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Biography of Matvienko's son. Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Valentina Matvienko's husband - Vladimir Matvienko

Matvienko Valentina Ivanovna is a well-known figure in the world of politics, taking an active part in the political and diplomatic activities of Russia. Since 2011, she has held the post of Chairman of the Federation Council and is a member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the Party " United Russia».

Before the Federation Council, she held the position of governor and chairman of the government of St. Petersburg and is currently a representative of the executive authorities of this city in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The speaker of the upper house of parliament is the most influential woman in Russia, whose opinion is listened to by the main figures in the country's political arena.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko (nee Tyutina) was born on April 7, 1949 in the Ukrainian village of Shepetovka, Khmelnytsky region, in the family of front-line soldier Ivan and costume designer Irina. Rumors claim that Valentina’s nationality is half Ukrainian – on her father’s side. Soon the family moved to Cherkassy, ​​where the chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation spent her entire childhood.

The father of the future governor of St. Petersburg died when Valya was not yet seven years old, leaving her mother alone without support in her arms with three daughters, among whom Valentina was the youngest. In connection with the tragedy, the Matvienko family began to experience serious financial difficulties, which became a key factor in choosing a future profession.

Valentina Matvienko in school age

After graduating from high school with a silver medal, Valentina, without hesitation, entered medical school in order to quickly get a profession and start earning money on her own and helping her mother. Having received a diploma with honors from the Cherkassy Medical School as a paramedic, the future diplomat decided not to interrupt her studies and moved to Leningrad to enter the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, after which she was assigned to graduate school.

However, it was at the university that Valentina Matvienko’s biography radically changed direction, as the girl began to engage in social work and realized that medicine was not her calling. She decided to get an education in a new profile and entered the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, after which she supplemented her knowledge with advanced training courses for senior diplomatic officials at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During this time statesman Russia has gone through a thorny path from an ordinary member communist party to the secretary of the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol. At this stage, Matvienko’s rapid and successful political career began, which, thanks to her perseverance and desire, reached significant heights in the Russian political arena.

Even in his youth, at the beginning of his political career, Matvienko received a rather strange nickname “Valka-glass”. Gossips claimed that all decisions at Komsomol congresses were accompanied by drinking, and sometimes even political meetings turned into drinking. It was undignified for a young politician, especially a woman, to break away from the team, so, according to rumors, Valentina drank vodka with her colleagues, and sometimes she even put a glass on the table and offered them a drink after the meeting.

Young Valentina Matvienko (center)

Be that as it may, Valentina Ivanovna’s career confidently took off. She now speaks about the origin of her nickname with a bit of irony, declaring that she doesn’t remember a glass, but there was half a glass, and wonders if there was anyone at that time who didn’t have one.


In 1986, Valentina Matvienko entered the world of big politics and took the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies. She oversaw issues of culture and education in Leningrad, and a few years later she became a people's deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and took the post of chairman of the Supreme Council Committee for the Protection of Family, Children and Women. In this field, the woman and politician in one person achieved great success, which allowed her to become the plenipotentiary ambassador of the USSR, and after the collapse of the Union and the Russian Federation in the Republic of Malta.

Valentina Matvienko (right) as Ambassador of the USSR

Three years later, Valentina Ivanovna returned to Russia and headed the department for relations with the regions of the Russian Federation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1998, with the coming to power of the former Prime Minister of Russia, Valentin Matvienko received the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, which she retained for 5 years. She consistently oversaw the country's social policy, despite four changes in leadership. Matvienko was able to retain her position under Primakov, and under.

In 2003, Matvienko received an offer to return to the Northwestern Federal District and literally a few months later she was able to become the governor of her beloved city of St. Petersburg. In the same year, Valentina Ivanovna was introduced to the Security Council of the Russian Federation.


