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Academician online. The meaning of the word academician in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov

In this article I want to talk about the site of dictionaries and encyclopedias Academician. This site contains a huge number of useful information, so that he fully justifies his name: “Academician”.

It often happens that at some point in time, some kind of reference Information from one or another area of ​​knowledge. Not everyone has dictionaries and various encyclopedic publications at home.

Even if there is such reference literature, then such literature will still not be enough on many issues, because at home it is practically impossible to have various reference literature on most areas of knowledge.

Previously, to do this, you had to go to the library, read there or copy the necessary materials. Unfortunately, the library did not always have the required publications.

Nowadays, the way out of this situation is to search for similar information posted on the Internet. To do this, you only need a computer or other device of a similar type, as well as access to the Internet.

If you need background information on many areas of knowledge, then for this you can use the site of dictionaries and encyclopedias Academician. This site contains a huge number of reference and encyclopedic publications, grouped into various industries and sections.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias posted on this site are grouped into thematic groups for better search: “Medicine”, “Biology”, “Philosophy, sociology”, “Religion, beliefs”, “Music”, “Cooking”, “English-Russian”, “Russian-English”, “English”, “Encyclopedias”, “ Natural science”, “Russian language”, “Literature, art”, “Miscellaneous”, “German”, “Norwegian”, “Engineering, technology, mechanisms”, “Geography”, “Construction, geology”, “Economics, jurisprudence”, “History, etymology”, “French”, “Spanish”, “Italian”, “Portuguese”, “Arabic”, “Hebrew”, “Latin”, “Chinese”, “Ukrainian”, “Hungarian”, “Turkish”, "Multilingual".

In the “Search” field you can enter text to search through dictionaries and encyclopedias posted on this site.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician: “Big Encyclopedic Dictionary”, “Muller’s English-Russian Dictionary”, “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, “Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary”, “Alfred Bram’s Animal Life”, “Cities of Russia”, “Diplomatic Dictionary” , “Musical Encyclopedia”, “Dictionary of Personal Names” and much more.

You can go to the Academician dictionaries and encyclopedias website here.

Now, to take advantage of this intellectual wealth, all you need is a computer and Internet access. Now just follow the link, and then you can linger for a long time on this site, which bears the same name - “Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician”.


academician, m.

1. Member of the Academy of Sciences.

|| The highest artistic title awarded by the Academy of Arts. Academician of architecture.

2. Completed a course or is studying at a higher education institution educational institution, bearing the name of the academy: military, spiritual, etc. (colloquial pre-revolutionary).

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what ACADEMIC is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • ACADEMICIAN in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - experienced...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    - title of member of the academy. in academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title is a. -higher. in academies of a number of countries there is an honorary title...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title of A. is the highest. In academies of a number of countries there is the title...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • ACADEMICIAN in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    in the USSR, a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the union republics and some branch academies. In republican Academy of Sciences and some branch ones there are valid...
    1) full member of the academy (see academy 2,a); 2) an idealist philosopher - a representative of the academy...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m., shower. Member of the Academy, as well as the title of member...
  • ACADEMICIAN V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. Member of the Academy (in 1 digit), as well as the title of member ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ACADEMIC, title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title of A. is the highest (in contrast, for example, to corresponding member). At the academies...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    Akade"mik, Akade"miki, Akade"mika, Akade"mikov, Akade"miku, Akade"mikam, Akade"mika, Akade"mikov, Akade"mikom, Akade"mikami, Akade"mike, ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Dictionary of the Great Russian Language of Business Communication:
    a manager or specialist with extensive experience, who knows and can do a lot, his guru...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) Full member of the academy, as well as the title of full member of the academy. Academician's speech. Academician Altynai is known throughout the country...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Marshal in...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    1) full member of the academy (see academy 2a); 2) representative of the academy...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    1. full member of the academy (see academy 2a); 2. representative of the academy...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1) Scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy; full member of the Academy of Sciences, Academy of Arts, etc. 2) ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    academician, ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    academician, ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ! member of the N1 Academy, academician member of the N1 Academy, as well as the title of member...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title of academician is the highest (as opposed, for example, to corresponding member). At the academies...
  • ACADEMICIAN in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    academician m. 1) Scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy; full member of the Academy of Sciences, Academy of Arts, etc. ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1. Scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy. Ott. Full member of the Academy [academy 1.] as a title. 2. ...
  • ACADEMICIAN in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I m. 1. Scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected as a member of the relevant academy [academy 1.]. Ott. Full member of the Academy as...

