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Pregnant belly at 8 months. Eighth month of pregnancy: nutrition of the expectant mother. month of pregnancy, the most dangerous period of pregnancy

2019 Website for pregnant women

Joyful emotions periodically give way to worries and even fear. Fatigue from your “situation” is creeping in more and more often, when will this long-awaited meeting between mother and baby take place? To make it easier to survive the last weeks of pregnancy, psychologists recommend finding like-minded people, that is, the same as you yourself - expectant mothers. This will make it easier to cope with annoying internal issues regarding the upcoming birth and caring for the baby.

After some time, you may remember with some longing the time when the baby was warm and safe. So you shouldn’t indulge in despondency and suffering; now it is also equally important to be in a good mood, because your emotions are felt by the baby in the womb.

What changes in the body occur during the 8th month of pregnancy?

During the eighth month, the uterus reached almost its maximum size and began to put pressure on the ribs and lungs. It is sometimes difficult for a mother to take a deep breath. This causes shortness of breath, even with the slightest movements.

Chronic fatigue makes itself felt again, the body endures serious stress. The baby pushes and kicks quite noticeably and sometimes this causes some painful discomfort.

In most cases, by the eighth month the baby is already in a head-down position. He is completely ready for independent life. All organs function and if premature birth occurs, the baby will be able to adapt to a new life, outside the mother’s womb. I no longer consider children born in the eighth month to be “premature”; they are rather classified as prematurely born. On average, the baby's height is about 40-45 cm and weight 2500-2600 kg.

Some expectant mothers note, so to speak, increased hairiness on the head and other parts of the body. True, almost immediately after giving birth, everything “extra” will begin to fall away. This may give cause for concern. But there is nothing to worry about here, because... This is a normal process of renewal of the body. Only the hair that has grown during pregnancy falls out. Everything else will remain with you!

What nutritional features are there during the eighth month of pregnancy?

  1. It is worth giving preference to ordinary clean water, minimizing the consumption of sweet, salty and carbonated drinks. This will help avoid unwanted swelling.
  2. Maintain minimal salt intake in food. Try to cook with virtually no salt at all, and lightly add some salt to your food before eating. This is also extremely important, since salt retains excess moisture in the body, which also leads to swelling.
  3. Eating also in frequent but small portions. This way you can relieve the liver and stomach, avoid heartburn and nausea.
  4. Increase your intake of protein foods. And keep the amount of fats and carbohydrates to a minimum.
  5. Avoid foods that can cause an allergic reaction. These include strawberries, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.

What possible problems can arise in the eighth month of pregnancy?

One of the most important complications that occurs in the 8th month of pregnancy is gestosis - late toxicosis. Various factors can lead to the development of gestosis: high blood pressure, heredity, multiple pregnancies, diabetes mellitus, kidney problems even before pregnancy, overweight and other.

The main symptoms of gestosis: increased protein in the urine, severe swelling and high blood pressure.

Normally, protein in the urine should be completely absent. It is necessary to take an AM at every scheduled visit to the doctor. And if it seems to you that the urine has become cloudy, dark in color, covered with foam, get tested immediately to rule out the disease.

High blood pressure may go completely unnoticed, and may manifest itself as nausea, dizziness, or darkening of the eyes. It is also important to measure blood pressure at every doctor's visit, because untimely treatment can lead to brain damage to both the mother and the fetus.

Edema. Of course, swelling is the average norm during pregnancy and in itself is not a sign of gestosis. But if they appear in combination with abnormalities in urine tests and high blood pressure, this is definitely gestosis. Moreover, gestosis, so to speak “dry” (without swelling), is much more complicated.

If you notice that your wedding ring is too small and your shoes are tight. Do a simple test: press your fingers on the inside of your shin for a few seconds and release. If a hole remains at the point of pressure, this is edema. You must immediately notify your supervising physician.

What examinations are necessary for pregnant women at 8 months?

  • Scheduled check-ups with a gynecologist. There will also be an examination in a chair, because It is important for the doctor to know what state of readiness the cervix is ​​in for childbirth;
  • General examinations with a doctor. Tracking weight gain, measuring pressure and abdominal circumference, fundal height of the uterus, identifying the presence of edema;
  • AM and AK. Scheduled tests to check sugar and other abnormalities;
  • Scheduled ultrasound;
  • Additionally: Doppler ultrasound to check the quality of blood circulation.

