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Bacteria for sewage in a private house. What bacteria exist for septic tanks and cesspools? Where are biological products packaged?

And cesspools are special microorganisms that are used to clean toilets and cesspools. They combine a mixture of microorganisms, enzymes, various amino acids and minerals. In simple terms, the process occurs based on the proliferation of bacteria on a mineral basis. After all, each of us is faced with the problem of filling a hole, which creates an unpleasant olfactory atmosphere. In this case, many call vacuum cleaners who pump out the liquid, but the smell remains. Others use chemicals that eventually corrode the metal and force the septic tank to be replaced. Today, the safest and most effective method is the bacterial method for cleaning septic tanks and drainage pits. Therefore, in our article we will consider more detailed information about this type of cleaning.

The essence of this method is that specially grown harmless bacteria are released into wastewater under laboratory conditions. They feed on everything that a person wants to get rid of, namely:

  • Feces;
  • Waste food;
  • Fat deposits;
  • Paper;
  • Soap solutions.

Using these substances with great pleasure, microorganisms retain only clean water, carbon dioxide and other components. Part of the liquid goes into the ground, and the rest can be pumped out using a pump.

Note! If bubbles appear on the surface, do not worry - this is gas evaporating.

The bacteria also have a name - bioactivators and are sold in convenient, airtight packaging, where they remain in a dormant state. Bioorganisms come to life when they are activated to work - to do this, just add a little water or shake the preparation. Microorganisms will not begin to act immediately; a decrease in the level of odor occurs after 2 hours of their operation.

Attention! The result is already noticeable from the second day of their introduction into the pit, when the rapid process of life activity begins, and on the fourth day the unpleasant odor begins to disappear by about 60%.

The advantage of this product is safety and harmlessness for people, flora and fauna; in addition, its use preserves the integrity of all types of buildings made of wood, plastic and concrete.

Important! Bacteria can only live at temperatures above 4 degrees. During the winter period, use only at the appropriate temperature.

Types of bacteria for cleaning

  • Anaerobic microorganisms;

It is intended to use one type of bacteria, but there are cases of combined cleaning. We'll talk about their features.

Anaerobic bacteria

This type of microorganism is characterized by working conditions in the complete absence of oxygen. In the places where they are contained, the liquid becomes clarified, and solid particles, falling into sediment, continue the decomposition process. The downside is the large amount of sediment that needs to be constantly removed.

Attention! Under no circumstances should the resulting sludge be used for fertilizer, as it contains harmful substances.

Anaerobic bacteria have a cleaning capacity of more than 70%, so they need additional space to work. When these microorganisms act, the septic tank may emit an unpleasant odor. Don't be alarmed, this is methane, which is an anaerobic waste product.

Aerobic bacteria

Their activity is impossible without oxygen. These bacteria are used in various places: biofilters, filtration fields in aeration tanks, etc. A special compressor is installed in the septic tank, which provides forced air supply to these microorganisms.

This method has a wastewater purification capacity of up to 95% - this is the highest degree. In contrast to working with anaerobic systems, the amount of sediment is much less. Cleaning work with this method can be done less frequently and the services of vacuum cleaners can be abandoned.

As a result of the final result of the work, sludge is formed, which can be used as fertilizer for flora. These bacteria do not produce methane, but carbon dioxide and heat, so there is no unpleasant odor.

Combined cleansing method

Modern septic tanks are configured for combined cleaning, because it gives the most desired result. For example, let’s take a Topas septic tank, which contains two types of bacteria. How this technology works is the so-called three-stage cleansing:

  1. The first stage is purification with anaerobic bacteria;
  2. The second stage is the purification by aerobic bacteria of the liquid that entered the biofilter;
  3. Last stage of cleaning- This is the repeated work of anaerobic elements.

The result of the process is almost pure water and sludge, which can serve as fertilizer.

Advice. The main thing is not to overdo it with dietary supplements, otherwise the result may be negative! Watch videos online about how different medications work.

How effective are biological products and their forms?

For the quality indicator, it is not so important in what form the drug is released; the concentration of microorganisms plays a big role; the more there are, the higher the effectiveness. Usually the volume of drainage per unit of product is indicated. If the fullness of the drain is greater than the potential of the drug, then the bacteria simply die. And another criterion for the productivity of a substance is the number and varieties of bacteria. After all, it is clear that the more complex the composition, the better. And finally, the last indicator is the level of dry sediment; preference is given to the smallest amount.