Having won the gubernatorial elections in 2003, Valentina Ivanovna actively took up the restoration of the city after the crisis of the late 90s. According to her, she literally “pulled” St. Petersburg out of the end of the 20th century by force. However, her opponents call all of Matvienko’s achievements during her governorship and the innovations of the new mayor “outrageous.”

The appearance of St. Petersburg under Matvienko changed significantly - many old buildings were demolished, in the place of which new buildings and shopping and entertainment centers “grew”, and significant restructuring of transport interchanges took place. For such active construction, Governor Matvienko was subjected to a barrage of criticism for the demolition of historical buildings in favor of the development of modern construction.

The governor also suffered the communal collapse of 2010-2011, when very unfavorable weather conditions developed in St. Petersburg. Then Valentina Ivanovna called for the involvement of students and homeless people to clear the snow. Poor cleaning of the city was also attributed to the “sins” of the mayor - Matvienko was criticized by many famous personalities.

In 2006, Valentina Matvienko submitted her resignation, but Russian leader Vladimir Putin rejected it and reappointed her as governor of St. Petersburg for a second term. In June 2011, the head of Bashkortostan R.Z. Khamitov proposed Matvienko’s candidacy for the post of chairman of the Federation Council. The then-current President of the Russian Federation supported the candidacy of Valentina Ivanovna, in connection with which she submitted an application for early resignation as governor of at will, which was approved.

The early vacated post of governor of St. Petersburg after Matvienko’s resignation was taken by Georgy Poltavchenko, who, after taking office, appointed her as the representative of St. Petersburg in the Federation Council of Russia. Literally two weeks later, Valentina Ivanovna was unanimously elected to the post of Chairman of the Federation Council, gaining 140 votes from senators, of which only one abstained.

Valentina Matvienko became the first woman in Russian history to become speaker of the upper house of parliament. The day after the elections, Valentina Ivanovna became a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and a year later, due to changed Russian legislation, she automatically became a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Valentina Matvienko's personal life is as stable as her political career. As a fifth-year student at LHFI, Valentina Ivanovna married her fellow student Vladimir Matvienko, with whom she lived in a happy marriage until last days spouse's life.

Matvienko’s husband taught at the Military Medical Academy until 2000, and after retiring, he began independently building a dacha near St. Petersburg. Recently, Vladimir Matvienko was confined to a wheelchair and did not leave the area Leningrad region, living in a built mansion near the Gromov railway station.

In 1973, a son, Sergei, was born into the Matvienko family. The parents gave their only son a good education; he has two diplomas in economics. The son of Valentina Matvienko, after graduating from prestigious universities, was vice president of the St. Petersburg Bank and the largest Vneshtorgbank for 7 years. Sergey Matvienko is the owner of the Empire company, which has 28 subsidiaries and is engaged in development, transportation, cleaning and the media market.

Since 2003, Matvienko’s son has been repeatedly accused of various illegal activities, but such data have not had official confirmation.

In 2004, Sergei married a girl whom the whole country later recognized as a popular singer. The marriage turned out to be passionate, but short-lived. As the spouses themselves stated, they simply did not get along in character - in 2006, the young people separated.

In 2008, Sergei married for the second time to a simple St. Petersburg student. A year later, son Sergei and his wife Yulia Zaitseva made Valentina Matvienko a happy grandmother, giving her the long-awaited granddaughter Arina.

In her free time from government work, Valentina Matvienko likes to do housework and enjoys cooking and painting. The most influential woman in Russia, despite her age (she turned 70 in 2019), is in impeccable physical shape, visiting the pool and gym.

On August 30, 2018, a tragedy occurred in the family - the husband of Valentina Matvienko. IN last years Throughout his life, Vladimir was seriously ill and was confined to a wheelchair. Matvienko’s husband was a retired medical service colonel. The couple had been married for 45 years.

Valentina Matvienko now

According to Russian media surveys, the statuesque (woman's height is 170 cm) Valentina Matvienko is the most influential woman in Russia, having established connections with the country's main people - Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. This is not denied in the Kremlin either - Valentina Ivanovna is considered an influential person whose opinion everyone listens to.

