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Alexander Sheps teaches how to predict fate. What do famous psychics say about life after death? Why psychics never talk about TV

Since ancient times, people with superpowers, prophets, clairvoyants, psychics who could predict the future were born in all countries and cultures. Let us ask ourselves, what to expect from 2018? Will there be a third World War, what cataclysms might humanity face? What will change in Russia's relations with the whole world?

Many clairvoyants undertake to predict the future; we will only find out which of them is right over time, but for now let’s talk about what they predict.

What awaits Russia and the world in 2017?

Many people say that the Third World War is inevitable, moreover, it will begin very soon and will entail massive destruction, up to a nuclear explosion that will wipe out humanity from the face of the earth. Psychics think that the cause of the war will be political relations between countries. This is also evidenced by the facts; it is no secret that political and economic relations between the largest countries are quite tense. No one can say for sure whether it will start in 2018, so there’s no point in dwelling on it. The opinions of different predictors vary, for example, Vanga has no predictions for the near future regarding war and crashes. In general, anything is possible.

Environmental disasters

What is the likelihood of climate change in the near future? Many psychics claim that this moment There are many signs of this problem. Clairvoyants and scientists are concerned about the formation of new deserts and the melting of glaciers - as a result of which cities such as Venice, New Orleans, etc. are already being destroyed. Psychics claim that the increase in the planet's population will be one of the main factors global warming. Carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere also accelerate this process. Psychics claim that, of course, it is possible to save the planet, you just need to make an effort to do this, otherwise at the time of the already progressing cataclysms, the planet’s population will be reduced by 80%.

Russia and surrounding countries

Some psychics think that Russia’s relations with other countries will begin to improve. Their predictions regarding the main conflict in the post-Soviet space, between Russia and Ukraine, say that this problem will cease to worry the world, as it will begin to resolve itself. The government will change, new orders will come in which all parties will find compromises. But not all psychics are of this opinion. The second believe that the conflict in eastern Ukraine will escalate into a war on a global scale. “It was the struggle for territory that became the cause of all the wars on Earth,” the psychics remind. And in this situation, there is little chance that everything will end peacefully. Based on the results of the two previous world wars, we can state the fact that not a single country won the battle with Russia. Still others say on this matter that Ukraine is like united country, will disappear from the world map. - “This country has only existed for 25 years, it was divided between neighboring states, and now Russia will return the territories that were part of Soviet Union"- these are the forecasts for the near future. Psychics also say that the economic condition of the country will soon stabilize; one should not expect a rapid rise in the financial sector, as it will not happen before, but will gradually improve international relationships, import, export, etc. Contacts will be established for further work and prosperity.

Psychics about the whole world

Why does this happen in Russia?

Prophecies from clairvoyants for the whole world are not at all comforting. American psychics claim that large-scale changes on the planet will soon occur - tectonic movement of the earth's crust, reversal of the poles, disappearance of islands and the emergence of new ones. They predict a war in Europe, the devastation of northern European lands, and the complete settlement of Siberia. The disappearance of the island of Japan. They say that China will become an independent state, the absolute leader in the whole world. The indisputable facts of the existence of other civilizations will be revealed

No one can say for sure that this will happen in 2018; the definition of “near future” keeps us all in the dark. Scientists who take information from more reliable sources say that nothing terrible will happen in 2018, but astrologers and psychics do not agree with this at all. According to the seers, the coming time is destined to be decisive for humanity, be it a catastrophe or a terrible epidemic. Maybe you should still listen to their words in order to draw the right conclusions and try to prevent mistakes.

In custody

Interest in predictions and the future is quite natural. They are not always joyful, but we will all live in tomorrow. Psychics help us find out what the year will bring us. Predictions from different clairvoyants are very contradictory, and they can be interpreted in different ways; each person decides for himself what or whom to believe.

The theories of popular psychics about life after death are different, but all mediums agree on one opinion: a person’s soul does not disappear after death. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and the winner of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” Swami Dashi claim that the astral plane exists. This is a world in which there are no physical bodies, but only human souls that can be contacted with certain psychic abilities.