Conclusion: when choosing the most effective product, we pay attention to the following indicators: concentration, diversity of bacterial species, volume of waste per package and sediment level.

Bioactivators are produced in the following forms:

  • Liquid;
  • Granules or powder;
  • Sachets that dissolve themselves in water;
  • Cassette.

Which form of biological product is best to choose?

You need to choose the required form based on whether you are going to use the waste as fertilizer or not. If your answer is positive, then the best solution is tablets that will turn paper and feces into an odorless liquid, and the bacteria themselves will sink to the bottom of the cesspool. After such cleaning, the resulting mass can be used as fertilizer.

For your information! One tablet = one cubic meter of waste.

If you plan to use the purified liquid for watering plants, then powder or liquid is best for you, since the processed consistency is equivalent in parameters to industrial water, and the microorganisms that have fallen to the bottom can fertilize the flora.

Remember! It must not be used as food or drink for animals!

If you purchase a liquid drug, you can use it immediately after shaking it. The consumption of such a product is usually: 1 liter per 2000 liters of waste. Tablets and powder must be placed in a small amount of water for a while. It is very important that the liquid is not chlorinated!

Advice! When choosing a bioactivator, give your preference to one that can work with insufficient water.

What is best to use to clean a cesspool?

The main emphasis when choosing should be placed on how much solid substances microorganisms can process. After all, the greater the cleaning performance, the less often it will need to be done.

The next criterion will be: whether the owners live permanently in the house or not, because it is worth considering that the septic tank fully performs its job only when it receives constant replenishment from the outside. If you rarely go to the country, you need bioactives to start the purification system.

Important! Type of septic tank that is installed: local treatment plant or true septic tank.

Advantages of bioactivators over other cleaning agents

Microbes grown in the laboratory can solve problems of pollution and unpleasant odors in such situations:

  1. Removing currants from the pit of a dry closet or toilet in the country;
  2. Septic tank cleaning;
  3. Cleaning the drainage pit;
  4. Cleaning the sewer system;
  5. Disinfection of waste water;
  6. Dissolution of sediment.

The advantages of using a biotank include the following:

  • Activation of bacteria from hibernation to working state occurs within 2 hours;
  • The primary effect is on gas formation, so after only 4 hours the odor is reduced by an average of 60%;
  • No destructive consequences for concrete and plastic;
  • Compliance with safety standards;
  • Harmless to living organisms;
  • Adaptability to the harshest conditions.

Note! If the composition does not contain toxins, the contents of the toilet, after processing, can be used in compost.

Each bacterium will independently choose the best place to live, thanks to their complex structure and the ability to adapt, even to an engineering system. They have high performance at positive temperatures from +4°C to +30°C.

What could be the disadvantages of using microorganisms:

They practically do not evolve in an environment without water, and to accelerate decomposition in dry water, the addition of liquid is necessary. Otherwise, no process will happen. A sufficient water level above the waste is considered to be 2-3 cm above it. Bacteria will not survive the influence of chemicals on them.

If you use a chlorine-containing detergent, the biotank will cease to exist. In the case of using chemistry, it is not living organisms that should be introduced, but the same kind of chemical reagents. But this method is very harmful, as it causes damage not only to the environment, but also to concrete, plastic, and metal.

The big disadvantage is a certain requirement for temperature, because the lower it is, the lower the level of cell development. Therefore, they are not suitable for use in winter.

What can kill bacteria?

To prevent your purchased bioactivators from dying and you not throwing money away, we will tell you about several important life rules for their use. So, what can scare them to death:

  • Not enough water. The main law is that the water level should always be higher than the level of solid elements in the pit. If the level is below 2 cm above them, you need to add water. In general, regular feeding is recommended, for example by sewerage. If they do not eat for 2 weeks, then death is inevitable.
  • Chlorine It is fatal to them, so you should not add water after washing.
  • Manganese. Make sure that medicinal devices do not fall into the water.
  • Can die from contact with the following substances: drying oil, hydrogen peroxide, car wash drains.

Advice. If harmful substances do get in, add fresh water and new bacteria. It is most convenient to use products with the inscription “Start” on the packaging.

Types of brands of bioactivators for different types of pollution

This section of the article will tell you about the most popular drugs in the country's shopping malls. Each type of pollution requires a specific preparation.