What recommendations should pregnant women follow at 8 months?

Despite the constant fatigue and tiredness, the mother still needs to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Walk slowly, having previously chosen places where there will always be a free bench nearby to rest.

The eighth month is the time to prepare for childbirth. Choose a maternity hospital and a doctor who will deliver the baby. Pack your hospital bag in advance. It should have everything you need: clean slippers, socks, postpartum pads, bra pads for nursing mothers, special mesh panties, a shirt. A more detailed list will be given to you at the maternity hospital.

Is it possible to have sex in the eighth month of pregnancy?

Experts note that in the last weeks of pregnancy it is better for partners to abstain from sexual relations. The woman’s body is preparing with all its might for the upcoming birth and is extremely tense. Sex can only provoke premature birth, which is not always good for the baby.

However, there are also reservations in which the same experts recommend that women listen to their desires. And if there are no contraindications, then the pleasant sensations will only be beneficial.

After the first birth, there was a girl in the room with me who gave birth to a seven-month-old baby. I remember her claiming that this was much better than giving birth at 8 months, since the fetus was more ready for birth. To be honest, this confused me a little, because the more time a baby spends in the womb, the more developed it is, right?

I am sharing the information that I managed to find on the topic of the dangers of childbirth at 8 months.

How dangerous is childbirth at 8 months compared to 7 months?

The opinion that seven-month-old babies are more adapted to independent life than those born at 8 months is based on the physiological characteristics of the development of the respiratory system. According to one of possible reasons The amount of surfactant in a seven-month-old child is greater than during childbirth at 8 months, which is why the chances that the child will breathe independently are higher in babies born two months earlier.

However, in practice, everything turns out to be completely the opposite - the longer the child spent in the womb, the better for his respiratory system.

How dangerous is childbirth at 8 months for a baby?

Premature birth is dangerous for the development of respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn - respiratory dysfunction due to immaturity of the lungs.

Starting from 38 weeks, the baby is considered full-term and the birth is termed. Children born at 32-35 weeks of gestation, that is, at approximately 8 months, are functionally immature.

First of all, this concerns the readiness of the lungs - not all newborns are able to take an independent breath at this stage, and therefore need medical assistance. This is directly related to the production of surfactant - a special substance that covers the alveoli of the lungs from the inside and prevents them from sticking together during breathing. Surfactant begins to be produced already at 20-24 weeks of gestation, but functionally mature respiratory system becomes only at 36 weeks of pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! Premature birth is considered to be at 34-37 weeks of gestation with a fetal weight of 2000 to 2500 grams. There is also the concept of early birth, when the baby is born at 28-33 weeks, and very early birth, with a gestational age from 22 to 27 weeks. Despite the fairly favorable prognosis, children born at 8 months should be under the supervision of medical personnel for the first day.

How dangerous is childbirth at 8 months for a mother?

Premature birth is most often caused by a pathological course of pregnancy or the presence of serious problems with the health of the mother.

The onset of labor in the eighth month of pregnancy most often occurs against the background of:

  • urogenital infection;
  • hormonal disorders
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • abnormalities of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • presence of bad habits, malnutrition, etc.

The danger of giving birth prematurely for a woman is the likelihood of developing many complications that may require surgical delivery as soon as possible. For example, with an abdominal injury, an emergency condition such as placental abruption with internal bleeding may occur. In the presence of a urogenital infection, there are frequent cases of premature rupture of amniotic fluid due to the immaturity of the birth canal and the absence of active labor.

What are the dangers of childbirth at 8 months, and why is it worth prolonging the pregnancy?

The opinion that the birth of a child prematurely does not entail any consequences is erroneous. Undoubtedly, compared to very premature babies born before 30 weeks, an eight-month-old baby adapts faster to the world around him and has fewer health problems. However, we should not forget about the long-term consequences of premature birth, for example, neurological disorders in the form of poor sleep or increased excitability, as well as respiratory diseases, which most often develop in babies after being on mechanical ventilation.

