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The meaning of the word ambrosia in the dictionary-reference book myths of ancient Greece. Straight from Olympus... Ambrosia drink of the gods Nectar of the gods ambrosia

The gods of Olympus. Artist Alexander Voronkov (born 1961)

Surely everyone has heard this expression: "nectar and ambrosia!"- as an expression of the highest pleasure from any dish!

“Nectar and ambrosia, finger-licking, melts in your mouth, mouth watering, you can’t pull it away by the ears, delicious, delicious, I would eat it myself, but there’s not enough money, if you try it, you’ll swallow your tongue, yummy, food of the gods, you’ll swallow your tongue, delicious...”
Dictionary of Russian synonyms

This is exactly what the Gods of Olympus ate, although it’s somehow not very clear what it actually is and how nectar differs from ambrosia:

This one is barely visible - but I couldn’t find another one! - in the picture, the gods just sat down in a circle, and Hebe poured something from a jug into a bowl! Next to it is a picture with a book: I want it, I want one! Encyclopedia of nutrition in world mythology, class!
But in English, alas...

So Hercules came to Olympus to taste nectar and ambrosia!

Francois Perrier, Hercules among the gods of Olympus

And it is completely unclear why it was called ragweed, a malicious weed:
Ambrosia (lat. Ambrsia) is a genus of annual or perennial herbs of the Asteraceae family. There are 50 species, distributed mainly in North America; as aliens in many countries; quarantine weeds...

And this post is actually not about the gods of Olympus at all, but about food that is quite accessible to us humans!
I read the recipe in this book - however, then it was a thin brochure, but now, it seems, it’s quite a book:

So, Nectar and Ambrosia:

Grate a deep plate of stale black bread, mix with 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and grated lemon zest. Whip 0.6 liters of cream, combine with 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and vanilla. Place a layer of “ambrosia” made from black bread on a round dish, pour over it with any fruit or berry juice, and cover with a layer of “nectar” made from cream. Repeat this several times and finish with cream. Refrigerate for several hours, then serve, garnished with jam.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is delicious!
But too sweet and fatty!

So I modified the recipe:

  • firstly, you must take Borodino bread - dry the crackers and grate them

  • I didn’t add sugar to the crackers at all - or less

  • instead of cream, you can use any sweet yogurt, preferably some vanilla or apricot, or there is also such a thing as pudding.

  • the meaning is this: if we take a very sour juice like cranberry, then the yogurt should be sweet, and if the juice is not too sour, the yogurt can be berry

  • and not a round dish, but something deeper

Real jam!
Nectar and ambrosia, as stated.

