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Bioenergy: self-study. Bioenergy - what is it? Bioenergy, what heals

All living beings in the world - stones, trees, people, animals, plants - have their own bioenergy or, as it is also called, energy field (the substance of electromagnetic fields). Therefore, the relationship between man and nature and the world around him occurs as a result of the exchange of energy and information that passes from one object to another. A person who knows how to exchange energy better than others and lives more concentrated, harmonious and fulfilling. Here are some tips to help you determine your own or another person's bioenergy.

How to determine human bioenergy

  • There are many factors that influence human bioenergy. Everything turns out to be important – the day a person was conceived, the year of conception and the place. If a child was conceived during an eclipse, then its energy field has some disturbances, since during the eclipse the Earth’s biofield changes.
  • Solar activity also plays an important role in human destiny. People who were born during solar activity are distinguished by powerful energy and are resistant to environmental influences. Those born from March 10 to 21 have an energy that attracts adventure. Therefore, cleaning their biofield is a necessary activity for them. They need to go barefoot and engage in physical activity. Those born in August have good health and powerful bioenergy, unlike people born in a different period.
  • The exemplary biofield has an egg-shaped, symmetrical shape, elongated above the head and extends beyond the physical body by 40 cm - 1.5 meters. The loss of this form occurs due to disturbances in the psychological portrait of a person. You yourself have repeatedly observed changes in a person’s energy - a guest entered the room, and the impression was that he took up almost the entire place and displaced everyone else present. And a person who spent the whole time sitting unnoticed by anyone has weak energy. The normal color of the biofield is white and all light colors.
  • Every person has developed intuition, some have it stronger, some have it weaker, but still you can feel very well how to determine a person’s energy and understand whether he is suitable for you or not. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings: do you feel weak after talking with this or that person, is there an exacerbation of any illness, are you calm, are you nervous over trifles? If you get positive answers to all these questions, then this means that the biofield of this person suits you.

Restoring bioenergy at home

Life will become much more comfortable if you prepare protection in advance in case of any energy invasion. Damaged bioenergy of a person, of at least one family member, adult or child, also deforms the general biofield of the entire family. Therefore, it is wise to engage in prevention.

General protection from energy intrusions involves the creation of special energy fields (screens, shields) that will allow positive energy to pass through and retain negative energy that can be brought by neighbors, acquaintances, or friends of a son or daughter. Various geopathogenic zones can also be a source of negative energy.

To create a protective screen for human bioenergy, the efforts of the whole family will be required. You have to close a protective capsule around your home, and your family biofield will give you the strength to create it. The technique that is offered to you is taken from Eastern spiritual practices.

Protecting the bioenergy of your home

Have the family gather in the central part of the house. When everyone sits down, relaxes, feels comfortable and calm, ask them to imagine that the house is surrounded by waves of golden light - it has become bright, clean and kind. Now stand in the center of the room, with your back to front door. Concentrate and imagine that with one effort of will you are covering the wall opposite you with a flow of positive energy. Raise your right hand and trace the outline of this wall. Imagine that a bright stream of green light is rushing towards her from your fingers. Run your hand along the perimeter of the wall, closing the energy circuit in the direction of the sun's movement (from right to left). Imagine that the entire wall becomes transparent green, alive, pulsating.

In the same way, work with the other walls of the room, you can use both hands at the same time. Next, close the energy circuit of the ceiling and floor. The last one to close is the contour of the wall behind your back. Now turn to face her. And finally, close all the screens into a single capsule. To unify the energy fields you have created, move your hand as if making a circle.

At first, you can create color screens so that you can see whether the energy dome is collapsed or expanded.

Think of doors and windows not as openings in the wall, but as patterns on wallpaper. The walls will seem solid, which means there will be no places that could allow negative energy to pass through.

If necessary, the screens can be collapsed and expanded. Clap your hands and imagine that the screen rolls up from the walls to the center of the room, turning into a tiny roll, and the roll itself disappears between your palms. If you need to expand the screen, just one clap is enough. Spread your arms to the sides and the screen will “unfold”.

How to cleanse your home of bad energy

What to do if negative energy has already accumulated in the house? The screen will not let it through, but it is necessary to free the house from negativity. It is recommended to periodically remove the screens and cleanse the living space of energetic dirt. Cleanliness is the key to health, we know this from childhood.

If family members are too emotional, their mood or interests change sharply, then shielding will not help you. In order to align the family biofield, you need to constantly work with it, destroy the vortex flows that punch holes in the protective capsule you created.

Bioenergy purification

The following method must be used if relationships in the family begin to deteriorate. He will clearly demonstrate to you how bioenergy affects a person. To restore mutual understanding, sometimes it is enough to say that you still love each other. However, the simpler the solution, the more difficult it is to implement. We are not used to looking for easy ways, so we will take a detour.

Women are most often the initiators in any endeavor in the family. You will have to warn your spouse so that he is prepared and not surprised by anything.

So, early morning. Stand opposite your husband, extend your hands towards his hands, but do not join them. Let there be a distance of about 20 cm between your hands. Fingers apart. Now look at your husband and imagine that inside you, in the navel area (here is the energy center responsible for sexuality), a burning stream of energy is uncontrollably rushing out. It splashes out into your outstretched hands, taking the shape of a ball. Send this ball towards your husband’s navel chakra, feel how the same ball breaks out of his hands and both fireballs merge, swirl, turning into a common stream of energy that spreads, absorbs both of you, reliably protecting you and isolating you from the world. Hug your husband: now a protective energy dome is closing over your heads, your biofields are being adjusted and synchronized.

Check your feelings: you feel a surge of strength and confidence in the future. Your spouse feels the same way.

Restoration of bioenergy and biofield

The best way to normalize the family biofield is to work on each chakra for each family member. This kind of work takes little time, and no specific knowledge or skills are required.

Prepare a copper bell; its sound should be pleasant to you: not too high, not too low. Stand behind one of the family members (husband, child, grandfather, grandmother, etc.), raise the bell above his head at a distance of about 10-20 cm. If the child is still very small, he can lie down.

Slowly walk around the person clockwise, gradually lowering ringing bell until it reaches the level of the lower chakra. Then, continuing to walk around, gradually raise the bell until it is above the crown of the head.

If you want to cleanse your own biofield, it is better to do it while lying down. The actions are performed in the following sequence: first you ring the parietal chakra, then the frontal chakra, go down to the throat, heart, work with the solar plexus area, navel and lower chakra, and then repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Sometimes the result appears immediately: it becomes easier to breathe, an extraordinary lightness appears in the body, and a slight tingling sensation appears in the arms and legs. All this is a consequence of the fact that blood flows through the vessels faster, and the cells receive more nutrition.

It's good if you ring the chakras at least from time to time. This will help you withstand any energy attack.

If you need to protect another person, for example, a weaker spouse or your child, then just imagine how your protective dome expands and absorbs the biofield of this person. The light floats in and gently draws his biofield inward, as if taking it under your protection. Now human bioenergy will be protected.

Exercises for bioenergy

For people with imaginative thinking, this exercise will help. Roll up all your troubles into one big ball. On the way to the house, mentally unwind it, leaving threads on tree branches and wires. Near the door, turn around and be sure to say from the bottom of your heart: “Let all bad things become good!”

After this, look at the sky, and even if heavy clouds are crawling across it, you will feel how high and pure it is, how beautiful the pristine world is, not ennobled by the achievements of civilization. That's all.