Pregnancy is approaching a logical conclusion: the eighth month is the time when the expectant mother is preparing for maternity leave and actively preparing for motherhood. At this time, the baby already completely occupies the space in the uterus, so sometimes his thrusts even cause certain discomfort and pain to the expectant mother. In addition, a woman may experience pain due to the preparation of the uterus for the birth process: this is how Braxton-Higgs contractions .

The 8th month of pregnancy is a great time to relax. A woman should walk a lot, protect herself from stressful situations, get positive emotions from reading books, communicating with beautiful things. After all, very little time will pass, and such a free, measured life will remain in the past, and the woman will plunge into the world of new pleasant troubles.

Child development in the eighth month of pregnancy

When does the eighth month end? , the child already weighs almost two kilograms, and his “height” is approximately 40 cm. During this period, the baby begins to open his eyes and distinguish changes in light. After all, if a woman goes out into bright sunlight, the uterus becomes much lighter, and the child notices this. This fact is confirmed by the fact that the fetus begins to blink its eyes in bright light. Pregnancy, the 29th week of which is already behind us, is marked by other achievements of the developing child. Research confirms that at the 8th month of development, a child feels pain, distinguishes taste and smell.

During this period, the fetus can take the position that will remain before . At this time, most children are already positioned head down in the uterus. However, up to the 36th week of pregnancy, there is still a lot of space left in the uterus for the baby to take a different position. Therefore, the expectant mother should not worry ahead of time if the doctor informed her about the baby’s incorrect position.

The 8th month of pregnancy is precisely the period when the baby’s heart almost fully develops and takes on its final shape. But even at this late stage of development, the heart, as well as the cardiovascular system have features that are characteristic of the fetus. At this stage of development, the baby has venous blood and oxygenated blood circulating in all blood vessels. Only pure arterial blood passes from mother to child through the umbilical vein. In this regard, it is very important that the mother’s blood is as saturated as possible oxygen , as well as other substances important for the baby. If there is insufficient oxygen in a woman's blood, the baby may be at serious risk. Therefore, during pregnancy, the expectant mother should not only abstain from smoking herself, but also not be around those who smoke. If a woman has cardiovascular pathology, which also affects blood oxygen saturation, the woman must constantly consult with specialists and receive adequate treatment.

Other organs of the child are no less actively formed at this time. Lobules are actively forming in the baby’s liver, and the blood supply to the liver is improving. Works intensively and pancreas, supplying the child's body insulin .

At the same time, the child’s lungs begin to form alveoli , which are covered with a special substance - surfactant , which is typical for functionally mature lungs. Respiratory center is also formed, and the child can already breathe on his own. Therefore, a pregnancy that is already 8 months behind may result in the birth of a viable baby. But it’s still much better if the baby is born on time.

The child’s head also grows and develops at this time: in the eighth month its size is already equal to 60% of the size of an adult’s head. The baby's general appearance also changes: he quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, and his skin becomes smoother. Now the child has much fewer wrinkles, and the skin becomes not red, but rather pink. The original lubricant is still preserved, but the original fluff is gradually disappearing.

Appearance of a woman in the eighth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, during the 30th week of which a woman’s belly gradually enlarges, at this stage can cause more noticeable inconvenience. The uterus gradually rose to the ribs, and sometimes the expectant mother may even feel as if it is difficult for her to breathe. It is at the end of the eighth month that the uterus is at its highest position. But still, every woman, assessing her own appearance at this time, should be aware of the fact that pregnancy always develops with individual characteristics. Therefore, there is no point in comparing the size and shape of your own belly with the bellies of other pregnant women at the same stage. And even the size of the baby does not affect what the belly will be like.

During this period, the pregnant woman’s weight actively increases, and she becomes slower and clumsier. On average, 500 grams of weight are gained per week. But if these indicators are much higher, then you should consult a doctor, as this is fraught with the presence of hidden edema . Perhaps he will recommend a few fasting days. But still, if the weight gain by this time is approximately ten kilograms, then, as a rule, such a woman quickly returns to her former shape after childbirth.