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    Vanga's opinion about the afterlife

    The clairvoyant believed that the human soul lives forever and can return to earth several times, taking on new physical forms. Human personality does not disappear, the soul gains experience and wisdom, thanks to many reincarnations. In the afterlife, subtle matter has the same tastes, preferences and affections as the deceased. Human nature begins in the womb a few weeks before the baby is born. If for some reason this does not happen, the child is stillborn. The Bulgarian seer claimed that through a silver thread the soul passes into the physical body of a person. When this thread is broken, death occurs.

      Proponents of the silver thread theory: Charles Webster Lebdieter and Carlos Casteneda. Reincarnation does not happen to all souls. The evil and greedy, selfish and cruel, deceitful and sinful remain tossed between heaven and earth. They are doomed to eternal torment and the inability to find their refuge.

      Famous psychics

      Swami Dashi explains what happens to a person after physical death: the transfer of the soul to the astral world. The psychic says that there is no need to be afraid of death, this is only the end of earthly life, but not mental life.

      Ilona Novoselova argued that the soul consists of three main parts:

      • Biomass is a physical body.
      • Ethereal shells (ghost or phantom). They store information about the appearance and character of the human personality.
      • The divine body is the soul that moves after death into a new physical body.

      The phantom does not disappear, but remains forever parallel worlds and there exists as an eternal memory of a certain person.

Various religious questions that relate to the existence of God, reincarnation and the like have been of interest to people for a long time. Probably, every religion devotes special attention to this issue, but since there is no scientific evidence for religious texts today, many people doubt all this, but continue to look for answers to their questions. Today, many turn to psychics and fortune tellers to get answers to their questions.

Psychics about the existence of God

The question “Does God really exist and if he does, what is he like? How does it influence people’s destinies?” received from her fans Ilmira Derbentseva, the winner of the “Battle of Psychics: World War III.”

The psychic replies that there is some higher power in the Universe that controls the destinies of people, countries, and planets. This higher power has no specific appearance. This is something like a clot of energy that some people who have open paranormal abilities are able to feel. It’s the same thing, individual people can influence their own destiny, and there are those whose destiny is closed, but with the help of magic they can be helped.

A separate category of people are those whose fate is written down and no one can change anything. Most often, people belonging to the latter category have their own special purpose in life. What fate will be depends primarily on how a person lived his past lives. Most often, people do not remember their previous life, but there are various techniques through which you can remember it. Of course, it is better not to do this by force. When the time comes, knowledge will reveal itself. This is also under the control of a higher power.

Some psychics, for example, our clairvoyant Valeria Maryina, believe in God and faith does not at all prevent them from working miracles. They know that God is giving them knowledge so that they can warn people of impending danger. They lead their lives righteously, as God wants, help other people, go to church and heal the suffering with the help of prayer, candles and holy charmed water. Does this method work? Definitely yes, because saints always hear human prayers and I can help. Jesus said that wherever people gather to pray, there he will be.

Vanga's revelations

The famous fortune teller and psychic Vangelia Dimitrova spoke very often about God and faith. Below are a few of her sayings, recorded by her niece and various visitors.

  1. You don’t have to believe in God, you have to want him to help. If you don't have faith in your soul, don't come to me. It’s not me, but He will help you.
  2. Many books have been written, but no one can give a final answer unless they understand and acknowledge that there are different worlds: the spiritual world and the physical world, as well as the supreme power that created us. This force can be called whatever you like.
  3. Yes, there is a God. And if you remain silent, the stones will tell you that He exists. This is how people who do not see know that there is light, just as the lame know that there is health, so all people should know that there is God.
  4. Both according to the Bible and according to the Law of God, God is the supreme being. There is no equal to him either on earth or in heaven.
  5. In order to understand the Bible, a person needs to rise spiritually. Then he will be able to understand everything and accept higher knowledge. For this, God will reward him and give him special strength, will help such a person understand how everything happened in the past and is happening now.