Against the backdrop of the current situation in Ukraine, Valentina Matvienko, like many other political figures, came under sanctions against Russia. She was one of the first in the ranks of active participants in the events during the beginning of the Russian campaign in Crimea: one of the number of politicians who convened an emergency meeting of the Federation Council and gave the right Russian leader to send troops into Ukrainian territory.

Anti-Russian sanctions prohibit Matvienko from entering the EU and provide for the seizure of her assets and property in the United States. In America, the Speaker of the Federation Council is considered the main Russian figure responsible for violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

At the beginning of 2016, Valentina Matvienko introduced a bill “On Collectors” to the State Duma. The new law is intended to limit the actions of collectors in relation to individuals, prohibiting the use of physical violence against debtors. In this way, the authorities hope to overcome the ever-increasing lawlessness on the part of collectors and the banks that hire them. Initially, the law was supposed to completely ban collection activities, but politicians were stopped by the fact that a ban on collecting debts legally would lead to people doing it criminal groups. But even in its softened form, the bill caused a lot of criticism from experts.

In March 2016, the speaker of the Federation Council commented on the 40% increase in salaries of officials. Valentina Matvienko spoke quite categorically about increasing salaries for officials, citing the fact that it is high wages that make it possible to recruit truly good specialists and avoid staff turnover. According to Matvienko, reducing the salaries of officials will only cost the country more. The speaker's words caused a wide resonance among the public, which rather negatively perceived the idea of ​​​​increasing the salaries of officials.

In 2017, the politician held a meeting with workers in the social sphere of the village, where she talked with teachers and the press about teachers’ salaries. Valentina Matvienko expressed particular concern about teachers' salaries in the Ivanovo region, after she learned first-hand that teachers' salaries had dropped to 7 thousand rubles. Matvienko instructed the Minister of Education to figure out the reason why teachers receive so little. Not only do such low salaries contradict the “May” decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, they also do not correspond to Rosstat data.

On March 29, 2019, President Vladmir Putin awarded Valentina Matvienko the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called "for her outstanding contribution to the development and creation of new special equipment, as well as for strengthening the country's defense capability."

Sergey Matvienko is a famous Russian entrepreneur and businessman. According to some reports, he is the owner of a fortune of several billion dollars. However, it is not included in most official financial lists. His mother is even better known - ex-governor of St. Petersburg, current chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matvienko.

Biography of a businessman

Sergei Matvienko was born in Leningrad in 1973. After graduation high school went to college modern business. Received a diploma in the specialty “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”.

Then he continued to develop. At the same time, in 1999 he received a second higher education at the St. Petersburg Institute of Service and Economics. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics with a degree in Finance and Credit.

In 2002 he defended his dissertation and is a candidate economic sciences. The topic of his dissertation was methods and theories of regional economic development on an innovation basis.

First steps in business

Study entrepreneurial activity Sergei Matvienko started immediately after the breakup Soviet Union. In 1992, he began working as a manager of one of the check investment funds in St. Petersburg. Matvienko's first company was called "Augustina". At that time he was 19 years old.

In 1995, Matvienko created his own company - "Northern Extravaganza", and two years later founded the limited liability company "Zodchiy".

Career in Banking

Since 1997, the businessman has been concentrating on working in large financial organizations. Starts with a small position as a marketing manager in a closed joint stock company"Teleplus". Then he moves to the St. Petersburg branch of Inkombank as an economist in the plastic cards department.

Sergei Matvienko, whose biography is now clearly associated with finance, continues to change jobs. At the height of the 1998 crisis, he was the second person in the Maya company, and soon he headed corporate finance at the closed joint-stock company Baltic Financial Agency.

In 2001, he became director of information technology at Bank St. Petersburg. The bosses note his hard work and promote him two years later. Sergei Matvienko holds the post of vice president. He worked in this position until 2010. At the same time, he worked at Vneshtorgbank.