Restoring human energy

How to cleanse energy with fire

It is best to do the exercise before bed. Draw the curtains and turn off the lights. Place a lit wax candle in the center of the table (at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the edge) and sit in a soft chair. Take a comfortable position. Relax completely. Without looking away, look at the candle flame for 10 minutes. After some time, you will feel a pleasant numbness and a feeling of lightness in your head and throughout your body.

Repeat this exercise every day for a week. The lesson should begin on the night from Sunday to Monday and end, accordingly, on the following Sunday.

The benefits of silicon energy for bioenergy

Stones serve as an excellent absorber of negative human bioenergy. To protect the room and stabilize the positive aura in it, use silicon. Silicon can be bought at a pharmacy. Or collect a whole collection on a pebble beach.

So, you have just found a place where negative energy is being injected into the room. Place a piece of silicon nearby. You can simply place silicon in the corners of the room to form a square or rectangle. The protective capabilities of these items are such that they can protect the entire room.

Silicon must be cleaned of accumulated dirt once a month. This is very simple to do: place it under the flow cold water for two to three hours, after which leave it outside for a day so that it is saturated with the energy of the stars and the Sun.

Coil springs

Working with human bioenergy requires the use of certain items. For example, cylindrical springs. Springs can absorb negative energy for one and a half to two years without any cleaning if they are large enough, at least 5-6 cm in diameter.

Music to restore bioenergy

Music has a wonderful cleansing effect. It's good if you know the mantras. At least one. Mantras not only cleanse the house, not only fill it with warmth, goodness and light - they also charge the one who pronounces them, bringing harmony and well-being.

But other melodies that are pleasant to your ear will also be great, but, of course, not hard rock or other similar “musical” compositions that destroy a person. Destructive both physically, mentally and energetically.

"Shield of Shambhala" for bioenergy

If you are not protected from the negative effects of other people's energy by your spirituality, the consequences can be very severe and serious, both for you personally and for your home. Human bioenergy should always be protected. The proverbial words: “I carry everything I own with me” in in this case fit perfectly.

In the East there was a coherent system of defenses against energy capture. One of them is the “Shield of Shambhala”. The legendary Shambhala, which Elena Ivanovna Roerich wrote about, is a country of high spirituality, prosperity, virtue and well-being. Shambhala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and the achievement of high spirituality.

The technique of execution is as follows: Straighten your left hand, press your thumb to the hand. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Place your fist on the back of your left hand.

The Shambhala Shield is the protection of life, health, prosperity, prosperity.

If trouble happens in your home, face it head on. You can survive anything, you can cope with any adversity.

Every situation teaches something, and there is always a reason for gratitude if desired. Moreover, obstacles are necessary because by overcoming them, a person grows spiritually.

Protection from bad energy

If you direct negative thoughts and negative energy at a person, you can destroy his defense, that is, his biofield, which is a protection against the influence of black magic on a person. His human bioenergy is disrupted, he becomes weak and an easy victim for otherworldly forces that are constantly looking for a person with a weak biofield. A person begins to get sick, he gets tired quickly, and his strength constantly goes away. The task of the biofield and human energy is to constantly protect it from evil creatures and various negative people who are trying to break through and crack this wall. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect your energy.

Ways to protect against negative bioenergy

  • One of the easiest and at the same time reliable ways. If you feel somehow uncomfortable with a person, then cross your legs and arms while talking and continue the conversation. Now this person will not be able to pour out his negativity on himself. Your biofield is closed, and no one will be able to squeeze into it. There will be no energy leakage.
  • The second method is called a “protective ring”. Connect your thumbs and index fingers. You will form a ring, now it will be a protection ring. Just fold the rest of your fingers.
  • A similar method is called “ring nesting”. Make two rings from your fingers, connecting them at the same time. Repeat three times, this method will close your biofield from the penetration of negativity into it.
  • There is another way to protect yourself. This is using "egg". Feel that there are golden peas around your solar plexus. They move about you in 4 directions. They should come from the solar plexus. They should lie in a horizontal plane, the approximate distance is an outstretched arm. They seem to form a cross. Now imagine and feel that the cross begins to rotate around you. When it begins to rotate quickly, a hoop begins to form, which will protect you. During its rotation, it resembles an egg. The color should be golden, blue or orange.
  • Restoring human bioenergy will be effective if you use the “mirror wall” method. Imagine that there is a brick wall around you. It should have several rows. The outer part of the brick wall is mirrored. As soon as negative energy is directed towards you, the mirror image returns it to the person who sent all this negativity towards you.

In our world, all processes, actions and objects are connected to each other by an invisible force that can be successfully controlled, the main thing is to know how.

This is precisely the issue that bioenergy deals with; learning this teaching on your own is possible, but you should remember that this path is quite thorny and complicated. In this article we will try to answer the question of where to start and how to make learning the material quick, but at the same time effective.

Why you should start learning bioenergy

Before proceeding directly to the study process, it is necessary to understand what bioenergy is and what its main postulates are.

Since ancient times, humanity has been trying to understand its nature and study the human body in as much detail as possible. This process is extremely labor-intensive, since people are a very complex system, which took the best minds in the world several centuries to study. Even in our high-tech times, scientists are discovering more and more new, hitherto unknown facts about how internal structure body, and about the processes occurring in it.

However, many phenomena are simply inexplicable from the point of view of material science; even scientists themselves call such processes a real miracle and are at a loss as to how such a thing could happen. It is at this moment that bioenergy comes onto the scene, which with filigree simplicity explains everything that cannot be understood if we consider a person only through the prism of the physical shell.

Bioenergetics studies a person, but does this not on a material level, but on a higher and invisible to the human eye - energy level.

The fact is that people are a complex system consisting of two large basic elements - the physical body and the energetic body. These two structures are inextricably linked with each other and are essentially one whole, the only difference is the angle from which you look at it. Any even the most insignificant changes in one of the bodies cause similar transformations in the other.

This unusual effect is the basis for the use of bioenergy for healing purposes. Quite often we cannot determine the nature of the disease, as well as why it appeared in us. In such a situation, the use of the bioenergetic method allows you to quickly and clearly find the real cause, which is hidden at the energy level, and also quickly eliminate it.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that this teaching works with human energy channels and aura. Energy flows permeate our entire universe, we literally live among them. These channels carry enormous power and are able to influence our health, life and destiny. Humans have exactly the same flows. Through them, our internal energy spreads throughout the body and thanks to this we are alive.

Try to remember the school physics course, namely the section on electricity. As is known, an electric current passing through a conductor forms an electromagnetic field around it, which rotates clockwise relative to the direction of movement. What is electricity?

Of course, this is primarily energy. Everything in our world obeys general physical laws - the principle that maintains balance between the smallest particles inside an atom also works in the same way for stars and planets. That is why the energy within us, which is similar to electric current, creates a force field around the conductor - the human body.

This kind of cocoon is called an aura and acts for the most part as a kind of shield that protects us from negative external influences.

This very field is produced by certain energy centers called chakras. These funnel-shaped openings are used by us to receive energy from the world and universe around us. When their work is somehow disrupted or stops altogether, there is a malfunction in the functioning of our organs or problems in some particular area of ​​our life. Of course, this usually happens simultaneously, since there are seven main energy centers, and each of them is responsible for a number of organs and areas of human life.