And if you want to know what else Vanga said and how she helped people, read our article and

Vanga’s attitude towards religion is quite transparent, so we understand that even clairvoyants of this level can live in harmony with God and know that it was he who made them this way, who gave them a gift from above. There are very few people with psychic abilities who do not believe in the existence of a Supreme Intelligence. You can read about what they say about it as an element in the article Element of Mind or the attitude of the Higher Mind to the elemental horoscope

Islam is the youngest religion

The future of religions and the world according to psychics

Many psychics, in their predictions, intertwine the future destinies of the world with the future of world religions. Repeatedly, many predictors of the past and psychics of our time have said that the Third World War will begin when two worlds collide: Muslim and Christian. Moreover, if initially economic and political issues become the reasons and pretext for war, then religious disagreements will become one of the key points. This will be the time when the balance of the two forces that underlie the world - the force of creation and the force of destruction - will be shaken.

Then, psychics say about religion, with every act of destruction: the fall of some gods and the rise of others, the death of rulers, small religions and their clergy, the killings of people and animals, the weakness of political power - the world’s energy will be destroyed, and the evil in it will become stronger. If people do not come to their senses, and everything continues like this, the world balance will collapse and a dark era will begin, and world energy will turn into chaos.

It turns out that people with psychic abilities live in harmony with religious beliefs, while religion most often of such people, if they go against their canons, tries to suppress them with its power! And some people with special talents become accepted by the church, such as Matrona of Moscow, whose icons can be found in any Orthodox Church Russian Federation. Read about her in the article Prophecies of the Matrona of Moscow

Psychics about religion say that such a war has already begun - people are beginning to be intimidated by people of other religions, dissidents, they are convinced that they are dangerous, and when you watch the news, you see that this is so. But not all people are dangerous, not all Muslims are terrorists, and this should be taken into account in your attitude.

What do you think about religion? Do you believe it? What religion do you profess? Write your opinion in the comments below the article!

Reference: Alexey Pokhabov was born in Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Graduated from the Modern Humanitarian Academy, majoring in law. Alexey's father is an ordinary electrician, his mother is an engineer. Extrasensory abilities appeared at the age of 19. Alexey Pokhabov became the winner of the 7th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, gaining more than 64% of the votes of viewers. The winner was awarded the “Crystal Hand” and awarded the title “Best Psychic of Russia”.

How did you discover your abilities and how did you develop them?

At the age of 19, I had an out-of-body experience, regardless of any stressful situation. The love disappointment that was talked about on television happened, like all people in their youth, but much earlier. Leaving the body is a certain feature of the work nervous system and hormonal levels in the body. When it happened, I saw a lot of different incomprehensible things. And this shocked me, because during my life I was faced with the world into which a person finds himself after death. Naturally, there was a strong motivation to seek knowledge about the structure of the world wherever possible. And I found people who called themselves magicians - they became my teachers.

Abilities arise as a result of the development of consciousness. I was engaged in certain spiritual practices, and at some point the sensitivity that had appeared stopped disappearing. These are not superpowers, they are simply some peculiarity of perceiving the world not in three-dimensional, but in four-dimensional terms.

Is it possible to improve your life or destiny with the help of people who have abilities similar to yours?

You can fix a lot in your life. But if we talk about such a term as fate, then this is something more global. That is, a person occupies his niche in the world, at this point he must work out some of his qualities. Everything can be good or bad for him, and psychics can help make things good. Moreover, if he is destined to work with a shovel all his life, then he will work with a shovel - the trajectory of a person’s life is practically unchanged, the conditions inside change.

Do you believe in any higher powers?

I don’t believe it, but I don’t deny their existence either. In magic there is a position that everything must be experienced firsthand. There is no point in trying to believe in something - because faith gives nothing. Believing in God, for example, makes no sense: whether we believe or not, we will not be able to talk and interact with him. First we see the world one way, then another - as a person develops, his worldview changes. There are some forces, but you begin to believe in them when you encounter them.

You once said that you don't believe in love - is that really true?

What is love? Feeling? In my opinion, there are only five senses - sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing. Which organ controls love? The problem with people is that they don’t think about their words when they say they love or are in love. Why does a person never simply say “I love” and at the same time he does not have an object of love?

But, for example, Jesus Christ spoke about some other love, about divine love, which has nothing to do with opposite sex or to anyone in general. This is true love - when a person can be in it regardless of whether he is with someone or without someone, when he can simply feel a certain quality.

After you gained a certain fame, did you begin to get tired of people - acquaintances and strangers? What did participating in the psychic show give you?