Since 2004, he has held the post of vice president of one of the largest domestic banks - VTB.

Assessment of Matvienko's condition

According to various ratings, Matvienko, whose biography was largely ensured by the high position of his mother, is from time to time ranked among the richest people in Russia. His fortune, according to various estimates, is several billion dollars.

Today, financial experts estimate his family’s fortune at one billion 800 million rubles. In the so-called ranking of billionaires, Matvienko ranks at the beginning of the third hundred.

His main assets are in the Pharmacia trading house, as well as in the St. Petersburg bank. At the same time, a large entrepreneur owns a stake in this bank and a large amount of commercial real estate in the Northern capital. The largest objects are a business center on Kazanskaya Street, as well as a multifunctional center on the Petrogradskaya side near the cruiser Aurora, the construction of which is now actively underway.

Businessman's mother

According to some experts, the foundation for her son’s success was laid by his mother. Today she is one of the top officials of the state.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko began her career as a diplomat. In the 90s, she worked as the plenipotentiary ambassador of Russia, first in Cyprus and then in Greece. In 1998, she was returned to Russia to the post of Deputy Prime Minister. She worked in this post until 2003 under two presidents (Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin) and four government leaders (Evgeny Primakov, Sergei Stepashin, Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Kasyanov).

Then, for six months, she served as the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the Northwestern federal district, and since October 2003 she became the governor of St. Petersburg. She held this post for two terms.

In 2011, she went to work at the Federation Council, representing the executive power of St. Petersburg in this body. From September 2011 to the present, he has held the post of Chairman of the Federation Council.

Sergei Matvienko, whose photo can be found today in economic and financial magazines, is the only son of Valentina Ivanovna.

Personal life

Sergei Matvienko, a biography whose personal life is of interest to those who follow his career, was married twice.

He first got married in 2004, his chosen one was the famous singer Zara. He made his way to the big stage thanks to the television show "Morning Star", hosted by Igor Nikolaev. Back in 1997, when she was 14 years old, she performed the song “Juliet’s Heart” on it. That same year, she won the Grand Prix of the prestigious music competition among teenagers “Let the Children Laugh.”

At the time of his marriage, Sergei Matvienko, whose personal life did not immediately work out, held the post of vice president of the St. Petersburg Bank. It was he who insisted that a wedding ceremony be held after the wedding. Zara converted to Orthodoxy.

The wedding was magnificent. The wedding took place in Kazansky cathedral, from where the couple arrived in a carriage to the St. Petersburg Wedding Palace No. 1, which is located on the English Embankment. However, they lived in marriage for only a year and a half, did not have children and separated. They commented on their divorce standard phrase: "Did not get along".

Second wife

Sergei Matvienko, biography, whose personal life is discussed in this article, married for the second time in 2008. His chosen one was Yulia, a graduate student at the St. Petersburg Institute of Service and Economics. About a year later, their daughter Arina was born, who is now 7 years old. She studies in the first grade of one of the St. Petersburg schools.

Many famous and popular guests were seen at the wedding. For example, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin, close friends of the groom. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on a honeymoon to Italy.

Sergei Matvienko often shocks the public and the public with his wealth. Interesting Facts from the life of the billionaire, in particular, are associated with the celebration of his 35th anniversary, which took place at the Yusupov Palace.

Journalists who managed to get to the event estimated its budget at 60 thousand euros. The birthday boy arrived at the celebration in an exclusive Mercedes. At the same event, his girlfriend, Yulia Zaitseva, who soon became his wife, was first noticed.

They really celebrated on a grand scale. The surroundings of the Yusupov Palace were already inaccessible to mere mortals from 18:00. The entire embankment was blocked off, and carpet runners were laid out along the noble mansion. Guests of the anniversary were greeted by specially hired trumpeters.