As you can see, even short description This teaching has a fairly large volume, to say nothing of its complete explanation. Modern man Since childhood, he has an idea of ​​how his body works; this is considered a kind of obligation, since the preservation of his health and the ability to diagnose the disease independently depend on this knowledge. Studying this topic is the right decision, but it completely misses the second, no less important part of the human being - the energy body.

As in the material plane, when we talk about diseases or any other problems, one of the most important factors in diagnosing them is time. The sooner the disease is detected, the easier it will be to deal with it, but the damage caused by advanced forms cannot be repaired.

But how to detect any deviation when you don’t even know where to look? It is for this reason that you should know at least the basics of bioenergy and have at least a general idea of ​​the second half of your own body, which is hidden from human eyes.

How can you use bioenergy?

First of all, bioenergy allows you to heal your body and maintain it in in the best possible shape all of my life. The activity of each of the seven chakras is associated with the health of a large number of organs. Any even the slightest deviation in their work is 100% likely to lead to health problems.

If all chakras work at full capacity, then you will become one of those people about whom they say that illnesses bypass them. In addition, some energy centers promote the development of extremely useful skills that turn out to be very useful in life.

There is much more to a person than may seem at first glance.

It is in our aura that the key to success, joy and love lies hidden.

All this can be obtained if you work competently with your biofield, setting it up in such a way that it does not block positive events, but rather attracts them to yourself. Bioenergy is not a panacea for everything, it is rather a tool that will allow you to build your life in such a way as to harmonize it as much as possible.

We are negatively impacted every day. This could be some kind of disease or negativity directed towards us from other people. Quite often, people do not understand why such a large number of all kinds of troubles and troubles happen to them. Their reason is simple - a weak energy shell.

Bioenergy allows you to avoid all this negativity and successfully repel all negative attacks. A powerful aura will help you save yourself from the negative impact that was directed even by professional strong dark magicians and sorcerers. Training can be carried out independently, resorting to the help of specialized literature.

Books on bioenergy

If you decide to embark on the path of studying such a large topic alone, it is recommended that you choose one of the following books as a guide. All of them are excellent aids that will perfectly help you take your first steps, get to know yourself, expand your understanding of the processes occurring in the human body and finally understand what bioenergy is.

Self-study, books, lack of mentorship - all this is a serious step that is associated with some risks, so first ask yourself if you are ready and if you have enough strength and desire.

Remember the main rule: bioenergy is precisely the field in which the quantity of material never develops into quality.

Most books written on this topic are a small number useful information, which is very much diluted by the author’s personal reasoning, which has absolutely no benefit for learning. Therefore, in the future, when you read all the books on this list, try to choose only high-quality literature that will provide truly worthwhile information.

The first thing you should pay attention to is other works by the authors listed in this list. Here are their best books, but in fact there are many more of them and many of them are suitable for readers who have already completed the first stage of training.

Alexander Lowen "Joy"

In this book, the author, first of all, describes the use of bioenergy to return long-forgotten feelings. This set of principles will allow you to find true human happiness through harmonizing your energy field.

Interestingly, this effect is achieved by working, first of all, with your physical body. The book contains a large number of exercises, with detailed descriptions.

L.G. Puchkov “Dowsing for everyone”

The basis of this method originates in classical oriental medicine and is directly related to the energy flows inside the human body.

Alexander Lowen "Psychology of the Body"

Another book by this author, which is also aimed at achieving a harmonious state of mind and body. With the help of several exercises and a large number of various examples, Alexander makes it clear that the spiritual part of a person and the physical part are a single whole, and by achieving a balance between them, you can qualitatively influence your perception of life and its level.

Richard Gerber "Vibrational Medicine"

This book is truly unique because it contains almost everything that is currently known about the human energy body. Its author, a doctor, tries to draw parallels between classical treatment and healing using bioenergy.

He describes in great detail the structure of the human energy body and compares it with its physical part. “Vibrational Medicine” is quite capable of becoming a reference book not only for people studying bioenergy, but also for doctors.

Alexander Lowen "Depression and the Body"

Although this book has a rather narrow topic at first glance, the methods and information that it contains can help you better understand both bioenergy and ways of working with your energy body.

Alexander talks about the changes our physical and energetic bodies undergo when we suffer from depression, and also describes several ways to get rid of this illness on both levels.

Vadim Ufimtsev “Practical bioenergy”

This book will allow you to literally study the concept of bioenergy from scratch. Self-learning here is extremely smooth and intelligible. The author describes a variety of exercises that allow, first of all, to harmonize your energy shell, improve the functioning of your chakras, and even out the background of your aura.

In addition, methods are described that will help heal not only the physical body, but also the soul. In general, “Practical Bioenergy” is a kind of collection that you can limit yourself to at the beginning of your studies.

After a detailed study of this material and a complete understanding of it, it is recommended to study the remaining books presented in this list in order to consolidate the information received and expand it qualitatively.

Awareness of the influence of surrounding people and objects on the personal energy field is an important stage. After this comes an understanding of the relationship between communication with certain acquaintances and one’s own state of health.

Loss of strength, apathy, reluctance to do anything - these are the first signs that there is an energy vampire nearby. Failures, the negative attitude of others, which is not supported by actual actions - there is an imbalance between positive and negative energy.

It is important that a person, after reading specialized literature and watching video lessons, does not decide that he himself can act as a teacher for others. There are other nuances that must be taken into account when studying independently.

Basic mistakes

Experts highlight several points that are significant. The following errors are considered the most important and occur most often:

  1. Ridiculous behavior. Often, ritualism, a certain image, type of clothing and cut are given not just significant, but fundamental importance. A person hangs himself with amulets and follows dubious advice that supposedly should attract money or good luck. In essence, his behavior is practically harmless to others.
  2. The black magician is the other extreme. A person is so confident in his own abilities that he tries to influence others using his own energy field. The feeling of impunity is only an appearance. Each negative impact comes back strengthened several times. The pullback is not felt immediately, but over time. Depending on the seriousness of negative intentions, the period ranges from several days to 4-5 years or more. In difficult cases, children and grandchildren can pay for what they have done.
  3. I'am a teacher. After reading several online books and topical articles, you become confident that the knowledge gained is sufficient to train other people. Such charlatans are found quite often.
  4. I'm a practitioner. Studying textbooks on anatomy and surgery does not make a person a great doctor, does not give him the right to pick up a scalpel and perform operations. It is just as easy to harm the subtle energy body as it is to harm the physical body. When starting practical actions, this must be taken into account.

It turns out that on your own, without harm to your own energy, you can only take the first steps. To develop a gift and develop practical skills, the help of a teacher is necessary. And it doesn’t matter how many books are read.

Development assistance

A video lesson is a great opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge from a mentor. The first classes are often provided free of charge. Watching them helps you understand how to do the exercises correctly and what to pay attention to.

However, with their help it is impossible to reach that stage of development when influencing the energy field of another person for his treatment, opening the chakras or eliminating blockage of the meridians. To do this, you need not only to get the teacher’s address, but also to interest him in accepting the student.

Only he can show how to work correctly in order to get a positive effect and not cause harm. own health. It is necessary to understand that serious effects on the human body are dangerous not only for the patient, but also for the energy drinker himself.

Goals and objectives

Everyone can develop bioenergetic abilities, but only a few achieve noticeable result. The reason for this is simple - the lack of a correctly set goal and adequately formulated tasks. Many people start reading a tutorial and burn out without even completing the initial course.

