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Begonia is a decorative flower for the home. Begonia: care at home, photo of the plant and features of the reproduction of a tropical flower. Begonia: care and cultivation at home during the growing season

True fans of begonia appreciate not only its bright and lush flowering, but also its unusual, beautifully colored asymmetrical decorative leaves. The perennial is native to tropical forests and subtropical regions of America, Asia and Africa.

Popular types of indoor begonia flower and photos

Today, about 900 species of begonia are known in the world and at least 2 thousand hybrids have been obtained. Crops to grow in room conditions conditionally divided into two large groups - deciduous and flowering. Decorative deciduous trees are distinguished by their original shape and color of leaves. Flowering begonia varieties are divided into groups of tuberous, evergreen and bushy, which require a dormant period. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types:

  • tuberous– has simple and double flowers of white, pink, yellow, bright red, orange colors. Petals can be two-colored or framed. Flower sizes range from 5 to 15 cm, shapes are similar to rose, carnation, peony;
  • everblooming- the most popular begonia from the bushy group. It is grown both as a garden crop and indoors. In the latter case, the plant is able to bloom all year round. It has glossy leaves of red and green shades, blooms small flowers of red, pink, white colors;
  • royal– decorative deciduous species is distinguished by large, up to 30 cm in length, leaves of heterogeneous color in dark green, brown, and red tones. The shapes of the leaf blades are heart-shaped or reminiscent of a snail's spiral;
  • ampelous– this subspecies of tuberous begonias is used in vertical gardening. Hanging garlands of shoots 25-50 cm long are strewn with many white, crimson, orange, yellow flowers that bloom throughout the growing season;
  • elatior– this tuberous begonia hybrid is intended for cultivation exclusively at home. It has thin shoots of red shades that need support. Blooms in autumn-winter. Petals of white, yellow, red, orange tones. Glossy leaves are round in shape, flowers are about 5 cm in diameter.

Caring for indoor flowers at home

Begonia is demanding on lighting; it should be placed in a well-lit place

Home begonia is unpretentious in planting conditions and easy to care for. She doesn't need frequent transfers, grows at moderate temperatures. Its tropical nature places special demands on air humidity. Some species have a dormant period after flowering.

Lighting and watering

A well-lit room suits begonias. Abundantly flowering varieties prefer diffused light. Decorative deciduous specimens develop better in partial shade. A good location for a flower pot would be a window sill on an east or west window. IN winter months It is recommended to arrange additional artificial lighting.

Begonia is moisture-loving. For irrigation, soft, settled water is used, the excess is drained from the pan. Adhere to the following rules:

  • in summer, water generously twice a week;
  • in extreme heat, the soil is moistened daily;
  • from October the plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum;
  • in March, the intensity of moisture gradually increases.

Tuberous species hibernate during the winter. During this period, they are placed in peat, and watering is completely excluded.

Air humidity

Never spray begonia as it can lead to illness

The tropical origin of the plant places increased demands on indoor air humidity. It is not recommended to spray begonia, as this causes it to hurt and spots appear on the leaves.

To satisfy the requirements of the flower, a special microclimate is created for it. For this:

  • the pot is placed on a saucer with wet peat;
  • Pebbles are poured into a tray of water and a flower is placed on it.

By evaporating, the water will provide the level of humidity the plant needs.

Optimal temperature for begonia

The plant does not like changes and prefers moderate temperatures. In summer it is advisable to keep the flower at +18...+20°C. In winter, the air temperature should not fall below +15°C.

Soil for begonias and fertilizers

After transplanting begonias, frequent and abundant watering is necessary.

Begonias require nutritious soil. It is made up of:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part black soil.

A layer of coarse river sand is placed at the bottom of the pot. Half the container is filled with leaf soil. The top is filled with a mixture of peat and black soil.

It is difficult to grow beautiful begonia without such an important component of care as fertilizer. Fertilizing is carried out no more than twice a month during the period of bud formation and intensive flowering. As a rule, this happens in spring and summer. For this purpose, complete mineral fertilizers are used.

How to replant correctly

Begonias are transplanted in early March once every two to three years. The need for this procedure is indicated by the roots that do not fit in the old pot. The new one is chosen 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

The begonia is carefully removed from the substrate, the roots are cleaned of any remaining soil. Place it in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour. Afterwards, the root system is checked for the presence of rot or pests. Remove diseased areas down to healthy tissue.

A layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the new pot, and coarse sand is placed on top. The plant is placed in a container and the roots are carefully sprinkled with soil mixture. After transplantation, the flower needs abundant watering.

Begonia flowering

Begonia blooms profusely and very brightly. To prolong this period, female flowers are removed at the very beginning of development. When the grower's goal is high-quality tuber formation, new buds are removed in September. Then the plant will not waste energy on flowering.