On recent months During pregnancy, a woman’s appearance may undergo another change associated with special hormonal levels. This is too much hair growth on the skin. The fact is that while pregnant, a woman’s hair loss decreases significantly, but new hair continues to grow. However, after the birth of the baby, the situation will change dramatically, and the amount of hair on the skin will return to normal.

Health of a woman in the eighth month of pregnancy

At the 8th month of pregnancy, a woman gradually becomes overcome by nervousness. She may suffer from severe fatigue and not sleep at night.

At this time, many expectant mothers are diagnosed with such an unpleasant phenomenon as . This disease is characterized by increased swelling and the occurrence of edema. IN in this case It is very important to regularly take urine samples for analysis, since when protein appears in it, we can talk about the development of preeclampsia. In this case, urgent treatment in a hospital is necessary. However, if the pregnancy, which is at the end of 31 weeks, proceeds normally, then, most likely, gestosis will no longer appear. Preeclampsia most often develops in those women who have a history of certain pregnancy pathologies.

At this stage of bearing a baby, a woman may also be overcome by constant attacks, as well as very frequent urge to urination. At night I sometimes have to get up several times. The fact is that the uterus at this time has increased very much, so its pressure affects other organs.

In addition to the described troubles, at this time a woman may suffer from frequent manifestations, nausea , constant gas formation , difficulty breathing . Due to the fact that the uterus presses against the diaphragm, it gradually becomes more and more difficult for a woman to breathe. Before childbirth, the uterus drops and breathing becomes easier. And in the eighth month of pregnancy, doctors advise women to try to keep their back as straight as possible, which will allow them to breathe more deeply. But if a woman notices not only heavy breathing, but also pain in the chest, increased heart rate and blue lips and fingertips, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, pain in the rectum often appears. Swelling of the legs may occur, which becomes more pronounced in the evening. The face may also swell.

What worries a woman in the eighth month of pregnancy?

During this period, the woman continues to notice a number of sensations that bothered her before, in earlier stages of pregnancy. However, other sensations are gradually added to these phenomena. Thus, pregnancy, the 32nd week of which is already at its end, is marked by very strong and constant activity of the child. Discharge continues to appear from the vagina, but at this time its amount may increase. At this stage of pregnancy, a woman is often bothered by periodic nosebleeds, and blood appears from the gums while brushing her teeth.

The expectant mother is especially concerned about back pain at this time, as her posture changes greatly due to the enlarged belly. These sensations may be accompanied by periodic itching of the skin of the abdomen. This is not surprising, since skin stretch noticeably.

From the chest expectant mother periodically released : this is how preparation for the upcoming stage takes place baby.

In addition to the physiological characteristics described above, a pregnant woman is also overcome by psychological difficulties. By the end of the eighth month, most expectant mothers begin to feel very tired of pregnancy and want to see the baby as soon as possible. Added to this feeling is fatigue and a feeling of weakness. At this time, a woman is overcome by a variety of fears related to future childbirth, the health of the child, and her own future status as a mother. In addition, a woman is often bothered and even annoyed by her current appearance. To dispel fears, you should communicate with women who have had positive childbirth experiences, and also receive as many positive emotions as possible.

Incorrect position of the child

If in the last weeks of the eighth month of pregnancy the doctor told the woman about pelvic position of the fetus , then she should try to intensify the process of turning the child. Optimal management of labor involves a cephalic presentation of the fetus. Therefore, in the last eight weeks of pregnancy, a woman can do special exercises to stimulate the baby to turn.

Sometimes external rotation of the baby's head is practiced, which is performed by a doctor in the first stage of labor. Monitoring the condition of the fetus with ultrasonography, the specialist turns the baby, placing his hands on the woman’s stomach. But doctors are sometimes afraid to perform such a procedure due to the possibility of some complications.

If the baby is in a longitudinal-pelvic position, then it is possible to give birth naturally. However, the doctor must very carefully conduct the birth, monitoring the process with the help of electronic devices and making decisions about use epidural anesthesia , using forceps, making incisions in the perineum. In addition, during the birth process with an incorrect presentation of the child, doctors must be ready at any time to resort to . The doctor determines the position of the baby before birth by palpating the woman’s abdomen.

