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The meaning of the name Tamil is the tenderness of a mountain dove. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the Tamil name

The meaning of the name Tamil is languid (Old Slavonic). Parents should prepare to raise an emotional child; the girl reacts violently to any events and painfully endures criticism and failures. Studying the meaning of the name Tamil for a girl, we can conclude that parents should not spoil the baby too much, even at an early age. It is necessary to patiently explain that any problem can be solved, close people will help you find a way out of any situation. If you pay attention to all the whims, the girl will grow up to be a real egoist, who will find it very difficult to adapt to an independent adult life.

An impressionable girl absorbs everything like a sponge; parents must become an authority for her; for this, it is necessary to find time to communicate with the child every day, even if they are overly busy. Under no circumstances should a child witness family conflicts; at an early age, ideas about the relationship between a man and a woman are formed. Regular visits to theaters, museums and exhibitions are important; this has a positive effect on the emotional state of children and develops the creative abilities that nature has generously rewarded the baby with. In addition, the meaning of the name Tamil for a child is associated with naivety and gullibility; even in childhood, these qualities can be used by peers; parents should teach them to understand people. A melodic female name is easy to remember and harmoniously combines with the surname and patronymic.

As the girl grows up, she develops positive qualities: she learns to control her emotions and find a common language with representatives of different age categories. The opinion of loved ones matters; he strives to become the pride of the family. At school he shows talent in literature and studies foreign languages. Enjoys attending art school and other creative clubs. He refrains from participating in sports competitions and concerts. Attaches importance to criticism of achievements; this is a serious obstacle to the development of abilities. Close people should encourage you to achieve your goals and not allow you to be lazy.

Calmness is a trait with which the interpretation of a young woman’s name is inextricably linked; not a trace remains of children’s whims. A strong personality does not give in to emotions when it is necessary to make serious decisions, and realistically assesses the situation. He independently finds a way out of any life situations, prefers to learn from his own mistakes. He is interested in omens and fortune-telling, knows how to interpret dreams, and sincerely believes in signs of fate. He likes to dream in a calm environment; this is the best way of relaxation for an impressionable person.


Natural beauty and graceful gait attract members of the opposite sex like a magnet. She begins to pay attention to men quite early, believes in fairy tales about true love, parents should be attentive to their daughter’s hobbies. The wardrobe is of particular importance, giving preference to seductive outfits that cannot be ignored. She is jealous of the attentions shown to other women in her presence, which means that she is used to being a “queen.”

With age, she becomes picky when choosing partners; it is not easy to win the affection of a beautiful woman; she knows her worth, is accustomed to beautiful courtship, and does not tolerate monotony. The chosen one should be generous and not skimp on gifts and entertainment. She is in no hurry to get married; she tries to enjoy her freedom as much as possible.


When choosing a spouse, he shows wisdom that does not correspond to his age: the chosen one must be educated and wealthy. Equality reigns in the family; controversial issues are resolved peacefully. A good housewife fills the house with comfort. This means that Tamila never ceases to delight her family and guests with culinary delights and enjoys organizing festive events. There are a lot of flowers in the house, and he definitely has pets. What matters is the reaction of guests to the interior design, original dishes, compliments - a source of inspiration for an impressionable person.

She belongs to the category of mothers who allow their children absolutely everything and spend all their free time with them. Pays due attention to raising the child. Without exaggeration, the family can be given the status of exemplary.

Business and career

He can confidently realize his abilities in various fields of activity. Rich imagination and kindness are irreplaceable qualities for a teacher, a nurse, or a teacher. Sociability and the ability to react quickly allow you to achieve success in the field of tourism and trade. She is not afraid of difficulties, which means she is ready to do anything to achieve her goal. Organizational skills and communication skills allow you to quickly become a leader and create a friendly working atmosphere in the team. He works hard, but without fanaticism, family always comes first. If parents paid attention to the development of creative abilities, he may become a famous designer.