When propagating by leaf cuttings, take a strong specimen

Begonias are planted with seeds and tubers, and propagated vegetatively - by cutting leaves and stems, dividing the bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method is used in spring and summer. The stem cutting for rooting must be at least 7 cm long. Immediately after cutting, the planting material is planted in a moist substrate of sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1. The container with plantings is placed in a dark place. After 1-2 months the plant takes root.

For propagation by leaf cuttings, the strongest specimen is selected. The cuttings are buried in the ground so that the leaf does not touch the soil surface. Before rooting, containers with leaves are kept in a dark room.

Growing begonia from seeds

Propagation by seeds is carried out from December to March. The nutrient substrate for sowing is prepared from leaf soil, peat and sand. The seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil, lightly pressing into the ground. Shoots appear in 10-15 days.

Grown seedlings dive. Young plants are transplanted into separate pots with a lump of earth. In mid-summer, strong begonias may already bloom. By winter, a plant tuber forms. In autumn, the tubers are stored in sand or peat. Planting material is kept at a temperature of +8…+10°C. In spring, the tubers are planted again in pots.

Caring for tubers after planting

How and when to plant tuberous begonia depends on when you expect to receive flowering plant. They begin planting in February and continue until June. For this:

  • the tuber is buried halfway into the ground;
  • leave in a cool, dark room;
  • water moderately for several weeks;
  • when the shoots sprout, the tuber is completely covered with earth, and the pot is transferred to a bright, warm place.

Diseases and pests of begonia and plant care during this period

Spider mites and aphids are the most common pests of begonias.

Careless care and maintenance errors lead to the fact that the plant begins to get sick and drop leaves and buds. To understand the reasons for this condition, take a close look at the begonia:

  • if the tips of the leaves turn brown and begin to fall off, the flower does not have enough watering and air humidity;
  • a pale leaf blade indicates a lack of lighting;
  • Excess moisture at low temperatures leads to the formation of fungus. The affected foliage and shoots are removed, and the flower is treated with fungicides;
  • dry air and temperature fluctuations are a favorable environment for powdery mildew. She looks like white coating. To combat it, begonia is treated with a 1% aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur.

Memo to the florist

Begonia may not bloom for a number of reasons, from poor lighting to excess fertilizer.

In the process of growing begonias, unusual situations may arise and gardeners have additional questions about how to deal with them.

If begonia does not bloom, the reasons may lie in the following factors:

  • the plant does not have enough light;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • excess fertilizer;
  • watering with hard water;
  • lack of rest period;
  • drafts.

Change the conditions of detention and observe the pet. You may need to replant the flower in a fresh substrate. The lack of flowering may also indicate that it is time to rejuvenate the plant.

Why do begonia buds fall off immediately after they appear?

This phenomenon indicates a weakened state of the flower. It can be caused by improper watering and lack of minerals. This flower needs feeding.

Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

Begonia can purify the air

Begonia leaves are rich in phytoncides, thanks to which it has amazing properties to purify and improve indoor air. With its help they fight pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, it is effective in the fight against staphylococcus.

It has been noted that the presence of begonia improves immunity, increases performance and relieves fatigue. It is recommended not only as a home plant, but also as an office plant, since the flower helps enhance mental activity.

The plant has the ability to clean the air of dust and absorb toxic chemical compounds. Therefore, it is recommended to start begonia at home immediately after renovation.

It is believed that begonia can give its owner strength and determination.

Begonia is believed to help in achieving personal success. It contributes to the birth of new ideas, therefore it is useful for writers, journalists, and scientists.

Begonia is an Aries plant. The flower generously bestows energy, like all fire signs:

  • useful for Leos and Sagittarius, as it helps balance their energetic chaos;
  • Capricorns, Gemini, Libra - develop prudence;
  • Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - establish harmonious relationships.

The influence of begonia on other zodiac signs is neutral.

Energy and symbolism

Thanks to its strong energy, begonia can give strength and determination. It is necessary where pessimists live and there are frequent quarrels. It transforms negative energy into positive. It has a calming effect on irritable people and is a great mood lifter.

Begonia is a symbol of material well-being. She personifies purity and virtue. Seeing begonia in a dream means that a person has a negative program that needs to be cleansed from.

Healing properties of begonia

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. It is a good analgesic and antispasmodic and has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

An infusion of flowers is used to treat wounds and burns, irritation and ulcers. The juice from the leaves is used to relieve headaches. The root is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Begonia is a plant that has certain characteristics of life in winter. Proper care of the flower at this time will help preserve it in good condition. Let's take a closer look at how to properly care for this plant at home.

Features of winter care

Begonia is a plant that constantly grows, with virtually no period of absolute dormancy. Favorable external conditions are important for a flower to “feel” good in winter. An indicator of such well-being is the bright color of its leaves. If the color of the foliage changes, this indicates that the plant is getting sick.

Begonia tolerates wintering quite well. A flower overwinters without any negative consequences only if you care for it properly. So, in order for begonia to grow well, certain microclimate parameters must be maintained in the room where it is located. Temperature in winter time is important for begonias. During the cold season of the year, the plant does not require high temperatures. Experts recommend changing the temperature slightly. This will keep the plant in good condition.