So, let’s name the most famous brands and consider their features:

  1. When cleaning a septic tank or drainage pits, the following are most often used:
    • Dr. Robic (ROEBIC);
    • Sanex is a drug from a well-known Polish company, whose products combine affordable price and high efficiency. Positions itself as a powder that, when infused in water, is capable of clearing blockages.
    • Gorynych for cesspools is used as an antibacterial and cleansing agent. Perfectly gets rid of fat in the cesspool.
  1. The following preparations are good for cleaning the toilet:
    • Biola - 1 liter per 1000 waste;
    • Biofresh - 100 ml of product per 10 liters of liquid;
    • Sanex fresh - 1.5 liters of concentrate per 15 liters of wastewater.

To understand how the drugs work, let’s take a closer look at the sales leaders - Sanex. This is evidenced by positive reviews on numerous sites. And also - Doctor Robic (ROEBIC) and Micropan.

Dr. Robic (ROEBIC)

Bioactivators of this type have the following advantages:

  • They do not contain any types of chemicals that can have a negative effect;
  • They are safe for living organisms, which is especially important for everyone who comes into contact with it;
  • biological products do not harm pipes, which allows them to justify their warranty.

Distinctive features in application. Today there are several tips that will help achieve maximum effect when using this drug:

  • The contents of the package must be poured into the toilet and flushed thoroughly several times. Taking into account:

1 bag = 5m3 waste

  • If the pit is dehydrated, you need to add some water. In this case:
  • 1 package = 1 m3 of waste.

Advice! Perform the cleaning operation every month or as needed. The standard package is enough for 30 days.


This is a special ecological series for the garden. Micropan is considered an environmentally friendly product, safe for people and the environment. It was created using the latest technologies based on beneficial microbacteria. It contains no chemical elements, it is also non-toxic, does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for people, animals and plants.

"Micropan cesspool"- this is a product that is intended for cleaning toilets located in the country and having a cesspool. This drug has the following advantages over others:

  • It quickly processes cotton and fecal waste into a non-toxic liquid that can be used as fertilizer for the land.
  • Stimulates the elimination of various odors and also helps reduce the need for pumping;
  • One package is one tablet, which allows you to recycle 1 thousand waste.

The product is universally suitable for cleaning all types of wastewater drains.

"Micropan toilet-bucket"- this is an immediate action bioactivator, which is used for toilets that are located in summer cottages and have a small storage capacity

It has the following properties:

  • Prompt odor removal, removal of pathogenic microflora;
  • Acceleration of waste decomposition;
  • Possibility to use the final decomposition product as fertilizer;
  • Available for sale in the form of granules, weighing 165 g, and in plastic half-liter bottles. One package of the drug lasts for 60-90 days.

This is the optimal product for cleaning a country toilet.

What is the biological product Sanex: its advantages and scope of application

This is a reddish-brown powder with a slight yeasty odor, called a biologically active scavenger. Its technology involves growing special bacteria that are capable of producing special enzymes that better help process solid waste.

Purpose of the drug: Sanex is used to clean septic tanks, cesspools, sewers and toilets.

Used in the following sewer systems:

  • For private sector sewers;
  • Central systems of apartment buildings;
  • Country toilet.

The advantage of the drug is that, being in a comfortable environment, Sanex is able to process waste water into clean water. It can easily be used for irrigation or the formation of artificial reservoirs.

Attention! Sanex not only cleanses your system, but also has a beneficial effect on the drainage mechanism.

Instructions for use. It is quite simple and easy to use. The package has a capacity of 400 g, with a measuring spoon included, and also has instructions for the correct dosage.

What does this drug do? It does the following:

  • Decomposition of waste, fat, oil, hair, scales and other organic matter;
  • with constant use there is no need for the services of a vacuum cleaner;
  • normalizes the performance of the drainage system;
  • restores the volume of the cesspool;
  • removes unpleasant odor;
  • processes waste into neutral water and sludge.

A huge breakthrough in this area was the ability of Sanex to work at any temperature in a private house with a sewer system, while cleaning takes place both in summer and winter.

Attention! When working with a biological product, do not allow the surface of toilet waste to dry out. The drugs described in the article can confidently be called one of the best remedies today. In the field of biopurification they have no equal, in all shopping arcades in the country. A large number of summer residents make their choice towards these three brands: Robik (ROEBIC) and Micropan and Sanex.