And it gave me the idea to make a post like this

The myths and legends of Ancient Greece say that the gods of Olympus ate the mysterious ambrosia (ambrosia in Homer) and drank nectar, which gave them eternal youth. According to esoteric sources, thanks to them, King Zeus lived a long and stormy life in perfect health. According to myths, nectar was poured by the goddess of youth Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera (sister of Ares). On Mount Olympus, she served the gods as a cupbearer - she served ambrosia and nectar; later this position was transferred to Ganymede.
In those ancient times, to maintain health, there were also healing springs; “rejuvenating apples” and other fruits and plants that had great healing power were grown. But over time, people forgot about the properties and places of occurrence of the food of the gods. Climate change, geological disasters, the death of states...
Some memory of them was still preserved, and therefore spiritual and secular rulers repeatedly organized expeditions to search for mysterious minerals that would be able to prolong their youth and give them eternal life. Unfortunately, for modern science these substances remain unknown and are perceived by scientists as a beautiful invention, the fantasy of eccentrics.
I have had the opportunity to speak publicly on the topic of edible minerals more than once. And to confirm my hypothesis, I received an interesting message from Alexander, the leader of one of the geological exploration expeditions. He wrote that he was lucky enough to see in the second half of the 20th century a unique and mysterious mineral that strongly resembled the legendary ambrosia. This happened during a geological expedition to the east of the country. It included a unique scientist. It was he who showed Alexander the mysterious natural mineral.
In appearance, the mineral looked like a transparent jelly-like glass-like substance. According to the consultant, this substance is formed in the lower layers (strata) of the mountains, allegedly due to its squeezing out by the huge weight of the mountains from certain types of rock layers. This substance is difficult to find, but even more difficult to preserve. It has unusual optical properties. According to the scientist, in ancient times this substance was mined in well-protected areas to ensure the longevity of rulers. In terms of cost, a diamond, in comparison with a healing mineral, was similar to river sand.
Alexander’s letter is another evidence that unique and mysterious minerals are still available in our country today, and some modern scientists know about them. However, the search and study of minerals is carried out mainly by enthusiasts at the expense of their own funds, time and health.
My many years of research have shown that ambrosia and nectar are formed in the lower layers of the root part of the mountains. Ambrosia has a crystalline appearance and stands out with its light color among the black rocks. True, its color in different deposits has some differences. And the nectar is represented by growths (stalactites), formed from the deposits of thick oily juice of dark rocks. It has a yellowish-orange color. The growth of these stalactites occurs in the spring and summer.
In ancient times, nectar was mixed with fruit juice for consumption. In terms of stored vital energy, ambrosia and nectar surpassed all nutritious minerals and liquids on Earth.
If we turn to ancient Indian sources, it follows from them that mountains are biological (living) organisms, like plants, and spread through the root system. They grow, age and die, gradually deteriorating. Mountains, like trees, have their own life system with energy and fluid flows. The butt, lower part of the mountains is, according to esoteric sources, the most important zone in their life. This is where deposits of the most valuable substances are formed.
The jelly-like substance comes to the surface not due to its squeezing out under the weight of the mountains (as the scientist mentioned above told the author of the letter, geologist Alexander), but due to natural energy flows. They lift the substance to the top, just as energy flows in trees lift sap to the top of the head. Deposits of valuable minerals are located in the mountains from the Indigirka River basin and further south to Tibet and India. They are also found in the Urals, Caucasus, Central Asia, and Iran.
According to legend, in some places, ambrosia and nectar were obtained by “fairytale” gnomes, with whom Zeus knew how to negotiate, as well as with the underground titans. Of course, most modern people perceive this with a smile, as a myth, but some evidence suggests that, in parallel with “homo sapiens,” apparently some other creatures live in underground cavities of natural and man-made origin.
From the literature we know about a “fantastic” incident that took place in August 1945 during the offensive operation of Soviet troops against the Kwantung Army. Its reliability, we emphasize, has not been documented. The Soviet fighter pilot (his name is Vasily Egorov) was shot down by the Japanese, but he managed to leave the plane and parachute into a small grove. According to Vasily himself, he hid in the bushes and fell asleep. Egorov woke up with a strange sensation - his arms and legs did not obey. Raising his head, he saw that his torso was wrapped in some kind of translucent tape.
The pilot, according to him, discovered some creatures near him that could have been mistaken for small monkeys, if not for the clothes and knives in his hands. According to the pilot, they were people, but very small - their height did not exceed 45 centimeters. The sounds they made were reminiscent of birds chirping. The pilot was forced to spend more than 13 years in the underground labyrinth of these little men who called themselves Hanyangs. Egorov returned to the people in the spring of 1959. One day, after a thunderstorm, he found himself on the surface and was discovered by Mongol herders.
The investigation into the circumstances of his disappearance did not yield any results - no one wanted to take Egorov’s stories about dwarfs seriously. The case materials were kept secret just in case. But during an X-ray of the pilot’s skull, a strange dense formation was discovered in the occipital region. It turned out that Egorov underwent craniotomy around 1945.
Of course, information about this case can be considered as an invention of journalists of the “yellow press”, greedy for sensations, but what about the fact that such a pilot, a holder of a military order, actually lived after the war in the south of the Voronezh region? And how to explain the phenomenon of the Vlasov labyrinth in the area of ​​the village of Vlasovka, Gribanovsky district in the same Voronezh region? An underground labyrinth discovered by archaeologists could only be used by dwarf people...
It is known that on Earth, with a cycle of about 5 thousand years (sometimes 2.5 thousand), humanity changes the way it eats. More than 5 thousand years ago, humanity practically did not eat animal meat, just as monks, priests and many residents of Tibet, the Himalayas, India and a number of other places on the planet do not eat it today. People then consumed mineral foods in significant quantities in combination with plant foods. Minerals used in food, having a long lifespan, had a positive effect on human lifespan.
This is also important for military affairs. After all, one of the problems of military campaigns is often the food supply of fighters, especially during long marches in sparsely populated areas of the Earth. Underestimation of this problem has more than once led to military failure. For example, it is known that the Persian king Darius I (550 - 486 BC) lost a significant part of his army due to hunger during his campaign in Scythia. He left the Scythian lands without achieving his goal and leaving eight fortresses in the area of ​​modern Penza unfinished. Another commander - Alexander the Great - in the 4th century. BC. also suffered losses due to hunger, returning from a campaign in India through sparsely populated areas of Asia.
I assume that current quartermasters have heard little about mineral food, but it can be useful to military reconnaissance officers and special forces units.
Famous travelers and hunters of past centuries used zeolitized earths, which have healing properties, as dietary supplements. These same lands are used by animals. There are known cases when monks, retiring for meditation in caves for a month or more, ate only zeolitized clay, which they took from the walls of the cave, like Buddha (zeolites is a geological term, from the Greek zeo - boiling and lithos - stone; that’s what they were called from -for the ability to swell when heated - Ed.).