Origin of the name Tamil

As a rule, the origin of the name Tamil is of interest to believing parents who seek to avoid difficulties in the baptism process. It is very important to know whose name the child will bear; its owners can become an authority; history contains enough information about bright personalities and where they came from. A happy fate awaits the girl; the secret of the name lies in luck, which accompanies the owner all her life. Etymology gives a clear definition - “languid” of Slavic origin.

Characteristics of the name Tamil

The characteristic of the name Tamil is pleasantly surprising; throughout her entire life, a receptive nature works on her own shortcomings. Character does not prevent rapid advancement up the career ladder; pros and cons appear depending on the circumstances. Much depends on upbringing; it is very important to teach a girl to take care of loved ones and control emotions. A purposeful, self-confident person will achieve a worthy position in society and create a strong, happy family.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone amber, carnelian.
  • Name days are not in the calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.

Famous people

  • Tamila Sagaipova – singer;
  • Tamila Polezhaeva – entrepreneur;
  • Tamila Evdokimova is a gymnastics coach.

In different languages

The Slavic translation of the name Tamil is “languid.” The question often arises of how it is translated and how it will sound in foreign languages; writing and pronunciation in Japanese, in Chinese 塔蜜拉, Tǎ mì lǎ is of particular interest.

Name forms

  • Full name: Tamila.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Tama, Toma, Mila, Tamusya, Tomochka, Tamilonka, Tamochka, Tamunya, Tamulya, Tomonka, Tomka, Tomunya, Tomulya, Tamilochka, Tamonka, Omilonka,
  • Declension of the name – Tamiloy, Tamilu, Tamile.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Tamil.


The name Tamila is of Slavic origin. According to etymologists, it came from an old Russian verb that sounded like “tomiti”, and was interpreted as “to languish” or “to torment”, or even “to torment”. The very name Tamila is literally interpreted as “languid” or “tormentor”.

The female name Tamila is quite rare today - it is considered one of the rarest modern names. It has a meaning that has strong and influential energy, can have a direct impact on the child’s personality structure and character, and also has good compatibility with many male names...

Popularity: Today the name Tamila is not even included in the top hundred most popular female names. Belongs to the category of the most rare, outdated and forgotten names.

Conversational options: Toma, Tamil

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Tamila is interpreted differently in different cultures. We generally believe that it has strong energy that can directly influence the personality and character of the girl named in this way.

According to most experts, it can endow the bearer with such character traits as impulsiveness, receptivity, emotionality, activity and energy, sociability and friendliness, good nature and integrity, cheerfulness and optimism, loyalty and reliability. Although the above does not appear immediately, but only as one grows up - with the transition to each new stage of life, something new is added...

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of this name is that they are always very emotional and energetic girls, who never sit still and try to bring as much real benefit to those around them as possible.

Tamil has a bad attitude towards boring and tedious people, loners and secretive individuals. Also, women with the name Tamil hate men who behave too self-confidently and arrogantly.

The name Tamila was never particularly popular, and yet it was quite common in the 90s.

Character of the name Tamil

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of a woman named Tamil will be in adulthood. But based on the previously mentioned factors, we can say for sure that this will be the character of an honest, devoted, popular, sociable, sociable and very friendly girl. The very energy of this name instills in the bearer a sense of responsibility, a sense of justice, as well as kindness and goodwill.

You will never have to expect a trick from a girl like Tamila. She will never betray a loved one or even just an acquaintance, will not allow herself to take advantage of someone else’s weakness in order to achieve any of her own goals, and will not fail in terms of trust. Moreover, this is usually a person with a character that will not allow her to ignore someone’s misfortune, pass by an unjustly offended person, or remain silent in response to a call for help. Tamila is a person with a capital P, a woman capable of such actions that not even every man is capable of.