Many commonly used techniques cannot be applied to bioenergy. The goal must be achievable. You cannot immediately set as your desired something that will require years of continuous study to achieve.

Bioenergy practitioners identify several goals that are suitable for the initial stage of development. A person needs to learn:

  • feel your own aura;
  • determine the state of the chakras, the presence of blocked meridians;
  • influence personal sensitivity and energetic effects.

Reading information from objects, determining the health status of others and influencing the human body - these are the goals set by people who have extensive experience working with the subtle world.

Yes, you can gain knowledge about how to influence people’s energy, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to use it correctly. Only a few can reach this level on their own.

Doing simple exercises elementary level- This is a mandatory step that cannot be abandoned. Classes help you unlock your potential. They give impetus to understanding the relationship between the world around us and the subtle shell of a person.


The first lessons are really simple, but at the same time they require the student to concentrate and follow instructions correctly. This is not a university or its branch where it is important to come to class and open a textbook. A person does not study in order to get a certificate. His goal is to learn how to influence the thin shell.

The initial stage allows you to determine your predisposition to a certain type of work with bioenergy.

In the old days, man was a spiritual being who sought to understand the meaning of his existence through invisible forces and energy. Knowledge has been transformed, and today there are many practices that work with human bioenergy. There is a positive effect from bioenergy treatment, which should be learned and the secrets learned.

So far, the invisible side of human life has not been fully studied. However, the connection between soul and body and their influence on each other is gradually being confirmed.

What is bioenergy?

Medicine is only for last years begins to accept the spiritual side of a person’s life. What is bioenergy? This is a complex of processes for the transformation of energy, which is located inside the body and is responsible for the functionality of each of its cells. There are many practices that offer different ways to transform energy and influence it.

People have different understandings of what bioenergy is. Some perceive it as an aura that surrounds a person and performs protective function. Others view it as the energy that is responsible for human activity. Still others compare it with the internal sensations that a person evokes with his energy in those around him. There is still no clear concept of what bioenergy is, since it performs many functions, which include everything described above.

In scientific circles, bioenergy refers to the invisible part of the body, which is responsible for the balance and harmony of all its functions. When examining a person’s aura, areas are visible that do not glow as desired. In this case, they talk about a gap, which becomes a window for the penetration of various demons, demons and other energy creatures. Also, gaps in the aura and changes in its color indicate the state of the body.

Man himself is an energetic being. So far, this area is little studied and unclear. The harmonious functioning of the body is regulated by the energy processes that occur in it. If there is a shortage of a component, it can be replaced with another type of energy. For example, there is the practice of eating sunlight. If a person does not eat food, then he dies over time. However, there are people who have learned to convert sunlight into the very energy that the body receives from food.

Here we should remember about energy vampires, a concept with which many people are familiar. After talking with certain people a person may feel tired, drooping, and exhausted. If this state occurs every time after communicating with the same people, then we are talking about energy vampires. These are people who can subconsciously feed on the energy of those around them when certain situations arise. Typically, energy vampires consume other people's energy in moments of scandals and other stressful situations.

Human bioenergy

Practices for regulating human bioenergy are aimed primarily at restoring internal balance. At the same time, a person learns to feel his own body, understand it, regulate it, and even help it in certain situations.

Human bioenergetics refers to energetic processes that participate in the life of the entire organism. If there is not enough energy, this leads to various disorders and diseases. This is why it is recommended to study practices to restore your energy field.

Body and soul are one in this science. Just as one’s state of mind can affect a person’s health, physical well-being can also affect one’s mental state. That is why there are many techniques that help influence one or another area of ​​a person in order to restore balance.

The most remarkable science can be called psychosomatics, which examines the influence mental state on the development of a particular disease. This issue was actively studied by Louise Hay and Valery Sinelnikov, who wrote books that examined in detail the internal experiences, beliefs of people and the diseases that develop against their background.

Today's medicine actively uses various spiritual techniques that are aimed at restoring mental balance and physical health. Of course, complete elimination of diseases is not possible without medications. However, spiritual practices speed up the healing process.

To achieve balance and gain energy, practices such as:

  1. Work with the aura, where a person can individually concentrate on points or allow a specialist to influence him.
  2. Meditation, where what a person imagines affects what he perceives from the world around him.
  3. Yoga is a system of poses that regulate the flow of energy within the body.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Reflexology.

Massages, essential oils, visualization and other therapies are also used here.

Bioenergy training

Human life is completely subordinated to the bioenergetic processes that occur in him. When a person gets sick, other areas of life also decline. Loss of energy leads to loss of interests and activity. That is why every person must undergo at least basic training in bioenergy, which can be done on the psychotherapeutic assistance website.

The modern world is full of various situations that constantly penetrate the human biofield and upset its balance. These include hereditary diseases, postpartum injuries, problems in relationships with loved ones, stressful situations, disasters and other factors. A person is constantly under stress, which depletes his energy field. It is necessary to study practices that help in its restoration.

Bioenergetics training was previously considered secret. Knowledge was passed on only by gender or there were certain institutions into which the chosen ones were accepted. Today, there is a lot of literature, schools and practices in the public domain that talk about how to achieve harmony in your body.

The main directions are:

  • Control the course of your thoughts.
  • Mental influence on your own body.
  • Working with internal feelings, sensations, thoughts.
  • Focus on the goal.
  • Self-healing.
  • Cleaning energy channels.
  • Energy replenishment.
  • Restoring energy protection, etc.

A person who knows how to manage personal energy flows is able to help other people. Knowledge comes only with practice. If a person can help himself, then he becomes able to help others. This allows you to avoid surgical operations and the use of medical methods, which, in parallel with treatment, also cause harm to the body. A person who knows how to influence the functioning of his body is able to get rid of diseases by early stages their development.

Bioenergy treatment

Since in ancient times people believed more in the existence of otherworldly and invisible forces, they actively used various bioenergy treatment practices. The most common is yoga, when a person performs breathing exercises and takes certain poses that help in regulating the circulation of energy.

People who are highly sensitive can diagnose others by penetrating their biofield with their hands or seeing the color of their aura. In healthy people, the biofield is intact and the color of the aura has certain warm colors. When a person gets sick, then he feels a gap or the aura changes color to a colder one. All this can be felt by healers who have high bioenergy.

In addition to diagnostics, the healer deals with the treatment of diseased organs. This occurs through the transfer of energy from the healer to the patient, which is expressed in the filling of the patient’s energy and the loss of it by the healer. Accordingly, after each procedure, the healer requires special rest to replenish the energy expended.

By and large, every person can heal himself, only to do this you need to know how to do it. All people have energy. Special exercises, which can be learned from literature available on the Internet, help in concentrating energy on the diseased organ. Healing from a disease leads to the restoration of bioenergy as a whole.

Additional practices will include exercises to restore energy and gain inspiration. Fatigue comes when a person struggles with problems, thinks about troubles, and remembers the past. But energy appears immediately after you set the end result that you want to achieve after solving problems, define goals, and think about the future.

How to get rid of fatigue and gain energy? You need to stop struggling. Accept the fact that trouble exists. Stop thinking about the past, especially if it doesn't make you happy. You feel tired because you want to cope with all your problems. But how can you deal with them if you think about the reasons for their occurrence, and not about the end result you want to get when you solve them?