“You are welcome, come in so that I can treat you.
Having said this, the goddess set the table in front of the guest,
Full of ambrosia; I mixed the crimson nectar for him.”

Homer. "Odyssey".

In Russia, mineral food is still consumed in the Altai region near the Katun and Akkem rivers and further up to Chukotka. This white clay feels oily to the touch. It makes the water white and sweet. The author of the book “Pacific Diary” Boris Lapin wrote that in 1928, at the suggestion of the Chukchi, he tasted a special food land. The earth tastes oily, disintegrates in the mouth, becomes soft like jelly.
By the way, the name Belovodye (White Waters) probably comes from the fact that in these places, during spring floods and heavy rains, the rivers became white like milk from the waters running down from the mountains (the epic “milk rivers”). These mountains are still rich in zeolitized white clays.
In the old days, earth from the bank of the Katun River, as a valuable mineral, was transported on carts to the steppe, where it was exchanged for bread, and in the spring, when supplies ran out, local residents also ate it. Eating edible clay relieved stomach pains, headaches, and gave people strength.
Currently, various types of edible mineral earth are known. Scientists called the use of earth as food geophagy (“earth eating”). It has been established that kaolin present in clay helps in treating the stomach. The ancient Greeks treated stomach colic and heart disease by including edible soil consecrated by the priests in their diet.
There is still a lot of knowledge that can help people survive during natural and social disasters, in extreme situations, but, alas, modern man has acquired the habit of believing in the omnipotence of technological progress and modern pharmaceuticals. And only when he finds himself far from civilization in an extreme situation, face to face with wild nature, does a person begin to look at the world differently.

Every nation has its own myths about what exactly “divine food” should be. Interestingly, however, it all comes down to literally a few types of products. Most of them are well known and available today. For example, this is wild honey, pomegranates, and some varieties of apples. Wormwood juice, wormwood itself, and pepper are also mentioned. Ambrosia was also presented as the sweetest barley porridge with honey, olives and fruits.
There is no complete clarity regarding the composition of nectar. Perhaps it is a mixture of fruit and berry juices. Some locusts were also used as food. It is possible that these are locusts or some other edible insects. True, there is a version that locusts were the name given to the buds of shrubs growing in the Middle East. To this we must add that the gods of Olympus used mountain and spring water as a drink. This is the secret of the immortality of the celestials of ancient myths.
In general, in botany, ambrosia (lat. Ambrosia) is a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, the pollen of which is a strong allergen. There are 40 species, distributed mainly in America.
* * *
British scientists from the Institute of Food Research in 2006 came to the conclusion that apples can extend a person’s life by 17 years and contribute to the rejuvenation of the body. Researchers have discovered the polyphenol epicatechin in apples, a complex element that improves blood circulation, increases the level of immune system protection and rejuvenates the heart. It reduces the process of hardening of the walls of blood vessels, which is one of the main reasons for creating the risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. The most significant concentration of the polyphenol epicatechin is found in wild apples.
Since ancient times, apples have been known for their beneficial properties, for example, for rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema and other skin diseases. They help strengthen vision, skin, hair and nails. In addition, this fruit contains substances that help the body better absorb iron from other foods.
* * *
Knowledge about mineral and plant foods, some futurologists believe, may in the near future help humanity survive. Of course, I wish such dark times would never come, but...
The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, speaking about signs of negative changes on the planet, warned: “The bees will disappear first.” Albert Einstein said something similar, allegedly warning that the disappearance of bees threatens the extinction of humanity. According to the words attributed to him, if the bees disappear, then in four years people will cease to exist.
Vanga's prediction about bees was initially treated with skepticism. They say, where will they, buzzing and stinging, go... However, in our decade, problems with beekeeping in Europe forced us to remember her prophecy. It turned out that the bee population in Europe and America is rapidly declining. In recent years, entire families of bees have left their hives, leaving behind both supplies and their offspring. This insect behavior was named Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) by scientists. The United States has already lost up to 80 percent of its bee population, and in different European countries this figure ranges from 40 to 60 percent.
Bees, let us explain, contribute to the reproduction of up to 80 percent of plants. The absence of bees makes it impossible to grow large quantities of cereals, vegetables, fruits, i.e. threatens the food supply of humanity. About a third of human food comes from plants that grow only through pollination by these insects.
There are several reasons for the decline in the number of bees - the spread of bee diseases (for example, the Israeli acute paralysis virus), and pesticides, and the emergence of genetically modified crops, and the impact of electromagnetic radiation, including from millions of mobile phones. According to some experts, it is electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency that leads to the disappearance of bees. We are talking about the widespread use in the West of “third generation” mobile communication systems with an operating frequency in the range
2 gigahertz (somewhere within this range there may be a “bee death wave”).