In total, about two hundred guests were invited to the celebration. Sergei Matvienko, whose personal life is rarely exposed, nevertheless decided to invite so many people. The public, first of all, was struck by the place for celebrating the anniversary. After all, the Yusupov Palace is one of the most beautiful monuments of St. Petersburg architecture, but at the same time it is surrounded by a mysterious and unpleasant aura. It was in its basements that Grigory Rasputin, the favorite of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, whom most historians today tend to consider a deceiver and a charlatan, was killed at the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, the Yusupov Palace is not the most expensive and pretentious place for a holiday that can be found in the city. But the possibilities that Sergei Matvienko has are practically limitless. Interesting facts also lie in how much this holiday cost.

How much does an anniversary cost?

Journalists calculated how much Sergei Matvienko should have spent on celebrating his birthday. The holiday program included a buffet and a classical music concert.

A special evening concert was also organized, which was supposed to be the main event of the evening. A stage was specially installed for him near the Yusupov Palace building. But who spoke at the businessman’s anniversary remains unknown. Most of the celebration took place behind closed doors. But according to various estimates, the artists had to pay at least 25 thousand euros.

A tragedy struck the family of Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko - her husband, Vladimir Matvienko, died.

The death of the senator’s husband became known from the press service of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. It was reported that in a telephone conversation with the head of the upper house of the Russian parliament, the Belarusian leader “expressed deep condolences to her in connection with the death of her husband.” Lukashenko also conveyed words of support to all the relatives and friends of Vladimir Matvienko.

Later, information about the death of Matvienko’s husband was confirmed by Parlamentskaya Gazeta. It is reported that the Federation Council is “receiving condolences in connection with the death of the husband of the chairman of the chamber.”

What is the cause of death of Vladimir Matvienko?

After his retirement, the man built himself a dacha at the Gromovo station in the Leningrad region and began to further engage in science there. Over the years, his health began to deteriorate and as a result, Vladimir Matvienko ended up in a wheelchair. Perhaps a long illness was the cause of death. Until the last days of his life, he remained true to himself, lived quietly in the village and never boasted about his famous wife and son.

What is known about Matvienko’s husband: who he is, biography

Very little is known about the head of the Council’s husband. He, unlike his wife, was not a public person. As you know, Valentina comes from Ukraine, where she graduated from school and came to St. Petersburg to become a pharmacist. Here she met her future husband. When the future politician entered her fifth year, she decided to agree to marry Vladimir. The marriage produced a son.

Little is known about the wife of the head of the upper house of parliament: he was a retired colonel. He worked at the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. But he couldn’t sit still and started building a house near St. Petersburg. There he spent his last time before his death.

In recent years he has become very ill. It is unknown what disease struck him, but it got to the point where the man ended up in a wheelchair. This disease ultimately led to death. For Valentina and her husband, this marriage was the only one in their lives: they lived together for 45 years. They had a son and granddaughter.

More is known about their son: he is already 43 and has had two marriages. He received an economic education, and after that he was in the management of several large banks. In addition, he owns a company that was engaged in different areas of business.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko

The biography of Valentina Matvienko begins in the spring of 1949. At that time, her family lived in Shepetivka, a Ukrainian village in the Khmelnitsky region. Father Ivan and mother Irina were not connected with political life in the country.

Some time after Valya's birth, the family leaves for Cherkassy. A little later, the father dies, and the mother of the future politician has a hard time - she herself needs to raise three daughters. Financial difficulties pushed the girl to quickly get an education and earn money, thereby helping her family.

After graduating from school, Valentina Matvienko enters medical school. Studying was easy for her and she graduated from college with honors. In order to continue to develop in the chosen direction, the girl leaves for Leningrad, where she enters a university, and after that she is assigned to graduate school.

Already at the institute, she understands that she is less interested in medicine, and more in social work. Valentina decides to radically change her educational vector and begins studying at the Academy of Social Sciences. After graduating, she takes courses for diplomatic staff to improve her skills.

How did Valentina's political career begin?