But there is one “but” - all Tamils, without exception, are too selfish. Although no, even this is not the main disadvantage - the main disadvantage is the exorbitant desire to criticize everyone around. For example, she will help a person, try to help, help out, but then criticize him for his own weaknesses.

Early childhood

The meaning of the name gives a Tamil child such traits as emotionality and jealousy, activity and restlessness, mobility and curiosity, receptivity and arrogance.

This child is always on the move, cannot sit, is always busy with something, and comes up with things to do where there are actually none. She loves when people pay attention to her, cannot live without it - she craves for every action to be appreciated by her family and people around her, she loves to be surrounded by attention, admiration and compliments. And the worst thing is that this trait will remain with her for the rest of her life - even as an adult lady, she will in every possible way beg for attention, behave provocatively, and do everything in order to become popular in society.

She is also emotional - she reacts sharply to everything that happens around her, in response to fun she has so much fun that it makes her head spin, and she reacts to criticism with tears and rudeness. This will be the case during adolescence.

She doesn’t like being ignored - she demands attention from her mother that she cannot give at all, and she doesn’t leave her father alone. She is friendly with children, sociable, but often quarrels, and all for the above reasons. But from an early age there is kindness and justice in her, and moreover, she does not tolerate the opposite, and is always ready to come to the defense of the weak and offended - this is the influence of the patron planet.


Conflict, adherence to principles, selfishness, impracticality, secrecy, distrust, friendliness, rudeness and assertiveness, persistence - all this will manifest itself in school years, and thanks not only to the significance of the name, but also under the influence of astrological symbolism, the zodiac sign and the year according to the Chinese horoscope.

Tamila will conflict with her peers quite often, which will begin to alienate everyone without exception. But everyone runs to her for help with anything, because they know that she will not refuse and is ready to listen to a person and help him with advice.

Everything is not easy in her studies - she is a capable student, talented, but lazy and cannot always concentrate on the right thing. And she also needs to be attracted and interested, because a subject that does not interest her will not be studied as the teachers require. And it is important that the teacher shows interest in her person - if ignored, she will “spit” on the lesson and will ignore him in response.

Adult woman

An adult woman named Tamila is an egoist by nature and character, a person who loves to criticize, but at the same time appeals to universal love.

She does not know how to accept people as they are, she finds flaws in everyone, and can easily offend or be rude. It is difficult to get along with such a woman, even for a patient and compliant man, although she herself is a responsible and reliable lady, an exemplary wife and mother, who never indulges in infidelity or deception of a loved one.

By the way, depending on the time of year of birth, someone else may grow up - for example, soft and flexible, but still the same critic and selfish. However, there are exceptions. It all depends on the environment in which the girl will be raised...

Interaction of Tamil character with the seasons

Spring - a girl named Tamila, who was born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring, is usually the owner of an unpredictable, but positive and optimistic character. It should have friendliness, goodwill, sociability, and much more. This kind of person will never betray a friend or simple acquaintance; she lives exclusively in accordance with high moral principles.

Summer - the three summer months usually give birth to a shy and self-conscious girl by origin of soul and nature. But this will be a girl with an attractive appearance, who is popular with the opposite sex. Interesting and versatile, but uncommunicative and demanding. It is unlikely that she will be endowed with the ability to distinguish between people, and this is her main disadvantage - she is easy to deceive...

Autumn - an autumn girl has good compatibility with representatives of the stronger sex of different types, but her character is too strongly dependent on her zodiac sign. So. One born in the middle of the season may turn out to be withdrawn and uncommunicative, while one born at the end of Autumn may be rampant with moral stability, determination, prudence and cheerfulness. It is quite difficult to predict the character of an autumn lady.

Winter - and the winter season in most cases brings a Tamil girl with such traits as prudence, prudence, diplomacy, tact, delicacy, dreaminess, goodwill and impressionability. She is a strong person, a successful lady, who has an incredibly high chance of her own quick and vibrant self-realization. But starting a family with someone like that is actually very, very difficult...