(Ambrosia) - (Greek ambrosia), (lit. "immortal"), food and fragrant rubbing of the gods. Ambrosia, together with nectar (“drink of the gods”) gives the gods immortality and eternal youth. Also food for the horses of the gods. Allegorically: eating nectar and ambrosia means experiencing bliss. Tantalus stole ambrosia from the feasts of the Olympians; Thetis rubbed ambrosia on her son Achilles, wanting to make him immortal; Eos did the same with her husband Typhon, but both were to no avail. To fight off the stench of seals, Menelaus smeared his nostrils with ambrosia before meeting the seal shepherd Proteus. With the help of ambrosia, Thetis preserved the body of Patroclus from decay.

Myths of Ancient Greece, dictionary-reference book. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what AMBROSIA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • AMBROSIA in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , genus of plants of the family. Asteraceae. Includes approx. 40 species of annual and perennial herbs. Homeland - America. In Russia (southern and...
  • AMBROSIA in the Concise Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities:
    (ambrosia, ?????????). The food of the gods, like nectar is the drink of the gods. Ambrosia and nectar support immortality and eternal youth...
    AMBROSIA (ambrosia, “immortal”) in the myths of the ancient Greeks, food and fragrant anointing of the Olympian gods; supports their immortality and eternal youth (the same...
  • AMBROSIA in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    ambrosia (lit. "immortal"), in Greek mythology the food and fragrant ointment of the Olympian gods; maintains their immortality and eternal youth (this is...
  • AMBROSIA in Medical terms:
    (ambrosia) genus of plants from the family. Compositae, the pollen of which is a strong allergen that causes hay fever; classified as quarantine...
  • AMBROSIA in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    in Greek mythology - the food of the Olympian gods, which preserved them eternal youth and...
  • AMBROSIA in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    in botany - 1) deposits of the mycelium of some marsupial fungi, lining passages in wood in which the larvae of bark beetles live, feeding on this ...
  • AMBROSIA in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (ambrose) (Greek ambrosia, literally - immortality), in Greek mythology, food and fragrant ointment of the Olympian gods. Ambrosia, like nectar (drink...
  • AMBROSIA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I and, pl. no, w. In ancient Greek mythology: the food of the gods, which gave them eternal youth and immortality.||Cf. NECTAR. II and...
  • AMBROSIA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, w. In Greek mythology: food...
    AMBROSIA (botanical), deposits of the mycelium of certain marsupial fungi, lining passages in wood, in which live the larvae of bark beetles, feeding on this mycelium. Genus …
  • AMBROSIA in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    AMBROSIA (ambrosia) (Greek ambrosia), in Greek. mythology "food of the gods". A. together with nectar (“drink of the gods”) give the gods immortality and eternal…
  • AMBROSIA in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ambrosia, ...
  • AMBROSIA in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Food of the gods (according to...
  • AMBROSIA in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    I. (gr. ambrosia) 1) in ancient Greek mythology - the food of the gods, which gave them eternal youth and immortality; fragrant rubbing of the gods; ...
  • AMBROSIA in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    ambrosia, dish, food, ...
  • AMBROSIA in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. 1) Food of the gods, which gave them eternal youth and immortality (in ancient Greek mythology). 2) transfer outdated Delicious, gourmet food. ...
  • AMBROSIA in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ambrosia, ...
  • AMBROSIA in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • AMBROSIA in the Spelling Dictionary:
    ambrosia, ...
  • AMBROSIA in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    In Greek mythology: food...
  • AMBROSIA in Dahl's Dictionary:
    AMVROSIA female , Greek fabulous food of the gods; talk about delicious food. | The generic name of odorous plants...