A person often gets stuck at the stage of searching for the causes of problems: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Who is to blame for this?” In other words, it is as if a person is trying to find some kind of “magic wand” in the causes of the problem in order to use it and eliminate the problem. He doesn’t want to have a problem, but he also doesn’t set a goal for what final result he wants to achieve. That is, you think about the problem itself, and not about what you want to achieve when you solve the current situation. It takes energy.

Inspiration comes when you think about what you want to achieve. You are not stuck in the causes of the problem, although you analyze them; your attention is focused on what you want to get as a result of your actions and decisions. Your thoughts are directed to the future, which you want to achieve using the experiences of the past. In other words, you don’t “burden” yourself with past mistakes, but remember them so as not to make them again.

“Running away from what I don’t want” causes fatigue. You don't want to have problems or unpleasant memories of the past, so you want to run away from them. But it just makes you tired. You don't know where exactly you want to run. You already know what you are running from. What do you want to run to? If you don't know it, it causes fatigue. “I want to get to...” generates energy because your attention is focused on the direction of movement, on what makes you happy, and not on what you are running from (which makes you sad).

Secrets of bioenergy

Bioenergy has many secrets. Man has not yet fully explored his own capabilities, which allows everyone to take care of themselves and discover new secrets.

Bioenergy is considered a protective shield that protects a person from the influence of the outside world. It is often discussed in topics about energy vampires or the influence of evil spirits and creatures. As long as the energy shield is intact, the person is protected from any negative influence.

The most important secret of bioenergy is that it can be influenced. Sergey Ratner has developed a whole technique that allows you to learn how to manage internal energies. This happens through meditation, which can consist of simply calming your breathing, thoughts, and sensations. The most effective exercise It becomes a good idea to do meditation before bed, when the body is a little tired. Right before entering sleep, a person must give himself a command that will be sent to the subconscious. In this way you can influence the functioning of the body.

Treatment with bioenergy is possible through imagination, which helps direct energy of the desired nature to the diseased organ. A person who knows how to control his imagination is able to master these practices.

A person is a body and his soul. An amazing thing happens with flowers that are given to a person. It was noted that the lifespan of flowers in a vase depends on the internal attitude of the giver to the one to whom the flowers are given. If the bouquet does not stand for more than a day after it was presented, it means that the attitude of the person giving it is frivolous or even negative. This is clearly demonstrated by fading flowers. But if the bouquet lasts two or three days or more, it means that the person treats it with warm and bright feelings.

Similar patterns can be seen in many things. For example, there is a belief that in the hands of a person with negative energy everything breaks. And food prepared with bad thoughts quickly spoils.

Communication with the soul can occur in various ways: through sleep, during a meal (when a person eats, his subconscious opens) or through writing phrases and text with his left hand.

Previously, there were dolmens - small closed structures. They put people there who saw the world only through a small window. It is not known why the dolmens were built. However, they are scary to people because the person remained in them in complete silence, alone with himself and his soul. After spending some time there, you could hear your own thoughts and the voice of your soul. That is why a person so diligently surrounds himself with various noises (TV, music, friends, etc.) so as not to hear his soul, bad thoughts and conscience. However, only after spending a few days in all alone, you can hear not only the soul, but also the whisper of the Universe.

The soul always speaks to its human owner. But not everyone can hear it. Knowing this, you can avoid many problems and troubles. If, after the occurrence of an event, situation, news, you have a negative attitude not immediately, but over time, this does not come from the heart, but from the mind. Remember that the soul reacts immediately to the situation that arises. The mind reacts late, after some analysis of the situation. Therefore, if a negative attitude appears some time after the incident, then it is far-fetched. This is the “woe from mind” effect.

Bottom line

Man is a far unknown creature, whose body gradually reveals its secrets. Multiple spiritual practices allow you to influence yourself, becoming more conscious and purposeful. A person is given the ability to influence himself, even the development and state of his own body, which happens not only through food or clothing, but also through thoughts, emotions, and sensations. The result of the ability to manage your bioenergy is health of the body and balance in the soul.

Many factors can disrupt the harmony of body and soul. Firstly, there are people who do not believe in the existence of a soul, limiting their knowledge only to exact knowledge. This only prevents you from fully understanding your body and how you can influence it.

Secondly, there are many situations that provoke mental and physical imbalance. A person often uses only those methods that are familiar to him, forgetting to take an interest in what is not yet familiar to him.

Thirdly, the inability to cope with one’s own experiences. Emotions arise in all people. If a person does not know how to consciously transform the energy that arises into something useful for himself, then it negatively affects him.

It should be remembered that a person influences not only himself, but also those around him. The environment also influences one person. It is necessary to have the skills to restore your own energy protection, which is constantly pierced by other people and invisible energy. This will get rid of many problems, illnesses and bad moods.

From this article you will learn:

    What is human bioenergy

    How do essential oils affect human bioenergy?

    What exercises affect human bioenergy?

IN Lately The concept of “human bioenergy” has become widespread. Many articles and even scientific papers have been written about this phenomenon, as well as the effects associated with it. But what exactly is meant by this term? This is what we will talk about today.

Human bioenergy - what is it?

You can now hear about “human bioenergy” on every corner, but this does not make the expression any more accessible. For most people, it is on a par with such terms as “nirvana”, “asana”, “tantra”, “esotericism”, etc. What is most interesting is that often completely different meanings are attached to the same concept. Basically, of course, bioenergy is associated with extrasensory perception, but this is fundamentally wrong.

Many people think that human bioenergy implies the presence of some special abilities that only one in many thousands can possess. Moreover, if this person is not distinguished by kindness, then he radiates exclusively evil, negative energy. It is clear that it is better to avoid such people. An example is energy vampirism, casting the evil eye or damage. And here good people On the contrary, they will happily share their inner strength with others.

The word “bioenergy” has taken root so much that it has entered the vocabulary of many housewives and even schoolchildren. If you ask them what this term means, they will easily explain to you: this is, they say, such a shell around a person, or even several. She can be weak or strong, sick or healthy - depending on your luck. Of course, it is better to have a healthy aura, but how to do this is not entirely clear.

If you look at the value this concept in dictionaries, an approximate definition can be formulated as follows: bioenergy is a branch of knowledge that studies energy transformations in cells, tissues, biological organisms and the entire biosphere as a whole; a science that studies a single information field and considers its interaction with all, even the most complex, biological objects.

Many people still consider discussions about human bioenergy to be nothing more than a shameless deception on the part of charlatans. Meanwhile, scientists have known about the existence of a bioenergy field for quite some time. Most of them are of the opinion that it is nothing more than a carrier human consciousness. All biological processes are controlled by this field; with its help, the existence and vital activity of matter itself are regulated.

If I retell everything in simple words, then human bioenergy is the presence of a certain amount of vital energy. It's no secret that people are mostly divided into two categories. Some are the lucky ones who practically never experience failure. For others, everything comes with incredible difficulty, and not always. And this is explained precisely by bioenergy, the quantity of which develops into the quality of life. And everyone has their own strength of such a field.

In addition, human bioenergy protects him from diseases and the negative influence of others. People with a weak energy field are usually noticeable immediately. They constantly complain about life, they look sluggish and apathetic. It seems that these people make any movement with great difficulty.

Photographing the aura and energy centers (chakras)

Analysis of the aura glow will help you understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding yourself and your inner world

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You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the auro-sensor, you will learn about how the energies of Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

Find out more

How to develop human bioenergy

The human body can be compared to a vessel in which energy is collected. And he can either accumulate it or lose it.