Fate of the name Tamil

How should the fate of the bearer of the name Tamil develop in love, in relationships with members of the opposite sex, and in her personal life in general? Well, the question is clear, but very complex, and it is quite difficult to answer. The only thing that can be said right away is that Tamila is always a very popular person in society, a person in demand in society, and therefore very popular among members of the opposite sex.

In general, since her school years, Tamila should have been popular with guys. She will have more than enough attention from guys. But as far as relationships are concerned, not every guy will risk approaching Tamil with them. Firstly, the guys themselves are now fearful. And secondly, only a guy who is too stupid or too self-confident can not be afraid of a girl like Tamila. After all, she will always find something to criticize for, she will always find something to hurt a person, and definitely someday, but she will hurt, not in the physical, but rather in the moral sense.

But for the guy who achieves her, she can become a good girl, a devoted friend, a comrade, a teacher, a tipster, and a like-minded person. Tamils ​​are usually girls whose personal life and love are closely intertwined with friendship and mutual respect - and this is worth a lot, isn’t it?

Love and marriage

Tamila is an incredibly beautiful and spectacular lady with exquisite charm, who never stops being attracted to gentlemen. However, at the same time, she is a critical and somewhat selfish woman, accustomed, first of all, to see in her fans not their merits, but their shortcomings. Not every man will seriously decide to try to win this prickly girl. However, deep down, Tamila is a dreamy and romantic girl who believes in fairy tales and dreams of true love. She will only pay attention to a man with refined manners and an amazing ability to look after beautifully.

For a man who has managed to accept her complex character, Tamila can become a reliable support, a wife who will always support and help. Her husband must be an intelligent and wealthy man. Despite her pronounced leadership qualities, Tamila prefers equal rights in family relationships, when spouses make decisions mutually and do not put pressure on each other. And most importantly, she will sincerely respect and appreciate her beloved husband and will never cheat on him. It is also very important for her that trust and understanding reign in her relationship with her husband; for this, she works very hard every day on her emotions and character.

Tamila is a very attentive wife and simply a delightful hostess; with amazing ease she creates such a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in her family nest that every family member will feel like in heaven. Tamila loves to cook and welcome guests. Her success in cooking is incredible, and the house is always clean and in perfect order.

Tamila as Mother

Tamila is an amazing woman who is greatly changed by a happy marriage. The appearance of a child in the family only further helps to reveal her amazing character. This suggests that she is likely to be a very good mother.

In relation to her children, she can forget about rigor and exactingness, allowing them to do almost anything. Because of this, they can grow up to be overly spoiled children. Her boundless love should not allow children to twist ropes out of her, so she should immediately radically change her behavior towards children and become somewhat stricter and more demanding.

Tamila prefers to raise her kids on her own and devotes a lot of time to this. She supports the concept of learning through play. She can put on a doctor's costume and try on the role of a hairdresser. Children grow up inquisitive and smart. They are very attached to their mother and will always respect her.

Tamil Horoscope


Aries - a girl born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, and named after Tamila, is the owner of a complex and unpredictable character. She is cheerful and friendly, easy to make contact with, but can flare up at any moment without good reason and be rude to others.


Taurus is devoted and faithful, always in a good mood, will never betray or deceive, and is an excellent friend and comrade. She has many friends, and they are all carefully selected. Has good compatibility with representatives of the male half of different types. Sociable.


Gemini is this representative of the female half of humanity, receiving the name Tamila. May acquire such traits as inconstancy, instability, unreliability and lack of performance. But she is pleasant to talk to, and also an optimist and simply a cheerful person.


Cancer is shy and fearful, afraid to make responsible decisions, uncommunicative and uncommunicative. She is too insecure by origin of soul and nature, but she does everything to change. Her soulmate should be a brave, decisive and self-confident man.