On the Internet they are bombarded with letters and appeals from all sides, but I simply don’t pay attention to many things anymore - I’m not able to answer everyone, only to acquaintances, friends or very interesting questions, mostly the same platitudes come. They don’t bother you on the street and sometimes they don’t even recognize you, especially in Moscow. If they find out, they won’t approach us, for which we thank everyone very much. The TNT project became a new stage in my life, which led me to certain living conditions.

According to a survey of our readers, about 70% of people consider paranormal abilities to be stupid. How do you feel about skepticism towards you?

This is normal, a very correct indicator. Most people consider special abilities unrealistic for one simple reason - nothing like this happens in their lives. So skepticism is a completely normal thing, and I take it calmly.

Does it ever happen that your abilities hinder you?

Can not be. If they bother me, I simply turn them off, for example when intimate communication. Because when they are turned on, your head works, or rather, you are in a very high-frequency state, in which there is no great desire for such simple things.

Have you ever tried to play gambling and win?

I used my abilities when playing poker, but there it is important to monitor your internal state - there should not be a desire to win big money.

What do you do for a living anyway?

At the moment I make money by helping people solve their problems. I work in Moscow and travel to other cities.

How exactly do you help people?

People come to me with their problems, most of them think that they have been damaged. They are afraid to look life in the eye and understand that in fact we live in a labor camp, in which we must constantly work on and develop something. I look in their energy for the reasons for the troubles and misfortunes that are happening and give advice on what exactly needs to be worked on so that the problem goes away. If a person asks to conjure money, I say “goodbye.” There is no bad life, nor good - is our attitude towards it. I never try to solve a person's problem for him. There will be absolutely no benefit from this. I'm showing the way. Go in her direction, and everything will be fine with you. If you want, go, if you don’t, don’t go, it’s your business.

Can you see your own future?

The future is not seen as it is shown in books, films and as many psychics try to present. You can feel it. For example, you are driving a car with certain speed movements. You understand that if something happens, you won’t be able to brake right away. However, you are aware of where to turn to avoid colliding with other cars. That is, there is still a sense of time, the possibility of some kind of planning. The same thing happens in my life. Doing certain things, I begin to feel where I will go. What tomorrow will give me is what I start doing today. Based on these feelings of the future, I build my life and, as experience shows, I build it correctly.

Elena Safronova

Photo by Oleg Rukavitsyn

Everyone has dreamed of looking behind the curtain of death: is this the end of everything or the beginning of something more? For an answer to the eternal question, people of all times turned to those who have access to the secrets of the universe - to mediums who are able to look deeper than an ordinary person.

In this article

What psychics say

Each religion expresses its own point of view, but none of them denies its existence. The country's leading psychics share the same opinion.

After death a person enters a new reality

Fatima Khadueva, a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics,” during the broadcasts argued that the subtle world is real if you have certain abilities and skills. Our world is a haven for physical bodies, and after death, souls separate from them and move on. The most popular method of communication among psychics is photography - it contains the energetic trace of a person’s soul.

Some psychics manage to visit the astral plane in a state of trance., but over time they lose it, turning into an energy clot.

Other psychics adhere to. Swami Dashi believes that souls are reborn on earth an infinite number of times until they reveal the potential inherent in them.

The winner of the show “Battle of Psychics” Alexey Pokhabov will tell you more about reincarnation and past lives of the soul:

Edgar Cayce's opinion

Famous American-born medium nicknamed the Sleeping Prophet. To work, he plunged into a deep trance, which is why he got his middle name. During the sessions, he connected to the flow of information and answered any questions from the diagnosis specific person to the fate of an entire civilization.

Cayce predicted World Wars and spoke about the future. He assigned Russia the role of a key figure - a savior. The Slavic peoples will have to change the essence of human relations, built on mutual benefit, to introduce into them a spiritual principle and the divine light of true faith.

Although Casey is a Christian, he argued. According to the prophet, the time is not far off when death will no longer be perceived by society as a tragedy, its mechanisms will be studied thoroughly. Death is the end of the body and a new beginning for the soul.

Famous medium Edgar Cayce

Cayce assured that death in the near future would be a solemn event, and grieving friends and family would always be able to contact the soul of the untimely deceased through a medium. Life will separate the wheat from the chaff: during the earthly stay it will grow or fall, the subsequent bodily shell will directly depend on this.