Potential problems when working with biologics

  1. Results of the use of biobacteria. Before using the product, it is necessary to create conditions for its readiness - this should be done based on the instructions. The drug is in liquid form - just shake, and tablets or powder - dissolve in water. Bacterial productivity may decrease if drainage is not used frequently. Living organisms in this case may die after two weeks of starvation. The ideal amount of liquid above the waste is 2 cm; if less, then it is necessary to replenish the contents.

Pro tip: After you have added organisms to the septic tank, you need to monitor the fluid level for several days; if it drops, you need to restore it.

If the biological product has been standing for a long time, it is necessary to update it, namely, add fresh water and introduce the required number of organisms in the ratio specified in the instructions.

Professional advice: the same steps must be taken if a harmful substance gets into the septic tank.

To start microbes for the first time or restore them, you must use a mixture labeled Start. They are created for the accelerated development of microorganisms, and this will help to establish the operation of the septic tank in a short time.

  1. Problems related to effluent consistency:
    • If household chemicals end up in the drain, the effectiveness of the bacteria may decrease. The same effect can be caused by washing powders, antibacterial and chlorine additives.
    • If you use a dishwasher or washing machine, you need to buy a chemical that is suitable for the cesspool.
  1. A product that can break down soap and detergents. If medicinal or manganese preparations are ingested, organisms may die.
  2. Sufficient moisture results in good and consistent cleaning. If it’s the other way around, the organisms will either slow down or die.
  3. If a harmful substance does enter, we advise you to replace the water and add new living microbes.

Conclusion: biological treatment is very popular among owners of country houses, and it is not surprising, because it is profitable and effective. But often people miss operating rules, which leads to costs and system breakdowns. Therefore, we recommend that you follow all the principles of proper care for bacteria, and they will last you a long time, and the sewage pits will always smell.

Using biological products for cesspools and septic tanks, you can significantly increase the time interval between pumping out waste. This undoubted advantage is not the only advantage of natural remedies; we will consider in more detail the features of their use below. It is also important to understand what types of biological products exist and how to choose them in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Regardless of the size of the cesspool, sooner or later it will need cleaning, that is, the elimination of accumulated waste.

  • The easiest way to recycle is pumping. The option is quite simple to implement - it is enough to provide convenient access for special vehicles to the cesspool and call the vacuum cleaners in a timely manner. A significant drawback of this option is that each call must be paid, so frequent visits by a sewer truck can burden the budget.
  • Chemicals differ in speed. Many of them are capable of very effectively decomposing waste and killing pathogenic microflora. A significant drawback of the method is the toxicity of the compositions. The existence of absolutely safe “chemistry” is, by and large, a myth. There are more dangerous drugs, including those prohibited for use by sanitary services, and less dangerous ones (for example, nitrates). The latter are much more expensive.
  • Biological products for cesspools and toilets are effective and safe, but their use requires compliance with certain conditions necessary to maintain the vital activity of bacteria.

Note: The use of biological products will not completely eliminate the need for cleaning, but will significantly reduce its frequency.

Types of bacteria

Biological products for septic tanks and cesspools can have different compositions. They are classified according to the type of bacteria used.

  • Anaerobic bacteria are able to function without oxygen. They are characterized by high performance, so they can be used not only in local sewers of private houses, but also in waste disposal systems of campsites, mini-hotels, etc. The use of preparations based on anaerobic bacteria has a significant advantage - there is no need for additional equipment, such as a compressor, the septic tank remains energy independent, and its efficiency does not decrease when the power is turned off. Modern preparations use facultative saprophytic microorganisms.
  • Aerobic Bacteria live and multiply only in the presence of oxygen, so stations or VOCs that use biological products to treat wastewater with aerobic bacteria must have equipment for forced air injection. The degree of purification of sewage contents by anaerobic bacteria is higher, but the efficiency of the installations is significantly reduced in the absence of electricity.

Benefits of using biological products

The use of biological products ensures more efficient operation of local sewage systems.

  • Biological products for cesspools not only decompose waste, reducing the need for pumping, but also form fertile sludge, suitable for use as an organic fertilizer that does not contain harmful substances.
  • When using compositions based on microorganisms and enzymes, waste is separated into liquid and sludge fractions. Depending on the type of utilizer, the liquid part (clarified water) can be drained into the soil, reducing the volume of waste in the pit, or used for watering plants.
  • Unpleasant when using biological products the smell becomes almost invisible. The bacteria that make up such products displace putrefactive microorganisms and prevent the occurrence of biochemical processes with the release of unpleasant-smelling gases. Therefore, even during the operation of the vacuum cleaners, the smell will not be so strong.
  • For biological waste treatment pathogenic microflora is eliminated (displaced), including pathogenic bacteria.
  • Bacteria act exclusively on organic matter (some of them are able to “recycle” toilet paper) and are safe for any material (plastic, metal, concrete) from which the structures of treatment facilities and communications are made.
  • The presence of bacteria does not have a negative effect on the human body and is safe for animals present in the house or area. Biological products are non-toxic and do not cause irritation or allergies.