During the winter period, you should also monitor the regularity of watering. Begonia needs moisture. However, overwatering can cause the plant to develop fungal diseases.

One more important indicator The thing to keep an eye on is humidity. Due to the fact that heating devices operate indoors in winter, this microclimate indicator changes. So, too dry air in the apartment can cause begonia leaves to lose their natural turgor. Plant care experts recommend moving this ornamental plant away from a heating device (for example, a radiator) in winter. This will help reduce the risk of developing possible leaf damage.

Basic Rules

Caring for indoor begonias in winter is quite simple. At the same time, experts still recommend preparing in advance for winter. So, it is recommended to replant the plant (if required) before the onset of cold weather. This will protect the plant’s root system from damage and will not interfere with its further good growth.

Proper care of this plant depends on its variety. There are quite a few varieties of this flower. For example, tuberous begonia varieties can be grown both on your own windowsill and in open ground. It is recommended to dig garden tuberous plants out of the soil at the end of November. In this case, be sure to trim off the remaining shoots. It is recommended to do this in such a way that the remainder of the cut shoot is no more than 1.5-2.5 cm.

After the begonia tubers are processed in this way, the remaining soil substrate must be removed from them. After this, they should be stored. It is recommended to store dug tubers in a room with good ventilation. This is necessary to prevent rot from appearing on them. The time for such thorough drying should be 2 weeks. After this, the dried begonia tubers can be transferred to a box for further storage. In the room where they are located, the humidity should be 75-80%, and the temperature - +10-12 degrees Celsius.

If this tuberous plant is not in open ground, then there is no need to remove it from the pot for the winter. At this time, it is very important that the begonia is in comfortable conditions. In winter, it is recommended not to replant and propagate tuberous indoor begonia. And if the pot with the plant is in a too cold room, then it is better to insulate it a little. This will reduce possible damage to the root system.


During the winter season, this plant does not require frequent watering. There is no need to allow it to dry out. Insufficient moisture supply can lead to damage to the root system. If liquid accumulates in the soil substrate, then pathogenic microorganisms may appear there. If there are heating devices in the room, then the flower needs more frequent watering. You can determine whether a flower needs watering by touching the soil with your finger.


in winter indoor begonia it is not needed for its good growth heat. Experts recommend reducing this figure slightly during the cold season. So, to maintain good flower functioning, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to +15-16 degrees Celsius. If it is not possible to create such a temperature regime in winter due to the active operation of heating devices, then in this case you should definitely monitor the regularity of watering. It is believed that at a temperature of +22-25 degrees it is necessary to water the plant more often. Experts note that in winter, even with changes in temperature, begonia may look slightly different than in summer. For example, the leaves of a plant become less bright and acquire a pale color. It is also possible to change the shoots of the plant.

Due to changes in daylight hours, the shoots may elongate slightly.


Since heating devices are turned on in winter, the air in the room becomes too dry. To avoid damage to the flower, it is recommended to maintain a certain humidity in the room - 70-80%. You should not allow this indicator to decrease too much, as this may cause the foliage of the flower to become less bright.

If the humidity in the room decreases, then it is necessary to increase it. Home appliances - humidifiers - can help with this. If there is no such device in the house, experts recommend spraying the air in the room. This should be done so that drops of moisture from the spray bottle do not fall directly on the flower. It is better to spray at a short distance from the plant.


In winter, insolation decreases. This certainly has an impact on ornamental plants. If there is very little sunlight, the leaves begin to turn pale. In this case, experts recommend that you definitely think about changing the lighting. To do this, they advise moving the plant closer to the window.

You can remove begonia from the windowsill for the winter if it blooms. During the flowering period, this ornamental plant does not need much light. And also at this time it is very important that the flower receives scattered sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight can negatively affect the condition of begonia leaves.

Top dressing

Enrich the soil in which the begonia is located in winter mineral fertilizers do not do it. It is recommended to feed the decorative flower only in the spring, when it begins to grow more actively.


Many people who have begonias in their home are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to prune them in the winter. Experts say that this procedure should be avoided in winter. They note that if the foliage of a given plant remains in good condition, then it is not worth pruning it in winter.

Possible problems and illnesses

In winter, begonia is quite vulnerable to various diseases. The risk of such diseases increases significantly if the flower is cared for incorrectly. One of the fairly common problems that are recorded in begonias in winter is severe dryness of the edges of the leaves. In this case, the damaged leaf may even curl into a tube. As a rule, the begonia almost withers in the pot due to a decrease in humidity in the room and an uncomfortable temperature for the plant. In this situation, when begonia grows poorly, experts recommend moving the plant to another location. If the decorative flower was standing on the windowsill, then it should be removed to a less lit place.

Improper watering can cause fatal damage to begonias. The plants die due to the fact that the root system is significantly damaged. If water has accumulated in the tray with the pot where the flower is located, then the moisture must be removed immediately. In this case, the frequency of watering should be reduced.