When doing some kind of work, a person spends physical strength. But the same thing happens with its bioenergy. Over time, it becomes depleted, and this happens especially quickly after various types of stress. Restoring bioenergy is simply necessary for a person if he wants to feel good. For this, there are special exercises and meditations, which, by the way, help in the regeneration of energy vampirism.

It's no secret that there are people who literally draw strength from those around them. In their presence, you begin to feel weak and apathetic, and the desire to take any action disappears. These are energy vampires. However, their life is not at all as comfortable as it might seem at first glance. Often their own field has gaping “holes” through which energy flows out in a wide stream. This happens due to illness, irritability, or simply bad character. And the “vampires” have to make up for own strength at the expense of others.

Bioenergy and human energy need to be regularly looked after. It's not as difficult as it seems: just do the following exercise every day for 10 minutes.

Find the position in which you feel most relaxed. Accept it, warm the palms of your hands and begin to move them along your body. In places where there are diseased organs, hold your hands and warm the skin with them. Clockwise circular movements will help here. The process should be enjoyable. During the exercise, try to think only about pleasant things, banishing all other thoughts.

In general, human bioenergy as a phenomenon has so far been poorly studied, and there are simply no answers to some questions. Therefore, advice: if necessary, resort to your own intuition - perhaps it will tell you the right direction to move.

Human bioenergy: treatment

Treatment of various ailments with the help of bioenergy has been known since ancient times. Even today there are tribes who trust only this kind of medicine and no other. In addition, similar energy therapy exists in yoga, tantra and other eastern practices.

Every person from his very birth has three types of biofield. If any organ in the body is affected, then one of the fields is modified. It is by these transformations that people who engage in bioenergetic treatment can determine the developed illness.

This is done with the hands at a short distance from the body, the picture is formed thanks to the healer’s high sensitivity to biofields at the level of tactile sensations. Such people can feel tingling, warmth or cold, some even know how to distinguish the patient’s aura.

Treatment is carried out by controlling human bioenergy. To do this, the healer directs his own energy to the diseased organ. As a result, the patient experiences a qualitative jump in energy for some time, and the healer experiences a decrease in energy.

In principle, such a method of therapy is available to everyone if they regularly engage in a specially designed system of exercises.

Today, many manuals on human bioenergy are being published, with the help of which you can learn to restore your own field. People, without knowing it, throw away their energy to no avail, instead of trying to heal themselves, and perhaps those around them.

The essence of human bioenergy is that, if desired and skillful, one can accumulate force and then direct it to the diseased organ. Such therapy copes remarkably well with ailments such as radiculitis and migraines, various inflammations and tumors. With the correct use of bioenergy, endocrine diseases, strokes, paralysis and many other diseases cannot resist it.

Bioenergetic treatment is not a myth, and it is based on the relationship between the physical and energetic components of the body.

Real healers have a good sense of a person’s bioenergetic aura and its color palettes, and can easily determine whether the biofield is disturbed.

If a patient has an energetically weak area of ​​the body, then transferring part of the strength from the healer to it leads to an increase in the body’s defenses. When the energy density, on the contrary, is too high, then energy dissipation is necessary. This cleanses the chakras, which, in turn, has the most beneficial effect on the diseased organ.

In simple terms, bioenergy refers to treatment using hands, the effectiveness of which has long been recognized by many.

The influence of essential oils on human bioenergy

Essential oils are invaluable assistants in bioenergetic healing. Moreover, each of them acts in its own way.

  • Anise.

Helps awaken the true essence of a person, makes thoughts more “comfortable”. Countersacts the emergence of anger and envy. Symbolizes delicacy and general goodwill.

  • Orange is bitter.

It is a symbol of energetic leadership, responsible for nobility and glory.

  • Orange is sweet.

It is very useful for human bioenergy, as it enhances charm and optimism, and makes you believe in your own strength. Helps the aura to be charged with goodness and absorb positive emotions. Indispensable after serious illnesses and nervous stress. Satisfies the need for sympathy. In psychotherapy it is used as a remedy against nervousness and sadness, anxiety and lack of self-control.

  • Basil.

Helps fight complexes. A person begins to evaluate himself objectively and becomes more confident in his own abilities.

  • Hit.

It “darns” the aura after heavy losses and helps to overcome grief. It increases not only the bioenergy density of the aura, but also the overall immunity of the body.

  • Bergamot.

The effect on human bioenergy is to increase the brightness of the aura. Promotes creativity and cognition. Helps deal with obstacles. Protects against aggressive energy of large crowds of people. Makes the fight against nicotine addiction less tough.

  • Valerian.

Alleviates everyday problems, makes you forget about petty fuss and a tendency to external effects. Helps you go deeper into yourself and find peace. Cleanses chakras.

  • Vanilla.

Useful if you want not only to listen, but also to hear your interlocutor. Helps to take his place. Makes family energy more harmonious.

  • Lemon verbena.

In the human bioenergy system, it is responsible for good luck. Helps to act fairly in difficult situations. Gives you the opportunity to correct mistakes.

  • Vetiver.

Activates sublime thoughts, encourages you to act nobly and selflessly - and get pleasure from it. Affects the chakras responsible for politeness, a pleasant voice and oratory. The aura from vetiver becomes golden.

  • Gardenia.

It is a symbol of love and peace, happiness and harmony.

  • Carnation.

Useful for human bioenergy as a remedy for hysteria. Passion for external effects redirects to self-improvement. Makes the aura more dense, which allows you to protect yourself both from energy vampires and simply from evil and envious people. Helps to quickly recover from operations, illnesses and injuries.

  • Geranium.

It turns a person away from self-destruction, helps in the fight against an inferiority complex, and teaches not to depend on the opinions of others. Helps restore bioenergy after an unpleasant conversation or a not too serious loss. It has the most favorable effect on an honest assessment of actions and motives. With the help of geranium, the aura returns to its ideal shape.

  • Hibiscus.

Gives love, promotes successful fortune telling.

  • Grapefruit.

It has a fairly large impact on human bioenergy. In particular, it forces people to treat you objectively, promotes success in work and communication - through psychology. It successfully fights depression in the morning, makes you enjoy life and take an active interest in it. Good as a “vaccination” against all sorts of doubts. Inspires and gives slight euphoria.

  • Oregano.

Eliminates defects in human bioenergy that are associated with irritability, impulsiveness and irascibility - emotions that can lead to the commission of unseemly acts. Promotes quick and high-quality “work on mistakes.”

  • Spruce.

Clears the mind of vanity and empty thoughts. Helps in the matter of internal self-knowledge. Teaches you to accept loneliness and even enjoy it, using this time to improve yourself as a person.

  • Jasmine.

Human bioenergy owes jasmine to the development of clairvoyance. This oil enhances dexterity and gives prudence, cleanses the aura. Gives love, solves financial issues. It becomes easier for a person to dive into the Astral.

  • Ylang-ylang.

This essence attracts love, as well as positive world energy. Ylang-ylang is able to “repair” a person’s bioenergetic shell and develop high chakras.

  • Ginger.

Thanks to ginger, a person becomes whole and firm in decisions. With the help of this oil it is easier to restore the aura after contact with negative energy, operations, illnesses and injuries. Ginger guides you to the true path in love, and also removes unnecessary excess energy.

  • Hyssop.