Release form

There are biological products for cesspools and toilets in different forms of release - reviews show that none of them has a clear advantage. In most cases, effectiveness is determined by correct selection and compliance with the instructions for use. Therefore, it makes sense to consider all the options offered by the industry.

Biological products for toilets in the country in dry form can be powder, granules or tablets. A clear advantage is ease of storage and transportation. Features of use: Before use, you should carefully read the instructions. Some drugs (most often, tablets) can simply be flushed into the local sewer system through the toilet, others require preliminary dilution with water and “infusion” for some time. This is due to the fact that in dry preparations the bacteria are in a “dormant” state; in order to begin active life, they need to be “awakened”.

Liquid preparations are completely ready for use and do not require any preparatory operations. Take up more space than dry “concentrate”.

Choice and its nuances

Before moving on to the specifics of using biological products in various forms, it should be emphasized that the price difference between powder, concentrated liquid, etc. from one manufacturer is insignificant. Any package is designed for a certain operating time, which is indicated on it. In this regard, biological products have another advantage - when bacteria enter a nutrient medium, they multiply independently. If no unforeseen situations occur (sharp sudden drop in temperature below +5° C, prolonged blackout of installations with aerobic microorganisms, etc.), adding the drug will not be required. Chemical agents cease their effect after all active components react.

  • Liquid concentrates are suitable for processing large volumes. Firstly, the solution is distributed faster and more evenly in large pits and capacious septic tanks. Secondly, a liter of this composition is enough to efficiently and safely process two tons of waste.
  • Powders almost always require dilution with water (a similar procedure may be required when using granules).
  • Tablets are universal because they have a more complex composition and provide comprehensive cleaning, including biological and chemical processes. The tablets are easy to use and are often used in toilets.

When purchasing biological drugs, it is advisable to take into account their scope of application. Some types are universal and can also be used to purify water and remove silt in swimming pools and artificial reservoirs and for. If there is a need for this kind of sanitation, it is better to prefer broad-spectrum bio-compositions.

Important: Biological preparations for cesspools are sensitive to chlorine, concentrated acids and alkalis, as well as aldehydes, which are often present in detergents.

From our separate article you can learn more about chemicals and their features.

If instead of a cesspool you are planning to install a more advanced sewerage structure, then we will help you figure out whether to choose a private home.

And here's a review of popular models of heated country washbasins.

Popular brands

Among the variety of imported and domestic biological products for cesspools, the best sellers stand out.


The full name of the biological product is Microzyme Septi-Trit. As a result of its impact on fecal waste, sludge is formed (no more than 20% of the initial mass of the solid component of the wastewater). The by-products of decomposition are harmless CO2 and H2O. Microzyme almost completely eliminates unpleasant odors. The drug works comprehensively; bacteria process not only organic matter, but phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. The base is corn flour.

Microzyme is available in packs of 250, 500 and 1000 grams, designed respectively for 4, 8 and 16 months of continuous operation of a septic tank, VOC or cesspool with a volume of 2 cubic meters. m.

Robik 106A

The original name of the biological product produced in the USA is Roebic, RoeTech 106A. The product is a complex of bacterial cultures that activate the natural decomposition of organic matter. A significant advantage is the ability to recycle fats, phenol-containing drugs, detergents, toilet paper and even fabrics. For other biological products, it is recommended to install grinders and not use household chemicals. The packaging is designed to operate a 2 cubic meter recycler for 1 month.


Bioforce Septic includes not only a bacterial complex, but also enzymes, as well as nutrients for biocultures. Effectively promotes the breakdown of organic matter and eliminates unpleasant odors. One package of Bioforce is enough to operate a 2 cubic meter septic tank. m. for 4 months.

If you decide to install a sewer system at your summer cottage, it will be very useful to know what bacteria are for cesspools. These microorganisms will make using a cesspool much more comfortable and allow you to get rid of many problems, in particular, the unpleasant odor that inevitably appears when using this type of local sewage system.