    - (Latin academicus, from Greek academia). 1) a scientist or artist belonging to the academy. 2) a follower of Plato. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ACADEMIC lat. academicus, from Greek. academy... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ACADEMIC, academician, husband. 1. Member of the Academy of Sciences. || The highest artistic title awarded by the Academy of Arts. Academician of architecture. 2. A graduate of a course or a student at a higher educational institution bearing the name of an academy: military, spiritual and... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the rank of A. is the highest. In academies of a number of countries there is the title of honorary A... Legal dictionary

    ACADEMIC, huh, husband. Member of the academy (1 digit), as well as the title of member of the academy. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    academician- Academician, it’s difficult to make a mistake in the spelling of this word, but in the pronunciation... Some people tend to pronounce this word “beautifully”: [academ/mik], but the only correct pronunciation will be with a soft “d”, as, for example, in the word delo ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    This term has other meanings, see Academician (meanings). Academician of architecture Alexey Beketov in an academic headdress. USSR, 1930s Academician, the title of full member of the organization of scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Academicians ... Wikipedia

    A; m. 1. Full member of the Academy of Sciences. 2. The title of scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy. 3. Unlock About a person who knows a lot, is well versed in anything. In anatomy he is a. * * * academician title of member... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    academician- I. and. 1. Akademiyanen (1) gamәli әгъзаы 2. Nin. b. Academy Sailangan Galim, Rassam, sculptor h. b. w. keshelәrnen gyilmi iseme. II. ACADEMIC – p. 1. Akademiyagә bәylәneshle, shuna karagan 2. Academicism (2) principles of iyarә torgan 3. kүch.… … Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

    Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? academician, who? academician, (see) who? academician, by whom? academician, about whom? about the academician; pl. Who? academicians, (no) who? academicians, who? academicians, (see) who? academicians, by whom?... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Academician Pavlov. Selected Works, Pavlov Ivan Petrovich. “There have been few people like I.P. Pavlov in the history of mankind. Take advantage of the fact that you can communicate with such a person. After all, reading is communication with the author, and time has no power here!…
  • Academician A. N. Krylov. My memories, A. N. Krylov. Academician Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov, the founder of the modern theory of the ship, was a scientist of an encyclopedic mindset. He owns original works on various issues of mathematics,...

- (Latin academicus, from Greek academia). 1) a scientist or artist belonging to the academy. 2) a follower of Plato. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ACADEMIC lat. academicus, from Greek. academy... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

ACADEMICIAN- title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title of academician is the highest (as opposed, for example, to corresponding member). In academies of a number of countries there is the title of honorary academician... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ACADEMICIAN- ACADEMIC, academician, husband. 1. Member of the Academy of Sciences. || The highest artistic title awarded by the Academy of Arts. Academician of architecture. 2. A graduate of a course or a student at a higher educational institution bearing the name of an academy: military, spiritual and... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

ACADEMICIAN- title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the rank of A. is the highest. In academies of a number of countries there is the title of honorary A... Legal dictionary

ACADEMICIAN- ACADEMIC, huh, husband. Member of the academy (1 digit), as well as the title of member of the academy. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

academician- noun, number of synonyms: 3 authority (35) film academician (1) television academician (1) ... Synonym dictionary

academician- Academician, it’s difficult to make a mistake in the spelling of this word, but in the pronunciation... Some people tend to pronounce this word “beautifully”: [academ/mik], but the only correct pronunciation will be with a soft “d”, as, for example, in the word delo ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

Academician- This term has other meanings, see Academician (meanings). Academician of architecture Alexey Beketov in an academic headdress. USSR, 1930s Academician, the title of full member of the organization of scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Academicians ... Wikipedia

academician- A; m. 1. Full member of the Academy of Sciences. 2. The title of scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy. 3. Unlock About a person who knows a lot, is well versed in anything. In anatomy he is a. * * * academician title of member... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

academician- I. and. 1. Akademiyanen (1) gamәli әгъзаы 2. Nin. b. Academy Sailangan Galim, Rassam, sculptor h. b. w. keshelәrnen gyilmi iseme. II. ACADEMIC – p. 1. Akademiyagә bәylәneshle, shuna karagan 2. Academicism (2) principles of iyarә torgan 3. kүch.… … Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

academician- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? academician, who? academician, (see) who? academician, by whom? academician, about whom? about the academician; pl. Who? academicians, (no) who? academicians, who? academicians, (see) who? academicians, by whom?... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Academician Pavlov. Selected Works, Pavlov Ivan Petrovich. “There have been few people like I.P. Pavlov in the history of mankind. Take advantage of the fact that you can communicate with such a person. After all, reading is communication with the author, and time has no power here!... Buy for 792 rubles
  • Academician A. N. Krylov. My memories, A. N. Krylov. Academician Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov, the founder of the modern theory of the ship, was a scientist of an encyclopedic mindset. He owns original works on various issues of mathematics,...