This is where Matvienko’s political growth begins. At first she was an ordinary member of the Communist Party, and with maximum perseverance and desire, Valentina became secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee. Of course, even then many rumors appeared. The most famous of them is associated with the fact that the woman loved to drink, especially after making any important diplomatic decisions. But you can’t really blame Valentina here - at that time this was often practiced, and the woman simply did not want to be a “black sheep.”

The year 1986 was marked by the fact that a woman found herself in the world of big politics. With the receipt of a new position, Valentina Matvienko is engaged in culture and education in the Soviet Union, and at the same time, she is the chairman of the Committee on Family Protection. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the woman was a diplomatic ambassador.

Returning to Russia, she becomes Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Here she has been involved in social policy for almost 5 years. In 2003, Valentina Matvienko won the gubernatorial election and took the corresponding position. An important task fell on her shoulders - to restore the former Leningrad and bring it into its modern form.

After some time, a woman is elected chairman of the Federation Council. Since then, she has received membership in the State Council of Russia, due to changed legislative acts. After the events on the territory of Ukraine, Valentina Matvienko falls under sanctions. In addition, all accounts and real estate in America were frozen. Despite this, she continues to lead political life and establish connections with Russian citizens in every possible way.

The northern capital of the Russian Federation is famous for its culture, beautiful places, historical monuments, white nights and drawbridges. But besides all this magic, St. Petersburg is also glorified by people. Among them are artists, athletes, painters, writers and politicians. Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko directly falls into the latter category. The biography of many modern Russian politicians began outside its borders. This also applies to the life story of this woman.


In the vastness of Ukraine, in the city of Shepetivka (Khmelnitsky region), Valentina Matvienko was born. Her biography began its narrative in 1949 on the fourth of April. That day, a wonderful girl appeared in the Tyutin family (maiden name). My father was a military man, my mother worked as a costume designer at a local theater. At the time of Valentina’s birth, two older sisters were already growing up in the family.

At that time, it was possible to enter the institution after finishing 8 grades. That’s what the girl did - she became a student at the Cherkasy Medical School. It was 1964. After three years hard work was in my hands, and the idea of ​​moving on was ripe in my head. And the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute located in Leningrad accepted into its palace its future governor, who will be Valentina Matvienko. Her biography in 1972 was marked by the second entry on the “Education” page - the girl graduated from college and received the profession of “pharmacist”. In addition, in her fifth year she got married.

Political pharmacist

However, the young lady did not plan to work in her specialty. Instead, she is seriously engaged in party service.

The girl is confidently moving up the career ladder. Since graduating from the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute (1972) in the next five years, she “grew up” from the head of the department of the district party committee of the Petrograd region (Leningrad) to its first secretary.

Nine years later (1984), the Leningrad Regional Party Committee finds a new secretary. It becomes Valentina Matvienko. The biography of the Komsomol member is replenished with facts from the field of further education. She improves her skills and knowledge at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After some time, Valentina Ivanovna’s direction of activity takes on a “cultural” character: as deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad Council of People’s Deputies, she struggles with the problems of education and cultural enlightenment.

Diplomatic activities

However, in 1991, Valentina Matvienko, whose biography had already characterized the woman as an excellent party leader, left to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As Ambassador of the USSR (and later the Russian Federation), a woman conducts diplomatic activities in Malta and Greece.

Then Valentina Ivanovna returns to politics again. From 1998 to 2003, the woman was involved in social issues, actively helping families affected by terrorist attacks and other issues. In 2001, Valentina Matvienko was awarded the honorary title “Woman of the Year.” Her contribution to the development of education, culture and science did not go unnoticed by ordinary citizens - and in 2003 she was elected governor of the St. Petersburg region. She worked in this position more than successfully for 9 years. In 2011, she resigned at her own request. However, her political career was not over.

Personal life

On this moment The fourth chairman of the Federation Council is Valentina Matvienko. The biography and personal life of the former governor of the northern capital are still of interest to the public.