A change in leaf turgor may be caused by the fact that the flower is located quite close to the slab. This problem occurs quite often in winter also because, in addition to household appliances, heating systems also work. This, in turn, contributes to changes in humidity and temperature in the room, which leads to the fact that the begonia leaves begin to wither. At the same time, the flower looks drooping.

If unfavorable conditions occur, begonia may get sick. One of the diseases of this decorative flower is rot that develops on the stems or roots. The appearance of such manifestations on the plant is largely facilitated by stagnation of moisture in the soil substrate. In such a situation, experts recommend be sure to reduce the frequency of watering the plant, and also measure the humidity in the room where it is located.

Severe leaf drop is another problem that begonia lovers may encounter in winter.“Forcing” a flower to have lush green leaves all year round can be quite difficult in some situations. Experts note that if the leaves of this decorative flower begin to fall off significantly, then in this case it is recommended to pay attention to where it is located. Quite often, this problem is caused by wind chilling of the leaves. This is often caused by finding begonias on a drafty windowsill. If the leaves of an ornamental plant begin to fall off significantly, it is recommended to move it away from the window and also protect it from any drafts.

Begonia is an easy flower to care for, and you can certainly grow a beautiful flowering plant if you follow a few growing rules.

What time of year is best to plant a flower?

Like many other indoor (and not only) plants, begonia goes into a dormant period in autumn and winter. In the spring it enters the growing season, begins to grow rapidly and produce new leaves, and in the summer it blooms with dozens of delicate flowers. When planting, it is necessary to take into account this plant regime, therefore plant tuberous begonia It is best in early March so that it immediately begins to actively vegetate.

What kind of soil is needed?

Regarding the composition of the earth begonia is not capricious, it will feel good in the usual universal soil, sold in all flower shops. If you still want to make your own soil mixture, mix four parts leaf soil, one part turf soil and one part sand. This mixture has a slightly acidic composition, which is ideal for tuberous begonias.

Which pot is better to choose?

The material of the pot is not particularly important: since the roots of such begonias have the appearance of tubers, they do not have roots and fibers that can cling to the pot and interfere with replanting. Any pot will do- ceramic, plastic, even a wooden tub. Although, most often begonias are planted in plastic pots. But the size of the pot is much more important - it doesn't have to be very deep. The tuber should fit into the pot so that a third of it is visible above the ground, and three to four centimeters should be left from the tuber to the edge of the pot.

Do not bury the tuber completely. The width of the pot should be quite spacious: the root of the tuberous begonia grows in breadth, not in depth.

The diameter of the pot should be such that there is about four centimeters left on the sides from the tuber to the pot.

How to water correctly?

Proper watering- an important part of caring for tuberous begonias.

Begonia should never be watered cold water, and also spray from a spray bottle.

Recommended watering mode - two or three times a week, distributing the water evenly throughout the pot. During the flowering period, begonia can be watered more often. It is important to prevent stagnation of water; excessive watering will lead to the development of fungi.

What light mode is optimal?

Begonias - light-loving plants, for their harmonious growth it is necessary to place them in a bright place, but not in bright sun. Begonias do well on south-east and south-west windows.
Exposure to direct sunlight on leaves can cause burns.
If the sun is too strong, you can shade the windows by attaching tulle or gauze to them. The larger the flowers of your begonia, the less it tolerates bright sunlight.

How and when to prune?

Begonias are pruned at the beginning of the rest period, when the plant has already bloomed and began to shed its leaves (in indoor conditions, the most suitable time is the beginning of October). Dying shoots of begonia are cut off one or two centimeters from the tuber, and then the plant is placed in a cool place at home for autumn and winter.

What thermal regime is required?

During the growing season, that is, in spring and summer, the room temperature should not drop below 12 degrees, although begonias do not tolerate extreme heat. Ideal temperature - about 22 degrees. During the dormant period, after the plant has flowered and you cut off the drying shoots, the pot is moved to the basement or storage room.

The temperature in the place where “resting” tubers are stored should be about 10 degrees.

How does tuberous begonia propagate?

There are three main ways to propagate begonias − seeds, tuber division and cuttings.

Growing tuberous begonia from seeds

The good thing is that it allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the flower, but this is a very labor-intensive process. The purchased seeds are poured onto damp soil without burying, and the pot is covered with plastic wrap. Place in a warm place sunny place and sprayed daily. Every day the pot is opened for an hour to ventilate the seeds and prevent them from rotting from dampness.

The room temperature should be about 24 degrees.

In about two weeks the seeds will sprout. When the sprouts have two or three leaves, carefully place them in small glasses.

Tuber division

It is most often practiced on old tubers, since over time the plants will bloom less luxuriantly. The division of the tuber is carried out in early spring, when new shoots appear on the tubers. Until they reach 4-5 centimeters in length, you can cut the tuber without damaging the plant. The cut areas are treated to prevent them from rotting with a special preparation or charcoal powder. After this, the tubers are planted in different pots and cared for as full-fledged plants.