Ambrosia is divided into three types: perennial, wormwood and tripartite. Ambrosia is found in many countries around the world. On the territory of Russia, the plant is represented by two species: tripartite and wormwood. All species are recognized as weeds and quarantine species.

Why is this plant dangerous? First of all, by the fact that, while developing powerfully in both the above-ground and underground parts, it strongly suppresses. In addition, it can greatly dry out the soil, consuming a lot of water. It also literally pulls out all the minerals from the fertile layer, leaving nothing for other plants. This is why ragweed is so dangerous in fields with grains, row crops and legumes. Quickly outgrowing rye, wheat, and other crops, it “kills” them, reducing or even completely reducing the yield to zero. Ambrosia is dangerous even for such a powerful plant as sunflower.

“Food of the gods” is also not suitable as animal feed. Its leaves contain bitter essential oils; the quality of hay and feed contaminated with ragweed is noticeably reduced.

Ambrosia also poses a danger to human health. The pollen of this plant causes ragweed hay fever, which is why some people are even forced to change their place of residence to areas where ragweed is less common. Harmful pollen is released by the plant in huge quantities; the grass itself can reach two to three meters in height; the flowering period stretches for several months - from May to September. Children often suffer from allergies to plant pollen, and there have even been cases of death.

In various countries, methods to combat ragweed are being developed at the government level. Biologists are working on this problem; special teams of people are combing the area in order to detect and destroy thickets of this plant. In Switzerland, for example, anyone who suddenly sees even one ragweed bush must immediately report it to the local environmental service. And in Berlin, local residents manually destroy every weed bush, having already gotten rid of several million plants. Italy, France and Hungary, alas, have already lost in the fight against ragweed.

In Russia, a number of chemicals are used to combat this weed. Effective agrotechnical techniques are also used: crops are alternated in a special way in crop rotation, soil cultivation is carried out, crops are taken care of, and “fallow” fields are created.

Ambrosia seeds can withstand the most unfavorable conditions and can be distributed to remote areas in such ways as delivery with grain, hay or straw, seed processing waste, mixed feed, seedlings, etc.

Considering all the above characteristics, in modern realities, alas, it is difficult to call ambrosia “food of the gods”; the definition “dust of the devil” is more suitable for it.


First, ragweed dries up the soil. Imagine: the root of this plant is capable of penetrating deep into the soil as much as 4 meters! And the plant itself can reach human height - 180 centimeters or more. As this weed develops, it naturally suppresses all other nearby crops.

Ambrosia can also shade cultivated plants. After all, with its foliage it covers them from the light that they so need.

And finally, ragweed can cause allergies in humans. Allergists consider plant pollen to be one of the most aggressive allergens, which can even cause asthma. No other weeds have such a wide range of effects of pollen on human mucous membranes and skin.


  • "7dach"

Tip 3: Ambrosia grass: what is it and what harm does it cause?

The word "ambrosia" is translated from ancient Greek as "food of the gods." It is often found in the myths of Ancient Hellas. In the 18th century, the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus named one of the North American plants ambrosia.

Ambrosia - what kind of plant is this?

Today, ambrosia can be found on all continents of the Earth. This is one of the most common and harmful weeds. There are three types of ragweed: perennial, tripartite and wormwood. All of them pose a huge threat to agriculture. Why is this weed so dangerous?