A country cottage or a cozy dacha with a bathhouse is the dream of many, but not everyone knows that owning a home means not only comfort and coziness, but also a large number of problems associated with the maintenance of the building.

Take, for example, such an unpleasant process as cleaning a sewer or cesspool. Agree that this is not at all so pleasant, but this work must be done periodically so that life in the house remains as comfortable and enjoyable.

Why are bacteria needed?

To make this unpleasant work easier for people, special bacteria have been developed that not only accelerate the decomposition of organic substances, but also provide disinfection.

With this help, the job of cleaning the drain will become much less unpleasant. Microbes grown in laboratory conditions for cesspools allow people who decide to organize a sewage system on their own site to get rid of difficulties, such as:

  • Sewer cleaning;
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors in country toilets;
  • Septic tank cleaning;
  • Cleaning the cesspool;
  • Cleaning the drainage well.
  • Reducing the volume of sewage;
  • Disinfection of wastewater;
  • Liquefaction of bottom sediment;
  • With regular use of bioactivators, the frequency of waste pumping is reduced several times.

Advantages of using bioactivators

Bioactivators, living bacteria, are activated from their “dormant” state within just two hours after they enter the water. Here bacteria begin to actively process organic matter, primarily affecting gas formation.

Therefore, after just four hours, if the dosage is followed correctly, the unpleasant odor will decrease by 60%. Benefits of bacteria:

  1. Bacteria for septic tanks do not have a destructive effect on concrete and plastic;
  2. Meets safety and effectiveness requirements;
  3. Completely harmless to higher plants, animals and humans;
  4. Adapted to the harsh conditions of Russia.

Note! Provided there are no toxic impurities, the contents of the toilet after processing by bacteria can be safely poured into compost.

Typically, the preparations include a mixture of various enzymes and aerobic bacteria selected according to their productive qualities. Such biobacteria for cesspools can be used in various sewer systems:

  • Country toilets;
  • Cesspools;
  • Septic tanks;
  • In factory wastewater treatment plants.

Each type of bacteria will occupy the area most suitable for the life of a particular species. Due to their complex composition, bioactivators can adapt well to an engineered system.

Bacteria work well at temperatures from +4°С to +30°С, that is, in winter and autumn you will have to find an alternative. In addition, microorganisms for cesspools prevent the release of toxic gases and fumes, the development of various pathogens, and do not irritate the skin of the hands and mucous membranes upon direct contact.

Choosing a drain cleaner

When choosing the most effective means for cleaning a cesspool, you need to consider the following points:

  1. For septic tanks, the best option would be to use a biological product, which makes it possible to reduce the proportion of solid components. This will allow you to clean the sewer much less often and save the family budget. After all, calling a sewer truck is not a cheap “pleasure”. Regularly using a properly selected bacterial preparation, you can carry out cleaning not annually, but once every three years, so the savings will be significant.
  2. For the toilet in the country, you should give preference to special tablets designed specifically for country cesspools. Such tablets quickly process paper and feces into mineral sediment and environmentally friendly liquid, which can then be used in compost. One tablet is enough to process approximately a cubic meter of waste.

Problems when using biobacteria

In order for the purchased biological product to really work effectively and at the same time its consumption to be low, a number of conditions must be met. Instructions for use indicate:

  • If the fluid level is insufficient, bacteria will not be able to function and develop normally. A sufficient amount of moisture is a prerequisite for the effective operation of a biological product.
  • Before use, the biological product must be prepared according to the instructions. A liquid, as a rule, just needs to be shaken, but a biological product in the form of granules or powder requires preliminary preparation. Preparing the drug with your own hands is not difficult. The powder or tablets must be dissolved in water. After this, you can pour the finished biological product into the toilet or cesspool.

  • Irregular use of sewerage can reduce the effectiveness of the use of bioactivators. If the waste that is required for the normal functioning of microorganisms stops flowing into the cesspool, living organisms may even die altogether. As a rule, downtime should not be allowed for more than 14 days. If there is a need to leave your home for more than two weeks, it is recommended to reintroduce the biological product into the local sewage system upon return.

Note! Ideally, the liquid level will be at least 2 centimeters higher than the solids level. If there are more solid components, then before using the biological product it is worth pouring the required amount of water into the hole. Just pour several buckets of water into the toilet or directly into the cesspool so that the bioactivator can function normally.