The female politician is married. And for a long time. While still at the institute, she tied the knot with Vladimir Matvienko. At the moment, he is a colonel in the medical service, who by chance is confined to the The couple has a son, Sergei. He is currently married and has a daughter. The son is the head of the VTB Capital company.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko is a female politician, a significant figure in the Russian government arena. Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, member of the party Bureau " United Russia", winner of awards and diplomas, international awards for political and social contributions.


From the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, young Valentina Tyutina(Matvienko after marriage) began activist social and political work. Received the position of secretary of the Komsomol, CPSU party, worked as ambassador of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She continued to develop her career after the USSR ceased to exist, received the post of Ambassador of the Republic of Malta, became the head of the regional relations department, and went on a diplomatic mission to the Republic of Greece.

appeared Governor of St. Petersburg 2003-11, later became a member of the Federation Council, the first female politician to receive the chairmanship. She was nominated for a number of awards, received certificates and orders for service to the country. Today she continues to shape the social policy of the Russian Federation; the highest ranks of the Kremlin listen to the recommendations and views of women.


7.04.1949 Valentina Ivanovna Tyutina, the daughter of a front-line soldier and a theater costume designer, was born in the provincial town of Shepetovka in Ukraine. The family already had two children. The youngest, Valentina, was small at the time the Tyutins moved to Cherkassy, ​​which is where the girl spent her childhood.

When Valentina Ivanovna was in elementary school, the girl’s paralyzed father, Ivan, died. A large family left without a breadwinner was experiencing serious financial difficulties. The mother, who received a modest salary, had to raise three daughters.

School young Valya Tyutina finished by 1966, received a silver medal for her certificate. I went to study at the Cherkassy medical school, choosing educational institution for the sake of a scholarship and financial support for the family. She came out as the owner of an excellent student diploma.

She moved to Leningrad, continued her studies, becoming a student Chemical and Pharmaceutical University. She was assigned to continue her studies in graduate school, but refused, realizing that her calling lay beyond the boundaries of the medical niche. Instead of graduate school, she entered the Academy of Social Sciences from the Communist Party, and additionally attended classes for diplomats of the leaders of the Diplomatic Academy. In addition to her native Russian, she mastered four more international languages.

Carier start

Valentina Matvienko developed her political career simultaneously with her student years, with the Komsomol. 1972-77- started working as secretary of the Komsomol district committee, 1977-84- Secretary of the Komsomol division of the entire Leningrad region. The political world opened its doors to women.

The politician's career began to develop rapidly. By 1984, Valentina Matvienko was listed as the secretary of the CPSU of the Krasnogvardeisky district, and by 1986 - the deputy chairman of the Lensovet committee. In 1989, Valentina Matvienko was elected by the Union of Soviet Women, received the title of deputy, and by 1991, a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the country.

Governor of St. Petersburg

In 2003 Valentina Matvienko received an offer to return to the Leningrad region. The politician participated in the gubernatorial elections of St. Petersburg, moved to the second stage (with a significant majority of votes), and won. Then she became a representative of the Security Council.

At the post Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko began to actively “pull” the city out of the economic crisis of the nineties. To many, the governor’s activities seemed outrageous: during the politician’s rule, objects of historical significance were demolished, destroyed, and a shopping center and multi-story parking were built in their place. Active development began, entertainment centers appeared, and transport interchanges changed. The appearance of the city has changed, there are fewer parks and green areas.

Valentina Matvienko's projects were both successful and not so successful. During his governorship, a lot happened besides development: a fivefold increase in the city’s budget, automobile factories began to be built, and foreign capital began to flow in. Under her, a communal collapse occurred: students and people without a fixed place of residence began to be involved in clearing the city of snow (instead of snow removal equipment). The actions were met with criticism.

The governor lobbied for the construction of the building" Gazprom City", asked to exclude the city from the list of historical villages, which caused indignation among St. Petersburg residents. She put forward a proposal to unite St. Petersburg with the Leningrad region, the initiative did not meet with the support of President Medvedev.