Sex in the eighth month of pregnancy

If the course of pregnancy is not complicated by certain diseases or other factors, then doctors do not prohibit a woman from having sexual relations until childbirth. However, if the doctor warns the woman that there is a certain risk of miscarriage, then sexual intercourse should not be practiced. It is especially risky to have sex for women who are carrying multiple pregnancies, as well as for those who have already had premature birth. Also, sexual relations in the last months of pregnancy are prohibited for those women who have a placenta, unexplained bleeding, premature separation of the baby's place, or cracking of the membranes of the fetus.

However, in the last months of pregnancy, a woman should think about the fact that with the appearance of a small child in the family, her husband should not be deprived of attention and care. Therefore, already at this time it is important to find close psychological contact with your husband and try to prepare together for the upcoming changes.

The doctor recommends sleeping on your side during this period. It is important to avoid lying on your back, as this position compresses the inferior vena cava. As a result, the heartbeat becomes more intense and you feel dizzy. To ensure the most comfortable position while sleeping, you can use several small pillows under your back and stomach.

Sometimes in the last months of pregnancy a woman may experience this as a result of pressure from the uterus on the bladder. This can happen when a woman laughs, sneezes, or coughs. In order for this phenomenon to disappear after the birth of the child, you should regularly perform Skittle exercises , which help strengthen the tone of the pelvic muscles.

Doctors do not recommend that a woman travel far from home at this time. Such adventures, due to the presence of a certain load on a woman’s body during travel, threaten both the woman’s health and the condition of the fetus. In addition, if premature labor develops, the attending physician will be very far away.

If a woman feels well, then during this period of pregnancy she can drive a car for short distances, wearing a seat belt. However, long trips should be avoided, as sitting in the same position for a long time is highly undesirable.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, subject to normal health, a woman can continue to take baths, since the fetus is protected from microorganisms by the membranes, mucus plug located in the cervix, and amniotic fluid. However, every expectant mother should think about the fact that her movements are now extremely awkward, so showering and bathing must be done very carefully so as not to slip. To avoid this, you can place a rubber mat in the bathtub or shower stall. And when leaving the bath, you can ask a loved one for help.

It's time to significantly reduce the intensity physical exercise. But still, a woman can perform light, non-straining gymnastics every day. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to breathing exercises, which will significantly ease the woman’s condition during labor.

To avoid swelling, you should avoid consuming large amounts of salt. It is advisable to eat food often and in small portions.

The eighth month of pregnancy is a period when a woman should already collect all the things that will be useful to her in the maternity hospital. Let everything be ready, because labor will begin very soon.

Research in the eighth month of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman visits a gynecologist more often. Traditionally, at each visit, weight and blood pressure measurements and a laboratory urine test are performed. The doctor will definitely measure the height of the uterine fundus and listen to the fetal heartbeat. In the eighth month, it is also important to find out the position of the fetus and its size. In addition, a woman must show her limbs to the doctor so that he can determine whether she is susceptible to swelling and manifestations of varicose veins.

The cloudless and easy period is left behind. The eighth month of pregnancy poses new challenges for the expectant mother, which become increasingly difficult to solve. Childbirth is just around the corner, anxiety is growing, and health is deteriorating. Patience and the right attitude to the changes occurring in the body will help the expectant mother survive this difficult time.

General information

The eighth month is the middle of the third trimester. This time is traditionally considered prenatal, preparatory. It may seem to a woman that her first trimester with all its worries was so long ago that the experiences have already been forgotten. There is already a feeling of fatigue and a desire to give birth quickly so that it becomes easier.

All existing symptoms may worsen, and the expectant mother should not be afraid of this. Her body is just really tired, the immune system exhausted, the invisible internal processes of preparation for childbirth begin. Instead of worrying, it’s better to get down to business - pack a bag for childbirth, choose a maternity hospital and sign an exchange card there, start attending courses for expectant mothers, where a woman will be taught proper behavior and breathing during childbirth, the intricacies of caring for a child in its first days, establishing breastfeeding– this knowledge will be very useful.

The eighth month corresponds to weeks 30-34 and covers several days from week 35, if the period is measured by the usual and customary calendar method. The obstetric period, equal to the eighth month, includes 29-32 weeks. There are not 9 obstetric months in pregnancy, but 10.