Ambrosia greatly dries out the soil. Artemisia ragweed is especially dangerous in this regard. It consumes several times more water than all cultivated plants. The powerful root system of ragweed prevents wheat and peas from germinating, which can lead to the loss of the entire crop. In addition to water, the weed pulls from the soil all the microelements necessary for useful plants. As a result, the soil becomes “poorer” and loses fertility, and ambrosia develops and can reach up to three meters in height.

Harm of ragweed to humans

Ambrosia negatively affects not only the soil and crops, but also human health. Like any weed, ragweed actively reproduces with the help of seeds and pollen, which it throws into the air in huge quantities. One plant can produce up to 100 thousand seeds per year and maintain such indicators for 40 years. This pollen is a strong allergen for many people. Some are even forced to move to other areas due to the ragweed invasion. For children it can be fatal.

The dangerous weed has also entered Germany. Biologists are sounding the alarm. Expeditions are being organized to destroy ambrosia. So far, the “captured” areas are negligible, but do not forget about the insidious ability of this plant to pull all trace elements from the soil and actively reproduce. With the proper approach, there is every chance of weeding out all the weeds and eliminating the threat.

Fighting ragweed

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of ragweed in a certain place than to eliminate the consequences. To do this, carefully check all the seeds that are going to be sown. The collected ragweed is transported away from highways and large cities to avoid the possibility of the weed entering their territory.

Chemicals are often used to control ragweed. To use them effectively, it is necessary to use the rules regarding permitted pesticides in the territory of a particular state. However, the simplest and most practical way to clear the soil of ragweed seeds remains a fallow field. After this procedure, up to 80% of the seeds are destroyed.

Ancient tales, myths, and legends of many peoples of the world report real historical and other events of that time. The legends of ancient Greece also report on historically existing heroes and events of the period of the 15th-17th centuries. BC. They contain an interesting message that the rulers of Olympus ate ambrosia and drank nectar, which were the food of the gods. This food gave strength and eternal youth. Thanks to the consumption of such food, the god - King Zeus - lived a long and stormy life in health. He was buried on the northern African coast in the El Akhdar mountains. At the peak 876 m, opposite the island of Crete. His father, the god Kron, is buried on Bely Island near Yamal. In those days, to maintain health, there were healing springs, rejuvenating apples and other fruits and plants that had great healing powers were grown.

It can be assumed that in ancient millennia these divine and magical substances were kept secret from other peoples and states of the world, since they are not mentioned in the legends of other peoples. From Greek sources it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, the place, method of obtaining (harvesting) and using them.

For modern science, these substances remain unknown and are perceived as a beautiful invention, fantasy. At the same time, it is known that many secular and spiritual rulers, rulers of nations throughout the millennia have made great efforts to search for these and similar substances. Both in the past and now, many countries send scientific expeditions to different places on the planet to search for forgotten knowledge and minerals. The most attractive places in obtaining this knowledge are the Himalayas, Tibet, northern Russia, Siberia, South America, and Africa.

It is not for nothing that foreign intelligence services, religions, and scientists have long turned their attention to these places. Recently, a Russian expedition led by Academician E.R. also visited the Himalayas and Tibet. Muldasheva, who received some very interesting information and knowledge there. This expedition was shown sources of living and dead water and given the water itself (see article “New about living and dead water”). However, divine ambrosia and nectar remain inaccessible to people. Nowadays, this problem occupies the minds of inquisitive researchers in many countries around the world. Our long-term research has revealed that the gods of Olympus were brought ambrosia and nectar from Africa, where they were mined in underground deposits. Similar deposits exist in a number of places on the planet, including not only in Africa, but also in Antarctica, China, Japan, Cuba, the former USSR, etc. Preliminary information about these substances has been obtained.

Ambrosia has a crystalline appearance, light in color among the black rocks. Its color in different deposits has some differences in tone. This is due to the difference in the types of rocks themselves available at the deposits.

Nectar is found in the form of growths (stalactites), formed from the flow of thick oily juice from dark rocks of the earth. They have a yellowish-orange color. In different deposits there are purple and other shades of the main color. The growth of these stalactites occurs in the spring and summer during the secretion of sap. In some large deposits there are adits - caves - with a total length of several tens and hundreds of kilometers. The extraction of these minerals was carried out 1.5 thousand years ago BC.