Leo - the meaning of this zodiac sign named Tamila is bestowed with a bright appearance, selfishness and an endless race for leadership. She wants to be a leader and dominate, but rarely can afford it. What prevents you from achieving success in your career is laziness and the inability to be responsible.


Virgo is an interesting, versatile personality, knows how to attract attention, and easily supports any topic of conversation. The only problem is that he is demanding of himself and others - he does not know how to accept people as they are, and he always criticizes himself.


Libra - and here, a girl named Tamila, being protected by this zodiac, will turn out to be smart and talented, purposeful and sociable. He is a psychologist by nature, a person who is ready to listen and help with advice. But she won’t tell anyone about her experiences - she’s secretive.


Scorpio is unsociable. Uncommunicative, prefers spending time alone, or in the company of those closest to you. Not a leader, not a manager, just a lonely person yearning for understanding and love. With this one you can easily build serious and strong family relationships.


Sagittarius is a sociable and cheerful lady, friendly, good-natured, respectable, easily making contact and not going into conflict even where this could well be the case. Hates quarrels, deceitful people, flattery and self-interest. Needs a calm and reliable husband.


Capricorn - and here, the girl who received the name Tamila is a sensible, serious, prudent, thoughtful, hardworking and purposeful careerist. For this person, the main thing is self-realization and development in material terms. Doesn't want to be controlled or dependent.


Aquarius is diplomatic, open, friendly and eloquent, impressionable and sociable. She is easily moved or brought to tears, she takes everything seriously, and is unable to control her emotions. The mood is changeable, it can be cheerful and a minute later sad.


Pisces is a sign of a creative, romantic, impressionable and receptive girl who hates arrogance, superficiality, isolation and pessimism. Only a cheerful and optimistic person in life can become her husband. She herself will become an exemplary wife and an exemplary mother.

Compatibility with male names

The compatibility of names, both female and male, is a rather complex issue, and the same goes for the name Tamil. But astrologers were still able to make a theoretical forecast of compatibility. In their opinion, she will be the best paired with men named such variations as Renat, Maxim, Gleb, Joseph, Andrey, Alexander, Dmitry and Rodion. In theory, mutual understanding, love, passion and devotion will reign in such a couple, and the relationship itself will be strong and durable.

The same awaits the Tamil woman in alliance with Avangard, Arseny, Zakhar, Prokhor, Panfil, Rostislav and Ruslan. But there is also a “BUT” - it lies in the insufficient strength of the union itself. At any moment, an irresistible feeling of jealousy and mistrust may arise in a couple - this is how the characters are predisposed. This can lead to unpredictable and rapid separation.

Ibrahim, Roman, Peter, Karp, Kazimir, Stanislav and Anton - it is better for Tamil not to build relationships with men who name one of the named options, because there is complete incompatibility of natures. Scandals, quarrels, inexplicable jealousy, disagreements - and this is not a complete list of what a couple will face. Although this is not a 100% forecast, and many things could be different...

– languid (Old Church Slavonic). Parents should prepare to raise an emotional child; the girl reacts violently to any events and painfully endures criticism and failures. Studying the meaning of the name Tamil for a girl, we can conclude that parents should not spoil the baby too much, even at an early age.

It is necessary to patiently explain that any problem can be solved, close people will help you find a way out of any situation. If you pay attention to all the whims, the girl will grow up to be a real egoist, who will find it very difficult to adapt to an independent adult life.

Under no circumstances should a child witness family conflicts; at an early age, ideas about the relationship between a man and a woman are formed. Regular visits to theaters, museums and exhibitions are important; this has a positive effect on the emotional state of children and develops the creative abilities that nature has generously rewarded the baby with.

In addition, the meaning of the name Tamil for a child is associated with naivety and gullibility; even in childhood, these qualities can be used by peers; parents should teach them to understand people. A melodic female name is easy to remember and harmoniously combines with the surname and patronymic.

As the girl grows up, she develops positive qualities: she learns to control her emotions and find a common language with representatives of different age categories. The opinion of loved ones matters; he strives to become the pride of the family.