What Vanga says

Many journalists asked Vanga the same question: “” The Bulgarian seer assured that the body dies, but the soul remains immortal and is able to reincarnate and return to new form. Living in harmony with the world and itself, the soul absorbs positive experiences and becomes one step higher, grows and strengthens. The more lives the soul was in bodily form, the purer they were, the higher it becomes.

Seer Vanga

According to Vanga, the soul is born in space, like a ray, descending into the womb of a pregnant woman exactly 3 weeks before conception. If the soul does not overshadow with its appearance, the fetus is destined to be born dead.

The soul and the Cosmos are connected by a thin silver thread, along which it will return back after the physical death of the temporary shell. It is interesting that the same mechanism of connection between the Universe and man is described by those who have not read the predictions of the Bulgarian blind seer.

Not every soul is worthy of returning to earth: if a person sinned, experienced burning hatred and envy, his soul will not find new house. , tormented by torment and all-consuming anger.

Vanga assures that the connection between people is not lost after the death of the physical shell. Love and friendship are high feelings at the soul level. And they can often meet again in new bodies, attracting like magnets.

The Arthur Ford phenomenon

Countless mediums after the First World War tried to convince the grieving planet of the existence of subtle worlds and. Most of them turned out to be simple charlatans profiting from the grief of a family that had lost one of its members.

Spiritualistic seance at the beginning of the 20th century

But the phenomenon of Arthur Ford made skeptics shudder: his sessions of communication with the other world were watched by thousands of viewers live.

Arthur Ford realized what he had while serving in the army. In the battles of the First World War, dozens of fellow soldiers died every day. Then Arthur realized that he knew the order of death of his comrades and their names several days before their death. Since then, he has developed and perfected the gift of the medium.

Arthur began by reading the notes without opening the envelopes: a huge audience was going to watch these performances. During one of the sessions, he fell into a trance against his will and spoke on behalf of a deceased person - a relative of one of the spectators. The communication channel was not interrupted, and Ford spent his entire life transmitting news from the other world to those living today.

Ford won a posthumous Harry Houdini Award for delivering a coded message from the famous magician to his wife. The message reads: “Rosabella, believe!” And she believed, and the whole world followed her.

In his books, he persistently convinces the reader. And not just wandering, but a full life outside the body. The whole life of this man illustrates the contents of the book: the afterlife is real, after death nothing will end.

Arthur Ford and his books

The channel’s episode “Territory of Delusions” will tell in detail about the contacts of mediums with the other world:

Leslie Flint Conversations

Scientists began collaborating with mediums on issues of thanatology and the afterlife already in the 20th century, largely thanks to the active work of the English psychic Leslie Flint. Already in childhood, the boy realized that he was not like others: the souls of the dead regularly contacted him. Developing his natural abilities, Flint soon began to gather thousands of people in otherworldly communication sessions.

The great popularity of the medium was not limited to ordinary people: it was tested by endless scientists and psychiatrists, psychologists and computer scientists, parapsychologists and technical specialists. Flint was never caught cheating: he passed all the tests with honor and dignity.

A session with the spirits of Leslie Flint

With the support of George Woods and Betty Greene, Flint began recording the voices of deceased visitors on tape, copies of which were distributed throughout the world and were available to anyone. The spirits did not resist contact with real world, on the contrary, were supportive and ordered the living to strengthen the communication channel and use it more often.

Over many years of practice, Flint contacted ordinary people and celebrities: Chopin and Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and Mahatma Gandhi contacted him. It is curious that all of them did not abandon the work of life even after the end of their earthly existence: Chopin continued to write music, and Shakespeare continued to write sonnets and plays.

The medium's conversation with Chopin was captured on film:

Until his death in 1994, Flint continued to receive the suffering. And everyone came out enlightened: the deceased relatives assured that they were leading a meaningful existence, were in a good mood and remained themselves.

Mediums are unanimous in their opinion: death is not the end. There is no darkness and emptiness waiting on the other side. Numerous communication sessions with the deceased, people’s memories of past lives only prove this fact, instilling hope that one day the fear of death will disappear forever.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!