Propagation of tuberous begonia by cuttings

A very simple and quick way to plant begonias. Cut a shoot about 10 centimeters long with several leaves, sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal (to prevent rotting) and root it in moist soil in a warm, bright place.

The leaves of the cuttings should not touch the soil.

The planted cuttings must be covered with a glass jar and ventilated for an hour every day so that excess moisture evaporates. After three weeks, the cuttings are carefully transplanted into a pot.

How long does a flower live?

Typically, the lifespan of tuberous begonia is from two to three years, but some varieties proper care can live five years. Tuberous begonias, sold in gardening stores, are second-year plants. To “rejuvenate” a begonia tuber, divide it into several using the division method described above.

How and when to feed the plant?

In the spring, when begonia enters the growing season and actively forms new leaves, it is watered with fertilizers, containing nitrogen, twice with an interval of two weeks. To nourish a flowering plant, in the summer it is fed with potassium-containing fertilizers every two weeks.

Chlorine is harmful to begonias, so be careful when choosing fertilizer, and also do not forget to settle the water for irrigation.

If you have little understanding of fertilizers and the microelements that make up them, use one special fertilizer for begonias both in spring and summer - this way you will definitely not harm your favorite flower.

How to care for tuberous begonia in autumn?

Begonias in autumn a period of rest begins, which lasts until spring. At this time, you need to cut off wilted leaves and shoots, reduce watering, put the plant in a cool (with a temperature of about 10 degrees) place and occasionally carefully moisten the soil.
How long is the flowering period? Of all the begonias, the tuberous one is the most decorative; its flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple or double, single-colored, two-colored or bordered, small or large (up to 15 centimeters in diameter). Tuberous begonia pleases with abundant flowering in the garden- throughout the summer, and in indoor conditions - from June to October. Begonias bloom best on a shaded balcony.

Care and planting of tuberous begonia in garden conditions

Tuberous begonia is, first of all, garden plant. If you plan to plant it on your site, pay attention to several rules of care.


As is the case with indoor growing, in the garden, begonia does not require a special soil composition. The only condition is that the soil must be loose.

Choosing a landing site

You can't plant begonias in the scorching sun, diffused light is recommended. Flowers feel best on the eastern and western sides of the site, away from direct sunlight. In the first month after planting begonias, it is recommended to shade them and shield them from the bright sun with a piece of greenhouse film.

How to grow this flower in the garden?

Begonia can be planted in open ground only when warm weather sets in - best in May. Before this, in the spring, begonias are kept in pots at home or in a greenhouse. The plants look beautiful in the garden, planted at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. In the fall, when the begonias fade and begin to lose their leaves, they are cut off, dug up and wintered in a cool place (read more about the proper wintering of begonia tubers).

Diseases and pests

Begonia is afraid of waterlogging, and therefore dampness can lead to to root rotting. Moreover, various fungi can appear in overly wet soil. The most common fungus, gray rot, affects leaves; it can be identified by a gray coating on the upper side of the leaf; buds are also affected (a mucous coating appears on them). You can get rid of gray rot by spraying the plant with soap and copper sulfate(20 grams of soap and 2 grams of vitriol are dissolved in a liter of water). Also, dampness can cause powdery mildew - light gray spots on the leaves. It's easy to deal with - just wipe the leaves with soapy water. Begonia can also be affected by aphids, a small insect that sucks juice from the leaves. Aphids can also be removed with a soap solution; Special chemicals also help.

Begonia is most susceptible to rot. Carefully monitor the watering schedule - do not allow water to stagnate in the soil.

Rot manifests itself in blackening of the stems and spreads very quickly. It is important to quickly remove rotting stems to prevent the death of the plant and treat the flower with a fungicide. Bacterial spot can cause blackening of stems and leaves; it begins with the appearance of small glassy spots on the inside of the leaf. It is useless to fight it; you need to throw away the affected plant and disinfect the soil. To prevent bacterial spotting, begonias are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride.

We hope that these tips will help you grow a healthy one that will delight you with beautiful lush flowers in your garden or home for many years.


Below you can see photos of planting and caring for Begonia tuberosa at home:

Useful video

In this video you will learn more about plant care:

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Red begonia is considered one of the most amazing flowers, which can not only decorate public gardens and parks, but also transform home interior. The plant is simple and undemanding to care for, so it will appeal to both experienced gardeners and beginners. Find out what the features of the described flower are and how to propagate it in an apartment.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Red begonia is a perennial ornamental flowering tuberous plant of the Begoniaceae family, the peculiarity of which is considered to be beautiful, large flowers rich red color. The flowers of the crop, about 10 cm in diameter, consist of very delicate, slightly corrugated petals. Their aroma is delicate and sweet.

Did you know? The asteroid (943) Begonia, discovered in 1920, is named after the begonia plant.

In indoor conditions, begonia can reach a height of 20–40 cm. The leaves of the indoor plant are fragile, patterned, dark green in color, harmoniously combined with large, voluminous flowers. The flowering of the crop lasts for several months, starting from May and ending in October, while the flowering of each peduncle lasts 2-3 weeks. The root system is presented in the form of medium-sized tubers and thin root processes extending from them.

Landing Features

Despite its delicate and fragile appearance, red begonia has high vitality and can be reborn even from a small piece of leaf. The planting technology is not particularly difficult, but it requires care and compliance with some subtleties.

Optimal time of year

Planting must be done in the following cases:

  1. After purchasing in store. Experienced flower growers advise moving the plant to a new container with new soil immediately after purchasing it at the flower market. The fact is that in store conditions the flower is grown in special soils that are not suitable for home cultivation of begonias.
  2. With strong growth of the root system. When the roots begin to stick out of the container, the crop should be transplanted into a new, more spacious pot, otherwise it will slow down in growth and drop flowers.

It is best to plant begonias in the spring, after they have completely bloomed.

Important! A flower can be transplanted after purchasing it at any time, regardless of seasonality.

Choosing a pot and preparing the soil

When planting begonias, it is extremely important to take care of choosing a suitable pot. Since the root system of the flower is not characterized by strong and powerful development, experts advise choosing a container that is not very deep and wide. To prevent the roots of the crop from rotting and moisture from stagnating in the container, you need to take a small container, approximately 14 cm in diameter. When subsequently replanting a flower, you should choose a pot 1-2 cm larger than the old one. Container material of great importance does not, however, it is better to give preference to containers made of ceramics, glass or plastic.

As for the soil mixture, loose, fibrous soils are ideal for begonias, which can be purchased at flower shops or made yourself.

For the last option you need to mix:

  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • chernozem - 1 part;
  • rotted manure - 10%.

Immediately before planting the crop, the soil must be disinfected by calcining it for 25–30 minutes in the oven at a temperature of +180°C or spilling it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Optimal conditions

Red begonia prefers good, bright, but diffused light, and can also thrive in light partial shade. Direct sunlight is destructive to the flower, the impact of which can lead to burns on the foliage.

The optimal temperature indicators for begonia are considered to be +21…+23°C during the daytime and about +18°C at night. In winter, it is allowed to reduce the temperature to +15…+18°C.

Due to its tropical origin, the plant loves high humidity, but has a negative attitude towards surface spraying. When moisture gets on the foliage, brown spots form, which subsequently turn into putrefactive areas. If the level of humidity is insufficient, it is recommended to place the container with the flower in a tray with water or install additional sources of moisture near the flower: indoor fountains, air humidifiers, tanks with fish, etc.

Landing technology

Planting begonias is a fairly simple process and is based on the following steps:

  1. Before planting in the ground, conduct a thorough visual inspection of the root system. All rotten, dry, damaged areas are removed, the roots are soaked for 20–40 minutes in any solution of a fungicidal preparation.
  2. A small layer of drainage is poured into the bottom of the prepared container, which can be expanded clay or small pebbles. The drainage layer should occupy no more than 10% of the volume of the entire pot.
  3. Loose soil is poured onto the drainage layer, on which the tuber is planted “shoulder-deep”. When planting, it is very important not to deepen the tuber too much.
  4. The plant is sprinkled with soil and watered.

Important! Until the begonia takes root, it should be watered along the edge of the pot. Also, during the plant’s adaptation period, approximately 1 month, it should not be exposed to the sun.

Home care

Decorative flowering begonias are undemanding, but, nevertheless, novice gardeners should familiarize themselves with the basic rules and subtleties of winter and summer flower care.

Top dressing

Of particular importance for begonia are regular feedings, which it urgently needs during the period active flowering- from April to September. During this period, it is recommended to apply liquid fertilizers specially designed for indoor ornamental flowering crops with each watering, approximately once every 10–14 days. The plant responds well to mineral products or organic mixtures, for example, bird droppings or rotted manure. For the described variety of flower, it is better not to overuse nitrogen-containing fertilizers, since they inhibit the development of flowers and activate the growth of greenery.

During the dormant period, which lasts from October to March, you should not apply fertilizers.


Begonia prefers moderate watering, the need for which is determined by the drying of the top layer of soil - approximately once a week. When watering the plant, you should not allow the soil to become excessively moist, as this can cause rotting of the root system. At the same time, it is not recommended to allow prolonged drought, as the plant may drop its flowers.

In winter, when the flower is dormant, the frequency of irrigation activities should be reduced to once every two weeks.


It is impossible to grow a profusely flowering, aesthetically attractive plant without carrying out a mandatory procedure - pruning, which is required for:

  • formation of a lush crown and aesthetic form;
  • bush rejuvenation;
  • improved flowering.

If this stage is ignored, the plant loses its decorative appeal, takes on an unkempt appearance, the flowers become smaller, and the shoots become thinner.

You need to take care of the formation of the crown even at the stage of a young plant. When the begonia reaches a height of 6-7 cm, the top should be cut off, which will activate the development of lateral shoots. As soon as the lateral shoots grow to 10 cm, it is also necessary to trim their tops. In this case, it is important to ensure that the processes are shortened above the bud directed towards the outside.

Tuberous begonia species require mandatory pruning for the winter.

Events should be held in October:

  1. A few weeks before circumcision, reduce the number of moisturizers.
  2. After the leaves and flowers dry out, cut off the above-ground part of the crop, leaving 1-2 cm on the surface.
  3. After pruning, the plant is placed in a dry, cool room with stable temperatures no higher than +15°C.
To prevent the flower from completely drying out, during the dormant period it is moistened several times a month.


When the root system of a begonia grows, it is recommended to transplant it into a new pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Important! A young plant, up to three years old, must be replanted every year in the spring. An adult flower older than 3-4 years is replanted once every 3-4 years.

The process of replanting a plant is similar to the process of planting it. The flower must be carefully removed from the old container, the root shoots must be thoroughly cleaned of soil residues, and the roots must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicidal preparation. The prepared crop must be planted in a new pot and provided with the proper conditions: temperature, lighting, watering.

Begonia propagation methods

In apartment conditions, several varieties are used for breeding begonias. simple methods: tubers, seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. They all have their own characteristics.

Propagation by tubers

Propagation of flowers using tubers is the simplest and most affordable. The culture tuber must be divided into two parts so that each of them receives at least one bud.

The resulting pieces of tubers should be placed in moist peat and ensure that the soil always remains slightly moist during the rooting process. It is recommended that the sprouts be kept at a temperature within +9…+11°C.

It should be noted that tuberous begonia germinates quite slowly. In order for it to adapt faster, planting work should be carried out between February and May.

Seed propagation

Get new flower from begonia grains is quite simple and quick if you follow the following instructions:

When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed. As soon as 3-4 full leaves are formed on the seedlings, they are planted in separate containers. After two months, young shoots can be transplanted into permanent pots.

Important! Begonias obtained from seeds can bloom in the first year, but for this they need additional lighting.

Dividing bushes or rhizomes

Reproduction by dividing bushes or rhizomes is practiced for deciduous varieties of begonia.

Flower propagation activities in in this case carried out in the spring:

  1. The plant is removed from the container, and the remaining soil is removed from the rhizome.
  2. The rhizome is cut into a couple of parts with a sharpened, disinfected knife so that each has root shoots and at least one shoot or bud.
  3. All cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal.
  4. The resulting parts of the rhizome are planted in separate containers filled with peat and sand.
  5. The container is covered with plastic film, and the seedlings are provided with regular ventilation and moisture.


One of the most popular methods of propagation is cuttings, which are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. On a flower, choose one strong, powerful stem, on which there are 1-2 buds.
  2. Sections are made under the lower and upper buds at a distance of 50 mm.
  3. If there are leaves on the cutting, they are cut in half.
  4. The cuttings are inserted into a peat-sand substrate.
  5. The container is covered with plastic film or a plastic bottle.
  6. The cuttings are ventilated every 2-3 days.

Rooting of cuttings usually takes from two weeks to one month. In this case, cuttings of the same plant can have completely different rooting rates.

Video: Propagation of begonia by cuttings


The described method is suitable in cases where you need to obtain large volume planting material.

Reproduction by leaves is carried out according to the following scheme:

After three weeks, the shelter must be removed for 30 minutes and the sprouts must be ventilated. The ventilation time should be increased every day. The cover may be removed and not returned after the leaves have completely rooted.

Possible problems during cultivation

When growing red begonia, it is very important to provide it with proper care before and after planting. IN otherwise the plant may become a victim of pests or various ailments.

Did you know? In 1988, in honor of friendship between Japan and Korea People's Republic, was withdrawn new variety begonia "Kimcheniriya", the author of which was a famous Japanese biologist. The peculiarity of the plant is that it blooms annually on February 16, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il.


Failure to comply with the watering and fertilizing regime, lack of lighting or humidity can provoke the development of various diseases in begonias.

Most often the culture is susceptible to:

Begonia reacts negatively to any violation of the rules of care:
  • with a lack of moisture and dry air, it sheds leaves and flowers;
  • with a lack of lighting, the leaves lose their bright color and become faded;
  • at reduced temperatures it is susceptible to gray rot.


Red begonia is considered one of the most unusual and beautiful varieties of this ornamental crop. Lush, voluminous bright red flowers will appeal even to those who have little interest in indoor plants. And, despite some nuances in care, novice gardeners can grow the described crop on their windowsill without any problems.

The beautiful begonia is loved by many who breed indoor plants. Well, those who decided to get to know this flower better and add it to their home collection should know that although the plant does not require specific care, its cultivation will be most successful if conditions are created that correspond to its growth in its usual environment.

How to do this correctly at home will be discussed below.

Begonia is native to the tropics and subtropics. But don’t be afraid of this, since even a novice gardener can create suitable conditions for its growth at home. This does not require a lot of time to complete. home care for a plant, besides, in specialized stores they mainly sell a hybrid adapted for breeding at home.