Speaking of 8 months, we will consider the period from 30 to 34.5 weeks.

Fetal development

Dangerous period passed for the baby. The threats of the first trimester, when the baby’s organs were actively forming, are far behind us. The child is well protected by the placenta, and so far it is coping with its tasks perfectly - feeding, oxygenating, protecting and acting as a shock absorber.

The baby is getting prettier every day - gaining weight, acquiring cute roundness that makes newborns so cute. The shoulders that used to stick out sharply have become rounded. The skills that the baby has mastered during the seven months spent in the womb allow him to survive if childbirth occurs now. But it is still dangerous to give birth, because the baby will be considered premature.

The main danger of birth at 8 months lies in the immaturity of the lung tissue - the surfactant, which will not allow the alveoli to stick together after the first breath, has not yet accumulated enough. The consequences of childbirth in the period from 30 to 34.5 weeks can be very dire - acute respiratory failure, cerebral ischemia and infarction, systemic hypothermia due to low weight and small amount of subcutaneous fat. Nature has provided everything so that the child will stay in the womb a little longer, and we need to do our best to facilitate this.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Let's look at how the baby feels during the eighth month.

31 weeks

The baby looks almost like a newborn, but you need to understand that the baby’s organs and systems are not yet fully mature. How much a baby should weigh at this stage is increasingly difficult to say, because weight is gaining rapidly, and the genetic data of all children is different. There are already babies who weigh about 2 kilograms, and there are little ones weighing only one and a half kilograms. The average weight is considered to be from 1800 grams. The height of children may also differ (there are tall people, and there are short ones), on average children grow to 40-42 centimeters.

The child's skin is no longer red. Enough subcutaneous fat has accumulated for the skin to smooth out and become soft pink. If a child is dark-skinned or dark-skinned, then a pigment is already produced that colors his skin in the desired color provided by the genome.

Viability is assessed as high, so there is no need to be afraid of childbirth at this stage, although there is also no need to rush things.

Week 32

The free period when he could move as he liked has ended for the baby; there was no space left in the uterine cavity. In order not to lead to overstretching and increased pressure inside the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid begins to decrease. Those who are now in a breech or transverse presentation will most likely not turn around - the chance of this is 1 in several thousand. The baby grows to about 43 centimeters and increases weight to 2 kilograms.

The placenta begins to produce oxytocin - a hormone that, at the right time, accumulates in the right amount, will cause uterine contractions - contractions. He will become the clan dominant.

Week 33

The accumulation of surfactant in the lung tissue continues. Weight gain also continues. The baby is growing a little more - up to 44-45 centimeters, and weighing up to 2.1 kilograms. This week many are passing the final third prenatal screening and leave the doctor’s office disappointed: firstly, the whole child is no longer visible on the monitor, the doctor can only examine individual parts of his body - the head, limbs, kidneys, heart, abdomen, and secondly, in most cases the sex of the child cannot be seen - The baby's position doesn't allow it. Those who have not yet found out the gender or have received conflicting answers from doctors at earlier stages will now have to wait for the birth - determining the baby’s sex in the delivery room has the highest accuracy - 100%.

The baby begins to move a little less. He is very cramped and movements are difficult. But the facial expressions of children at this stage are simply gorgeous. To see it, you can go for a three-dimensional or four-dimensional ultrasound - you will see smiles, half-smiles, frowning faces, and a surprised expression on your face.

If you ask to take a picture or record the ultrasound on an electronic medium (flash card), then this video can be an excellent gift for your child when he grows up. Looking at yourself before birth is worth a lot!

34 week

The fetus gained about another 300-400 grams in weight per week. Now many kids have crossed the psychologically critical mark of 2.5 kilograms. When born with this weight, the child receives the most favorable, mildest degree of prematurity, provided that everything is in order with his lungs.

The placenta began to wear out. From this date on, the aging process begins, which will be determined in degrees on ultrasound. While this is the first degree of maturity, the child’s condition is compensated, which means that the aging process of the “children’s place” does not harm the baby in any way.

Along with degenerative aging, the placenta begins to produce the hormone prolactin. It allows the mammary glands to prepare as much as possible for upcoming breastfeeding.