At school he shows talent in literature and studies foreign languages. Enjoys attending art school and other creative clubs. He refrains from participating in sports competitions and concerts.

Attaches importance to criticism of achievements; this is a serious obstacle to the development of abilities. Close people should encourage you to achieve your goals and not allow you to be lazy.

Calmness is a trait with which the interpretation of a young woman’s name is inextricably linked; not a trace remains of children’s whims. A strong personality does not give in to emotions when it is necessary to make serious decisions, and realistically assesses the situation. He independently finds a way out of any life situations, prefers to learn from his own mistakes.

He is interested in omens and fortune-telling, knows how to interpret dreams, and sincerely believes in signs of fate. He likes to dream in a calm environment; this is the best way of relaxation for an impressionable person.

The name Tamila is a Slavic female name, which was formed from the Old Russian verb “tomiti”, meaning “to languish”, “to torment”, “to torment”. Therefore, the name is translated as “languid”, “tormentor”. There is a variant of spelling the name with an “o” - Tomila.

The diminutive Mila is also an independent name, and the address Toma (Tama) is also used for the name Tamara.

Recently it has become fashionable to give a certain “foreign” sound to one’s own name. This is how such variants of the name Tamila appeared, such as Tamilla, Tamella, Tamela, Tomilla. The name Tamila is mainly used in Ukraine.

Character of the name Tamil

A distinctive feature of Tamila is her calmness with which she endures any adversity. She knows how to control her emotions well, prefers sober calculations to sudden impulses, but still this girl should beware of her sudden desires.

Tamila does not like to be in the role of a subordinate; it is important for her to make decisions on her own and bear the consequences of her actions, for which she will not blame others. She knows how to learn from her mistakes.

Tamila feels good in a team and knows how to adapt to a changing situation. She doesn’t like stereotypes, the owner of this name is capable of working long and hard on her shortcomings, so from the outside many will consider her to be a task on their own minds.

One of the negative traits of her character can be called selfishness, since she will strive to bring her thoughts and her own ideas to life, despite the opinions of others regarding them.

Toma has organizational skills, she approaches assigned tasks creatively, and is not afraid to take on any task. Sometimes she is driven by ambition and the desire for fame, but to a greater extent she is driven by the inner desire not to lose face in front of herself.

Natural beauty and graceful gait attract members of the opposite sex like a magnet. She begins to pay attention to men quite early, believes in fairy tales about true love, parents should be attentive to their daughter’s hobbies.

The wardrobe is of particular importance, giving preference to seductive outfits that cannot be ignored. She is jealous of the attentions shown to other women in her presence, which means that she is used to being a “queen.”

With age, she becomes picky when choosing partners; it is not easy to win the affection of a beautiful woman; she knows her worth, is accustomed to beautiful courtship, and does not tolerate monotony. The chosen one should be generous and not skimp on gifts and entertainment. She is in no hurry to get married; she tries to enjoy her freedom as much as possible.


When choosing a spouse, he shows wisdom that does not correspond to his age: the chosen one must be educated and wealthy. Equality reigns in the family; controversial issues are resolved peacefully.

A good housewife fills the house with comfort. This means that Tamila never ceases to delight her family and guests with culinary delights and enjoys organizing festive events.

There are a lot of flowers in the house, and he definitely has pets. What matters is the reaction of guests to the interior design, original dishes, compliments - a source of inspiration for an impressionable person.

She belongs to the category of mothers who allow their children absolutely everything and spend all their free time with them. Pays due attention to raising the child. Without exaggeration, the family can be given the status of exemplary.

Business and career

He can confidently realize his abilities in various fields of activity. Rich imagination and kindness are irreplaceable qualities for a teacher, a nurse, or a teacher. Sociability and the ability to react quickly allow you to achieve success in the field of tourism and trade.