It is possible that in some places the extraction of ambrosia and nectar was carried out by gnomes, with whom Zeus knew how to negotiate, as well as with the underground titans. Deposits of ambrosia and nectar are associated with mountain building and are located at the base of the mountains.

According to ancient Indian knowledge, mountains on Earth are born, grow, age and collapse like plants. They have a root reproduction system on the planet. Geological science knows this. There are young - growing and old - collapsing mountains. They have their own internal “gene” structure and life activity system with the circulation of energy flows and liquids in different directions with the processes of their interaction and transformation. Mountains are like a biological object whose life spans many millennia and millions of years. This can be seen in aerial photographs as a system of arrangement and growth of mountains.

It can be assumed that inside the mountains, at their roots, various products of their vital activity, valuable also for humans, can be produced and deposited, including ambrosia and nectar. It is possible that our geologists, speleologists, and miners encountered similar minerals, but did not pay attention to them, since they had no information about them. But birds and animals intuitively could find them after they were carried by rising currents of water to the surface of the earth.

It is known that with the onset of spring, before mating games, birds and animals sought out and ate energy-rich minerals, including zeolitized earth and clay. It is believed that ambrosia and nectar were brought to the gods of Olympus by birds, in whose stomachs people found these minerals, and then used their samples to look for these deposits. In terms of the magnitude of their vital energy, ambrosia and nectar surpass all nutritious minerals and liquids on earth.

Preliminary data obtained by calculation indicate that the minerals ambrosia and nectar have a large energy shell and vitality around them. Her internal multi-layered part of the aura is strongly elongated towards the center of the earth. It is known that all elements of the periodic table of chemicals have different interactions with the Earth (strong, weak, neutral, weak and strongly opposite). Various interactions also exist between all bodies in nature. Given that these substances in question are solid minerals, the methods of preparing and consuming them as food were likely to differ from modern technology.

It is known that on earth, with a cycle of about 5 thousand years (sometimes 2.5), humanity changes its way of eating. More than 5 thousand years ago, humanity practically did not eat animal meat, just as monks, priests and many residents of Tibet, the Himalayas, India and other places on the planet do not eat it today. People consumed mineral foods in significant quantities in combination with plant foods. Minerals, having a long life expectancy, used in food, had a positive effect on human life expectancy.

It is believed that during the life of the gods of Olympus, people knew how to soften all types of stones, including ambrosia with nectar, transforming them into the desired state and quality. In the 20th century in South America there were still jewelers who possessed the secret of softening stones, passed down from their ancestors.
It is possible that they spied this secret from the bird hakaklyu, which translated means “the one who drills the stone.” These birds hollow out deep cavities for nests in stone rocks. To do this, the birds first soften the stone with the juice of rare herbs. Nowadays, many people in different countries, including the USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, and India, are searching for divine, healing and other mineral food (geophages).

Numerous journals are published in foreign countries, on the pages of which scientific research works are published and discussed, international conferences of scientists are held, maps of known and suspected deposits of geophages are compiled, incl. zeolites and zeolitized earths. Numerous species of geophagus are now used by the West African food industry, people and religions, as well as by the Catholic Church in South America, adding it to parishioners' breads.

It is possible that ambrosia and nectar on the American and other continents will be somewhat different in external characteristics from those on which the gods of Olympus ate, but their energy component and the vital force present in them will be similar.

Living conditions on Earth are constantly changing, and sometimes very quickly due to global floods, fires, the onset of cold weather, permafrost, glaciation, the advance of seas and oceans onto land, which leads to great migrations of people around the planet. People should think about the problem of nutrition not only to prolong life, but also to survive.

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, in her prophetic predictions, reported that “the time will come when various plants, vegetables, animals and some other things will disappear from the face of the Earth, primarily onions, garlic, peppers. Then it will be the bees’ turn. In Canada, beekeepers will not be able to get buckwheat honey from a genetically bred new variety of buckwheat, in which there is nothing for the bee to take.” Mineral food deposits are reliable sources of vital energy for humans in the near future.

It is already required today to carry out geological exploration work on the proposed deposits of ambrosia, nectar, zeolites, zeolitized lands, as well as drawing up the necessary maps for their deposits. The areas of proposed deposits are known.