Week 35

The first 3 days of this week close the eighth month of pregnancy and sum up a kind of conclusion. There will be only one calendar month left, which separates the woman from meeting her baby. By the end of the eighth month, the baby reaches a height of almost 46-47 centimeters, with a weight of 2.4 kilograms to 2.9 kilograms.

The main event of the month is when the child acquires his own eye color - the iris is no longer blue, like all fetuses before this period, but the way it should be (thanks to the parents!). The head, which previously made the child look like a humanoid from a science-fiction thriller, has come into a harmonious relationship with other body sizes, now its area is no more than a fifth, and this will remain so until childbirth. This is how the child will be born on time.

Well-being of the expectant mother

A woman becomes limited in her movements, since the uterus grows at an incredibly fast pace, her general condition worsens, all this cannot but affect her psychological and emotional state - many begin to experience severe anxiety, become whiny, and irritable.


A small belly at 8 months is more a rarity than a rule. Usually, a solid belly has already appeared in both women with wide hips and women with narrow hips, regardless of weight and build. It is impossible to hide it under clothes, and there is no need - the woman is on maternity leave and now decides for herself where and when to go and whether to go at all.

The belly is growing quickly. If you take two selfie photos at the beginning of the eighth month and at the end, it will be easier for a woman to visually see the huge difference in size. The fundus of the uterus supports the ribs, because of this there is a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, the ribs themselves may hurt, which have to diverge slightly in order to make room. The condition is aggravated by the baby himself. If he is in a cephalic position, then the kicks under the painful ribs are a unique and incomparable sensation.

The center of gravity has shifted, making it increasingly difficult for a woman to put on shoes and bend over, and it is not always possible to even look at her feet when walking, which increases the risk of falling and getting injured. Due to the sprain of the ligaments that hold the uterus in place, the lower abdomen sometimes aches and hurts, the lower back is pulled, and the back may hurt.


The movements have decreased, but have become more sensitive for the expectant mother - there is less water, and therefore every kick is perceived quite painfully. By this time, the expectant mother is already able to determine by the nature of the baby’s movements not only how he feels, but also his preferences, because children already like something and don’t like something. From this month, children become more dependent on meteorological conditions - they react actively to weather changes.

The woman must count the movements and enter the data in a special notebook or notepad. Counting methods vary, usually the woman has a favorite one, but it should be remembered that, despite the tightness, at least 10 movements must still be recorded in 12 hours, and the baby’s hiccups are not counted as movement.

If the fetus becomes very active, pushes a lot, moves often and a lot, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of hypoxia in its initial stages. If there are few movements and they are sluggish, again the path should be to the doctor and as quickly as possible - reduction motor activity and the child’s heartbeat may indicate dangerous uncompensated hypoxia, which can lead to the death of the child or irreversible consequences for his nervous system and brain.

Emotional problems

During this period, a woman urgently needs the support of loved ones and a specialist psychologist. Hormones begin to control her mood again as hormones begin to change before giving birth. Estrogens, which give way to progesterone, contribute to the formation of an anxious state and increase fears. You need to work with them, and this is also taught in courses for expectant mothers, and therefore there is no reason not to attend courses at the antenatal clinic.

Added to the fear of childbirth and the possibility of giving birth to a sick baby is the fear of being lonely, abandoned, because the figure has changed, and intimate life often changed not in better side together with her. Fears arise - “what if he cheats?”, “what if he stops loving?”

It may be difficult for relatives in such a situation, but they need to be patient.

How to recognize childbirth?

Training contractions, which for many begin early, may intensify, and now the woman may begin to experience uterine tone more often. This is not a sign of labor and there is no need to worry. But it is important to be able to distinguish training contractions from real ones. Two main signs will tell you that real labor is beginning.

  • Contractions have become regular and repeat at specific intervals (for example, every 15 or 20 minutes), do not go away when changing body position, do not go away when taking a warm shower, but only intensify.
  • Send away amniotic fluid(there may be options here - they have come off completely or are leaking). If your water breaks completely, you will have to give birth. If they leak little by little, then modern medicine has a lot of ways to prolong the pregnancy, give the baby a couple more weeks, but only in a hospital setting.

Blood from the genital tract may indicate problems with the placenta, for example, abruption.

