tastier.

Add canned peas. If you have frozen ones, then boil the peas in advance. Mix all ingredients together and season with mayonnaise. There is no need to add salt, since the mayonnaise is already salty. You can use sour cream or Greek yogurt for dressing.

You can decorate the salad with herbs or small croutons. Try serving the salad in portions using special forms. Add a little pop of color and arrange thin lemon slices on the sides of the plate. They will not only add beauty to the dish, but also fill the living room with a light lemon aroma.

Layered salad “Berries on the snow”

Boiled carrots are already a common part of many salads. Housewives add it to Olivier salad and fur coats. But what else to cook in winter? This recipe for a dish with pomegranate seeds will please your family.

  • boiled carrots – 2 pcs;
  • boiled beets – 1 piece;
  • boiled potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • hard-boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • pomegranate – 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise sauce;
  • garlic.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 126 kcal.

Grind all the boiled vegetables using a grater, grate the yolks separately from the whites. To form the dish you will need a square glass salad bowl or special molds. Lay out all layers 2 cm thick.

Cover the bottom with a layer of potatoes and grease with mayonnaise sauce. The second in line is grated beets. Also coat with mayonnaise. The third layer is yolks, the fourth is boiled carrots with garlic, the fifth is whites. Don't forget to add mayonnaise sauce between layers.

Decorate the snow-white top with pomegranate seeds. So we got berries on the snow - a feeling of summer in cold winter. You can also add pomegranate to vegetable layers. Let the salad sit for about an hour at room temperature to soak in the sauce. Juicy pomegranate seeds with a spicy taste of garlic will reveal the special taste of each ingredient.

Salad “Chicken in a fur coat” with boiled carrots

You definitely haven't tried this before! It seems that all the ingredients are different, but in the recipe for salad with chicken and boiled carrots they combine perfectly with each other. We will need:

  • boiled chicken (fillet) – 200 g;
  • boiled carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • cheese 45% – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise sauce.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 130 kcal.

The specialty of this salad is the pickled onions. First, let's make the marinade. Add salt, the same amount of sugar and a spoonful of apple or wine vinegar to hot water (about 100 ml). Cut the onion into rings, dip in the marinade and leave for 20 minutes.

While the onions are marinating, cut the boiled chicken into pieces, grate the carrots and cheese.

Let's start forming layers: the first is chicken fillet, the second is boiled carrots and onions, the third is cheese. Don't forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise.

The salad is healthy, tasty and will protect you from illness during the cold season.

Salad "Crab cubes"

Another budget option for a quick fix. You will always find all the products in your refrigerator. To prepare a quick salad with crab sticks and boiled carrots you will need:

  • boiled potatoes – 1-2 pcs;
  • crab sticks – 1 pack;
  • boiled carrots – 1 piece;
  • hard-boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise sauce.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 125 kcal.

This salad is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to cut all the products into equal cubes and season with mayonnaise. Fast, tasty and inexpensive!

Do not cook carrots for a long time. For medium-sized vegetables, 20 minutes is enough. The carrots should not fall apart in your hands; it is better to leave them a little undercooked.

In order for all salad components to fully reveal their taste, cut them finely and of the same size.

If you don’t have a special mold for layered salads, make one from a regular plastic bottle: cut off the top and bottom parts.

Pamper yourself and your loved ones with healthy vegetable salads and recharge yourself with an orange mood!