It not only cleanses human bioenergy, but also makes it fresher. Does not allow stagnant processes in the aura. “Works” in the most positive way on charm and sociability. Responsible for life experience.

  • Kayaput.

It is an excellent shield against envious and unkind people. After contact with bad energy, it quickly restores the aura. Cleans bioenergy channels and enhances their conductivity, improves immunity. Redistributes excess energy, forcing strong chakras to share with weaker ones.

  • Atlas cedar.

Strengthens and restores human bioenergy, makes the aura denser. Helps restore strength after illness or severe nervous tension. Directs thoughts and actions towards nobility. Fights damage and the eye, bestows confidence and determination. “Solve” financial issues.

  • Cypress.

Like kayaput, it is a wonderful shield for human bioenergy. If people around are unkind, cypress is able to close the most vulnerable chakras from their emotions. Instantly feels energy vampire and prevents the selection of vital force, making the protection of the shell uniform and dense.

  • Cinnamon.

Working with the aura, it warms it and promotes the rapid restoration of bioenergy. Helps you leave failures behind and move on by developing appropriate target impulses. Makes a person believe in his own strength, begin to respect himself and become more optimistic. Painting the personality in bright colors, making it more humane, helps to find love. Builds relationships with the opposite sex and brings a person closer to the Cosmos.

  • Lavender.

It is extremely important for human bioenergy, as it not only provides complete energetic relaxation, but also promotes the resorption of scars on the aura. Helps you to know your “I” and quickly restore strength. Fights initial aggression and cures envy. Useful for meditation.

  • Incense.

Incense as a means of fumigation has been known since ancient times and is extremely beneficial for human bioenergy. The aroma of incense is good for meditating, studying your own “I,” feeling all the beauty of the world and entering a state of nirvana. With the help of this essence, the bioenergy field is able to more strongly resist negativity and receive more cosmic energy, which can subsequently be transferred to loved ones. Using incense makes it easier to find love and start a family. He knows how to redistribute energy, returning flows of power to its original owner, that is, it cures vampirism. Thanks to this essential oil, a person’s faith and strength are significantly strengthened. Incense also prevents one from making unnecessarily hasty assessments of both the people around them and the events taking place. Successfully fights ugly impulses. It has a good effect on the aura, brightening it and enhancing human bioenergy. It can close an energy breakdown without any problems.

  • Lemongrass.

Directs all efforts to protect bioenergy from evil and unkind people. Able to determine not only the energetic essence of conversation partners, but also their possible lies. Repels failure and points to what is worth striving for.

  • Lemon.

Responsible for adapting to everything new: people, surroundings, etc. With its help, possible losses are perceived philosophically. Encourages creative actions of the individual - both in work and in love and family. It shelters a person’s bioenergy and makes it possible to meditate even among a large crowd of people.

  • Schisandra chinensis.

Another protector of the aura, it nullifies hatred, envy and other aggressive bioenergy coming from outside. Schisandra is so good that it will protect you almost always and everywhere, preventing it from getting dirty even in the underworld. It has the most positive effect on the energy of the individual, significantly strengthening it and allowing you to achieve your goals. Just like lemongrass, it “detects” unscrupulous interlocutors and their auras. Outlines what you need to strive for. And at the same time he puts warning signs on those roads where it is better not to go.

  • Marjoram.

In bioenergetic terms, it allows you to clear your consciousness of initially incorrect attitudes. Able to rehabilitate a person in a short time after bereavement, severe grief or serious troubles. Helps you feel the taste for life again and slowly solve the tasks you have set for yourself.

  • Mandarin.

Feeds the sick aura, restores human bioenergy. The newfound peace and tranquility in the soul is also his merit. If you scent the air with tangerine oil, it will make even the most restless children calm down a little.

  • Melissa.

Protects bioenergy from outside interference. Helps get rid of old energy tails and prevents the formation of new ones. Makes a person an optimist and attracts good luck. Stops breakdowns in the aura, helps in regulating energy.

  • Myrrh.

With its help, the aura is brightened and leveled, and bioenergy improves. Mirra encourages love and helps to gain dignity. Provides assistance in understanding the people around us – their motives and mistakes. Fights biased self-esteem. In combination with meditation it is simply magnificent.

  • Myrtle.

Awakens spirituality, resists damage and the evil eye, protects human bioenergy. Sanctifies, heals and helps to meditate.

  • Juniper.

The loyalty and integrity of a person as an individual depends on it. Myrtle does not accept lies and easily recognizes them. It is a shield for the bioenergy shell from manifestations of aggression from the outside. In difficult situations, indicates a worthy way out. With the help of myrtle, bilious people stop destroying themselves with inward irritation. Helps to gain authority through good manners and generosity.

  • Carrot.

In bioenergetics, it is responsible for the development of internal vision.

  • Nutmeg.

Promotes high-quality meditation, restores impaired human bioenergy. Sets you up for completing assigned tasks, as well as for patience in matters of love and family. It develops intuition in teenagers, which can protect them from bad influences. Gives spiritual justice.

  • Peppermint.

It has a beneficial effect on bioenergy, constantly renewing it. Helps close people understand each other better. If a person is constantly tense and expects problems to arise, mint will calm him down. She is good at treating illnesses and prevents her from projecting “black holes” into her own life.

  • Naioli.

Does not allow dark energy to harm human bioenergy. Relieves irritation and anger. Teaches you to understand and accept the stubbornness inherent in older people, and the possible oddities of everyone else. There is an opinion that a thing on which naioli oil is applied will never be lost, will not fail and will serve its owner for a very long time.

  • Neroli.

From a bioenergetic point of view, it helps a person become more attractive to others, look dignified and elegant. Does not allow low motives, eliminates envy. Using neroli oil during meditation, you can quickly forget about material problems and merge with the spiritual world.

  • Palmarosa.

With its help, they improve mood and, if necessary, calm down. Useful for relieving stress and tension, recommended for nervous diseases. Promotes self-confidence.

  • Patchouli.

Protects human bioenergy from the development of vampirism. Helps to understand difficult situation using both analytical methods and intuition. Makes you feel the whole range of goodness and love. Makes the higher chakras stronger.

  • Petitgrain.

Allows you to always remain young at heart. Makes the movement of subtle energies more harmonious. Makes the chakras and mental centers work more intensively, cleanses the nerve channels. The purpose of this essential oil– do not allow a person to change his own “I”. No matter what obstacles you encounter along the way, this is a life experience that allows you to move on. Protects against any addiction, even if a decision has been made to try something. Extremely useful for human bioenergy.

  • Fir.

Thanks to it, a person can lead the simplest life without problems - if that is the case. Promotes quick solution tasks, which means it saves time. Due to the effect of fir on human bioenergy, consciousness becomes brighter and more receptive. Fir helps you become an optimist and rejoice in the successes of other people, teaches patience and perseverance.

Very useful not only bioenergetically, but also physically. Fir contains many substances beneficial to the body. Its oil is used to treat diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract. It relieves fatigue and relieves pain in the extremities for colds and flu. Used before a massage to warm muscles and relieve rheumatic pain. Makes metabolic processes in the body proceed more harmoniously.

  • Rose.

The energy of sadness, anger and disappointment is redirected to self-improvement and development of the ability to correctly assess the difficulties that have arisen. Rose oil completely harmonizes human bioenergy. Due to the fact that the aura becomes bright and even, those around you almost instantly show sympathy. This is also facilitated by friendly and unobtrusive behavior.

  • Rosemary.

It has a good effect on human bioenergy, revitalizing the aura and strengthening the immune system. Stimulates human activity, makes you take an interest in life again. It has the most beneficial effect on the progress of the heart chakra, making intuition and the psychological component more developed.

  • Pink tree.

To make a responsible decision, you need spiritual and mental peace. The rose tree can provide just that. It also helps to relax under stress, relieves bad thoughts and, with the help of bioenergy, destroys psychological barriers.

  • Chamomile.

Also very useful for bioenergy. Destroys the inferiority complex. If difficulties arise in life, it helps to cope with them. It prevents you from becoming embittered and depressed.

  • Sandalwood.

It has a good effect on human bioenergy, restoring the aura and making the protective layer denser. Focused on creativity and talent development. Does not allow rash actions. Good for meditation.

  • Pine.

With surgical precision, it removes spots of negative energy from the aura and eliminates stagnation in bioenergy. With its help, the aura begins to breathe more freely, and an influx of new strength appears. Sandalwood helps to quickly recover from stress, teaches you to perceive troubles philosophically, and gives optimism.

  • Thyme (thyme).

A good help for human bioenergy, enhancing the brightness and glow of the aura. Destroys the internal destructive mechanisms under its outer shell. Responsible for the willingness to make decisions and willpower.

The work of thyme is directed against timidity and vanity, commercialism, snobbery and processes of self-destruction. He also uproots greed, anger and envy, nonsense, narrow-mindedness and selfishness. He strives with all his might to ensure that a person’s thoughts and feelings flow smoothly and calmly. It can help get rid of everything unnecessary: ​​for example, force you to make a decision to break up with an unloved person. Does not like groundless fantasies, preferring the harsh and at the same time sublime Reality. Thyme teaches that thought is material. And the more light energy it contains, the greater the chances that it will come true.

  • Thuja.

Protecting human bioenergy, it quickly heals scars on the aura. Helps lovers to understand each other better. Focused on overcoming difficulties, treating illnesses and achieving success on the path of life.

  • Yarrow.

Another guardian of bioenergy, protecting the aura from internal damage, external aggression and vampirism. Responsible for a person’s self-esteem and peace of mind.

  • Fennel.

Does not allow misconceptions to take up space in your head for a long time. The same applies to incorrect assessments and biased conclusions. Teaches you to accept the truth as it is.

  • Violet.

A fan of wisdom and luck, healing and love.

  • Citronella.

Plays the role of a bell, the purpose of which is to scare away evil spirits. Protects human bioenergy and does not allow ill-wishers to harm over trifles. Eliminates the “neighborly gaze” syndrome. Helps in personal activities, which has the most positive effect on spiritual development and material well-being. Our ancestors believed that anyone who wanted to harm the owners of the house simply would not be able to cross the threshold if it was sprinkled with citronella oil. On the contrary, this person will become physically ill due to suffocation, colic and dizziness. Warriors used this oil to gain invulnerability.

  • Tea tree.

Wrong life attitudes provoke the appearance of energy “tumors”. Tea tree not only gets rid of them, but also restores the aura, its density, shape and symmetry. The biofield above your head protects best. Blocks negativity coming from environment. Has a beneficial effect on human bioenergy.

  • Clary sage.

Well heals the aura damaged as a result of deception or infidelity. Promotes the process of personal self-expression.

  • Eucalyptus.

Helps return bioenergy to a normal state after experiencing stress, illness or curse. Promotes longevity by increasing the amount of energy required for this. To reduce the intensity of passions during an argument, it is recommended to spray eucalyptus oil in the room.

Human bioenergy: exercises

Even people who do not believe in bioenergy, after regularly performing certain exercises, will be able to see how real this phenomenon is.

    Make sure the room is calm. Choose the most comfortable place and sit there. Start rubbing your palms together. Do this for a quarter of a minute, then move them apart by 20 cm. It’s time to use your imagination. Try to imagine how the air between your palms gradually thickens, becomes tangible, even heavy. Happened? As soon as you feel that the space between your hands has become literally tangible, spread your palms a little - and immediately bring them back. You will feel how a certain ball has appeared between them - albeit invisible, but warm. This will be the manifestation of a person’s bioenergy, or rather his hands.

    This exercise is designed to be performed daily for a week. Disconnect from everything external and try to relax. Concentrate on your right hand, try to imagine how it feels warm, heavy, or tingling. Your brain must perceive this bioenergetic push. Happened? Now take your right foot and do the same. Become aware of the sensations transmitted from the foot. Now it’s the turn of the leg part to the knee, then to the thigh. Once you're done with right side body, do the same manipulations with the left - in the same sequence. After completing each such exercise to develop bioenergy, exit the state of concentration correctly. To do this, take a deep breath three times and release all sensations at once.

    Focus on your left leg. Monitor the flow of bioenergetic impulses first from the foot, then from the calf and finally from the thigh. Repeat this part exercise for three days. For the next three days, receive bioenergetic signals from both legs at once - but also in parts. This can be achieved by concentrating alternately on one leg and then on the other, doing it quickly. The pulses should be perceived over a period of two minutes or so.

    This exercise for the development of human bioenergy is performed in a lying position. Place your arms along your body with your palms facing the floor. Start reading signals from them, from each part of the hand in order: from the palm, pre-elbow joint, forearm and shoulder. On the first day you work in this way with your left hand, on the second day with your right, on the third with both at the same time.

    The first day, catch bioenergy impulses from your feet, the second - from your hands. In both cases, everything is done in parts. On the third, fifth and sixth days, get together and read the signals from your hands and feet simultaneously, but not in parts, but as a whole. On the seventh day, receive warmth from your right hand.

    This is a preparatory exercise before the full development of human bioenergy. Try to concentrate on your whole body for three days in a row. On the fourth, fifth and sixth days, gradually move your line of attention, starting from your feet and ending with your head (you don’t need to use it yourself). Then do everything in reverse order. The duration of each wave is approximately two minutes.

    Take a relaxed position and try to concentrate on your whole body. Imagine how your right palm It's getting warmer. Make this heat increase sharply and begin to move up your arm to your shoulder. Move it further across your chest to your left shoulder and down to your palm. Eventually let it come down from your fingertips. Such a bioenergetic exercise may not work right away. In this case, practice with one hand first. Such classes are designed for a week.

    To begin this exercise, place your hands on your knees or lower them along your body. Mentally imagine the heat on one hand and transfer it to the other, then in the reverse order. This must be done for three days at least five times per session. For the next three days, “heat” both hands from palms to shoulders, then remove the heat. To do this, you need to exhale slowly and “push” the heat away from you.

Human bioenergy: books

The books presented in this section will tell you about the basic principles of bioenergy and teach you how to work with it directly. Such knowledge will be useful for a person to master self-healing skills, improve their performance and make their own life better overall. Our store “Witch's Happiness” offers manuals on working with human bioenergy, which are based on traditional Eastern practices. Modern research on this topic is also available for sale, which also offers simple and accessible exercises for developing your own bioenergy.

Loss of strength, the evil eye, difficulties in society and even financial problems are reflected in a person’s aura. The biofield sensitively reacts to any troubles by changing color and strength.

But where there is a problem, there is a solution! Specialists of "Witch's Happiness" are waiting for you at your aura diagnostic sessions. Take an aura photo session, follow the recommendations of our masters, and as your aura improves, your life will begin to improve.

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