She is not afraid of difficulties, which means she is ready to do anything to achieve her goal. Organizational skills and communication skills allow you to quickly become a leader and create a friendly working atmosphere in the team.

He works hard, but without fanaticism, family always comes first. If parents paid attention to the development of creative abilities, he may become a famous designer.

The name Tamila is a name of Slavic origin, which is derived from the verb "tomiti". This is an Old Russian verb meaning “to languish” or “to torment.” It turns out that in this case the name Tamila means "tormentor" or "languorous".

Meaning of the name Tamil for a girl

Little Tamila is a calm and kind girl. She faces any difficulties in life with amazing resilience, and her equanimity amazes everyone in the area. It is not typical for Tamila to commit impulsive actions, although sometimes she really wants to do something without thinking about the consequences. It is also worth noting the child’s independence. Despite Tamila's obedience, she always leaves the last word for herself. Tamila is not one of those who follow the lead of older comrades or public opinion. True, she tries not to enter into conflicts with anyone, but she strives to avoid such situations.

For the most part, Tamila studies well, although she does not seem to have any special abilities. But she has enough diligence to get high grades. Tamila does not particularly like to study, but she does not consider it worthy to study poorly. We can also note Tamila’s good organizational skills, although she rarely shows them at school. But outside the school walls this becomes very noticeable.

Tamila's health is rather average, but she rarely gets sick. It’s true that Tamila has a hard time with illnesses, although this is more her feeling. She just really doesn’t like to get sick, and therefore does not neglect preventive measures.

Short name of Tamil

Diminutive pet names

Tamilochka, Tamilushka, Tamilonka, Tamilchik, Tamochka, Tamushka, Tamonka, Tamulya, Tamusha, Tamusya.

Tamil name in English

There is no name Tamil in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Tamila.

Tamil name for passport- TAMILA.

Tamil church name(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name is not in the church calendars of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Characteristics of the name Tamil

Adult Tamila is a purposeful and independent woman who knows how to clearly follow her goal. At the same time, Tamila clearly understands when it is necessary to adjust her plans. She is not one of those who rush ahead indiscriminately. The calmness characteristic of childhood helps Tamila to save face in difficult situations. This same characteristic earns respect from others. In general, Tamila has many friends and comrades, although she tries not to let anyone get really close. Likes to have a good rest in a cheerful and noisy company. Often she herself initiates such a vacation.

Work is of course important for Tamila, but more so as a source of material wealth. Tamila doesn't particularly like to work, but she takes her work very seriously. In addition to responsibility, she is also distinguished by her hard work, and is also endowed with a certain courage in decisions. She often comes up with solutions that no one else could have thought of before. Tamila knows how to creatively approach solving problems. She is also interested in career growth, but she is not ready to make efforts to accelerate it. Still, in her hierarchy of values, career is far from the first place.

If she talks about Tamila’s family life, then it is worth noting her ability to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding at home. At the same time, Tamila demands equal relations and understands all the accompanying responsibilities. She’s just not one of those who is ready to live in a “golden cage.” It can also be noted that Tamila is a very good hostess. She cooks well and her house is always tidy. At the same time, she still has time to devote time to her husband and children.

The mystery of the name Tamil

Tamila's main secret can be called her tendency towards selfishness, which she knows how to hide very well. At the same time, quite often Tamila does not take into account the opinions of other people at all. She justifies this by the freedom of her own will, but in fact, in this case, she does not care about their opinion.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Gazelle.

Name color- Orange.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Mac.

Stone- Amber.

Tamil name, what does it mean? Does the name of a Tamil influence the fate of the bearer or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s a pure Tamil!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Tamil: Meaning, origin

  • Tamil name meaning: to languish
  • Origin of the name Tamila: Russian Slavic

The name Tamila is a Slavic female name, which was formed from the Old Russian verb “tomiti”, meaning “to languish”, “to torment”, “to torment”. Therefore, the name is translated as “languid”, “tormentor”. There is a variant of spelling the name with an “o” - Tomila. The diminutive Mila is also an independent name, and the address Toma (Tama) is also used for the name Tamara.