  • Also, the effectiveness of using bioactivators will decrease if household chemicals that contain chlorine enter the sewer system. Cleaning or washing powders with antibacterial additives can cause inhibition of bacterial colonies.

Note! If you actively use a washing machine or dishwasher, then you should choose a chemical product for the cesspool, or a biological product with the appropriate marking. Such microorganisms will be able to survive in aggressive environments, and the effectiveness of their use will not decrease if chlorine and other chemicals enter wastewater. Another option to solve the problem is to choose household chemicals that do not contain additives that are dangerous to septic tank bacteria. The disadvantage of such funds is their higher cost.

  • Also, a living microorganism that is part of biological products may die if components or water filters, for example, manganese or antibacterial drugs, get into wastewater. These substances will lead to the death of bacteria and make the biological product completely useless, so you should prevent these substances from entering the local sewage system.

  • If any substance harmful to microorganisms gets into the septic tank, or there is a need to restore the functioning of the biological product after a long period of inactivity, then fresh water should be added to the sewer and the drug should be re-introduced in the amount specified in the instructions.
  • To restore the operation of the drug or initial launch, you must use the drug labeled “Start”. Such mixtures are developed specifically for the rapid development of a colony of microorganisms, which will allow the septic tank to operate in the shortest possible time.
  • If for some reason a large amount of fat gets into the drains, then a thick layer of fatty deposits gradually forms on the walls of the septic tank or drainage pit. To remove this fatty film, it is recommended to purchase a special biological product “Antifat”. It contains bacteria that effectively decompose fats, so that the sewer tank will be cleaned after some time. And in order to prevent the formation of fatty deposits on the walls of pipes and tanks, it is recommended to install an additional device under the kitchen sink - a grease trap. This is a fairly simple device; you can install it yourself. The presence of a grease trap will prevent large amounts of fat from entering the sewer, but the device itself will need to be cleaned periodically.

Biological products designed for cleaning septic tanks and drainage pits greatly facilitate the maintenance of these installations. The drugs are environmentally friendly, safe and very effective. Live septic tank bacteria are not harmful to plastic or steel sewer pipes or to the septic tank, no matter what material it is made of. Their use greatly simplifies sewer cleaning work and makes life in a country house more comfortable.

Sewage tanks can be cleaned in two ways: with a sewer machine and with biologically active microorganisms. In addition, many septic tank products contain chemical compounds that dissolve solids and cleanse liquids.

Classification by type of action

Depending on the active components, there are remedies:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Biological.

Chemical drugs differ from biological ones in their versatility. They dissolve feces in any conditions (at any temperature and type of waste). They are suitable for use in the cold season and any type of septic tank.

They are classified according to the active components of the mixture. Nowadays mixtures with formaldehyde, ammonium salts and nitrates are actively used. The latter are considered the safest for the environment. But quaternary ammonium compounds are the most effective - they completely neutralize the unpleasant odor from the septic tank and eliminate old feces.

These funds have their advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  1. Versatility;
  2. Possibility of use in conditions of hard water, soap solutions and other additives;
  3. High efficiency. Preparations of this kind perfectly clear even complex blockages, dissolve long-term sediments on the walls of septic tanks and pits, and eliminate unpleasant odors in a short time.

Of the minuses:

  1. Low environmental friendliness. Water purified using chemical elements cannot be used as technical water. In addition, chemical compounds through open septic tanks or leaky areas can be absorbed into the soil or enter groundwater;
  2. Even after such cleaning, over time it will be necessary to carry out sewage pumping. Chemically purified liquid contains numerous pathogenic compounds that will negatively affect the quality of the soil. Its fertility may decrease and its structure may change. Therefore, such water must be removed from the site;
  3. When exposed to certain solutions, metal and plastic connections may

Biological means for cleaning cesspools are affordable and effective preparations for getting rid of unpleasant odors and wastewater. They consist of bacteria and organic additives, which for some time serve as a habitat for microorganisms. These bacteria process waste and are therefore completely safe to use.

Biological agents are also divided into:

  1. Anaerobic;
  2. Aerobic.

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Anaerobics do not require oxygen. Such connections are suitable for cleaning sealed closed septic tanks, as well as pipes. Aerobic “work” only in the presence of fresh air, since their activity directly depends on the level of oxygen in a certain environment.