Those who are somewhat familiar with begonia know that there are many species of this plant (more than 900), but in general, any of the species that are grown at home are the same, so novice gardeners should not focus on this diversity.

Video about how to properly care for begonias

In general, an indoor flower reveals itself in all its glory if you care for it correctly, observing the following care conditions:

  • Temperature

The plant is quite thermophilic. The optimal temperature in the room in summer where the flower is grown is 21-240C. However, in winter, the container with the plant must be placed in a cooler room, for example, on a loggia or glazed balcony, where the air temperature does not rise above 14-180C.

  • Lighting

Begonia, even at home, loves bright light. But you should not place the plant on the south side: direct sunlight, especially in spring and summer, can burn the delicate leaves. The best option for placing begonias would be windows on the east or west side, where there is enough light, but the light is diffused.

In order for the indoor bush to form evenly, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough light for all the leaves of the flower; for this, care should include regularly turning the pot with begonia to the light in different directions.

Begonia, even at home, loves bright light

  • Watering

In summer, begonia growing at home should be watered quite generously once a day or every other day. However, before the next watering, you should carefully inspect the soil and the tray; you should not allow water to stagnate either in the pot or in the tray, since the roots of the plant begin to rot from excessive moisture and the flower may die as a result, no matter how much care is taken. In winter, the amount of watering should be reduced to 1-2 times a week, watering only when the top 15mm of soil in the begonia pot is dry. Watering should only be done with settled water at room temperature.

  • Humidity

Like many other ornamental plants native to the subtropics and tropics, begonia loves high humidity. However, in this case, with direct spraying of the plant to increase humidity, you need to be careful. The fact is that even though begonia is moisture-loving, droplets of water falling on the leaves lead to the appearance of gray spots, which is not good for the flower. Special care is required here.

Experienced gardeners advise doing the following: take two pallets of different capacities. Turn the smaller tray upside down. Place a pot of begonia on top of it. Place this entire structure in a larger tray. In the free space of a large tray, it is necessary to evenly distribute expanded clay, which is regularly moistened with water. Water, evaporating, creates the humidity necessary for the plant, but does not have a negative effect on the leaves of the plant.

For those who don’t want to bother with such a design, you can simply place the pot with the plant in a tray in which the bottom is lined with moss or peat, which needs to be moistened regularly. Humidification in this case is similar to the first method: regularly evaporated water creates higher humidity for the flower.

It is necessary to feed the plant once every 2 weeks, starting from the moment it blooms.

  • Top dressing

For better growth and flowering at home, begonias, such as this indoor flower, like gloxinia, is necessary. You can purchase suitable fertilizer at a specialized store. But be careful, nitrogen fertilizers should be used only when deciduous begonias are grown, since nitrogen has a beneficial effect on leaf growth, but inhibits flowering and bud development. It is necessary to feed the plant once every 2 weeks, starting from the moment it blooms.

In addition to providing basic care, begonias must be replanted annually. Experienced florists recommend doing this in the spring, and not putting it off until May, but doing it necessary work in March - early April. If replanting is carried out less frequently or is abandoned altogether, the leaves of the plant will turn pale and lose their original bright color, the flower will look less decorative and beautiful.

Caring for begonias growing at home will be easier if you choose the right container when replanting the plant. So, if you took a plastic pot, then before filling it with soil, you need to put expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, which, by absorbing excess moisture, will avoid stagnation of water.

Caring for begonias growing at home will be easier if you choose the right container when replanting the plant.

The ceramic container perfectly allows air to pass through and absorbs excess moisture. But when choosing a ceramic pot, you should know that the root system of the flower gradually develops and after a while the roots will occupy all the possible space and begin to grow to the walls of the pot. During the next transplantation, the roots will need to be torn off from the walls, which will seriously damage them.

In addition, when choosing a pot, keep in mind that the new container should not be too large. Experienced gardeners advise, when caring for begonias, to choose a new pot that will be no more than 2 -2.5 cm in diameter wider than the old one.

As for the soil, begonia is not particularly picky and will grow well in nutritious, slightly acidic soil. The soil mixture can be purchased at specialized sales points or prepared independently. If you choose the second option, then you need to take peat, leaf and turf turf, sand, pine soil and mix all the components well. If it is not possible to add coniferous soil, then the proportion of sand should be increased, but only slightly.

Video about begonia, types, care, transplantation

Caring for a transplanted plant

When replanting, the plant is very carefully removed from the previous pot, the soil is carefully removed from it and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After which the roots of the plant must be inspected and any rotten or tangled roots must be removed. The cut areas must be treated by sprinkling with charcoal.

The transplanted plant must be pruned in order for it to grow again. In addition, the transplanted begonia must be left in a cool, dark place for several days, which will facilitate the restoration of the flower and its survival in the new pot. After the plant returns to its usual location, it must be watered regularly and its condition monitored.