In 2006 The governor sent a request for early resignation, was refused, and found herself reinstated to the position with full retention of powers. She served as governor of St. Petersburg until 2011. During her governorship she joined the party " United Russia". She believed that she had returned the capital's functions to the city, calling this the main achievement in her gubernatorial position. The statement is not without truth: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation moved to St. Petersburg, which turned the city into a second capital. Despite this, the activities were regularly criticized by both city residents , as well as many famous personalities.


Another resignation request was sent to the President in 2011. It happened thanks to a tempting offer - she was considered for the role Chairman of the Federation Council. Dmitry Medvedev, the current President, agreed to support the nomination. The governor could occupy the position solely as a deputy. The woman went to the by-elections of two St. Petersburg municipalities. A large number of votes for the politician's candidacy raised a wave of indignation and caused indignation among the opposition.

In August 2011, by order of the current President, she was freed from the governorship; the vacated role of the St. Petersburg governor was assumed by Sergey Poltavchenko.

Chairmanship of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko was granted almost unanimously by a vote of the current participants. The politician collected 140 votes out of 141, the last participant chose to abstain. For the first time, a woman managed to occupy a high government post in the first chamber of government. After the elections, she became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and the next year - a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation, formed after the constitutional changes.

During Valentina Ivanovna's participation in the Federation Council, " anti-orphan bill", which prohibits US citizens from adopting Russian children and from operating throughout the country for organizations looking for candidates for adoption. Matvienko asked to wait and think about making a decision, but was not one of those who abstained or opposed the 2012 bill.

Was an active participant Russian Crimean campaign, from the very beginning. On her initiative, an emergency meeting of the Federation Council was convened, during which a decision was made to send troops to Ukrainian territory. She defended the legality of the scheme to annex the peninsula to the territory of the Russian Federation. Supported the use of the country's military forces for use in Syria, approved the proposal to bomb the organization Islamic State.

Personal life

She married her boyfriend, Vladimir Matvienko, by the time she graduated from Leningrad University. A year later, the only son of the family, Sergei, was born. While pursuing a social and political career, the woman missed important moments in raising a child. By the age of 18, Sergei Matvienko was detained on suspicion of robbery.

Sergei Matvienko was talked about illegal activities more than once, but was not criminally charged. The son of a politician received a good education, took a leadership position in one of the large banks, married a famous singer Zara. He divorced two years later, then married again, to an ordinary young student, Yulia Zaitseva. This union gave Valentina the long-awaited granddaughter Arina, and turned out to be quite strong.

Sergey Matvienko and Zara

My husband Vladimir has now received a disability and uses a wheelchair to get around. Permanently resides in the Leningrad region, where he is located a private house family, practically never leaves. During Valentin's diplomatic missions he remained on the territory of his country. It was he who was primarily involved in raising his only child.

Valentina Matvienko now

Today Valentina Matvienko is called the most influential woman in Russia; opinion polls were conducted by domestic media among government colleagues and citizens of the country. Her opinion remains authoritative for senior Russian officials. Possesses strong ties with the top people of the Kremlin, the woman is energetic and actively involved in political activities.

One of the first to be subject to anti-Russian sanctions: ban on staying in EU countries, seizure of assets and personal property located in the United States.

The main direction of current work is social sphere domestic policy. The woman expressed concern about low regional teachers' salaries. Instructed the Minister of Education to find and eliminate the cause of low pay for teachers. She supported a forty percent increase in official salaries, arguing that this would prevent personnel turnover, harmful to the well-being of the country, and attract competent workers to government work.

The politician does not forget to maintain physical and intellectual shape - he goes to the gym, the swimming pool, is interested in art, cooking, remaining a visible figure in the Russian and international political arena.

In 1967 she graduated from Cherkasy Medical School. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1985 she graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1991, she completed advanced training courses for senior diplomatic officials at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.