Recently it has become fashionable to give a certain “foreign” sound to one’s own name. This is how such variants of the name Tamila appeared, such as Tamila, Tamella, Tamela, Tomilla, Tamilia. The name Tamila is mainly used in Ukraine.

A distinctive feature of Tamila is her calmness with which she endures any adversity. She knows how to control her emotions well, prefers sober calculations to sudden impulses, but still this girl should beware of her sudden desires. Tamila does not like to be in the role of a subordinate; it is important for her to make her own decisions and bear the consequences of her actions, for which she will not blame others. She knows how to learn from her mistakes.

Tamila feels good in a team and knows how to adapt to a changing situation. She does not like stereotypes, the owner of this name is able to work long and hard on her shortcomings, so from the outside many will consider her to be a task on their own minds. One of the negative traits of her character can be called selfishness, since she will strive to bring her thoughts and her own ideas to life, despite the opinions of others regarding them.

Toma has organizational skills, she approaches assigned tasks creatively, and is not afraid to take on any task. Sometimes she is driven by ambition and the desire for fame, but to a greater extent she is driven by the inner desire not to lose face in front of herself.

Tamila is capable of working long and hard, and she is not a workaholic, but a person who has a sensible view of her capabilities. Work, success and career are important to her, but she will not chase the stars from heaven. She can become a successful entrepreneur, organizer, but is also capable of achieving recognition in a creative environment.

In family life, she will prefer to be an excellent housewife who manages to do everything: the house is tidy, the husband is happy, the children are neat, and they are respected at work. Tamila loves attention to herself, but prefers communication as equals.

Numerology of the name Tamil

  • Name number: 5
  • Heart number: 3
  • Personality number: 2
  • Happiness number: 5
  • Tamil name lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113
  • Happy days of the month: 5, 14, 23

Meaning of the letters of the name Tamila

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • t – endless search, pursuit of the ideal, sensitive creative personality
  • a – strength and power
  • m - hard work and pedantry, caring, shyness
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • l – logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • a – strength and power

Tamil mascots

  • Happy season: Summer
  • Happy days of the week: Sunday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Saturday
  • Lucky Color: Blue
  • Mascot plant: Raspberry
  • Tamil name talisman stones: Garnet, Ruby, Hyacinth, Gold, Peridot, Rock Crystal, Carnelian, Topaz, Smoky Quartz, Diamond, Amber
  • Spirit animal: Salmon
  • Tree: Holly

Astrology named after Tamil

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Tamil, the ruling planet is the Sun, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that the Sun gives: Courageous, generous, generous, kind-hearted

Disadvantages that the name of the Sun gives: Pride, vanity, autocracy, jealousy, using people for one’s own purposes

  • Astrological color of name: Purple
  • Direction: South
  • Astrological stone: Turquoise, Danburite, Emerald
  • Representing animal: Stork, Raven, Cow, Fallow Deer, Fox, Peacock

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant Planet for Tamil: Sun

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Tamila

For the name Tamil the planetary number is - 8 and manages this name Uranus.

Eight as the final number of the name includes the mystery of free choice. Such names provide a lot of opportunities, attract the action of a happy occasion in life, but test the ability to recognize your chance and make the necessary choice in time. They also require a person to be worthy of the gift of fate, otherwise you can lose everything. The key planet of these names is Uranus, the planet of innovation, freedom and adventure.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Tamil

For the name Tamil Zodiac number is 5 Lion.

Leos create a field of celebration, theater and games. They place a person in the center of attention of others and require brightness, visibility, revelation of talents and creative realization.

The sacred number for the name Tamil is 11 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Aquarius

The names Aquarius involve you in the mystery of searching for a new and free conscious choice. They create a field of change, independence, originality and unpredictability around a person.