In these situations, you need to call an ambulance, calm down and take the bag you packed for the maternity hospital. Go to the maternity hospital calmly, without panic - even if labor has begun, the baby has every chance of being born without any health consequences.

Pain and discharge

Most often, women now complain that their pubis hurts. The reason for this pain is quite valid - the woman’s body produces the hormone relaxin, which softens the bones and ligaments of the pelvis before childbirth. You don't need to do anything, just be patient. But if the pubic symphysis begins to hurt so acutely that a woman cannot walk, stand, or sit, she definitely needs to see a doctor - the development of symphysitis is possible, in which a cesarean section may be indicated.

Pain in the knees and heels, in the lower back caused by heavy load on the legs and spine.

If you have headaches, it is important to measure your blood pressure. If it is elevated and combined with edema, you need to get a referral to a hospital from your attending physician - preeclampsia is dangerous at 8 months.

The discharge may become more abundant, and this is due to estrogen. White thick discharge with itching is thrush, you definitely need to have time to treat it before giving birth. Bleeding and saturated brown discharge- dangerous, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Saturated yellow and yellow-green discharge indicates an infection. You also need to get treatment as soon as possible so that the genital tract is clean and safe for the baby before delivery.

The breasts may hurt under the influence of prolactin, which has already begun to organize the milk ducts in small quantities. Women’s statements that “milk has come” at this stage are not true - only colostrum can come in for now. The arrival of milk is possible only a few days after birth.

Other sensations

Women begin to suffer from insomnia again, but this time not due to the effects of progesterone, but due to the need to sleep only on their side.

You feel dizzy because the volume of circulating blood has increased. For the same reason, attacks of weakness sometimes occur. And urination becomes frequent again. Now even a simple cough can cause a woman to leak urine (a reason to look for sanitary urological pads).

Heartburn and belching are painful due to the pressure of the uterus on the stomach; diarrhea or constipation can also be associated with pressure from the uterus, but on the intestinal loops and gall bladder.

Not everyone's feet swell, and this is a symptom for which you should definitely visit your doctor. It may indicate a state of gestosis, a severe complication of late pregnancy.

Analyzes and examinations

At 8 months, the woman undergoes the third prenatal screening. It is usually performed between 31 and 35 weeks. It is no longer aimed at searching for genetic abnormalities in the fetus, like the first two screenings; it must answer another important question - how and when to give birth.

It can become the basis for the decision to carry out a planned operation. caesarean section, if the woman has indications for this. Women after IVF, women with multiple pregnancy, expectant mothers over 35 years old.

The examination includes ultrasound, CTG, ultrasound with Doppler to assess blood flow and the condition of the placenta.

In the eighth month, it is not advisable to go on long journeys. You can get shaken up in a car, but doctors don’t recommend flying. If you really need to fly right now, you should get a certificate from your obstetrician-gynecologist stating that he does not object to the flight.

According to reviews, such doctors are reluctant to give certificates at this stage, and airline representatives urgently require such a document from the pregnant woman. But if there are no contraindications, the woman is healthy, there are no pregnancy complications and there is no threat of premature birth, then the doctor can still allow the trip.

​​Here are some more useful tips.

  • Sex is useful and necessary, but only on condition that there are no complications and that the doctor does not object. Postures should exclude deep penetration. After separation of the mucus plug (a lump of mucus with a drop of blood), after the start of water leakage, you cannot have sex - there is a high risk of introducing an infection into the uterine cavity.
  • If your teeth hurt, you can treat them, but without x-rays.
  • Dyeing your hair and getting your nails done is now better after giving birth. The placenta is aging, and it can no longer contain all harmful substances from paint or manicure products.
  • If a woman gets sick, has a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection, or a fever, there is no need to worry - this does not threaten the baby, but it can increase the likelihood of premature birth, and therefore it is important to call a general practitioner and get an appointment.
  • The diet should be balanced, gradually increase the amount of plant fiber. Avoid any alcohol (wine, champagne, beer), since alcohol can be a factor that triggers premature labor.

Do gymnastics, walk more, take walks. This will help the muscles prepare for childbirth.

About the 8th month of pregnancy, see the following video.