Advantages of using biological additives:

  1. Complete elimination of unpleasant odors and old waste. Despite the fact that biological additives take much longer to clean cesspools than chemical compounds, they are no less effective;
  2. Safety. Microorganisms not only clean wastewater from solid particles and liquid residues, but also saturate them with organic substances. This allows this water to be used in the future for irrigation of fields or fertilizers;
  3. Suitable for use in metal and plastic barrels. Bacteria do not corrode walls and joints and are safe for rubber couplings;
  4. Enzyme formulations are quite accessible and characterized by a prolonged action.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Impossibility of use in the cold season. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, bacteria become less active, which reduces cleaning efficiency;
  2. There are only a few dietary supplements that can be used to clean shower, bath, or chlorinated water drains. In most cases, microorganisms react negatively to the presence of chemical impurities in wastewater. In such an environment, they stop reproducing and then simply die;
  3. Depending on the type of biological means for cleaning cesspools, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of oxygen. Aerobic bacteria are considered more active than aerobic bacteria, but when introducing them, a certain oxygen level inside the pit must be maintained.

Remember that when using biological additives, mineral deposits fall to the bottom of the container. This is not sludge, but they also require disposal, otherwise the useful volume of the reservoir is reduced.

Types of funds by form

Chemical and biological-enzyme products for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools are produced in liquid, powder, and granular form. At the same time, bacterial cleaning compositions are often produced in the form of special filters. They are fabric or rubber brushes that contain a large number of active microorganisms. This type of cleaning agent is used exclusively in multi-chamber septic tanks or pits.


To effectively clean cesspools, you need to use quality products. Some of the most well-known means for cesspools are:

Owners of private houses claim comfortable household amenities, but it is impossible to avoid certain problems with the disposal of cesspool contents and sewerage cleaning. Moreover, the process requires a constant solution, which is quite annoying with a number of specific moments. Through the efforts of laboratories, bacteria were grown that affect the efficiency of waste decomposition, and at the same time carry an antiseptic load.

Advantages of using biological products for sewage

With the help of bacteria for cesspools, the following activities have been greatly simplified:

  • for cleaning cesspools, drainage wells, storage tanks;
  • dilution of bottom sediment;
  • eliminating relevant odors;
  • reducing the volume of sewage waste;

The main advantage is the fact that with the systematic use of bioactivators, the number of pumpings is significantly reduced.

Cleaning principle

Latest generation sanitary products do not disturb the ecological balance in nature. The innovative formula of microorganisms copes with the decomposition of waste and amber at the speed of a virus. They successfully dissolve organic matter due to the high concentration of bacteria contained in the formula. Even a one-time use will increase the capacity of the tank, anticipating future blockages.

Nowadays, when environmental problems are discussed everywhere, biological treatment is timely. Getting into engineering communications, bacteria quickly adapt to the environment, are activated and the result of their use becomes:

  • significant cost reduction due to reducing waste volumes, which means efficiency;
  • personal investment in environmental protection. Formaldehyde included in chemical compositions is particularly destructive to the environment. During the cold season, its alternative will be harmless nitrate oxidizers;

Microorganisms for cleaning

Popular microorganisms for sewers and septic tanks are divided into:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Both versions, as expected, are always present in organic waste. The first type is capable exist exclusively in an oxygen environment, and his colony is considered the most active. They are ubiquitous in nature, and their role in biological life processes is enormous. Thanks to the specific features, enzymes, antibiotics and a number of other compounds that are so necessary for humans appeared.

The functional principle of aerobic organisms comes down to deep cleaning. When oxygen is supplied, bacteria are activated and begin to multiply at cosmic speed. As the process progresses, sludge is formed, in contact with which the organic components begin to rapidly decompose, leaving almost no sediment. Over time, residual effects are pumped out by a machine pump or removed independently. Important advantage - complete absence of amber.

The effect of anaerobic bacteria is somewhat lower. The process is due to a long processing interval with the assumption of the formation of sediment with harmful microorganisms, therefore the dominance of aerobic organisms.

The consequence of biological treatment is the fact that wastewater does not require additional measures of the second stage, and are discharged into the sewer. The resulting sludge can be used to fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

The best result can be obtained only if the product is carefully selected in relation to the specific features of the sewer system. Therefore, when choosing, we take into account that:

  1. A dry toilet should be clean with special tablets, which will equally effectively dissolve any organic matter, turning it into liquid.
  2. The activators must include components reducing the proportion of solid fraction in wastewater, including dissolving fats.

Bacteria feed on residual products and self-destruct in the clean sewer system of a private home.

There are several rules that must be followed to achieve high performance: